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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 25, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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this pitiful spanish nonentity, this thin sanchupans, what is he even talking about? that is, he will seriously determine who should do what, that is, he tells the legitimately elected leaders of countries about what foreign policy should be, the association in which he was appointed, well, yes, and this is democracy.
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we legitimize why we did not expel the eu representation, did not break off diplomatic relations with this unclear structure, why we are moving away from diplomacy, from communication with sovereign states to communication with a vague bureaucratic growth, thereby, if you like, recognize its legitimacy and give it power, i think it’s time for us to decide, yes, but...
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learn, they recognize something de facto, well, controlling the territory, he says, but they are not the authorities, so they actually also recognized the baltic republics as part of the soviet union, that is, you can go there, and even diplomats go there, and even there is diplomatic immunity for accreditation in the soviet union, but they are not part of the soviet union, this it was wonderful therefore... i don’t think that we need
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to recognize this de facto power as real power, but this is what i have to do with you. argue vlach, please, well, let’s say we don’t look at these european union things, they are disgusting to me too, and to me, the further it goes, the more disgusting this european union is, these are these faces, even there at the beginning it’s at least possible for something it was possible to watch, sometimes even listen to someone, to say, well, he’s a fool, he doesn’t know, but here it’s even impossible to listen, but what do we have at the national level? better, but even worse? i’m not ready, i’m not ready to comment on macron, well, i’m just not ready, i don’t want to, but i can’t get nervous, i can’t get excited, that’s why he doesn’t call you, but in reality, but in reality he
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will end up in spam, yes, but in reality, now ask for a call, hello, but in reality, well, he said a terrible thing, i... who makes any decisions, or this one, this stone, this snowball, the boulder, whatever, it rolls on its own, wherever it rolls, but it rolls to the great european war,
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that’s why i have very skeptical views here, but not to talk too long, i can’t help but return to the package of sanctions, which...
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for them, the appearance within their system of another point of view, even controversial, even if not always pro-russian, becomes
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deadly , this is how they went this way from post-truth, there can be many truths, choose any one, yes, then post-reality we... create a new reality, transplant, resettle the european man in the street there, and then he stews in his own juice, so then they understand that this post-reality can exist and can help them solve their political problems only under conditions of a complete monopoly on information, culture, communication on everything, but this is actually called a totalitarian society, and that’s what it is, kerenge. well, i’ll start with philosophical lyrics, i ’m watching tv, of course, the internet, all this constantly demonstrates such incredible systems, weapons, missiles, airplanes,
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you can’t think of anything, i’m wondering how much ingenuity and talent a person shows in general in order to create something that can... destroy your own kind, it’s incredibly simple, as they say, but that’s why i’m saying such lyrics, because it has no meaning for real life. unfortunately, real life is like this, we must take this into account, and i think that we need to build on the words of our president, which i think he said in hanoi, that we are talking about the thousand-year statehood of our country, in general in my opinion, the president has never so clearly and clearly formulated the threats that stand to our society. and this is so, this is so, and in this sense we must absolutely
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accurately understand all the threats that our country faces, regarding legality, illegality, here is mr. schultz, your favorite in his next speech, i read there... reported , that cannot be tolerated, cannot be accepted, territorial changes through force in europe, yes, such a simple question, but kosovo, and kosovo, you accepted, you provoked, you accepted, you chopped off a province from serbia, the oldest province, by the way, one of ...
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and what we should do, in my opinion, we still need to somehow create this imitation of peaceful life, which is still happening here, it seems to be quite good, but, but it seems to me that it’s still not very good appropriate, against the backdrop of the events that we are seeing, against the backdrop of the death of children, the constant death of civilians, this is war, a real war, merciless and cruel, we must approach it this way.
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we still have to come to the conclusion that, yes, this is a serious challenge, it requires certain sacrifices on our part, a certain patience, i mean on the part of the whole society, maybe we need to concentrate all our efforts on ensuring that our armed forces are fully provided with everything necessary, i heard your program on sunday and a wonderful program, where it’s correct -
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precisely to our own, you remember then, there were a lot of problems, a lot, you spoke openly about it in your studio, it was thanks to this, in many respects, i believe, that these problems would have been solved, so there is no need to be afraid of this, you were right in saying that it is necessary it is necessary to tell the truth, our people understand perfectly well the danger that
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threatens them, and those who do not understand, they finally need to be explained, this needs to be explained to them that there is no need to buy third-rate football players for 17 million euros, we need to spend this money to buy quadcopters there, i don’t know what they are, but there are a lot of these, these, these requests, you know, so, that is , it seems to me that we need to concentrate in this sense. we must understand that we are really facing a big danger, our enemy is very strong, no matter how we say that he is, i think so myself, yes, he is leaving, there is this, that, he has this, okay, let him go, but for us there are still serious challenges that we need to decide, for this we need
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a frank conversation in society, i repeat, without touching there...
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but apparently, apparently, we need to make all these decisions, because the most important thing is that the people feel us, that, as they say, this is real a serious challenge, and he wants some solutions, but i repeat that first of all it must be a victory over the ukrainian armed forces, then we will resolve these issues, because these
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are a little abstract, let’s launch missiles somewhere, you know, that’s also... i’ll say two more words about the upcoming one, i read trump’s program, by the way, but it seems to be about appeasement in the opposition to be honest, i don’t really believe that he will go for it, since i have already said many times, there is a big difference between the democrats and since the whole country will hear them, well, in the sense of the united states, and the whole world, apparently, the political elite will definitely listen, like it or not, he will be forced
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voice his position on ukraine, since this was one of his important election steps, election slogans, so in this sense it will be useful, because to some extent, at least as... this, in principle, allows ukraine to maintain statehood , because as the president said, we will review confirmed that we
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are ready for this option, that is, on its own, they say, this is an ultimatum, this is not an ultimatum, there is no ultimatum here, on the contrary, there is a compromise already included in the proposal itself, but this is his offer it’s impossible to do it any other way , just at least...
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that these territories, they must somehow merge in any way, nothing can be done about it, it’s absolutely natural, by the way, again, i’ve already said it, i’ll refer to it again , this is also not new in history, in 1971 the same story happened with bangladesh, which was part of pakistan, if you remember, and a war began there, and india helped bangladesh because there were bengalis there, as a result it ended. with the fact that on the site of this territory, a state was formed bangladesh, so when they say that there are no precedents, there are precedents, and this
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is normal, in those conditions when all this is divided like this voluntarily, a country, huge countries are divided on some basis, in this sense, the proposal of our president is absolutely legitimate , and most importantly honestly fair. advertising. you all had a motive to kill anna and there was an opportunity, you are all under suspicion, the premiere on rtr, i know who killed anna, it seems to me that i also guess who did it, just explain what is happening, this killer is next to christina, you see, i ’m afraid that christina is at gunpoint, well, they’ve taken her under seven seals. tomorrow at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to
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your house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how take it correctly? medicine will always be supported by a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan of fried potatoes over lard, i sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but this is for you i don’t recommend doing this, a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase.
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that now they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. we
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gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, alone the bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba, shelters, she says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand. olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys with us, i came across such people who care, to support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, that you do it, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday
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on rtr. i would like to develop the idea that said karen georgievich, we sell something there to europe, but what do we get in return? we receive currency that we cannot spend, because it is forbidden to sell what we need, that is, we take a very specific something. we send it there, for which we receive not even candy wrappers, but some kind of inscription on the computer, which we cannot turn into anything, and we create the feeling that gigantic things are actually happening here and there, now here are financial frauds, or what, i i can’t understand this at all, when the whole country is chipping in so that new reb systems will appear, and why, for example, do they appear at the front in large numbers, guys, almost every unit is also engaged in its own scientific work.
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because the regulations that exist, the most complex system, checks, justifications, that this will never be passed, the bureaucracy is crazy, i well understand the officials of the ministry of defense who say: what do you want, they will put me in jail, they came up with laws for me, i have to do it like this , like this, like this, otherwise i will be imprisoned, i understand well the guys at the front who say, i don’t care, bring it to me, it’s flying here, i need it to be suppressed, it appears, so the civilian sector, why does the civilian sector appear? but why, at a time when the country is at war, can you buy, i repeat once again, fat-assed football players, as georgivich so beautifully said, who speak excellently in different versions of portuguese and spanish, when i sometimes look at statistics, i don’t know who these people are, why do some latinos score in the gates of other latin americans, all this is called russian football clubs, this is like a serf theater, this is an ego, but can we go to
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these? i heard it for the first time, so i was surprised, this is the main news of recent days, if you think about it at all, that is, we, we generally understand what is happening, there is a war going on, where, without hiding all sorts of polish political scum, they declare that we not only should not exist , but the territory should be divided into 200 small ones that will squeeze everything in, and we do that, oh well, everything is normal, not normal, and if people...
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up there they think that they can sit it out, then let them look at our political leadership, and let them pay attention to what the supreme commander in chief says. can be repeated in 30 seconds, but i don’t advise anyone to step aside from these two simple things: first, they came to destroy us, along with our thousand-year history by our state, so we will go to the end,
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second, our goal is to build a completely new security system on a continent on which there should be no place for countries outside the continent, and this is absolutely the realistic goal of the entire confrontation. gigantic, well, there is a principle and there is a goal, you know, volodya, here i am, by the way, you and i are discussing, well, calmly as comrades, but we are discussing, i continue to set aside my point of view about the fact that we lack ideology, i there in different places where you won’t come, that’s when something doesn’t work out, but what do you want, they tell me, we don’t have an ideology, how will we educate, excuse me, well, well, you can argue about the ideology of education, yes, we need to argue about ideology, yes, that’s all that’s right, we need to argue about it, but there are two things that i said that you are missing from here, they completely ideologically
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provide any setting of tasks in any area that concerns the survival strategy of our people and our civilization, they are even redundant in this sense ... because, of course, they are, in this case everyone, europe, the united states, and the entire western world, under the leadership of the anglo-saxons, is, well, in its deepest crisis, which they may or
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may not have it was, at least in modern times, that it was there in the middle ages or after the roman empire, i won’t, so to speak, consider it now, although this in itself is interesting, but in modern and modern times it’s definitely not.
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be obligatory, if there is no choice, they do not consider anything, and the choice was simple, support hitler or stalin, they chose, so they had to go somewhere, well, of course , galbraith’s notes played a gigantic role, yes, who well described that russia finds, well, will win the war, this was the key opinion, the most important one, who played in generally there.
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and comrade nixon, leonid ilyevich
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brezhnev said, the cold war is over, sorry, and comrade nixon supported this statement by leonid elich, it was the second year of 72, then we actually ended it for the second time, yes, only then mikhail came out sergeevich gorbachev said that... that we ended the cold war again, but you already ended it in seventy-two, what happened, one might wonder, that you are ending it for the second time, afghanistan happened, no, volodya, everything happened before afghanistan , and afghanistan, by the way, vladimir rudolfovich, as brzhizinsky says, is the highest achievement of his personal american foreign policy, which is what i ’m talking about, because a very simple match happened, the seventy-second year.
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year at the moment when the dollar was decoupled from its gold content, what are we selling for? this is a question in 1975, actually, for what we sell all our resources there, but the difference, by the way, is that we were saving europe back then, but america there was a terrible crisis, vietnam, and everything about the economy. and europe was doing well, there
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was already russian, russian soviet oil, it was already in europe, and gas was starting to flow there, and there were also, so to speak, trade issues in our relations with europe, so europe did not deal with this crisis of the united states noticed it very much, unlike what is happening now, now she notices him, now i have taken the next step.
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the president that we must go to the end, and that we must expose the americans for the boundaries of our continent determine any regime of so-called impulses of love that may appear in the west towards us in the very near future, so we must remember what our goals are, and we must remember that history of how...
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well, i hope, i hope, yes, so, to take it completely seriously to fight for what we consider, well, not just fair, but what can actually bring peace for several generations to come, for several decades to come. by the way, let me remind you that stalin, after the great patriotic war, the last thing i will say, after the great patriotic war, i said to roosevelt and churchel, when...
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we are fighting, our heroes at the front are fighting with all their might, so that this is the world that will be, well, he was no less than 50 years old, and was of a completely different quality, an optimist, i believe that we have just ended such a peaceful pause for unnatural human nature and moved on to a natural form of expression of human guts, war. not for long, the war is forever, it will just be in in different forms, there, it will pass through the economy, because the economy must fuel the war, we can’t think of another euphemism, cold, a little warm, the most important thing happened, what seemed to prevent the world from going crazy, nuclear weapons have ceased
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to play a function deterrence, that's all, they were drawn into hostilities, nuclear powers, period, so what seemed like forever would protect the world, that's all. has passed, everything has passed, please, the scientific and expert forum of primakov’s readings, which began today in moscow, and the tenth anniversary, when in 2015 evgeniy maksimovich left us, the russian president proposed holding this forum in memory of his scientific works and to promote his ideas, over the past 9 years it has turned into one of the most authoritative platforms in the world from which russia addresses the world where people come. discuss issues of world politics, the best experts, well, as i watched today in the program from our friendly states, and much of what has already been said today, you quoted deputy prime minister verchuk, a very deep analysis of the processes in the post-soviet space, let’s return it like this, by
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he described the perimeter of all partners in russia in his speeches and showed why we need to cooperate with them, today to me in 2012. i managed to become a spectator of one very unique, it seems to me, event; at the st. petersburg international economic forum, sergei brilev held a debate between henry kissinger and yevgeny maksimovich primalkov, it was a very interesting sight, by the way, here the name of an american scientist of polish origin appeared, whom i also remembered evgeny maksimovich, he actually i began my speech as follows: dear henry, i’m glad that you came here, i’m very pleased to communicate with you, and not with... with bigniew brzyzinski, and after that, and he, his speech, looked at the recordings here, and he made, left us two forecasts, which i think are very relevant, one... is connected with the fact that russia is ready for a race like star wars, we will not start from the start, but as
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the soviet union did, not from scratch, but we have a backlog, so he did not recommend the united states to participate in this race, second, he predicted two places on the planet where a nuclear war could start, these are the middle east and the korean peninsula, this forecast , in my opinion, is very relevant to this day, and today in a letter or in a greeting.
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it is very difficult for the western government to provide assistance to supply military equipment and equipment , we will remember in january of this year for the first time in ukraine, naturally. in january of this year , the idea of ​​negotiations appeared in the discourse for the first time, here is an interview with tucker carlson, then
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a statement by mr. lavrov, in general politics the west faced serious problems in the united states and europe regarding the allocation of these aid packages, i think that at the front they noticed that after 60 billion were allocated, arms supplies increased, and the situation became significant. it at a high political level is our tool for interfering in the affairs of the other side; second, of course, the idea of ​​peace is becoming more popular in ukraine among voters in europe, less in north america, but in europe this is for sure, so when this idea is being discussed in russia or there is interest in russia.
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if we look at voters, then yes, for the majority of european voters peace is not needed, well, that is, yes, we look that there are parties that speak, but they are not in the majority, they are dissatisfied with their government, but this does not mean that they are for us or want peace, industrial circles do not need it, they often accelerate, increase the employment of their population, they create jobs, moreover, the long-term military industry begins to gain momentum, it works like a locomotive. they hate us this is genetic hatred, enough, that is , who needs peace there, as long as we don’t create
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threats for them, so that they feel fear, understanding that otherwise something will happen, and peace will not be needed, well, when it comes to the fact that the proposal world - this is actually an ultimatum, this is our threat, but they don’t understand it, because until they see exploding factories, exploding gas and oil pipelines, until they see...
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and she of course exaggerated the power and importance of the united states, but something tells me that the russian federation is now is becoming just such an inevitable, absolutely important side for the world majority, and confirmation of this came today, and we learned that on july 8, another confirmation, on july 8, indian prime minister narendra mo
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makes his first visit after the elections to the russian federation, last year such...
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iran, venezuela, cuba, well, for example, yes, nicaragal declare that we are entering into a single military-political union, with a single system of ideas about what is good, what is bad, a single command, because in reality, the military-political system is built on the fact that in the event of an emergency, during an emergency, everyone understands who takes command and carries out the exercise, here we have a unified air defense system, so, so, then the question arises, let's count. let's consider, you think to fight with russia, where there are 150 million, and an economy of a certain size, now you, and nato is against you, now the world majority is against you, and if india also supports, generally great, you want to butt heads, another question , as far as possible, but as a threat, it's very interesting, because there in finland, sweden, and we have
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north korea, yes, but then you need to calculate them right away... it’s very interesting to listen to the speech of deputy prime minister alexei logvinovich overchuk, i just came here from the center of international trade, where the pryamakov conference is ongoing reading, for those who hope to sit it out, the russian deputy prime minister clearly said that
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russia will not have great prospects or any prospects in the european direction in the near future, that is , this is a situation for the future, for years, and not for some short terms, what other impressions did i have after the performances of other participants, well, let’s create intrigue about the impressions immediately after the advertisement, i’m proud that i haven’t changed any of my pioneering.
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gennady andrevich zeganov, he is consistent, principled in his positions, his assessments, he never hid them. solidarity is the main weapon; now we must definitely win. he has survived both as a politician and as a sincere person; he disappears badly, but he remains. truth of zyuganov, premiere on wednesday on rtr. can i call you maestro? can? maestra, yeah, you can. this means that he has fooled you, and you are glad that he wants some fool to be attracted to him. who's the fool? it's me who's the fool. i would like to book a room at your hotel, what are you
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doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid, and hold, hold, hold, hold, move us in immediately, one room, oh, one city, st. petersburg, city small, nowhere to have dinner, alone. love, vasily, this is vasily, please call me back, i’m looking for a travel companion, in friday on rtr, people all sing well, but i think that you can still recognize the person who sings. who's pretending?
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not good, i’m again afraid of making a mistake, to be honest, catch me if you can, a big music show, it destroyed my format of generally perceiving everything, on friday on rt, what are you doing here, i won’t be long, change seats immediately, i have a wife now. yes, come, please, don’t attract attention, so you are the wife, i am the wife, and who are you? it’s you, yulia,
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you gave birth, congratulations, your husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you look tired, everything is fine, how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that his mother is not around, but we can cope without our mother, it brings not only children, only one option, which, you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself , wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a stork, let’s switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from the stork, on saturday on rtr. okay, so, in the european direction the prospects are small, if not completely absent, which means there must be some alternatives, and we are talking about alternatives.


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