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tv   Lichnoe delo  RUSSIA1  June 25, 2024 3:45am-4:36am MSK

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students were tested and then launched throughout the country. it was many years of testing that was the secret to the quality of soviet textbooks, experts say, which means it would be good to return it. experts also have other suggestions. here it would be possible, of course, to announce a competition for the creation, within the framework of current federal standards, of different versions of textbooks, and then the competition commission would objectively assess the merits.
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and first of all, and most importantly, for example, if 3 years ago we had more than ten different mathematicians, then today each academic subject will have its own program and its own single textbook, a single standard, as i understand it, they even wanted to include this year’s news from the russian academy of sciences, quite rightly, they referred to the soviet experience, in the soviet period there was such one rule, there was a law for this, for a good textbook you need three people to unite into a single whole, this is a scientist, this is a methodologist and this is a teacher. and now our task
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is to ensure that for each program there is a specific textbook, that is, the unity of the programs will not allow us to make the mistakes that you outlined, but in addition, at our institute today we have formed an institute for the examination of textbooks, we are used there, by the way, experts from the russian academy of sciences, from the institutes of the academy of sciences, the academy education, we are attracting a wide pool of experts, more than 200 people, who will prepare examinations for new unified textbooks.
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school collective, school collectives, collectives of authors of history fifth to ninth grade, social studies and geography also at the same time, it is currently being prepared and is being tested very often, we communicate with scientists who come to us, who work in the current ones and say that they are studying.
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him and i will be happy to refresh his knowledge, thank you for this, director of the institute for educational development strategy maxim kostenko answered our question, thank you very much, i can’t live without you, i don’t like him, this is not love, sealed with seven seals, premiere, today at 21:20, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes, 60 minutes. today at 11:30 and 17:30 on channel russia. let us now show you a compass whose arrow does not always point to the simper. it was invented by an american, and why is it asked, so that there is more romance in life. the red arrow can be attached to absolutely any point on the map. for example,
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to set the goal of a native home, a place of burial or a tourist site, the device is only in appearance, the old-fashioned inside is the most modern navigation electronics. second arrow. shows the distance to the target, the device certainly will not become a full-fledged replacement for the traditional complex, but it will strengthen mutual feelings may serve, but this is not certain, well , on the other hand, dear, i hasten to you, this is just from the same series, not all, of course, physicists are such lyricists, a practical development of scientists from samara, a smart knee artez a fixation device for the affected joint, which speeds up rehabilitation, how do you feel, much better, yeah, like a joint, well, it tightens a little here from below. 3 days ago, ivan had surgery related to a rupture of the miniscus and anterior cruciate ligament. after this, patients sometimes it takes a year, if not longer, to recover, all because they are too lazy to follow doctors’ orders, and do not develop the joint or do
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it incorrectly, but in this case this should not happen. then, so that when the young man returns home he does not forget about the exercises, this device, the smart artes, will monitor him. once again we evaluate that it is lying correctly, after that we turn on the unit that will record data and transmit it via bluetooth to the phone, this is how the patient underwent anterior cruciate plastic surgery ligaments, then it will have certain limitations in terms of flexion angles, as befits a postoperative knee artesis; this device supports the joint and limits certain movements, but in addition to it... sensors that sense muscle activity and also an accelerometer and gyroscope to understand what position is the leg in? this data is transferred to the smartphone, where a virtual rehabilitation therapist works, who gives the patient all kinds of tasks. therapeutic gymnastics begins in the starting position lying on your back.
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is the person doing everything correctly, how difficult is the exercise for him and does the training program need to be adjusted? thanks to vartese sensors, it is not difficult for the digital instructor to notice all this. or a patent and are going to organize a service so that everyone who needs it can rent such a device. and then, fashionable accessories for sleep. noise protection, which can also be an unusual decoration, do not miss the main thing and do not oversleep after a few minutes. rtr planet, more than
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just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet, they flew, the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and the whole corporate party, who are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for a murder on a trick, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, dog in my opinion. it hurts, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, no one takes risks, because luck does not smile, we will succeed, i will do the surgery, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, no
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motive for the murder is visible and no connection between the murders, but she exists, and we will find her, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, dizzying... shows and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head? i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music block! nadezhda, it rests on the song of russia, in general russia is a very beer-drinking country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, radova poured a basin of hot water on himself, i’m telling my wife, i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, meeting the stars, what’s more difficult, becoming a good person or staying, that ’s certainly an interesting question. both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, in
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the circle of friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not betray anyone, no matter what happens, the story of a mysterious disappearance is broadcast live, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict , why mother and son and daughter-in-law haven’t communicated for 5 years, advanced documentary, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over norwegian. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. current news, political investigations, impartial analysis. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for? when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin is sitting in this chair; he is in the audience, just like you and me. we remember walking through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only on the rtr planet channel. we
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we are convinced again, and you will be convinced of this too. cats are still the best antidepressant. agree. investigators from mexico seriously decided to evaluate the therapeutic effect of videos with pets and cat memes. and for this we conducted a large-scale online survey, the participants almost unanimously admitted that cats are as invigorating as a cup of coffee, they dramatically improve their mood and at the same time reduce stress levels, which is paradoxical, the productivity of office workers only increases when looking at cats, here’s an indulgence, slippers then don’t put it on, but what else is now popular on the internet is choosing jewelry, that is, not only practical, but beautiful. and dear, are you making videos about earplugs again, can you even hear me, hello,
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no at all, earplugs are a new trend among internet youth, they used to be considered a must-have, exclusively for people with insomnia, today earplugs are a super fashionable accessory, and not surprisingly, after all, they have increasingly begun to be used as unusual decorations; the number and variety of earplugs today is amazing. can at least change it every day to match the color of the outfit, this is a universal option, it will go with everything. by the way, if you are still at a loss as to how to wear these fashionable jewelry of yours correctly, if you always keep them in your ears, you won’t hear anything, and if you constantly take them off and put them on, they are easy to lose. don't worry, the zoomers have planned for that too. they attach earplugs to theirs. earrings, as a result, a stylish accessory can be easily removed and put on. and today the internet is full of master classes
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on making jewelry with earplugs. you will need a base for earrings, a couple of chains and any beads, butterflies, sparkles, to your taste. by the way, in addition to aesthetic, earplugs continue to perform a purely practical function. many people simply don't realize how much noise there is in our daily lives. and we can’t do without ear protection. get by, internet users assure you, you’re sleeping, honey, okay, now we’ll test your earplugs for durability, well, yes, then not some fast food, but homemade food, according to grandma’s recipes, what could be better, yeah, and healthier, after all, these dishes provide life, yes, but the one who has been eating like this for years.
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russia and forgive the main thing. a special board arrived in moscow with victims in sevastopol from the attack of the ukrainian armed forces. responsibility for the united states, a demarche to the american ambassador was made in our video. in dagestan, there is three days of mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack; the president expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims. the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia and the eu found a way to bypass the opinion of hungary
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to transfer frozen russian assets to ukraine. this is to be broadcast, we will tell you about the main thing. in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. from sevastopol to moscow a special board arrived with 22 people injured in the vsso attack, 12 of them children. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. four people became victims of the monstrous terrorist attack. there are more than 150 injured, most remain in hospitals. as stated in our ministry of defense, responsibility for the strike lies primarily in the united states. the attack on the sevastopol beach with peaceful vacationers was carried out by american atacoms missiles. this has been stated. american ambassador lyn tracy, she was called to the foreign ministry and made a demarche. earlier , maria zakharova promised that russia would seek reactions to the attack on sevastopol from international organizations, while the west reacted almost nothing to the tragedy. from sevastopol, yana shcherbataya will continue. this is what the beach in uchkuevka looks like now; it is still closed. explosive engineers and sappers have examined the entire coast, and the main work
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is now being carried out at sea. traces of this terrible tragedy are visible all over the beach. for example, this is the place where people fled from shelling, covered themselves with furniture, and later it was here that they were given first aid. this crater left from the cassette is where the ammunition is exploded and scattered hundreds of small fragments around. the bench was damaged, traces are visible on the wall nearby, hundreds of traces from fragments. they are also on furniture that stands a few meters from here. there may still be unexploded cassettes in the water near the beach. divers work at sea. in the first seconds after the shelling, they came to the aid of the wounded themselves. works here, the doors were opened, people were hiding there, and even hundreds of meters from the beach there were terrible images, abandoned bloody children's toys, victims of the ukrainian terrorist attack - four died, another 153 people were injured, the kiev regime fired
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at sevastopol the day before with an attack filled with cluster munitions with american missiles, the cassettes flew. right along the sea, but that didn’t stop us, they ran up to help people, bandaged the wounded, helped drag them out of the sand on sunbeds here as quickly as possible so as not to waste time. people ran away from the scene of the tragedy, throwing everything on the beaches to save themselves. this evening they were able to pick up their things; a state of emergency was declared in sevastopol. we pay accordingly the victims will also be organized. the damage assessment commission, it has been created, is necessary, which means the corresponding applications are there. property was damaged again, cars and houses, well, we won’t list it now, in principle, everything is already there, after 112 all this is accepted, accordingly, so that the commission can also promptly work and pay compensation. all sporting and entertainment events have been canceled in the city today; sevastopol residents are bringing flowers and soft toys to spontaneous memorials. yana shcherbatoy, andrey terentev, alexander berezkin, anastasia zorina, valeria popova and daria podobedova.
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vesti, sevastopol. words of support are coming from all over the world in connection with the attack in dagestan. un secretary general antonio guterres expressed his condolences to the people of russia. similar statements were made by the foreign ministries of china, iran, israel and egypt. the ruling turkish justice and development party stated its deep regret over the deaths in dagestan. vladimir putin expressed deep condolences to the relatives of those killed in
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the terrorist attacks in dagestan. the president is on constant communication with the security bloc and doctors on the situation in dagestan. this was reported in the kremlin. there is three days of mourning in the republic. 20 people became victims of the terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent, among them 15 employees of the ministry of internal affairs and an orthodox priest. the number of victims has risen to 46, of which seven are in serious condition. the counter-terrorism operation in dagestan was completed only in the morning , six militants were eliminated, their identities were established. a search is underway for accomplices who could have been trained, including abroad. foreign leaders of the russian public strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and expressed condolences. the head of dagestan, sergei melikov, said that families. the following week , jose barrel announced this at a meeting of the foreign ministers of the eec countries in luxembourg; the european diplomat explained that for a long time the sticking point was the hungarian veto, but now
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a complex mechanism has been developed to bypass it, thanks to which budapest will not be able to influence the decision. at the same time , the fourteenth package of sanctions was adopted against russia, where liquefied gas entered for the first time. we are talking about the re-export of fuel through european ports to third countries, with no restrictions for europe itself. several regions of the urals are covered by a powerful cyclone, which brought showers, thunderstorms and a sharp cold snap. over magnitogorsk, the wind reached storm force, death tore off the roofs of houses in different areas of the chelyabinsk region, the rain turned into a flood, and storm drains immediately failed. the water came so quickly that public transport stopped, garbage cans and cars began to float freely. the passengers of the drowning bus had to be evacuated by the ministry of emergency situations. where the air temperature plummeted, snowdrifts, snowfalls and hail grew. killed the gardens, cut the wires. in yekaterinburg , such a thunderstorm broke out that lightning bolts turned night into day, and residents who could not sleep filled their networks with footage of
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the raging elements. the amur region and several districts of buryat were overwhelmed with hail, and kurgan, after the heat, was covered by a powerful storm that felled trees, tore off roofs, and brought a record amount of rain to the city. oh! look what's going on here, we have light. this is a message, don't switch. in yakutia they are increasing forces means to fight forest fires. the area of ​​fires in the republic has already grown to 460 thousand hectares. more than a thousand people were involved in the fire extinguishing effort, including airborne forest protection paratroopers. the main task is to protect populated areas from fire. the mode works through.
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sean everyone moves to a safe distance, the wave from the explosives is so strong that it shakes the ground, the mineralized stripes do not allow the fire to advance further, but in order to completely extinguish the forest fire, the aveles protection fighters will have to face the elements face to face, it complicates the fight against fires and the terrain, hills, swamps and sharp cliffs, it takes a lot of time to get from point to point, we walked somewhere around 5-6 days at the beginning. we walked uh a kilometer, and then it was a long distance because it was remote, mountainous, and there was no water. if possible, they try
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to set up a camp closer to water bodies in order to quickly replenish fluid reserves in backpacks, because it rains infrequently in these parts. the sun is now at its peak and in the northern regions it practically does not go beyond the horizon; its powerful rays are constantly heated by dry moss, which is abundant in swampy areas, for this reason. the number of forest fires is growing so quickly, the number of natural fires is increasing, now there are more than 160 of them, and the total area exceeds 450,000 hectares, and this is not counting landscape fires, the forces in the region continue to increase, with the joint efforts of the forest protection and the russian ministry of emergency situations, the pressure of the fire is being contained, all information is quickly transmitted to the operational headquarters, and is already accepted here all possible measures and solutions to ensure that the fight against forest fires in the region is carried out as effectively as possible.
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of course, addition, subtraction, division, and what prompted us to do this, but look what a record exists, by the way, every day it becomes only nobles, there are sisters in the usa whose total age at the time
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the achievement was recorded. was 571 years and 300 days, the youngest is 88, the age of the eldest has turned the century mark, but american women are full of strength and enthusiasm, every year they gather in the same house and go on a picnic, this tradition their mother started them, in nature , memories of childhood and youth are triggered, because each one has experienced more than one significant event in history: a pandemic, war, unfortunately, and even the great depression, and when i look at such a selection of girls, i think, well did daddy want a boy? the boy wants it, he wants it too much. russian gerantologists conducted extensive research and found that those who prefer home-cooked food live longer than those who prefer fast food. great-grandfathers - 91, great-grandmothers - 92. for all people this is a lot, rarely does anyone live to that age. so adults say, eight-year-old mila explains. she herself, like everyone else at this age, is absolutely sure that she will live to be 100 years old, and
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maybe longer. and so. what’s interesting is that the great-grandfather, the doctor, is also convinced that his great-granddaughter has every chance, genetics is of course important, but there is one simple rule that he adheres to all his life. the secret of longevity lies in the right choice, nutrition, such a regular diet, even in the most difficult times, the family always sat down at the table at the same time, ate more vegetables, the vegetables are grown here. with your own hands on your own plot, if you look at the list of countries where there are traditionally a lot of long-livers, experts say, look into their plate, something becomes clear, countries and regions of the caucasus, meat, vegetables, sour milk, cheese, asians, where rice and fish it’s all about the mediterranean, seafood of all kinds and vegetables, as the basis of the diet and everywhere a minimum of fast carbohydrates, alas, it is they, according to the latest major studies , that shorten our years. if a person
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consumes more than... 50% in his diet carbohydrates, then the risk of overall mortality, cardiovascular mortality increases, and life expectancy decreases. carbohydrates are white bread, instant porridge , potatoes, baked goods, sweets, in general, all the most delicious things, and what’s the sin to hide the favorites of both children and adults? well, yes, i indulge in what, well, cookies, sweets, as usual, it’s not hard to give up chocolate, but in order to attend the wedding of my grandchildren, it’s better to reconsider the diet, i did that at one time. greens, vegetables and protein combine very well, yes and this is a very easily digestible food, including fiber, it helps protein digest, and not only that, it is fiber that removes all toxins from the intestines and thereby renews our body. fiber is an essential factor in triggering many of the body's detoxification processes. the better the body self-cleanses, the better
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it recovers, the longer it takes. it will serve us, it is greens and vegetables, by the way, that best cope with ongoing inflammation that occurs during the aging process, and low-fat foods are also capable of this cheese, olive oil, beans, nuts, but if you boil it all down to the proverbial plate of a long-liver, then ideally, regardless of the country of residence, it should look like this: half of it is allocated to vegetables and fruits, one quarter is a carbohydrate, but complex, this is brown rice or our usual buckwheat, another quarter consists of proteins, but not necessarily seafood and fish, red meat or poultry twice a week. are also acceptable. the chance of a long life increases if you eat all this in small portions and cook it yourself. and so you can squeeze the same orange juice yourself at home, if only you had something to use. this is how the largest producers of the drink from the united states and brazil say that orange trees have suffered due to a bacterial disease for which a cure has not yet been found. the bacterium is carried by insects, causing the fruits to become green and bitter, unsuitable for either food or juice. well, the trees themselves.
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elena yembatorova, senior researcher at the all-russian plant quarantine center, candidate of biological sciences, is with us. elenavna, good morning, but to be honest, the fact that orange juice will disappear, as we saw, was reported in the twenty-first year, in the twenty-second year, what is happening, they are increasing the price. in this case, i have a lot of optimism that orange juice will not disappear, even if there is less of it, we will probably find some worthy alternative among citrus fruits or among other plants typical of russia, well, by the way, you said it well about the alternative, we really are not in some kind of vacuum, either orange juice or nothing, easily it’s possible if people who only like oranges, and tangerines seemed to be nearby, but it’s different, but tangerines can be used, by the way, yes, tangerines can
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be used for... we are experiencing climate change and society is adapting flexibly to this agriculture, of course, also cannot fail to respond to climate challenges, hence the question, the challenges that we outlined at the very beginning, that they cannot yet find control over these bacteria, they are looking for sure, well , of course, why were they telling us about failure this one is in the production of orange juice, because? when there was some kind of crop failure from the previous harvest of frozen orange juice, it went on the market, actually leveling out all those failures of the current year, now they say, because there were several, maybe because now they say, there were several unsuccessful years, therefore all previous reserves
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, the area under cultivation has decreased, the area under orange plantations has decreased, and precisely for the reasons of this greening disease, and because of the fact that it is transmitted. what if they send us oranges, which means that with this cover, cat, leaf cover, ours will become infected, no, crops, the rosselkhoznadzor service will stand guard and of course will not allow infection, the feeling today is that you don’t think about citrus fruits, we strawberries now, cherries, now cherries, some citrus fruits, and by that time everything will be sorted out, we’ll get out of it somehow, for sure. wonderful forest berries, which are now actively grown, of which there will be no more vitamins than in these aps they have less of those allergenic substances, and essential oils that we are afraid of in oranges, everyone believes
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that wild berries are somehow closer to us and are related to us like strawberries, it’s more like princess, cloudberry, redberry, a berry from sakhalin, similar to lingonberry, stone fruit. blueberries, all this is now actively grown, even in gardens, and there are a lot of our varieties, such scientific developments are being carried out, well, the temirativ academy, by the way, is doing this, very actively, who, who else would be doing this here, it’s interesting, we figured it out , thank you, we have the guest was a senior researcher at the all-russian center for plant quarantine, candidate of biological sciences, elena yambatorova, thank you very much, sonechka, i love you very much, i miss you very much, premiere on the russia channel or where?
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on-line control, control of raw materials, finished products, semi-finished products at all stages of the production process. we have a lot of new, interesting, modern equipment in our laboratory. previously, the conveyor sold mainly chemical products for industry, but now
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they are setting up a line of cosmetics. on today, our monthly production volume is 700 tons per month, and we sell products for about 260 million rubles. over the past 14 years , labor has doubled, and production per shift has also increased by the same amount. all this, of course, affected the growth of profits over the past year . employee wages have already been indexed twice, as part of the government’s strategic initiative , development of production of new materials at the volgograd enterprise
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, a new workshop is being prepared for launch, a special an adhesive composition that allows 100% recycling of plastic bottles along with the label. another striking example of innovation and innovation is tambov chemists at the largest production facility in the region. in production divisions in the main auxiliary workshops there are 18 more projects, in a word , all processes have been brought to automation, costs are lower and production is higher, it was also possible to reduce the physical load of workers in production, improve working conditions, and also ensure workplace safety, this is a packaging unit for finished products sulphaamine products acid, there were two people unloading here who controlled the weight, sewed up, packaged, stacked this product, now this installation helped us and... turn on one person, he is busy with other work. the company followed the so
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-called lean manufacturing principle - a course towards reducing costs. we have achieved quite impressive results, that is , compared to the previous year, the increase in labor productivity at the pilot site amounted to 234%. this is a very high indicator for us. in the near future, the company plans to expand its product line line to enter new markets. in total , more than 6.00 enterprises with total revenue participate in the national project labor productivity. over 17 trillion rubles and a total number of employees of more than one and a half million people. and then 1 2 3 4 5 come out and play. medieval games of the early 19th century. we'll tell you where you can have fun like this in a few minutes. altai. a majestic mountainous country, nature has generously rewarded this
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region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, particularly rich in glaciers is belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain where, according to legend, the entrance to shambhala can be found. belukha is the highest point of siberia and the cradle of the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains: teletskoye lake. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people just as it did many centuries ago. “i can
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call you maestro, i can call you maestra, yeah, i can, that means he’s fooled you, and you’re glad, so he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who’s the fool, it’s me fool, i would like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid for it. and hold, hold, hold, hold, move us in immediately, one number, one city, st. petersburg, small city, nowhere to have dinner, one love, vasilis, this is vasily, please call me back, i’m looking for a travel companion, on friday on rtr.
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excerpts, show me, this is the famous giacondo, well, wangok, why do they look like that, it was the city day, everyone celebrated, can we do it a little more, i’m just starting to come to my senses, history of a big country, on friday on...
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sonechka, i love you very much, i miss you very much. premiere on rtr. ilya, where is sonya? we really need her. if you sign a sincere agreement, you will be released from prison in 8 years. if we want to frame her, we need her free. she doesn't like gardenias. bumblebee. i 'll break your legs, okay? behind seven seals. today on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. well, this is how it is, and
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this is how it was intended, not just any abandoned construction site, just a construction site, it could be a children’s playground, just like that on purpose. an exhibition of antique board games, cards, puzzles from the middle ages to the beginning of the 20th century has opened in the armory chamber, i’m generally delighted with everything, i want to play, to be honest, and this is a completely understandable desire, especially since the rules of most of the games included in the amazing composition familiar, or almost familiar, for example, if you have never
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played hnifatafl, it doesn’t matter, it’s an ancient game vikings vaguely resembles checkers, this is an amazing set, also because of the chips. only wealthy people could afford such leisure, so centuries ago many artifacts, real works of art made of precious metals, stones and valuable wood, backgammon, forgotten backgammon, always relevant checkers and chess, could afford such leisure. it is with figures made by humans that there are chess sets here, we really liked them, they especially attracted me. chess set made of pink , made of margin, made of walrus bone. by the way, this artifact is especially popular among visitors to the exhibition and it’s not just the unusual color, the figures were personally turned on a lathe by the terrible catherine the great herself. among monarchs, it was a fairly popular pastime,
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making something with one’s own hand, but this was such a personal gift as a sign of the monarch’s favor. however, according to experts, this is far from the only one. the cards are russian style, but few people know that they depict members of the royal family in ballroom attire, for example, this card is decorated with nicholas ii in the costume of tsar alexei mikhailovich ii of the romanov family on the throne. during whose reign gambling was not only prohibited, but also punished by law, this is such a paradox, but, historians emphasize, for example, peter ii was not a fan of gambling and loved to play beryulki. it’s surprising that these days it has become synonymous with an empty pastime, because it is an excellent training for both eye and strategic thinking, and the first board walkers and travel games that appeared in the 19th century also had an educational function, for example, they helped to teach geography, the principle was that a train with they walked like a train and moved from one city to another. each showcase of the exhibition
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invites you to travel back to the times when this or that game was at the height of fashion, and at the same time find out why we won’t reveal all the secrets; it’s worth seeing. with your own eyes, it will be interesting for adults and children; the exhibition is open until september 11. and then, control by all available means. we will discuss methods of supervision of former criminals convicted of serious crimes after the news. this is the news of the morning, we will tell you. about the main things in russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova, hello, heinous crimes , inhumane acts of attack, foreign leaders and the russian public condemned the terrorist attacks in dagestan and express condolences. according to the latest data, more than 15 police officers, as well as several civilians, including an orthodox priest, became victims of the attacks.
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three days of mourning have been declared in the region. sarkar magomedov will continue. their goal was not just to kill, but also to destroy. in front of the derben synaga. collapsed cladding, part of the roof and holes in the gate, here they entered into battle with the criminals policemen, however, they entered, as eyewitnesses say, not through the main entrance, but from here, this is the back side of the building, as you can see, it was also burned out, and here they killed the guard, this is his workplace. the terrorists acted no less cruelly in the orthodox church of the city, they also set fire and shot, they were met and killed in cold blood by the oldest priest in dagestan, archpriest nikolai kotelnikov. everyone in the city loved and respected him, regardless of nationality and religion. as it turned out, nikolai kotelnikov was the target militants, perhaps because it united people, unlike terrorists, and called for
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presentation of state awards of the russian federation and state awards of the republic of dagestan. the special services are dealing with those through whose fault the police and civilians gave their lives, and why the children of the nephew of the head of the sergekalinsky district , the very one in which the hero of russia magomed nurbagandov was born and raised, staged a monstrous terrorist attack, will be shown. was donated to the city by sevastopol sailors, together with sevastopol the whole country mourns zaporozhye region. in memory of the fallen
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residents of soransk, lamps are lit at the family monument near the temple in honor of admiral ushakov. tears, flowers, words of support at memorial signs and steles, sevastopol, in smolensk volgograd. in other news, the israeli army continues to bombard gases. during the last arrival, dozens of buildings were destroyed, 30 people were killed, 70 were injured. that she was ready to stop hostilities in the gas sector, but did not specify when. in guatemala, eyewitnesses captured impressive
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footage. the storm began during the eruption volcanoes, uego and lightning struck directly into the mouth of polina, creating an unforgettable spectacle. earlier, the national coordination center for combating the consequences of natural disasters reported that the active phase of the volcano, which awoke in early june, was ending. faga is one of the most active in the territory. don't switch. heavy fighting continues in the kharkov direction; units of the north group are defeating the enemy. active support is provided to the artillerymen. hurricane heavy multiple launch rocket systems are capable of hitting various targets, both at the forefront and in the depths of the defense line. alexander korobov observed the work of the calculations. hiding a twenty-ton colossus in a forest thicket is not easy, but fighters have long mastered the art of camouflage. at the first signal, the calculation is ready.


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