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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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a tragedy occurred: at about 100 pm denis ochkin, who was riding bicycles with his little daughter, was knocked down to death right in front of the child. the eighteen-year-old son of businessmen, evgeny lagunov, was driving the car. he was studying in the eleventh grade at that time, as it turned out, evgeniy had only recently received his license, his parents bought him a foreign car for his eighteenth birthday, supported, but despite the lack of driving experience, evgeniy regularly listened to loud music. drove my friends around the city, immediately after the accident, evgeniy claimed that he did not see the cyclists, his speed was 80 km/h, but during the investigation, he changed his testimony and said that the speed did not exceed 40 km/h. a few days after the tragedy, evgeny lugunov was already having fun and dancing at the prom. the stepfather of evgeniy lugunov, who caused the fatal accident , is a local businessman, ivan martynescu, who had previously been convicted of criminal charges... in
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the article, the family of the deceased denis is confident that the businessman helped pasinka avoid responsibility and cover his tracks. eugene lugunov did not suffer any punishment. we continue to understand what happened. during the commercial, we were joined by yulia litvinova, a journalist who was conducting her own investigation. hello, julia, we are glad to see you. hello, you used to be our colleague, you worked at russia-1, you were a special correspondent, for the last 5 years you started working. on the tv channel people's television of mordovia, tell us what you managed to find out, as i understand, the people sitting here also turned to you for help. yes, natalya, widow, parents contacted me everyone in mordovia knows that i usually respond to people’s requests, and this situation really angered me, because well, it’s like, you know, like a local majorist comrade , his whole family, and...
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knew, and anastasia lagunova admitted and even compensated some part of the damage, as a result, martenscu was sent to a colony for 3 years, and anastasia lagunova, who came to court, by the way, was already ready to go with her things, well, she understood that she would be imprisoned, no, she avoided this fate, because, that means, at that moment, that same evgeniy, her son she was only 16 years old, and she was left free and given a suspended sentence. suspended sentence, and martenescu, when he gets out of there, i’m like that, but if you wait, twenty-first year, he somehow quickly got out, well, apparently, i don’t know, there were some kind of suspended sentences, maybe there were these, i can’t to say, i know that only one thing is that when he leaves, it seems that there can be no trust in them as rural businessmen, but they continue their business, now, as far as i understand, everything has been registered in the name of relatives, on her, in my opinion, there is only one store there fake people, it means that they are now
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engaged in the production of mordovian chips, they launched it under all this parsley, which means state duma deputies come to them, in fact advertise, this is just a video, and here is anastasia, so we see just the whole farce what is happening is that on the day of the tragedy, and a year later , state duma deputy from mordovia yulia globlin comes to the plant, and we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the owner herself is wearing a hat, and deputy nesa.
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when trouble happens, it's always two, two that suffer family, however, here, you know, she has, she is so well-groomed, she has such a crown on her, i called her, you know, when in her head, she talks, without knowing me, a stranger, insultingly, she said that i was bought, but my relatives went crazy amid grief, and this is simply outrageous, you know, when you describe all this, i now understand what i experienced, what sensations? when looking at the documents, i was horrified by these protocols, refusals to initiate criminal case, closing it, now i understand that these employees had motivation, most likely to close these cases, which means if there are people paying.
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the person who signed the refusal documents will also be held criminally liable for negligence. to sort it out, then the materials of the criminal case, even if they closed it, but we will take it to moscow to the investigative committee, this is actually a murder, and this is the investigative committee, so i promise you, please accept my deepest condolences, i promise you that i will take this is a matter for control, i am sure that both the minister
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of the ministry of internal affairs and the prosecutor general will not let this matter go to waste, but what the audience is saying is that we have a lot of people coming in now. this is not to say anything, of course, there are a lot of words of condolences, support for denis’s family, a lot of calls about the recent high-profile accident in blagoveshchensk, let me remind you that it happened on june 14, claimed the lives of several people, including children, he was driving fifty-nine-year-old evgeny makaryukin, at the time of the accident, he was drunk, now the residents of blagoveshchensk simply, in a single impulse , turn to us with a request to also take part in this, to figure it out so that the punishment is as severe as possible, and they even record a video message, let’s see. ekaterina, a resident of blagoveshchensk, recorded this video for us. hello, i’m watching your program now and i’m extremely indignant. why can’t someone involved in an accident be held accountable? in our city, in our city of blagoveshchensk, a drunk driver killed five people, i
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witnessed this terrible accident, in front of me children died, the worst thing is that this driver, this is not the first time... he has violated the law, if even then he had been brought to justice and deprived of his license, perhaps this crime that he committed now would not have happened, now he faces a sentence of 15 years , and our entire small cozy city, blagoveshchensk, is collecting petitions to bring him to justice and to imprison him for life, why, why don’t they pay attention to such things, well, it’s obvious. the residents of mordovia also need to collect huge petitions to write so that they pay attention to this attention, at the same time, listen, and i know that many sergei say that it rarely happens that almost everyone is afraid to speak, but here is what sergei was told by a cook at a cafe in the city, her son was also an eyewitness to this accident,
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and i have come to the conclusion that in this situation there are a lot of emotions, a lot, respectively, grief is understandable, understandable. which will never correct anything at all , but behind all these emotional stories, and we can miss the objective reality, i also familiarized myself with the case materials, i also saw the examinations, and i can say that here, simply, in my professional opinion, there is a chain of such unfavorable factors, here everything came together at one point, it turned out that the road...
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yes, yes, yes, exactly, it’s one damn thing, as a witness told me, an eyewitness to this
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incident, who is afraid, in the end did not give me an interview openly, because they are all afraid there, i don’t know what they are scaring me with, they simply explained to me when she did not come to me for an interview, i say , what happened, they, i got through to the parents of this person, this girls, let's put it this way, she explained that our house could be set on fire tomorrow, or something else could happen, that's why she wouldn't let us know, but she told me: on the phone, that lagunov was not alone in the car, we need to take into account the fact that he just got his license, and then they say that it was given to him, he drives poorly, he is an inexperienced driver, he is 18 years old, but i think that it will be like this, they were driving, there was music, they didn’t just see natalia’s husband, who was driving with my daughter was in this place, they shot me down, of course, then they panicked, they called martinese to this one, and he said: everyone is running out of the car, the witnesses are in the forest, there are living witnesses, but you are talking about some kind of
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examination, you can draw a lot of examinations, i have seen them already in my life, not a single one, there is no need to demonize experts, so that we show his experiment, because he drove along this road both day and night at different speeds, we will really show this after the advertisement, but before leaving i want to show the teacher, after all, it’s about emotions. even the condition, yes, a person hits, yes, or becomes a witness to an accident, he will go dancing, walking, until 3:00 at night, jumping, you know, this is what the teacher, the class teacher says about him, i was my wife’s class teacher from the fifth to the eleventh grade, my wife was an ordinary child like that, at school he was friends in the class with almost everyone, that is, there were no such sharp conflicts, he loved company very much, there was such a soul of the company,
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he covered up everything that happened with jokes, but there was still an aftertaste, pain, yes, it was felt, well, the graduation consisted of, as it were, two parts, ceremonial part, after ceremonial part, parents and children went to the cafe, i was at the ceremonial part, but i refused to go to the cafe, i thought that yes... the situation was not good, because
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the aftertaste from everything that happened, i couldn’t go just have fun , fellow classmates, they somehow tried to move away from this situation, that is, not to touch upon it, not to remember it, not to touch it, but at least in my presence, when we were together, no one wants to absolutely... look to facts without emotion, not through the prism of emotions, no, do you think it’s normal that he goes dancing? i think it’s abnormal, but i’ll say it, and no one thinks it’s abnormal if there were normal parents. they would put you at home and say: there is no need to go anywhere, when everyone thinks that they can buy everything, that no one will get anywhere, everyone will be silent in a rag, because they will cover all the offices with their chips, you know, the plant is closed, they are probably violating sanitary standards , fire regulations, they think they can buy everything, nothing like that, we’ll check everything, we need to talk about it, let’s make a short one now
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advertisement, after it the experiment of sergei semeysky and sergei managed to talk with ivan martenez. who ran from him for several days, but in the end sergei caught him in the car, what did he say after the advertisement? when will the secretary general work as a driver again? wow, wow, friends, this is a mega exclusive! on the eve of his eightieth birthday, gennady syuganov opens the doors of his home for the first time in several decades. a conversation without ties on the most pressing topics about the most intimate: family, friends, political opponents and hobbies. i bred 35 senits here, just very carefully, what a miracle, one day with the patriarch of the russian political scene, malakhov, soon on the russia channel, sonechka, i love you very much, i miss you very much, the premiere on rtr, where is sonya, we really
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need her, if you sign a purely heartfelt , you’ll get out of prison in... 8 years, if we want to set her up, we need her to be free, she doesn’t like gartensia, even squeeze a bumblebee around her, i’ll break your legs, understand? sealed, today on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, backgammon.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr, give me a neck, i went too far, take off my shirt, my god, on saturday. “i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, so, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad
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want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, i can’t imagine you without flowers, where, why? well, well, okay, thank you, i ’m warning you, when you’re with her, we’re with her. her, no, i’m warning you, i have serious intentions, a divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, a celebration of youth in st. petersburg, thousands of shining eyes, thousands of enthusiastic hearts, white nights, scarlet sails of the brig, russia over the waves of the neva , unforgettable graduation, allye parusa 2024, live broadcast from st. petersburg, on friday, on
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rtr. denis, hello! on the second day, my mother gave her car to evgeniy lagunov, and he drove around the city, what kind of mother could trust a car if he ran over himself. heartless cold man because from the first minutes he didn’t even approach his daughter, yes, that is, he sees that his daughter is standing in shock. he was already seen in bars literally a week later, how he was having fun, lighting up, well , it feels like nothing happened in their life, yes, that is, nothing has changed with their
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usual normal life, they haven’t done anything, as if, that’s why we we will not stop, we will move on, we will defend his honor, memory and dignity, and the culprit will be punished, we will do everything to ensure that he is punished. hello again, a year ago, on june 11, 23 , a tragedy occurred in the republic of mordovia, at about 10 pm in the city of temnikov, in front of the little daughter’s eyes, her father, denis ochkin, died ; the eighteen-year-old son of local businessmen, evgeniy lugunov, who was studying at the eleventh grade at that time, was driving a car. class. evgeniy recently received his driver's license as a gift for an old used car, but despite his lack of parenting experience, evgeniy regularly drove his friends around the city to loud music. sergei semeysky. who spent several days in temnikov, now he will show the scene of the accident and conduct his experiment. attention, now we have reached
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that section of the road, exactly where the accident occurred, we are driving in a straight line, yes, we see that the visibility is excellent, we see all the cyclists, now, here the speed is 40 km/h, we see a sign for the main road, we we see in front of us at a distance of up to 300 m, there is probably room for pedestrians and cyclists here on the side of the road, even if it is not much, it is there, and we can pass without touching anyone, now we will do the same thing, only at a speed of 80 km /h. here we are on gagarin street we’re driving, the speedometer is already 80 km/h, so it’s already more difficult to drive the car, in this section, well, it’s completely different, especially since the car could have... where it would be necessary to slow down, and now let’s drive the maximum speed one more time the speed that could be achieved on this section of the road, what maximum speed can this
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section of the road give us? well, you can calmly drive even 100 km/h, here, in theory , you should have slowed down, but if you do this very sharply, then of course the car with it could easily lead us and we could pull out to the side of the road. we waited until it got dark in the city and arrived on the very road where the accident occurred. the time now is approximately the same as when the accident occurred, so let’s try to drive along this road and see what the lighting is like there now. we see that the lights are working, there are a considerable number of them here, at least four lights, only now in front of my eyes, the road is well lit, plus the light of the headlights is added to this. everything is visible perfectly, it’s simply impossible not to notice the cyclist, visibility ahead is literally 100, 200, or even 300 m. if you don’t fly on this road at
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a speed of more than 100 km/h, then you can drive safely, because lagunov changed his testimony several times, he even did this to this girl, this witness, an eyewitness he said when he got out of the car, these were her words that he flew out, he said that i didn’t see we were driving at high speed. nika had an accident in our studio today, let's invite her to the conversation. hello, olga, i know that you know anastasia
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lugunova, worked with her, tell us about her. i know anastasia about 5 years ago , we met, she came to me several times for services at the beauty salon. well , how can you organize her, they said that she is arrogant, she looks at everyone like they are second-class citizens, well, she looks at me. i made a positive impression, she was open, very friendly, and she told me something about the accident, about her son, after all , the city is small, it’s still understandable, they are discussing it, well, it was quite a long time ago, there was no accident then and i know someone a long time ago, he also witnessed an accident, did he he thinks who ran into whom, well, he doesn’t draw any such solid conclusions, he just saw the incident, but of course not. does and does not want to tell the truth, but we will achieve this truth, so there is no need to talk our teeth into it, but here is another witness
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to the accident, alexander yeskin. i’m ready to tell you what really happened, alexander is 19 years old, and he was just walking around the city with friends, we meet alexander, at what moment did you see it? at the moment of the accident or at the moment when everything has already happened? uh, i was walking with a girl that day, and i saw how - a cyclist, just a man and his daughter were riding in that direction, and we turned into the park, there is a road to the park... we and literally 5 minutes later, when we saw them, i i heard a loud explosion, as if someone’s tire had exploded, but we didn’t attach any importance to it, we moved on, literally 10 minutes later, since the city is small, my friends already called me and said that there was an accident at this place, we they immediately ran up there and saw everything, and you knew this wife, yes, you knew him, but what state was he in? i saw that he was drunk, not drunk, when he arrived at the scene of the accident, he was already standing near the car.
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naturally, naturally, he was in a depressed state, after his parents arrived, he walked away with them and went, well, i can’t say for sure, but minutes after 10, maybe already after i got there, he talked to them and seemed to have calmed down, maybe some parents, but i want to say that sergei semeisko met with lagunov’s father, and let’s see what ivan martenscu, earlier who stole money from the state, as we understand, attention, now we are still at one enterprise that belongs to anastasia lagunova, right behind us, this is apparently a plant for the production of those same chips that they distribute to local stores, here we see cars that possibly belong to their family, now we’ll try to go talk to them, maybe there will be some dialogue, ivan, hello ivan, can we talk to you?
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alive, i touched the push, it was alive, they called me , i saw that a man was lying, alive, alive, an ambulance, then some other relatives arrived there and started dragging him, artificial respiration, beat him so that he would come to his senses, well, relatives, well, probably friends or whoever the wife flew there screamed where the ambulance was, everyone was waiting for speed. i didn’t come soon, he died, he died in the hospital, we also grieve and apologize, whatever, we are sick with this too, but what didn’t they say, how they threatened my wife , the father of the deceased, that he would slaughter the whole family, but the father of the deceased, there is even a statement, my wife wrote a statement to the police, she came home, she was shaking all over, she said, i didn’t i will go out because he threatens,
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says, he will cut me off. family, what is this? well , i understand that an accident happened, but uh, we also offer our condolences, but i understand that for them our condolences are of no use, but can you tell me what evgenia told you about the speed at which he was driving? it says there, as far as i know, there are 40 or 50 km, that’s how he generally felt there, he had a condition after all this, because for an eighteen-year-old teenager, he started completely, completely for... everything he has he is stressed, he still can’t get over it and he is very sorry that this all happened, and this is your enterprise, tell me, this is your enterprise, no, i myself work on a combine, on a tractor and, and you what is my position here, i am a driver, here is a combine operator, friends, here is a tractor driver who was probably clearing the place, natalya pavlovna, he says that they threatened
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to kill him if we... wanted to kill him, on the second day we were able to kill when a mother, what kind of mother would give her child, when he ran over a man, gave up her car, he the second day i already drove another car, i drove her car, anastasia lagunova’s car, she gave him hers, i wrote a statement so that his license would be taken away so that he would not cause another accident. the police didn’t react to this, okay, tell me, do you remember your accident, you also had a year ago, now i understand, you are emotional, a lot of emotions, i also agree with you, but you understand, first, natalya, hold on, thank you, because i understand that this is a terrible tragedy, mom, brother, what a blessing that milanochka is alive, lord, you understand, the child could have died too, but for me everything is completely obvious, the boy is young.


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