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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  June 26, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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thanks to wasps, there may be fewer wormy apples in plums without any chemicals, but there are nuances, wasps are very clingy and bite, this is a pity, what a pity, we ’ll talk about this after the news, you know, leave the cooking aside, something’s wrong they won’t show the jar, they’ll leave the jam, you’re crazy, it’s better to spray some despatching on her, but no, she. four children remain in serious condition after the terrorist attack in sevastopol; the victims are fighting for the lives of the victims in the capital's central centers. a regional emergency in primorye due to flooding, all populated the point seemed cut off, the carts went off the roads. the founders of wikileaks julian asandge were released from prison in the uk.
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the dedication of the church guard mikhail vavilov, in addition, another fifteen police officers who participated in the liquidation of the militants received orders of courage and medals for bravery. the former head of serg of the kalinsky region of dagestan, whose relatives participated in the terrorist attacks, was arrested. he was previously dismissed from his position; the official may be accused of aiding terrorism. the head of dagestan, sergei melikov, called on residents region to unite in the fight against terrorism, which is carefully planned from abroad.
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stated that separate work will be carried out among the governing bodies and officials of the republic; the families of the dead victims were given 50 million rubles. 21 people became victims of the terrorist attack in dagestan. 90 russian servicemen have been released from ukrainian captivity, the ministry of defense reported. they are already receiving the necessary medical psychological assistance. and soon our soldiers will be delivered. to moscow, where he will be sent for rehabilitation. the mediators were united arab emirates. in exchange , ninety prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces were transferred to the ukrainian side. meanwhile, there are new powerful explosions in kharkov, and in the north of the region our units are conducting active combat operations, defeating the enemy. this is how in volchansk, the location of the ukrainian marines was destroyed by a three-ton air bomb. and these are attacks with gliding bombs on targets in the vicinity of gulyai pole, zaporozhye region. ammunition with a unified
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planning and correction module has seriously changed the situation in the combat zone, allowing russian military to break through the enemy’s fortified defenses. the total losses of the ukrainian armed forces per day are more than 2,300 militants. four children brought for treatment from sevastopol to moscow remain in serious condition. the day before , a special plane of the ministry of emergency situations evacuated 22 more victims from the capital’s clinic.
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region all weekend, as a result of which the water level in the rivers reached critical levels, hundreds of plots and houses were drowned, as a result of heavy rains, they flooded two areas, a state of emergency was introduced, roads were under water supply, seven settlements were cut off from big land, rescuers are working there now, report by victoria shandybina, crucian carp swam right into the city center, you can right in the park.
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cast and fish. the catch in the central park of dalnerechensk cannot be compared with road fishing in the village of lugovoy, khorolsky district. the trophy is larger than a crucian carp. while some are having fun filming viral videos, residents of the private sector. rescues cats, dogs and says goodbye to property, houses are going under water, people are crying for help, please help me spread it, logging the administration says that we don’t have flooding, it’s like, it’s like, but what is this? i’m a pensioner, i urgently need to pump out water, but i don’t know where to use it, the rivers in the gardens of the private sector are washing away the harvest and property with powerful currents, they said goodbye to supplies for the winter, they are afraid that the barns with fences... will be carried away, they are moving along some streets already on boats and homemade rafts. we really hope that maybe someday we will have a dam that won’t flood us like that. there is no road, but there is a direction, as they captioned the video from the cabin bus chuguevka cherished. large cargoes are sailing from plastun to melnichny, they say
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you shouldn’t even try with a passenger car, it will be carried away by the flow. a school bus got stuck in the kharol district, fortunately there were no children inside, a tractor came to the rescue. the zhooh pokrovka crossing is closed due to the rise of the river. the water level is growing rapidly, in the kharol region you have to wade, the water is almost knee-deep, where to go next, how to go, it’s just terrible! victoria shandybina, andrey kolesnikov, vesti primorye. and the main world news: the founder wikileaks julian asanche has been released from a british maximum security prison. his plane, in transit through bangkok, went to the island of saipan, where, after the court hearing, it is expected. will let him go free. for this reason, the whistleblower of information about the crimes of the american military, painful for washington, made a deal with justice, but the deal was clearly profitable. in the usa. asan, on the totality of charges, faced 175 years behind bars. now there will be no extradition, they will let
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me go home to australia in peace. former us presidential candidates have already named the biden administration's decision to strike a deal with assange is a desperate attempt to win the support of the electorate. all news is always available on the media platform, we look in the application or on the website, this is news, we follow the developments. in kuban , the harvest of early varieties of apples is being completed due to the abnormally warm spring; it began ahead of time. the harvest this year is good, for example. you can get up to 20 tons of apples per day from the orchards in krasnodar alone, where kuban fruits are sent, ekaterina kanovalova learned. under the scorching sun apple orchards spread over 149 hectares. this variety is geneva earley, high yielding, the fruits
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are medium, sweet and sour with a pink blush. and it is very important for workers to collect these apples so that they reach the shelves in good shape. the apple is early, it needs to be picked very carefully, gently, because... so that no traces remain. the harvest this year is good, about 50 tons have already been collected from these gardens alone, and this is not the limit. farmers expect to send about 80 tons of kuban early apples to buyers this year. in due to the abnormally warm spring, our growing season has become a little closer; usually we only start harvesting geneva in the twenties or twenty-fifths. these apples will be sent to kemerovo, novosibirs, moscow and the moscow region. and so that the fruits do not become overripe and as quickly as possible go from the branch to the counter, about 45 workers go out to the orchards every day, as soon as these boxes are filled with apples, a tractor appears in the gardens, this is the next stage of their journey. having loaded the pallets with boxes onto a special machine, she takes the harvest to preparation for shipment.
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apples from all over the orchard are brought to this fruit storage facility. it is designed for 3,500 tons. the fruits here, however, will linger for a maximum of two days. here they are cooled to 4°, packaged in... then immediately sent to the shelves. apples from the bryukhovets district have already been sent to buyers; they have their own harvesting technology. on such special moving platforms, workers walk through the rows, thereby not missing a single ripe fruit. up to 3 tons of sweet harvest fall into boxes from these trees per day. and every year in the region these numbers only growing. over the past 5 years, the area of ​​fruit and berry plantings has increased by almost 3. hectares, which means that more and more residents of the country will be able to try our apples. ekaterina kanovalova, vadim zheleev. news. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, and follow the developments of events. let's start.
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come on, let's smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep! good morning, good morning, we tell you, we say this together, because a new day is coming , it’s very interesting that you will be with us find out all kinds of differences and interesting things, elena nikolaeva andrey petrov is in the studio today, in addition to interesting things and different things, i must say that wednesday is on the calendar. weekend, here some people
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offer this, they say here, don’t forget to try beating drums, whistling, making noise, vibrating in every possible way at your dacha, that’s what’s important, this is exactly how you can conjure earthworms in england, even a championship like this conducts, the one who lures out will win, logically more than all these individuals, the rules are interesting, the rules strict, no drugs, stimulants. digging for water is also prohibited, the most effective method is to tap on a garden fork, however, someone is trying to enchant with the sounds of a flute with playful melodies, worms are curious creatures, you know, they crawl out, look, what’s going on there? this year's record is 195 animals, but it is an absolute one, which has lasted for almost half a century, more than 500, oh, i would gather them all for fishing, by the way, the worm championship takes place only in good weather, and what will it be like? this week knows maria borisova, good morning, good morning, i ’ll start from the far east, from afar, from afar,
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a cold snap is breaking into yakutia, today it will still be 17 in amicon, and tomorrow it will be such a dull 12 and rain, but in the south of the far east, if last time i said it was very cold, but now summer will finally come there, it is not yet so hot, moderate, but pleasant in vladivostok 19, here in the south of the khabarovsk territory there is a hot summer right up to lake baikal. where bad weather will also break in, i think it’s marnetz, you ’ll tell us all this in detail, i’ll tell you, it will be nice, sunny weather is expected in the southern regions of russia, only in the upper reaches of the volga and don and the mountainous regions of the caucasus, masses of heaps of rain clouds may appear, provoking showers and thunderstorms. during the day in the lower reaches of the volga and don until 25:30, in the crimea in the kuban until 28:33. sea water off the coast of crimea is 23-26, on the black sea coast - 24-27. on the banks of the middle volga, the cyclone will continue to throw up rain clouds and rather cool air masses. as
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a result, the thermometer during flood hours will not rise above 18-23°. on in the north-west of russia the weather will be controlled by an anticyclone, so here it will be warm and sunny , or here and there there may be short showers. and the temperature will continue to rise in the south to 23-28, in the north and east until 18:23. there will also be few clouds over central russia, only in certain areas. masses of cumulonimbus clouds may form, the prevailing daytime temperature is 22-27. in the urals, the sky will still be covered with cloudy fields of the cyclone, so it will rain here again, and the temperature regime will not be summer at all. afternoon only 17-2. in southern siberia it is mostly sunny, only in some areas there may be short thunderstorms, but they will not prevent the sun from warming up the air well, here the midday hours are 28-33, in some places it is even 2-3° warmer. in the south of the far east, the rains will also be of a local short-term nature and the prevailing daytime temperature
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in the amur region is 23-28 in the south of primorye until 18:23 thank you very much, but of course i was most interested in ekaterinburg on this map, i was there for the weekend and i saw the rains , yes, the weather will be the rainiest there, so thank you, in the next 3 days the worst weather is in the urals, and if we say the opposite, where we have the hottest weather - everything is very calm, moderate, the only thing is that the north-west distinguished itself . but on european territory against this background , st. petersburg will be warmer tomorrow , than in sochi, wow, that is, this is some time? the injecyclone came, well, it was just now - the weather has cleared up there,
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the rains are ending for you and me and the weather is generally perfect, we have finally survived these downpours, on the weekend you can even go swimming, rarely summer coincides, the sun and we rarely coincide at all, thank you , we have a great forecast for the week from maria borisova on air, thank you, thank you, no, i don’t cry or sob to all the questions, i openly answer how you’re in the mood, what’s your what was your favorite song as a child? if you can, a big musical show, brilliant on friday at 21:30, you play with fire, women, they are angry and offended, they are not capable of anything, leninists, from july 1 at 21:20, come on,
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come on with a smile . morning in russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, that’s what they usually say in such cases we would like your problems, if you are suffering in the morning, thinking about what chocolate to choose for tea, coffee, take milk, they say you can’t go wrong, the majority of russians say 70%, this is what they buy, every fifth gourmet likes the tart taste of dark chocolate.
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bees, scythes, familiar from july to early september, their time, and with them a mortal danger for allergy sufferers. “when you go for honey, the main thing is that the bees do not notice you, but you can encounter stinging insects outside the apiary, wearing this outfit in the city you don't resemble me anymore. if everything is at least more or less clear with the places of mass habitat of bees, the further from the apiary, the calmer, then wasps can present a surprise almost everywhere, at the dacha, at a picnic and in the very center of the metropolis. at the same time, it is vitally important to be able to distinguish between the types of buzzing threat, experts remind. a wasp doesn't need a special reason to sting, bees are more peaceful." and they bite only when they see a direct threat. of course, there is a scientific explanation for this. it's all about the sting. skin, as a rule, such a sting gets stuck in the skin. the bee flies away, but it lives after that. it dies for a short time. but the predator osa does not have such problems at all. the smooth sting does not get stuck in the skin, so one insect can sting up to five
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times and still bite with its jaws. with each injection , about 0.3 grams of poison enters the human body; by the way, it is generally similar in bees and wasps, but there are important differences in the composition of the others: histamine, meletin, apamin, phospholipase a , acting as a powerful allergen and neurotoxin, but wasps cook another special gift, a complex substance that affects the amount of sugar in the blood, which is extremely dangerous for diabetics, and in general is much more unpleasant, says mila zemtsova, a resident of novgorod. the girl’s body reacts noticeably to bee stings: her skin swells, itches, and it’s difficult to breathe. a recent encounter with a sosa added to the thrill. that state that paralyzes the left side, then they also begin to choke. according to doctors, the case is more than common, so those who are allergic to bees should be doubly or triple wary of wasps. it is necessary to have a syringe pen with adrenaline with you, so that in case any difficulty in breathing develops or
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the localization of the bite is slightly closer to the neck or head, it can be applied immediately. also , the emergency kit includes corticosteroids or indixsomitozone, or... also in the form of an injection , and only after that does it make sense to take an antihistamine tablet, although doctors remind you that before collecting a first aid kit, you need to consult with a specialist, it is better to do this in advance, especially since what hope to scare away the evil biters, alas, not many experts agree, with bees it’s again easier, we start smoking, then we imitate a fire, what do they do, they go down, they collect honey in their bellies, so the wasps can get scared, change their minds, or they can immediately head off for disassembly, and specialized ones at that... there are no repellents against these predators, the wasp is a large insect, autonomous, does not contact surfaces, it is impossible to apply repellent in the required amount to scare it off, but if a bite has taken place, then consult a doctor it is very advisable, and if you are stung in the face, neck , or, as is often shown in funny videos, in the lips or tongue, call an ambulance, the swelling
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spreads in minutes, blocks the airways and threatens not with likes on social networks, but with a very real respiratory arrest. the future of transport energy lies in hydrogen, hydrogen researchers tell us, it is more efficient than gasoline batteries; in a liter of gas there is as much energy as in a twenty-kilogram lithium battery, but however, hydrogen in its pure form is almost never found in nature, how scientists are going to solve the problems of this deficit, andrey alekseenko will tell. every car owner, at least once in his life, has found himself in a situation where the fuel shortage light is on on the dashboard, and refueling is still a long way off. usually this is several kilometers. however, for krasnoyarsk resident vladimir sedov, we were talking about thousands of kilometers, the fact is that he bought a car that runs on hydrogen, of course, there with cars that have a battery, he plugged it into a socket, it seems to charge and you can drive, but here.. . an alternative, which, in principle, is in russia. not yet available in terms of refills. at first, vladimir refueled the miracle of japanese technology using a homemade device, and then moved to the moscow region, closer to
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the gas station. there are no more of these in our country than there are fingers on a hand, all because this gas in its pure form is almost absent in nature, and problems arise when obtaining it. there are a lot of methods that currently exist for producing hydrogen, in general in the world, there are a lot of them, there are more than twenty of them, most of them are either very expensive, or... dirty, so when hydrogen is generated , carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is released into the atmosphere. to save the planet without harming it, skaltech scientists proposed synthesizing hydrogen directly from methane deposits deep in the earth. the technology looks like this: a catalyst and water are pumped into the well, and then oxygen is supplied. it is actually, well, like in any combustion process, it is the basis of the combustion process. as a result, hydrogen is formed, which is pumped to the surface, while the second reaction product is carbon dioxide. remains. bowels of the earth. while the experiments are going on in the laboratory, in a special steel reactor. scientists want to understand how combustion occurs underground and learn to control the process. here we see how it just
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spreads towards the production wells. and we can also consider different scenarios in this area. this data will help scientists develop the technology for use in real fields. in this case, our country will have an alternative source of energy that will cost. you have two lives, mine is yours, i want there to be a third, all of catherine, and other
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historical series we watch only on the platform, with us, if it’s sports, then with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming and what awaits us ahead. even more achievements! fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition! as long as you live in my house, with my money, you will live by
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my rules. dad, everyone is laughing at me! take it! i’m with yulka for a reason, i i want to marry her. slav, are you married? married today, not tomorrow? i'll kill you, you bastard, don't touch him, he's not guilty of anything! you put my accounting in order, and i’ll put your personal life in order, my personal life can’t be put in order, it’s complete ruins, well , it definitely won’t get any worse, in general, i agree, what do you need to go to your mother-in-law for pancake on sunday on prt , please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came.
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we look at rtr: you need a good girl and get married, how can you decide? he has no legs a good, well, pretty girl, with a joke,
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with a quirk, with an invention, a girl? maybe i am this ideal, let’s sign up tomorrow. masha, again, is still there, but she is different, she is so responsible, reasonable, modest, i am a serious girl, i don’t need pampering, with your character zoya is needed, look, nothing hurts, it hurts here, why are you fooling us, what this is such a joke, limiters. i’ll take it and get married on july 1st at rtr, forgetfulness with it, you know, you need to fight, because of course sometimes, it’s not forget that you are fighting with her, yes, sometimes it’s cute, but more often it can pose a threat of danger, this happened to a girl pilot from holland, she forgot to check the lock in the cockpit, during a sharp maneuver the canopy glass
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swung open. as the novice pilot herself admitted, the wind hit her face with such force that it was difficult to even breathe. the coach’s commands were inaudible, and apparently, very limited, by some miracle, in such conditions the novice pilot managed to return to the ground. vision was restored only a day later. but our impressions of speed will be shared by colleague ivan zenkevich. today he is driving a sports car. i already forgot the last time i drove a sports car. it's time to remember, subhara very will help me with this. the abbreviation vrx brand denotes sports versions created on the basis of the emprez model; they can be easily distinguished by a massive air intake on the hood, extended fenders and a pair of exhaust pipes. compared to the previous generation, the length has grown to 4.7 m. ground clearance by class standards is an impressive 135 mm, the price tag is not a joke - 7,100,000 rubles. but sports sedans of a similar class are there is nothing left in the market, so we are looking towards
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crossovers. to competitors. for the price you can write xsit vx, series m7 and tank 500. in the new generation, the car has a large vertical tablet, and this is perhaps the only change in the interior. everything else looks quite conservative, if not old-fashioned. there are even instruments with analog scales, but if you look closely, you see a speedometer with markings up to 280 km/h. a serious request, i’ll specifically mention the comfortable seat, we say subaru, we mean but... pistons in cylinders here walk opposite each other. it is believed that this design allows for a lower center of gravity, which is important for sports cars. the turbo engine with a displacement of 2.4 liters develops 275 horsepower and 360 lb- ft of torque. in tandem with it is a variator, the dynamics are good, the vrx shoots from zero to hundreds in 6.1 seconds. the figure doesn’t seem to be prohibitive,
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but it’s still hard to get through on the road. but i note that this car is not trying to trick you into getting out of control; for a sports car it has a very flexible character. promotes confidence on the road all-wheel drive, traditional for the brand, as well as the icide driver assistance system, which sports models had not previously installed. it keeps the car in the lane, slows down in front of obstacles, sees pedestrians and cyclists, but the main feature is the properly tuned suspension. and the car corners confidently, although the driver still needs to keep his ears sharp. but the chassis, as one would expect from a sports model, regularly reports road irregularities. subaru vrx is an interesting car with a sporty character, here it is only with such a price few people will be able to approach it. the manufacturer should definitely consider releasing a more affordable version. and then the relatives were taken aback. take your daughter,
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well, you were worried, if under the supervision of good doctors, and nannies, and nannies, and childbirth in water goes smoothly, well, in detail about an alternative way of having children, we’ll talk in a few minutes, well, what are you standing there, go, go, well , go, dad, go. this is the news in the morning, we will tell you about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. vladimir putin signed a decree on state awards that are awarded to those who stood in the way of a terrorist in dagestan. orders of courage posthumously. the rector of the derben orthodox church , archpriest nikolai kotelnikov, and 15 police officers killed in battle were awarded. the medal for courage posthumously recognized the dedication of church guard mikhail vavilov.
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in addition, another fifteen police officers who participated in the liquidation of the militants received orders of courage and... medals for bravery. the former head of serg of the kalinsky region of dagestan, whose relatives participated in terrorist attacks and were arrested. he was previously fired from they are already receiving the necessary medical psychological assistance. and soon our soldiers will be taken to moscow, where they will be sent for rehabilitation. the united arab emirates acted as mediators. in exchange , 90 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces were transferred to the ukrainian side. meanwhile, there are again powerful
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explosions in kharkov. in the north of the region, our units are conducting active combat operations, defeating the enemy. this is how the volchansky location of the ukrainian marine corps was destroyed by a three-ton aerial bomb. it's already strikes with gliding bombs on targets in the vicinity of gulyai pole, zaporozhye region. ammunition with a unified planning and correction module has seriously changed the situation in the combat zone, allowing the russian military to break through the enemy’s fortified defenses. the total losses in the ukrainian armed forces per day are more than 2,300 militants. the donbass mines are currently undergoing a global renovation. we have already purchased new equipment for the miners. this will help you level up. coal production to maximum in just 6 months. alexander podoprigora will talk about the prospects. compact mine on the outskirts of teresa. in the best years, four sections operated here at once, each producing up to a thousand tons of coal every day. the period of decline under the ukrainian
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government left its marks. the figures are close to the minimum, only 800 tons. the proceeds went to maintain the mine in working condition and salaries for the miners. there was no talk about possible repairs and modernization. it was not even possible to change the miner's uniform, they used personal clothes for years, thanks to the support of investors, some of the new clothes have already been delivered to the mine, a second batch is expected, along with overalls, self-rescuers, well-known canoe lamps and helmets are being updated, in the near future they plan to carry out a full renovation at the mine, restore the surface premises, replace outdated equipment, and at the same time, they do not forget about the history installed on the territory at the main entrance a monument to the russian explorer, geologist, professor leonid lutugin, a man who devoted more than 22 years to the study of the donetsk coal basin. he was the first to draw up a geological section coal-bearing strata of donbass, determined its thickness, the number of interlayer layers, and created
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a summary map. thanks to his work, in particular, the region became an industrial center, and today's miners have jobs. the main task is to successfully bring the mine to full production. to complete it will require time and effort in a successful scenario.
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i visited donbass . this is news, we are following the developments. a foreign delegation, which included political activists, social activists, and publicists from the usa and georgia. they came.
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on june 7, the entrance to a residential building in lugansk, this direct evidence that the kiev junta with the directive... the goal is to convey to the residents of western countries the truth about the crimes of the kiev regime. members of the delegation visited the seventh school destroyed in 2014. i think the school was targeted because of the barbarism of the kiev regime of western imperialists. it is terrible that the facility that was preparing the new younger generation was destroyed. they discussed the influence of foreign anti-russian propaganda on westerners; it is because of it, according to guests in the region, that many americans underestimate the contribution of the soviet union. union in victory over fascism and do not understand the reasons for
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the necessary denazification of ukraine. most people living in the west know nothing about june 22, 1941. of course, operation barbaros is in our textbooks, but there are few details there: 27 million soviet people were killed, not 500,000 americans and british. these circumstances are hidden from people, they are not discussed, because it shows that it was the soviet union that defeated the fascists, and not for them. however, this is not a reason to remain silent. svyatoslav dolgachev, magomed bashir aliev, alexey
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malakhatko, alexander khvastov, vesti lugansk. in kamchatka, at the first call , employees of the territorial center for disaster medicine are ready to fly to any point of the peninsula. requests for the evacuation of patients are received daily; the only thing that can hinder the team is the weather. a whole special operation was launched to save a premature baby from the village of telichiki. alexandra ostrikova will tell you more. center specialists. the prices of disasters in the hospital in the village of telichiki are examining and preparing a baby for flight, the baby was born prematurely, he is not yet a day old. a woman in labor was admitted on an emergency basis with 32 weeks pregnant, where an emergency birth took place in our conditions. there is a small hospital in the village; emergency births can be performed here, even minor surgical procedures can be performed, but premature babies require serious pediatric intensive care. the nearest branch is in the regional capital. this is neither more nor less, 1,200 km.
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it is impossible to do without disaster medicine specialists. emergency medicine? okay, send your application. every minute counts while doctors collect all the necessary equipment, the head of the center and the minister healthcare workers literally decide manually how to quickly evacuate the baby. an ambulance, a quick search, a runway and the yak-40 plane is ready to perform a sanitary mission. 2.5 hours in the air, finally the plane lands in the village of corf. it literally took 3 minutes for the plane-helicopter transition, now we’re 5 minutes in the air and we’ll be in the heli, there’s no landing strip for an airplane in the village, you can only get here as quickly as possible with a transfer, an ambulance is already waiting next to the helipad to help the little patient endure the journey as easily as possible, the team painstakingly examines him and carries out a number of necessary procedures. it is equipped, heat is supplied, oxygen is supplied, so the child will now arrive in complete comfort. the return journey is in the same order: helicopter, plane, only
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with a very valuable passenger. during the flight , the work of doctors does not stop for a minute. such babies maintain temperature saturation very poorly. the crew monitors oxygen levels, humidity, blood pressure and pulse throughout the flight. the baby survived the flight well. now the employees of the disaster medicine center have handed him over to pediatric resuscitators, who will provide him with all the necessary assistance. alexandra ostrikova, valery shamarin. news kamchatka. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. when will the secretary general work as a driver for you? wow, friends, this is a mega-exclusive. on the eve of his eightieth birthday, gennady syuganov opens the doors of his home for the first time in several decades. conversation without galsukov on the most pressing topics about the most intimate: family, friends, political.
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and don’t oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning, whoever is not in a hurry to start a new day will probably not be in time for dinner, he will never wait for it today, but if you hurry, everything will work out, elena nikolaeva andrey petrov greets you, we will help you sort everything out, it’s not clear, why does andrei scare you from the very morning, after all, you know, we, russians, people,
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are in a very good mood, well, really, because you know what they say, someone here now he lives and works, they say: but still there are controllers who prefer to keep their finger on the pulse and do not trust anyone, but we are happy, because you can trust in part, and japanese scientists are calling for you to trust them to eat whole fish at their direction, because the bones, offal, and head contain a lot of useful substances and can
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contribute to longevity, my my, we beat the egg and then dry it. the traditional japanese dish shishama, that is, fried in breading and oil, fish performed by chef kohi rossi is popular, not only in the land of the rising sun, but also throughout russia. the whole secret is in the ginger-garlic seasonings , smoothing out the taste so that the small fish can be eaten whole. a slight bitterness mixed with other flavors makes it very tasty. in japan, we like to eat fish with the head, bones and giblets, because there is a lot of calcium and useful vitamins. scientists from the university of tokyo also give evidence; they recently published sensational results of a study in which more than 80,000 people participated. 3500 women and 4500 men were followed for 9 years. it turned out that in the group where they ate small fish whole, more than twice a week , overall health indicators were
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almost 30% higher, in contrast to those who did not eat such fish. the key word here is that doctors explain it. we are talking about the benefits of fish exclusively. no more than 10 cm long, its bone component, cartilage component, then this is a rich source of silicon, calcium phosphorus, and if we are talking about the insides, then these are essential omega-3 and six fatty acids, which are extremely important for our body, and if we are talking about head, about the brains of our fish, then these are primarily omega 3 fatty acids in the form of docosage. by the way, one of the safest and most palatable options is classic sprat in tomato, but it is by no means recommended to eat a larger specimen entirely, the larger the fish in size and the longer it lives, the more it accumulates toxic substances, mercury pesticides, because the gill, filtering water, retains
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many toxic substances, and any fish has a digestive system, there are even fish thin and thick. the intestines all need to be removed, so before cooking we cut up the fish, but you can leave part of the head and the most useful thing is the skin, which is the source of type 1 and 3 collagen, as well as vitamin e, calcium, selenium and iodine. so, our fish is ready, look how golden and rosy the crust is. it is impossible to resist the temptation; muscovite tatyana admits that she cannot live without fried mackerel. i definitely eat twice a week, because in principle i love it. i prefer fish in the fried format, i bake it too, this is exactly what doctors recommend to eat ; ideally, combine different types and sizes of the product to obtain maximum benefits and pleasure. well, as if expectant mothers can behave like fish in water, a new study by scientists has rehabilitated childbirth in water. it is argued that this method does not increase the risk
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of complications for the child and his mother , provided that she did not have any complications during pregnancy. it is worth noting that all the cases of water birth that have occurred...
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then water can enter the bloodstream through the gaping vessels, and sometimes this is completely, a very serious complication called fluid embalism, but elena raised a very good, very good question, because when she said, mommy wants to persuade the doctor, the doctor can really be persuaded by seeing a mother, say, an older one, a mother with some kind of somatic diseases, sysla will never agree to give birth in water, for some reason...
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knowledge in life-size, so to speak, let him stand at the head of the head and come up to this sawing table. what do you advise us about soft childbirth? you know, definition of soft childbirth: soft childbirth is childbirth without medical interventions, in the presence of a doctor who monitors the physiological course of the birth process. it’s interesting to look at the percentage of women who first want a soft birth, and then scream: give me something more satisfying, no, they scream differently, cut me open, do a caesarean section, like that too, which also happens,
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of course, that’s why we let’s move away from problems of home birth, in order for a woman to receive timely assistance, a woman has the right to choose the type of birth, place for childbirth there are all sorts of reservoirs and so on, but she does not have the right to decide for the child’s future. because a child is still an independent subject who has the right to be born, healthy, our conversation just sounded like some kind of ode or poem, i really liked all this, i wanted to be a partner, i think you’ll say something else, okay, something else for now is not expected, thank you very much, our guest was the deputy director for scientific work of the institute of obstetrics of the kulakovsky center, doctor of medical sciences, professor zofia khadzhaeva, thank you thank you very much. it’s so nice in the morning to feel the flavor of oriental tea drinking,
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tart black tea, tonic tea with bergamot and soft black with ale. morning is time to brew azer tea. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. the smartest cities in russia have been identified. these are megacities with an effective system of municipal management or management. implements, with the support of the national project, housing and the urban environment; over 6 years , more than 230 cities have created a modern digital infrastructure and provided comfortable and safe living conditions. technologies they are increasingly being implemented, there are more amenities, and it’s not just somewhere, in his native sochi, that freshman georgiy gado is rejoicing. the future logistician, who lives outside the city, was very worried that he would become famous in college as a student who is always late, but it turned out that it is quite possible to be on time everywhere, a special city application and route will choose
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a stop, and the transport will tell you how long to wait, in a word, it is suitable for everyone who does not like to catch up departing bus, convenient for both schoolchildren and the elderly, the application also has built-in feedback from department of transport, and if something goes wrong on the route or the bus is often delayed, you can make a proposal and even complain, although... sochen residents assure that there is nothing special, digitalization is gradually covering not only transport, but the entire city management system resort, local authorities confirm, this is just the beginning. a smart city is, of course, a complex of various innovative, digital solutions and activities; we are implementing a lot of different areas. these include services for processing electronic requests and smart parking lots and even the usual cctv cameras. in big cities they are everywhere. this is the blessing of peace. they can walk there, well
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, calmly, the child now goes to school, we let him go out with his peers, it’s not so scary in the evening, not so worried about a car left in the parking lot, under the supervision of the streets, courtyards, playgrounds, round-the-clock peace of mind for residents is ensured in a single center for rapid response, it is in charge of 4,500 video cameras installed under the smart city project, the national housing and urban project wednesday. today, of course, we have advanced in our work, especially in terms of use. various application services and services, the feedback platform is becoming larger, as are the cities using them, this was confirmed for the first time at the fifth international forum on the development and digital transformation of cities, smart city. over the past 6 years , more than 230 settlements have received this status, having introduced innovations into their infrastructure, and those who are just planning to start doing this will receive assistance at the highest level. we together with the regions, their proposals and
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proposals and work with the state duma. we are actively implementing the digital space. the average value of the city iq index at the end of last year was 61 points out of 120 possible. the leader in the category of largest cities with 1 million people or more was moscow with 120 points. in the category of large cities from 250 thousand to 1 million people , tyumen won with 118 points. in the category of large cities from 100 to 250,000 inhabitants, the leader was the southern one. kalinsk earning 118 points, among the administrative centers the chernushinsky urban district of the perm territory is recognized as the most digitalized, it received 116 points. altai, a majestic
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mountainous country, nature has generously rewarded this region: picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where, according to legend , you can find the entrance to shambhala, belukha - the highest point of siberia and the cradle of... the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains: teletskoye lake. altai has always been source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people just as it did many centuries ago. can i call you
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maestro? can? maestro? yes. can. “so he fooled you, and you’re glad, he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who’s the fool, i’m the fool, i’d like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room , i paid for it, i paid for it, but hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, move us in immediately.” one room, one city, st. petersburg, small city, have dinner nowhere, only love, vasilis, this is vasily, call me back, please, i’m looking for a travel companion, on friday on rtr, whoever renounces the past,
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he renounces me. future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. you all had the motive to kill anna and the opportunity. you are all under suspicion. premiere on rtr. i know who killed anna, i think i also guess who did it, just explain what ’s happening, this killer is next to kristina, you see, i’m afraid that kristina is in the crosshairs, well, they’ve locked her down, today on rtr, it’s not the holiday season. forget about
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culture, don’t forget to go to the museum, it’s useful not only for you, but for the museums themselves. here's a supporting example. american, once for 400 rubles. i bought a decorative vase at a thrift store. she had no idea what kind of value was actually kept in her house until she visited an exhibition, noticed an amazing similarity there, showed photographs to a museum employee, and they were deprived of the gift speech, it turned out to be a vase more than eight hundred years old , it is in perfect condition and in general it is a rare relic of the may civilization, now it is an exhibit of a museum in the anthropology of mexico, this is a vase, well, they just confiscated it and not 400 rubles. and the deepening of antiquity will very soon be revealed and...
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the scriptwriters say, because the actor will be accompanied by a fairy-tale creature. but not the giant snake, which we used to call gorynych, but his son. the artists have already developed the image of drakosha and it turned out to be quite cute, so what kind of character is hidden behind it is still a secret. i hope we will have some unexpected things, after all, our fairy tale is completely new, we came up with it ourselves, it’s not based on some folk tales, but it’s our own, let’s say, our own fairy tale. and it is impossible to predict the twist in the plot of this tale. one thing is clear: good, of course, will win, because the film is... first and foremost a family film, it remains to be done with patience, the premiere is scheduled for early 2026. well, let’s finish our program today, by tradition we remind you that our program has
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its own telegram channel, go there at any time time of day, today there will be such a thing, to buzz or not to buzz, i’ll just throw it in, but not to bee or not to bee, not something else, look, you’ll see, see you tomorrow. hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. 90 russian servicemen were released from ukrainian captivity. and in moscow, patriarch kirill received the metropolitan of the uoc, who had been released at his request. a three-ton aerial bomb leveled the location of volchansky’s ukrainian marines, destroying several dozen militants and military equipment. four
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children brought to moscow from sevastopol after a missile strike by the ukrainian armed forces are in serious condition ; they have explosive injuries and shrapnel wounds. controversial flows wash cars into the seaside regime. because of the flood. tons of water hit novosibirs. today is the day against drug addiction. thousands of people across the country have found a new life thanks to specialized assistance centers. 90 russian servicemen were released from ukrainian captivity on territory controlled by kiev. there was mortal danger, military transport aircraft would deliver our fighters to moscow, where they can undergo treatment and rehabilitation; on the way, those released are provided with the necessary medical psychological assistance. i was exchanged, yes, i’m
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in russia, i’m very happy, everyone is happy, i say hello to all my relatives, i’m doing well, i’m alive and well, i’m very, very happy, i was really looking forward to this day. the leadership of the united arab emirates acted as mediators in negotiations on the return of russian soldiers from captivity. in exchange , 90 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces were transferred to the ukrainian side. who was released from prison in ukraine, thanks to the efforts of the moscow patriarchate and the re-assistance of the heads of orthodox churches and international religious organizations. patriarch kirill emphasized that metropolitan ianathan’s only fault is his loyalty to orthodoxy. for his loyalty to the patriarch, the russian orthodox church, for his unwillingness to compromise. and since for me it
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was not only, as they say, the duty of the patriarch, but it was also a personal duty to intervene in the situation in order to simply pull the ruler out of these formidable and unpredictable consequences circumstances. four children were brought to moscow from sevastopo for treatment. remain in serious condition, a total of 22 victims were evacuated to the capital, all of them had mine explosion injuries and shrapnel wounds. as a result of a missile strike by the armed forces of ukraine on the beach of sevastopol, four people were killed and more than 150 were injured. in crimea, doctors with experience working in the northern military district zone were involved in providing assistance. the investigative committee is investigating a criminal case under the article terrorist act. reports from our correspondents, yan shcherbata from sevastopol and mikhail fedotov from moscow. anastasia's son
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danchenko, who was injured during a missile attack on ssu in sevastopol, was transported to the capital for treatment the day before for urgent traumatology surgery. the child has a wound in the thigh in the shin; in the thigh it is not quite as significant; in the shin there is an extensive wound, plus there are fragments. on sunday, the son was on the beach with his father, they were already returning home when the ukrainian military fired american missiles at civilians. above them... as my husband told me, such a blank flew by and it released the cassettes, it turns out they ran behind a tree, the husband covered the child with him, the husband got a shrapnel under his knee, anastasia svalova’s child is also being treated at the institute of emergency traumatology surgery, unfortunately he is under a ventilator, he is unconscious, so i went there to see him, of course... two of
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of them in intensive care on artificial ventilation , three patients were admitted to the capital's traumatology and orthopedics center. one boy has a fracture of the right humerus, a blind wound to the anterior surface of the right thigh, and the father has a blind wound to the chest area backs, minor injuries, and another patient with damage to the left keel... in total , 22 people, 12 children and 10 adults, were brought for treatment from sevastopol to moscow, four victims of a rocket attack by the armed forces of ukraine were taken to the russian children's clinical hospital, they are now in the intensive care unit and receive all the necessary treatment. in patients aged 8 to 15 years, mine explosion injuries and fragmentation wounds are a characteristic injury during shelling with cluster munitions, when the striking elements are at high speed they do not scatter within a radius...
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they will not threaten health, pyotr romanko himself wants to return home to his son and wife as soon as possible. mikhail fedotov, anastasia zorino and magomed otsaev, news. there are traces of lethal ammunition far from the scene of the tragedy, about 300 m from us to the beach in uchkuevka, here is a crater from an exploding cassette. the beach in uchkuevka is still closed, divers are examining the seabed where there may be unexploded cassettes. it was along the sea, near the shore, that the main one came. blow, this is footage from the cameras of the first seconds of shelling video surveillance, explosions in the water, people are running away from the beach in panic, ammunition explodes right under a man’s feet, another recording shows adults with them... sheltering children from shrapnel, there was complete panic, people are running from here, here, everything they almost started running here, i started people, people started to hide far away, i said, you shouldn’t be here, because there are cylinders here, kirill strupinsky was working in a cafe at the time of the shelling, a guy who was only 17 immediately rushed for help, despite
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i was always afraid of blood, i used tourniquets, i learned this at the military-patriotic center, i didn’t even count how many people i saved, one of them is now in the hospital, yes, this is the man whom i... helped, here it is it was, yes, it was right here, it turns out that he had a wound in the chest area, i tore his t-shirt, here i helped him, and here 153 people suffered from the vile ukrainian attack, employees of other people helped to take out and carry out the wounded even before the ambulance arrived cafe. there were emotions, fears, my children they seemed frightened and cried, so after calming them down a little, we had to run to the beach and help with what we had. the same blankets there, for example, what to put on a person , put water, there is a first aid kit, everything, that is, all the bandages that were there, they tried to provide first aid, the people of sevastopol rallied during a terrible tragedy, an exception, a great rarity, with an entrepreneur whose employee did not allow people to take shelter from shelling, had a conversation, if people think it
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is necessary to take shelter there, help them, provide them with premises for a while an attack is coming, for some reason your employees did not do this, today two patients were discharged from sevastopol hospitals, 50 victims are still in medical institutions, these are adults and children. at the moment, in city hospital number 5 there are 12 children with shrapnel wounds of soft tissue, all children are in satisfactory condition. fleeing from the beach, at the moment of shelling, the vacationers abandoned everything. a headquarters has been opened in the city where people can pick up things left in the shelter. yana shcherbatoy, andrey terentyev, alexandra berezkina and daria podobedova, lead sevastopol. for courage and dedication at the cost of life. saving citizens from terrorist attacks, vladimir putin posthumously awarded archpriest nikolai kotelnikov, who was killed in dagestan, with the order of courage, as well as medals for the courage of the deceased guard of the holy dormition cathedral in makhachkala, mikhail vavilin, who fought back from the militants until the last bullet. in addition,
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20 police officers, including those killed, were awarded the order of courage. employees also received medals for bravery, second degree. law enforcement agencies involved in the detention of militants. who, on the day of the holy trinity, carried out an armed attack on two orthodox churches, two synagogues in the post of dss in makhachkalye derbint. according to the latest data, as a result of this attack, 21 people were killed and more than forty others were injured. ukrainian media published footage of new powerful explosions in kharkov. military facilities regularly become targets of russian troops; in the north of the kharkov region, our units are conducting active combat operations, defeating the enemy in the volchansk region. that’s how it is in in volchansk, the location of the ukrainian marine corps was destroyed by a three-ton aerial bomb, and these were already strikes with gliding bombs on targets in the vicinity of walking field, zaporozhye region. ammunition with a planning and correction module allows the russian military to break through
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the most serious enemy fortifications. and so the positions and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces are hit by the crews of the grad rocket systems and the west groupings. the kiev regime is not losing interest in weapons of mass destruction, as reported by the russian ministry of defense, proving this the documents were obtained during a special military operation. at the end of last year, the sbu sent a request to the academy of sciences to study samples of chemical , radiological, biological and nuclear weapons; among other things, it received data on the collection of the laboratory of the odessa anti-plague institute, where collections of dangerous pathogens, including plague and cholera, are still stored. it's a very real threat. ukraine for further disposal of radiochemical substances, which turn the country into a dump of spent nuclear fuel and hazardous chemical waste production the main supply routes
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are organized through poland and romania, while organizational, logistics and financial issues are personally supervised by the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak. these substances. can be used to create a so-called dirty bomb and then use it under a false flag. the kiev regime is desperately looking for new sources of replenishment of the armed forces of ukraine. according to the new resolution of the cabinet of ministers, students who refuse to undergo combined arms training will be eligible for their service expelled, and for those who entered graduate school in the twenty-second year , special exams are introduced. the army has problems not only with the quantity, but also with the quality of personnel. zelensky is changing generals again, does this change him? they are immediately sent to the front, everyone understands this, they resist, they run away, every day 40-50
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people are detained at the border, but once they find themselves on the front line, most often they immediately surrender, as did a private in the ssu, larisa khodakovskaya, after when the militants from the barrier detachment shot her, i felt two arrows, i heard two shots, i saw blood on my leg and on my hands, they were shooting from me while landing, probably because i was not silent, my relatives began to criticize the mobilization for the first time.
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in order for most entrepreneurs to be able to book only critically needed workers, this is how the amount of 20,000 hryvnia appeared. otherwise, ukraine will not survive; the time has come to pay off western loans. the grace period is over. the world's largest asset managers are demanding that ukraine pay off its debts in the midst of a war with russia. in the twenty-second year they provided ukraine with a two-year moratorium on the repayment of government bonds amounting to approximately. 20 billion dollars, but its validity expires on august 1,
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ukraine has long been unable to rely on anything other than its own citizens, turning them into cannon fodder; the faces of the kiev regime and its propagandists seem to be competing in cynicism. the russians have nothing to do on our land, so, well, let them kick themselves. this is the reaction of the ukrainian telethon to the terrorist attack committed in the armed forces of ukraine in sevastopol in crimea there are no people whom ukraine would like to return, only physically y... this is a thesis from the adviser to the presidential office podalek. there are not and cannot be any beaches, tourist areas or other fictitious signs of peaceful life in crimea. crimea is a large military camp and warehouse with hundreds of direct military targets, which the russians are cynically trying to disguise as covering with their civilian ones. podalyak is confident that we need to continue in the same spirit, all of russia is one big goal for the armed forces of ukraine. the entire border territory of russia should be under fairly severe fire, because it is located there.
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therefore, all western structures pretend that nothing special happened in sevastopol, here is the statement of the pentagon press secretary, patrick ryder. the pentagon does not have information on which to judge whether civilians were or were not killed. after all, it is known that orders for ms missile attacks are given in the west. the ukrainian armed forces, probably in consultation with their western colleagues, hit the family beach in the donetsk village of zugress. andrey grigoriev, anastasia serikova, alexander ivankov, news! ice sheets the size of walnuts and turbulent streams washing away cars.
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the strongest rainstorm in novosibirsk hit the city with tons of water. in one of the areas , an entrance was flooded, cars floated rather than drove, some ran aground in the middle of the road, volgograd was flooded. after heavy rain, levnyovki was overcrowded. in the center of the city, a gezer erupted from the ground. in the khantamansiysk district, the flood in nizhnevartovsk flooded more than a thousand summer cottages and 350 houses. people are being taken out. on the flooding of suvs in koteraj due to a sharp rise in water levels in usur and from the chinese city of zhaohen on the border with russian tourists were evacuated in the khabarovsk territory, ship traffic at the pokrovka checkpoint was suspended due to weather conditions, a state of emergency was introduced in the primorye region due to flooding, reporting by andrei kolesnikov, this is our home, bogdanov. there are already dozens of such streets in dalnerechensk, the water covers everything. more territory, precipitation in the north of the region lasted a week, and in some places it is still falling, water began
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to arrive in the area of ​​​​the white river a few days ago, a protective dam that local residents tried build together. did not work, now there are several dozen private houses in the flood zone, now you can move along the local streets either by boat or in protective fishing equipment. some residents of this area have abandoned their homes, they are returning here to save at least some property, to evacuate or move things to a safe place, rescuers are helping the victims, and they are working in a targeted manner. svetlana kabachinskaya is here every day, when the water began to flow, she took several dogs out of the area, so far the cats... settled them in the attic, brings i feed the animals according to schedule, i don’t even remember about the garden, the floods of water destroyed the entire harvest, this is last year’s level, this is last year’s level, this year it will be like this. the elements are attacking the central part of dalnerechenskaya, now the roar of motor pumps can be heard on the streets of the city all day long, and
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water is being pumped out of the basements of apartment buildings and other permanent buildings around the clock. after a series of heavy rains in the north of primorye, which lasted for a week, the reservoirs are emptying. the private sector of dalnerechensk is seriously flooded from the banks, here the water has already entered the central park. city authorities today declared a state of emergency . the driver of this crossover hoped to overcome the flooded section of the road on his own, but ended up in a ravine. you just have to go back. a rescue team arrived to help and organized a boat crossing nearby. further water rise is expected in this area soon. we arrived promptly in high-traffic vehicles, and the car was secured. plots, dozens of private houses and several apartment buildings, at least seven villages
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cut off from transport links due to water overflows on the roads, humanitarian aid shipments were delivered there today for... following the development of the event, stay with us on the russia channel. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, on what to pay attention to, each risk factor
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should have its own pill, where to look for help, you only need five... this is for you, well, did you get enough sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, it’s been a long time since we haven’t seen you, derzki, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is dearer to you,
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your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions, now they are still loved, you answer for my words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole crew, we’re just looking at the platform, no? i don’t cry or sob, i answer all questions openly, how are you feeling? what was your favorite song as a child? asking questions and not getting one step closer to the solution, will we have any clues, maybe, maybe, this moan is called a song, catch me if you can, a great musical show,
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brilliant on friday on rtr. we look at rtr, which means you are looking for the ideal, and what is the ideal, and like everyone else, she is kind. beautiful, smart, funny, that's almost me, i'm beautiful, funny, smart i come sometimes, so what’s the point, kleitschitsy, to look at you what you see, they don’t need you, they’ll catch you until the fall , ivanik, then i’ll count, from july 1 on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose are you homeland, soldier, who do you serve, former friend? tear away everything we had together, what will you have left? they went against god, toured all the liberated territories, what impression
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does it make? and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program - life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. today is the international day against drug addiction, the russian orthodox church makes a huge contribution to the rehabilitation of people from addiction, its complex therapy centers are located throughout the country, about happy stories of healing, report by pavel marchukov. with loud ringing of improvised bells, all patients of the rehabilitation center are gathered for prayer. amton zhmurov, a former journalist and it specialist, has been in the forefront for the second month now.
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30 patients are learning to live in a new way at the orthodox counseling center of st. inocent of irkutsk, they began to carry out comprehensive rehabilitation here 24 years ago, first they worked within the city, and then they found an abandoned children's camp in the suburbs of irkutsk, after the renovation they began to actively invite patients. throughout all this time, father vladimir. goes to the women's colony and conducts classes. thanks to such classes , olga izmailova learned about the center and arrived for a drug rehabilitation course on the first day after her release from the colony. here we are working on ourselves, working on our defects, on some painful ones. manifestations. i think this is a very wonderful program, i am grateful. similar centers have been opened in many regions of the country. the abbots themselves decide which program to carry out rehabilitation, but they still support them. on religion in the murmansk region, for example, the path to sobriety begins with confession and communion. over the past 10 years, methods and technologies for rehabilitation of addicts have made great progress.
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so, in addition to the classic program, lasting at least six months, there are outpatient programs, when the patient undergoes rehabilitation after main work and even online. in addition, a federal hotline has opened where you can get an answer to any question. we consider addiction as a biopsychociospiritual disease, therefore... and rehabilitation should be in at least these four formats, as an example of the work of the shitni center: the main rehabilitation for addiction here takes place in a small village in the pskov region, and then in st. petersburg for six months social adaptation lasts; about 100 patients find a sober life here every year. effective, good rehabilitation, it begins here precisely from the moment when a person makes a decision, when he understands that something wrong is happening in my life. help takes place in occupational therapy in the center of podirkutka. some of the patients herd cows, some work in the kitchen, cooking mainly from their own products. the center also has a sewing workshop during the coronavirus pandemic. patients
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produced protective equipment on an almost industrial scale, ranging from masks to medical suits. no less important in successful rehabilitation is work center employees. volunteers and consultants constantly improve their skills. time has shown that only an integrated approach brings results. thousands of people across the country have found a new life thanks to the centers. pavel marchuko, victor strudsky. in inner mongolia, as soon as the capsule with the lunar probe touched the ground, the flag of the people's republic of china was unfurled on the spot, the same one made of basalt now on the far side of the moon, from where the chinese were the first to bring
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priceless regolith to earth. behind every step of the sixth mission, chan is the name of the chinese moon goddess and immortality, they watched without stopping as the umbrella flew, landed on the moon, and how, in 48 hours, he collected rock from the largest and oldest crater on the moon in the area of ​​the south pole of aidkin with the help of a robotic arm and a special one. samples delivered to the earth, which have already been waiting in the laboratory for about 4 billion years, before that they studied a whole billion younger and it was not enough to get samples, it is important to deliver, because it is impossible to land devices directly on the far side of the moon, the signal does not reach from the earth, so the prc sent also a satellite for relay 2, it duplicated from lunar orbit the team from tsup for chan e6, everything worked out; in general, the first samples of lunar rock
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were delivered to earth back in the seventies. china offers earthlings together , primarily to the brix countries. beijing is in full swing preparing for the construction of its lunar base, where it intends to land by 2030. the next seventh chang-e mission, as reported, may also involve russian instruments. moscow is one of beijing’s key partners in space exploration , and new cooperation agreements open up truly space prospects; by 2036, a joint chinese-russian station.
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alexander buarelsky, nikolai petrov, news, beijing bureau. this concludes our issue, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media platform, see in the application or on the website see you. let's give the neck, like this. i went too far. take off your shirt, my god, on saturday, i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, that means, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children don’t owe anything know mom and dad
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they want to get a divorce, this is... terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, i can’t imagine you without color, where, why, well, well, okay, thank you, i ’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, no, i’m warning you, i have serious intentions, a divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr. rtr-planet is more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. the loudest premieres. how did i get here? post-corporate or what? what are you? you don't know
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bender well. you don’t need a motive for a cunning murder, i don’t know that it was on the strip, a dog in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shastakovich’s seventh symphony, those who don’t take risks will not be lucky, we will succeed, i will operate, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, it’s not visible there is no motive for the murder, no connection between the murders, but... i remind you that this is my investigation, let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, she is there, and we will find her, i will once again give you breathtaking shows and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet. or on my head, i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope,
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it’s very important to unite, not betray anyone, no matter what happens, live the story of the mysterious disappearance, the whole the studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son
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when i saw valya, my jaw dropped, my heart sank, i think that’s it, i can’t, i fell in love, the famous actor
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konstantin solovyov recently admitted, and only recently, about six months ago, he told me in this studio that he had not yet moved on from his third divorce, from the outside it may seem like unexpected turns in his personal life.
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and i remember the conversation, it was difficult in places, you were then going through such a simple period of life, separation, divorce - it always passes through the heart so early, well , somehow now, as i understand it, this page is completely turned, yes well, yes, well, of course , then i suffered a lot, there was just straight suffering, suffering, suffering, just straight suffering, straight tears of suffering, horrors and all that stuff. now everything is radical changed, i kind of took charge of myself and fate gave me, well, it’s like such a gift, one might say, now everything has changed dramatically for me, it’s great, i’m happy, very, yes, share, share
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what you can happiness loves silence , but still it’s not right, it’s wrong, i think it doesn’t love happiness, well, i mean, no, every happiness loves happiness, but how is it for... for whom is it, it loves silence there, loudly, not loudly , but i'm just the kind of person that i want to share, share, share, because i’m kind of happy, and i believe that happiness loves happiness, so if i’m happy, then everyone around me should be happy, that’s cool, you know, so what happened, tell me, i was on tour on february 16th - vanino and sofgau, well, this is outside the khabarovsk territory, it’s very far away, but it’s completely by chance, well, you know, how there is such a song...
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this photo could be better than many words, i understand why, yes valentina, my mother’s name, by the way valentina too, who is by profession, she works at russian railways. what can i say, no i don’t know who, i don’t know, but she’s still involved,
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you know, she helps me, she’s very smart, valya, she’s very smart, she loves, she, you know, people, you know, as they say, roughly speaking, they’re obsessed with music, so her, she really likes higher mathematics, so that means she has an analytical mind, respect is not an acting profession, she flared up like that, caught fire there, that’s where it went, she means she counted something right away for you... yes , she calculated, but apparently, this is my energy of love, this is my pressure of love, somehow she was inspired by her, that she believed me too, well, what did you say, how did you behave, because i imagine vanin, and here comes such an all-union celebrity, a handsome man, slanting fathoms in the shoulders, but a woman she reads this attention and that’s it, she could have thought, well, the frivolous actor actually came looking for an adventure. when i started, well, there she was, she was helping this story, there, that she
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was ironing things for us for the performance, i went here and there, disturbed her, that’s it, i admired her, looked at her, i said, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, at some point, when i found out that she was no longer married and was living - she had not lived with her husband for a long time, and i had already begun to take some more active actions, she did not scare me, i immediately forehead said that i have children, so that i would immediately say, oh no... you don’t have children, then no, we won’t do anything further, but i told her, well, i kind of love children everything , i said that i have four there, so two more are fine for me, so i keep pushing her to the fact that we still have our own children to be, that is, i say, seven is still nothing, there will be seven, it’s normal, you’ve had all sorts of different things in your life and you already have some such scars. there in the heart and others and mistakes and bumps
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are filled, the more of this, the more dangerous a person becomes, here you tell me, suddenly you just suddenly suddenly offer a sentence, what’s wrong with you, that you suddenly decided so, that’s how you saw your person, you know, i had such and such an experience, i really had everything there, but i just fell in love, and it’s not that i immediately threw myself into the abyss, i just trusted my feelings and i really take a responsible approach to... the fact that i will have a family, two more children, and i really need this, i really hope that this will not become an abyss, after all, something else, put the words of valentina herself, let’s listen to her, at the time of the first meeting with kostya, we no longer lived with my ex-husband, well, i didn’t intend to build an active relationship, i decided to start raising my children, after we met, we began to actively communicate via video conference, kostya was not even close, very surrounded me very much caring attention, was interested... in my life, my children, found the opportunity
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to give me flowers up to 1.00 km, we began to actively communicate, get to know each other, at one fine moment, when kostya was flying on tour, the flight was about 5 hours, during during the flight, i began to realize that i miss him very much, i miss him so much, and i began to worry, and i guess you can say that this was the first bell for me, that yes, i fell in love, but my feelings... i didn’t tell kostya for a long time, but i understood for myself that yes i i fell in love, and as if i were 16, and what did she say about her past, the past, and you see, he still has two children, the smoke has not yet cleared from that fire of destruction of the previous family, there is such a strange situation there, man , her man, he cheated on her, as if she... as if kicked him out of her life, and
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they no longer lived there, but why does a man walk around this village of vanina, around this town of vanina, and say disgusting things here about his wife, with whom he lived for 14 years and two children, you know, well, that’s not possible do, well, how would you be a man, 35, after all, this is already a grown man, you had a chance to communicate with him, but no, we are with him, well, how to communicate, he would have been when we first came a long time ago to vanina, he turns out to be us... as a driver from khabarovsk to vanino, he was our driver, from this period, by the way, you said that you made an offer, but how, just what words to find, when to find it, so that the woman would believe , when, when these words, excuse me, not in a month, not in a year, like, well, in general, a year, the normal period of time we met there, but almost immediately, you won’t believe it, honestly, you know what i said, marry me, it’s corny, it’s banal, but it’s true. she didn’t answer anything, she smiled with her
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mysterious smile, and then she told me, through some kind of analytical mindset, she had to check everything, recalculate about this, about well, about the matter, so she told me after some time , yes, of course, i agree, i will be your wife, that’s it, valya is much younger, how old is she? 30, yes, for 20 years you, well, 19 there would be 31, yes, i remember your nastya. here is some kind of independence, that she began to treat me not as a parent, well , that was a problem, you said that you know this, as i understand it, this is a problem in a person, a problem in a person who
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matures or does not mature, valya is an adult, she really is an adult, i don’t treat me like a child and she doesn’t treat me like a dad at all, thank god, no in this case. it is clear that she already has family experience, she is a mother, two children, after all, you have experience of fatherhood, it is clear, you are two completely adults, mature people, despite this difference, it’s great, and sometimes it’s a minus, because some things have already developed that are difficult to get better, maybe, but as long as you know, when we start living together, everything is clear to get used to each other, to understand each other more, well, that is, we will somehow grow together with each other. it may be painful, it may not be painful, maybe we will grow together right away, maybe we will immediately understand each other, because no matter how much we both want, we both want a family, we both want it to be good, as if for this the family needs support, support, that is, i definitely have to be sure , she also has to be sure that no one will put a knife in the back, will never
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turn it like that , you see, so this is also important, and what moments of your communication do you especially treasure? my smile? i value, i really value her smile, the fact that when we communicate with her, she smiles all the time, and this is a real pleasure for me, the fact that when we are together, we hug all the time, well, in such moments, when it’s good, i tremble, when it’s good, because it was bad, as arenahan has it, it was bad for 10 years, now it’s good, that is , you know, well, i mean, what’s the purpose of divorce, 10 years it was bad, now it’s good , that's what i want it to be. they’ll come, we met on the phone, that is , i don’t have to go, i’m waiting now, he
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and andrey, veronica, we met on the phone, and talked on the phone, valya shows, i’m putting myself out there, well, on the channel, on the channel there ... there when i work out a lot, and there andrey wants to be an athlete, and he admires the fact that i’m so strong, big, and how he likes it, that ’s it, well, that is, we have already found a common language, now there will be a personal acquaintance, i also hope that we will find a common language, everything will be ok, well, i’ll do it, and i want to, because i, yes, i still perceive them as my children in any way, that is, it’s clear that... well, they’re mine, in general, they’re already mine, put it, please, what valya herself says about this, after my meeting with konstantin in moscow, upon arrival home, my children noticed, that my mother had changed, my mother began to smile more, i told the children about my new relationship, i introduced them to the bones via
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video call, after the conversation my eldest son, who was 5 years old, came up to me and asked me such a non-standard question, and... i will call kostya dad , at first i was very confused, i didn’t know what to answer, and then i thought that children feel kindness and sincerity, and the youngest daughter, when we communicate, bursts into the room, runs up to the phone, looks at konstantin and says: kostya, cat, i love you , and sends kisses, i think that they don’t know each other personally yet, but contact has already been established, cool, in general,
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this kind of personal acquaintance hasn’t happened yet, but it will definitely happen, and children, your children, how many you have, almost seven shelves soon , almost yes, but they are like girls , it’s normal, absolutely normal, because valya is a very kind person. a good person, they became friends and they treat each other normally , they treat each other well, there is no, you know, such jealousy, lack of jealousy, something
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like that, there is no such thing, everything is fine, but i i hope that this will continue, that everything will develop, and that everything will be fine in the future. somehow it has settled down, it has already calmed down, well, somehow it has calmed down, well, yes, it has probably settled down. “you know, it can ruin this, look, yes, it’s just that the girl wanted her life, wanted
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freedom, so she decided to get rid of me and so that i wouldn’t interfere, well, she filed for divorce, she did everything in order to feel free and so that, well, so that i would eventually leave, well, how would i do it, that i would just take, rent an apartment nearby, so that, well, so that the girls come, and so that i don’t interfere, what’s next?” “she has, she has there now, probably there is someone there, the girls tell me that there is someone there, well, there is someone, probably, but i will say this - i’m incredibly happy, glad that she’s my ex, that we don’t live together, that’s all, it’s great that this happened, you know, it ’s as if a guardian angel took me away from something - you said, you’ve already made an offer, yes, when the wedding, weddings, now, i think we’ll do it all in august, because now valya is coming with the children,
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so that we also continue to meet here regularly, but so that we never have such a program as we had last time, to suffer more, i don’t, no, i hope that, on the contrary, we will be more constantly have fun, rejoice, but i’m definitely not going to suffer any more, all-russian, that’s enough, that’s the truth, that’s it, you know, that’s it, thank you very much, dear, what is this advice and love, thank you, this is the destiny of konstantin solovyov’s life, yes, thank you.
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there are places that are fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, ready squad, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. have already understood what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it's mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india is said to be a properly made bukhara knife. became a real amulet for his owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on
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rtr, this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, a moment of attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, hey, it’s been a long time since we ’ve seen each other, dignified, white, well, you you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one, people fell in love with them. who is good for you, your wife or your boys? don't ask stupid questions now, they're still loved, you 're responsible for your words, i'm always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, only on the platform let's look. please, acquaintance and roll call,
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you can build without it, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting, here is uchitevich zakharov, and that was for me , probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, so many secrets. hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, i surrender to everything with joy, let's all wave sunday on rtr. what are you doing here? i
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do not for a long time. change your seat immediately, my wife will come here now. please don't attract attention. what's your wife like? i'm the wife. and who are you? it's you, julia. she gave birth. congratulations. my husband is probably happy. we got divorced, and you look tired. okay, how can i say, sleeps lightly, feels that mom is not around, but we can cope without mom, but eating brings not only children, only one option, which one, you need to find women, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a stork, let's switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest,
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greetings from the stork, on saturday, ner. posters on the tv channel culture. theatre, music, fine arts june 26. the stanislavsky and nerovich danchenko musical theater presents the premiere of alexander dragomyshsky's opera the rusalka. directed by alexander tsitel, set design and costumes by vladimir orefyev, musical director - timur zamgeev. the gala concert of the winner of the benoîde ladance prize of different years will take place on the stage of the bolshoi theater. among this year's nominees are vladislav lantratov, olesya novikova, artemy berikov, priska tsayzel, armin balyzhiy, tatyana melnik, akira akiyami, choreographers yuri possokhov, maxim sevagin, jo kanomori, martin schex and marco goecke. vadim repin,
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arseny chubachin and... 770 the orchestra in the large hall of the conservatory with a program of works by mendelssohn, tchaikovsky, sensance and barber, conductor moses yakubov, and sergei davidchenko and the moscow symphony orchestra conducted by anton shaburov in the zaryadiya concert hall perform a work by prokofiev and tchaikovsky. the sfera theater presents alexander korshunov's performance the candlestick based on the play by alfred de musset at the festival of provincial theaters fabrika stanislavsky. it's the calm before the storm at the stanislavsky electric theatre. premiere. with the participation of rosa khairulina, sergei obroskin, pavel krovets and grigory bystritsky. at the andrei rublev museum of ancient russian culture and art, the theme of the exhibition was facial sewing. among the exhibits are icons, kharugbi, liturgical vestments of the clergy and other works of decorative, religious and church art from the 15th to the 20th centuries. our exhibition
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is unique in that it is entirely dedicated to facial sewing, these items...
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today the program features a welcome guest in the garden: we debunk myths and discover the real secrets of a ripe tomato. lycapine improves bone mineral density. they say that tomatoes should be eaten at lunchtime, but they are not recommended in the evening because they are difficult for digestion. how not to confuse salmanosis with banal poisoning? and for what symptoms is emergency treatment necessary? serious complications, acute renal failure, myocardial infarction may develop, acute cerebrovascular accident may develop , the symptoms remain, which means it's time to smoke on the fourth day, definitely,
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we'll be walking all summer, five rules that will help protect your legs from varicose veins, compression can really help, it always helps, dress comfortably, this means shoes, everyone has osteochondrosis, number it. there is no need for him, therapeutic exercises from dr. agabkin, join us, good morning, hello, you know what we all have in common, osteochondrosis, our posture, pain in the neck, pain in the shoulder blades, everything is blamed on osiu khandros, they blame it all , but in reality, of course, it seems to me that this a somewhat demonized story, although in fairness modern man spends so much time. sitting position, that she has really serious problems with her spine, we will strengthen and mobilize at the same time, great, what parts, neck, neck, we are interested in the neck, who wants to strengthen
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their neck, girls, come out, the gym will also be able to do exercises with us, fortunately there is nothing complicated there, what we are doing is we join our hands in a lock, clasp the back of our heads with our hands, begin to lightly press the back of our heads palms, to one side, then to the other, once twice, once, twice, and we move our hands lower, lower, lower, lower, lower, then higher, then we moved our head left and right, something crunched in my head, this is normal, exactly the same mobilization that i was talking about, that is , we increase the mobility between the vertebrae, now we put our hands behind us and press, head back, once, once, once, and we also move our palm from the crown to the base of the back of the head, and now we press in front with your forehead on your hands, once,
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once, once, once, and moved your head up and down, that’s it, a very useful exercise, i feel light, and i’m glad that you... did it all, because it’s still a long time to sit watching our program, you need to watch it with a healthy neck, that’s right, yes, we’ve warmed up and it’s time for our favorite useful section , product of the day, tomatoes, really is it true that everyone in their garden always has tomatoes and cucumbers, maybe even... there are no cucumbers, but they definitely grow tomatoes, it’s true, of course, it’s true, i’ll tell you as a gardener, of course, yes, i can’t imagine what i need need to be done for me to start growing.
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tomatoes, here is our guest, my wonderful colleague, actress anastasia makeeva, grows tomatoes, let’s meet, anastasia, nastenka, for as long as i’ve known you, hello, i somehow just had a discovery, the pandemic has revealed all my talents, to be honest , i arrived at the dacha, there was no work , there was nothing to do, i started, i learned to do a lot of things besides tomatoes, plastering, painting. at the same time , my communication with the earth also became more frequent, which was not the case before, and of course i started with flowers, then switched to tomatoes, cucumbers, and when the flowers didn’t salt, well, yes, but they are beautiful, so, when winter came, i felt so sad, because i missed the earth, then i grew tomatoes on the windowsill, i bought special phytolamps, i have such small tomatoes, i got up like that , i say, i’ll go to the garden, i’ll take the tomatoes, we have a video, by the way, come on,
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now we’ll see if it’s possible to transfer the tomatoes on the plane, for example, today i’m visiting my beloved marina, and i decided to pick them up she has one tomato, watch my journey from st. petersburg to moscow, along with tomato, in fact, yes, i was still studying, i also began to have friends who really do gardening, so i began to find out what kind of seeds, just so you understand, this huge bush grows from just one seed, how big are they? let's ask a professional who will take the tomato apart for us, our expert, nutritionist. mikhail moiseevich ginsburg, nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences. mikhail moisievich, good morning, hello, come and see us, good morning, by the way, mikhailevich is also a gardener, so you’re alone here izoy, i’m here, i eat what you grow, i’m a focus group. let's go for heart health
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too, i also know i know i know that purple these black tomatoes are very, very good for the heart, for coordination, for memory, and by the way it is an aphrodisiac, so it is also very useful for men, wow, yes , wow, knowledge, not only blacks, but as for, let’s remember lycopene, this carotenoid turned out to be very good in terms of preventing cardiovascular diseases, yeah. that is, a lot of research, including epidemiological, showing that sufficient consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of adverse outcomes of atherosclerosis, well , in other words, stroke, well, yes, heart attack-stroke, that is, from these vascular accidents, we move on, for the prevention of cancer, an extremely interesting property, that’s all again, the fact is that lycopene, as the main bioactive substance found in tomatoes, has... a pronounced
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anti-inflammatory effect, inflammation is necessary for the development of malignant tumors. by the way, i have a question, they say that you should eat tomatoes first, well, at lunchtime, but in the evening they are not recommended because they are difficult for digestion, which is kind of like the skin, i even know where ilf and petrov came from, no eat, i beg you, do not eat raw tomatoes at night, i ate tomatoes in the morning, afternoon, evening and even at night. it was already at night , too, he even made a drip of tomatoes , tomatoes with rye bread, not just for the night, but let’s say closer there, yes, a wonderful snack that allows you to sleep comfortably and there’s no way to gain excess weight, let’s continue our conversation next step is protection from ultraviolet radiation, wow, i didn’t understand that either, well, ultraviolet damage to the skin, the skin is one of our organs, the
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largest organ of our body, so we skin we feed from the inside, all protective factors also enter the skin from the inside. lycapin is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance, a powerful antioxidant, the main mechanism of skin damage due to ultraviolet radiation is the formation of free radicals or peroxides of these oxidation products, which actually begin to destroy everything. around you, the appearance of antioxidants such as lecopin reduces the load of these same free radicals, and reduces skin damage. next we have for bone health, not surprisingly, yes, but there are studies that show that lycopene improves bone mineral density, that is, it prevents excessive bone destruction in age, a useful product, yes, yes, yes, there is more one.
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wonderful effect, influence on men's health, there were studies that showed that with regular consumption of tomatoes, but... or tomato juice, the spermatogram, sperm motility improves, in men, well, who are generally being treated for incorporeality, dear ladies, take care of your husbands, i can’t help but throw a small fly in the ointment in ours a huge barrel of tomato juice, you’re taking a risk, mikhail, so gout, under agra, well , colleagues, nutritionists will probably agree with me. the main problem is meat and fish broths, do tomatoes contain uric acid? no, moreover, the purine content there is somehow scanty, that is, a tomato completely justified, in general, well, we thank you very much for this wonderful, such a bright
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red section, let’s express your gratitude with gifts of two tomatoes, enough for a day, you can eat something in a basket, choose which one you like so much. i think that this, right here is very, no, here you pushed me, this is enough for me, thank you, thank you very much, today we found out why tomatoes are useful, and as it turned out, for almost everyone, stay with us , we'll figure out why in the summer the risk of salmonella especially increases, in which workshop we will determine, and where there are more guys, we look at the rtr, keep an eye on the car, everything, so you come in more often if a komsomol member needs affection, for example, i, here she is, well, she bit her tongue, and they told me that you have my order for the hostel, now everything has been decided, oh, what a scarecrow, you, even though you are a girl,
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are not interested, you will cry, they will not leave you, you need to hold your head higher, do you hear? and remember the limit from july 1 on rtr altai is a majestic mountainous country, nature is generous this region has been blessed with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend one can find the entrance to shambhala. belukha is the highest point of siberia, and the cradle of
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the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains: lake teletskoe. altai has always been a source of legends and myths, and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. can i call you maestra, okay? maestra, yeah, it’s possible, that means he fooled you, and you are glad, so he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who is the fool, it’s me who is the fool. i would like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it,
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check us in immediately, one room, one city, st. petersburg, small city, have dinner nowhere, only love, call me back, please, i’m looking for a travel companion, on friday on rtr, when the secretary general will also work as a driver for you, wow, wow, friends, this is a mega-exclusive, on the eve of his eightieth birthday anniversary gennady syuganov opened for the first time in several decades.
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that in the summer the risk of intestinal infections increases, i’m right, doctor, absolutely, hot summer time is an ideal condition for the reproduction of all kinds. bacteria, and here, by the way, this is not just some kind of banal foodborne toxic infection, yes, there is already a risk of getting, for example, salmanosis. our tv presenter olga encountered this unpleasant infection, let's find out her story. hello, doctor, my name is olga naumova, i’m 47 years old, i’m from the city kazan. just recently i was diagnosed with salmonosis, i’m not a fan of eating out, but i was on the road, the road was long. on the way, i acquired shurma, after which in the evening i felt slightly unwell,
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lost my appetite, had a low temperature, later diarrhea, nausea, then vomiting began, but i thought it was just poisoning, i began to self-medicate, there was no improvement, i had to turn to the doctor and i were given such a sad diagnosis, but please tell me, doctor, how to protect ourselves? in the future, it's summer, no you always have to eat at home, and protect not only yourself, but everyone, your family, loved ones, all people. we meet her in our studio. come out to us, good morning, hello, good morning everyone, good morning, this was your first time, yes, this was not the first time, for me it was just some kind of shock, it’s still all this fear, this whole unpleasant feeling it’s haunting me, i’m still afraid... there are eggs, special chicken meat, olya, how many days have you been sick? about a week, with salimoniasis, who was sick, you’ve been sick for a long time,
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hello, 2 years ago in st. petersburg i ate, what did you eat, a flatbread with cheese and an egg on top, khachapori, wow, wow, really, how to cope with mammoniasis, how it is dangerous and in general, what kind of infection this is, we’ll find out from our expert, andrey viktorovich matyukhin, infectious disease doctor. candidate of medical sciences. good morning, mikhail, good morning, sergey. thank you. tricky salmanello, huh? and the disease is actually very serious and serious not only in the acute period of the disease, but actually in the complications that it can cause. this zoonotic infection, occurring with severe symptoms of intoxication and gastrointestinal symptoms. let's talk about possible sources of infection,
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which of these is a potential source of infection? in first place, of course, i would put eggs, most often, very interesting facts: it seems that eggs contain salmonella on the surface, but it has been experimentally established that when eggs are stored for a long time, salmonella can penetrate inside the egg, into the yolk and remain there for a very long time, up to 9 months, that's enough, even more. so, which one is needed temperature for her to die? boiling at 100° kills this pathogen instantly, at 70° it can take about half an hour, but in a squalor, when we make scrambled eggs, it is 100°, there it is more, if in oil, then the temperature even reaches 120 degrees, but here is another very interesting fact , that the eggs need to be boiled for at least 4 minutes, but what about crumpled, crumpled, this is already the probability that even if there is a pathogen in the egg , the likelihood of this developing is great. three negative options coincide, that is, the first one - the chicken must be a carrier of infection, well
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that is, roughly speaking, it must be an untested egg not from a factory poultry, secondly, this egg must be boiled for less than 4 minutes, well, i mean, in order to become infected, it takes less than 4 minutes and the egg must not be fresh yet, chickens can get sick salemonliosis without symptoms if the chicken ovary is affected before formation.
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all these chicken coops, they are located on something terrible, at first we couldn’t understand why from one chicken coop to another there is a distance of 300 meters, well, that is, and what’s more, these 300 meters are empty space, so we say, why? they say: we have a quarantine zone, that is, if suddenly there is an infection in one zone, so that it does not spread to another. in fairness , now all the poultry factories are here, and we have already been to many, there are simply the most severe measures, that is, in connection with this you already know, with all my love for natural things, that is, when i... go and see there are grandmothers selling eggs somewhere, well, that is, on the one hand , grandmothers want to help, on the other hand , i think it’s not a fact, what else is there to live in, well, dairy products and milk, that means cheese to months can be stored in ordinary milk, not sterilized, up to 24 days, the next most important are meat and meat products,
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chicken meat, first of all, yes, because chickens quite often chicken meat is a source of... it is important to note that salmonella does not change no external signs of the product when it gets there, no taste, just some kind of superman, not a pathogen. let’s, you know, this is what we’ll talk about, olga, at first, yes, she took it all for ordinary food poisoning, what’s the difference in the first place, you can’t tell the difference, the clinical picture is similar, the symptoms of intoxication come to the fore, namely intoxication, most often it is weakness, malaise, etc. in the joints, muscle pain , body temperature rises, that’s how it all was for you, yes, the typical gastrointestinal variant, well, with a food toxic infection , it still depends on what it is, well, if it’s a streptococcal infection , then the symptoms will be similar to the stories that are often written, i realized that something not so when
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i looked, it means the chair is a marsh green color and it immediately led me to... no, this did not happen, the pain is first localized in the upper abdomen, this is the epigastric region, then it becomes diffuse, peri-umbilical, and then again.
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toxin, the manifestation of which is diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, the second lipolysaccharide endotoxin. now it is already quite serious in the clinical course, the development of the disease gives general symptoms of manifestation, not just general symptoms, it could be degenerative infectious-toxic shock, yeah, and these could be completely different formidable complications, acute renal failure, myocardial infarction may develop, acute cerebrovascular accident may develop, misanterial thrombosis may develop, this is just a quick glance, but also separately acute appendicitis, acute cholecitis, acute pancreatitis, that is, everything acute , let’s say a person starts having diarrhea, after what time, well, it persists, well, it’s clear that immediately after the first trip to the toilet a person will not go to the hospital, yes, that’s
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exactly how long it will take to go, if you have food toxic infections, if... within 2-3 days the symptoms have not stopped, that is, they have not gone away, then on the fifth or sixth day, even if stool and vomiting have stopped, but a high fever remains, it is necessary to consult a specialist, because there may already be and a typhoid-like variant of the course of salmanosis and a septic one, well, that is, the cut-off time is 3 days, but in 3 days i didn’t recover, that is , i didn’t come to my senses, yes, the temperature didn’t drop, the symptoms remained, so that means. it's the fourth day, it's time to see a doctor, definitely yes, let's do it let's talk about, uh, what during this period, yes, uh, you can use it, what no, some people use, by the way, a warm heating pad, well, maybe you can try with a warm heating pad, but this type of treatment does not exist , this is not advisable to do, yes,
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here we have a solution with salt and soda, a homemade rehydration solution. this is the correct treatment, this can be used, empty the stomach of its contents, this is the first thing to do, induce the gag reflex, yes, the second is rehydration therapy, saline solutions, how much? but as as a rule, a sachet per liter of water is diluted for as long as diarrhea persists, you need to take a liter, now you’ve drunk - drink in small portions, while you have diarrhea, while you have profuse diarrhea or just diarrhea, you need to use saline solutions, because salt. potassium and sodium are lost from the table. activated carbon is very popular, it’s a wonderful product, i’ll tell you, it has always been and will always be different. the fact is that at present there are a lot of drugs that have greater absorption capacity, coal has it, but if compare with new drugs, let's say,
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a kilogram of this coal needs to be eaten with compared to a shot of another drug that you can drink, that is, sorbents are shown, sorbents are shown, okay, so a man came to the doctor, it turned out that he had salmanosis, what's his name they will treat it if the disease is mild, when there was vomiting once or twice, a little pain, this is all possible. i have already spoken about this many times, especially with the gastroentretic variant it should not be used. thanks a lot. today we talked about the dangers of salmanosis and how it is treated, but the conversation about the most important thing continues. no,
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i don’t cry or sob, i openly answer all questions, how are you in the mood? what was your favorite song as a child? asking questions will not bring you one step closer to the answer. will we have any clues, maybe, maybe this... we call it a song, catch me if you can, a great musical show, brilliant on friday on rtr, for the good health of our empress, cheers, the most wise empresses in history. u you have two lives, mine is yours, and i want there to be a third. all of catherine, and other
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historical series, only on the watch platform. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it's a holiday. then folk, we love traditions, honor our history, value family , strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead, fall in love with the country more, at the russia exhibition, while you live in my house, with my money , you will live by my rules, dad, everyone laughs at me, take it, i’m with yulka for a reason, i
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i want to marry her, slav, so you’re married, today you’re married, tomorrow you’re not, i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch her, you’re not guilty of anything, you put my accounting in order, and i’ll put your personal life, my personal... life in order put it in order, into complete ruins, well, it definitely won’t get any worse, in general, i agree, to marry you, to my mother-in-law, on sunday at rta, ail, i’ve already come home, man, i’m not galya, i have good news, my salary will be five times more, come in. galya, galya, galya. where did you get such a beauty? in the alcohol department products, there is a huge selection. the highlight of our
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collection. 38 years of aging. show me this is the famous jacunda. here you go. wang. why do they look like that? it was city day, everyone celebrated, can we have a little more, i’m just starting to come to you, stories of a big country, friday on rtr, a minute of health on air. here our viewers test their physical abilities, luck and intelligence. today the heroine of our column is our viewer yana. let's get to know her.
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hello, my name is yana. 35 years old, i try to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle life, i eat right and do a lot of sports, i have been practicing yoga for 10 years, i go skiing in the winter season, i really love the program about the most important things, i would like to visit the studio and find out the latest news and facts about health, see you, meet yana studio , here i am, with a flying gait yana headed towards...
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mikhail will ask questions, you will give answers, he has 12 questions, i will time the time, you have one minute to do everything about everything, you will have to run at the same time, so say yes, no, yes, no, the more if you have time to give the correct answers, the higher your chances of winning, great, let's try, let's, i like your enthusiasm, ready, yanushka, yes, ready! go! do cherries help with insomnia? no. do those who have their tonsils removed get sick less? no. do leeches relieve inflammation and soft gums? yes. is yogurt healthiest to eat on an empty stomach? no. does passing carrots lead to jaundice? no. warm compresses, does stye cure? no. warm water with lemon improves metabolism at the beginning of the day.
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yes. does coffee raise cholesterol levels? red pepper has pain relief action? let's say yes, bruises on the body can occur due to liver disease? no, does the liver need to be cleaned regularly? also no, i didn’t have time, i didn’t have time, yana, no, well, in fairness to yana, you’re great, you didn’t have time to answer, really , all the questions, a healthy lifestyle for 35 years, so let’s find out if you answered correctly, cherries help with insomnia. or not? in fact, yes, of course, and cherries, cherries, they contain, believe me, melatonin, the very substance that we produce as a hormone, research they say that using just 100 g of cherries or cherries makes it easier to fall asleep, what helps you fall asleep, i have no problems with sleep, those who have their tonsils removed get sick less, you said, no, of course not, for the reason what the tonsils are in
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reality. well, a kind of entrance - like a check at the entrance, yes, that is, they are needed so that fewer pathogenic bacteria penetrate into our body, accordingly, if they are removed, then more of these bacteria enter, leeches relieve inflammation, bleeding gums, you they said yes, in fact, there is definitely no bleeding, because after applying the leeches, well, for at least another day, the bleeding gums do not stop. they put leeches on the gums, they do, there are such options, as for inflammation, the effect is also not proven, as i presented it all, leeches from the mouth, leeches from the mouth, yogurt is most beneficial to eat on an empty stomach, you said no, actually not , on an empty stomach in the evening, during the day, it’s really not important, overeating carrots leads to jaundice , no, in fact, such cases have been recorded, you really need to eat a lot, but this could potentially
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lead to it if they really don’t use heat in such cases, because well, this is a purulent process and, accordingly, heating can, on the contrary , intensify it, warm water with lemon. improves metabolism at the beginning of the day, you said yes, such a slightly controversial issue, firstly, the concept of improving metabolism, it is very, very incorrect, so we can say that acidic foods increase metabolism, that is, due to that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, secretory motor activity, they can slightly increase energy expenditure, well
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, that means yes, rather yes, well done, coffee increases cholesterol levels, you said no, in most cases it really does not, although in fairness, i must say that turkish coffee, that is brewed in... unlike carob coffee makers, filter coffee can actually slightly increase cholesterol levels, well, we have a question without turks, so i answered correctly, red pepper has an analgesic effect, you said yes, it really does, these properties are very actively used for a number of pains, for example, for headaches , sprays with copsaicin are used, used for herpes zoster, for peripheral neuropathies, indeed... copsaicin, as the active ingredient of red pepper, has a pronounced analgesic effect. snow on the body may occur due to liver disease, you said no. in fact, yes, one of the symptoms of liver disease is precisely the formation of hematomas with fairly
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weak injuries, that is, a person slightly got caught on something, and he a large hematoma, because some of the blood clotting factors are produced by the liver. and the last question that you managed to answer is that the liver needs to be cleansed regularly. or not, in fact, there is really no need for this, and the term liver cleansing itself is subject to scientific criticism. so, yana has six correct answers, 50 to 50, you have six attempts to find a sign behind these letters with the word prize, uh, already less, love the letter o, oh, oh, coincidence, now ah, more rubbish, oh , already two, oh, oh, oh, well done, yana, take the ebulizer and continue doing doge hanfalting, thank you. if you want to find out even more answers to questions about health, then you can find all episodes of our program on the online media platform, watch the application on the website
7:38 am and the conversation about the most important thing continues. ribbon. it’s a wonderful time, open clothes, sandals, shorts, you don’t want to hide your problems under clothes in the heat. most people with varicose veins curse these hot summer days, their legs swell because their legs itch because your legs are heavy, you can barely drag them, and the most important thing is that this happens during the day. and at night, and it doesn’t end, that’s why many people with varicose veins, they look forward to autumn as a relief, let’s set the record straight with our expert. evgeniy anatolyevich letunovsky, cardiovascular surgeon,
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phlebotomist, candidate of medical sciences, expert on innovative methods of treating varicose veins. hello, as i understand it, varicose veins are a disease of the veins, right? absolutely right, mikhail, chronic vein disease, veins narrow, veins dilate, dilate, they they expand, the valves are affected, this time, dysplasia of the venous wall occurs, that is , it is precisely its stretching, its thinning, yes, varicose veins occur, yes, well , that is, in fact, it turns out that the valve does not close completely, the blood comes from below up, it doesn’t stop accordingly, it goes back. and as a result, in a vertical position, it accumulates below, stretching these very walls, causing swelling, pain , everything else, absolutely true, absolutely true, there must be some special things in such heat rules for patients with varicose veins, yes,
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of course, there are such recommendations and the first, most important recommendation is to increase movements, physical activity, yes, the fact is that in order to start the tone of the venous wall, with varicose veins it is really necessary. a lot, at least walking, in general it is recommended to walk, a minimum of 5.00 steps a day, but for symptoms of venous insufficiency during a hot period of time, you need to increase it to 7 exactly, or even better to approach ten this time, of course, any physical activity is allowed here, which means swimming, water aerobics - this is great, because the muscles of the thigh and lower leg work there, which means i want to say separately that there is yoga, yoga. therapy or just yoga classes, when indeed sergey nikolaevich and i studied this issue, among other things, and the diameters of the veins decrease, the venous outflow really improves , the tone increases, so any movement, absolutely any, is a huge plus, let’s move
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on, maintain the water balance , by the way, many people have the idea that we need to limit our fluid intake in the summer because we drink more. you sweat more, you swell more, and many people stop drinking altogether, this is completely wrong when you have varicose veins, why, because you and i have a syndrome, the so-called hypercoagulus. yes, in general, we already have blood flowing slowly through the veins with varicose veins and the lack of fluid also thickens the blood, well, in simple words, this is hypercoagulation syndrome, and if there are varicose veins, if varicose nodes, there are some symptoms, then this can only lead to one thing, to the appearance of thrombosis, varicose vein thrombophalibitis , or even deep vein thrombosis, so fluid in the hot period is definitely needed for patients with varicose veins, let's move on . well, how can you not overheat? well, in moscow you can not
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overheat, but if you are at the dacha, at the seaside, at sea, yes, well, it is very difficult not to overheat, it really is, but nevertheless, if you have varicose veins, yes there is a lesion, there are some nodes sticking out there, varicose veins have been around for a long time, there are symptoms, god forbid there is chronic venous insufficiency, after all, you need to take care of your legs, of course, because imagine, a patient who is actively sunbathing, at sea, at the same thing. in this case, it also has a certain meaning, and
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that means compression knitwear, which many phlebologists talk about, it is clear that during a hot period of time, wearing compression bangs is very difficult, it’s really hot, it’s uncomfortable, but no less, take such elderly patients who have problems with joints, who cannot simply increase activity due to the concomitant pathology, and indeed in this case compression can really help, it always helps, but it just needs to be hidden... it is not always conscientious
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advertising that is imposed, then there are times when manufacturers of various cosmetic products claim that their cream is useful for varicose veins, after all, phlebotropic therapy is a conservative therapy, it has the right to existence, this is evidence-based medicine, yes, you and i know that there are different phlebotonics, from different manufacturers, but it’s still better to use the prescription of a doctor who knows exactly the drugs that have been studied, yeah.
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the floor is trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room, absolutely without glee, creating three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, surprises it will be full and there will be a lot of work y... plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. the real ones will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes. stone flowers, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, let's neck it, like that,
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too much, take off your shirt, my god, on saturday. “i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check the feeling, so that’s it, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, you don’t have a thought without flowers." well, where, why? well, okay, thank you. i warn you when you with her, then we are with her. no, i’m warning you. my intentions are serious.
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there are a thousand shining eyes on saturday at the rtr festival, thousands of enthusiastic hearts. we waited so long, but unfortunately, quite often people do not tolerate heat well, especially high temperatures, and the reaction manifests itself in the form of a severe headache . today we will talk about unexpected causes of headaches in the summer.
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our tv viewer lyudmila contacted us, let's find out her story. hello, the program is about the most important things. my name is lyudmila, 56 years old, i wanted to ask a specialist a question about how to get rid of morning headaches, this is a problem that prevents me from living a full life, and despite the fact that i sleep in fairly comfortable conditions, that is, i have an open window, good orthopedic mattress, good anatomical pillow, however, after waking up i feel a headache, which is in the area of ​​​​the temples or the back of the head, i have quite a lot of time... it doesn’t take me to get myself in order, after that i can only proceed to my work, since i have a very important job, i have to analyze documents, so this prevents me from being active and working fully, i beg you, give me some advice on how to solve this issue,
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it’s a headache. lyudmila, today in our studio, good morning, come to us, please, lyudmila, good morning. good morning, lyudmila, please tell me, how long have you been having headaches like this? about a year ago, i started waking up in the morning and feeling like i had a headache. has anyone been contacted with this problem? i went to a neurologist, i was prescribed vascular therapy, after which it felt better, but strictly speaking, this did not solve the problem. just in the summer? mainly in the summer, yes, this is most likely a reaction to a change in weather, it could be in the winter, but that’s when are coming. sudden changes, how do you cope? taking painkillers is not a solution to the problem, so i turned to the program for help and advice. well, let’s try to figure out the cause of the headache, and of course, understand how lyudmila can save you from this headache. i want to invite an expert doctor to the studio.
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tatyana alekseevna vinogradova, neurologist, cephalologist, candidate of medical sciences. tatyana alekseevna, good morning, good morning. good morning, tatyana alekseevna, please tell me indeed, many people have headaches more often in summer than in winter, why? the sun is shining, the day is bright, long, and as luck would have it? this is precisely why the sun is shining, there is so much sunlight, these are bright flashes of rays, they excite our neurons, so ready for pain, if you had a headache before, then it will most likely get sick from these.
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a nonspecific headache can, of course, even a slight polynos can provoke. what it is? this is an allergic reaction that is associated with the dilation of blood vessels on our face and of course, the head. so, after all, everyone remembers who had bulge, what it looks like, yes, the eyes are running, the nose is running, all the blood vessels are dilating, fluid begins to come out of the bloodstream, swelling is formed, this is not specific. headache, we all, when we are sick, we also suffer from a nonspecific intoxication headache in the form of a headache. sudden change in weather.
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lyudmila, you were just talking about how you react to weather changes, like a sudden change in the weather, when you know the condition is such that you need some time, to excuse me, to put my head in place. the fact is that you very clearly, correctly said, there is a sudden change in the weather, if it changes smoothly, then we are on time. to adapt, our vessels have time to adapt, our nerve cells have time to adapt, but if the weather changes very abruptly, then our vessel does not have time. give yourself small short-term breaks so as not to constantly be like a squirrel in a wheel. if you see that the weather has changed, give yourself 30 minutes to rest in a cool, dark room without others smells, sound. why is ice cream
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a trigger for headaches, not only ice cream, cold drinks in summer, drinks with ice, any cold foods, they can really be a trigger for the development of a headache attack, that’s right, and the point is again in our blood vessels, in their adaptation, absolutely right, and not only in our vessels, but also in acute irritation, ganglia. we feel with special cranial nerves, the tronic nerve, we have soft tastes, smells, we even have special nerves for this, the olfactory nerve, yes, the taste nerve, but if this is something very harsh, if it is sharp cold, if it is a very hot drink, if it is something bright, a smell like acetone, then we perceive it with the trigeminal nerve, the trigeminal nerve is very unpleasant.
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a necessary substance such as oxygen, or the access of this oxygen is impaired, the same polynosis, absolutely, by the way, is often enough against the background of an acute allergic reaction in the form of swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose , difficulty breathing, a headache occurs, so if you have an office space, everyone has their own opinion on the topic of oxygen delivery, then still, it might be better to go outside for a walk in dark glasses and, of course, freshen up. get the lack of oxygen that exists in a closed room. well, and of course, this is dehydration. in the summer
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, our fluid consumption increases because consumption increases. we primarily carry out thermoregulation through photo-separation, that is, our body gives up additional fluid up to half a liter, so replenishing fluid, of course, is very, very important, it is necessary, because somehow... our volume of circulating blood, volume the fluid circulating in our vessels changes, our vessels begin to react immediately, we must drink, and in any weather, the hotter it is, the more fluid you should drink, in summer the amount of fluid consumed per day should be 2-2 liters or more, but nothing no less, we talked about the reasons, how to cope with all this, adapt, be sure to adapt, people, this is why we have the opportunity to adapt to almost any changing conditions around us,
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we can adapt to the weather, and we drink we can sufficiently and... turn on individual blowers, we can turn on our own air conditioners, i want to draw your attention, if you are still prone to allergic reactions to pollen, poplar and fluff, this is where you definitely need to take antihistamines , now there is enough choice great , believe me, this will significantly ease your condition, we have already talked about sunglasses, curtains, black out, which is better to buy for yourself and avoid sunlight. if you don't want to do this, then there are specialized dressings, they are there for a reason are also given when flying, because you and i get a difference not only in atmospheric pressure, but also bright sunlight in our eyes, that’s the hat, the expression really hurts your head when you spend a lot of time in the heat, well, this is a consequence of heat stroke, this direct thermal
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influence and not only heat, but direct solar... receives different influences, a vessel, a meningeal vessel, about which we never tire of talking, it under this thermal influence, like any physical body , does what it expands and causes us with you have a small swelling, causing a headache, the last thing is, of course, a sufficient amount of liquid, that is , you should always have a bottle of clean mineral water with you in order to replenish the missing amount. lyudmila, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that our advice will help you and you will stop suffering from migraines and headaches not only in the summer, but at any other time of the year. thank you and the specialists, thank you, tatyana alekseevna, thank you for being with us, my friends, today we talked about such unusual causes of headaches, especially in the summer, and of course, we talked about how to get rid of this headache. we wish you a good day
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and a great mood. be healthy. there was a program with you. and most importantly, i am proud of the fact that i have not betrayed either my pioneer oath, or my party card, or my military crouch, on the eightieth birthday of gennady zyuganov, the advantage of this place, you know what, all opponents are in full view, as long as i work in the state duma, so much i know him, but somewhere he will just like a tank, insist on your own. the idea of ​​justice and socialism was exhibited by our thousand-year-old culture, it saved the world from fascism, it allowed us to become the most cosmic and bravest power. gennady andreevich zyuganov, he is consistent, principled in his position, his assessments, he never hid them. solidarity is the main weapon, now we definitely need to win, he survived, he survived both as a politician and as a sincere
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person, the era disappears, but he remains. truth zyuganov, premiere today on rtr. hello, this is the news from aksana studio. kuvaeva, the main thing is by this time. home. i am glad. i was really looking forward to this day. 90 russian servicemen were released from ukrainian captivity. now, in principle, we have almost come close to konstantinovka. now we are getting ready to pick her up. russian attack aircraft are advancing towards ugledar. price of freedom. asan pleaded
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guilty to espionage and was released in the courtroom. france is preparing for unrest amid snap parliamentary elections. what did the televised debates reveal? come on, teach economics lesson for us, a prime minister with a debt of 100 billion euros. cars are washed away by stormy streams. in primorye, there is a state of emergency due to flooding. tons of water. underwater archaeologists at the bottom have very low temperatures, wind visibility is 2-3. a truck was lifted from one of lake ladoga, working on the road of life.
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90 russian servicemen were released from ukrainian captivity to a place controlled by kiev. territory was in mortal danger, military transport aircraft will deliver our soldiers to moscow, where they will be able to undergo treatment and rehabilitation, freed on the way provide the necessary medical psychological... the crew of the airborne combat vehicles of the novorossiysk airborne forces supported the offensive of the assault units in the orekhovsky direction, the fighters were not allowed to advance by the strong point of the ukrainian armed forces. our armored vehicles
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got as close as possible to the enemy and opened heavy direct fire. after the destruction of enemy fortifications, the vehicles quickly retreated to a safe area. and these shots show the work of snipers of the arctic formation of the dnepr group of troops in the kherson direction. arrows destroy. enemy reconnaissance and attack drones. sniper pairs usually work at night, covered with special capes that protect them from thermal imagers. the fighters use the most modern rifles that can hit a target at a distance of up to one and a half kilometers in any weather conditions. in the svatovsky direction, crews of d-30 howitzers and western military groups use special propaganda shells loaded with rolls of propaganda leaflets. they contain a call.
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this means that the enemy has the opportunity conduct a perimeter defense of the ukrainian armed forces' position, bombard them with ammunition from the air, then start a shooting battle again. thus, the attack aircraft of the vostok group from sakhalin are clearing the last line of defense southwest of marinka. and now, in principle, we have almost come close to konstantinovka, and now we are preparing to take it away. in principle, we have already tightened it up. konstantinovka is a small settlement between marenka, which is already under the control of the russian army, and ugledar, where the enemy has gained a foothold. despite serious fortifications, ukrainian soldiers fight
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reluctantly, mostly in positions forcibly mobilized. you don’t come across many such professionals, you do find a lot of mercenaries, and there are quite a lot of mobilized ones, mostly all of them are already older people working, as it were. basically, yes, there are a lot of mobilized people, as a rule, now they go out for assault in small groups, five or six people, this is enough for the enemy to begin to surrender, there are many cases where the enemy surrenders, they give up, they hand over all their weapons, people surrender, not they want to die, as if everyone understands this, we take them prisoner, that’s it. now the assault troops of the vostok group from sakhalin are preparing to clear the last fortified areas in this direction. enter populated areas. one of the most difficult jobs for assault troops, because after overcoming rough terrain and forest belts, here in urban conditions the battle tactics change dramatically, and you need to adapt to this. the intense work and advance of our troops in
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the konstantinovka area greatly complicates the defense of the coal deposit in iisu. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, news. marriage and dedication at the cost of his life in saving citizens from terrorist attacks, vladimir putin posthumously... gave birth to the protereus nikolai kotelnikov, who was killed in dagestan , with the order of courage with a medal for the courage of the deceased guard of the holy dormition cathedral in makhachkala, mikhail vavilin, who fought back from the militants until the last bullet. in addition, 20 police officers, including those killed, were awarded the order of courage. law enforcement officers also received medals for bravery, second degree. participated in the detention of militants who committed armed attacks on two orthodox churches on trinity day, derbekte. according to the latest data , 21 people died as a result of this attack, and more than forty others were injured. the case against julius nasanj
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has been officially closed. a judge in the us federal court on the island of saipan sentenced him to time already served in a british prison. there he spent more than 5 years. the founder of wikileaks has been released and will soon return to his homeland of australia. he pleaded partially guilty of espionage.
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the french interior ministry is preparing for unrest against the backdrop of the next parliamentary elections. the first round is already on sunday, the purpose of the debate, where the three main political camps came together, was marked by heated debate about the outcome of this verbal confrontation. report by anastasia popova. republicans were not invited to the debate, which took place in the evening in primetime, immediately after the match of the french national football team. they tried to force the tv channel to provide them with a platform for.
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it is impossible to get to the doctor; there is a waiting list for months; the issue of migration is at the center of discussion; the national association wants to prohibit those with dual citizenship from holding strategic positions in the state, you want to put a french -russian citizen at the helm of a nuclear power plant, for you this is not a matter of national importance. mr. bardela, you say that this question concerns the franco-russians, i will answer you, can you then say who tamara volkova is? this is
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your adviser to the parliamentary faction that represents you in the foreign affairs commission on security issues. judging by according to polls, the majority of french people sympathize with the right. there is panic in macron's camp. interior minister gerald dermanan says he will leave the government to take up another project. economy minister bruno lumer, who dreamed of bringing russia to its knees, is becoming disheartened. if we did everything right, the numbers wouldn't be so high. we need to check ours.
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in parliament, leaving both the left and macron far behind, is this the answer this sunday. anastasia popov, bernatsky polena fedorova, european news bureau. news, follow development of the event. stay tuned to the russia channel. i have a special order from the head of security. i can't let you in. are you drunk? from which boss? from me, from which boss? for the seal family, premiere.
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hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, i surrender to everything with joy, let's all wave sunday on rtr. what are you doing here? i do not for a long time. change seats immediately. my wife will come here now. please don't attract me. attention, so you are the wife, i am the wife, and who are you? this is julia alive, she gave birth, congratulations, your husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you look tired and everything
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is fine, but how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that mom is not around, but we can cope without mom, the stork brings not only children, only one. option, what, you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of the high, let’s switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from aisto on saturday rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this, let’s say,
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is my trophy, we had a famine then, here grandma is coming, she’s hungry, but she’s bringing this cereal, she says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the kids in, i came across such people, they care, to support me with a word, hello, dear soldier and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. give me the neck, otherwise, i’ve gone too far, take it off with my shirt, my god, on saturday, i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check your feelings, that means
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, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to give for a divorce, and the children do not owe anything. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today at rta. ice sheets the size of walnuts and
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turbulent streams washing away cars. the strongest rainstorm in novosibirsk , tons of water fell on the city, in one of the districts the entrance was flooded, cars floated rather than drove, some ran aground in the middle of the road, volgograd flooded, after heavy rain the drainage lanes were overcrowded, in the center of the city it started pouring out of the ground geyser. in the hantemansi district of flood in nizhnevartovsk, more than a thousand dacha plots and 350 have
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already been flooded, the water is covering ever larger areas, the precipitation in the north of the region lasted for a week, and in some places it is still falling. in the area of ​​the white river the water began arrived a few days ago, the protective dam that local residents tried to build together did not work, now there are several dozen private houses in the flood zone, now you can move along the local streets either by boat or in protective fishing equipment. some residents of this area have abandoned their homes and are returning here to save at least some property.
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the private sector of dalnerechensk is flooded, the water has already entered the central park, the authorities of the week the reservoirs are overflowing their banks, seriously the city declared a state of emergency today . the driver of this crossover hoped to overcome the flooded section of the road on his own, but ended up in a ravine. a rescue team arrived to help and organized a boat crossing nearby. in these areas, further rise of water will soon be expected. we arrived promptly in a highly capable vehicle, a car. they secured it to the rear beam with a cable and pulled it to the shore. the water came to
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lesozavodsk, and about fifty household plots there have now been flooded. they are asking to blame the incorrect arrangement of the drainage system for everything. help. that's all. they drowned completely. currently , over 370 household plots, dozens of private houses and several apartment buildings are flooded in the region. at least seven villages are cut off from transport links due to water overflows on the roads. they delivered it there today. the equipment at the enterprise plans to raise the level of production to the maximum in just six months after the renovation of the large-scale renovation buildings. read more from our correspondent alexander podoprigora. a compact mine on the outskirts. in the best years they worked here four sites at once, from each up to a thousand tons of coal were mined every day. the period of decline under
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the ukrainian government left its mark, the figures approached the minimum, only 800 tons. the proceeds went to maintain the mine in working condition and salaries for the miners. there was no talk about possible repairs and modernization; there was no opportunity to even change the miner's uniform; for years they used personal clothing. thanks to the support of the investor, some of the new clothes have already been delivered to the mine. a second one is expected. the consignment, along with overalls , self-rescuers, the famous kanagonka lamps and helmets are updated, at the same time, they do not forget about history. on the territory at the main entrance there is a monument to the russian explorer, geologist, professor leonid lutugin, a man who devoted more than 22 years to the study of the donetsk coal basin. he was the first to compile a geological section of the donbass coal-bearing strata, determine its thickness, and create a summary map. thanks to his work. in particular, the region has become an industrial center, and today's miners have job. the main task is to successfully bring
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the mine to full capacity; its implementation will require effort and, in a successful scenario , up to six months. new jobs will appear, and this is an opportunity for the development of not only the enterprise, but the entire city. alexander podoprigora, denis vedyaev, alexander karavaev, vyacheslav bogaichuk, host donetsk tores. a truck was raised from the bottom of lake ladazh, which worked on the road of life during the first blockade. for the winter, some parts of the car have survived, but they are covered with a thick layer of rust, the car is awaiting restoration in museum of the battle of leningrad. details of the unique operation of underwater archaeologists in the report by leonid apanasov. there was a noticeable single track coming out of the water. this is the legendary road of life, or rather the exit from the waters of ladoga to the mainland near the village of kabona. scuba divers, members of the expedition of the russian military-historical society, have studied the bottom of the lake in these places thoroughly, everything valuable in the small world has already been brought to the surface, for new
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finds they have to go far from the shore, in the spring, 17 km from kabona, archaeologists from using a locator, we discovered an incomprehensible magnetic anomaly at a depth of six meters, an underwater drone was lowered to it, the locator showed it, but i couldn’t detect it, in the end i just started swimming backwards and the drone hit something, at that moment i turn around and look at the frame , i looked at the wheels, but in the end we determined from... in the video that it was a zis-5. members of the expedition pulled up a lifting platform, two stainless steel pontoons, and a reinforced lift above them to the location of the find. as archaeologists and enthusiasts say, with the help this homemade watercraft has already been pulled out of the water by fifty cars, but this is the first time for the zis-5, this car is quite rare, its carrying capacity is twice that of the legendary lorry. six meters, depth, well, there’s probably no visibility there now, well, at... not at the bottom the temperature is very low, visibility is two or three meters. a strong westerly
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wind drove up a not very high, but strong wave. the expedition members had to urgently solve an important problem. how to deliver a car to shore without damage, the veteran truck appeared on the surface, or rather, what was left of it, the frame, the wheels , the engine, all the wooden parts, including the cabin, were unfortunately lost, and the first conclusions about the circumstances of the tragedy that occurred 82 years ago, you can see how the car took off, you see, the generator belt broke, the distributor cover was torn off by the impact, you can see the steering column from here. you can see that it flew around quite strongly and the approach went away, nothing like it was hit by something, let’s say we don’t find it there by plane, but more often than not, of course, because of the fragility of the ice, because of the washouts, but there are still a lot of questions, where and from where the car was going, whether the driver survived, historians face a lot of work in the archives, however, there is already one clue,
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these skis were found next to the car, this cargo, apparently, was transported by the car, but it didn’t take long. .. most likely the skis were taken to leningrad, now they will become part of the exhibition of the military-historical center of the road of life in kabon, like the three-ton truck itself, which reached the shore 82 years later. its complex therapy centers are located throughout the country. about happy stories of healing, reporting by pavel marchukov.
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all patients of the rehabilitation center are gathered for prayer by loud ringing of improvised bells. ranks anton dzhmurov, a former journalist and it specialist, has been undergoing treatment for gambling addiction for the second month, came here, they accepted me, now i am here for rehabilitation, recovering, learning to live in a new way, learning to live in a new way in the orthodox counseling center of st. enocente there are 30 patients in irkutsk; they began carrying out comprehensive rehabilitation here 24 years ago; first they worked within the city, and then then they found an abandoned children's camp in the suburbs of irkutsk, and after renovation they began to actively invite patients. during all this time, father vladimir goes to the women's colony and conducts classes. thanks to such classes, olga izmailova learned about the center. i arrived for drug rehabilitation on the first day after my release from prison. here we work on ourselves, work on our defects, on some painful manifestations. i think this is a very
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wonderful program, i am grateful. similar centers have been opened in many regions countries. the residents decide for themselves which program to pursue rehabilitation, but they still rely on religion. in the murmansk region, for example, the path to sobriety begins with confession and communion. over the past 10 years, methods and technologies for the rehabilitation of addicts have made great strides forward, so in addition to the classic program, lasting at least six months, there are outpatient programs, when the patient undergoes rehabilitation after his main job, and even online. in addition, a federal hotline has opened where you can get an answer to any question. we are looking at dependency.
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something wrong is happening in life, help is provided in occupational therapy, in a center near irkutsk some of the patients herd cows, some work in the kitchen, cooking mainly from their own products. the center also has a sewing workshop. during the coronavirus pandemic, patients produced protective equipment on an almost industrial scale, from masks to medical suits. no less important in successful rehabilitation is the work of center staff, volunteers and consultants constantly improves his skills. time has shown that only an integrated approach brings results, new life. thanks to the centers, thousands of people across the country have found relief. pavel marchukov, victor strotsky, dmitry pishchukhin, lead. the alley was laid by the creator of the peaceful atom in obnensk. the event was held to mark the seventieth anniversary of the launch of the world's first nuclear power plant. a garden of memory was built at the memorial complex with an eternal flame in memory of the famous nuclear physicists, igor kurchatov, pyotr kapitsa, efim slavsky and other outstanding
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scientists. at the origins of the creation of the ovno npp it was academician kurchatov and his team who stood. their project became a real breakthrough for domestic science. scientists have proven that the energy of the atomic nucleus can be used in a variety of fields from transport to medicine. one of the key partners of the satmemory campaign. rosatom and its employees are planting memorial trees all over the world. we receive new reports from our correspondents, the most important news in the country and the world will be reported.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, we have a big day today
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day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven't seen each other for a long time, cherzsky, well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, wife? your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform, look, you are watching 100 to one , do we have some kind? open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, it’s a tricky one, the name of which character from everyone knows how many works of pushkin there will be
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7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, don’t pluck, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, go to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. we start with new footage from sevastopol, which was captured on cctv cameras in moment of attack by american missiles. attacks with a cluster warhead on the beach, as you can see, there were no signs of trouble, people were swimming, sunbathing, children were building sand castles, suddenly a missile strike. there are almost a thousand combat elements inside the american missile; the footage shows how the father is trying to hide his son from the attack with his own body. from another angle, you can see that the sea, 2 m away, is almost parallel to the coastline, and was beaten like a hail of fire. if the explosion of the cassette part of the american atacoms had occurred a second earlier, it would have covered the entire beach and coastal area, there could be
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even more victims. the baza telegram channel publishes footage from a cafe on the vychkuevka beach at the time of the shelling. after the explosions on the shore, many ran there, trying to hide from the shrapnel. people are sitting under tables. according to the latest data, 153 people were injured as a result of the attack. four civilians were killed.
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actually, from these images one can understand the scale of the terrorist attack that official kiev was preparing. today , children injured in the shelling, ages from five to 15 years old, three boys and one girl. the condition is serious due to mine explosion injuries and shrapnel injuries to the children.
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after the strike, stoltenberg said that the supply of long-range missiles to ukraine does not make western countries parties to the conflict, we hasten to disappoint ensa, they do, and russia’s response will be merciless. the pentagon representative, major charlie deets, even tried to justify washington, saying that the ukrainian armed forces themselves choose targets when striking russia, and the united states has nothing to do with it. this, as we know, is a lie. at the us state department 24 hours after the atacons deplored the civilian deaths. and then all the accusations from moscow were called, quote, ridiculous and unconfirmed. that is, they call the deaths of russian children ridiculous. this needs
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to be remembered. lavrov officially stated. us involvement in the attack on sevastopol is not in doubt. scenes from crimea where rocket debris fired by ukraine falls on holidaymakers, killing several people and injuring more than a hundred. russia described the strike as barbaric. coming to the microphone, the russian ambassador prion repeated what was said in moscow. namely, the united states bears responsibility for this. washington says they supply weapons to ukraine, but it is ukraine that decides how and where to use them. we regret any civilian casualties in this war, but we provide weapons to ukraine so that it can defend its territory, including in crimea, which of course is part of ukraine, and russia could stop this war today to end suffering caused by the war that russia started if if only she would stop the occupation of the sovereign
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ukrainian. it is normal for russia to make ridiculous claims about someone's involvement. you may remember that after the terrorist attack in moscow in march, they blamed the united states, despite the fact that the united states warned them about the attack in advance. so it is not unusual for the moscow government to make outlandish, hyperbolic claims of responsibility that are not supported by the facts. the pentagon also responded to these
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accusations, brigadier general pet ryder said that it is no secret that the united states supplies ukraine with weapons, and it is up to ukraine to decide how to use those weapons. ukraine chooses its own targets and conducts its own combat operations. it is worth noting here that about a month ago, us supreme commander joe biden eased restrictions on the use of supplied weapons, for example, they lifted a serious restriction on the introduction of fire on russian aircraft in russian airspace . if they are going to strike the territory of ukraine, this is significant change of situation. another change that came into force last week is that the united states began to supply equipment to ukraine as a priority compared to other countries. residents in sevastopol, in which
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a recent terrorist attack against civilians used american -made missiles, saying that the bloc considers reports of four dead and more than 150 wounded to be unreliable. peterstan, iis official representative for foreign affairs. security policy stated that reports by russian officials about the actions ukraine's consequences have almost zero reliability; brussels cannot trust them. in providing additional assistance to ukraine, our most important priority, since russia began its full-scale invasion, the allies have provided an unprecedented amount of assistance. our support for ukraine is not intended to make nato part of the conflict. it is aimed at making sure that ukraine can exercise its right to...
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the examination confirmed the type of ammunition, the american patriot air defense system, even the accuracy the location of the explosion is in front of the cockpit, on the top left in the direction of flight. according to the analysis of video recordings from external surveillance cameras, the plane with ukrainian prisoners on board, which was being transported for exchange, was hit by the first missile at an altitude of about 400. the second missile did not reach the target and self-destructed, as the troops report, the investigation has all the data on the participants of which particular vso units carried out a criminal launch of an american missile. it was established that on january 24, 2024
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, as a result of an agreement with the ukrainian the party planned an exchange of prisoners of war on the border of the belgorod and sumy regions. gur and the armed forces of ukraine reliably knew about this, however, an order was given to destroy the plane carrying 65 citizens of ukraine. at the time of the attack, the aircraft was in technically sound condition. all aircraft systems were operating normally. this is confirmed by decoding data from the flight recorder. fragments of cases and mechanisms marked patriot were found at the crash site. the missile's destructive element was in the body of one of the victims. the results of complex explosive examinations confirmed that the discovered fragments are parts of two anti-aircraft guided missiles of the american patriot complex. according to the analysis of video recordings from
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external surveillance cameras, the plane was hit by the first missile at an altitude of about 4,000 m. the second missile did not reach the target and self-destructed. consequence. the element-by-element layout of structural fragments of the aircraft has been completed. it was established that the explosion of the missile warhead occurred in front of the cockpit from above, to the left in the direction flight. the investigation has information about which units of the armed forces of ukraine are armed with the above-mentioned missile systems. to the front, urgent news is coming from the donetsk direction. ukrainian authorities began the forced evacuation of toretsk. breakthrough of the front line of the russian army, enemy resources report that the key donbass highway pokrovsk-konstantinovka is under threat. in which heavy fighting is almost going on. 3 months, just to understand how fierce
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the fighting is outside the city, this is what an assault on a high-rise building by russian paratroopers looks like, to say that this is the hardest work is to say nothing, well, new personnel for the next, at least the fifth application in the kharkov region, you see, the wings are umpc, a unified planning and correction module, it costs a penny, it works for a million, it makes it from a blind aerial bomb. high-precision weapons, the western media are worried again, and this new super-heavy factory is especially frightening. this time, russian pilots attacked the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in volchansk. it is reported that at the time of the strike there were at least sixty ukrainian armed forces militants there. see what's happening at the front. rex, rex, we are moving towards you, meet us.
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places where the russians have broken through, and there seems to be real chaos going on there. in fact, conducting combat operations in a forest can probably be equated to a populated area or a city, because this is one of the very difficult areas, it is very difficult to conduct combat operations. today we arrived at probably the most famous forest in ukraine, or even in all of europe. this is serebryansky forestry, while we were driving, we already saw two fires, which arose. due to russian shelling, our car also got stuck in a huge puddle, but
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still we reached the position of our infantry, why serebryansky forest is important for us, a very large forest area, there are a lot of hills, all kinds of shelters where a lot of people can fit personnel, and this is a point from which it is very difficult to knock out the enemy, here the situation changes, here the situation changes constantly, the forest is burning, the russians use all types of artillery and weapons, the russians use a lot... associated with great risk, but at night moving around is a little safer than during the day.
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in low light, drones with thermal imaging sights don't work very well because there's not a lot of temperature contrast, and regular cameras don't give a clear picture, you can't see what 's going on, so it becomes dangerous, which is when the russians try to attack. at night , drones equipped with thermal imaging cameras can be very dangerous, as a vegan has found out. i was wounded during a drone attack at night; it had a thermal imager and dropped two grenades. and waited for us to arrive, looking for us, pointing
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most often mortars and wait for minimal movement, they saw us, they accompanied us where we were going. in a few simple words, harty's grenade launchers explain a series of heavy explosions and machine-gun fire that sounded in the middle of the summer night, yesterday nothing was silent at all, yesterday no one would simply come here or leave here, the northern villages of leptsy are on the borders of the deep and from the lukyans. the russians try every day to go towards kharkov, they infiltrate.
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how many such visits occur per day? there are 4 calls within a few hours. russian planes carrying fabs usually stop by.
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which can be thrown off the sides and attributed to him the breakthrough of the front line in toretsk. meet general of the armed forces of ukraine, yuri sodovol. zelensky removed him from his post. the entourage of the overdue president, through the craziest nordic servant of the people, the stupid one, accused sodal of drunkenness. when the armed forces of ukraine were defeated near kharkov and toretsk, sodol was drinking in a restaurant, and he was not drinking alone, together with his subordinates, general nikolai palace, who was responsible for the collapse.
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the general, who briefly commanded the ukrainian marine corps since 1918, was previously the first deputy commander of the airborne assault forces, the commander of the twenty-fifth separate airborne brigade, an agent of the kremlin. there is no doubt that ukrainian generals are alcoholics and cannibals, but the cranberry is about the fact that our military managed to occupy new territories that the ssu controlled since the fourteenth year, only because... the responsible general drank vodka in odessa is some kind of completely utter nonsense. the success of the operation toretsky is possible thanks to the heroic actions of russian reconnaissance and assault units, who managed to catch the enemy during rotation. zelensky decided to find an extreme person instead of an alcoholic. sodol
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today he appointed the teetotaler meat general andrei gnatov. however, i am sure that... operations to liberate the kherson region. nikolaev, and was also one of the participants. orders on dismissal and appointment have already been published on the website of the president’s office. vladimir zelensky did not
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voice the reasons for the rotation, however, the day before the chief of staff azov brigade, bogdan kratevich, appealed to the state bureau of investigation with a call to investigate one. the military personnel are outraged, they accuse sodol sodal, seen with a glass in odessa, of the death of a large number of ukrainian fighters. deputy maryana bezuglaya stated that allegedly general yuri sodel was in odessa at the time when russian troops broke through to tarets, where, among other things , he awarded the mayor of the city gennady trukhanov. the mayor of odessa received a badge from sodaly for his service. the award, as reported on official website of the odessa city council, occurred on saturday june 22. later , a photo appeared on the internet in which, allegedly, the commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine was relaxing in the odessa cloud restaurant. in the photographs published by bezuglaya, sudali is wearing a t-shirt with bunnies. he stands
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with a glass in his hand. listen. the leader of the entire eastern front, commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was drinking in odessa, rewarding mayor trukhanov, when the russians broke through staretsk, at sodol, we missed the invasion of the kharkov region, the breakthrough to podolsk lost avdeevka. the fate of several hundred thousand of our soldiers depended on his decisions, and they still depend on the leadership of the operational-strategic group sodol since february 2024, that is. this is avdeevka, this is the kharkov region, this is taretsk, this is a breakthrough in the pokrovsk direction, this is all him, and we also have a sad legacy from him, because soldal
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was responsible for mariupol for a minute, but what did you wonder, did you manage to find out when and under what circumstances were photographs taken in a restaurant with a glass in hand, yuri sodal in this t-shirt with bunnies, because, for example, maryana bezuglaya says that this was done exactly on the day when the axis of attack on taretsk was falling apart. the warning regarding sodol’s appointment was confirmed; he does not value the lives of ukrainian soldiers, personnel, and he, excuse me, is also just a frostbitten soviet
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alcoholic. the russian fleet has rehearsed the start of a war with nato in the baltic sea. the exercises were largely moscow’s response to sweden’s entry into nato. the exercise took place after how the danish authorities announced the possibility of limiting movement in the baltic.
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again stated that he wanted to call putin, apparently he missed him, but about macron he believed in the power of dialogue later. right now, the rest of the old color is preparing for a direct clash with russia. look what's on our northwestern borders. british and german pilots intercepted suspiciously over the baltic sea. russian plane, footage published by the royal air force, 50 km from our airspace. obviously the military plane is guarded as if the president is flying there, nato pilots share their impressions, so that at the time there was fear of combat contact, and the poseidon aircraft reconnaissance group regularly patrols the airspace over the north sea. keeps an eye out for any suspicious vessels that appear near life. important pipelines of great britain, if it is possible to identify a russian warship, then the mission is considered combat. let's go, let's go,
8:58 am
let's go. 7 hours into jake's shift, a suspected russian aircraft is spotted in the airspace. let's go, motherfucker! jake is ordered, along with a german pilot, to intercept a suspicious russian plane from the baltic sea, where it was last seen just 50 km from nato airspace.
8:59 am
the plane flying towards estonia is a russian military passenger plane. obviously this is a vip plane. now it arises. other questions, who is on board, is anyone important? we continue to navigate the ship, southwest, level 225 220 knots, here they are, echo india 01, su-27 in direct contact, and i’m like, my god, this is a russian fighter,
9:00 am
he's kind of slowing down and i'm just wondering what they're going to do. russian planes fly just 20 km from nato airspace. jake must make sure that they do not invade him, it is very difficult to assume from their actions, what if it is putin himself who is flying? should i be afraid of combat contact, because i don’t know.


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