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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  June 26, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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when they arrived in their helicopters, some noticed that the landing zone was next to a fethim barn, the fence of which hid a large pile of manure. this is quite symbolic,” one of the american guests noted. there's a lot of crap to clear out here. a few days after zelensky announced his peace formula, i went to see yermak in his office on the second floor of the presidential complex, just down the corridor from the operational headquarters. zelensky instructed him to implement this idea. the day before. yarmak celebrated his fifty-first birthday, there was a bunch of balloons hanging in his office, the largest of which was in the shape of a rocket. on the table near his workplace, he showed a ceramic skull that he had received as a gift; it depicted a burning kremlin. that’s the goal,” he said with a smile. but as in any war, the conditions of a possible peace were determined by events on the battlefield. in the summer and early autumn of twenty-three, ukraine continued its most ambitious counteroffensive, however.
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mid-autumn counteroffensive stalled, ukrainian forces suffered horrific losses trying to break through russian defensive lines. by that time , it was too late for kiev to cancel the summit in switzerland. a member of yarmak's team handed out lists of countries that needed to be convinced. these countries were mainly from africa and latin america. these were difficult cases, one of them told me. we had to work on the phone, come up with arguments. by the time the helicopters landed at bürgenstock. it is obvious that ermak’s dream is truly global the coalition collapsed. only on the sidelines did the delegates discuss the question that was on everyone’s mind: what kind of world will ukraine come to? more sober predictions came from czech president petr pavel, a retired army general who was one of ukraine's staunchest allies. in an interview in bürgenstock, he said russia would likely retain control over the lands it occupied and would be condemned by the democratic world for years to come. this occupation. of course, i see no
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chance that ukraine will be able to turn war into its quick success,” said pavel. the russians, he added, are not under any pressure to come to the negotiating table right now. when the summit ended, perhaps its most significant outcome was ukraine's promise to invite the russians to the next summit. they hope to organize it in saudi arabia before the end of this year.
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unfortunately, it is impossible to do this, says putin, he is not very afraid of the baltic tigers themselves, he considers the baltic countries to be second-class states, well, he can save the baltic states from the insidious russia, according to kalos exclusively donald trump, they say trump promised to station american troops in estonia, we conclude that estonian has officially written off biden. do you think that now is a really important turning point for ukraine, that it could lose the war, because there is talk of a russian summer offensive, a winter offensive, and this is an alarming period. this depends on our military assistance. it is clear that there is a war going on, where only ukrainians are fighting. the first thing that is required of us is the redistribution of resources, so that they can defend their country. last week i participated in a discussion with a historian who compared this situation to 1938. "if the czech government
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had had weapons to fight the germans, then the second world war would never have happened, but the czech government did not have them, so everything went further and further, his idea was that we ourselves must do this so that 1939 does not happen again. if we do not make more efforts, ukraine will move further and further towards the worst scenario. imagine, ukraine’s combat strength has fallen. spirit, few trained soldiers. russia advances, it loses. is there a point where, to keep ukraine from losing, you will send nato troops to train ukrainians in ukraine, or even send nato troops to fight.
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learn and also develop physically, but i think it's more the skills they acquire in terms of crisis management behavior. i think what a lot of people are upset about is that you keep telling them, spend more on defense and you in turn will presumably end up the next country, right there on the front line. if you look at geography, if
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you look at russia's other neighbors, there are many countries that are not part of nato. i think they will first take territory that will not be considered an attack on nato. because, as i explain, the meaning of nato for schoolchildren is very simple, it’s like if you had a bully at school, and you are physically weaker, then so that he doesn’t bully you, you look for friends of senior students, and this is how nato works. russia is threatening nuclear weapons if this threat works, and we for this reason, if we refuse to help ukraine, we will see a process of expansion of the world nuclear arsenal, because those countries that have an interest in the territories of their neighbors, the more aggressive countries...
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“i want to assure you of this, will not go to war.” macron’s pacifism transferred to neighboring germany, although not to the liverwurst scholz, to the opposition, the undisputed winner of the european parliament elections, the new favorite, the germans’ preference for the cdu bloc, csu.
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party leader replacing angela merkel, fredrich merz, who before the elections to the european parliament called on scholz to send a long-range taurus to kiev. realized that it is no longer possible to increase the electorate with such statements, as the times writes, the future candidate for chancellor, if he wins the cds in the elections, merce also abruptly changed course, and now believes that the time has come to focus on peace negotiations. in an interview with cdf, moers said that at some point europe must end this war. as for the taurus, merz elegantly explained his, as anna lenna berbock would put it, 360° turn as follows thus, he says that it is too late, and the transfer of german missiles will not change anything,
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they say it was necessary earlier, but now we need to look forward, what lies ahead, he sees a victory for russia, he admitted that the support of ukraine brought him to zugunder and really negatively affected him ratings, but scholz, a stubborn man, has not yet changed his pro-ukrainian course, or washington, forbids him to change it. nato exercises started in bavaria today ; the highlight was that the german, american and ukrainian armies paid attention to they are preparing for war with russia together. the goal is to learn to coordinate actions.
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in particular, british tank crews were brought here, it was not difficult for these czech soldiers to get to the training ground, unlike the american pilots who were transferred here from kansas, they are just getting used to it here, but the transfer of military equipment to bavaria definitely cost the nato countries a lot of effort . the military training ground in hohen fels, one of the largest in germany, thanks to its hard soil and sparsely populated area, hohen fels became a favorite place for the military.
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the government has declared a state of emergency, the police are unable to cope, even the military has been sent to help. kenyan president
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william ruta addressed the nation, saying that he was ready for dialogue, but constitutional mechanisms must be respected. moreover, the day before , helicopters flew over the residence of the head of state, preparations were being made for the evacuation of the president, and not without reason. protesters have already broken into the governor's residence in the capital nairobi. and also to the parliament building, they staged a real pogrom there, they tried to break down the doors to the meeting room, and then set fire to the room on the first floor. it is reported that the national symbol bulova was stolen from the parliament building; throughout the country, the internet does not work, there is no mobile connection; problems with access to the network are observed even in neighboring uganda and burundi. barricades have been erected on the streets in the business district.
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american president aumma obama. she and barack obama have the same father. auma, it turns out, is a longtime activist who fights for the rights of the people of kenya. came to the rally to, as she put it, support the youth. young people are protesting over the new draft budget. the budget provides for a sharp increase in taxes, among the most sensitive changes, a sixteen percent vat on the purchase of bread and butter, a tax of 2.5% on motor vehicles.
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the government is already canceling these two controversial points under pressure from an aggressive crowd. in a situation. at the same time, there are two interesting points: mass unrest, but coincidentally, began almost simultaneously with the us announcement that kenya is now one of washington’s key allies outside nato, kenya, not ukraine. well the second funny episode also coincided, russian flags were seen in the hands of the protesters. embassy of our country. kenya advises its compatriots to avoid crowded places, and it is best to stay home until the protests are over. the kenyan flag is all that shields this man from bullets.
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we must separate crime from democratic self-deprecation and separate criminals from people who enjoy freedom of expression. i will continue to lead a government that is fully committed to maintaining the integrity of our nation, promoting the unity of our nation and promoting the peace and security of all citizens and their livelihoods.
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it's quite a busy day in nairobi's central business district today, with thousands of protesters lining all the main streets in the city center, chanting anti-government slogans, but equally with dozens of police on the streets, it has become a game of cat and mouse between protesters, police , demonstrators were subjected to tear gas and were doused with water from police cannons, but they still don't leave the streets.
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usa during a state visit, he signed numerous investment deals worth many billions of dollars with american president joe biden. after egypt, morocco and tunisia, kenya is the first sub -saharan country to become a nato ally. after 60 years of diplomatic relations, kenya and the united states are committed to promoting peace and
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security, self-determination and freedom on the continent. about a thousand of their soldiers are stationed in the democratic republic of kenya. usa, for combating violence, gangs and hunger. our life is very difficult, it’s difficult for people, people have nowhere to live, people have nothing to eat. we have witnessed mass robberies in local stores, now i will show their consequences, people break into buildings and take them away. everything they can, we saw one man leaving with a tv behind his back, on this street, apparently, many shops were looted, everything was taken away, the glass was smashed to pieces. the unrest does not subside, in any case, the situation seems to be escalating as the curfew goes bald, the government ordered all protesters to cease their activities by 6:30 pm
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local time, less than an hour later. i am not sure that the police will be able to calm them down, because the protesters are everywhere on the street, no one is pushing them back, they are not going to leave even as the curfew approaches. some of them will never return home. doctors say at least 10 people were killed by police. these people run towards the medical tents and appear to have been shot at while tending to the wounded. and the president no longer has a golden mace in parliament, a symbol of state power, it is now in the hands of the people. now let's go to the country where the native came from kenya. to success, i'm talking about the usa, the half- brother of the most famous protester in nairobi, barack obama. so, there are exactly 2 days left until the debate: biden and donald trump. on cnn
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they say that the debate will actually decide who will become president of america in november, on fox news they lost joe biden. sean hannety asks the question: who is running the country now? in the sense that biden the whole ones are no longer visible. 5 days, while where biden is hiding is known to everyone in his residence at camp david, for what purpose he is hiding is also clear, he learns to stand firmly on his feet and not fall, for ninety minutes, they say training every day. donald trump also spoke about the debate, saying the following: i want to say that wyden, the worst of all the debaters that i opposed, he cannot...
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in general, the white house refused to conduct a drug test, said that everything that he tells desperate lies and talks about those who are in fact, who is afraid of debates, who is not ready for them, biden will be ready for them. i have already sent a letter to the white house more than once asking for a cognitive test , the same one that trump took, all my letters were ignored, so tomorrow i will send a letter to president biden, or rather to his therapist, doctor. it's very nice to do all this, it's just humiliating that a former white house doctor has to do this, but we have no choice. i will demand on behalf of many millions of concerned americans that he take the test.
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on drugs before this debate takes place. particular attention should be paid to stimulants. recently, during the state of the union address, we saw a joe biden who did not look like the joe biden we see every day for 3.5 years. and it is impossible to explain this other than that he was under the influence of some drugs. he will spend a week at camp david before the debate. partly in order to have time to experiment with dosages, they need to treat him, help him think more clearly, help him wake up, cheer him up somehow. the question is why trump is even bringing up this topic. let's call a spade a spade? it is a completely baseless lie that joe biden is under the influence of drugs or plans to shoot up before the debate. perhaps this suggests that trump himself lacks confidence. trump is trying to score points for himself everywhere, debates are about anticipation and a lot is expected of him, so he has to come up with an excuse in advance why he will lose, so he
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introduces this new unknown. i doubt that the president will agree to take a drug test, and if he does decide to take it, then trump will have to do the same. i don't understand why this is important. is it in the contract that there are no drugs during the debate? i don't think so. this is all a smokescreen, the purpose of which is to come up with an excuse for him that if he performs poorly in the debate, it will only be because his opponent was under the influence of drugs. i don’t know, this is probably his calculation, what biden needs to do is talk about the future, he shouldn’t talk about his achievements, because it doesn’t work. he needs to outline the stark differences between the two futures, and this is mainly about economics. currently , the number of undecided voters who think trump has done a better job on the economy ranges from 53% to 39%. and he needs to change this; if he fails, then serious problems await him. i wish we could show a little more respect for the institution of the presidency. it is not necessary to respect a specific person, oneself
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institute and not to engage in groundless matters. gosdyapovskaya dump radio liberty unearthed in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine the main symbol of the war of the ukrainian nation for its, or rather, probably western rights and freedoms, this is the attention of a crimean from simphepol, a representative of not... just a civilian, creative profession, actor, director anton romanov, he left peninsula in 2014 immediately after the return of crimea to its native harbor, but most importantly, anton is now antonina, that is, anton is a transgender, it came out in 2021, i went to serve immediately after the start of a special operation
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, together with my boyfriend... we went through the terrorist defense together, and then became mortar men, had sex in the trenches, and there are at least 50,000 of them in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, the telegraph editorial office read, having carefully studied the data of the lgbt military account. there is a whole battalion for gays, lesbians, non-binary people and all the other perverts on chevron, they have. officially a unicorn, the publication writes that the main problem of the front line for uncle lyubov, as gays are called in ukraine, uncle lyubov, is not a shortage of ammunition or weak defensive lines, worst of all, the current ban on same-sex marriage in the country, so if the smart guy, uncle lyub, dies in battle, then his partner will not
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be paid. compensation and will not even give up his body. the problem was taken up by the bbc, the deutschi carried on, propagandists went to the first kiev pride after the start of the special operation, that is, the lgbt parade, where they met dozens of militants of non-traditional sexual orientation who demanded that parliament protect their rights, that is, we used to joke, calling them homosexuals. and this it turned out to be no joke, the ukrainian warrior is gay, and he is proud of it. there are many openly lgbt soldiers serving on the front, challenging prejudice in a country where many still hold socially conservative and even homophobic views.
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structured, and a rocket can kill me just like anyone else.
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marchers are only allowed to move a few hundred meters, there is a risk of homophobic attacks, this community still struggles with conservative views, although these soldiers challenge people's prejudices. we showed that there are lgbt advocates on the front lines. and ukrainians respect this, which is why they have become more inclusive towards lgbti people.
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this is very sad for those who are at war and who are part of the community, for those who are part of this, as it is correct to say, community, as for me, they are not very pleased to hear that now is not the time for such questions, i think due to the fact that they are dying, which
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supports them, emily joined the azov regiment in the fourteenth year, subsequently transferred to the armed forces of ukraine, served in the ato, studied at military institute, has an officer rank, a year ago she began her transgender transition, remaining on...
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to cross herself, it’s true, god forbid, we are being transported to the front, coincidentally, and today we are in direct contact. abti alaudinov, hero of the russian federation, special forces commander akhmat, apti aronovich, you
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will forgive us for showing this to you, but they say that this is now in the war on the part of ukraine, also fighting with us. i’ll say it again, it’s almost impossible for me to believe this, but here are three western reports on the topic: that homosexuality in the army is normal, and homosexuals need to be saved and protected. their rights, please tell us what is going on in the war, how are things at the front, how is the kharkov direction, and how many ukrainians are there really like that? olga, good afternoon, well, first of all i would like to note, probably, having watched the previous video, we are still confirmed in our firm decision to go to the bitter end, because once again... we understand that we are really fighting with satanists who
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are trying to take over the whole world so that everyone would be like them, once ukrainian society, which was truly a believer, a true believer, very good people, i always note this, i love the ukrainian people, you see how much they have been deformed, these are the last 20 years of power . ukraine especially in the last period, when zelensky came to power, you and i see this, well, praise the almighty, that when we destroy our enemy, we do not ask him what his inclination is, this is of no use to us, the only thing is that , who surrenders, remains alive, usually they don’t tell us what their orientations are, what needs to be said, which means, probably, like in principle we...
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probably, we need to state that in this
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sense you are really right, we just showed you the story with the gay pride and with these ukrainian warriors, well, this is a completely crazy article in time magazine about satanists, and apti aronj, a crazy article in time magazine, where zelensky’s adviser yarmak gives an interview against the backdrop of a skull, a skull. skull, apparently real, applied to a burning skull the kremlin, red square, as he claims, in the blood, irmak says: this is our dream, our goal, well, that is, really, the satanists ca n’t help but relate to this, the satanists grab soldiers, we see creepy footage, he twists, turns, drags to the front, their reserve is replenished, olga, well, look, what kind of picture do we actually get? if we
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started the northern military district, we were opposed by very well -trained personnel, whom in principle we know, they trained for a long time, all this preparation, it took place at the expense of, it turns out bases, resources, nato bloc, in general difficulties, it turns out european, representatives of european states, including leaders, they are deceiving us. throughout all this time, about the fact that they want to come to some kind of consensus on the minsk agreements, in the end we heard that they, like the german chancellor, and representatives of other states who were involved in these negotiations, they all admitted openly that they had been misleading us all this time so that ukraine had time to prepare as much as possible, these resources, which were. prepared, they are completely exhausted, now in order
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to hold out on the front line from each case to the next, they have to collect a very large number of fighters whom they mobilize, we see how, beating them, almost shooting them, they collect them, in principle, without basic, well, without special training, they throw them to the front line, where they die, one might say, in batches.
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bearing in mind the recent attack, for example, by american atakom missiles on sevastopol, where they hit the beach and died in that including children, well, that is, on the one hand , the logical end, on the other hand, you say that the special operation will end this year, there are six months left until the end of the year, that’s how it is? olga, most of the people who usually sit in front of the tv afterwards. internet resources are looking for various information, for them, yes, it is sometimes unclear how it can happen that all russian territories return, that is, to russia, so that ukraine, as a state, is really demilitarized, so that we kick out of there
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satanists, so that the power in kiev changes, and ultimately, so that we can clearly put an end to the svo itself. with some logical conclusion at some point, we, like any other state, must do the work that we still have to do further, in such a way that we make the people of ukraine really understand the situation they find themselves in, you know,
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like, say, the energy sector of ukraine, it has already been completely destroyed, which means that it has been destroyed in the same way...
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which was traditional from time immemorial orthodox, today they are already turning it into some kind of satanic community, which, well , in reality, it does not fit into anything.
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zone of special military operation , hero of the russian federation and commander, heroic commander of the heroic special forces akhmat. regarding what you said about being ukrainian. the people are ready, unusual personnel, our odessa, as they say, is a russian city and local residents who are having a blast every time, but in order to earn a little more, despite the fact that she is an absolute enemy for our country, she he, i don’t know how to say it correctly, is a man in the image of a woman, he was once such a popular performer in our country. so he, too, in order to earn more money, sings in russian, look, verka
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serduchka’s concert in odessa, the artist performs in a local club with songs in russian, the club is filled to capacity, everyone sings along, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, i i know that, i know, okay, everything will be fine, i’ll go on a spree, i’ll go on a spree. igorich, important personnel decisions that were made today in the camp of our enemy, first of all, this is the statement of mark rutte, the former prime minister of the netherlands, as nato secretary general. on october 1, he will take over this position, replacing jens stoltenberg. has a reputation as a teflon politician, obviously, this is the most convenient figure for the new
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stage of nato’s confrontation with russia, which will be implemented starting in the fall of this year, when ukraine receives new strike weapon systems, and nato’s functionality will be significantly changed from political military support to directly control of military actions of the ukrainian armed forces from headquarters.
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not a functionary, a manager, we will see how effective he will be, but his role should not be underestimated either, a talking head, what the head of the north atlantic alliance decides, he can only announce what he is ordered to announce, well, that’s all, well, important nonetheless such a stage exists if the nuclear missions of the nato air force receive practical content in the form of specific combat missions and... of course, real actions, here the position of the nato secretary general is also important so that he does not wavered, but as they say, he approved of
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the case of nuclear escalation, and we must understand that it is more than possible on the part of our opponents. the second appointment of kaya callas is a creature of london; certain capabilities were used through the british special services. which mi6 has in order to provide the necessary consensus. this will be a new gardener, instead of barel, absolutely frostbitten, just like her dad, also a longtime agent of the british mi6. that's why britain is here, although formally it is, as they say, after brexit it set sail, nevertheless, it will have its own man, precisely the degree of russophobia will be even higher than it was under barel, here at least. maintained the appearance of some kind of decency, although he was, of course, a son of a bitch, he was also a political one, well, this, of course, is an order of magnitude more unleashed, russophobic
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-minded and unprincipled woman and politician, let me remind you, her husband did business with russian companies, earned money , to my great regret, the commission that was formed in estonia was unable to ensure impeachment and removal from office prime minister of estonia, this is bad, and for estonia itself, and of course, for the european union, for european diplomacy, we will see absolutely. before, i don’t even know what to compare this with, that wave of hatred, anger and desire to destroy russia, which will be demonstrated, an aggressive war hysterical, let us listen, you continue florian philippot, this is how the unpopular opposition politician in france characterizes kaya kalas, well, really, a belligerent fool, there is no other way to say what kind of madness the european union
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has confirmed. that he will appoint as his head diplomacy of the minister of foreign affairs of estonia, kaja kallos, this war-obsessed hysterical with an ineradicable hatred of russia and blind submission to nato. fear of escalation, fear of nuclear weapons, fear that russia will lose. i've heard a lot about this. russia's defeat is not bad, because there can be real changes in society. there are many different nations that are now part of russia. to provide increased military support to ukraine, it also wants to create a european defense commissariat to eventually create a european army, its the purpose is aimed at exacerbating
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tensions, at making peace impossible, at bringing closer. weapons, apparently, to be transferred to the protection of kaya, well , this plan is not bad, and of course, a call from the head of the pentagon, louis austin, russia on small states, nuclear to andrei belausov, the minister of defense of the russian federation, is extremely important, what does this mean: the first thing that exists in there is a certain degree of strategic uncertainty in the pentagon regarding russia’s possible further actions. and the desire of this channel constant interaction is also, as it were , hedging the risks of military confrontation; on the other hand, we must clearly understand that this channel will be used by the americans in their own interests, first of all, therefore any conversations, negotiations, they must be absolutely pragmatic in nature, since they answered well, but in general
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we must proceed from the worst-case scenarios, including... that the pentagon actually has plans to launch a global quick strike on russia with an attempt to destroy the highest russian military-political leadership and part of the russian strategic nuclear forces, therefore, plans for our retaliatory retaliation should be implemented automatically if the united states starts a war against russia, this means that the launch of strikes by part of our strategic nuclear forces should be carried out within the framework of the known. system, it used to be called the perimeter, now it’s called differently, but nuclear retaliation specifically on us territory, if washington starts a war, must be planned and carried out in such a way that the enemy is completely, as they say, incapacitated in the future, this does not mean a call for nuclear war, our very readiness for such actions will restrain the united states from extremely rash, dangerous decisions
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against russia. well, it should be noted that there is an accumulation of ukrainian troops near kharkov, from a high degree of probability, as predicted, accordingly there will be additional attempts somewhere by july, by august, in connection with this, accordingly , the air defense line is being probed, respectively, how and how would have been predicted before this in principle, as for the general component, various political groups are beginning to enter the negotiation track precisely under political pressure, first of all, the same applies to macron, the same applies to great britain. in some areas, what this is connected with, this is also due to the consequences of two years, which respectively occurred, and we just mentioned kenya, i remind you that kenya has a debt of 75 billion, this is more than 68%, respectively, of its budget, and a significant part of this debt , china, if someone is wondering, over the past 2 years countries have faced very serious problems, the first is the rise in inflation, the second is the rise in interest rates, that is , speaking of mortgage prices, everything else,
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so in recent election campaigns we can only say several countries that passed them without losses. and relative losses, that is, the same, for example, india plus or minus, although support there has decreased very seriously, respectively africa, which and respectively south africa, which it is necessary and, accordingly, with... in the european union, perhaps, there is only one spain, and then they also had to cooperate, what is this connected with, is connected with the fact that the population is trying to protest their activity, as if their whole idea of ​​the economy in recent years 2 years to pour into election campaigns, by the way, from this point of view, the most interesting thing is that it doesn’t really matter what specific political force is in power, let’s take a classic example, the uk elections on july 4, by the way, with a probability of more 30%, less than 30%, a conservative will run there, that is, they will lose in any case, the question is which one, accordingly from which one - how many constituencies they will take, most likely in your base positions, for example, from the south, they will most likely show the worst result up to 200 years of the history of parliamentarism with a high degree of probability, and most likely, accordingly, sunok, who is
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the prime minister, and the prime minister always practically wins his constituency as a rule, that’s where some questions begin even in his constituency, and against him there goes like if only a very specific comrade could look at him, he’s such a freak to a certain extent, just across the ocean. canada, elections are next year, elections have now been held in toronto, a strategic region, i remind you that the decline in sunok began precisely with municipal elections, and so there the conservatives are already overtaking the current liberal party, but this is like the left, accordingly, they have, by the way , they have others, respectively, the king is now one ruler, so here they are, respectively, now they are twice ahead of them, already 42 against 22, the same thing, absolutely the same situation, only with other parties in great britain, respectively... the conservatives there have 20 20.9, and accordingly the libarists have 41, 5, the same thing, only on the contrary, people are tired, any government that is in this state, accordingly, everything hangs on it, mortgages,
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first of all the economy, inflation, and migration, as if by a steam locomotive, as a rule, as if to everything sticks, therefore from this point of view it is precisely political pressure, which now turns out to be, as it were, on the system leads to such reversals of the cdu, the cdu, why is it turning around, because they are afraid of losing, accordingly, the adh, first of all. in the eastern regions about which scholze actually gave an interview, that is , the problem is that the right, the extreme left are strengthening their position, this is especially dangerous in single-mandate elections, which are the elections in great britain, by the way, elections in france are already two rounds, what are we talking about we are getting to the point that those who come to replace them and those who remain will have to change their rhetoric and refuse to help ukraine, they will do it differently, in order to save their economy, they will bet on their own economy, all countries, all elections, when you are you doing?
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suffered over the past 2 years, people were faced with unique interest rates, they had never seen such interest rates in their lives, some say they had never even seen them in their lives, they were faced with colossal inflation, such a word also had not existed for a very long time at all, in figurative countries , that's why all parliamentary elections, especially, have a very big resonance, so in the next 2 years they will be very specific in all countries, which is why, from this point of view, the electoral component begins to put pressure, as for the usa, the same situation, the data came from without defining everything to the states, i remind the us system, which is determined accordingly. states, these are six states, first of all, and so, in all six, trump is winning at this stage, even after he was convicted, even after he was officially found guilty, as if now he will be
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sentenced directly in july accordingly, but he wins there even after being discussed, so the economy, which is what everyone is talking about now, here it is, as if what will happen to determine, from an economic point of view , ban’s situation is as follows: firstly, the price of an energy carrier of 85 by brand is more than eighty by wti, respectively, that is. the price of oil is likely to rise after this evening's stock data. the second interest rate is exactly the same mortgage that everyone has come across and become acquainted with. by the way, in different countries. so, with a high degree of probability it will decrease after the elections, which means that there will be high interest rates before the elections, and at the polling stations they will have high interest rates. therefore, from this point of view, the economy, it begins to gradually digest the political component even in the case when conflicts enter some neighboring phase e strategic confrontation, so from this point of view this is what it looks like.
3:57 pm
3:58 pm
eh, we’ll decide, where are there more guys? let's look at rtr. follow the plan for the car, get out, that’s it. so you come back more often. if a komsomol member needs affection, like me, here it is. well, bit your tongue, huh? i was told that you have my warrant for the hostel. now i've decided everything. oh, what a scarecrow. even though you're a girl, you're not interesting. “if you cry, they won’t
3:59 pm
leave you alone, you need to hold your head higher, you hear, remember yourself, limit girls, from july 1 on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you have chosen the right place, have you ever wondered why people consider carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can useful things be pleasant, science fiction, can scientific ones be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, uh... mm, yes, yes,
4:00 pm
yes, again, yes, everyone a person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, food formulas, on saturday on rtr, can i call you maestro, can i, maestro, yeah. it’s possible, it means he fooled you, and you’re glad, he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who’s the fool, it’s me who’s the fool, i’d like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this my number, i paid for it, i paid for it, but hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it,
4:01 pm
one number o'


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