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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 26, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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they know where to go, where to turn, to stand under arms, their squad number, i’m just wondering, we’ve been running from this for 30 years, like goril, we ran, we ran, now it’s become clear that there is such a profession as defending the homeland, but in some that moment in time it turns out that for every man this will become a profession, the war will not pass by, that’s it, the topic of peace is over, i think for a long time, if not forever, it will end, something next will begin, 100%, so it will be, it it was always like this before... that’s why we said yes so many times to you, it is necessary to open training grounds throughout the country, make sure that in their free time men can go, study, prepare, it will come in handy, it will come in handy, so return to this idea, like those in the united states, the national guard, we have all the towns now, where the units are fighting, the towns are practically empty, the training ground, please, we can drive away the mobile reserve, because today the conditions have changed, the weapons have changed, we need to prepare, of course. of course,
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at the same time, i see that there are several fantastic training bases, that is, in an unreal base has been built in yekaterinburg, the best base in the world now, gudermes is an amazing base, that is, they can do it, they know how, just take it as a model, so that it is everywhere, so that people can go and prepare, nothing terrible will be needed, but even now there is a terrible tragedy in sevastopol, the military men ran and provided first aid, such medicine, of course. what they could do, well, now is the time, you need to be able to, nikolai, but i would like to say in terms of appointments and the world order, here are the new upcoming appointments in the european union, well, it would seem, the same characters that we know, but they somehow move from one place to another, look what happens, because for the same kaikalos, her work as a politician in estonia, this is just... a show, this is just
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some -this is the initial stage, this is preparation for eternal life in the european union, that is, if it works well, no, not in the interests, of course, of the estonian people, not in the interests of good neighborliness there, for example, with russia, it’s just that estonia and russia live together and have lived would have continued, if not for people like kayaking peacefully, it turns out that she was initially is aimed at serving not its own people, not the people at all. the question arises, who chooses her then? well, now these questions, including the italian example, are being asked, and there is no answer, it turns out that the elections have been held, who chose is not clear, and it is not clear how this is determined, if you proceed from the point of view that some party won in country or in the european union, the winning ideas are the locomotive for the appointment of some politicians, no, everything happens behind the scenes, so what are the criteria, you serve behind the scenes. v
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estonia will bring you up to the level of the european union, i don’t know, i didn’t look at the money, how she wins and loses, probably this is not the most important thing, because the main income is not her salary, well, the main income from her husband’s business in russia, her caught doing this, or for something else, i don’t know how they, in the european union, so to speak, financially incentivize loyalty to this very backstage, but this turns out to be the main principle by which they take away today from every politician in.. .
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i'm afraid that she has already changed her gender to her current one. reality, returned to its present, and back to the present, is doing completely different things, that is, again we see a carrot at the country level, the same ukraine, again ursola vonderleen, encouraged that she remains, that is, a carrot in front of her, her personal continues to hang, says what they say all the time, you will, join, your values ​​are important to us. but the road will not be short, that is, sometimes he says some truthful things, in 2014 this is what happened, this is something they signed when they took the interview those who stood on the maidan thought that that was all, this was joining the european union, it turns out that the road has not yet begun, there were negotiations about negotiations, then negotiations about accession, and now they will begin, i don’t even know, as they call it, well, milestones of a long path, they would say in the soviet union, only the path is kind of endless, and here... for
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the food independence of the planet only as they see it, the destruction of cattle, the production of insects instead of meat production, denmark please, and scandinavia last time moves ahead of the locomotive, they begin to pay money to farmers, or rather not to pay money to farmers, you see, i even made a mistake, but to take money from farmers if they have cattle, everything is clear, you have a cow, 100 euros a year, then maybe there will be 150-200, a fine, yes, for the fact that... you just have it, because you have it, it eats from you, it produces exhaust gases, moreover, it also eats grass, and grass needs to be produced in order to grow, i know quite a lot of cattle that do not have horns, but all the time produces gases, that is, the ursulovder definitely belongs to them, maybe then she will also
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pay, well, i’m afraid that they will still pay her in the end, this is the prospect of the future, yes, tomorrow will be better than yesterday, the song is not about tomorrow’s european union, this is a song about yesterday's soviet union. as a result, there is also a certain carrot hanging here, which is wrapped in some beautiful green robes, people are simply being fooled, they are showing endless shows, but the image of the future emerges through this, this is some kind of incomprehensible a human being, it is unclear what gender, it is unclear what he calls himself, who will carry the olympic flame at the olympics, why is it there, well... here is an image of the future, on the other hand, the destruction of cattle, so that meat becomes inaccessible and expensive for ordinary people, instead , the production of insects and they will explain why it is good and useful, as they explain with everything else, but you also mentioned freedom of speech
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in relation to asandzha, and i think that in the heads of european bureaucrats in the minds of ordinary europeans there was no violation of freedom of speech, because assange admitted espionage. why did you punish him, for espionage, but we didn’t punish him for freedom of speech, wait, so to speak, the verdict, so he confessed, so they took him away, and the fact that he was flying on a business jet, so to speak, he’s in poverty there won’t be, i think that we shouldn’t, in fact, they told him that he had to pay money for 52,000, besides, where did they get such prices, i liked that today in finland,
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look, it was possible, as you said , it’s fair, anyone could ever justify him , but still there is a certain grace, here’s the president of the united states, and he would probably win some kind of rating on this, well, you know, a liberal, so to speak, let’s leave everything in the past, nothing something like this, we were waiting for it to give a specific result at a difficult moment, now it can play in biden’s favor, but at the same time it will play to biden’s disadvantage, because when biden leaves and does not... run, he will take away this whole story from himself, the next president will say, yes, i would, i would have pardoned, but biden did everything so clumsily, so what now, that now i can’t, well, in fact, it seems that’s all, the story is gone, asange is happy, he is free with his wife in australia, everything is fine ,
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so of course i would do it, vote for me, but i’m after biden and it doesn’t even matter the last name, it seems to me that with biden they will play, you know, the gorbachev effect, let’s remember, well... we are soviet people, yes , i, i was little, of course, in 1985, well, 15 years that i was in politics there understood, but i remember how my parents watched gorbachev, and the main thing is that he, he walks, he talks, it’s true, yes, nothing else from the soviet leader of that time, you just walk, you talk, you look like a person, you seem to talk about the problems of an ordinary person, that's it, well done, it will be the same here, against the backdrop of biden, walking up the stairs,
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the floor is shaking, the resources of the walls have arrived, big changes, into the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room, absolutely faceless we make three different functional areas, ideas flow. over the edge, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work,
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plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living rooms of our heroes, after dismantling - a lot it will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, give me a neck, and so, i went too far, take off my shirt, my god, on saturday, i saw everything that you saw, how you jumping like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings. that means so, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and
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the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, i can’t imagine you without the light, where are you going? why, well, well, thank you, i ’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, but no, i’m warning you, i have an intention... divorce with obstacles on saturday on rtr. festival of youth in st. petersburg. a thousand shining eyes, thousands of enthusiastic hearts white nights. scarlet sails. over the waves of the neva, an unforgettable graduation, scarlet sails
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2024, live broadcast from st. petersburg, on friday on rtr, well, it’s beautiful and why don’t you drink water because of beauty, you don’t have to drink it, but i ’ll take it away anyway, limiters from july 1 to rtr. please, of course, interesting events are happening here now, literally on the last day, two, but we have tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, five, from thursday to friday moscow time, yes, yes, at 5:00 in the morning it’s biden, here’s the question already bets on just why in 5, we start broadcasting at three.
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with the fair ones, you know, i'm sitting at the bleachers, and i get hot, i have a lot of hair on my legs, which... which becomes light in the sun, and the children often came up, climbed into the pool, rubbed my leg so that it became smooth, and then they watched their hair stand on end again, they watched it, that's how i learned about cockroaches, learned about children jumping on my lap, and i fell in love with children jumping on my lap. in the right corner of the ring, the old man
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is still conscious, but also, by the way, talking rare nonsense, but the important thing is that... and the referees, who just obviously hate the old man in the right corner of the ring. this is jake tater. adolf hitler's inhumane rhetoric is alive and well again on the national political scene. this time, of course, in the united states. if you open a copy of hitler's maincam, you will see that the nazi leader describes the mixing of non-germans with germans as poisoning. there is no other way to say it. donald's tongue. south america, africa and asia poison the blood of our country. this is not hyperbole, it's direct a reflection of adolf hitler's statements before world war ii, before the holocaust. and
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this nice, intelligent person will conduct the debate objectively. seems like the newsmax interview. i hope everyone does well, i hope we all perform as a nation, but our nation is in trouble. we have never had such problems, we have never been as ashamed as we are now. we must change the president, he is the worst president in history, and we ourselves must change. when millions and millions of people flock to you from other parts of the world, not only from south america, but from all over the world, including from prison.
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he will be in an orange suit, and he will simply install bars in the windows of the white house, and if he gets elected there, if he gets elected, i tell electoral board number one, where he will go in shackles, they will unfasten them, well , everything is fine, and that too a striped helicopter, yes a striped helicopter, yes, give me my suitcase, with the ace of diamonds on board, it’s clear, but the point is that i’m saying, these days, initially, of course, yesterday, in my opinion, the european union has taken a very big step towards its demise, they nevertheless began negotiations with ukraine on accession, very good, accession is what they should, in general, now
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these negotiations are actively underway, they should now be approved by those starting tomorrow. summit of the european union, the americans have already congratulated them very well, well, i mean james o-brien, this is blinken’s assistant for european and eurasian affairs, who said that the european union is on the right path, in general, the nato summit will take place when v washington, it would be very good if ukraine were already accepted there. in other words, the united states, the eu, yes, it’s interesting that the borders will immediately collapse, probably the european one. now they are formally shifting everything, all responsibility for ukraine onto the european union. i would say that you know, we probably need to evaluate the current events a little differently, this is a very important lesson for us, what happened now in
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the european union, but the european commission does not need to be elected, it is the government, by and large it appointed. european council, i’ll say right away that there are three organizations that differ from each other, but are called approximately the same: the council of europe, which has nothing to do with the european union, the european council is the highest body of the european union, which consists of the heads of state and government, here it is appoints the european commission, the head of the european commission, not the italians, no, where everyone is included, they are all included, simply. there are important europeans, and there are less important europeans, what is important there are the germans, the french, the greeks and the poles, well in general, yes, but they also succeeded there, it’s unclear why they, since they weren’t greeks, there were greeks , i don’t know why they included, and so three apu.
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there were a lot of disagreements, and there is a person who, in fact, well, due to a lot of disagreements, will now actually lead the european party for the second time, and her people’s party, well, no, no, she was elected, that is, they appointed the head states, yes, yes, you are the chosen ones, yes, well, everyone except italy, these except hungary too, the hungarians also said that we are everything zablo, and given that ursula was completely corrupt, she handed out envelopes. well, in this , in this, in this, i don’t know, but the procedure was transparent, that is, there were candidates, that is , there were some options, there was voting, the fact is that in
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the european parliament in 1914, i’m just trying to find democracy at least somewhere i say, the european parliament tried to establish democracy there, and not such a leading candidate, well, when the european parties, and the european parties are actually the parties, the national candidate - i’m the leading one programs and candidate. in 1919, this whole procedure, based on the fact that it was slammed down because i just want to say that in the european union there is now a struggle between the national structures of the european union, but in 1919 the national authorities won, in fact they the candidacy of the leading candidate. they ruined it, but apparently, a lot has changed very seriously over these 5 years, you’re right, now there is consolidation in european countries,
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i’m right, we always need to add in european structures, and this speaks of one very unpleasant thing for us, especially for those who, who say, have said and are still saying, we need to work with national governments, that’s the kind of person i am, i think we need to work, but national governments have failed , when they fail completely, we will say to work a little. this suggests that the national government is already nothing and it is practically impossible to work with the european union, with countries, with members of the european union , well, that is, we are going to a european reich, well, i i wouldn’t say that this is the reich, well, like yes, what’s the difference, the rail in the rail should be furor at least.
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no, oh look, i grew up in new york, where drag queens were all the rage. we went to a brunch with transvestites, it was in the order of things, we were entertained, they were incredibly brilliant and talented, no, i really like her, but i like her more, she is the first woman, a lesbian, a migrant, everything else, so these people, they are corrupting the united states faster than anything else, i wonder how she wanted nabranche if she is 50, that is 40 years ago in new york, a transgender person could get it, honestly. honestly, he could have gotten it even later, not so long ago in the nineties, but nevertheless, now
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the european union is leading to the fact that national leaders are indignant in the wrong way, i just don’t understand where orban disappeared to , who stated that he knew that he would not let fondelein in, that they would not let her in for a second time to head the european commission and a first term. terrible, the first term was a failure, this indicates the reduction of national elites in fact, the leveling of these national elites, because what fondelien will focus on now, she sees her main task in the consolidation of power in the european union on european structures, first of all, of course, the executive, this is the european commission, due to the fact that the main the enemy of the european union is russia, the european union must turn into a military camp. european, exactly that and that europeans cannot veto the national government
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for a decision, including outside. there are also people who, so to speak, remain in the european union, unfortunately, but as long as they are not imprisoned, no matter how they are not imprisoned, they are imprisoned, everything is fine, they are killed, as long as there are alternatives for germany, so now to understand everything, they are now saying there is a conspiracy inside alternatives, now they have to throw off power there, someone else will come and they will start doing this, in fact, you remember, hitler came to power,
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he immediately... he won the majority of votes due to the deal with rome with the vatican, he went and agreed, that is, he sent messengers and then agreed with the vatican because of tax benefits. in fact, i would say that hitler won due to an agreement on board the battleship deutschland, and he agreed, he agreed primarily with rexwehr and with industry, just what is not strange, what is often forgotten, is the role of the pope in that when hitler came to power, there was a very difficult procedure, he couldn’t get
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votes, that’s just it. one of the terrible crimes of the vatican catholics was that they sold it, by the way, hitler is holy fulfilled his obligations, monetary, so now i think it’s pointless to talk about the fact that we can work with someone in the west, including the national government, that’s why you are not a bolshevik, today is zyuganov, i congratulate him on his birthday,
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this idea has been expressed : at first he said that putin’s decision not to go to the conference in switzerland was a huge mistake and after 24 hours he said that the decision was not to invite.
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the west, the birthplace of such a principle that any student of the humanities studies , there is the rule of law, which in the basis for making any decisions about the specifics of the formation of power should only be the law, which law says that representatives of these six countries should meet, talk about something by videoconference there, determine that this is not said anywhere, but exactly this is how the government was formed, regarding the questions, why did greece appear there, what is poland doing there?
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sanchez, who lost the elections in his country, from the liberals came macron, who lost the elections in his country, and ryuta came, who was also the third to come to in their state, that is, attention, the only winners are poland and greece, all the rest are the losing states in the elections, or rather the losing political forces in the elections to the european parliament in their states, four out of six are losers and they decide who will join the european commission, could they invite another current head. states, which at the same time won the elections in their country during the voting for the european parliament, could - this is georgia miloni, but since this a representative of these right-wing forces, their only task was to show that the right doesn’t exist, the last one was the european parliament, there was the european people’s
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party, there were socialists, there were liberals, nothing has changed, the same three parties now we have gathered, decided who will be in the next composition and how will it all be led, why is this happening? in fact, i think ursula fondelein is not that great a political figure there, who has a phenomenal level of support, her ideas left such an indelible impression on representatives of the european elites, no, precisely her main significance is that she is a nonentity, she does not represent anything, just like the callas who is nominated as the supreme representative of the european union is the same nonentity as all the previous ones the supreme representatives of the european...
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the union in such a form that it does not want further centralization, it does not want further strengthening of the european union, what the population receives in response is a very interesting situation, in which in official releases it is written that party participants took into account such principles
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as party representation, gender representation, racial representation, there is a sexual minority, as well as that is , they left in principle everything except the vote of the population, this is the only thing that is not at all fits into their activities, everything else they have left, what is this for? may lead, they actually understand that if we give these right-wing forces 4 more years of time to work, i, by the way, will immediately i want to say that these forces are right - it’s not that they are fans of russia, members of united russia or part of putin’s team, these are generally completely different people with different views, their only thing that unites them is a skeptical attitude towards the european union and a desire to strengthen sovereignty, and this is where we coincide with them, because i repeat once again, the european union will never exist. does not promise anything good for russia; one must be an inadequate person to think that the european continent, with which our the state, well, it fought quite a lot in the past, that the fact that it will be united, it will have a single resource base, a single industry, everything will
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somehow be better for us, on the contrary, it will be a very good opportunity, a very good resource for them in order to somehow try to figure it out with us there, the more it is dismembered, the more it is decentralized, the more opportunities we have for at least...
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now they are not moving towards changing these political systems , so that these systems have generally ceased to play any role, to concentrate all power in one center, which is fair, all speakers here always say that the vote of the population, accountability to the population, the interests of these do not affect this in any way, one center of power influences - this is washington, interests for me, it’s also very clear to me that washington should extract maximum resources from the europeans from the european continent and antagonize them as much as possible. europeans against russia, the president spoke about this in principle, and he
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said that let’s create such a eurasian space in which there are no americans, there are europeans, there are asians, we may like each other, we may not, but americans definitely shouldn’t be here, our task is here, if we just look at it, well, look, these are there lost, now there will be a european union, which means we will simply let them carry out their plan to the end, and this means that iron will come to us in concrete.
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they will be kletins when they are rich, well, it’s very simple, inheritance, a - inheritance, b - thieves, ursul and vonderlein, the third is a bandit, well like, you see, yes, she, as it were, even if she stole, but she wasn’t imprisoned, that means well done, no, that means she’s in the structure that was supposed to imprison, well, okay, maybe that means, and then still such a term, until they were imprisoned, but as an economist i was very interested in one circumstance, i’m even his last...
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of the american financial establishment larry summers, a very famous person, in the nineties there was a legend, evil tongues said that anatoly borisovich chubais personally carried cash in his suitcases at a meeting in switzerland, he was then first deputy and then minister of finance, personally money, here are boxes from xerex, here is his, and well , he carried boxes from xerex. okay, so, it means that he was then first deputy, and then secretary of the treasury under
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clinton, the president, and so he and a group of comrades wrote a report, i even published it, translated into russian, that inflation in the united states of america itself in fact, not 3%, but about ten, please note, we wrote about this 20 years ago, but...
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to see a decline of half a percent per month, and i figured, the people who lead a country or an association there, like the european union, they can’t help but see it, they ’ve been falling like this for a long time, they’ve been like this, the united states of america since the fall of twenty first year, well, you just said that you counted it for 20 years, i was really scared, well, if they’ve been falling like this for 20 years, then they’re already just.
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where is she behind seven seals, it looks like it was artyom, artyom took sonya, artyom? yes, and, apparently, he killed, what? revenge, revenge is a very serious motive. so, dig deeper and wider, just neat. a hunted animal, the most dangerous. what? so what now? sonya is alive, she was not there. this is the case here. he has nothing left to lose. is artyom in town? no, i didn’t know, you haven’t met. i'll lock my doors and turn on the alarm. yes. smart girl. behind seven seals. final episodes. tomorrow on rtr. you
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're looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open all the boards? can we handle it? if you ask, it's a recession. what else is geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, may i
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call you maestro, may i call you maestra, yeah. it’s possible, it means he fooled you, and you ’re glad, he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who’s the fool, it’s me, the fool, i’d like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my number, i paid for it, i paid for it, but hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, i’m looking for a travel companion on friday on rtr,
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with us, if it’s sports, then... with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s folk, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value our strong family relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow on рrt. why
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are they so strange, and they all live in the virtual world, in this sense, everyone is offended there, they don’t see these people, they don’t see us, something else, in their world... so they got used to it there, well, after eighty the eighth, eighty-ninth year, the figures were placed on the chessboard, there was no russian figure there, it’s just not there, so the interests of russia, and russia is not a figure, russia is a board, this is for them, on which the whole civilization is fattening, and we ’ll bang, all the figures will gather, they them, they don’t see it, for this reason, by the way, for for this reason, in the united states of america, the final elections.
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either they will collapse under the weight of economic problems, or they will start a war on us, wait, i just can’t understand why they should
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collapse under the weight of economic problems, because the economic recession has not gone away, yes, but who ever collapsed from economic problems, where to collapse, well, the great depression, who collapsed where, they are fighting economically, no, that’s not the point, well, that is, the fact is that...
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as lenin said, we need to transform the imperialist war into a civil one, we need a civil war war, what are we talking about, their
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imperialist ambitions must be stopped by a civil war, so that the united oppressed countries of all countries are afraid of european imperialism, so that the united european emirates fight the fascists, but the european ones do not, not at all like temporarily occupy. this is what we will strive for, by the way, nothing, i want to remind you that the history of europe and the history of islam are inseparable, let’s remember,
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that’s right, how many centuries islam ruled in a significant part. and there was a dawn in these territories, so there is no need to be so afraid of history, that’s what definitely didn’t happen, there were so many satanic states in a row at the same time on the territory of europe, that didn’t happen, there weren’t godless satanic states, well, for how many years already, longer than the ray, what says the roman empire was, it wasn't satanic, then it goes through the territory of europe, but it’s part of it somewhere, naturally. took, yes, but there, if you look, and then, why, no, in europe, in the roman empire there was a beautiful christian period, there was then, well , there was, in the end there was, yes, that’s why they didn’t byzantium love, which is actually eastern, of course, yes, so there is, so everything is fine, europe will return, europe can be anything but a united one, because
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otherwise there will be no originality of europe, you also need to know this,
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the leader, that is knows how to convince, we see, in in this sense, of course, i now look at the comments of many, many articles are now shouting from our foreign ones, where everyone notes: look, i rode a bicycle to work, i remember how our liberals squealed with delight, yes, those who settled here, including you quoted here and recalled, look what a free, liberal, democratic country, the prime minister, essentially without security, there is. means to work, yes, i confirm, i crossed paths with him on the street more than once, everyone knew where he was, when he walked, there was one guard in the distance he walked, without any special problems, people came up to him, said hello, there was something there, he stopped, talked, well, it’s really a free, liberal, safe country, if you don’t remember that the leader of the political opposition, pimo fortoin , the leader of the ideological
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opposition was shot there, it’s just... not only that, at the debates of the political leaders of these same dutch parties, everyone stands freely in t-shirts, there in whatever they want in ryuta dresses, of course, freely without any problems, and wilders speaks in a bulletproof vest, this is clear everyone. this is the very liberal reich, the same liberal dictatorship, where for the liberals, for the mainstream, everything is safe and good, but as soon as you fall out of the system, fall out of the mainstream, and you already find yourself , in general, under a serious threat, they can kill you to skin, kill, shoot, and shoot, as we see the president of slovakia, they recently tried, yes, that same liberal
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reich, everything seems to be fine, democracy, yes, but for not, but security is not for everyone. wilders is not guaranteed it. and everyone else can roam the streets freely. as for this minister of defense, right?
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1938 ukraine is essentially czechoslovakia, that is, if europe had supplied weapons to czechoslovakia then, look, we would have stopped hitler and the soviet dictatorial regime there. she generally suspects that the soviet union was the only country that sought military assistance to czechoslovakia, was even ready to help with its military units, but this most benevolent europe will not...
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supply czechoslovakia, well, it should be noted, that czechoslovakia did not need to be supplied with weapons, because czechoslovakia, both then and for many years after, was precisely an arsenal that produced weapons in wild quantities, everything was fine with weapons there, and nevertheless, or it wanted poles, or something kick, because one of the main roles in the tragedy of horror was not played then by poland, which did not allow our troops to pass through its territory, at the same time they grabbed a piece of czechoslovakia, i remember correctly, of course it would have been. and as for arms supplies, you know, now many people are discussing comments from two trump advisers, who also worked on the foreign policy program, about what they proposed to trump,
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they proposed a formula for peace in ukraine, the formula is simple, stop supplying american weapons to ukraine, that is, that’s all, and peace means, strictly speaking, automatically, it will come, while they emphasize, well, in the sense of not expressing it. on the company, he doesn’t need it, it’s his bbc, which means they tried to bring it out into the open, an apologist for putin, they came with a portrait of putin in the background, look, you’re against it there support for ukraine, farage, he is
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an experienced fighter in this regard, he immediately did it.


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