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tv   Taini sledstviya-12  RUSSIA1  June 25, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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the public strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and expressed condolences. the head of dagestan , sergei merikhov, said that the families of the victims will receive compensation of one million rubles, and the victims up to 500 thousand. with weapons in hand, defending the world. russian troops launched a new massive attack on the military infrastructure of odessa. it is reported that the main target was the krayan engineering plant. there was a large warehouse of missile and artillery weapons there. among other things western production. the group arrived there shortly before arrival foreign instructors, about ten were liquidated. immediately after the strikes , the detonation of ammunition began in the warehouse, and the building was completely burned out. meanwhile, on the southern sector of the front alone, russian units killed more than 600 militants in one day, the ministry of defense reported. and so, the artillery of the southern group of troops disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units in the donetsk direction, where our military improved
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the situation along the front line and hit enemy positions near konstantinovka and kurakhov. in these shots they are storming the chachovo yar. it is becoming increasingly difficult for nationalists to maintain their positions. like in the kherson region, where enemy deployment sites are hit by aerial bombs. in the avdiivka direction, the fpv drone knocked out another american max pro armored car. and on kharkovsky, fierce battles broke out in the volchansk area, where a ukrainian counterattack was repelled. assault groups. the first tranche of profits from frozen russian assets will go to ukraine next week, jose barrel announced this at a meeting of eu foreign ministers in luxembourg. the european diplomat explained that the long at one time, the sticking point was the hungarian veto, but now a complex mechanism has been developed to bypass it, thanks to which budapest will not be able to influence the decision. at the same time, the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia was adopted, which was the first time. liquefied gas has entered, we are talking about
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the re-export of fuel through european ports to third countries, with no restrictions for europe itself. but brussels prohibited its businessmen from connecting to the financial messaging system of our analogue swift and exchanging money translations. it was not without further restrictions on freedom of speech to close europeans’ access to a number of russian media. don't switch. in yakutia, resources are being increased to combat forest fires; the area of ​​fires in the republic has already grown to 460 hectares; more than a thousand people have been involved in extinguishing them, including paratroopers and airborne forest protection personnel. the main task is to protect populated areas from fire. a state of emergency is in effect. read more vitaly prokopyev. black charred marks on the body of the earth look like burns from a height, clearly you can see where. the fire is rushing, the team
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of air firefighters is ahead of the curve, specialists do not immediately approach the burning forest , first the fire needs to be localized, for this we use a high -power detonating cord, the firefighters lay it a couple of kilometers from the edge, we attach the waveguide to the machine and we will carry out the explosion with the machine, as soon as the preparation process is completed, everyone retreats to a safe distance, the wave from the explosives is so strong that it shakes the ground. mineralized strips prevent fire advance further, but in order to completely extinguish the forest fire, the ovelesokhrana fighters will have to face the elements face to face. complicating the fight against fires is the terrain, hills, swamps and sharp cliffs; it takes a lot of time to get from point to point. we walked somewhere for 5-6 days, at first we walked a kilometer, and then there were long distances, due to the remoteness of the hills, the mountainous terrain, and there was no water. if.
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there is a possibility, they try to set up a camp closer to bodies of water in order to quickly replenish reserves of liquid in backpacks, because it rains infrequently in these parts. the sun is now at the peak of its activity and in the northern regions it practically does not set beyond the horizon; its powerful rays are constantly heated by dry moss, which is abundant in swampy areas, which is why the number of forest fires is growing so quickly. the number of natural fires is increasing, now there are more than 160 of them, and the total area exceeds. 450,000 hectares, and this does not include landscape fires, the forces in the region continue to increase. joint through the efforts of the forest protection service and the ministry of emergency situations of russia , it is possible to contain the fire at the peak, all information is quickly transferred to the operational headquarters, and here all possible measures and decisions are taken so that the fight against forest fires in the region is carried out as effectively as possible. vitaly prokopyev, alexander knyazev, ilarion fedorov, news of yakutia. all news is always available on the media platform. we watch it in the application or on the website. 1:20
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catch me if you can, the situation is really complicated, so uptight, seemingly a man at first glance, on friday at 21:30. good morning, good morning. allow me to greet you, because at the beginning of a new day you have guides to the coming tuesday, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov are with you today , hello, you somehow doubted us, i doubted whether it’s tuesday, is it tuesday, that’s what i doubted, tuesday, tuesday we want to start it with a good positive story,
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we’ll tell you how in the moscow region they were looking for a domesticated deer, domestic is the key word here, during a thunderstorm the animal, greatly frightened, ran away from the farm, but in the wild. he lost a lot of weight, but now everything will be fine, the veterinarians examined the northern handsome man, gave him a portion of yagili with fresh grass, a triple portion, oh, there really are a lot of gadflies, i was worried, but such a story, even in school textbooks in our country and at home, we, however , to modern educational materials. russians have a lot of questions, parents consider the presentation inconvenient, incomprehensible, there are prints, and outright mistakes, oksana sirova looked into why such books do not cover up the images. what do you think if their friends met with each other, they would have to measure their
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height. did you understand anything? no, and really, go figure out what the author wanted to say with this wording. so ekaterina has to decipher it for her son, because... why write it down like this for a schoolchild’s young age doesn’t seem to work, high school student svyatoslav also complains about the incomprehensibly complex presentation. i even have a real example, where i spent the whole day solving a problem, i asked my teacher, even he could not find an explanation, a solution to this problem, in one of the textbooks there was this task, yes, a circle was given,
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such a triangle was drawn, it was necessary to find x, it is easy to find using similarity and x = 5, but if you look at this triangle, then it turns out that these two sides are equal to five sums, and this the triangle does not exist, outright errors, blunders, incomprehensible and inconvenient presentation of the material, the vast majority of russians are dissatisfied with the quality of modern school textbooks, as much as 95%, which means the problem is serious, too spatial, nothing precise, i read, i don’t understand what they want, but what about the children understand it there, the theory is very poorly presented and complex, experts say that the problem is poor editorial work and tight deadlines, if previously school textbooks... took years to hand in, now they do it in just a few months. maybe we are sometimes in a hurry with the approval and inclusion of textbooks in the federal list? let some time pass; in principle, we are in no hurry to ensure that the textbooks first pass their
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approval on a small group of students, and then are launched throughout the country. it was many years of testing that was the secret of the quality of soviet textbooks, experts say. this means that it would be good to return it; specialists have other proposals. here it would be possible, of course, to announce a competition for the creation of different versions of textbooks within the framework of current federal standards, and then the competition commission would objectively evaluate the merits and demerits of each of these textbooks. secondly, of course, this is measured and systematic, a good product does not tolerate haste, especially since the price of this haste is too high, it is the quality education of young russians.
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we saw in the plot or some complex questions were formulated inappropriately with age, a decision was made, and over the past two years the procedure for preparing the textbook has been changed.
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this is a teacher, and now our task is to have a specific textbook for each program, that is, the unity of the programs will not allow us to make the mistakes that you outlined, but in addition, we have today formed an institute for the examination of textbooks on the basis of the institute, we are used to it there , by the way, experts from the russian academy of sciences, from the institutes of the academy of sciences, the academy of education, we are attracting a wide pool of experts, more than 200 people, who will prepare: examinations for new unified textbooks, and maxim aleksandrovich, there are sciences that do not change, it is clear that there is some kind of research now, literature must be updated, supplemented, geography, technology there, well, mathematics, while many of my colleagues and i note that what we taught and how we learned in clear, clear ways then very real life examples, andrei had four apples, he gave me two, well, conditionally, we somehow divided it, so it’s unclear, but then return it. well, that is , somehow some very real-life examples, now the program seems to be completely different,
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why change it, well, in terms of mathematics, especially for primary schoolchildren? from the point of view of methodology, approaches to psychophysiological age-related features are changing, accordingly it should be reflected in the textbook, because again, so to speak, one of the greats said, the textbook is a reflection of the modern education system, up to 2026-27 it is assumed that it is planned that for all educational... history of russia, yes, they have passed the examination, currently we are working, including additional testing, with school staff, school groups, groups of authors of history fifth-ninth grade, social studies, geography is also being prepared and tested at the same time; very often we communicate with scientists. who come to us, who work in acting and, and say that the textbooks are modern, they also have children,
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textbooks, i don’t say, the queen of sciences, clear, yes, understandable, where research has gone ahead, textbooks say they are not updated, that is, everything is already, well, not that it’s completely wrong, but it’s been adjusted, to the extent that modern research somehow needs to be taken into account on children’s paper, indeed, before the federal list textbooks have been updated very rarely, currently changes are in order downwards. what a wonderful new textbook that came out, i’ll give you two, i think that parents will also be
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optimistic, you need to adjust quickly and release it for the younger ones classes, because copies break there, tenth eleventh grade you are already and you won’t see your child at home, not that i will be happy to refresh my knowledge, thank you for this, the director of the institute for educational development strategy maxim kostenko answered our question, thank you very much sonechka, i love you very much. i really miss. premiere on russia channel. ilya, where is sonya? we really need her. if you sign a sincere agreement, you will be released from prison in 8 years. if we want to frame her, we need her free. she doesn't like hydrangeas. bumblebee. i'll break your legs, okay? i have a seal for the family. today at 21:20 on the russia channel. let's show you the compass now. which is not always indicated by simber, it was invented by an american, and why is it asked, so that
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there is more romance in life, the red arrow can be tied to absolutely any point on the map, for example, to set the target at home, a place of burial or a tourist site, the device is only intended , old-fashioned inside the most modern navigation electronics, the second arrow shows the distance to the target, the device, of course, will not be a full-fledged replacement for the traditional complex, but it can serve to strengthen each other, but this is not certain, well , on the other hand, dear, i’m hastening to you, this is just from the same series, after all, of course, physicists are like that here are the lyrics, the practical development of scientists.
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in this case, this should not happen, then , so that when returning home, the young man does not forget about the exercises, this smart device will monitor, after we have secured it, we once again evaluate that he is lying correctly, after that we turn on the block, which will record data and transmit it via bluetooth to the phone, since the patient had plastic surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament, he will have certain limitations in terms of angles with... as expected, a postoperative knee artesis, this device supports the joint, limits certain movement, but in addition, it has built-in sensors that sense muscle activity and also an accelerometer and gyroscopes to understand what position the leg is in. this data is transmitted to the smartphone, it works a virtual rehabilitation therapist who gives the patient all kinds of tasks. therapeutic
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gymnastics begins in the starting position lying on your back. is that all? is the person doing the right thing, how difficult is the exercise for him and does the training program need to be adjusted? thanks to the vartese sensors , it is not difficult for the digital instructor to notice all this, but in addition, the data is sent to the doctor in the form of a short report. the doctor sees how much time the patient has been working out, with what intensity he has been working out, how much of the total activity he actually was engaged, because how long the patient was engaged and how long the patient was in artesi are two different things. studies show that with such control, patients can recover. almost twice as fast and subsequently they do not experience complications, such as contracture, that is, restrictions in the movement of the joint. today , scientists have received a patent for this development and are going to organize a service so that everyone who needs it can rent such a device. and then fashionable accessories for sleep. noise protection, which can be unusual decoration, don’t miss the main thing
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not to oversleep after a few minutes. i'm home already. man, i’m not galya, i’m with good news, my salary will be five times more, come in, galya, galya, galya, where did you get such a beauty, in the alcoholic beverages department, there’s a huge selection, the highlight of our collection, 38 years old excerpts, show me, the famous jakunda, well, wanguk, why do they look like that? everyone noted, you can do more, i’m just starting to come to my senses, stories of a big country, on friday on rtr, i
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love you very much, i really...
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let's neck, and so, i went too far, take off your shirt, my god, on saturday. i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, that means, i don’t
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see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, that’s terrible, we shouldn’t let this happen, oh, you don’t have a thought without flowers, why bother? well, well, thank you. i'm warning you, when you're with her, we're with her. no, i'm warning you. i have intentions serious. divorce with obstacles. on saturday on rtr. june 11, 2023. the city of temnikov, the eighteen-year-old son of businessmen evgeniy lugunov causes a fatal accident. he hit denis. on which he and his daughter were riding bicycles, the man died from the herbs he received, for a whole year the wife and mother of the deceased have been trying to initiate a criminal case, in their opinion the case has stalled because of malagunov’s father, ivan
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martenevsky, who has great influence in the city’s criminal trail. all the details are in our investigation, malakhov is on today rtr. we are convinced again, and you will be convinced of this too, cats. after all, the best antidepressant, you see, investigators from mexico seriously decided to evaluate the therapeutic effect of videos with pets and cat memes, and for this they conducted a large-scale online survey. the participants almost unanimously admitted that cats, and they are worse than a cup of coffee, dramatically improve mood and at the same time lower the level of stress, which is paradoxical, the productivity of office workers by auto-gazing at cats only increases, what an indulgence that you things are going well, let's see. what should i wear, but what else is now popular on the internet, jewelry made from earplugs, that is, not only practical, but beautiful, and dear, are you
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making videos about earplugs again, can you even hear me, no, a new trend among internet youth use earplugs, previously they were considered a must-have, exclusively for people with insomnia, today earplugs are a super fashionable accessory, and it’s not surprising, because they are increasingly being used. used as unusual decorations, the number and variety of earplugs today is amazing: blue, green, red or pink, you can change it at least every day to match the color of your outfit, this is a universal option, it will go with everything. by the way, if you are still at a loss, how to wear this fashionable jewelry of yours correctly, if you always keep it in your ears. then you can’t hear anything, and if you constantly take them off and put them on, it’s easy to lose them, don’t worry, zoomers have provided for this, they attach earplugs to their earrings, as
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a result, a stylish accessory can be easily taken off and put on, and today the network is full of master classes on making jewelry with earplugs, you will need a base for earrings, a couple of chains and any beads, butterflies, sparkles of your choice. by the way, in addition to aesthetic, ears continue to perform a purely practical function; many simply do not realize how much noise there is in our everyday life; we cannot do without ear protection, internet users assure. are you sleeping, honey? okay, now we’ll test your earplugs for strength, okay, next? not some fast food, but homemade food, according to grandma’s recipes, what could be better, yeah, and healthier, because these dishes offer life, yes, who has been trying to confirm this for years, well
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, at least for the first 100-150 years, after all, it’s been 800 years of jews, i’ve been teaching, when you’re 900 years old, you won’t look good, oh, that’s it, but eat and longevity , we’ll talk in detail after the news, well, what’s the barbecue, well, don’t wait any longer, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. this is the morning news, we will talk about the main thing in russia abroad, the ver tarasov studio. hello, heinous crime of inhumane acts of attack. foreign leaders and the russian public convicted. according to the latest data , more than 15 police officers, as well as several civilians, including an orthodox priest, became victims of the attacks.
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three days of mourning have been declared in the region. sarkar magomedov. will continue, here they delivered the main blow, to the head of dagestan they show the consequences of the attack on the main jewish temple of derbent. the derbend synagogue, now it looks like this, part of the building burned out, the main one, where services and prayers took place, in addition, the gate itself was broken. at the time of the attack, none of the parishioners were inside, only the guard, whom the criminals killed , set the building on fire, then fired at the police. went to the church, where proteerius nikolai kotelnikov died at their hands. according to nak, there were two terrorists, both were eliminated. on june 23, members of an organized group carried out armed attacks on religious buildings located in makhachkala and derbent. in the course of suppressing criminal activities, five persons involved in the attacks were eliminated and their identities were established. the attack on derbend occurred simultaneously with the attack to makhachkala, in which
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a synagogue and a church were also targeted. parishioners of svyatou. the cathedral managed to barricade itself inside, but the guard entered into battle with the terrorists and died heroically. both groups of attackers were eventually eliminated, but at the cost of the lives of police officers. the authorities of dagestan are confident that the terrorist attack was carried out with the aim of splitting society and the interfaith world in the republic. the connections of terrorists both abroad and domestically are being checked. preliminarily, among the attackers there are children of one of the heads of the regions of dagestan. three days of mourning have been declared in the republic. the memory of the victims was honored at the ministry of internal affairs. today there are portraits of murdered police officers. carrying flowers to churches under attack. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, vesti dagestan. actions in memory of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces on sevastopol are taking place today throughout the country. in crimea, residents bring candles, flowers and children's toys to spontaneous memorials. people come to honor the memory of the victims of the missile attack and express condolences to the families of the victims and the injured. in donetsk and in mariupol, flowers and toys are carried to the anchor, which was donated to the city by sevastopol
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sailors. together with sevastopol, the whole country mourns the zaporozhye region. in memory of the dead residents of saransk, the lamp of the family monument is lit near the temple in honor of admiral ushakov. tears, flowers, words of support at memorial signs at the sevastopol steel in smolensk and volgograd. in other news, vtb plans to open 300 new offices, including in new regions of the country. the first branch will appear there this year. bank development strategy vladimir putin discussed at a meeting with the head of vtb.
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everything high-tech and import-substituting, this is work with small-medium businesses, and this is active work with the population, including in the regions, we have put this at the forefront for the next 3 years, a more active campaign in the regions, we are our bank today its network covers approximately 50 million citizens, in 3 years we plan to have 100, we want to open 300 new offices in these 3 years, of which 200 are in places where we are not present today, these are mainly in small medium-sized cities, and thus, here by the end during this three-year period, we plan that our offices will be in all 89 regions of the russian federation and in approximately 700 cities. in addition, the range of bank services in crimea will expand significantly, among the priority areas is increasing the volume of lending to crimean and sevastopol enterprises. russian warships fired at air and sea targets in the sea of ​​okhotsk and
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the sea of ​​japan. this is part of the two-way. tactical exercise of groups of forces of the pacific fleet, which is taking place these days with the participation of four dozen ships, boats and support vessels. at the first stage , deck helicopters were engaged in reconnaissance, searching for a mock enemy, and practiced camouflage from unmanned boats using smoke screens. the second stage of the training was a naval battle with shooting. this is a message, don't switch. heavy fighting continues in the kharkov direction; units of the north group defeat the enemy. active support is provided by the artilleryman. hurricane heavy multiple launch rocket systems are capable of hitting various targets, both at the front edge, so in the depths of the defense line. alexander korobov observed the calculations. hiding a twenty-ton colossus in a forest thicket is not easy, but fighters have long mastered the art of camouflage. at the first signal, the crew is ready
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to begin work. a hurricane, like... natural phenomena, knows no barriers, and in fact, this combat vehicle can handle everything. with its range , this technique has superiority over the enemy. this equipment fires at a distance of 36 km due to which we have the opportunity to destroy enemy artillery. today on the battlefield, multiple rocket launchers occupy a worthy place; they are especially necessary where, over a fairly large area, you need to quickly and efficiently smash everything into pieces. a salvo of a full package of sixteen missiles covers an area of ​​about a little more than 40 hectares, this is a medium- sized airfield, but now they rarely shoot like that, mostly they hit in a targeted manner. despite its advanced age, it is still considered a hurricane. an effective weapon, its advantages include speed of deployment, high maneuverability and ammunition power. the vehicle itself is very mobile, can be passed everywhere, quickly turns around, quickly collapses, and very quickly launches, let’s say, a missile strike on enemy positions.
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a five-meter high-explosive fragmentation rocket weighs 280 kg, while a charge of 100 kilos falls on the enemy pigeons, an explosion of incredible power. a close relationship with scouts helps prevent precious shells from being wasted. uav crews at the forefront not only identify targets, but also help artillerymen adjust fire. all, let's say, rockets hit right on target. with the help, let's say, of our fellow uavs. all shells were fired with precise strikes, one of the temporary deployment points of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov direction was destroyed. at the firing position, the sky is clear, but it’s better to be there. in the irkutsk region , three bears were released into the wild; they were found in the forest a year
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ago, saved from death, the animals were treated in a nursery, and they were deliberately rarely contacted, so that later it would be easier for the clubfoot to return to their natural environment. read more alina novosardyan. still sleepy, but already ready for an important trip, curious. they look around and, most importantly, feel calm, because there will definitely be stops for snacks along the way. and then the favorite delicacy - condensed milk, as you can see from the faces, there was enough for everyone. three bears, two girls, one boy are returning home to the forest, driving with the wind, all the drivers' eyes are focused only on them. the fate of clubfoot is difficult. a year ago , they were found in the forest as very young children, people rescued them and brought them to the irkutsk nursery. the employees made dens for them, like they say they are very similar to the real thing, so the cubs felt at home there.
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they successfully overwintered, grew up, gained weight and became stronger, and are now ready for independent living. if in captivity they live in cage conditions, they can live 40-50 years. and for a wild animal it’s ours. several hours of travel, finally in the slyudyansk region, far from people, factories and cars, the bears find themselves in their natural habitat, in the summer in the forest there will be a lot of food for them, berries, grass, by winter the cubs will even have time to get fat, cubs, get ready, here they are, the first steps into an unfamiliar but familiar environment, at first a timid acquaintance with the outside world, and then frolic. leaping forward to freedom. by the way, as noted by the nursery staff, the cubs were not given names on purpose in order to limit social contact. now it will be easier for them to get used to life in the wild. alina novosardyan, leading irkutsk. all news is always available on the media platform let's watch.
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stay with us. june 11, 2023. temnikov city. the eighteen-year-old son of businessmen evgeny lugunov causes a fatal accident. he hit denis ochkin, who , together with his daughter, was riding... a bicycle, the man died from his injuries, for a whole year the wife and mother of the deceased have been trying to initiate a criminal case, in their opinion, the case has stalled because of lagunov’s stepfather, ivan martenevsky, who has great influence in the city and a criminal trail. all the details are in our investigation. malacha, today at 16:30. no, i don’t cry or sob, i answer all questions openly. how are you feeling? what was your favorite song as a child? to ask questions. and not a single step will get closer to the solution. will we have any clues perhaps? may be. this groan will become a song for us. catch me if you can. great music show. brilliant. on friday at 21:30. come on,
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come on with a smile. more more more. great. okay, so, morning of russia, sleep through the main thing, good morning, good morning, we are in a hurry to come to you, we are coming to you to start tuesday together, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, together with you today, hello, today andrey and i took on a brain exercise , well, such primitive, of course, addition, subtraction, division, and what prompted us to do this, but look at the record that exists, it... by the way, it only becomes more significant every day. there are sisters living in the united states whose total
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age at the time the achievement was recorded was 571 years and 300 days. the youngest is 88, the age of the eldest has passed the century mark. but american women are full of strength and enthusiasm. every year they gather in one house and go on a picnic. this tradition was started by their mother; memories of childhood and youth are allowed in nature, because everyone has experienced more than one significant event in history: a pandemic, war k. they found out that the one who prefers home-cooked food lives longer than the one who likes fast food, about grandfathers 91, about grandmothers 92, for all people this is a lot, rarely does anyone live to that age, as adults say. explains eight-year-old mila, she herself, like everyone else at this age, is absolutely
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sure that she will live up to 100 years, and maybe longer, that’s what’s interesting, her great-grandfather, the doctor , is also convinced that her right-hand daughter has every chance, genetics is of course important, but there is one simple rule that he adheres to all his life, the secret of longevity is making the right choice, nutrition, such a regular diet, even in the most difficult times. we ate more vegetables; we sat down at the table at the same time every day, grown with our own hands on our own plot. if you look at the list of countries where there are traditionally many centenarians, experts say, and look at their plates, something becomes clear. countries and regions of the caucasus, meat, vegetables, sour milk, cheese, asians, where rice and fish are everything. mediterranean, seafood, all kinds and vegetables as the basis of the diet and a minimum of fast carbohydrates everywhere. alas, exactly they are submitted. if a person
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consumes more than 60% carbohydrates in his cardiovascular diet, then the risk of overall mortality and life expectancy increases. carbohydrates are the main reason for the mortality rate and the expected decrease in bread, porridge, instant food, potatoes, baked goods, sweets, in general, all the most delicious things, and what a sin it is that are loved by children and adults. well, yes, i’m playing around with what? well, cookies, sweets, as usual. it’s hard for me to give up chocolate, but in order to attend my grandchildren’s wedding, it’s better to reconsider my diet, i did that at one time muscovite ekaterina, switched from bread and buns to the mediterranean diet, greens, vegetables and protein are very well combined, yes, and this is a very easily digestible food, including fiber, it helps protein digest, and not only, it is fiber that removes all toxins from intestines and thereby renews our body, fiber is the most important factor for starting. many processes of detoxification of the body, the better
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the self-cleansing of the body occurs, the better it is restored, the longer it will serve us, it is green vegetables, by the way, that are better most of all, they cope with the ongoing inflammation that occurs during the aging process; low-fat cheese, olive oil, beans, and nuts are also capable of this, but if you boil everything down to the proverbial plate of a long-liver, then ideally, regardless of the country of residence, it should look like this: half it is allocated to vegetables and fruits, one quarter is carbohydrates, but complex, this is brown rice or our usual buckwheat, another... one quarter is proteins, but not necessarily seafood and fish, red meat or poultry twice a week are also acceptable. the chance of a long life increases if you eat all this in small portions and cook it yourself. and now you can squeeze the same orange juice at home, if only you had something from it, that’s how the largest producers of the drink from the usa and brazil say that orange trees have suffered due to a bacterial disease for which a cure has not yet been found. carries the bacterium. insect, because of it the fruits become green and bitter, unsuitable for either food
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or juice, and the trees themselves die within a few years, resulting in a decline harvest prices for this drink in the united states jumped by 20%. well, it sounds kind of dramatic, but we’ll find out right now whether this is all true in the future of this orange swarm. with us is elena imbatatorova, senior researcher at the all-russian plant quarantine center, candidate of biological sciences. elena yurievna, good morning. but to be honest, the fact that orange juice will disappear. as we looked, they reported in the twenty-first year, in the twenty-second what was happening, they were raising the price, well, in this case , i have a lot of optimism that orange juice will not disappear even if. there will be less of it, we will probably find some worthy alternative to it, among citrus fruits or among other plants typical of russia. well, by the way, you said well about the alternative, we really are not in some kind of vacuum, either orange juice or nothing, it’s easily possible if people who only like oranges, and tangerines seemed to be nearby, but already
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other, but tangerines can be used, by the way, yes, tangerines can be used for squeezing juice; moreover, tangerines are much more convenient to grow; we haven’t only been told about oranges for many years. again , unexpectedly, everything is fine with coffee, because in nature, firstly, nature, we have climate changes, and society adapts flexibly, to this , agriculture, of course, also cannot help but respond to climate challenges, hence the question: challenges, which we outlined at the very beginning, that they cannot yet find a solution to these bacteria, are they looking for? already for sure, well , of course, why were we told about failure this one is in the production of orange juice, because when there was some kind of failure from the previous harvest of frozen orange juice, it went on the market, actually leveling out all those failures of this year, now they say, since a few, perhaps, because now they say that several years were unsuccessful,
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therefore all the previous reserves, that the area under cultivation has decreased, the area under plantations has decreased, this greening disease, yes, because it is carried by pests, and if they send it to us oranges, which means that with this cover, cat, leaf cover, ours will become infected, there is no culture, the rosselkhoznadzor service will stand guard and, of course, will not allow infection, the feeling is that today, somehow you don’t think about citrus fruits, we have strawberries now, cherries, now cherries, some zither. we have wonderful forest berries, which are now actively grown, which have more vitamins than these, and they contain less of those allergenic substances, yes, essential oils that we are afraid of in oranges, everything
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they think that wild berries are somehow closer to us, they’re like strawberries, they’re more like princely, ice cream. krasnika is a berry from sakhalin, similar to lingonberries, costenia, blueberries, all of this is now actively grown, even in gardens, there are a lot of our varieties, such scientific developments are underway, the academy, by the way, is very actively involved in this, who else would do this it’s interesting, we sorted it out, thank you, our guest was elena yambatorova, a senior researcher at the russian plant quarantine center, candidate of biological sciences, thanks a lot.
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the chemical industry in the country is gaining momentum, enterprises are joining the national labor productivity project to increase operational efficiency and develop the production of new materials. there are already more than 600 companies across the country within the framework of the national project. state support helps not only to create a modern productive system, but also to adapt to restrictions in the labor market. literally on the shop floor. work, this volgograd enterprise is mastering the production of new goods for import substitution. we set up operational control, control of raw materials, finished products, and semi-finished products at all stages of the production process. we have a lot of new interesting modern equipment in our laboratory. previously , mainly chemical products for industry came off the assembly line;
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now they are setting up a line of cosmetics . at the moment, our monthly output is 700 tons per month. and we sell products worth about 260 million rubles. over 14 years, the company has accumulated a wealth of experience, but the company’s management decided to turn to federal colleagues for advice on how to competently scale production. competence center experts helped reduce costs and increase profits. we participated in this program for six months, we trained ourselves, and now we are training all our employees. we have a separate team that deals only with scaling the competencies acquired in the national project. already at all our other sites, the figures speak for themselves; labor productivity at the enterprise has doubled, and production has also increased by the same amount. products per shift, all this, of course, affected the growth of profits. over the past year , employees' wages have already been indexed here twice; as part of the government's strategic initiative to develop the production of new materials
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, a new workshop is being prepared for launch at the volgograd enterprise; a special adhesive composition has been developed here, allowing for 100% recycling of plastic bottles along with the label. another striking example of innovation and innovation is tambob chemists at the largest production facility in the region paint and varnish materials and polymer processing, labor productivity increased by more than 50%. based. labor, workers in production, improve conditions . it was also possible to reduce physical stress and also ensure workplace safety. this is a packaging unit for finished sulphaamic acid products. there were two people unloading here who...
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in total , more than 6 thousand enterprises with total revenue of over 17 trillion rubles and a total number of employees are participating in the national labor productivity project employees more than one and a half million people and then 1 2 3 4 5 go out and play medieval games or games from the early 19th century, we’ll tell you where you can have fun in a few minutes.
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i can call you maestro, i can, maestro, yeah, i can, it means he fooled you, and you’re glad, so he needs
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some fool to be attracted to him, who’s the fool, it’s me who’s the fool, i’d like a number book at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid a... and hold, hold, hold, hold, us immediately, one room, one city, st. petersburg, small city, nowhere to have dinner, only love, vasilisa, this is vasily, please call me back, i’m looking for a travel companion, on friday on rtr, every time i cry. it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down in the hallway on the floor and said, i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that
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animals were simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be in harm’s way at the wedding, the main thing that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr, brothers, malundra! on the ship tigers are grazing, the jungle has been created, what kind of actors have been working since they were old, i don’t want to be a steak, tigers according to stanislavsky’s system, a tiger basically consists of three parts, but what does it eat, both horse meat and beef, and i read that it is human feeds on prey, no predator was harmed during the filming of the film, mysticism. striped flight, on sunday at rta, well, that’s how it is. this is how it was intended, not just any
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abandoned construction site, just a construction site, it could be a children’s playground, this was specially equipped in australia, old tires, battered pallets, reels of wires, pipes of different sizes and diameters, children can climb trees, build huts, rip their pants and lose sandals, well, you understand that the center of gravity of all children is a huge dirty puddle, in a pack so that no professional dry cleaning won't help anymore, but we grew up like that and no one provided us with a home. are we these fairies from three garden watering cans, but you can see what our ancestors played in the museums of the moscow kremlin: an exhibition of antique tabletop games has opened in the armory chamber games, cards, puzzles from the middle ages to the beginning of the 20th century. i’m generally delighted with everything, i want to play, to be honest. and this is a completely understandable desire, especially since the rules of most of the games included in the amazing composition are familiar to us, or almost
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familiar, for example, if you have never played hanifatafl, it doesn’t matter, it’s ancient. the viking game vaguely resembles checkers. this is an amazing set, also because the chips are made of glass and decorated with gold. initially, these chips were, of course, a luxury item, of the highest level. like most board games centuries ago, only wealthy people could afford such leisure, so many artifacts are real works of art made of precious metals, stones and valuable wood, backgammon, a forgotten backgammon, always relevant checkers and chess. made with figures. chess is human here, we really liked it, i was especially attracted by the chess made from pink from margin, from margin, from margin dice. by the way, this artifact is especially popular among visitors to the exhibition and not only in an unusual color, the figures were personally turned on a lathe by the terrible catherine the great herself. among monarchs it was a fairly popular pastime,
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making something with one’s own hand, well, this is such a personal gift from... to the mercy of the monarch. however, according to experts, this is far from the only precedent when monarchs personally participated in the creation of playing sets and the development of their sketches. in soviet times , russian style cards were rightfully considered the most popular deck, but few people know that they depict members the royal family in ballroom attire, for example, this card is decorated with nicholas ii in the costume of tsar alexei mikhailovich, the second of the romanov family on the throne. during whose reign gambling was not only prohibited, but also punished by law, like this. it’s a paradox, but, as historians emphasize, for example, peter ii was not a sucker for excitement and loved to play spillikins. it’s surprising that these days it has become synonymous with an empty pastime, because it is an excellent training for both eye and strategic thinking, and the first table walkers, which appeared in the 19th century, travel games also had an educational function, for example, they helped teach geography. the principle was that they walked like a train and
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moved from one city to another. each showcase of the exhibition invites you to travel back to the times when... this or that game was at the height of fashion, and at the same time find out why, we will not reveal all the secrets, it is worth seeing with your own eyes, it will be interesting for adults and children, the exhibition is open until september 11, further control by all available means, methods of supervision over we will discuss former criminals convicted of serious crimes after the news. a special board arrived in moscow with victims in sevastopol from the attack of the ukrainian armed forces. responsibility lies with the united states; the demarche to the american ambassador was made in our form. in dagestan, three days of mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack, the president expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims. a package of sanctions against russia and the eu found a way to
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bypass the opinion of hungary to transfer frozen russian ones to ukraine. this is a broadcast we will tell about the main thing, in the studio vera tarasova, hello, from sevastopol to moscow a special board arrived with victims of the vsso attack; there were 22 people on board, 12 of them children, the ministry of emergency situations reported this. the horrific terrorist attack killed four people and injured more than 150, most of whom remain in hospitals. as stated in our ministry of defense , responsibility for the strike lies primarily with the united states. the sevastopol beach with peaceful vacationers was struck. maria zakharova promised that russia would seek a response to the attack on sevastopol from international organizations, while the west reacted almost nothing to the tragedy. from sevastopol will be continued by yana shcherbaty. this is what the beach in uchkuevka looks like now, it is still closed, explosives experts and sappers have examined
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the entire shore, and the main work is now being carried out at sea. visible all over the beach. traces of this terrible tragedy, for example, the place where people fled from shelling, covered themselves with furniture, later it was here that they were given first aid, this is the crater left from the cassette, this is where the ammunition once... they are also on the furniture, which stands a few meters from here. still in the water near the beach there may be unexploded cassettes; divers are working at sea. in the first seconds after the shelling , vacationers and cafe employees standing along the shore came to the aid of the wounded. it was already there. they all ran with their children and carried some of them. everyone who works in bars works here. they opened the doors, people were hiding there, and even hundreds of meters from the beach there were terrible images of abandoned, bloody children's toys, victims of the ukrainian terrorist attack - four dead, another 153 people
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injured. the kiev regime shelled sevastopol yesterday with american missiles attack with cluster munitions. the tapes flew straight across the sea, but that didn’t stop us; they ran up to help people, bandaged the wounded, and helped pull them out of the sand on sunbeds. come here quickly so as not to waste time, people ran away from the scene of the tragedy to escape, threw everything on the beaches, this evening they were able to pick up their things, a state of emergency was declared in sevastopol. accordingly, we will also organize payments to victims, a damage assessment commission has been created, it is necessary, which means appropriate applications property was damaged there, again cars and houses, well, we won’t list them now, in principle everything is already there, after 112 all this is accepted, accordingly. the commission also promptly worked and paid compensation. all sports and entertainment events in the city are canceled today. sevastopol residents bring flowers and soft toys to spontaneous memorials. yana shcherbatoy, andrey terentsev, alexandra bereskin, anastasia
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zorina, valeria popova and daria podobedova. news: sevastopol. words of support are coming from all over the world in connection with the attack in in dagestan, the president of kazakhstan expressed condolences to vladimir putin during a telephone conversation. kasym jamar takaev strongly condemned the terrorist attack in dagestan and cancer. strike against civilians in sevastopol. the head of uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev, also expressed condolences over the phone in connection with the terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent. the leaders of belarus, azerbaijan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan condemned the attacks on civilians by police officers. armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan conveyed words of sympathy to the families of the victims. un secretary general antonio guterres strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in dagestan and expressed his condolences to the people of russia. similar statements were made by the foreign ministries of china, iran, israel and egypt. the ruling turkish justice and development party expressed deep regret over the deaths in dagestan. vladimir putin expressed deep condolences to the relatives of those killed in
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the terrorist attacks in dagestan. the president is in constant contact with the security bloc and doctors on the situation in dagestan, this was reported in kremlin. during the three-day trawling in the republic , 20 people became victims of the terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent, among them 15 employees of the ministry of internal affairs and an orthodox priest. the number of victims rose to forty-six, seven of them in serious condition. the counterterrorist operation in dagestan was completed only in the morning; six militants were eliminated and their identities were established. a search is underway for accomplices who could be trained, including abroad. foreign leaders of the russian public strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and expressed their condolences. head of dagestan sergei melikov said that the families of the victims would receive compensation of one million rubles, and the victims of up to 5,000 police officers were the first. profits from frozen russian assets will go to ukraine next week, jose barrel announced this at a meeting of the heads of the eu countries in luxembourg, the european diplomat explained that for a long time the stumbling block was the hungarian veto,
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but now a complex mechanism has been developed to bypass it, thanks to which budapest does not will be able to influence the decision. at the same time , the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia was adopted, where liquefied gas first arrived. we are talking about the re-export of fuel through european ports to third countries, while for europe itself there are no... any restrictions. several regions of the urals are covered by a powerful cyclone, which brought showers, thunderstorms and a sharp cold snap. over magnitogorsk, the wind reached gale force, the tornado tore roofs off houses. in different areas of the chelyabinsk region, the rain turned into a flood, and storm drains immediately failed. the water came so quickly that public transport stopped. with free swimming trash cans and cars went. the passengers of the drowning bus had to be evacuated by the ministry of emergency situations. where the air temperature is. in yekaterinburg , such a thunderstorm broke out that lightning bolts turned night into day, and residents who could not sleep filled the networks with footage
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of the raging elements. the amur region and several districts of buryat were overwhelmed with hail, and after the heat, kurgan was covered by a powerful storm that felled trees, tore off roofs, and dumped a record amount of rain on the city. look what's going on here, we have light, this lead, don't switch. in yakutia , resources are being increased to combat forest fires; the area of ​​fires in the republic has already grown to 460 thousand hectares; more than a thousand people have been involved in extinguishing them, including paratroopers from the air forest protection service. the main task is to protect populated areas from fire. a state of emergency is in effect. read more vitaly prokopyev. black charred marks on the body of the earth look like a burn from a height, clearly visible. where the fire is heading, the team
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of air firefighters is ahead of the curve, close to specialists do not immediately approach a burning forest, first the fire needs to be localized, for this a high -power detonating cord is used, firefighters lay it a couple of kilometers from the edge, we attach the waveguide to the machine and we will carry out an explosion with the machine, as soon as the preparation process is completed, everyone moves to a safe distance , the wave from the explosive is so strong that it shakes the ground. mineralized strips do not allow the fire to advance further, but in order to completely extinguish the forest fire, ovine protection fighters you will have to face the elements face to face. complicating the fight against fires is the terrain, hills, swamps and sharp cliffs; it takes a lot of time to get from point to point. we walked somewhere for 5-6 days, at first we walked about a kilometer, and then there were long distances, due to the remoteness of the hills, mountainous terrain and no water. if
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possible, they try to set up a camp closer to water bodies in order to quickly replenish fluid reserves in backpacks, because it rains infrequently in these parts. the sun is now at the peak of its activity and in the northern regions , it practically does not go beyond the horizon; its powerful rays are constantly heated by dry moss, which is abundant in swampy areas, which is why the number of forest fires is growing so quickly. the number of natural fires is increasing, now there are more than 160 of them, and the total area... exceeds 450,000 hectares, and this is not counting landscape fires, forces in the region continue to increase, with the joint efforts of avilesookhrana and the russian ministry of emergency situations, the pressure of the fire is contained, all information is quickly transferred to the operational headquarters, all possible measures and decisions are already being taken here to ensure that the fight against forest fires in the region is carried out as effectively as possible. vitaly prokopyev, alexander knyazev, hilarion fedorov. news yakutia. all news is always available on the media platform. we watch it in the application or on the website.
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good morning, good morning, you are greeted, today lena nikolaev and andrey petrov, it’s very nice that you joined us today, it’s good, in a pleasant, good company, more interesting, well, we offer you a little bit of culture, cultural events, right at the beginning of the day, consider we all have tickets today for a unique exhibition in china... qini
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exhibited 24 paintings by world-famous brushes, a pig and an artist from south africa. this is how a gifted animal, rescued from a slaughterhouse while still a piglet, expressed its emotions 8 years ago. unfortunately, there will be no more new pig paintings, the creator’s bright journey ended a couple of months ago, but this only made the canvases more expensive, one of picasso’s paintings was sold at auction for over 2 million rubles, thereby establishing. world record, we are considering, yes, but if not an artistic pig farm, then our own about 70% of russians would like to build or buy a house, according to surveys in the center, how many want to move out of town, there will be even more of them, first of august the green standard for individual housing construction will come into force, the house is standing, the lights are on, at first glance it seems , that it differs little from the cottages that are around, but you can count such houses in russia on one finger, it was built according to... the new green guest,
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the uninitiated see only the tip of the iceberg, everything else is hidden in the roof, in the walls and under land, take at least central communications, gas, sewerage, water supply, this is our ideology, so that there is urban comfort in life outside the city, but at the same time this is also spelled out in the green guest, since this minimizes the impact on the environment. the topic, as the developers assure, is close to young and ambitious people, even the term has appeared: digital nomads, living in nature, working remotely, a new guest was clearly created. not for their sake, but as another standard of quality. he continued the line of integrated development standards territories and green guest for high-rise buildings. houses will be assessed for compliance with the guest according to forty-five criteria, and the first of them is energy efficiency, look, the thickness of the walls here is only 20 cm, the windows are floor-to-ceiling, and in winter the house will keep warm perfectly. walls made from factory panels reduce heat loss by a third, steel roofing, unlike soft roofing, does not use bitumen, and it is also important how environmentally friendly, so to
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speak, the construction waste is. each aspect has a score, when you collect a certain set of points, you fit into one category or another. the basic level is bronze, houses vying for silver and gold must be... this is also one of the requirements of the state government, but in general the level of green consciousness of citizens, developers complain, is low. the question is still in their heads: is a green person ready to pay extra for a green certificate and a house and vote in rubles? at the moment, less than half of consumers are ready; it seems that what is stopping them is not the price, such houses are only 10-15% more expensive, but the lack of a guarantee that they were built according to gost,
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the only guideline today is the icons on the site stroim.dom.rrf, another thing, if experts confirmed the quality of the house upon delivery, perhaps this would be the next step and... the main thing is that high technology, as often happens, does not nullify the builders on site, so in addition to stamping gold standards , it would be good to think about the forge of personnel, preferably with golden hands, she is not golden hands and... perhaps also the legs could be put on electronic bracelets, we are talking about people convicted of serious charges and who have served the term set by the court, the fact is that this year, next year to freedom several serial killers, whose years in prison have expired, have come out and will be released at once, about what
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is happening, we’ll talk today with the chairman of the national anti-corruption committee, member of the public council of the administration kirill kavanov, kirill, welcome, well, the question remains open. because as i understand it, we need to come up with something, because according to the constitution, of course, a person serves a sentence, gets out, and there can be no legal claims against him, absolutely right, because we are now seeing a huge number of relapses, about 70%, and the longer a person was in prison, under serious charges, especially those related to violence, yes, we understand that relapse is possible, and we have already observed this.
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cope with the so-called control, because control is still established over these people, of course, of course, yes, they are what they need to come, check in, it is understood logically that once a person has served time, he has fulfilled his duty to society, but probably need to rewrite certain articles and there is some kind of prolonged action to do, that yes, you are out, but that means you will have a certain control all your life, the same bracelet, why are they so afraid of this word, we talk about this so often, how many years have we been talking about it , well, more more more than 10 years for sure, but firstly , again, we had an attempt to introduce bracelets. everyone started shouting that this was unconstitutional, human rights activists, lawyers, we must make the system work proactively, we can’t do it any other way if a person gets out and he has served his sentence long enough for murder, we write rape, murder, etc., please, let's monitor it constantly in order to make
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it clear, we are not talking about all murders, not about all rapists, we are talking about now about serial ones in general, and that's all -we’re not talking about a million-strong army, that’s absolutely true, and not that much money. and not such a large number of people, for them there is another option, either to make the life sentence really lifelong then, since he was recognized as me, yes, yes, yes, absolutely right, we must expand, to expand the use of life imprisonment, many people would probably like to know that a person has been released and he lives in the next apartment, in their house, in their area, it is absolutely necessary to do it, it is imperative to do it, world practice, even in those countries that are super human rights legislation, and there in relations, in relation to pedophiles, in relation to...
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thank you, our guest was the chairman of the national anti-corruption committee, a member of the public council of the pre-ministry, kirill kabanov, everything is great. june 11, 2023, city ​​of temnikov, the eighteen-year-old son of businessmen evgeniy lagunov causes a fatal accident. he hit denis ochkin, who was riding with his daughter. on bicycles, the man died from his injuries, for a whole year the wife and mother of the deceased have been trying to initiate a criminal case;
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in their opinion, the case has stalled because of lagunov’s stepfather, ivan martenevsky, who has great influence in the city and a criminal trail. all the details are in our investigation. malacha, today at 16:30. look, craftsmen fireworks have been reinvented from china. in these boxes you will not find a single gram of flammable substances, instead of them there is an aqueous solution for automatically inflating a myriad of soap bubbles. a visual effect similar to the launch of a real fire fountain is helped by bright led lighting, you can launch such fireworks anywhere, the main thing is not to show my child, and there is not the slightest risk of fire, so you know, we will tell you how much violating the steam protection regime will cost, especially where difficult weather conditions persist. at 45 regions of russia have introduced a special fire safety regime, including in the ryazan region, where vladimir porshonkov’s dacha is located. usually a family vacation in the countryside. walks around with a light, fry kebabs and heat the bathhouse, but this season they decided to abstain for now; in such
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windy weather, any kind of open fire is dangerous, so they follow safety rules. since the spring, we have been warned that the barbecue must be located more than 5 m from buildings, when lighting an open fire from 15 m, and if there is a container, barrel or some other where you can light fire, from 7.5 m. at the same time, summer residents... can only burn leaves, branches, paper, boards without paint and varnish, waste from fruits and vegetables, and those who ignore these rules may face punishment, experts warn, if you notice disgrace in a neighboring area, you need to contact the village administration, the police or the ministry of emergency situations, supporting it with a statement, photos and video evidence. specialists will conduct a preventive conversation with the violator and impose an administrative fine from 5 to 15,000 rubles. if the violations occurred under conditions special fire regime. then the size of the sanctions will be higher from 10 to 20,000, and if a fire occurs, the punishment will depend on
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the consequences. if, as a result of violation of fire safety requirements , a fire occurs and the damage amounts to more than 250,000 rubles caused to third parties, at that moment property or a building and structure will be damaged or destroyed, then a criminal case will be initiated and carried out. the owner of the damaged property has the right to go to court to recover damages. moreover, if his health is harmed, he has every chance to recover full compensation for treatment and moral damage, and the fine for the violator will increase to 80,000 rubles. in this case, it does not matter how the culprit is going to pay. by decision of the court, the bailiffs will initiate enforcement proceedings, and the defendant will be obliged to fully satisfy the demands of the affected country. the bailiff can seize your property, if you have a car, he can seize that car as well. pay off with the cost of this car the consequences that were caused you, he can, accordingly,
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reduce part of your salary every month, and there up to the repayment of the entire debt, therefore, on particularly hot and windy days, experts recommend refraining from starting a fire, so as not to bring trouble to yourself and not become the culprit of an emergency for which you will have to pay . and then to the feast of the world with good people. and all in one convenient car for a large family. we'll help you choose a car soon. sonechka, i love you very much, i miss you very much. premiere on rtr. we really need her. if you sign a sincere agreement, you will be out of prison in 8 years. if we want to frame her, we need her free. she doesn't like gardenias. i 'll break your legs, okay? behind seven seals. today on rtr the floor is shaking,
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the walls are shaking, big changes have come. zones with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i i love plants, i’m actually a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, provocation is
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treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. come on, well, i went too far. take off your shirt, my god, on saturday, i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, that means, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for
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divorce, and the children don’t owe anything know, mom and dad want to get a divorce, it’s terrible, i ’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, but no, i’m warning you, i have serious intentions, divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, here you are different people are waiting professions. and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh, you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he loves to grab with his claws, that’s it, so, to tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done,
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well done, warm up a stray, where are you flying after the performance, you're in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you're in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. no artificial intelligence and technology will not replace the rickshaw, they decided in japan, there is simply a rush for this profession, the work turned out to be profitable, a month’s income in a tourist center can be half a million rubles, hence the increased demand for driving school, getting a rickshaw license is perhaps more difficult than a regular driver’s license , so to speak,
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only a few make it to the end of the course, but in this case there are also advantages, an athletic body and excellent knowledge of the city. but for a large family it would be nice to have something larger, more comfortable, well, let’s look and look. usually full-size crossovers have an additional third row of seats, which is logical, the dimensions allow. in the mid-size segment, such models are not often found, but you can find them, which we did. let's look at three mid-size seven-seat crossovers officially presented in russia. let's start with the new cherry tiga 8 pro max. the basic version is equipped with a 1.6 -liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 186 horsepower, driven by a seven-speed robotic front transmission, front-rear is included in the list of standard equipment parking sensors, all-round visibility, full heating package, dual-zone climate control, price starts from 3.2000 rubles. and this is
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a newcomer to our market, the seven-seater crossover u-75 from the vgv brand, which came to russia... especially in the spring of this year, under the hood of the model is a two-liter inflatable engine with a capacity of 199 horsepower. the drive is front driven by an eight-speed automatic transmission in the base number. electric tailgate, rear parking sensors plus all-round visibility, heating package, air conditioning, recommended retail price rub 2,750,000. and finally, there’s the x90+, in which a seven-seater cabin is offered only in the top trim level. it has a two-liter engine with a capacity of 245 horsepower, front-wheel drive seven-speed robotic gearbox. the list of options includes: contactless trunk opening, panoramic roof with sunroof, park. in a circle plus a 360 camera, a full set of warm options, dual-zone climate control, the price of the seven-seat version is 3,890,000 rubles. so, the newcomer vgv immediately
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makes one of the most tempting offers in the mid-size segment. in addition, u-75 plus equipped with a classic automatic transmission. cherry tiga 8 pro max is noticeably more expensive, although the base now also only has front-wheel drive and is not the fastest power unit. for four driving wheels. and a top-end engine will have to pay significantly extra, but getur does not offer this option, equipping the x-90+ exclusively with front-wheel drive, but the owner of the seven-seat version receives rich equipment and a fairly powerful engine. in any case, competition will only intensify with the arrival of new players on the market. some are trying to attract with a price, others with a list options, but time will tell whose strategy will be correct. and then, why? children complain about textbooks, well, tell me, what’s wrong, i don’t know, look for yourself, so, well, let’s see, there are as many problems as you like, so, my brother is 8
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years old, and my sister is older, older, how old is my sister, well at least 9 months older, in general how old is my sister, it’s like mathematics, he doesn’t even recognize us, you’re textbooks, aren’t you textbooks, you’re the wrong books, what else, oh, and the materials that schoolchildren use to study, we'll talk in detail after the news, listen, right there there are a lot of such funny tasks, this is the news of the morning, we will talk about the main thing in russia abroad, in the vera tarasova studio, hello, monstrous crimes , inhuman acts of attack, foreign leaders and the russian community... the public condemned the terrorist attacks in dagestan, express condolences. according to the latest data, more than 15 police officers, as well as several civilians, including an orthodox priest, became victims of the attacks.
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three days of mourning have been declared in the region. sarkar magomedov will continue. their goal was not just to kill, but also to destroy. in front of the derben synaga there is collapsed cladding, part of the roof and holes in the gate. here the police entered into battle with the criminals. however, as eyewitnesses say, they entered not through the main entrance, but... everywhere, this is the back side of the building, apparently also burned out, and here they killed the guard, this is his workplace. the terrorists acted no less cruelly in the orthodox church of the city, setting everything on fire and shooting. they were met and killed in cold blood by the oldest priest in dagestan, archpriest nikolai kotelnikov. everyone in the city loved and respected him, regardless of nationality and religion. as it turned out, nikolai kotelnikov was the target of the militants, perhaps because...
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they managed to barricade themselves inside, while the security guard entered into battle with the terrorists and died heroically. both gangs - five terrorists - were eventually eliminated, but at the cost of the lives of police officers. most of the victims are law enforcement officers, but there are also civilians; the families of those killed in the terrorist attack will receive a million rubles each and up to 500 thousand rubles depending on the degree of injury. it is inherent in any person who has taken the oath for such tasks that his main goal is to save. i repeat once again, the civilian population present, even if this means covering them with your chest or your body, which is what actually happened, i believe that they are all worthy
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of being presented with state awards of the russian federation and state awards of the republic of dagestan. those through whose fault the police and civilians gave their lives are dealt with by the special services, like why children nephew of the head of the sergekalinsky district , the same one in which the hero of russia magomed nurbagandov was born and raised. staged a monstrous terrorist attack, interrogations of the official will show, he has already been removed from office and is suspected of aiding terrorism. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, lead dagestan. actions in memory of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces on sevastopol are taking place today throughout the country. in crimea, residents bring candles, flowers and children's toys to spontaneous memorials. people come to remember the victims missile strike and express condolences to the families of those killed and injured. in donetsk and mariupol, toy flowers are carried to the anchor, which was donated to the city by sevastopol sailors. together with sevastopol, the entire country is mourning the zaporozhye region. in memory of the dead residents of saransk, lamps are lit at
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the monument. sevastopol in smolensk and volgograd. in other news, the israeli army continues to bombard gases. during the last arrival, dozens of buildings were destroyed, 30 people were killed, 70 were injured. meanwhile, the us military command warned that tel's plans aviva - to expand the military operation, strike hezbollah bases in lebanon, which will lead to iran being drawn into the conflict. in this case, washington will not be able to protect israel. prime minister of the jewish state benjamin netanyahu intends to reconsider his strategy in the current situation. the intense phase of the conflict with hamas is coming to an end, according to netanyahu, this does not mean the end of the operation itself, but the action in rafahi is ending. in turn , the israeli ministry of defense reported that it was ready to stop hostilities in the gaza strip, but did not specify when. in guatemala, eyewitnesses
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filmed impressive footage that... began during a volcanic eruption, uego and lightning struck directly into the mouth of polina, creating an unforgettable spectacle. earlier, the national coordination center for combating the consequences of natural disasters reported that the active phase of the volcano, which awoke in early june, was ending. fuega is one of the most active in guatemala. don't switch. heavy fighting continues in the kharkov direction, units of the north group are defeated to the enemy. artillery provides active support. hurricane heavy multiple launch rocket systems are capable of hitting various targets both at the front line and in the depths of the defense line. alexander korobov observed the work of the calculations. hiding a twenty-ton colossus in a forest thicket is not easy, but fighters have long mastered the art of camouflage. at
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the first signal, the crew is ready to begin... a hurricane, as a natural phenomenon, knows no barriers, in fact, this combat vehicle can handle everything. with its range, this technique has superiority over the enemy. this the equipment fires at a distance of 36 km, due to which we have the opportunity to destroy enemy artillery. today, on the battlefield, multiple rocket launchers occupy a worthy place; they are especially necessary where, over a fairly large area, you need to quickly and efficiently smash everything into pieces. full volley. a package of sixteen missiles covers an area of ​​about a little more than 40 hectares, this is a medium-sized airfield, but now they rarely shoot like that, mostly they hit in a targeted manner. despite its advanced age, the hurricane is still since then it has been considered an effective weapon; its advantages include speed of deployment, high maneuverability and ammunition power. the vehicle itself is very mobile, can be passed everywhere, quickly turns around, quickly collapses, and delivers, let’s say, a missile strike very quickly.
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on enemy positions. a five-meter high-explosive fragmentation rocket weighs 280 kg, while a charge of 100 kilos falls on enemy pigeons. an explosion of incredible power. a close relationship with scouts helps prevent precious shells from being wasted. uav crews at the forefront not only identify targets, but also help artillerymen adjust fire. all, let's say, rockets hit the target exactly. with help, let's say. our fellow bpas. all shells were fired with precision strikes, one of the temporary deployment points in the usu in the kharkov direction was destroyed, at the firing position, the sky is clear, but it is better not to stay in place for long. quick preparations and the crew takes the hurricane to safety. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, news: kharkov direction. in the irkutsk region three bears were released into the wild; they
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were found in the forest a year ago and rescued. from death, the animals were treated in the nursery, they were deliberately rarely contacted, so that later it would be easier for the clubfoot to return to their natural environment. read more alina novosardyan. still sleepy, but ready for the important trip, they look around curiously and, most importantly , feel calm, because there will definitely be stops for snacks along the way. and then my favorite treat - condensed milk. you can see from the faces that everything was enough. three bears, two girls, one boy return home to forest, driving with the breeze, all the drivers' eyes are focused only on them. the fate of the cubs is difficult, a year ago they were found in the forest as very young babies, people rescued them and brought them to the irkutsk nursery, the staff made dens for them, as they say, very similar to the real thing, so the cubs felt
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at home there, successfully overwintered, and grew up , gained weight and became stronger, and are now ready for independent life. if they live in captivity, in a cage they can live 40-50 years, but... for a wild animal, in our deep opinion i am convinced that this is unreasonable suffering and torture, why, if you can release them? several hours of travel, finally in the slyudyansky district, far from people, factories and cars, the bears find themselves in their natural habitat, in the summer in the forest there will be a lot of food for them, berries, grass, by winter the cubs will even have time to get fat, cubs, get ready, here they are the first steps into an unfamiliar but familiar environment, at first a timid acquaintance with the surroundings. peace, and then swift leaps forward to freedom. by the way, as the nursery staff note, the names of the cubs are not given specifically to limit social contact, now it will be easier for them to get used to life in the wild. alina novosardyan, leading irkutsk. all news is always available on
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the media platform, watch, stay with us. june 11, 2023, the city of temnikov, the eighteen-year-old son of businessmen evgeny lugunov causes a fatal accident. he hit denis ochkin, who was riding bicycles with his daughter, the man died from his injuries, for a whole year the wife and mother of the deceased have been trying to initiate a criminal case, according to them in my opinion, the case has stalled because of otchimogunov, ivan martenevsky, who has great influence in the city and a criminal trail. all the details are in our investigation. malakov, today at 16:30. no, i don’t cry or cry, i’m open to answer all questions. how are you feeling? what was your favorite song as a child?
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on friday at 21:30, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great, good, so, morning of russia, don't forgive me, most importantly, good morning, good morning, let me greet you, because...
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let's talk about how they were looking for a domestic deer in the moscow region, the key word here is domestic: during a thunderstorm, the animal was very frightened and ran away from the farm, but in the wild, accustomed to people, the animal was... very difficult to survive, confirmation of these words, the state of the deer at the moment when it was finally found, rescue volunteers searched for 3 days, the animal was downright battered by forest life, skillfully caught by gadflies, was very thin, but now everything will be fine. the veterinarians examined the northern beauty, gave him a portion of yagil with fresh grass, triple portion. oh, there really are a lot of gadflies, i was worried. yes, such a story should at least be included in school textbooks, we think. however, russians have many questions about modern educational materials, parents. they read, the presentation is inconvenient, incomprehensible, there are imprints, and, well, outright errors. why don’t such books remove the images? oksana serova sorted it out. do you think that if their friends met each other, they would have to measure their
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height? did you understand anything? no. and really, go figure out what it is the author wanted to say with the wording. so catherine has to decipher her son, because this is the thought of the creator of the textbook. and okay. if only she were the only one, but the mother of a first-grader says strange phrases on the assignment; she often comes across them in school textbooks. for example, the problem is that there were six penguins on the ice, two jumped off, how many penguins were on the ice, yes, that is, it’s just an oversight of the authors, and the child also asks the question, why is this? it seems that it will not work to write this down for the young age of a schoolchild. high school student svyatoslav also complains about incomprehensible, complex presentation of material in textbooks. it’s even real for me. an example where i spent the whole day solving a problem, i asked my teacher, even he could not find an explanation, a solution to this problem. in one of the textbooks there was such a problem:
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a circle was given, such a triangle was drawn, it was necessary to find x, it is not difficult to find using similarity, and x = 5, but if you look at this triangle, then we get that these two sides are equal to five, total, but such a triangle does not exist, outright errors, blunders, incomprehensible and inconvenient presentation of the material, the quality of modern school textbooks is dissatisfied with the overwhelming majority of russians, as much as 95%. first,
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they were tested on a small group of students, and then they were launched throughout the country. it was long-term testing that was the secret to the quality of soviet textbooks, experts say, which means it would be good to return it; experts also have other proposals. here it would be possible, of course, to announce a competition for the creation of different variants of textbooks and there then already... i keep it in my head, a good product does not tolerate.


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