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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  June 26, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

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in the european union itself, everything is stable; the heads of state and the eu government have agreed to nominate ursula vonderleen for a second term as chairman of the commission. all news is always available on the media platform. we watch it in the application or on the website the news is following developments. donbass was visited by a foreign delegation, which included political activists, social activists, and publicists from the united states and georgia. they came to see with their own eyes what was really happening in the northeast military district zone and draw their own conclusions. the journalists were shown monuments to the victims of the great patriotic war, ukrainian aggression in 2014 and lugansk destroyed by the kiev regime. report by svyatoslavachev. a foreign delegation inspects the destroyed one on june 7.
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the entrance of a residential building in lugansk is a direct indication that the kiev junta, with directives from washington and brussels, is terrorizing the population of donbass. the delegation consists of five people, three of them are us citizens and two are georgian, almost all of them are members of the communist parties of their countries, they are united by one main goal - to convey to residents of western countries the truth about the crimes of the kiev regime. members of the delegation visited the seventh, destroyed in 2014.
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they believe western propaganda about america, they value the us contribution, which in fact did not exist. what we want to convey is russians, we should be proud of you. the delegation plans to speak at the venues of the united nations in order to convey to everyone the truth about the kiev regime. according to foreigners, the chance of drastic global changes in public consciousness is low, but this is not a reason to remain silent. alexander khvastov, lead lugansk. in kamchatka. as a first call
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, employees of the territorial center for disaster medicine are ready to fly to any point on the peninsula. requests for the evacuation of patients are received daily; the only thing that can hinder the team is the weather. a whole special operation was launched to save a premature baby from the village of telichiki. alexandra ostrikovaya will tell you more. specialists from the disaster medicine center at the hospital in the village of telichiki examine and prepare a baby for flight. the baby was born prematurely, he is not yet a day old. a woman in labor has arrived in an emergency with a 32-week pregnancy, where an emergency birth took place in our conditions. there is a small hospital in the village; emergency births can be performed here, even minor surgical procedures can be performed, but premature babies require serious pediatric intensive care. the nearest department is in the regional capital, it’s not much, 1200 km, you can’t do without disaster medicine specialists. disaster medicine, okay, send in your application. every minute counts while the doctors
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collect all the necessary equipment, the head of the center and the minister healthcare workers literally decide manually how to quickly evacuate the baby. an ambulance, a quick search, a runway and the yak-40 plane is ready to perform a sanitary mission. 2.5 hours in the air, finally the plane lands in the village of corf. it literally took 3 minutes to get into the helicopter, now 5 minutes in the air and we’ll be in the carts. for airplanes. there is no landing strip, you can get here as quickly as possible only with a transfer, next to the helipad an ambulance is already waiting for a small patient to be transferred the road is as easy as possible, the team painstakingly inspects it and carries out a number of necessary procedures. equipped with heat and oxygen, so the child will now arrive in complete comfort. the return journey is in the same order: helicopter, plane, only with a very valuable passenger. during the flight , the work of doctors does not stop for a minute. such babies maintain
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temperature and saturation very poorly; the entire flight the team monitors the level of oxygen, humidity, pressure and pulse. the baby survived the flight well, now the staff of the disaster medicine center is working. they handed him over to pediatric resuscitation specialists, who will provide him with all the necessary assistance. alexandra ostrikova, valery shamarin. news kamchatka. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. when will the secretary general work as a driver again? wow, this is it, friends, this is a mega exclusive. on the eve of the eightieth anniversary. gennady syuganov opens the doors of his home for the first time in several decades. conversation without ties on the most pressing topics about the most intimate: family, friends, political opponents and hobbies. i identified 35 tits here, but very carefully. what a miracle, one day with the patriarch of the russian political scene. malakhov, today at 16:30.
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let's start! come on, let's smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, good morning, good morning, it's nice that we are together again, elena nikolaeva and andrei petrov, today you are greeted from the studio of the russia channel. well, i looked at the end of june, most of all this month turned out to be like a fairy tale about rain, remember, this hasn’t happened to me since the morning the rain was leaving, take a break, i said rudely, it retreated, it came back again, this is our june, our month, i don’t know, i had good weather on the balcony, well, in general there is
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a magic wand, i’ve got a shelf, it seems, today you really have it to combat bad weather, the solution is offered by chinese developers, special panel lamps create the complete illusion of a clear blue sky. for yourself using a special application for a smartphone, special effects can be tied to a specific time and enjoyed incredible sunrises, sunsets, even when the sun is actually hidden behind clouds or behind walls, i’m afraid the residents of st. petersburg will still have a gloomy sky for themselves, you think, getting used to it, the view from a real window, of course it matters even in st. petersburg. the owner of the apartment sued the developer and local officials for the discrepancy between the neighborhood plan and the original project. 24/7 noise, it is impossible to live in this apartment. but it was this apartment that lyubov alexandrovna spent so long i was looking in a low-rise building overlooking a forest park, and got a parking lot for 500 spaces.
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since i specifically bought an apartment so that there would not be so many cars here. of course i was in shock, i just didn’t even know what to do. in the morning, under the windows instead of the forest. blue smoke is floating in the fog, the neighbors are warming up their engines, maybe the developer confused the words park and parking, she was told that the house was handed over without violations, she had to hire a lawyer, raise documents, study the general plan, this is the client’s house, this is the road, or rather the path for the entrance to the house, rather than passing part, the examination showed that the distance from the parking lot to the facade is less than permissible with nips and sanpin, i wrote to the city administration, but this is not an argument, they said the main construction department checked everything. everything is legal, and this document turned out to be a sticking point, wherever our client turned, everyone referred to this conclusion of the main construction department, but we decided to challenge it. the district court found that the parking was accepted with violations; the officials did not seem to expect that they would become defendants in such a case, according to
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pensioners were playing around as best they could. they said that we don’t walk, we don’t measure it in meters, but visually we just accept it. they still managed to appeal the court’s decision, and the case will be reviewed. but in any case, it’s strange, the government body does its job by eye, and the developers offer to take their word for it. of course, they will write this in the booklets, that they will have a city there, a park , everything, but in fact the main thing for them is to build a box, this is not spelled out in the kindergarten itself, it is only spelled out that everything that regarding the item being purchased. but floor and square footage are not the only criteria when choosing housing. the contract, experts say, must describe everything, otherwise there will be no question of what to buy. fulfills its obligations, but the developer does not make its promises. legislation should go in this direction, the maximum inclusion of criteria - the protection of citizens when concluding equity participation agreements, that is, the state encourages people to buy an apartment, and at the same time, of course,
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the protection of people from unscrupulous developers. and it is the responsibility of officials not to change the rules as the game progresses; there must be unified federal rules for development, and the main point is spelled out in them. publicly, then people would know that in this place in 5 or 10 years there will be a parking lot, before buying, they would take this factor into account, and local authorities would not allow chaotic development of the city, realizing that they would have to compensate for the damage and not one or two active residents, everyone whose expectations were deceived, let's discuss all this with us today, state duma deputy anton takachov, hello anton, well, actually, together with you, we watched the story, and this personally gave me the impression that it’s useless. create some new laws, some, and if they are simply not followed, what difference does it make, how many laws you have 10, 20, 30, they are just yes, what to do
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with these with this situation, despite the fact that there is clearly a violation of all the rules, well, according to this video, they are doing everything correctly, they are filing a lawsuit against those who gave permission to build this house, taking into account, again, close there now the appeal is again a question for the officials who extradited and who should just be jailed for this. anton, i ’ll make a small remark, it’s one thing when... no one is responsible for this yet, but isn’t this a public offer? is this
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a proposal? here you need to look at such a narrow detail, if, for example, a large developer talks about this, we take such a good, let’s say, developer, it says that you have a view of the river, relatively speaking, and this corresponds to the city development plan , that there, he himself draws attention to the person, that this correlates with the plans of the city, yes, that this correlates with the plans of the city, then everything seems to be okay, but if the developer is building. knowingly, knowing that a plan has been adopted that there will still be no river there or there will be a road there, then it turns out that he is already deceiving, in this case the person has a chance of winning the trial, which means that we can tell our viewers now, until some new regulatory documents are adopted, before buying an apartment overlooking some river there is a shat, the forest is everything the rest, you ask, you can ask the developer, the forest is yours, if he says, the forest is mine, then we understand,
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i don’t want to live, no, don’t sign, mom, what are you doing, a bahar named spring, soon on
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the russia channel, order an orchestra you will, we only have 500 rubles, we’ll come up with something, history of a big country on friday at 23:30, come on, let’s do it with a smile, more, more, more, great. okay, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. here you go, a part-time job for the summer, to become a dog walker. vambatov, no work experience required, the main thing is to support physical and mental well-being of these
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cute animals. you need to talk to them, scratch their backs, help them in every possible way, and be happy. just don't talk them to death. also on the island of tasmania , stargazers, wine spellers, truffle hunters are required, but one thing is that they are not going to pay for the work, they only promise to cover all expenses, including travel, but only within australia, food and accommodation, and if the spell for wine is wrong, it ends , probably yes, we have a demand for sailing tourism this summer, there appears to be interest in this type of recreation, which experts attribute to flight restrictions. in many directions, as well as with a good price-quality ratio, how much does it cost to become their replacement, daria tiunova calculated, staying on a boat is generally a unique experience, you spend a whole week in such a floating hotel, learn to build routes, manage a yacht, alexander plans to go on such a water adventure this summer with his family and friends, a seven-day sailing trip along the turkish riviera
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what an experienced yachtsman shares is not only fascinating, but also quite profitable; if you go as a captain and rent a boat with your family, then... per person it will be about 40,000 rubles. it's clearly cheaper than staying in a five-star, four-star hotel on the beach there. a trip on a yacht is really much more profitable than a standard all-inclusive holiday. over the past 2 years, the demand for yacht tours has doubled; the price of such water adventures varies from 20 to 200,000 rubles. per person and depends on the quantity days, destinations and type of water adventure. these are vacations, where it’s a relaxing pastime, expeditions and transitions, for example, this adventure: in the fall we will go from vladivostok to japan. we have regattas, we have hikes, these are two-three-day adventures, basically the whole trip is on a yacht, they most often last for 7 days. the destinations are very different, among russian ones you can go on a sailing trip to the white sea, baikal, ladoga, kamchatka or the kuril islands. for example, the simplest and most affordable 2-day tours to st. petersburg in finnish bay per person will cost from 23,000 rubles. among foreign ones are seychelles, wae,
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thailand, turia along the coast of south africa. these, however, will be the most expensive, about 200,000 for one week. turkey is the most accessible and closest. for example, a week-long trip on a yacht in turkish cities for one person will cost an average of 100,000 rubles. the cost of such a tour includes accommodation in a double cabin, the work of a captain, guide services, as well as training in the basics, setting sails, and managing a yacht. on such trips, airfare and travel are paid separately to the marina, sports insurance, diesel fuel, parking in marinas, and this is about 30-40% of the cost. as for food, the option in restaurants on the piers will cost a pretty penny; to save money, you can cook your own food. right on board, in this case , vacationers will have to become real members of the sea crew, however, these responsibilities on the yacht are not the only ones; they need to prepare for other difficult nuances. of course, the captain needs help in steering, because situations are, of course, different, you need to prepare for the fact that you will get on the boat in a group of completely unknown people, buy tablets for motion sickness, because
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even the most experienced travelers can get a little pumped up by the wave, and of course not everyone can be like... ready for this, if all this does not frighten the future traveler, on the contrary, it motivates, then the tour will a yacht trip may not be so cheap, but it will be quite an exciting and unconventional trip, and it will certainly be remembered for a long time. and then the mustachioed and striped assistant. we'll see in a few minutes how a cat can support its owner. hall is trembling the hay is shaking, they have arrived. big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in sight turn into projects, i
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adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, the paintings of our heroes will soon bloom real stone flowers, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, give me your neck, like this, i went too far, take off your shirt. on saturday, i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check your feelings. “so, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children
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shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, i can’t imagine you without flowers, well where, why, well, okay, thank you, i’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, but no, it’s me you. divorce with obstacles on saturday on rtr, catch me if you can, a big music show, no one sings like that, by and large, as recorded there, only a few sing like that. on friday on rtr, you all
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had a motive to kill anna and there was an opportunity, you are all under suspicion, the premiere on rtr, i know who killed anna, it seems to me, i also guess who did it, just explain what is happening , this killer is next to'. look at the footage from spain, this is what happens, as they say, when form is more important than content, on one of the beaches of maloga we held an eco-festival, commendable, but the pictures don’t quite match. they littered so much that after the event there was literally a dump, mountains, bottles, cups, plates and bags on the coastal strip, this is what the local
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residents saw when the sad activists went home, that’s why reusable tableware is preferable, especially if made with your own hands and the paws of your cat, however, pets are ready to help not only with this, what are you doing, so now she’s going to ruin everything? no, although in principle it’s even so better, of course, better, it’s not for nothing that videos of cutie mona helping her mistress make ceramic objects are gaining enthusiastic likes on the internet. for many, it was surprising that pets, it turns out, can help their owner quite well while your furry pet is licking nearby. other cats have already mastered the art of massage; you can ask them to stretch their tired shoulders or stiff neck. and this cat, thanks to his golden paws, got a job in one of the best massage parlors. salons in the city, specializing in
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the treatment of internal organs. by the way, it’s not so easy to get to him; it’s better to get in line a couple of months in advance. by the way, with the help of cats you can bring order not only to your figure, but also to your home. you know, in every apartment there are hard-to-reach places where you can’t reach with a rag or a bill. another thing, the cat’s paw, look, he carefully checks that everything has been cleaned, this cat is also a champion of cleanliness, though he’s already in his mistress’s wardrobe, just look at how he helps fold sweaters and shirts, no matter what one extra fold, in general, if the tailed-striped one does not help you with household chores, then it’s time to show him all these videos, you speak more quietly, otherwise the cat... is tired, she had a lot of things to do, let him rest a little, further, by the way, wasps destroy many insects and their larvae, and it is thanks to wasps that there are wormy apples
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that there can be fewer plums without any chemicals, but there are nuances, wasps are very clingy and bite, this is a pity, really, it’s a pity, we ’ll talk later have fun, you know, leave it the jam that you grabbed onto the jar will not be represented, the jam will be left behind, four children remain in serious condition after the terrorist attack in sevastopol , they are fighting for the lives of the victims in the capital's research centers. a regional emergency occurred in primorye due to flooding of populated areas. the founders of wikileaks julian asandge have now released him from a uk prison.


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