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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  June 24, 2024 11:20pm-2:06am MSK

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children, the same apartment, only downstairs and next to it, what do they have in common with burankin, laziness, lenechka, and i think i guessed, they drink, only so-and-so still works, at the very least, and this one was kicked out two months ago already work, who does he work for and where, so detkov or burankin? burankin was kicked out, you said it yourself, but exactly, he worked at the plant, then the plant was closed, he was without work for a long time, and now he’s working as a mechanic in a car service center, and burankin, where he worked, and burankin, it seems, at some kind of furniture factory, yes, it doesn’t matter you were fired for drunkenness and absenteeism, veronika matveevna, are you going to the hospital, be careful, don’t fall, do i look like a stepmother? let's go through, how can i
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carefully leave my little bloody daughter, quietly go down, close the apartment or what? no, well, actually, i should call a criminologist, yes, the entrance here is quiet, it will wait until the morning, the main thing is that she doesn’t cover up her tracks, but i’ll keep an eye on it in the morning, so she went with him or something, at least she took the keys, but it doesn’t matter . the door here just slams shut, i already know everything here, this is not the first time in this apartment i have to work, well, come on , something happens here all the time, well, fyodor, come on, arrange for me to look for prints, blood samples, and other crap, okay, well, on what basis will you initiate a case ? , on 101? where do you
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say he lives, so this is the same apartment, only on the floor below, come on, who else is this, is it the socks that are getting drunk? come on, step back and help, okay? here, stay, get up, who is he, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, you have no rights, i ’ll read you your rights later, go ahead, call the outfit is back, the duty officer is bothering the chicken, so that means, return the outfit from the foundry back, yes, yes, yes, they didn’t catch it.
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they didn’t catch it, it’s the same floor, but the apartment is nearby, different, yes, yeah, they’ll be there in 5 minutes, great, come on, take it, take your hands off, what did i say, don’t twitch, who’s that there, come on, come on... ka, come here, come, come, don’t be afraid, it’s all over. don't be afraid, we, we are policemen, and policemen do not harm children, policemen must be in uniform, but my uncle is in uniform, he will confirm that we are policemen, say, uncle, policeman, policeman, look, i put my hands on the floor, i’m proud that i haven’t changed my pioneer oath, my party
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card, or my military registration. to the eightieth birthday of gennady zyuganov. the advantage of this place, you know what, all the opponents are in full view. i've known him for as long as i've worked in the state duma. somewhere he will simply insist on his own like a tank. the idea of ​​justice and socialism has been exposed by our millennia-old culture. she saved the world from fascism, she allowed us to become the most cosmic and the bravest. gennady andrevich zeganov, he is consistent, principled in his positions, his assessments, he never hid them, solidarity is the main weapon, now we definitely need to win, he survived, he survived both as a politician and as a sincere person, the era is disappearing, but he will stay. pravda zyuganov, premiere on wednesday on rtr. bralundra,
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tigers are grazing on the ship, the jungle has been created, what kind of actors are working, tigers are steaked according to the stanislavsky system, the tiger mainly consists of three parts, but what does it eat, both horse meat and beef, and i read that it is human feeds on prey, no predator was harmed during the filming of the film, mysticism, striped flight, on sunday, nerte, please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me,
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everything is ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just fulfilling, i give up everything, with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's watch, look, well, look at the screen, i was watching. no, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie,
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every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, i sat down in the hallway. on the floor, i didn’t say, i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, the donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs , from monday on thursday on rtr, sonechka, i love you very much, i miss you very much, premiere on rtr, where is sonya. we really need her, if you sign a sincere agreement, you will be released from prison in 8 years, if we want to set her up, we need her free, she doesn’t like gartensia, press around her, i’ll break your legs, i understand, behind
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seven seals, tomorrow on rtr. well, guys, then you put this guy in a detention center, and draw up a detention report there, all the work, and in the morning i ’ll assign him to our monkey bar, okay, lieutenant, come here, sit down, let’s get in, that’s it, then, help me figure out the door there, otherwise the child is still in the apartment, yes, we’ll do it, wherever it’s crappy, while i put the lock on a nail.
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although i’m on duty, i’ll figure it out, maybe i’ll ask for time off, but if there are any problems, i can leave her in the after-hours, no, everything’s fine, i’ll come, well, you know best, all the best. eh, good morning, fedor, yeah, who’s having morning, who’s already been on their feet for 2 hours? why? well, you yourself told me to check on the kids. well, yes, so what did you check? yes, he is not at home or does not open, they called the local police officer for half an hour. well, of course, no one will give permission for an autopsy. not enough evidence. didn't you ask your neighbors? i questioned them and they were rushing past us on their way to work. and what? yes, they say that dedkov is, of course, a drunk, but a quiet one, hello,
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hello, so if you don’t succeed, you’re lazy, by the way, i suddenly saw that she was taking her daughter to school, we need to call her so that she can write a statement for her husband, she said that she didn’t want to, she asked us to let him go altogether, that’s life, yes, chickens, he kicked her in front of her own child, she called for help, and now let him go... this cannot be left unpunished, i came to ask you to let him go, he
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kicked you, well, he beat you, wait, listen, i saw him at that moment, he could have killed you, you know, lesha, but never, he is very good, he never even raised his hand to me before, well, if he raised his hand once, that’s it, he won’t stop again, no, you don’t know him, but the man just got drunk, he often picks up nastya from school, he helps me, listen, i can’t with asking for more time off from work, and who do you work for? nurse, and him? forwarder on a gazelle. let him go please. olga vasilyevna, yes, come out for a minute, we need to talk with a friend, excuse me. leonid, without her statement, nothing will happen to us. well, what if he goes off the rails again? yes, it looks like we need to let go, jealous!
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discharged, luda, hi, hi, why are you sad again? our incomparable one is pestering again, vilonov, who
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else? what again invites you to have heart-to-heart conversations? no, we don’t have heart-to-heart conversations anymore, he’s putting pressure on me about work, in what sense? papers are forced to write all sorts of unnecessary things, but that’s all of us, but no, he calls me every day, i give him two or three rapports, you tried to explain yourself, we have all the explanations on paper, and in general there was a rumor that he would soon be promoted, yes what are you saying, we’ll all sigh here, but he’ll... he’ll wear me out by this time, don’t make things up, let’s go, head off, we ’ll take revenge on him now, let’s drink tea with chocolate, yes, i asked you, lyudmila andreevna i have to write these reports by today, nikolai petrovich, in addition to writing reports, i also need to work, lyudmila andreevna, no one relieved you from work, yes, reporting is also your job, right? in our case there is nowhere without her, yesterday i transferred the case to the court, there the period of preliminary
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investigation was expiring, i had no time for this, which is what i wrote to you about in the previous report, and that the apocalypse happened, that i don’t take it, i crashed to the ground, and feng shui forbade you to give me reports in the morning, but let’s take shveytsova for example, she was actually on leave yesterday, but in the morning her reports were on my table, like a plane tree. and again, colleagues, i want remind you about maintaining discipline in our work, discipline, i tell you about this every day, every day i talk about it, talk about it. everything is like peas against the wall, attention, comrades, let’s get to work, people, wait, please, you know, there’s a delay, he’ll offer sex, don’t agree, but i ’ll agree, yes, marya sergeevna, you know,
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it’s time for us to check, let him be here. .. or there is no one with burankin, your favorites from behind the nevsky level are dealing with it, and that there is 11 grave harm, grave, i understand, i understand that you have a lot of work, what do you have that’s all for you, well, but i don’t want to give this case to kolonkova, why is she an excellent investigator, you know, let me decide here, then we have an excellent investigator, who has not yet reached this high rank, and then is also involved in it, you know ? what does involved mean? well, this came from him. did you have any kind of relationship there? what relationships? you know very well that we have worked fruitfully for a long time. yes, that’s what i ’m telling you about, so take the matter to yourself. that's it, freely, well, lenya, you say, but for now.
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i looked at him, he just shook and kept quiet, well , what can i tell you, the wound is serious, it’s amazing how he remained alive, if you add how much blood he lost, it turns out that it’s actually a miracle, listen, tell me, well, that’s how it is from a medical point of view, and why is an alcoholic so lucky, a decent person can hardly do anything, his relatives cry, his skull was broken, all the blood flowed out and nothing happened, this is a philosophical question, fedya, god probably loves them, why does he love them, or maybe they will make him laugh, okay. what are you going to write in conclusion? that's the same question not philosophical, it couldn’t have happened without a heavy blunt object, just why the object flew to the head or the head to the object, this needs to be clarified, you think he could have impaled himself, the wound on the back of the head is horizontal, but it doesn’t show me, so what, how do you think? well, most likely he became, and you looked at everything there, what is there to see, the whole apartment is covered in blood up to the knees, well then let mitya
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deal with it, you will see him, i think not now, well, i’ll give him hair samples and how ... excuse me, but who are you related to her? he is mine dad, alexandra nikolaevna just said that her mother should pick her up, today i was free, it’s definitely your dad, of course, why am i my dad, i don’t know, okay, take it,
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yes, you buy it, look, dad, why did you yesterday i started beating my mom in the evening, dad, he lost his temper, why, how can i explain it to you, i don’t know, well, you can explain it somehow, you just became so scary, why? yes, here you work all day long behind this damn steering wheel, and it pulls out money, keeps pulling, pulling, whoever is pulling, your mom, mom, dad, what would you do if you
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did you have a lot of money? i would take you, we would go together to a sanatorium in gelendzhik, remember? no, i don’t remember, i was very little then, but you should have taken your mother, and you would have taken your mother. fraction five, hello, now, now, now, now, now, that’s it, hello, maryu sergeevna, hello, unexpectedly, here
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you go, kovin sent, what is this, and what ’s so, it’s a big deal, yes, strange, hello, hello, hi, well, marya sergeevna, who was killed, i myself am in shock, marya sergeevna will come to us burankina, yes, his mother wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office, but everything is clear. there is it, yes, but i really didn’t read it, didn’t have time, well, what’s the problem, if you say that everything is clear, now, now, now, leonid, it says here that you and i are pedal suckers, we’re not taking any action in order to find the killer of my son as a child, you will read, no, i can’t understand when she got to the prosecutor’s office, if he came up yesterday, and today is only daylight, did he come up on his own, panov thinks that yes, as usual in such cases, wait, the question arises if he himself he hit himself, why then did his drinking companion
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go on the run, well, that’s the only ambiguity in this case, so put him on the wanted list, or what? just tell me one thing, why did you
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attack me with your fists, i lost my temper, what did i do to you, what did you do to me? sorry, but still tell me why, because i asked you for money. for myself, for nastenka, i told you, she needs a jacket, her tights are completely worn out, i already
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give you all the money, i have nothing left at all, no matter how much i earn, all day long for this steering wheel, i also work, i also give away all the money, or do you think i put it in a little box, you have a daughter, i’ve been in the same ones for 3 years. i wear boots, i don’t have a weekend dress, if someone invites you somewhere, you know, no one invites anymore. you ate, i cooked this, and there i have,
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hello, hello, masha, the boss didn’t warn me, listen, well, i didn’t call, no, if he’s busy, i’ll come another time, wait, wait, viktor ivanovich, to shvitsova came to you here, uh-huh, come on in, come on, what did you eat, what’s the matter? it’s bursting, it’s just bursting, everyone will like it wants, to whom, but the rumor goes that they want him,
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they want to take him to the city police department. well , with a promotion, but he knows that i don’t like him, he’s an empty little man, he just has a lot to talk about, yeah, he wants to please everyone, whoever is higher in rank, that’s for sure, you know that i have connections in the ministry of internal affairs, a good reputation there , if they ask me about such a candidacy, i won’t be dishonest, but they themselves don’t understand who filonov is, mari, many bosses like people like that, who are helpful, well, will they put up with everything from their bosses? if anything, then a heap of papers he'll cover himself, a piece of paper, you're right on point, oh, but he's probably taking it out on you, i'm not grieving, i'm not grieving, nothing, he'll go away, it'll be easier to breathe, so what's the matter, viktor ivanovich, that he missed live work, he missed him , the position here is high. i, i
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’ve been involved in investigations all my life, there’s surveillance here, and for me it ’s worse than fever, boredom, yes, hello, hello, hello, marya sergeevna, hello, lenya, i have news, we found dedkov, the one we wanted to look for announce, and where is he, you won’t believe it, in the hospital, details i don’t know yet, i sent the chicken there, she’ll come back, then i can say, uh-huh, okay, alcoholic delirium developed against the background of alcohol withdrawal, i apologize, alcoholic, alcoholic delirium, but delirium tremens, in your opinion, in the sense of driving the hell away, yes and they were so harmful that he had to be transferred from therapy to us in psychiatry, we know how to work with such people, i mean with devils, with these too, yeah, well, now he’s practically cured, there are still residual effects, so organic damage may be suspected
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brain, but... just don’t worry him too much, i ’ll try, hello, not bad, listen, can i talk to him? it’s possible, as far as i understand, citizen detkov, yeah. well, let’s be friends, my last name is kurochkin, and my name is fedor mikhailovich, i’m from the anevsky rvd, you’re from the police, can you imagine, from the police, why? dedkov, tell me, do you remember what happened to you on the day you got here? do i remember how to knock burankin out?
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started, remember? i remember, but how did you finish? remember? i remember. yes. well, so how? no way? not i realized that the vodka is over. oh, burankin gave me money and told me to take more. yeah, did you succeed? yes, he had 300 rubles, even 400. well, i took three bottles. of course, i took three bottles. further, further, i go out, i look, lyoshka noskov is coming, so, stop, lyoshka noskov, lyoshka noskov, and lyoshka noskov, and this is a neighbor from the apartment nearby, a neighbor, uh-huh, well, i was in a good mood, so, i offered a drink, well, they drank, they drank, okay, alyoshka left, uh-huh, well, there were some more men here, uh-huh, acquaintances from the neighboring yard, with them
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drank, drank. here, well, the vodka has run out, i say, how can i go to vitka burankin empty-handed, and now they ’ll do everything and take some more, well, as i understand it, they drank some more, well, of course they drank, uh-huh, good, then what, then, well, i moved on, i don’t remember, but... i woke up here in the hospital, that’s understandable, but what happened? yes, nonsense, your friend burankin, someone hit him hard in the head, it’s, it’s them, who, look, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, you’re screwing them, quiet. don't
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look at me like that, i'm scared, you'll scare me, get well. what are you doing here? i won’t be long, change seats immediately, my wife will come here now, please don’t attract attention, so you’re the wife, i’m the wife, and who are you, it’s you, yulia, you just gave birth, congratulations, my husband is probably happy, we ’re divorced, and you look tired, everything is fine, but how can i say, he’s barely sleeping. feels that mom is not around, and we can cope without mom, and eating brings not only children, only one option, which one, you need to find a woman, great idea, i myself couldn’t wait, listen to the end, you need to marry,
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love flies on the wings of a stork, let's move on to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from the stork, on saturday on rtr.
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on rtr. if naskov really saw the children's store, then he can be safely crossed off from the list of possible villains. do you think he wouldn't do anything in that state? kurochkin claims that he could hardly have gotten there himself, much less.
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who - hello, we are from the police, korablev is my last name, you weren’t with us recently, hello, hello, we need your husband, you came to arrest him, no, we in a completely different matter, we need him as a witness, hello, oh hello, we need your testimony, well, if you allow it, come in, thank you, despite yours.
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the men came from the neighboring yard, and i don’t know them well, you didn’t see him again? no, there are rumors that he... ran away altogether, so tell me, did you happen to notice his clothes? why should i pay attention to his clothes? well, maybe there were blood stains on her or on her hands, or maybe there was some kind of smell? what and why should i smell it? logically, the most beautiful. he always dressed unkemptly, especially since he lives alone without a wife.
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okay, i have no more questions, now we will draw up the protocol, but i need your passport information. olya, bring your passport, please. what did you say his last name? ditkov, i found it. yes. so, oh, listen, to be honest, the dead smell better, you should have seen the form in which it was brought, yes, but what did you see? yes, on my shift, this accident happened, and that is, it was you, yes, yes, you undressed him, washed him, and, clearly, that means you, that means, you are a holy woman, we are all saints here, considering how much we are paid for this, right? so they didn’t notice any traces of blood on the clothes, there
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weren’t any stains there, yeah, okay, let the criminologist sort it all out, and maybe they’ll still find some kind of package, otherwise they won’t let you on the subway, yes, now, well, testimony seems to coincide with what kurochkin described on the phone, which means there are no children, i have a feeling that burankin himself fell, i hope zhirov will confirm this. after skytorter's research, then we can close the case, just let's do it after the weekend let's get busy, yes, i'm terribly tired myself, give me a lift to the circuit, i'll take the car, yes, no problem.
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my dear, if she likes someone , this means that boys are good, boy, this does not mean that he is good, but most likely the opposite, yesterday a new girl came to class, this is probably my new neighbor, yes, i saw her too, these are redheads. like that, yes, yes, she, yes, she seems to be a redhead,
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guys, let's go to the cinema this weekend, come on, cool, let's go, i'll tell you, yesterday i was at such an interesting film, i want go one more time, let's all go together, great, well, i'll go, mom is already there, yes , we're probably worried too, we'll come for you on saturday morning, just get ready quickly so that we don't wait for you, a beauty is coming, see? uh-huh, bye, tomorrow, hello, hi, how's the performance, okay, uh-huh, mom, he says in such an indifferent tone, i know that you're worried, well, naturally i
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'm worried, it's 12 o'clock, not 12, but 11-10, listen , you will have your own children, i’ll see if you’ll worry about them or not, i won’t be there at 11, but what is this, yes, this is some kind of a woman was putting up stickers in the yard, one fell, i picked it up, i wanted to scare you, but i see you are here and so scared, she panicked a lot, well, she panicked, not much, but strongly, understandably. i know this man, can you imagine, i know the girl, just look, a girl, 10 years old, nastya naskova, has disappeared, and how do you know them? i am a witness in the case, and i was with them on friday, but before you go home, listen, it says that her father disappeared, maybe he took her somewhere there, well, i don’t know, because
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they say we can’t look, you know, over there. hello, bori sergeevna, hello, fedor, why are you coming to us so early? we need to jointly write a resolution to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings against an alcoholic, remember? so for this you need an examination certificate from adzhirov, and he is a leisurely guy. and there is one more question, very important, in the zanevsky district a 10 -year-old girl, nastya naskovaya, disappeared, disappeared together with her father alexei viktorovich noskov, 34 years old, the off-duty person said that she came in on sunday morning to leave a statement...
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if until tomorrow doesn't appear, then we will think, you're on your way, well, grow up to the stop, then i 'll get to the criminologists by bus, hello, hello, you remember me, help me, please listen, well, let's do it, come tomorrow, it's just 3 days, wait, i i saw your ad, tell me what happened, i was on duty from friday saturday, i came home in the morning, they were gone, also gone, gone in the evening, the next day too, why did you decide that they were missing, where could they have gone, well, you never know where, well, well, well, to relatives we couldn’t leave, i called everything, we only have relatives in st. petersburg, we don’t have them anywhere, you called at the hospital, i called, i called at the morgue, i already remember the phone number, but
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they tried to call my husband, i tried, the phone was turned off, of course, all the time , yes, let’s do this... “i’ll try to contact the regional traffic police, i have your phone number, but if there’s something new, i’ll let you know. great, oh great, listen, can you help me make a request to the regional traffic police? i’ll help, in connection with what? yes, in connection with this. but why can’t you do it yourself? well, officially it won’t work. the application has not yet been received for production; the deadlines have not yet arrived. listen, well, you have a relationship with everyone there, so let your friends help you at least find out about the accident, listen, it won’t work out officially through the regional one, you’ll have to call all the districts, well, guess what you think, everything is serious there, but no i know, but i have a bad feeling, sonya, i love you very much, i
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miss you very much, the premiere is on rtr, or where is sonya, we really need her, gali, gali. where did you get such a beauty? in the alcoholic beverages department. it's huge there choice. the highlight of our collection. 38 years of aging. show. this is the famous giacondo.
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here you go. wang. why do they look like that? was it gurda day? everyone noted, you can also, i’m just starting to come to you, stories of a big country, on friday on rtr, while you live in my house, with my money, you will live by my rules, they laugh, take it, i’m not just with yulka so, i want to marry her, slavs, so you are married, today you are married, tomorrow you are not. i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch me, i’m not guilty of anything, you put my accounting in order, and i
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your personal life, my personal life cannot be put in order, it is complete ruins, well , it definitely won’t get any worse, in general i agree, what? well, my mother-in-law will marry you, on sunday on rta, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air:
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wait, wait, wait, what are you doing, this is, this is an announcement about missing girls, yes, the whole area has already taped, i got here, imagine, margeevna, even here inside on the notice board she managed to stick it somehow, well, although i didn’t i missed it, hello, hello, don’t take it down, i posted it, well, it’s not supposed to be like that, leave it,
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alexey viktorovich noskov, 34 years old. that's it, thanks, i'm waiting. yeah. fedya, that production has finally started? no, but you can consider it just a personal initiative. kurochkin, our work is through the roof. i’m not even talking about cases that are under pre-investigation, and the investigation is still in full swing. listen, lazy, we’re just with shvetsova. they met the mother on the way out, but there was no face. it’s not a fact that something happened to them, you know, fedya.
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i’m his mother who sang, i have to know everything, and there’s no point in it for me, i know that you’re trying to let things slide and make my son guilty, marya sergeevna, i think so, in this case we don’t have any conspiracy secrets, secrets, come on, okay, an investigation within the framework of the case revealed that the citizen... could not have committed the crime, since at the time of its commission he was in a different place, i told you that his friends would shield him, there were traces of blood on ditkov’s clothes not
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found, so i received a conclusion examination, citizen burankin’s injury was received naturally when he fell , please, what is this being done, no, look, my son has now become disabled, and she doesn’t want him... to look for the killers, marya sergeevna, well clarify to citizen burankina, as you order, i will clarify, citizen burankina, your son got drunk to the point of bestiality, fell and hit his head on the corner of the table, as a result of which he became disabled, we did not find any crime in this case, therefore nikolai petrovich, i propose closing the case behind lack of corpus delicti, i will go to the president, i will go to the supreme court.
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i’m taking it under personal control, i’m taking it under personal control, i’ll stop this disgrace for you, i’ll stop this disgrace for you, freely, marya sergeevna, are you serious about the inspection, have you seen this in general, you’ve seen this, it will definitely reach the president, come on, well in general, yes, this is the kind of electorate we have to work with, so i’m just waiting for you here, me, it’s you who spend so much time in the rain , it just doesn’t matter, i’ll see what you...
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okay, then what? what then? then he planted her into the gazelle, got in, drove away, that’s it. what do you think, is he her? what are you saying? a? god! so, i may need your testimony. if i have to formally record them, i will call you. wait, someone, and you, yes, hello, fedor,
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yes, me again. so, please tell me what you have. there is a sock phone, look right now, i'm waiting, yes, great, no, you don't need to give it to me, call yourself and find out about things, girls and husband, especially girls, yes, no, no need to call back, i'll come to you myself i’ll come, filonov has ordered an additional check, that’s it, be healthy, i’m already convinced, do something, please, i’m already going crazy, i ask you to calm down, please, but we can’t accept your statement now, we’ve done everything, whatever they could, transport workers with... said that there was no accident in the region with a victim falling under these signs, hello, hello, hello, they asked you about things, yes, he took her things and some of his, that’s all the money that was, but there’s a lot of money, 13 thousand, that’s all that was, well, not cry, calm down, please, we, we will try very hard to help you, let's start over, your husband was going to go somewhere
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on vacation, no, we took a vacation last year, so where did we vacation? yes, where, nowhere, they were relaxing at home, they need money for vacation, but where do we get it from? he’s paying off a loan, i’m a nurse, then my daughter needs things, toys, at least some, so that she can have a childhood, not like with us everything is hopeless , well, and you yourself, when was the last time you went out, maybe 7 years ago, pelenzhik, olga vasilyevna, let's do this: you write an application tomorrow, and in the morning we will put it into production first. masha,
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it's very simple. the man took his daughter and went to another woman, elementary, yes, well, i didn’t even think about it, well, i don’t know why, i know why, because your colleagues say he kicked her, well, well, that’s the principle, he beats, that means loves, you know, these village stereotypes, they’re sitting right here, you know, listen, you know, what i thought, um, maybe we should take on... the environment, and why should i beat you sometimes, well, really, well, you’re a normal person, normal out of love, okay, okay, i’m joking, well, don’t joke like that, but although, well, that’s it,
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that’s it, yes, lyun, hello! i don’t know, it won’t take long to get some advice, okay, i’ll be right there. so you're saying he called? no, i reached him myself at 7:30 in the morning. what did he say? he said that i would never see my daughter again. did you manage to talk to her? no, but i heard her voice.
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“i myself had these thoughts spinning in my head, i just voiced it, it’s a pity for her, a pity, humanly speaking, yes, but production must be stopped, and if this version is not correct, we can’t put her on the wanted list, we don’t have sufficient grounds, she’s not with a stranger, with her own father, let’s still put her on the wanted list, and keep silent about the testimony, we have nothing except..."
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at least find out approximately the place where he is, yes, it’s better to record the conversation so that there is material for the investigation, okay, yes, all the best, marya sergeevna, you are strong, i didn’t expect it, but it’s not a matter of strong or not strong, the girl worries me in this story , adults, let them do whatever they want, children shouldn’t suffer, it’s fun, but it’s monday it starts, yes, i'm afraid to think what will happen on friday.
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i am proud that i have not betrayed either my pioneer oath, or my party card, or my military crouch, on the occasion of gennady zyuganov’s eightieth birthday, this place has an advantage, you know what, all the opponents are in full view, there is a lot of work. he survived, he survived both as a politician and as a sincere person, an era disappears, but he remains, it’s true zyuganov, premiere on wednesday on rtr, can i call you maestro,
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can i, maestra, yeah, can, that means he’s fooled you , and you’re glad that he needs to some fool was attracted to him, this... i would like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid, i paid, hold, hold , hold, hold, one room, oh, one city, st. petersburg, a small city, nowhere to have dinner. one love. vasilis, this is vasily. please call me back. i'm looking for a travel companion. on friday, on rtr. festival of youth in st. petersburg. thousands
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of shining eyes, thousands of enthusiastic hearts. white nights. aly. sail. briga, russia over the waves of the neva. unforgettable. scarlet sails 2024. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on friday on rtr. yes, that's all for me. so what’s on the street, okay, i’ll go out now, you have a visitor, yes, some woman says, i know her, and i advise you, if you want to run away from work, run, otherwise he’ll drive you, thank you, masha, “hello, what
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happened, what happened to you, hello, i don’t know who can help me, but at least you can understand me as a woman, we’ll try, so let’s first, your husband didn’t call, he called, he called, he said , where he took his daughter, he said that he took her to gelendzhik, to gelendzhik, to boarding house, i don’t know, and he also said, in general, he demands money, money, but for what? he just..." demands money, otherwise he said that he would kill his daughter, he said so, he said that if i don’t bring the money, otherwise i won’t see my daughter again, oh, lord, okay, you run, come on, and you come to my office, you ’ll tell me everything now, yes, of course, don’t worry, and what, that’s why you want to open a case, yes, there are signs of a crime under several articles, under which ones are you
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here 126 kidnapping ? i noticed why no, yes, because he is her father, dad, he took her daughter for a while, then back and gave everything, good, 161 extortion, great, great, tell your friends from the rvd this aunt, let their investigators work on her, case let them initiate a case on it, although it is unlikely that they will initiate a case, because they are extorting someone else’s property, there is one family here, what kind of one family?
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child, how do you know, and where, from where did you not threaten the life of the child, and here the threat is from the words of the mother, right, right, and mother, get it back, and okay, you are ready to take what will they blurt out to make their child responsible, if something happens to the child, tact, what responsibility, what responsibility, what crime? which was not, and you want to wait for it to be, then you are welcome, yes, come in, here is 105, what is good, what is undeniable, there is a corpse, there is, there is no corpse, there is no corpse, you know what, well , there is not only criminal liability, fillonov, walk, marya sergeevna, walk. i was already on my way home,
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hello here, naskova, uh-huh, let's go again, ah, immediately all the signs of kidnapping are evident, a direct threat to kill, then 19 comes up, a threat to the life of your diocese, my hands are tied, and he has been threatening to kill for a long time? the day before yesterday, after that i didn’t call, i called again, i threatened to kill, i threatened to kill myself if i didn’t bring the money, that ’s crazy, i went crazy, so with excitement, at least for extortion, let me think, here the cases fall under 150 pcs , knowledge must be carried out there, the apparatus... i was already there, they already
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refused me there, after that i came to you again, i have nowhere else to go, damn it, olga vasilyevna, even now i’m ready to fly to gelendzhik, take my cat for adoption, and i’ll take your cat, but you can’t do anything without an open case. you can’t even touch it with your finger, in general, it’s clear, you can’t help me with anything either, excuse me, you come on monday, and if we find out anything... we’ll call you ourselves, okay, i’ll come, what is this our laws are such, marya sergeevna, that we are sitting with you, two investigators, we can’t do anything, it’s not about the laws, it’s about the people who
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they use it, mom, out of spite, what did you want? “i see that you are worried, but you really couldn’t do anything, mom, i know you, if you could do something, you would do it, i’m just scared, how can i imagine this girl, she’s younger than you, with this drinking father, oh, it’s scary, the main thing is that she is suffering, i’m scared for you, i understand what you want to say, listen, let me send my security guys to gelendzhik, they’ll sort it out quickly, but no, they won’t achieve anything either, my guys, no, dimochka, you can’t, you can’t replace the law
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nothing, but at least you will stop being nervous about this girl, and then this dad will sue your guys, i beg you, no one will sue you anywhere. no, dim, under no circumstances, you know how many such families there are in russia, are you going to save everyone, we will help at least one family, you won’t help them with this, hello, yes, shvetsova, who, and burankina, of course, i remember you mother of the victim, okay, i’ll be right there. “hello, korablev, maybe something happened, drive up to burankin’s house, i don’t know, if you drive up we’ll figure it out on the spot, well 2 she’s been screaming for hours, non-stop, why
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bother like this, and you called, and i’ve been calling for half an hour already, it doesn’t open, i don’t even want to think about it, why is she there, why is she crazy, what?” okay , let's call an ambulance, i 'll get it now, okay, let's go without ceremony, move away, lord, that's all, lord, olya is alive, let's get up, get up, get up, so, herself, herself, bolya, what happened in the box ? i found it on the door. are these your daughter’s things? yes, this cross, she never took it off. it’s terrible, did you really kill it, olya?
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you know what? olga, listen to me. now you get dressed and we will go. i will achieve the initiation of a case, no matter what it costs me. can you hear me? yes. here you go. yeah. olya, i ’ll help you get ready. and i’ll look after the apartment until it’s gone. the lock was broken again. quiet, quiet. we'll wait in the corridor. how much do you need. yes. well. that's it, come on, come on, now, i'll get ready to go, okay, and i 'll look after the apartment, put myself in order, yeah, well done, now, well, you're good, let's go, daughter,
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let's go, they'll help you, let's go, total hello, how are yours? faster, well, you see, marya sergeevna, they forbade drinking, so he seems to be thinking, you’ve become an operative, like today, you’re laughing, feeling, and feeling better, like doctors , this is more important, wait, it’s him, tell him you’ll bring the money , faster, faster, let's go. yeah, great, tell me you'll bring the money, hello, it's you, yes, it's me, well, i received the parcel, i received it, but i found the money, i found it, where should i bring it? and how many did you find? will you return nastya to me? bring me the money, then we’ll talk, and
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you’ll give me back my daughter for the money. fine, how many? bring 60, then you will give me your daughter, if you want him to give it, bring 260. ok, i will bring you 260.00, just tell me where, can you hear me? yes, you don’t have that kind of money anyway, you’re poor, in general, you ’ll never see her again, hung up. downsons, so, let's get in the car, let's go, come in, guys, hello, zoe, oh, how i haven't seen you together for a long time, like the good old days, viktor ivanovich is here, yes, he's at home. well, you only have 15 minutes, then he has a meeting, viktor ivanovich, shvetsova and
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korablev, uh-huh, come in, uh-huh, hello, sit down here for now, we'll call you, it's been a while, i haven't seen you for a long time, hello, together, sit down, well, what brought you to me, especially the two of you, why are you so gloomy? vctor ivanovich, i ’ve never asked you for anything, it ’s never like this between the two of us, well, we have a business here, come on, just keep in mind that i don’t have much time, so i’ll try to explain everything briefly.
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viktor ivanovich, meeting, but i understood, it means opening a case, everyone refused, yes, yes, uh-huh, kurochkin is now trying to initiate proceedings under 156. through the inspector, juvenile affairs, and 150 consider that i forgot? not fulfilling duties, no, no, you can’t really do anything under this article, at least, so, everyone is afraid, afraid, check.
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file a case immediately with orders.
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network to find one person, quickly, no-no-no, i need his physical position, yes, i’ll send a resolution in an hour, no question, yeah, yeah, i’m dictating, well, we’ll meet in 2 hours, well, let’s just have time sign
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filonov’s business trip, and then i’ll receive travel allowances, ok, ok, and the tickets, i’ll find out about the tickets, listen, i’m already scared that... you’re leaving, what’s wrong? yes, he’s not in any place, not in gelendzhik, he’s in a sanatorium, well, 150 km from the city, they figured it out over the phone, well, yes, so , the business trip is cancelled? the business trip, of course, is cancelled, but a trip out of town is planned right now, let's go, sit down, you have a weapon with you, yes, you, i always have with you.
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and right here, listen, you gave the coordinates, i arrived, somehow the vacationers are not visible. so it’s been closed for 5 years already, i didn’t say anything, no, here it is the locals just told me that they first sold it, then resold it, and in the end they took it away, hello, hello, my last name is korablev, junior lieutenant, well, show me what you have here, can you, what is this, are you so strong or am i a fool, this it ’s such a local joke, it looks like there’s a castle, but it does n’t seem to be there, well, let’s go, let’s go, it’s funny. well, you can live here, well, purely theoretically, you can live wherever there is a roof, yeah, well, there are old buildings, there was a new one, and there is electricity, there is water, there are water pumps in the backyard, electricity here and there turn on
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you can, for example, where in the utility yard, you can just turn it on, the boiler room is connected, that’s all, let’s split up, oh, by the way, that’s a good idea, let’s go to the boiler room then, and we’ll go to the utility yard, yeah, okay, let’s go. there was a pigsty with a chicken coop,
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the watchmen lived there, look, this is his car, come on... let's come here, come here, quietly. and then what? there was a warehouse there, paint was stored there, detergents, kerosene, in general, all flammable liquids, so
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they put it on the outskirts. don't be afraid, daughter, everything will happen quickly, it won't hurt, no, it will burn first, of course, it will be hot, and then bang, and you and i will be in heaven, i’ll go and look there, yeah, come on! why did he carry gasoline there? the court knows him, he may get angry, he is afraid. is this even better than gelendzhik? it’s nice there, you don’t need any money, you and i will walk in the gardens and drink good wine.
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so don’t be afraid, dad knows what he’s doing, i don’t like all this, i’ll go check, you stay here. so, what are you doing, that’s what, what are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing, ah, ah! no one, where is the ship? went there for
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this? mommy, ladyvant, run! everything, everything is fine, everything, dad, everything, everything,
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sorry for not helping. you'll still get yours. fillonov will not forgive you for going to kolen. never mind filonov. who cares? we saved her. in this case, slow down and walk more carefully. in that case, buckle up, smart guy.
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come on in, thank you! can i get you a gold card or one with a foreign currency balance? the most common thing for me, just to pay in the store, which we cannot do, we have already done everything possible. all deadlines have already passed, sorry. i asked, i warned, my contracts will burn
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with me, these thieves are deceiving all of you, woman, and you are also applying for a loan, i am not applying for a loan, i cannot take on obligations for which i am not responsible, and you want to say, that you have never made mistakes in your life, no, i made mistakes, but if i made them... i tried with all my might to correct them, but not like you. you don't know anything about my situation. but i think it’s all very simple: you took out a loan, probably in foreign currency before the crisis, yes, and now you are offered to sell collateral apartment, right? yes, i have two children, i have two children, why should they go outside now? what will they do on the street? a? great, now you will burn yourself, attract a lot of attention, and your family’s apartment will still be taken away by a court decision. and i have no choice. i'm about to burn myself. documents and maybe it will be distasteful to others, otherwise you will write down your loans, how easy it is, you won’t burn anything, because all the documents are stored in the computer in electronic form, and
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there is always a solution, call the bank manager, i here, here a man has a problem mortgage, your bank can provide a credit holiday, in exceptional cases we provide credit... holidays, but unfortunately, the terms of his contract do not allow an exceptional one, you see? okay, we will give you a credit holiday for a year, you will be given a credit holiday for a year. i don’t believe, i don’t believe, i don’t trust anyone , i beg you, don’t do anything stupid, give me a lighter, don’t do something stupid, hands upside down on the ground, put away your weapon, who are you, actually, what- then you are here command, federal judge emelyanova, put away your weapons.
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hello, hello, tatyana sergeevna, you are so official, well, yes, please come in, dear colleagues, i would like to introduce you to our new criminal judge, emelyanova, tatyana sergeevna, please take a seat, thank you, good afternoon, yes, here you go. somehow everything is like this
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with us, the team is small but friendly, excuse me, please, traffic jams, yes, irina yuryevna, hello, hello, as always, you are on time, as always, inspiring respect for justice with all your kind, i apologize, this my desk, let’s return to the question of the timing of consideration of cases, my dears, but we need to somehow clean up the tails. well, how can it be , for example, you, irinavna, you have been considering the case of flooding the apartment for the second year already, as if it’s already the second year, here everyone is against everyone, irina yuryevna, you don’t listen to me, by the way they are complaining about you, they say be rude to people, gennady yegorich, we have lawyers, they get money for consultations, i’m not obliged, yes, you, of course, are not obliged to consult, but there’s no need to be rude either,
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well, okay, i’ll come now, i’ll judge you, well of course, well, i’ll just take a look at the case, well , what kind of criminal case, lida, i’ll be right there, good morning, hello, as far as i understand, you , yulya semyonovna, are my assistant, yes, and you, tatyana sergeevna, yes, it’s very nice,
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congratulations on your on the first working day, this is your computer, here are all the necessary forms for sentences and determinations, this is your first business, this is, excuse me, this is your workplace, in general, i checked everything, our printer is just broken, they should fix it, maybe some tea, yes, i'd love to, thank you, you're not afraid, i'm not a judge myself i’ll go, i’m already an evening student, in my fourth year, but i didn’t go to the prosecutor’s office, but the judges
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are somehow scary. yes, it's really scary, that's true. well, don't run away. so, article 112, part two, article 119. klimochkin. and i looked, everything was clear there, a drunk beat his wife and brother, threatened to kill him. is this for tomorrow? yes, for tomorrow, gennady yegorich told me to show you everything today, but tomorrow already. oh, well, well, tomorrow, tomorrow. not pavel, by any chance, pavel, but what, those pages? ovechkin passes to malkin, malkin to datsun, dangerous shot, goal again, victory, my three-star, oh dear, pavel anatolyevich, it’s not interesting to play with you, you don’t give me the slightest chance of winning, what are you hinting at, that i have to
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defend myself all the time, or what? i’m not hinting at anything, i ’m just stating a fact, yes, forward, forward one step back, commendable, maybe five drops, so to speak, a tea for victory, no, at work. the defender fell ill, a replacement is urgently needed, right, yes, what are you talking about, maybe still a tea for the victory, at the wheel, i’m on the winner, your will, though what a will, no will, today
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i failed the exam, how did you do it, it can’t be, i didn’t go, and that it’s all because of this mama’s boy, and it’s right that they quarreled, finally, you need... a normal, adequate man , and not some kind of child, you’re beautiful and smart, they only give me a’s for your essays, and i, okay, what’s up with you, how’s your new boss, she’s pretty and seems adequate, i’m at work again until 8:00 , as always, mine is in no hurry to get home at all, i brought a treadmill into the office, walks on it and reads, so you them get married, well, yours... leave work earlier, and it will either be easier for you, lonely boss, they’re still a bitch, believe me, work on the question, listen, maybe you really, well, let’s try, i’m saying
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damn, why me i have to answer the phone, yes, hello, yes, yes, hello, why didn’t i answer for a long time? and i wanted to torment you a little, yes, yes, that’s who i am, and everything is fine with me, what does last night have to do with it, yesterday evening was wonderful, this is a painful morning for us, i have an appointment at 11, and it’s already 11:30, and you as i come here, i come here for the third time, i’m glad, that’s why i’m here, listen, yes, just a minute, as always, lepchuk was running into the cossacks, making fun of people, you know, they introduced a new judge, a woman again, yes, nothing special, well, put a signature, address, i don’t know how old she is, but
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maybe there’s someone like me, the same age, although no, no, she definitely looks older, yes. well, let's work together? well, at least let's try. however, your appearance in the robe this morning has put us all in an ambiguous position. "sorry, figure, there was no figure visible, and the ladies didn't know whether to greet you with hostility or not, and the men didn’t understand whether it’s worth hitting on you, don’t you think that i’m unceremonious, no, it doesn’t seem
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so, that’s how it is, but from me you won’t get a dose of poison in your spin, which will be more important , than stupid giggles at meetings, that is, you consider yourself an honest original, no, i consider myself honest. man, others consider me an original, here’s the sergeant major, you won’t smile like that anymore, but i’ll be where you read, tomorrow i’ll be the first, yes, i wish you good luck. hello mom, hello, we have a grandfather, yes, it’s difficult to say that... i didn’t notice it, did you
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do your homework? mom, well, we agreed, i’ll plan it myself in my own time, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s it, i forgot, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, forgot, forgot, forgot, forgot, i forgot, well, you promised, mom, well, i’ll just never become an adult, that’s it, i’m sorry, last time, that’s it, i promise, well, tell me, tell me, that is, just like that, right away, without eating, i’m hungry, there there were potatoes and two cutlets left.
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i’ve been working in this system all my life, as they say, i’m not a saint, but after all, tomorrow you take a closer look, maybe not everything is so simple there, because if something happens, the person will sit, and why did i get into morality, well, it’s probably old age, that’s all, that’s all, okay, you ’ll figure it out yourself, you’re with me it’s our mother’s place, that’s it, don’t see her off for now. here’s the thing,
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you probably heard from us, oleg igorevich retired, let’s get to the point, he was the deputy chairman of our court, and you want me to become your deputy, am i right? life is short, i save time, by the way, yours too, so, about yours no suggestions, thanks. why? let me draw you a picture. let’s say you are summoned to the regional court, but you get sick, well, i don’t know, the flu or something else, a cold. i went instead of you. the chairman of the regional court asks you, me, how to improve the quality of legal proceedings in the region? well, i tell him that it would be better for him to resign himself. because i really think so, i should continue further, zhenya,
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please tell me, how many years have you been working in court? 13, 13, all these 13 years you are my head pain, well, why are you always meddling with your bravado, but you’re an excellent specialist, a decent person, you could have worked a long time ago, well, at least in the regional court, right? emelyanova is married, i don’t understand, there’s no ring, she has an appraising and attractive look, and besides, she’s far from a fool, listen, evgeniy nikolaevich, i ’m not detaining you any longer, and you’re not against office romances, no, i mean, yes, that is, yes what the hell are novels, go ahead, i’ve already told you everything, stop stalking me, you’re tired of me... in general, hello, hello, what
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my head hurts? no, why is it so serious? yes, here’s the first thing, it’s very scary, you know, how many more of these cases there will be, i beg you, you ’re wasting your nerves on every nerve, you won’t save any health, what have you got, well, you’ve put the criminals in prison, everyone’s going home, these are civilians here, he’s walking around, whining, no strength at all, where is he... he’s flooded one person’s apartment, god, zhenya has been coming to see me for 2 years, like a baby mammoth, and why did it take you so long to make a decision? i was just wondering how long it would take for him to come to me, i didn’t think about what he should actually do there’s nothing else to do, and he was still filing complaints in the old towns, the troublemaker, tatyana sergeevna, they brought the defendant there, they ask him in the courtroom or what, well, what are we talking about, no, let him wait, what difference does it make, he’ll get credit anyway, but the lawyer has arrived ? the prosecutor was driving on the spot,
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let him start it, i’m ira now, calm down, relax, don’t be nervous, everything will be fine. yes, yes, i’m leaving, i’m leaving, i never liked her at all, yul, you go, and i ’ll come over in a minute, okay? going to court.
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please sit down, i'm announcing a court hearing. open: the case is being heard on charges of roman aleksandrovich klimochkin of committing crimes under article 112, part two, paragraph a, intentional infliction of moderate harm to the health of at least two persons and article 119, part one, threats of murder or causing grievous harm to health. i'll ask the secretary to report the attendance. your honor, everyone involved in the case is in place. we are establishing the identity of the defendant, klimichkin, stand up, what’s wrong with you, you feel bad, i have parkinson’s disease, why don’t i have a disability, i do, the second group,
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they should have given me the first one, but they probably didn’t consider me at the commission, but... i ask the defense lawyer and the state prosecutor to come to my office tatyana sergeevna, yul, wait,
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come in! congratulations to your honor, i didn’t know, i ’ll do without congratulations, tell me, you looked at the case, i didn’t have time, i have here the indictment, it’s clear, and you have the same opinion, i already reported, two men are standing in front of me, one has a shoulder straps, i once knew another as a decent person, you come to court unprepared , i understand that you don’t give a damn for this klimachkin, no money, no fame, but there is some kind of professional ethics, your honor, of course, wait, i’m not finished yet. okay, i demand that tomorrow i be provided with all the information about his illness, i don’t know whether the lawyer will ask for it, i don’t care, there will be no documents, i’ll write a statement on both of them tomorrow, that’s understandable, we will certainly fulfill this demand your honor, but we both see klimochkin for the first time, and the judge who imposed a preventive measure on him is either blind, or do you have a selective approach to
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assessment of conscience, your honor, go talk to your colleague, because klimechkin was taken into custody in your court, something like that. let's go, stop the rule of law, tatyana sergeevna, who put him in prison? kazakov's signature is here. by the way, where is he? he has a meeting now, but maybe he doesn’t need it. ladies, excuse me, i'm driving today, and can i offer to take you home? ah thanks,
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i'm not far away. and tatyana sergeevna, you? thank you, i'll get there by trolleybus. sorry, we haven’t seen each other today, what did i do wrong? nothing in front of me, good luck to you evening, evgeny nikolaevich. tatyana sergeevna, maybe she can give you a lift? don't you think this is a little unethical? firstly, i am leading a case in which you are the defense attorney, and secondly? and secondly, if i were you, i would prepare better for the process. your honor, forgive me, for god's sake, i misspoke, mistook you for a friend of my youth, forgive me, for god's sake. listen, how are you so harsh on him? it’s okay, i know him a little, sometimes you need to make him
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angry in order to work better. dad, artyom, i'm coming, i'm coming, i'm coming, hi, popol, hi. where is artyom? artyomka meets with her new friends. well, of course, i asked him to be at home, dad. tanya, but he called me, almost with tears in his eyes. well, why are you controlling him again? dad, well, i have my first meeting today, i wanted to celebrate it with you and my family. could you at least ask him what is more important to him? okay, don’t be upset, the holiday continues, please! you understand what’s wrong here, it’s not so simple, the cossacks are written in black and white, well, you didn’t ask him,
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you immediately decided to show your character, well the situation is exactly like with artyom, a crisis, you know, communications, i don’t understand at all, i’m busy with my own work, oh, don’t rush, oh, don’t rush it, okay, sorry, i have to go. it’s stay, but no, i’m used to spending the night at home, and tomorrow will still bring you surprises, you know how to reassure dad, hello, grandfather, hello, of course, meeting new friends is much more important than a family dinner, hello, mom, don’t be offended , well , plans arose, well, i warned, well, he warned, he warned, of course, he warned, i went, and where did the zither break, grandfather, i'll spend it
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, bye, bye, can't control it, how can you not control it, give me a neck, like that, i've gone too far, you take it off with your shirt, my god, on saturday, i saw everything... , that you saw how you were jumping like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, that means, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, i can’t imagine you without this, well, where, why, well... well, okay, thank you, i’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, no, i’m warning you,
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i have serious intentions, a divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, she lived in the forest, she was an ega woman, she was very scary , the man, just as he went to bed looking handsome, woke up looking beautiful, and the woman somehow overnight... deteriorated, needs to be touched up, then i tried everything, shakers, they connected, rat poison, nothing will stop the infection, we know how create a festive mood, parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, watch, love is when you watch in one direction, look, look, look, do you want to look? look, let's look , look, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look,
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sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, i i am proud that i have not betrayed either my pioneer oath, or my party card, or my military crouch, on gennady zyuganov’s eightieth birthday. this place has an advantage, you know what, all the opponents are at ease, i’ve been working in the state duma for as long as i’ve known him, and somewhere he’ll just insist on his own like a tank. the idea of ​​justice and socialism was exposed by our thousand-year-old culture, it saved the world from fascism, it allowed us to become the most cosmic, bravest power. gennady andreevich zyuganov, he is consistent, principled in his positions, his assessments, he never hid them. solidarity is the main weapon, now we definitely need to win, he survived, he survived both as
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a politician and as a sincere person, era disappears, but he remains. true zyuganov, premiere on wednesday on rtr, please forgive me, it’s okay, it’s not so scary, but sneaking up on the judge assigned to the case in the evening is bad, unethical, that’s what it’s all about, to the institute, here you are, and i’m with her now i work in the same court, congratulations, of course you'll excuse me, but i'm in a hurry, i'm not detaining you, you just have doubts, i studied with her in the same court, i advise you to think before you rush, i'm extremely grateful for your advice, there's no need for gratitude, sorry , i'm not much of you anymore,
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no less than i did you, but no less, less, much less, evgeniy nikolaevich, one question, didn’t you accidentally put disabled people behind bars, which disabled person? klimachkina, emelyanov will consider his case today, isn’t it a shame, klimachkina? well, klimochkin, klimochkin, but i thought it was tatyana sergeevna. good morning, what the hell good morning, is it because of klimachkin, did you see him, who, klimashkin, no, his brother, musatov? i don’t remember this last name, don’t you understand anything, but what should i understand that this musatov cohabited with citizen klimachkina and that they tormented this unfortunate man, and my only opportunity to save his life was to take him into custody, where in isolation he would at least
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be given medical assistance and fed, in the end, yours is strange. representation of humanity, you and i are not gods and cannot make a decision so that a person is treated humanely, at least by family and friends, that is, you think that you did the right thing, i don’t know, i just couldn’t let him go back to these knackers , why don’t you just they came up, didn’t ask, didn’t say in ritsop that... they imprisoned an innocent man, and you think that he’s innocent? and it’s up to you to decide, not me, stand up, the court is coming, please sit down, i announce the court hearing,
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the identity of the defendant is being established, born on april 10 , 1971 in the city of voronezh, incomplete higher education, unemployed, dependent daughter nastya, 8 years old, that’s all that’s right, who else is dependent? i’ll ask the victim to refrain from commenting, yes, that’s right, you received the indictment on time, yes, you admit your guilt, i admit it, your honor, i ask you to attach to the case an extract from the medical record, i am convicted of a second group disability , parkanson's disease. why was klimochkin’s case distributed to emelyanova? first of all, hello, evgeniy, dear. and secondly, secondly,
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i did not distribute it to emelyanova. osokin, he retired, so she inherited it, it was impossible to give this case to her, everything is not so simple, and she has no experience, but what do you want, evgeniy nikolaevich, i have a judge, she took the oath, put on a robe, should i run after everyone to wipe their snot, or do you think she does not have the proper qualifications, and you warned her about the negative attitude of the regional court towards the acquittal. and i haven’t yet considered it necessary, well, well, now this is your headache, what does this mean, having studied the case materials, the court decided: to change the preventive measure for roman aleksandrovich klimochkin to keep him in custody on his own recognizance and release him from custody in the courtroom, come on, please sit down, let's move on to
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additional questions for the witness, that is, you claim that you met the defendant on stairwell, that’s right, i affirm, yes, i affirm, so what happened next, so what next, well... we stood, talked, had a cigarette, smoked a cigarette, and i went home, and he went upstairs to his place, but didn’t have time i closed the door when there was a crash from above, dishes were banging and all sorts of screams, which means that according to your words , the victim did not have time to go upstairs, and the fight had already begun, well, well, what am i saying, he needs 10 minutes for these two. .. it’s time to get up, and he’s also smoking, thank you, your honor, i have no more questions for the witness, in confirmation of his words, i want to cite an excerpt from the medical encyclopedia, symptoms of parkinson's disease, speech impairment, tremors, progressive movement disorders,
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thank you, your honor, there are questions for the witness, a break of 1 hour is announced in the court hearing, after the break we will proceed to the interrogation of the victims and the defendant. so what's there? ah, it is clear that he did not do this. yeah, then drop the accusation. yes, he will fire me. who will fire you? petya novikov? listen, he won't fire you, i'll talk to him. well? a fool looks more pleasant why should i let them carry out acquittal negotiations, you’re still afraid of a woman, you want to set him up, listen to me, you’re all
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pestering me, one after another, they found the last one, but i didn’t get the one in the cap, the investigator has already ticked himself and the prosecutor has signed the charge, you generally have the right to refuse the charge, yes i have the law. well , then refuse according to the law, when you took him into custody, you acted according to the law, according to your conscience, then you don’t need to remind me about the law, everyone is very concerned about the law, when it doesn’t concern them, you’re just all concerned.
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“i’ll say more, he doesn’t approve of them at all, well , i can sometimes afford them, but your first priority is, are you trying to influence my decision now, no, well, by no means, no, but i’m warning you , that in the event of an acquittal, you and i may have some difficulties, tatyana sergeevna, well, i know that he confessed to everything, well, let me..." he is 2 years old, conditionally, everyone will be happy, well, if he’s not guilty, yes he’s guilty, he’s not guilty, they worked it out, he confessed, he confessed, and it’s wonderful, conditional time to go home, there probably won’t be an appeal on
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his part, everyone will be happy, and grandfather, who ’s hanging around mom all the time, where is he hanging around, what is this, well, here he is again, well, first of all, he’s not hanging around, are you a pashkatertyev? and he was very much in love with her, yes, so funny, so funny, normal, that is, you continue to claim that the defendant came into the kitchen, punched you in the face, well , yes, i didn’t expect it myself, but this idiot he was just jealous of my wife, you were standing when he came in, well, first he sat, then got up, wanted to say hello to him, okay, what is yours? and the defendant’s height is -70, your honor, allow the defendant a question, i allow it, please stand up.
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raise your hand quickly, it must not rise, but he is now organizing a circus, and his left hand, are you a left-handed defendant, yes, that is, you continue to claim that you were hit on the left side of the face by a semi-paralyzed left-hander, who is 17 cm shorter than you , well, so what, what difference does it make at all, it was he who hit me, well... “either you’re telling the truth now, or we will analyze in detail how, where and under what circumstances you had a criminal conspiracy with mrs. klimochkina, with the aim of taking possession of the defendant’s apartment, the defense, i’m making a remark to you, you heard me, i apologize, your honor, that’s all i have, this is it your mother is being awarded a diploma, red, by the way, what does that mean?" "
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red, red - it means the best you are, now you can buy a red diploma, and a license and a deputy certificate, whatever you want, you can buy everything, so why buy if you can just learn it’s easier to earn money like your mother, it’s easier to buy, your mother achieved everything herself, you know, i never asked for her, oh, yes, i know, i ’ve already heard it 100 times. well, what a resonance the first case of the new judges caused, or will there be more, in my opinion, you are already friends with her, why so much poison already, i’m worried about the reputation of the court, it seems to me that this is envy, both professional and human, i tell you i ask everyone to calm down, we will wait.
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the floor to participate in the proceedings is given to the public prosecutor, in view of the fact that during the trial, they did not find confirmation of the evidence collected during the preliminary investigation, i am forced to completely abandon...
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gennady egorovich, the prosecutor abandoned the charge. thank you, lida, go. i goro, now there was a case, you know, you should call the district prosecutor, let the guys not make noise. yes, you know, i’ll call, i ’ll pick it up right now, and in general, gentlemen, it’s a little embarrassing, one acquittal and so many nerves. is there something to this?
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i'll break your legs, understand? for family stamps, tomorrow on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow at rta. what are you doing here? i... won’t be long, change seats immediately, my wife will come here now, please don’t attract attention, so you’re the wife, i’m the wife, and who are you, it’s you julia, she just gave birth, congratulations, the husband is probably happy , we got divorced, and you are tired, everything is fine, but how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that his mother is not around... but we
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can cope without our mother. the stork brings not only children. only one option. which? you need find a woman. great idea, i couldn't do it myself. yes, listen, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a stork, let's switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from the stork, on saturday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it if you ask , then with a catch, everyone knows the name of which character from... pushkin’s works, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8,8, whatever, whoever is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with
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humor, i would chop down an oak tree, not pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry. set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, brothers, alundra, tigers don’t graze, the jungle has been created, what kind of, actors are working sprouts, i don’t want to be a beefsteak , tigers. according to the stanislavsky system. the tiger is mainly composed of three parts. what does he eat? icon and beef? i read that it feeds on human victims. no predators were harmed during the filming of the film. mystic. striped flight.
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on sunday at rta. the trial court, presided over by a federal judge, considered the klimachkin case. accused of committing crimes under paragraph a, part two of article 112 and part one of article 119 of the criminal code of the russian federation, decided to stop recognizing klimachkin’s right to rehabilitation and compensation for damages associated with criminal prosecution, change the preventive measure against klimachkin and release him in the hall court, send the criminal case materials to the regional prosecutor's office to organize additional investigative actions based on existing facts of violence against a person who is completely or partially incapacitated. klimochkin, do you understand the verdict? yes, of course, thank you, i understand that your mother is a little bit resentful, sometimes, well , sometimes it happens, yes, well, otherwise she wouldn’t
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have achieved what she has today, you know, risky is not the right word, we’re all for you scared the men, what are you saying? uh, wow, it’s me, or something, it’s you, yes, and he, look, look, how big-eared he is, what kind of ears was he, oh, no, but i met my father and mother at the university too, yes, i didn’t meet at the university, yes, but he is in these photographs, well... you shouldn’t talk about this with me say, you know, it seems to me that we offended my mother with you, let’s somehow correct this situation, thank you very much, julia, bring it to me in the stone, mr. lawyer, can i have you for
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a second, yes yours honor, what kind of person is this, he’s in charge of a shelter at a church, klimechkin will be there for now... to live and take care of his health, can you imagine, yours are here, it turns out that not all lawyers are complete cynics, scoundrels, and not all your former friends, former, i don’t know, your honor, you know better, let’s go. goodbye, tatyana sergeevna, yes, i have a company car today, maybe i can give you a ride, i don’t understand, thank you very much another time, they’re already waiting for me, goodbye, goodbye, and i can
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kiss you. sash, turn away, let's go talk, there's a problem, let's go, let's go, what's the problem, the problem is with you, with you. good evening, on air from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing: he exceeded the speed limit, overturned and fell onto a car with children, the culprit is terrible. they saved leningrad from a mine blockade on
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the shores of the gulf of finland and erected a monument to baltic sailors. citizens of russia in st. petersburg solemnly presented passports to young residents of the kherson region and the donetsk people's republic. 18 years to go to the front, at 90 to retire. alexandra ivanova, a resident of the leningrad region, celebrated her centenary. "a gang of criminal restaurateurs was unblocked in st. petersburg, among those detained was the organizer illegal business and personnel of two dubious establishments at once, on kazanskaya street and kadetskaya line. according to the police, these bars made huge profits with the help of so-called consummators, model -looking girls who met wealthy men on the internet and met them in restaurants. there are clients. they drugged them with surrogate alcohol under the guise of elite drinks, and after losing control, the men
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were forced to pay huge bills. the bar mafia included more than 60 people, security guards, waiters, managers, drivers and the girls themselves are models, some of them were under eighteen. my task is to look after the employees, the consumers, and the census takers. consumers, who are they? this is a girl who turns on men and spreads them out into space, breeds them somewhere, right? well, yes, swindlers, among whom were minors, came on dates in premium cars and demonstrated habits of luxurious life, while they persuaded gentlemen to order expensive dishes and drinks, as a result the cost of dinner was tens, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of rubles, according to available information , up to 25 people were caught every day by scammers, the girls received. from the account of each defrauded client, as investigators found out, the criminal business flourished for 2
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years, romantic evenings with a predatory ending brought in more than 2.5 million rubles a month, while four criminal cases of fraud were opened, but according to operational data , we are talking about hundreds of deceived men, the police are identifying all the victims, the culprit of the terrible accident on the ring road will soon appear in court, the st. petersburg prosecutor's office has approved an indictment against the driver... of a twenty-three-year-old migrant. on august 10 last year, on the roundabout, near the junction with the krasnoflotskoe highway, according to investigators , a man exceeded the speed limit and lost control. a multi-ton truck overturned and fell on a foreign car. the female driver was seriously injured. her mother, who was sitting nearby, died on the spot. there were three small children in the car. it's a miracle they weren't hurt. the driver faces up to 5 years of imprisonment. an obelisk of memory was opened in the kengesep district. baltic sailors, those who died during the breakthrough of the so-called mine blockade of leningrad. leonid apanasov
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will continue. the village of gakkova in the west of the leningrad region, stands on the shore of the gulf of finland, almost 200 km from st. petersburg, and only 8 miles from the border with estonia. during the war, there were many ships in these waters, several dozen minesweepers of various displacements. the bay near the village of gakkova was not chosen by chance as a temporary base. here to mina. there were fences nearby and the ships spent less time on the transition, and besides, thanks to the terrain, the minesweepers were well camouflaged, which means they were less vulnerable to attacks by german aircraft. when the blockade on land was broken, the baltic sailors began to break through another ring of minefields. the nazis installed about 60,000 explosive devices in the waters of the gulf of finland, some were attached at the very bottom, some in the water column, some of the infernal machines floated along... the command of the baltic fleet ordered the construction of small ships,
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in just 5 months, 30 hundred-ton minesweepers and more than fifty mine boats were launched, and then more and more. the design is simple, the contours are primitive, there are no radars, only a steam engine and two trawls, but it was these ships that had to clear the baltic channel mines, 130 of them sank. a division of minesweepers in one shift, that is, one shift. this is a daylight working day, because it is already dangerous, but at night it is simply deadly. in one shift like this, the minesweepers covered 10 tacks each... 7 miles long, thus organizing a mine sweeping strip half a mile wide, it is believed that the mine blockade of leningrad was broken on june 5 , 1946, but minesweepers cleared the forvators for another 13 long years, in memory of the heroes this year a monument was opened near the temporary base, the initiators of the project were members of the patriotic
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detachment of the island baltic glory, these lovers of military history erected obelisks on all the islands. very large, antennae stick out from it like rubber bands, sometimes it only puts out a couple of antennae, sometimes a little more, sometimes it allows you to sweep over yourself, sometimes gets caught, many comrades died, more than 5,000 sailors died from mines and from attacks by enemy aircraft, now
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another point in memory of their exploit has appeared on the map of the kingesep region, however, as... members of the detachment say, this does not mean there will be no more memorials. there was an artillery battery in the seaside park, in our city of sosnoy ubor, there is a place where it stood, and again, in honor of these artillerymen, we also want to erect an obelisk. we still have plans when access to other islands will be more or less freely possible, we want to put more on the islands to see what condition these whitewashes are in. when the ceremony was over, everything was quiet on the water. graceful white swans appeared, as if confirming that the shore of the gulf of finland was safe. leonid panasov, mikhail markov, konstantin nikitin, conduct the leningrad region. a two-meter dandelion sculpture, a symbol of goodness and peace, grew in shushary and was installed in the courtyard of the ninety- third school in the pushkin district, on the initiative of activists of the all-russian popular front movement. the ceremony began with
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a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the missile attack on sevastopol on june 23. the author of the sculpture, honorary member of the academy of arts , is grigory pototsky. his dandelion is a bronze design of open palms forming a ball shape. on the appostament is the inscription “kindness and gratitude are the main law of humanity.” according to the author's plan, students, school teachers, and the dandelion shelter that is now growing will think about good things every time they pass by. by the way, st. petersburg collected there is already a whole bouquet of such bronze flowers, for example, they stand on the station square of pulkovo airport and in front of tyuz. in st. petersburg , passports were solemnly presented to young residents of new russian regions. 20 girls and boys from different cities of the donetsk people's republic and the kherson region took the oath. the ceremony, which took place at the museum of russia my history, was attended by state duma deputy elena dropeko, cosmonaut pilot andrei borisenko, and the leadership of the public state organization assembly of peoples russia.
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the head of the northern capital, alexander biglov, also said parting words to the guys. we are all one with you today. a big family called russia, all the difficulties and difficulties that exist today, we will definitely cope with them, because you and i are russians. another important gift for everyone is a copy of the constitution of the russian federation. after the solemn celebration of the stage , the creative part began, young citizens of russia prepared musical numbers. and in the peter and paul fortress they honored the best graduates of st. petersburg universities, this is a city tradition. the ceremony with a red carpet and solemn music took place in the atrium of the commandant's house. the triumph of yesterday's students was observed by their parents, teachers and guests of honor. the best of the best were awarded letters of gratitude and bronze statuettes of sphinxes. 61 students received this symbol of wisdom and intellect of strong character. such a good tradition, which is over 20 years old, but it doesn’t exist,
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let’s say, in moscow, it doesn’t exist in other cities, but the government. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, st. petersburg on june 25 in the leningrad region, cloudy with clearings, short rains from 19 to 22 ° above zero, weather forecasters promise in the afternoon in tikhin and baksitogorsk, dry, partly cloudy
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volkhov, kirishek gadchini and vyborg should be a couple of degrees warmer. in st. petersburg during the day there is no rain, it is moderately windy and clear, in the chamois capital during the day it is no colder than +22 at night. wednesday 14-16° with a plus sign, have a nice day in any weather. 18 years to the front, in 90 for retirement. alexandra ivanova, a resident of the village of shum in the kirovsky district of the leningrad region, celebrated her centenary. sergei zagadsky was visiting alexandra efimovna. alexandra efimovna ivanova is now very hard of hearing, but when the medals on her jacket ring, she can hear. serious and a little detached, at this moment, somewhere deep in her memory, anti-aircraft guns rumble, german planes dive at leningrad soldiers, the earth, torn apart by fascist bombs, rises up in smoke, the woman saw all this with her own
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eyes when she was only 18. at forty in the second year, we girls were drafted into the army, and i was drafted into the army, i served in the army for almost three years, we are sorting through an album with old photographs, the one where... everyone is young and everyone is in military uniform, a whole generation whose share is the most terrible war in history happened, here is alexandra efimovna’s brother, for heroism at the front, he will later receive the order of glory, here is her husband, in 1941 he beat the nazis near kiev, in this tattered gray book, a red army id, her own front-line biography, that you gave, more pleasure, and boots forty-two size, the fortieth anti-aircraft searchlight regiment, all the time on... what plane and where it was flying from, the anti-aircraft gunner transmitted coordinates, in response the nazis precisely bombed them, at the beginning
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of the forty-third , alexandra efimovna received a concussion from a close explosion of a bomb, i lost my hearing, and i didn’t do it for long, and then i was transferred to a signalman, and that’s where this photo came from from the war. on it alexandra efimovna with a front-line friend, together they walked all over europe following the advancing army, helped maintain uninterrupted communications on the front line are again under endless shelling and bombing, an accident happens, i ’m going to connect, look for where the gust is, that’s where you can stop the gust, one time it happened that i was holding everything, the wire was going on and on. in this one she fell into a hole in this one she lost herself, in may 1945, after the victory, there was an accident, in the confusion
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of the army movement the girl was hit by a car, received serious injuries, she was sent to the hospital, then she was discharged. there was a long, peaceful life ahead, the same as that of the whole country, it was necessary to restore destroyed, build a new one, raise children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so that in february 2024 the whole extended family can meet in a cafe. telegrams, postcards and letters, congratulations on the centenary from the president of the country, from the governor of the leningrad region, from organizations and public associations, but the main gift, of course, is the love of the warmth of a large family in which songs are still heard. petrograd. sergey zagadsky, timofey
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chikmarev and yuri smirnov, conduct the leningrad region. this was the news from st. petersburg. all the best. my planet tv channel presents. why are there so many cats on the streets of istanbul? in istanbul, cats are not usually called street cats, much less abandoned; they are considered urban cats and are especially respected by the turks. it is customary to feed the cat and leave bowls of food and water right on the street. hockey, my planet. the climbers have already covered almost half of the path, but the easiest one; now they have slopes in front of them, where they will need special equipment to climb.
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slava, why is the mountain called belukha? this is like a russian name, it is always white, all year round. in general, a beluga whale is the largest center of glaciation not only of the katunsky range, but of the entire altai. there are 170 glaciers with a total area of ​​150 km. five largest glaciers flow from the beluga itself in different directions, to the south, to the north, to the west. knock moreover, belukha is known as an area of ​​very ancient glaciation. it was the glaciers, descending from the mountains, that formed many valleys filled with hidden water. this is how many reservoirs were formed, including lake akkem at the foot. local residents believe that this is a mirror, looking into which a beauty admires her reflection beluga whale
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these border guards replaced their service colleagues who spent a week with belukha, now they will also have to work alongside varfolomeev, however, the timing may change, anything is possible here, there have been cases when border guards had to not only be delayed in doing their work, but also ... such well, from small difficulties, this is somewhere in there, well, challenges, including up to heavy ones, well, that is, there can be rockfalls and icefalls, there have been cases with a fatal outcome, stand to attention, don’t take off duty, that’s right, that’s right, that’s right i order you to act as a guard at the borders of the russian federation; type of patrol; tasks
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; control over compliance with the border regime; border regime in a protected area; a series of questions , no questions; the order is clear; no questions; the order is clear; no questions; the order is clear; no questions; the order is clear; , the border row on the security border step march, to everything else it is worth adding that the highest peak of altai is located in a zone of high... seismicity, fortunately, there are often only micro-earthquakes here, this is due to the intense tectonic uplift of the mountain system that continues to this day, that is, the beluga whale is literally alive, it continues to grow and change, therefore it is of great interest to geologists, we are now at the northern wing
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of katunsky... we are faced with a typical geological outcrop, the task is to make a description of this outcrop, determine its thickness, tectonic structure, age of geological rocks, and also identify the various types of cracks that cut these geological rocks. local geologists carry out work in the capital of the republic in gornoaltaisk and directly. in the mountains, now they are working on the banks of the katun river in the village of mancherok. according to scientists, altai in general and belukha in particular is a museum of a wide variety of geomorphological processes and landforms. altai is a complex mountain system, it belongs to a block-folded mountainous country, it was formed in the paliozoic era of folding, folding
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is about three. billions of years. belukha is located in the central region of altai, in the katunsky range. it has two peaks: eastern and western. where. however, these scientific not everyone is interested in subtleties. many years ago, it was not the height or the number of peaks of the beluga whale that attracted old believers to the altai mountains. they came here in search of the mysterious and beautiful belovodye, and later told roerich about it, who concluded that belovodye and shambhala are one and the same, this is a country of the highest knowledge of justice. belovodye, and there are jelly banks, there are rivers of milk, there everyone loves each other and no one will offend anyone. on belovod you need to go to the city of biysk, and then along the smolensk road to the ustyuba river, and there are mountains there
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stone snow, there is the village of uimon, there are people who will take you 3 days through the hungry steppe to two weeks by sea. we went and looked for belovodye in the village, and otamanovo, and the bachkarevs, and the ognevs. there was plenty of sokolikha in the village, she was no longer young.
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a special board flew to moscow with victims in sevastopol from the attack of the ukrainian armed forces. responsibility for the usa dzemarsh the american ambassador was made in our foreign affairs. in dagestan , the president expressed three days of mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack. russia and the eu found a way to bypass the opinion of hungary to transfer frozen russian goods to ukraine assets. a new day begins on the russia channel
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. the main news in the vera tarasova studio. hello. a special group with victims of the attack in the sssu flew from sevastopol to moscow. there are 22 people on board, including 12 children. this was reported. four people became victims of the monstrous terrorist attack, more than 150 were injured, most remain in hospitals. as stated by our ministry of defense, responsibility for the attack lies primarily with the united states, since it is the western ones. experts select targets and determine flight missions for missiles atakoms. they were the ones who flew to the sevastopol beach with vacationers. this was stated to the american ambassador lyn tracy. she was called to mid and made a demarche. earlier, maria zakharova promised that russia would seek a response to the attack on sevastopol from international organizations. at the same time, the west reacted almost nothing to the tragedy. us and european officials remained silent. the investigative committee opened a case under the article terrorist act. yana shcherbaty will continue from sevastopol.
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in the city of mourning , flags on administrative buildings have been lowered and all entertainment and sporting events. there are dozens of people in hospitals, of the 153 victims of the ukrainian missile attack, more than 80 are hospitalized, including children. how are you feeling? first of all, thank you to the doctors, our special ones, of course, i really want to say words of gratitude to the fourth hospital. and soon the work of our ambulance specialists was organized there, depending on the fact that on the day off from different points of the city everyone quickly arrived at their workplaces, a state of emergency was declared in sevastopol, the beach in uchkuevka is still closed, there may still be unexploded cluster munitions there, and sappers and divers continue to examine the area. the terrible tragedy claimed the lives of four people, two of them children, there was even a lot of panic, the beach lifeguards helped people - they covered them up, hid them in a shelter if possible, and showed people
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where to run. the ukrainian military hit sevastopol with five missiles supplied to kiev by the united states. as noted, the ministry of defense introduces flight missions for missiles american specialists based on their satellite intelligence data. that is why washington primarily bears responsibility for the deliberate attack on civilians. the russian ministry of foreign affairs stated that they would seek a response from international organizations to this crime. jaana cerbaty. words of support are coming from all over the world in connection with the attack in dagestan ; the president of kazakhstan expressed condolences to vladimir putin during a telephone conversation. kassym jamar takayev strongly condemned the terrorist attack in dagestan and a missile attack on civilians in sevastopol. the head of uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev, also expressed condolences over the phone in connection with the terrorist attacks in makhachkala. the leaders of belarus condemned the attacks on civilians by police officers.
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iran, israel and egypt. the ruling turkish justice and development party stated its deep regret over the deaths in dagestan.
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became the krayan machine-building plant, there was a large warehouse of missile and artillery weapons, among other things made in the west, there shortly before the arrival, a group of foreign instructors arrived, about ten were eliminated. immediately after the strike , the ammunition detonation began in the warehouse, and the building was completely burned out. meanwhile, on the southern sector of the front alone, russian units killed more than 600 militants in one day, the ministry of defense reported. and this is how the artillery of the southern group of troops
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disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units in the donetsk direction, there on...


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