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tv   Taini sledstviya-12  RUSSIA1  June 26, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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the catch in the central park of dalnerechensk cannot be compared with road fishing in the village of lugovoi , kharolsky district; the trophy is larger than crucian carp. while some are having fun making viral videos, residents of the private sector are rescuing cats, dogs and saying goodbye to their property, houses are going under water, people are crying for help. please help me spread it. the lesozavodsk administration says that we don’t have flooding, it’s like, it’s like, but what is this? i `m a pensioner. i urgently need to pump out the water, but i don’t know how or where to pump it out. rivers in in private sector gardens, powerful currents are washing away the harvest and property; they have said goodbye to winter supplies; they are afraid that the barn with the fences will be carried away. on some streets they move on boats and self-contained rafts. we really hope that maybe someday we will have a dam that won’t flood us like that. there is no road, but there is a direction. this is how they captioned the video from the cabin of the chuguevka zavetnaya bus. from plastun to melnichny proylovo.
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his plane, in transit through bangok, went to the island of saipan, where, after a court hearing, he is expected to be released. for the sake of this, the whistleblower, painful for washington, information about the crimes of the american military, made a deal with justice. the deal was clearly beneficial to the united states, and sanju faced 175 years behind bars on the totality of the charges. now there will be no extradition, they will give it. the united states has already called
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the biden administration's decision to conclude a deal with assange a desperate attempt to win the support of the electorate ahead of the november elections. all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the app or on the website this we are monitoring developments. in kuban, the harvesting of early varieties of apples is being completed due to the abnormally warm spring; it began ahead of time; this year’s harvest is good; for example, up to 20 tons of apples can be obtained from the orchards in krasnodar alone per day. ekaterina kanovalova found out where kuban fruits are sent. under the scorching sun , apple orchards spread over 149 hectares. this is an earley variety with a high yield. and
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it is very important for workers to collect these apples so that they arrive on the counter in good shape. apple - this is early, it needs to be very carefully, gently torn, so that no traces remain. the harvest this year is good, about 50 tons have already been collected from these gardens alone, and this is not the limit. farmers expect to send about 80 tons of kuban early apples to buyers this year. due to the abnormally warm spring, we are experiencing a growing season. the period has gotten a little closer, usually we just start cleaning up geneva in the twenties, twenty-fifths. these apples will be sent to kemerovo, novosibirsk, moscow and the moscow region. and so that the fruits do not overripe and went from branch to counter as quickly as possible; about 45 workers go out into the gardens every day. as soon as these boxes are filled with apples, a tractor appears in the rows. this is the next stage of their journey. having loaded the pallets with boxes onto a special machine, she takes the crop to be prepared for shipment. apples
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from all over the orchard are brought to this fruit storage facility, it is designed for 3,500 tons, the fruits here will actually stay for a maximum of two days, they are cooled here to 4 °, packaged, weighed and then immediately sent to counters. apples from the bryukhovetsky district have already been sent to buyers; they have their own picking technology; on special moving platforms, workers walk through the rows, thereby not missing a single ripe fruit. one day in a box. these trees produce up to 3 tons of sweet harvest, every year in the region these numbers are only growing, over the past 5 years the area of ​​fruit and berry plantings has increased by almost 3,000 hectares, which means that more and more residents of the country will be able to try our apples. ekaterina kanovalova, vadim zheleev, news. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website, news is monitored for development.
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events have begun. come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, good morning, we tell you! we say this because a new day is coming , it’s very interesting that you and we will learn all sorts of different things and interesting things, elena nikolaev andrey petrov is in the studio today, in addition to the interesting things and different things, i must say that wednesday is on the calendar, and this is the middle of the work week wednesday and the middle is the time to plan the weekend,
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some people suggest this, they say here, don’t forget to try it at your dacha, beat the drums, whistle, make noise, vibrate in every possible way, that’s what. this is exactly how you can conjure earthworms in england, they even hold a similar championship, the one who lures out the most of these individuals will win, the rules are interesting, the rules are strict, no drugs, stimulants, or digging water is also prohibited, the most effective method is tapping on a garden fork, however, someone tries to enchant with the sounds of a flute with perky melodies, worms are curious creatures, you know, they crawl out, look, what ’s going on there, this year’s record is 195 animals, but... an absolute one that lasts for almost half a century, more than 500, oh, i would i gathered them all for fishing, well, by the way, the worm championship takes place only in good weather, and maria borisova knows what it will be like for the russians this week, good morning, good
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morning, i’ll start from the far east, from afar, from afar, to yakutia the cold snaps in, today it will still be 17 vomikon, and tomorrow it will be such a dull 12 and rain, but in the south. clouds causing showers and thunderstorms. during the day in the reaches of the volga and don until 25:30, in the crimea on the kuban until 28:33. sea water off the coast of crimea is 23-26, on the black sea coast - 24-27. and the cyclone will continue to throw rain clouds and rather
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cool air masses to the shores of the middle volga. as a result , the thermometer at midday will not rise above 18:23°. in the north-west of russia the weather will be controlled by an anticyclone, so there will be warm sunshine here. in the north and east until 18-23. there will also be few clouds over central russia, only in some areas masses of heaping rain clouds may form. the prevailing daytime temperature is 22-27. in the urals, the sky will still be covered with the cloudy fields of the cyclone, so it will rain here again, and the temperature regime will not be summer at all. afternoon only 17:20. in southern siberia it is predominantly sunny and only in some areas there may be short thunderstorms, but they will not prevent the sun from warming up the air well; here it is midday hours 28-33, in some places another 2-3 degrees warmer. in the south of the far east, the rains will also be local, short-term
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in nature and the prevailing daytime temperature in the amur region is 23:28, in the south of primorye until 18:23, thank you very much, thank you, but of course i was most interested in ekaterinburg on this map, i’m going there for the weekend . i saw rain, yes, the weather will be the rainiest there, so thank you, i need to call you names, well, in the next 3 days the worst weather will be in the urals, and if we say the opposite, where we have the hottest weather, this is still in the lead siberia, even in polar norilsk it’s 25°, but the hottest weather tomorrow in the country is altai and the novosibirsk region, 35° you really need to be careful and it’s better to stay in the shade, thunderstorms will probably lead to everything, well, most likely . but on european territory, against this background, everything is very calm, moderate, the only thing is that the north-west has distinguished itself ; st. petersburg itself will be warmer tomorrow than in sochi, wow, well, here you and i, that is, this is some kind of temporary cyclone, well, he was walking just now
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the weather has cleared up there, the rains are ending for you and me and the weather is generally perfect, we have finally survived these downpours, on weekends you can even swim, summer rarely coincides, the sun and we rarely coincide, thank you. a big forecast for the week from maria borisova on our air, thank you, i have a special order from the head of the security service, i can’t let you in, are you drunk, from which boss? me from which boss is under seven seals, premiere, today is 21:20, catch me if you can, a big music show, i didn’t decide for everyone now, please, please, on friday at 21:30, they started.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing is that in such cases they usually say: we would like, your problems. “if you are tormented in the morning, thinking about what chocolate to choose for tea, coffee, take milk, they say, you can’t go wrong, the majority of russians say so, 70%, that’s what they buy, every fifth person likes the tart taste of dark chocolate, gourmets , the rest, well after all, white chocolate, by the way, can determine a person’s character, so, at least, confectioners say, milk is chosen by those of a romantic nature, dark, self-confident people, and white people, tired of routine and wanting,
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at the same time it is vitally important be able to distinguish between the types of buzzing threat, experts remind: wasps do not need a special reason to sting, but bees are more peaceful and bite only when they see a direct threat. of course, there is a scientific explanation for this; it’s all about the sting. in bees it is serrated and when inserted into the skin, like as a rule, such a sting gets stuck in the skin. but after this she lives for a short time, dies, but the predator wasp
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does not have such problems at all: the smooth sting does not get stuck in the skin, so one insect can sting up to five times and also bite with its jaws, with each injection about 0.3 mg of poison, by the way, it is generally similar in bees and wasps, but there are important differences in the composition of histamine, meletin, apamin, phospholipa a, which acts as a powerful allergen and neurotoxin, but wasps also prepare a special present. a complex substance that affects the amount of sugar in the blood, which is extremely dangerous for diabetics, and in general is much more unpleasant , says mila zemtsova, a resident of novgorod. the girl’s body reacts noticeably to bee stings: her skin swells, itches, and it’s difficult to breathe. the recent meeting with asa added thrills. there was a condition that paralyzed the left side, then they also began to choke. according to doctors, the case is more than common, so those who are allergic to bees should be wary of wasps double or triple. you must have a syringe pen with you. with adrenaline, so that if any difficulty in breathing develops, or a little more in
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the localization of the bite close to the neck or head, so that it can be applied immediately. also , the emergency kit includes corticosteroids or dexemethosone or prednisolone, also in the form of an injection, only after this it makes sense to take an antihistamine tablet, although doctors remind you that before collecting a first aid kit, you need to consult with a specialist, it is better to do this in advance. moreover, hopes to scare away the evil nippers... so many experts agree, with bees, again, it’s easier. we start to smoke, then we imitate a fire, what do they do, they go down, collect honey in their crops, so the wasps can get scared, come to their senses, or they can immediately head for a showdown, and there are no specialized repellents against these predators. a wasp is a large insect, autonomous, does not contact surfaces, and it is impossible to apply repellent in the required quantity to scare it off. but if the bite has taken place, then consult a doctor is very desirable, and if you are stung in the face, neck
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or, as is often shown in funny videos, in the lips or tongue, you call an ambulance, the swelling spreads in minutes, blocks the airways and threatens, not likes on social networks, a very real respiratory arrest. the future of transport energy lies in hydrogen - hydrogen researchers tell us that it is more efficient than gasoline batteries; in a liter of gas there is as much energy as in a twenty-kilogram lithium battery, but in its pure form... hydrogen is almost never found in nature, about how scientists are going to solve the problem of this deficiency, andrey alekseenko will tell you. every car owner at least once in his life has found himself in a situation where the shortage lamp is on on the dashboard. fuel, and the refueling is still far away, usually several kilometers, but for krasnoyarsk resident vladimir sedov we were talking about thousands of kilometers. the fact is that he bought a car that runs on hydrogen. and it’s clear that there are cars that have a battery, plugged into a socket, it seems to be charging, and you can drive, but here is an alternative, which, in principle, is in russia not yet available in terms of refills. at first, vladimir
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refueled the miracle of japanese technology using a homemade device, and then moved to the moscow region closer to the gas station. there are no more of these in our country. than fingers, all because this gas in its pure form is almost absent in nature, and problems arise when obtained. there are a lot of methods that currently exist for producing hydrogen in the world in general, there are a lot of them, there are more than twenty of them, most of them are either very expensive or dirty, so when generating hydrogen , carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is released into the atmosphere, in order to save the planet without harming it, scaltech scientists proposed synthesizing hydrogen directly from methane deposits deep in the earth. the technology looks like... a catalyst and water are pumped into the well, and then oxygen is supplied, it is actually, well, like in any combustion process, it is the basis of the combustion process, as a result hydrogen is formed, and it is pumped out to the surface, in while the second product of the reaction is carbon dioxide remains in the bowels of the earth while experiments are carried out in the laboratory, in a special steel reactor, scientists want to understand how
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combustion occurs underground, learn to control the process, here we see how it spreads towards the production wells, and we are also on this site, we can consider different scenarios, this data will help scientists develop the technology for use in real fields, in which case an alternative source of energy will appear in our country, which will cost less than gasoline and network electricity. and then, when the speedometer shows 280 km/h, this car cannot be stopped, there may be fines, we will test the sports car on the road today, the test will be in a few minutes.
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one can only guess at the scene of the allegrov trio, well, what’s criminal here, it would seem, i would allow irochka, i would ask her a question, the pronunciation is good, getting into the text is not good, i’m again afraid of making a mistake, to be honest, catch me if you can, it’s a big music show, it ruined my format for perceiving everything in general, hurry up. on rtr, my name is ivan, can i be vanya? masha, not bad, zoya, i haven’t had zoya yet, ninel, ninka, or something, look at prt, you need a good girl and get married, how can you decide, he’s not good, but a pretty girl, with a joke, a joke , with an invention, girl, maybe i am this ideal
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, let’s go to the tax office tomorrow, masha is still there, but she’s a friend. you’re fooling your head, what kind of jokes are these, limiters, i’ll take it and get married, on july 1st. on the mouth i am proud that i have not betrayed either my pioneer oath, or my party card, or military prezeli. to the eightieth birthday of gennady zyuganov. the advantage of this place, you know what, all the opponents are in full view.
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i’ve known him for as long as i’ve worked in the state duma. somewhere he will simply insist on his own like a tank. true zyuganov, premiere today on rtr, come on, i went too far, take off your shirt, my god! on saturday, i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check the feeling, that means, i don’t
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see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children don’t do anything you should know, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, you don’t have a thought without flowers, well, why bother? well, well, thank you, i’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, but no, i ’m warning you, i have serious intentions, a divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr. forgetfulness with it, you know, you need to fight, because of course, sometimes, you don’t forget that you are fighting with it, yes, sometimes it’s nice, but more often it can pose a threat of danger, this happened to a girl pilot from holland, she forgot to check the lock in cabin,
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during a sharp maneuver, the canopy glass swung open, as the novice pilot herself admitted, the wind hit her face with such force that it was difficult to even breathe, the trainer’s commands were not audible, and apparently , the novice pilot was severely limited by some miracle in such conditions managed to return to earth. vision was restored only a day later, but our colleague iva zinkevich will share his impressions of the speed; today he is driving a sports car. i already forgot the last time i drove a sports car, it's time to remember, subaru will help me with this vrx. the abbreviation vrx brand denotes sports versions created on the basis of the empreza model; they can be easily distinguished by a massive air intake on the hood, extended fenders and a pair of exhaust pipes. compared to the past, the price tag is not a joke: 7,100,000 rubles, but
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there are no sports sedans of a similar class left on the market, so we are looking towards crossovers; competitors in terms of price can be listed as xsit vx, series m7 and tank 500. in the new generation of the car got a large vertical tablet, this is probably the only change is in the interior. everything else looks like. it’s definitely conservative, if not old-fashioned, there are even instruments with analog scales, but if you look closely, you see a speedometer with markings up to 280 km/h. a serious request, i’ll separately note the comfortable seat, we’re talking subaru, we mean a boxer engine, the pistons in the cylinders run opposite each other, it’s believed that this design makes it possible to lower the center of gravity, which is important for sports cars. the turbo engine with a displacement of 2.4 liters develops 275 horsepower and 360 lb-ft of torque, in tandem with it is a variator, the dynamics are good, from zero to a hundred the vrx shoots in 6.1
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seconds, the figure does not seem to be prohibitive, but on the road it still feels like it’s fast, but i note that this car is not trying to catch you getting out of control , for a sports car it has a very flexible character, confidence on the road is promoted by the brand's traditional all-wheel drive... as well as the icide driver assistance system, which sports models have not had before. she keeps the car in the lane, slows down in front of obstacles, sees pedestrians and cyclists, yet the main feature is a properly tuned suspension. and the car corners confidently, although the driver still needs to keep his ears sharp. but the chassis, as one would expect from a sports model, regularly reports road irregularities. subaru vrx is interesting. a car with a sporty character, but with such a price few people can approach it, the manufacturer should definitely think about releasing a more affordable version,
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then the relatives were taken aback, but what about dad, i’m confused, take your daughter, but you were worried, if under the supervision of good doctors, and nannies, and nannies, and childbirth in water will go smoothly, well, let ’s talk in detail about an alternative way of having children. in a few minutes, why are you standing there, go, go, well , go, dad, go, this is the news for the morning, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in karina ilyin’s studio, hello, footage of new powerful explosions has been published in kharkov, in the north in the kharkov region, our units are conducting active combat operations, defeating the enemy. that's how volchansky the location of the ukrainian marines was destroyed by a three-ton aerial bomb, and these were already strikes with gliding bombs on targets in the vicinity of walking field in the zaporozhye region,
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as they said. seriously changed the situation in the combat zone, allowing the russian military to break through the enemy’s fortified defenses. it is also reported that the total losses in the ssu per day exceeded 2,300 militants. ukraine has become the most striking example of military-biological colonization by the united states, this was stated by the head of the radiation, chemical and biological troops defense igor kirillov. according to him, ukrainian territory. is now becoming a settling tank for spent western nuclear fuel, which could become the basis for the creation of a so-called dirty bomb with its subsequent use under a false flag. the main routes for the supply of chemicals are organized through poland and romania, while organizational, logistical and financial issues are personally supervised by the head of the office of the president of ukraine andrey. kirillov added that during the conduct of the sbu, documents from the sbu were received,
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confirming the interest of kiev. the donbass mines are currently undergoing a global update; new equipment for miners has already been purchased, this will help raise the level of coal production to the maximum in just 6 months. alexander will talk about the prospects.
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podoprigora. compact mine on the outskirts of teresa. in the best years , four sections worked here at once. from each, up to 1.0 tons of coal was extracted daily. the period of decline under the ukrainian government left its marks. the indicators are close to minimum. a total of 800 tons. the proceeds went to support mines in working order and salaries for miners. discussions about possible repairs and modernization were not raised. it was not even possible to change the miner's uniform. for years we used personal. clothes, thanks to the support of investors, some of the new clothes have already been delivered to the mine, a second batch is expected, along with overalls , self-rescuers, famous canoe lamps and helmets are being updated. in the near future, they plan to carry out a full renovation of the mine, restore surface facilities, replace outdated equipment, and at the same time, there is no they forget about history, on the territory at the main entrance there is a monument to the russian explorer, geologist, professor, leonid
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lutugin, a man who spent more than 22 years studying the donetsk coal basin, he was the first to draw up a geological section of the coal-bearing strata of donbass, determined its thickness, the number of layers layers, created a summary map. thanks to his work, in particular, the region became an industrial center, and today's miners have jobs. the main task is to successfully bring the mine to full production. it will take strength to complete it. time in a successful scenario up to six months. new jobs will appear, and this is not only an opportunity for development.
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stormed the parliament building during the budget vote and caused a pogrom inside. according to media reports, the police responded with live bullets. previously, 10 rioters were killed and another 50 were injured. coincidentally, the unrest began when joe biden declared kenya as america's top non-nato ally. this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. donbass was visited by a foreign delegation, which political activists, social activists, publicists from the usa and georgia entered, they came to see with their own eyes what was really happening in the northeast military district zone and draw their own conclusions. journalists were shown monuments to the victims of the great patriotic war, the ukrainian aggression of 2014 and lugansk destroyed by the kiev regime. report by svyatoslav dolgachev. a foreign
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delegation inspects the destroyed one. on june 7 , the entrance to a residential building in lugansk is a direct indication that the kiev junta, following the directives of washington and brussels,
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drink at the venues of the united nations in order to convey to everyone the truth about the kiev regime. according to foreigners, the chance of sudden and global changes in public consciousness is low, but this is not a reason to remain silent. svyatoslav dolgachev, magomed bashir aliev, alexey malokhatko, alexander khvastov, lead
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lugansk. in kamchatka, at the first call , employees of the territorial center for disaster medicine are ready to fly to any point of the peninsula. requests for the evacuation of patients are received daily; the only thing that can interfere with the brigade is weather. a whole special operation was launched to save a premature baby from the village of telichiki. alexandra ostrikova will tell you more. specialists from the disaster medicine center at the hospital in the village of telichiki examine and prepare a baby for flight. the baby was born prematurely, he is not yet a day old. a woman in labor was admitted on an emergency basis with a 32-week pregnancy, where an emergency birth took place in our conditions. there is a small hospital in the village, here. can perform emergency childbirth, even minor surgical procedures, but premature babies require serious pediatric intensive care. the nearest branch is in the regional capital, it is not more or less, 1,200 km. it is impossible to do without disaster medicine specialists. okay, send your application.
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every minute counts while the doctors collect all the necessary equipment, the head of the center and the minister of health literally decide manually how to quickly evacuate the baby. reanimmobile. quick inspection, a runway and a yak-40 aircraft ready to perform a sanitary mission. 2.5 hours in the air, finally a plane lands in the village of korf. the plane-helicopter transition literally took 3 minutes, now 5 minutes in the air and we will be on tv. there is no landing strip for an airplane in the village, you can get here as quickly as possible only with a transfer, an ambulance is already waiting next to the helipad so that the little patient can endure the journey as easily as possible, a team.
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malakhov started today at 16:30. come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, that’s the main thing! good morning, good morning, whoever is in no hurry to start a new day is the one he probably won’t make it in time for dinner, he’ll never wait for him today, but if you hurry, everything will work out, elena nikolaev, andrey petrov welcomes you, we’ll help you sort everything out, it’s unclear why andrey has been scaring me since the very morning, after all, you know, here we are ... russians, people, are in a very positive mood, really
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, really, because, you know what they say, someone is living and working now, they say in an ideal world, such people, almost every second russian is like that, he says that he works in a company led by a dream boss, survey participants consider him it’s comfortable to be at work, because a trusting and comfortable atmosphere has developed in the team, and this is the merit of sensitive management, and well done, as they say? but not everyone is so lucky, every third russian has to endure the boss of a tyrant, as employees call those who adhere to a rigid management model, there are also manipulators, there are not many of them, but they still exist, and controllers who prefer to keep their finger on the pulse and to no one they don’t trust, but we are happy, because we need to start trusting, but japanese scientists they are calling on you to trust them to eat the whole fish at their direction, because the bones, giblets, and head contain... a lot of useful substances and can contribute to longevity. add the egg
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then the breadcrumbs. the traditional japanese dish shishama, that is , fish fried in breading and oil, performed by chef koha rossi , is popular not only in the land of the rising sun, but throughout russia. the whole secret is in the seasonings; ginger and garlic smooth out the taste so that the small fish can be eaten whole. small. korech mixed with other flavors make it very tasty. in japan, we like to eat fish with the head, bones and giblets, because there is a lot of calcium and useful vitamins. the words of the chefs are confirmed by scientists from the university of tokyo. the other day they published sensational results of a study in which more than 80.00 people participated. 35,000 women and 45. men were observed for 9 years. it turned out that in the group where they ate whole small fish more than twice a week, the overall indicators were the same. health turned out to be almost 30% higher, in contrast to
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those who did not eat such fish. key the word here is explained by doctors, we are talking about the benefits exclusively of fish no more than 10 cm long. its bone component, cartilage component, then it is a rich source of silicon, calcium phosphorus, and if we are talking about the insides, then these are essential omega-3 and 6 fatty acids that are extremely important for our. body, and if we are talking about the head, the brains of our fish, then these are primarily omega three fatty acids in the form of coosohexaenoic acid. by the way, one of the safest and most enjoyable the taste of the options is classic sprat in tomato, but the larger specimen is eaten whole, in no case is it recommended, the larger the fish in size and the longer it lives, the more it accumulates toxic substances, mercury and pesticides, because the gill filters.. water retains many toxic substances, and any fish
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has a digestive system, fish even have small and large intestines, all this needs to be removed, so before cooking we cut the fish, but you can leave part of the head and the most useful skin, that is it. is a source of type 1 and 3 collagen, as well as vitamin e, calcium, selenium and iodine, so our fish is ready, look how golden and ruddy the crust is... it’s impossible to resist the temptation, muscovite tatyana admits that she can’t live without fried mackerel . i definitely eat twice a week, because in principle i love fish, in the fried format most of all, i bake it too, that’s what they recommend, there are doctors who ideally combine different types and sizes of product to get maximum benefit and pleasure. well, like fish in water expectant mothers can also behave this way. a new study by scientists has rehabilitated the family. in water it is stated that this method does not increase the risk of complications for the child and his mother
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, provided that she did not have any complications during pregnancy, it is worth noting that all cases of birth in water that were analyzed by scientists took place under the strict supervision of obstetricians. our guest is the deputy director for scientific work of the institute of obstetrics, kulakovsky center, doctor of medical sciences, professor zulfiya akhadzhaeva, good morning, good morning, good morning, well, on condition, andrey already voiced this somehow, but why did scientists suddenly decide. this method, it has long been known, seems to be about rehabilitation - this is a very strong statement, because after all, childbirth in water remains a very debatable point, the first period is subject to an intact amniotic sac.
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in the second stage of labor, and most importantly, if she suddenly gains determination and decides to spend the third stage of labor in water, when the placenta separates, then through the gaping vessels water can enter the bloodstream, and this sometimes there is a very, very serious complication called liquid embalism, but a very good one - elena raised a good question, because when she said, mommy wants to persuade the doctor, the doctor is really... a stubborn mother who will say, come on, no prudent doctor , seeing a mother, let’s say, an older one, a mother with some kind of somatic illness, the son will never agree to give birth in water,
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for some reason when they say partner birth or not, this also comes off a little bit as such a non-standard solution, well, we have men somehow ready. from my point of view, ores are a sacrament, it’s a double-edged sword, you know, if the husband sees the process of expulsion in life-size, so to speak, let him stand at the head of the bed and come up to... and what do you advise us about soft childbirth ? you know, soft birth, i ’ll tell you what? definition of soft labor. soft birth is a birth without medical interventions, in the presence of a doctor who monitors the physiological course of the birth process. it's interesting
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to look at the percentage of women who first they want a soft birth, but then they scream, let’s give them something more satisfying.
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it’s so nice in the morning to feel the kalaret of oriental tea drinking, storpki black tea, tonic tea with bergamot and soft black with sage. morning is time to brew azer tea, well, it’s beautiful, that’s why you shouldn’t drink water because it’s beautiful, maybe you shouldn’t drink it, but i’ll still take it away, sloths, from july 1 at 21:20. the smartest cities are megacities with an effective municipal management system. the idea is being implemented with the support of the national project housing and urban environment, over 6 years more than 230 cities created a modern digital infrastructure and provided comfortable and safe living conditions. technologies are increasingly
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being introduced, there are more conveniences, and this is not just anywhere. first-year student georgy gadlo, a future logistician, lives outside the city, is very worried that he will become famous in college as a student who is always late, but it turned out that it is quite possible to be on time everywhere, a special city application and route will lay out a stop, choose a stop, and tell you how long to wait for the transport, in a word it will do. to everyone who doesn’t like to catch up with someone who is leaving bus, convenient for both schoolchildren and the elderly, the application also has built-in feedback from the transport department, if anything? on the route or the bus is often delayed, you can make a proposal and even complain, although the sochens assure that there is nothing special about it, digitalization is gradually covering not only transport, but the entire management system. resort town, local authorities confirm that this is just the beginning. a smart city is, of course, a complex of various innovative, digital solutions and
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activities. we are implementing a lot various directions. these include services for processing electronic requests, smart parking, and even the already familiar cctv cameras. in big cities they are everywhere. this is a blessing, peace of mind - assures the loving , no longer so anxious father of his teenage daughter, ivan urvantsev from tyumen. indeed, exactly. they know they are keeping an eye on his girl along the entire route. now we no longer raise the issue of watching him go there, well, the child now goes to school calmly, we let him go out with his peers. not so scary in the evening, not so anxious in the evening a car left in a parking lot, under the supervision of streets, courtyards, playgrounds. 24-hour peace of mind for residents is ensured in a single operational response center. it oversees 4,500 video cameras installed under the smart city project, a national housing and urban environment project. today, of course, we have advanced in our work, especially in terms of using various services,
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there are more applications and feedback platform services, as well as cities using them, this was confirmed for the first time at the fifth international forum on the development and digital transformation of cities - smart city. over the past 6 years , more than 230 settlements have received this status by introducing innovations into their infrastructure. and those who are just planning to start doing this will receive help at the highest level. together with the regions, their proposals and proposals and work with the state duma, we are actively implementing - namely the digital space. the average value of the city iq index at the end of last year was 61 points out of 120 possible. the leader in the category of largest cities from 1 million people was moscow with 120 points. in the category of large cities from 250 thousand to 1 million people, tyumen won with 118 points. in the category of large cities, from 100 to 250 thousand inhabitants, the leader was yuzhno-sakhalinsk, earning 118 points,
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among the administrative centers the chernushinsky urban district of the perm territory was recognized as the most digitalized, it received 116 points, you all had a motive to kill anna and had the opportunity , you are all under suspicion, premiere on... tr. i know who killed anna. i think i can guess who did it too. can you just explain what's going on? this killer is next to christina. you see, i'm afraid that christina is being targeted. well, did you take it? behind seven seals. today on rtr. the ox is trembling. the walls are shaking, big ones have arrived. in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different
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functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects, i love plants, i'm generally a plant person maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr.
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akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad
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imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much... everything is ahead, i foresaw my fate, now only everything fulfilled, i surrender everything, with joy, let's let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, the holiday season is not a reason to forget about culture, don't forget to go to the museum, it's useful not only for you, but for the museums themselves, here's a confirmation... american once for 400 rubles she bought a decorative vase at a thrift store, she had no idea what kind of value was actually stored in her house until she visited an exhibition, there she noticed an amazing similarity, showed photographs of the work to a museum employee, and they were speechless, she ended up in a vase it’s been in perfect condition for more than eight hundred years, in general it’s a rare relic of the may civilization, and now it’s an exhibit of the museum
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of anthropology in mexico, it’s a vase, we just confiscated it. the story was continued, now the center of the plot is not the famous snake himself, but his little son, well, friends, we are filming a fairy tale, but in general this is ours, this is our reality, and we hope that this fairy tale will be funny and that everyone will like it very much, there is a tradition of breaking a plate. on the first day of shooting, and if you save the fragments until the end of filming, then the film will be a success, a tradition beautiful, but besides her, of course, other components are also important, first of all the cast, however, in this film it will be really stellar, judge for yourself, alexander petrov, victoria galakova and sergei makovetsky himself, director dmitry khonin promises there will be an exciting fantasy, we have a family fairy tale, where there are quite a lot
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of all sorts of special effects, stunts, everything else, exercises, into which the submariner alexey alekhin will plunge headlong into his boat. a fateful dive will take the hero into a magical world where everything is in endless, enchanting and musical movement. we will have very, very many physically active scenes, and these will be dances, these will be suspensions, we will fly, dance, sing everything, all this will be very , very beautiful, we have already rehearsed, and this , of course, is something magical and magic. the entire film will be imbued with this, say the scriptwriters, because the actor will be accompanied by a fairy-tale creature, but not a giant snake, which we used to call gorynych, but his son. the artists have already developed the image of drakosha and it turned out to be quite cute, here it is what character is hidden behind it is still a secret. i hope we will have some unexpected things, after all, our fairy tale is completely new, we came up with it ourselves, it’s not based on some folk tales, but this is our own, let’s
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say, our own fairy tale. the plot of this fairy tale is impossible to predict, one thing is clear: good, of course, will win, because the film, primarily a family film, remains patiently, the premiere is scheduled for early 2026, then they promised one thing, well, they built another, we will discuss the developers’ commitment after the news. four children remain in in serious condition after the terrorist attack in sevastopol, they are fighting for the lives of the victims. chupas of a regional scale in primorye due to flooding, seven settlements were cut off and roads were lost under water. the founders of wikileaks julian asandge were released from prison in the uk. now he will not
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be extradited to the united states, where he faced 175 years in prison. a new day begins on the russia channel, the main news is in the studio of karina elina. hello. four children taken for treatment from sevastopol to moscow remain in serious condition. the day before, a special flight from the ministry of emergency situations evacuated 22 injured people from the capital’s clinic, more than half of them children. they were placed in it for immediate trauma surgery. they are now connected to ventilators. three more seriously wounded adults were sent to the non-spark.
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limbs there of the chest, well , the volumes are completely different for each patient, but basically these are combined injuries, surgical interventions were performed on the patients. on site in sevastopol, and completed high quality, so this is very pleasing. vladimir putin spoke with recep tayyip erdogan. according to the kremlin's press service, the turkish president strongly condemned the terrorist's criminal attack in dagestan, expressed a sense of solidarity with our people and sincere condolences to the families of the victims, and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. the leaders agreed to continue close cooperation in the anti-terrorist area and meet on the site. arrested for 10 days. he was previously dismissed from his position.
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this was reported by the press service of the supreme court of the republic. according to preliminary data, the official may be accused of aiding terrorism. the orthodox priest who died during the terrorist attack in derbent, as well as all the killed police officers, will be presented with the order of courage. the head of dagestan announced this. he called on residents of the region to unite in the fight against terrorism and extremism, which is carefully planned from abroad, and stated that separate work and verification would be carried out among the governing bodies and officials of the republic. the government of dagestan allocated 50 million rubles to help the loved ones of the victims and victims. and the day before it became known that the number of victims had risen to 21 people. one of the policemen died from his injuries in the hospital. in primorye, they are eliminating the consequences of heavy rains; they flooded the region all weekend, as a result of which the water level in the rivers reached critical levels, hundreds of plots and houses were flooded,
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a state of emergency was introduced in two areas, roads were lost to water supply, seven settlements were cut off from the mainland. report by victoria shandybina. the crucian carp have sailed straight to the city center, you can you can cast and fish right in the park along the street. catch in central park. does not compare with road fishing in the village of lugovoi, khorolsky district, the trophy is larger than crucian carp, while some are having fun making viral videos, residents of the private sector are rescuing cats, dogs and saying goodbye to their property, houses are going under water, people are crying for help, please help , disseminate, the fox factory administration says that we don’t have flooding, this is how, this is how, what is this, i’m a pensioner, we urgently need to pump out water, but with what and where? i don't know her. rivers in in private sector gardens, powerful currents wash away crops and property. they said goodbye to winter supplies, they are afraid that the barn will be carried away by the fences. on some streets they move on boats and homemade rafts. we really
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hope that maybe someday we will have a dam that won’t flood us like that. there is no road, but there is a direction. this is how they signed the treasured video from the cabin of the chuguevka bus. heavy trucks are sailing from plastun to menichny, telling passenger cars not to even try. will be carried away by the flood. school bus stuck in kharolsky district, fortunately there were no children inside. a tractor came to the rescue. the zhookh pokrovka crossing is closed due to the rise of the usuri river. the water level is rising rapidly. in the kharol region you have to wade. the water is almost knee-deep. where to go next, how to go? it's just awful. victoria shandybina, andrey kolesnikov. news primorye. and the main world news, the founder of wikileaks julia. released from a british maximum security prison. his plane, in transit through bangok, went to the island of saipan, where, after a court hearing, he is expected to be released freedom. for this reason, the whistleblower
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of information about the crimes of the american military, which was painful for washington, made a deal with justice, a deal that was clearly profitable. in the united states , sanju faced 175 years behind bars on the totality of charges. now there will be no extraditions; they will let me go home to australia in peace. us presidential candidates have already called the biden administration's decision to conclude a deal with assange a desperate attempt to gain support from the electorate. the promise to release asandge has not helped biden's ratings so far. surveys conducted in the usa showed he trails trump in almost every state. according to the new york times, the gap between participants in the presidential race is now widening to 5-6%. trump is helped by his active election campaign. there are 2 days left before the debate with biden and trump says that he has no doubt about their positive outcome for himself, but his main rival at the debate will not be biden, but the cnn channel, which is organizing a meeting
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of the candidates, american billionaire david sachs wrote about this on social networks. the editors of cnn have already demonstrated how they treat politics. in one of the broadcasts, the channel’s host , gruba, interrupted an interview with trump’s press secretary, who allowed herself to doubt the channel’s impartiality. this is news, we are monitoring developments. in kuban , the harvesting of early varieties of apples is being completed due to the abnormally warm spring; it began ahead of time; this year’s harvest is good; for example, up to 20 tons of apples can be obtained from the orchards in krasnodar alone per day. ekaterina kanovalova found out where kuban fruits are sent. under the scorching sun apple orchards spread over 149 hectares. this is the geneva early variety, high yield. the fruits
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are medium-sized, sweet and sour with a pink blush, and it is very important for workers to collect these apples so that they arrive on the counter in good shape. the apple is early, it needs to be very carefully, gently torn, so as not to leave traces. the harvest this year is good, about 50 tons have already been collected from these gardens alone, and this is not the limit. farmers expect to send about 80 tons of early kuban apples to buyers this year. in due to the abnormally warm spring, we are in the growing season. got a little closer, usually we just start cleaning up geneva in the twenties, twenty-fifths. these apples will be sent to kemerovo, novosibirs, moscow and the moscow region. and so that the fruits do not become overripe and go from branch to counter as quickly as possible, about 45 workers go to the gardens every day. as soon as these boxes are filled with apples, a tractor appears in the rows. this is the next stage of their journey. having loaded the pallets with boxes onto a special machine, she takes the harvest to prepare for shipment. apples
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from all over the orchard are brought into this fruit storage facility, it is designed for 3,500 tons, the fruits here will actually stay for a maximum of two days, they are cooled here to 4°, packaged, weighed and then immediately sent to the shelves. apples from the bryukhovetsky district have already been sent to buyers; they have their own picking technology; on special moving platforms, workers walk through the rows, thereby not missing a single ripe fruit. in a day , up to 3 tons of sweet harvest fall from these trees in a box, every year these figures are in the territory of the region they are just growing; over the past 5 years, the area of ​​fruit and berry plantings has increased by almost 3.00 hectares, which means that more and more residents of the country will be able to try our apples. ekaterina kanovalova, vadim zheleev, lead. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website news follows developments.
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let's start, let's go with a smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning, it’s nice that we are together again, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, greeting you from the studio today channel russia, but looked at the end of june, most of all this month turned out to be like a fairy tale about rain, remember this rain has not left me since the morning, look away, i said rudely, it retreated, but returned again, this is our june, our month , i don’t know, i have...
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good weather on the balcony, well, in general there is a lifesaver, as far as i understand, it seems that today you really have it, as for dealing with bad weather, a solution is offered by chinese developers: special panel lamps , create the complete illusion of a clear blue sky above your head, and not only, you don’t have to go out to the balcony, even if this atmosphere gets boring, the bright light and its color temperature can be easily adjusted to suit you using a special application for your smartphone, special effects can be tied to a certain time and... enjoy incredible sunrises, sunsets, even when the sun is actually hidden behind clouds or behind walls, i’m afraid the residents of st. petersburg will still have a gloomy sky, i don’t know if it’s a habit, the view from a real window, of course it matters even in st. petersburg in tyumen the buyer of the apartment sued the developer and local officials for the discrepancy between the neighborhood plan and the original project. 24/7 noise, it’s impossible to live in this apartment, but it’s this apartment. i searched for so long in a low-rise
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building overlooking a forest park, and got a parking lot for 500 spaces, since i specifically bought an apartment so that there wouldn’t be so many cars here, i was of course shocked, i just didn’t even know what to do. in the morning , under the windows, instead of forest fog, a gray fog floats smoke, neighbors are warming up their engines, maybe the developer mixed up the words park and parking, she was told the house was delivered without violations, she had to hire a lawyer, raise documents, study the general plan, this is the client’s house. this is a road, or rather a path for approaching the house, and not a roadway, the examination showed that the distance from the parking lot to the facade is less than permissible with nipa sanpin, i wrote to the city administration, but this is not... everything was checked, everything is legal, and this document they said that the main construction department turned out to be a stumbling block, wherever our the client did not apply, everyone referred to this conclusion of the main construction department, but we decided to challenge it. the district court found that the parking was accepted with violations;
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the officials did not seem to expect that they would become defendants in such a case; according to the pensioner, they played around as best they could. they said that we don’t walk, we don’t measure it in meters, but visually we just accept it. they still managed to appeal the court’s decision, the case will be reconsidered, but in any case it’s strange: the government body does its job by eye, and the developers offer take them at their word. of course, they will write it in the booklets that she will have a city there, a park and everything, but in fact the main thing for them is to build a box, this is not stated in the preschool education itself, it is only written down that it turns out everything related to the object being purchased, but the floor and footage not the only criteria when choosing housing, agree. equity participation agreements, that is , the development of protection of citizens upon conclusion , the state encourages people to buy an apartment
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and at the same time, of course, the protection of a person from unscrupulous developers, and the responsibility of officials so that they do not change the rules during the game should be. federal development rules and the main point in them is the presence and inviolability of a general plan. each settlement should have its own master development plan, small settlements - master plans, these master plans, development plans should be publicly agreed upon, then people would know that in this place in 5 or 10 years there will be a parking lot before buying, they would have taken this factor into account, but the local authorities would not they would allow the city to be built up chaotically, understanding that they would have to compensate for the damage. and not just one or two active residents, but everyone whose expectations were disappointed. yeah, let's discuss all this. state duma deputy anton takachev is with us today. anton, hello, well, actually, we watched the story together, and i personally got the impression that it is useless to create some new laws, some, and
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if they are simply not followed, what difference does it make how many laws you have 10, 20 , 30, you just yes, what to do with these with this situation, despite the fact that it is clearly a violation of all the rules, well, that’s why the video. they are doing everything right, they are filing a lawsuit against those who gave permission for the construction of this house , taking into account, again, that there is now an appeal from the state, the question is again to the officials who extradited them, who should simply be imprisoned for this, i will make a small remark, one the thing is, when a person goes against officials, and this is the state, well, other machines, colossuses work perfectly, it is unlikely that a person can win in this dispute, this is not always the case, a person always has the opportunity to appeal, including to a state duma deputy...
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author, the first one is about an advertising offer, i think we also discussed it here, fortunately it has not yet been accepted in the good sense of the word, since it interested colleagues from the construction committee to... introduce a number of novelties, which in this bill are precisely an agreement in the integrated development of the territory, so that it would be assigned
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the responsibility of a specific developer, and it would not be possible to escape from this, they are usually they write is not a public offer, here's what the radio says this very quickly, this issue and this issue we must deal with precisely thanks to this law, the second bill, which was unfortunately rejected, again due to the fact that there is a conflict with the city development plan and the developer’s obligation, this is about , that all social facilities... which the developer promises, they must be completed no later than the person receives the keys when buying an apartment, yes, state duma deputy anton tkachev answered our questions, thank you, when do you still have odsek work as a driver, wow, wow, friends, this is a mega-exclusive, on the eve of his eightieth anniversary, gennady zyuganov opens the doors of his home for the first time in several decades, conversation without a tie.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing! here you go, a part-time job for the summer: become a dog walker, no work experience
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is required, the main thing is to maintain the physical and mental well-being of these cute animals, you need to talk to them, scratch them back, help in every possible way to be happy and healthy, just don’t talk them to death, even on the island of tasmania they need stargazers, wine casters, truffle hunters, one thing, but they are not going to pay for the work, they only promise to cover all expenses, including... travel , but exclusively within australia, food and accommodation, and if the spell for wine is wrong, it ends, probably yes, it’s just that this summer the demand for sailing tourism, it turns out that experts associate interest in this type of holiday with flight restrictions many destinations, as well as with a good price-quality ratio, how much does it cost to become their replacement, daria tiunova calculated, staying on a boat is generally a unique experience, you spend a whole week in such a floating hotel, it’s very... here to build routes, manage yacht. alexander plans to go on such a water adventure this summer with his family and friends;
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a seven-day sailing trip along the turkish riviera is shared by an experienced yachtsman that is not only exciting, but also quite profitable. if you go as a captain, rent the boat yourself with your family, then on average per person it will be about 40,000 rubles. it's clearly cheaper than staying in a five-star, four-star hotel on the beach there. traveling on a yacht is indeed much more profitable than a standard all-inclusive holiday. over the past 2 years, the demand for yacht tours has doubled, the price of such yachts. adventure varies from 20 to 200,000 rubles per person and depends on the number of days, destinations and type of water adventure. these are vacations where it is a relaxed pastime, expeditions, and transitions, for example, such an adventure, in the fall we will go from vladivostok to japan, we have regattas, we have hikes, these are two-three-day adventures. basically, the entire trip is on a yacht; most often, it lasts 7 days. the destination is very different, from russian, you can go on a sailing trip, you can go to the white sea. baikal, ladaga, kamchatka or the kuril islands. for example, the simplest and most affordable 2-day tours to st. petersburg along
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the gulf of finland for one person will cost from 23 thousand rubles. among foreign countries are seychelles, ouey, thailand, turia along the coast of south africa. these, however, will be the most expensive, about 2000 for one week. turkey is the most accessible and closest. for example, a week-long trip on a yacht in turkish cities for one person will cost an average of 100,000 rubles. the cost of such a tour includes accommodation in a double cabin, work as a captain, guide services, as well as training in the basics. separately on such trips , air pellets, travel to the marina, sports insurance, diesel fuel, parking in marinas are paid for, and this is about 30-40% more cost. as for food, the option in restaurants on the piers will cost a pretty penny; to save money, you can cook food right on board. in this case, vacationers will have to become real members of the sea team. however, these responsibilities on a yacht are not the only ones; you need to prepare for other difficult nuances. of course, the captain needs help in control, because situations happen, of course. miscellaneous you need to prepare for the fact that you will end up on a boat in the company of completely unknown people, buy
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tablets for motion sickness, because even the most experienced travelers can wave. pump up, and of course, not everyone can be ready for this, if all this does not frighten the future traveler, on the contrary, it motivates, then a yacht tour may turn out to be not so cheap, but quite an exciting and non-standard trip, it will certainly be remembered for a long time. and then, the mustachioed and striped assistant, we’ll see in a few minutes how a cat can support its owner. no, i don’t cry or sob, i answer all questions openly. what is your favorite song was it in childhood? asking questions and not getting one step closer to the solution, will we have any clues, maybe, maybe, this moan is called a song, catch me if you can, a big musical show, brilliant on friday on rtr, in
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we will determine which workshop, and look at rtr for guys where there are more guys. carry out the plan , get out of the car, that’s it, so you come in more often, if a komsomol member needs affection, for example, here i am, well, i bit my tongue, and they told me that you have my warrant for the hostel, now we’ll decide everything, oh, what a scarecrow , and you want a girl, yes it’s not interesting, you’ll cry, they won’t leave you, you need to hold your head higher, limitchitsy from july 1 on rtr, she lived in the forest, baba yaga, she was very scary, the man just as he went to bed beautiful, woke up, beautiful, and the woman was like - then it deteriorates overnight, you need to tint it, what next, i tried everything with trichnine,
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they came together, rat poison, nothing will kill the infection, we know how to create a festive mood, a parade of humor, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, let's neck it out , and so, i went too far, take off your shirt, my god, it’s saturday, i’m done i saw that you saw how you were a goat with... rocks near her, it’s easy to check feelings, that means, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce , this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, you don’t have a thought without
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flowers, where, why, well, well, okay, thank you, i’ll warn you. divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, celebration of youth in st. petersburg, a thousand shining eyes, thousands of enthusiastic hearts, white nights, scarlet sails. russia over the waves of the neva, unforgettable graduation, ala and sails 2024, live broadcast from st. petersburg, on friday on rtr, while you live in my house, with my money, you will live by my rules, dad, everyone is laughing at me, come on,
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i’m with julia is not just like that, i want to marry her. so you're married, today you're married, tomorrow you're not, i'll kill you, you bastard, don't touch me, you're not guilty of anything, you put my books in order, and i'll put your personal life in order, my personal life can't be put in order, it's complete ruins, well, worse it definitely won’t happen anymore, in general i agree that marrying you will help mother-in-law for a pancake, on sunday at rta. look at the footage from spain, this is what happens, as they say, when form is more important than content, an eco-festival was held on one of the beaches of maloga, commendable, well , the pictures somehow don’t match, they littered, so after the event there was literally a landfill, mountains, bottles,
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cups, plates and bags on the coastal strip, this is what the local residents saw when the grief activists went home. but that’s why reusable dishes are preferable, especially if made with your own hands and the paws of your cat. however, pets are ready to help not only with this. what are you saying, she’s going to ruin everything now? no, although in principle, it’s even better, of course, it’s better, it’s not without reason that videos in which cutie mona helps her mistress make ceramic objects are gaining enthusiastic likes on the internet, for many it was surprising that pets, it turns out, can help quite well to your owner, while your furry pet is licking nearby, other cats have already mastered it. massage, you can ask them to stretch their tired shoulders or stiff neck, and this cat, thanks to his golden paws, got
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a job in one of the best massage parlors in the city, specializes in working out internal organs, by the way, it’s not so easy to get to him, it’s better to take a queue for a couple of months. by the way, with the help of a cat you can tidy up not only your figure, but also your home. you know, in every apartment there are hard-to-reach places that cannot be reached with a rag or brush. another thing is a cat 's paw. look, he checks carefully, did you clean everything? this cat is also a champion of cleanliness, however, he is already in his owner’s wardrobe, just look how he helps fold sweaters and shirts so that there is not a single extra fold. in general, if the tailed stripe does not help you with household chores, then it’s time to show him all these videos. tss, you speak more quietly, otherwise the cat is tired, she had a lot to do, let her rest a little. and then, by the way, wasps
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destroy many insects and their larvae. yes, it is thanks to worm-worm wasps that apples can have fewer plums without any chemicals. but there are nuances, wasps are very clingy and bite. this is a pity, what a pity, we’ll talk about this after the news. you know, leave the dumplings aside. he grabbed onto the jar, they won’t imagine leaving the jam, you’re crazy, it’s better to sprinkle some declapus on it, i’m so tired of it, this is the news of the morning, we’ll talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in karina ilyin’s studio, hello, footage has been published new powerful explosions in kharkov, in the north of the kharkov region. our units are conducting active combat operations, defeating the enemy. this is how the volchansk location of the ukrainian marine corps was destroyed by a three-ton aerial bomb, and these were already strikes with gliding
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bombs on targets in the vicinity of gulyai pole, zaporozhye region. as the ministry of defense said, ammunition with a unified planning and correction module seriously changed the situation in the combat zone, allowing the russian military to break through the enemy’s fortified defenses. it is also reported that the total losses in the armed forces of ukraine. day exceeded 2,300 militants. the donbass mines are currently undergoing a global renovation. already purchased a new one equipment for miners. this will help raise the level of coal production to the maximum in just 6 months. alexander podoprigora will talk about the prospects. compact mine on the outskirts of teresa. in the best years , four sections operated here at once, each producing up to 1,000 tons of coal every day. the period of decline under the ukrainian government left its marks. the indicators are close to the minimum, only 800 tons. the proceeds were used to maintain the mine in working condition and salaries for the miners. conversations about possible repairs and modernization were not raised,
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it was even possible to change the miner's uniform; for years they used personal clothing. thanks to the support of investors, some of the new clothing has already been delivered to the mine, a second batch is expected, along with overalls , self-rescuers, the famous kanagonka lamps and helmets are being updated. in the near future , they plan to conduct a full-fledged operation at the mine. restore the surface premises, replace outdated equipment, and at the same time, they do not forget about history ; a monument to a russian explorer has been installed on the territory at the main entrance, geologist, professor leonid lutugin, a man who devoted more than 22 years to the study of the donetsk coal basin, he was the first to draw up a geological section of the coal-bearing strata of donbass, determined its thickness, the number of layers and layers, and created a summary map, thanks to his work. the region itself, in particular, has become an industrial center, and today's miners have jobs. the main task is to successfully bring the mine to full production. to complete it , it will take time, in a successful scenario
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, up to six months. new jobs will appear and this is an opportunity for the development of not only the enterprise, but the entire city. alexander podoprigora, denis vedyaev, alexander karavaev, vyacheslav bogaichuk, conduct donetsk, tarsus. abnormal heat threatens siberia, temperatures in omsk, tomsk, novosibirsk regions. 35°. the sweltering heat in the altai territory was replaced by a hurricane with torrential rain. this is what the streets of volgograd looked like. a thunderstorm front flooded the city within half an hour. the levnyovkas were overcrowded. impressive footage from novosibirsk: heavy hail and stormy winds, trees felled. in one of areas flooded the entrance. cars have turned into floating means. and in the primorye region, due to the flood , a state of emergency was introduced. the disaster even affected china. khabarovsk tourists were evacuated from the chinese city of joohe. due to rising water levels in the usuri river , traffic at the pokrovka checkpoint in the bikinsky district has been suspended. therefore, it was decided to organize the last flight
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of porom. water level. rise in the rivers of ugra. the most difficult situation is in the nizhnevartovsk region. there are more than a thousand summer cottages and 350 houses under water. from 11 people were evacuated from flooded villages. in germany, the ruling coalition is losing popularity due to its support for ukraine and anti-russian sanctions. this statement was made by german chancellor olaf scholz. according to him, this is reflected in the election results. but he... is not going to change his policy, the situation is even more difficult for macron’s party in france, where the first round of early elections to the national assembly will take place on june 30, but now there is a high probability that it is the opposition authorities, the far-right national rally party, that will receive the majority seats in the lower house. the uk is also preparing for parliamentary elections, and, like in france, the position of the ruling party is not the most favorable. all polls show the conservatives are now more than 20 points
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behind the biggest. ru, the news is monitoring developments. donbass was visited by a foreign delegation, which included political activists, social activists, and publicists from the united states and georgia. they came to see with their own eyes what was really happening in the northeast military district zone and draw their own conclusions. the journalists were shown monuments to the victims of the great patriotic war, ukrainian aggression in 2014 and lugansk destroyed by the kiev regime. report by svyatoslav dolgachev. a foreign
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delegation inspects the entrance to a residential building destroyed on june 7 in lugansk. this is a direct indication that the kiev junta, with directives from washington and brussels, is terrorizing the population of donbass. the delegation consists of five people, of which three are us citizens and two are georgian. almost all of them are members of the communist parties of their countries. they are united by one main goal - to convey to residents of western countries the truth about the crimes of the kiev regime.
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most people living in the west know nothing about june 22, 1941. of course, operation barbaros is in our textbooks, but there are few details there: 27 million soviet people were killed, not 500 thousand americans and british. these circumstances are hidden from people, they are not discussed, because it shows that it was the soviet union that defeated the fascists, and not the west. the impact of such propaganda and what it can lead to was discussed at the round table. the problem is that many russians believe western propaganda about america, they value the us contribution, which essentially did not exist. what we want to convey is russians, we should be proud of you. the delegation plans to speak at the venues of the united nations in order to convey to everyone the truth about the kiev regime. according to foreigners, the chance of drastic global changes in public consciousness is low, but this is not a reason to remain silent. khvastov,
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lead lugansk. in kamchatka, at the first call , employees of the territorial medical center are ready to fly to any point of the peninsula disasters. requests for the evacuation of patients are received daily; the only thing that can hinder the team is the weather. a whole special operation was launched to save a premature baby from the village of telichiki. alexandra ostrikova will tell you more. specialists from the disaster medicine center at the hospital in the village of telichiki examine and prepare a baby for flight. there is a small hospital in the village, emergency births can be performed here, even minor surgical procedures can be performed, but premature babies need serious pediatric intensive care, the nearest department in the regional capital, it’s not much, not a little 1,200 km,
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you can’t do without disaster medicine specialists, disaster medicine, okay, send an application, every minute counts, while doctors collect all the necessary equipment, the head of the center and the minister of health are literally in hand mode they decide how...
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the entire flight the team monitors the level of oxygen, humidity, pressure and pulse. the baby survived. the flight is good, now the employees of the disaster medicine center have handed him over to pediatric resuscitators, who will provide him with all the help you need. alexandra ostrikova, valery shamarin, kamchatka broadcaster. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring the developments. when will the secretary general work as a driver for you? wow, that's it, friends. this is a mega exclusive. on the eve of his eightieth birthday, gennady syuganov opens the doors of his home for the first time in several decades. a conversation without ties on the most pressing topics about the most intimate: family, friends, political opponents and hobbies. i'm 35 here i am, only very carefully, what
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a miracle, one day with the patriarch of the russian political scene. malakhov, today at 16:30. we started like this. come on, let's smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, good morning, good morning, we tell you, we say it together. because a new day is coming, it’s very interesting that together with us we will learn all kinds of differences and interesting things, elena nikolaeva and andey petrov are in the studio today, in addition to the interesting things and differences, i must say that wednesday is on the calendar, and this is the middle of the work week, wednesday and the middle is the time to plan the weekend,
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here some people suggest this, here they say: don’t forget to try beating drums, whistling, making noise, vibrating in every possible way at your dacha, that’s what’s important . there is no other way to conjure earthworms in england, they even hold a similar championship, the one who logically lures the most of these individuals will win, the rules are interesting, the rules are strict, no drugs, stimulants, or digging water is also prohibited, the most effective method is to tap on garden villas , however, someone is trying to enchant with the sounds of a flute with perky melodies, worms are curious creatures, you know, crawling out, look, what’s going on there, this year’s record is 195 animals, but absolutely... which has lasted for almost half a century, more than 500, oh, i would i gathered them all for fishing, by the way, the worm championship takes place only in good weather, and maria borisova knows what it will be like for the russians this week, good
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morning, good morning, i’ll start from the far east, from afar, from afar, to yakutia cold weather is breaking in, today is still mikon it will be 17, and tomorrow it will be such a dull 12 and rains, but in the south of the far east... if last time i said it was very cold, now summer will finally come there, it is not yet so hot, moderate, but pleasant in vladivostok 19, here in the south of the khabarovsk territory there is a hot summer, right up to lake baikal, but there are still places where bad weather will also break in, i think that makpalno, if you tell us all this in detail, i’ll tell you, it will be pleasant, sunny weather is expected in the southern regions of russia, only in the lower reaches of the volga and don and the mountainous regions of the caucasus can they appear masses of heaping rain clouds. causing showers and thunderstorms. during the day in the lower reaches of the volga and don until 25:30, in the crimea in the kuban until 28:33. sea water off the coast of crimea is 23-26, on the black sea coast - 24-27. the cyclone will continue to throw
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rain clouds and rather cool air masses to the shores of the middle volga, as a result of which the thermometer will not rise above 18-23° at midday. in the north-west of russia, the weather will be controlled by an anticyclone, so it is warm and sunny here and only short showers can splash here and there, and temperatures will continue to rise in the south to 23-28 in the north and east until 18:23. there will also be only a few clouds over central russia... in the urals, the sky will still be covered with cloudy fields of the cyclone, so it will rain here again, and the temperature regime is not at all summer, in the afternoon it is only 17:22. in southern siberia it is mostly sunny and only in some areas there may be short thunderstorms, but they will not prevent the sun from warming up the air well, here the midday hours are 28-33, in some places by another 2-3°. warmer in the south of the far east, the rains
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will also be of a local short-term nature and the prevailing daytime temperature in the amur region will be 23-28 in the south of primorye until 18:23. thank you very much, thank you, but of course i was most interested in ekaterinburg on this map, i saw rain there for the weekend, and the rainiest weather there will be, so thank you, it will be with me, the next 3 days will be the worst weather in the urals, and if we talk on the contrary, where we have the hottest.


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