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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 26, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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everything and peace, which means, strictly speaking, will automatically come, and they emphasize that trump, well, in the sense of not expressing his consent, that is, he did not express any opinion on this matter, this is not his opinion, we advised him this, but you understand how the western mainstream press immediately presents it, much like now they all attacked nigel farage in the uk, yes, who, again, he did not intend this, his ratings did not fall, well, there again. personal no, his party may not get anything there, but what am i talking about? that he did not intend to make ukraine part of his election campaign, he does not need it, this is his bbc, which means they tried to bring it to light, the putin apologist came with a portrait of putin in the background, look, you are there against supporting ukraine, foradch , he is an experienced fighter in this regard, he immediately took it into account, he would have left his buses now. with a photo
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of the cover of the i newspaper in 2016 with boris johnson on the front page, who was also called an apologist for putin, you won’t believe the sixteenth year for what he accused the european union in the war in ukraine, well, that is, in fact, what forad now let’s just show how it looked, well, let’s look at something, guys, in front of you is boris johnson. you look, in front of you is boris johnson from 2016, this is what boris said, boris blames the european union for the war in ukraine. the former mayor is being called a putin aplaget after he challenged brussels' expansionism. well, maybe it's boris johnson who is morally abhorrent, not me. i don't know, but do
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you see the absolute level of hypocrisy, do you see the nonsense of it all, and let's be clear: this man will go down in history as the worst prime minister of modern times, as the man who betrayed the majority of 80 seats. after all, the british have an amazing ability to dress tastelessly. well, farage, for him, this is essentially his own thing, he plays on this, excuse me, he recently performed in a top show, where he was not dressed at all. well, absolutely, that is, he quotes the presence of clothes and its absence, so in this sense he is his own, but why again , suddenly, unexpectedly, without meaning to, faraj made ukraine part of this election campaign, and you know, indeed, judging by the ratings, judging by the responses to his comments, in general, for the british, many british voters, this topic went very well, and indeed they did.
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into his house, yes, yes, and they really put a lot of money on it when a group of sunak’s opponents climbed in. on the back it was written to eat shit, they just didn’t decide which sign to hang, square or round, so yes, it’s just amazing, that is, here she is the british monarchy. i'm completely out of my mind, i ask you, dear colleagues, both andrei anatolyevich and genrikh tegoranovich have already spoken here about the dangerous trends that are now occurring in the european union, indeed, henry was our king, henry, bye tigranich, bye henry, yes, yes, yes, sorry, no, no, that is, your majesty, yes, please, this. these are really
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very dangerous trends, so to speak, well , in modern times, europe united politically three times, the first time napoleon bonaparte managed to do this, having won a victory over austria in 189, 3 years later this united europe went to war against russia, on june 22, 1940, france capitulated to hitler, which happened exactly a year later, you all know very well. in general, a united europe will always be guided by the principle of drunk nach osten, it was so, it is so and it will always be so, there can be no doubt about this, this is indeed a very dangerous situation, well , what personally inspires me with some optimism is that that we are gradually changing, russia is changing, its ruling elite is changing, and i’m not afraid, the broad masses of the people are gradually how... it seems to me
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that in our country this teenage love for europe, which, well, that was about 30 years ago, is disappearing. it was allegedly uprooted by the damned communists, well, on this path they were ready to make any sacrifices, any concessions, considering that russia’s membership in nato was already a given, well, they believed that in order to
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join the european union they would have to strain themselves a little, so to speak, but in any case, this seemed to be task number one for russian foreign policy, since it was not. no there is no doubt that it is this united europe that will play a leading role in world affairs after the end of the first cold war and the collapse of the bipolar world, but who else? everyone believed that after the european union was formed, it would be the true winner, so to speak, in this first cold war. it was believed that america, so to speak, well , everything is clear about the soviet union, america has strained its strength in this senseless arms race, here are the europeans and the japanese.
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in general there is nothing new here, so to say, there is nothing new under the sun, it is enough to remember the classics of russian literature, yes, ah, france is no better region in the world, said two - sisters, two princesses, sisters, remembering the lesson that was taught since childhood, where to hide from books, here this was written 200 years ago, but since then little has... changed, so to speak, the general russian public, and so to speak, the growing intellectual elite , were taught that, well, russia is this backward, wild, barbaric country without europe no way, we have to get to this very europe, but
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in general there is no problem that it gets into it, the area is large, we definitely have missiles, that is, getting to europe is not a problem at all, yes, you just have to choose. lately , fortunately, something has begun to change, and here for me they have already mentioned this speech by the president to the active leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, which said that now russia will build a system of eurasian security, eurasian security. finally, so to speak, here is this guideline for the creation of some kind of common european structure, a pan-european home from lisbon to vladivostok inclusive, finally this idea has been sent
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to the dustbin of history, and now europe, in general, as it turns out, is such a small appendix, some kind of an appendage to the colossal eurasia. and conduct a dialogue with this very europe, russia will rely on its own resources, on, so to speak, cooperation with other countries of the colossal asian continent, which are ready, unlike the europeans, to build normal civilized. relations with the russian federation, and this, of course, opens up new opportunities for russia, and here i would like to agree that indeed, this political unity of europe is not at all in the interests of our
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country, we must focus primarily on individual european countries that are ready and capable of defending theirs. national sovereignty and independence, this, this is what our european policy should consist of, as it seems to me, we can name at least one such country as can you name at least one? such a country as, well, which is ready to defend its sovereignty, independence, to some limits - this is hungary and slovakia, now, for now, well, you know, but it depends on our position, because if we, yes, if we treat to this as a given, i want to remind you that a few years ago, in all seriousness after brexit, there were quite a lot of rebellious territories that were ready to secede, but here, as... here you need to understand very clearly that you cannot treat political situation, as a given and
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predetermined, because if we do not form it, then we doom ourselves to defeat, here we need to very clearly understand where the split line is, how to work with them, who we can rely on, how to expand, otherwise, what such a united europe is a mobilization resource 3 seconds superior to ours, and yes, why do i say 3 seconds, if not four, there are only us. 150 million, and in what territory, here we have about half a billion concentrated, based on this we must very clearly understand what we will be able to resist, resist in this theater of military operations, and based on this we must understand how we should defeat, what we should play on, where and what weaknesses our enemy has, if we treat, wow, this is europe, everything, they are one, then the end, and if we work, work aggressively, clearly and clearly, then a lot can be changed, i want to remind you that we have not
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been in such a dangerous situation for a long time as we are now, demographics are not on our side, this is unconditional, and this is a factor that is necessary take into account, and as for the theater of military operations, the president, in my opinion, has already said very clearly about the densely populated and nearby countries of europe, so there is a military, military aspect, again, that is, there is no need to try to join our club.
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oh, hello, hello, you can’t tell me, but the office of the doctor on duty, how can i find it, that’s where the people are sitting, you see, uh-huh, thank you, please, so, hello, uh-huh, hello, and you all here, all here, uh-huh, man, wait, there’s a queue, we’ve been sitting here for a long time
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, please tell me, is the doctor on duty to can't see, wait, i'm busy. i'm from the police, you called us, wait in the corridor, i 'll come out now, well, now he'll come out, let's go out into the air, there we can talk calmly, let's go, just like that, of course, i liked it.
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i mean, well, neurological symptoms, atypical, in general, well, i think, failure, plus a stroke, i called the orderlies to go to the intensive care unit, well , they just came, then it started, what started, an epileptic seizure, have you ever seen, no, well and well, in general, cramps, foam iso mouth, blood pressure is off the charts, heart arrhythmia, intermittent breathing, well, as if all the worst diseases attacked her at once. well, yes, what about you? i'm sorry, what? we did what we could, but what could we do if it’s not clear what’s going on? you do one thing, and the result comes out exactly the opposite. so, when did she die? 40 minutes after the convulsions began. well, do you think it’s poisoning? yes, and some kind of cunning one, i’ve never encountered anything like this,
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believe me, i’ve seen enough of everything. i believe, oh well. which means then, ours will come the expert, he will take the tests you did, don’t rush with the autopsy, yeah, because maybe someone will want to be present, good, thank you, hello, hello, you’re already home, right? it smells so delicious, you don’t have to feed the little one forever for dinner? yes, why did you bring this garbage? listen, well , they removed the bucket, many throw it on the floor, but they don’t allow me to educate, well , you’re well-mannered, it smells delicious, so a personal notification recognizing you as the main winner of the promotion, well, of course, the main prize is
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500,000 rubles. wow, here's another one they offer more. you have 72 hours to decide how to get 1.3000 rubles. yes, you’re a millionaire, let’s share it, well, i’ll give you everything, as soon as i get it, so what are we having for dinner today? wait, wait, i myself, sit down, saw a million and was confused, you know, one thing amazes me, how do they find out the address, do you remember that i ordered spinen from them, this one, which broke down the next day, here they are still... an invitation to sale, beautiful shoes, invitation to sale, global bookstore, invitation to sale, buy reduves, panacea for excess weight, a charge of vigor and youth,
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look, we offer unique nutritional supplements that will make you healthier and slimmer. the confirmed prize for the purchase of dietary supplements is 1 million rubles. wait, where are the herbal remedies? well, here, but this is a panacea, for all ills, believe me, you are dying healthy, with a good complexion in shape. well, that's enough, that's it, stop talking at the table, let's have dinner. interesting, really, thank you, viktorich, hello, machine, good morning, hello, come see me after the ram, okay, yeah, that is, you understand, this is a very interesting
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result, yes, i will work, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, as soon as they do, yes, yes, i tell you, yes, listen, definitely. i wanted to ask you, what diet are you on? what diet am i on? uh-huh, not for any reason, well, i don’t know, wait, but i don’t eat a bun at night, uh-huh, sugar, yes, why are you interested, well, you just never get fat, listen, please stop, you’re not getting fat, i’m in love, hello, i fell in love again, but i didn’t fall in love with anything, where did you get the idea, well, why, you begin to take a keen interest in diet issues, hello, only when you fall in love, yes, yes, good afternoon. okay, this time i just decided to prepare in advance. how serious? five kilograms. this is serious? yes, this is very serious, i
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am determined, i just don’t know where to start. where to begin? yes. well, i guess that 's it. well, this is for tea. well, although you're right, yes, nothing. i'll go drink tea, empty, without sugar. come on, i'll have a croissant. will hurt, mock, mock, oh, boss, very nice of you, all the work is on duty i'm renting, i'm going to go get some sleep, here's the summary, come on, come on, fedor, rest there because of me, yeah, come on, just tell me, what is this story, because of which you were hanging around in the hospital, but yeah, well, it’s nothing special, the doctor on duty called me and said: his aunt, about fifty years old, died in the department there, so he believes that she was poisoned, where in the department? no, before, but why does he think so? well
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, he was bringing me some kind of medical blizzard, i didn’t understand half of it, i understood half of it wrong, in short, i collected all the documents stopped our tree, let him figure it out, yeah, well, good, that is, the composition is not there yet, but no, well, okay, well, thank god, so you yourself think, like poisoning? oh, laziness, there, well, in general, i don’t know, but i, i, i don’t know what to think, no, well , there are some thoughts, thoughts, my head is full of thoughts, as always, of course, well, well, firstly, the doctor himself could have gone to bed, he could have sent her to the next world, although it was written in her family to live 100 years, why did he call us, well, why, in order to transfer suspicion to an unknown poisoner, no, well, maybe, of course so. well, in the end, she could have introduced herself, well, for some natural reasons, but the version is poisoning, as you know, it’s painfully some kind of strange poison, from the moment
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i called until the moment i introduced myself, 6 hours passed, like -it ’s painfully slow, you know, somehow all this smells like japanese ninjas, and i don’t like that, yet. well, what is this? this is an examination of a blood test that was taken from the victim while she was still alive. so
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where is the blood? and what is it? well, that's why i came. well, she doesn't look like an alien similar. well, let's go and have a look. let's go. well, the heart is unchanged, yeah, you can smell, of course, something familiar, yes, look at the deposits on the sides, listen, look, she has... it looks like all the adipose tissue is in this condition, i’ve never seen anything like this, what is it may be? i don’t know, let’s
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take it for analysis. we’ll carry out an examination, then i’ll tell you more precisely, some kind of chemistry, oh, definitely, okay, come on, let’s open the stomach, if it’s poisoning, then it’s obviously oral, but come in, sit down, thank you, yes, well, what did you decide with rapport? “well, you’re leaving, no, i, i have to plan my work somehow, viktor ivanovich, i need a little more time to think, but i told you everything in spirit, i ’m not going to go back on my words, it’s not about this, what, well, there’s a personal motive,
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okay, but i won’t give it to you yet..." well, okay, decide, that’s it, okay, wait, take the case from korablev, they carried out an investigation there into the fact of poisoning , it seems, it was confirmed, it seems, well, talk to lenya, talk to lenya, it’s better that the pons conducted the examination, yeah, okay, you'll report back in the morning, okay. currently unavailable. lyonya, hello, lyonya, oh, hello, hello, hello, manyunya, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. why are you telling korablev, usually only acts.
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listen, do you see? what you know, he will laugh, you won’t believe it, mothballs, mothballs, uh-huh, that’s what they poison me with, uh-huh, and how much of this naphthalene should be eaten, you know, in general the lethal dose is 2 g, but in real life you need much more, because when once ingested, the body itself begins to push it out, resist, up to your nose, vomit, wait, wait, did she swallow it with spoons, or what? no, everything is more difficult for him, thank you marya
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sergeevna, don’t torment him... several months, or maybe he was poisoned, are you sure, well, how can it be, a woman eats naphtholene for several months, doesn’t notice, but it smells, that’s it you see, when ingested, naphtharene is concentrated in the adipose tissue and, as it were, corrodes it from the inside, when the adipose tissue has all been eaten away, that is, it cannot absorb this infection, and general poisoning begins. organisms, well, yes, probably somewhere she worked there at some mothball factory, in general, what do they do with this mothball, do they make explosives from it, what do we know about this woman, nikishina, margarita, 50 years old, but to be honest, we don’t know anything about her, we hoped that there would be no line-up, we look at rtr, which means you are looking for the ideal, and what is the ideal, and like everyone else,
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kind, beautiful. smart and cheerful, that’s almost me, i’m beautiful, cheerful, i’m smart sometimes, so why did it matter? imitchitsy, look at you what you see, he doesn’t need you, the damn thing keeps counting until autumn, ivanik then he will count, from july 1 on rtr, i have already come home, a man, i am not a girl, i have good news, my salary will be five times more, and where did you get such a beauty in the alcoholic beverages department, there is a huge selection, a highlight our collection, 38 years of aging, show me, this is the famous jakunda, well,
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wangok, why are they like that... it was city day, everyone celebrated, we can do it a little more, i’m just starting to come to my senses. history of a big country on friday on rtr, happy birthday to you, thank you, so handsome amazing date, valentin smernitsky is 80. khilkevich conceived dartagnan and the musketeers, and saw vysotsky in one of the roles; the first idea for the musketeers, he decided with the artists of the taganka theater.
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the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr will never forget this, fruit, hello, hello, hello, your car, yes, yes, very good, allow me to introduce myself, my last name is korablev, criminal investigation department, yeah, very nice, i would like to ask i have a few questions for you, our shift ended 2 hours ago and we were overworked, here you are again, when we get home, well, depending on how you answer my questions,
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i’m just kidding, but i won’t keep you long, tell me, judging by the papers, yesterday you took a woman from zverinskaya street, well, with insufficiency, probably, well at the very beginning of the shift, remember, i hadn’t yet... how i couldn’t turn around in her yard, but it was the case, we were picking up, yeah, she was alone at home, yes, at home, alone, she opened the door herself, she called you and she herself the car arrived, of course, she didn’t call anyone, but it seems like no, she didn’t call anyone, but remember, she called her neighbor, but well, it was the case, yes, so, which neighbor, the door is opposite, yeah, so what? yes, no one discovered anything, it’s clear, tell me, she didn’t say anything about the reason for her illness, she said that lately her blood pressure has been fluctuating, but for her age this is normal, well, yes, you can already see what
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’s happening with the weather, here and it can happen to a healthy person, she said something about medications, i was interested in what she was taking, but nothing on an ongoing basis, that is, nothing unusual, but what do you mean, well, maybe what kind? exotic remedies, what for example, well, for example, naphthalene, what is naphthalene?
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marsh, don’t tell me that you’re planning a business trip to the northern city, but what’s wrong? i would go with you, i've never been there.
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there’s no smell of alcohol there, but who’s in your family? sister, lives with her husband, children and grandson in saransk, but we informed her that her roommate will arrive soon, let’s clarify, well, should we conduct a search? in the apartment, yes, now i’m going to the judge for a ruling, and the version of suicide, yes, some kind of strange suicide, it’s painfully slow, well, panov said that it’s been a few months i took navtalin in small doses, aren’t you keeping me informed about the progress of the investigation, it’s all painful, it’s unclear whether anyone is alive, there is no one, rita lived alone, so citizens are raised,
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let’s pass, don’t linger, don’t touch anything with your hands, pon fats, what look, you know, let's go, i ask you, prints are everywhere possible, koralyov, i know my job, let's go somewhere, to the kitchens, come on, citizens are understood, please sit down somewhere on the edge, carefully watch ours actions, okay, please, well, no, no, it doesn’t even smell like mothballs, it doesn’t smell, you know, if we don’t find it here, we’ll have to do some work today, let’s go and smell it somewhere else 300 3 0 62 60 05, yeah, so tell me, you’ve had the keys to nikeshina’s apartment for a long time, well, i have a lot of them for a long time. gave it about 15 years ago, yeah, why? well
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why? well, you never know, you might forget, lose, get stolen, why break the door? does she have your keys? well, of course, of course, i really ask you, if you find them, return them to me, please, i don’t know who will live here? yes of course you are were you friends? well, i'm the eldest, and you? and they were friends, yes, like neighbors, so what? i mean, have you noticed anything strange lately? hmm, it seems like no, she’s lost a lot of weight, she’s lost a lot of weight, i even told her, rita, you should go to the doctor or something, because you don’t have a face, yeah, but she laughs, that’s what she says, it’s okay, everything’s fine , i’m losing so much weight, i’ve lost weight, yes... “i think she met someone,
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that’s why she tried to look younger, lyudmila vasilyevna, and this is your guess, or do you know something, i saw it once, still, it’s clear, i met them once, they were going somewhere, yeah, either to the theater or to a concert, what kind of person, they were dressed up, they were so festive, and the person was very handsome, how he looked, 60, yeah, so gray-haired, handsome with a mustache, hmm, we saw him once, yes, yes, one, and then just recently, a few days ago, uh-huh, oh, well, she doesn’t have a lot of gray things, and her fur coat is from the rib fur, but it won’t be nice to look at something like this, okay, i’ll go and look again, well, i’ll take the dust at the same place. i'll find you in the kitchen, look again, only my neighbor needs
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to kick me out of there, i didn’t order anything from them at all, but the whole box was filled up, i already called them, but it’s all to no avail, they keep saying everything, we won’t send anything else, they send it anyway, but at first i i was even happy, vodums were lucky, i won a million, then i corresponded for six months, ordered some other nonsense from the catalogue, then i also called and also said that they shouldn’t throw anything else into my mailbox, oh wait, they’re throwing it anyway, oh, what’s more , everyone started calling.
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don’t throw it away, i’ll be there soon, come on! zlatik, hello, please look, is there a reduves among them? yes, now, like that, like that, redoves, uh-huh, this remedy
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has been the secret of eastern medicine for centuries, today we are making it available to everyone. yes. well, read, read. a unique set of natural ingredients will quickly remove it from the body. in all slags it will help you lose weight it will prolong your youth, mom, you are already young, you don’t need to lose weight, read it, come on, in just 3 weeks you will see the result of the drug, but if you are dissatisfied with it, we will refund you money, it’s somehow strange, i don’t like all this, mom, please tell me how to order this drug, there’s a phone number here, come on. hello, is this an online store? now, viktor ivanovich, i don’t know what to call all this, and what, in these capsules , is really the most ordinary, but then there must be other cases of poisoning, nikishina was not the only one who bought them, well, maybe she
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went there herself i poured it in, but i bought it for the capsules, well, for 3,500, but you’re so expensive, right? for example, i ordered it for myself, and it was delivered to me today, so quickly, so what? you tried them, you’re kidding me, well, where is what you received, it’s in the office, take it for examination, yes, of course, i ’m moving this case to priority, yeah, i’ll take it under my personal control, you’ll report every day, okay , too lazy, check everything about this company, try the address, who? owns, well , everything, everything, everything, it will be done, viktor ivanovich, and you quickly do the examination so that there is clarity, oh, okay, i’ll do it, well, here you need to sign, of course, people feel worse from this, for sure she was indigestion, nausea and diarrhea, well , i mean diarrhea in a simple way, wait, it’s all written in the instructions, it’s called
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a side effect that should go away, i forgive you, happily, i just heard that already, bye-bye, well then they generally they turn out to be cold-blooded killers, right? they pour in poison and say that its effect is normal, listen, this is no good, it surprises me that people don’t stop drinking it, that’s right, because at the first stage there is an effect, adipose tissue burns out and is degenerated, and people they look thin, terrible, hello, hello, excuse me for not knocking, it means i’m talking about the fact that you can’t eat fatty flour, you’re on chinese pills yourself, but this is a thing, well, of course, a thing is a dog, by the way, i wanted an example from you take it, i almost signed up for a fitness club. and it’s all simple, two capsules a day, i hope you didn’t take them, if you want, i can return the money, oops, what time did you take them, and why are you interested, and yesterday i opened up my aunt, who was poisoned by these pills, you don't feel dizzy, don't feel nauseous, everything's fine ok, laziness, stop these jokes of yours,
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what kind of jokes, nausea, there is, no, i don’t have fingers, i don’t have anything, tell me what should i do, what should i rinse out my stomach, well, the closter doesn’t... laziness, generally speaking , i still have half a shift from the noise after the night shift, when it’s fyodor, we managed to take the allotted weekend off, to be honest, never, well , why such a fuss, but in connection with that aunt who was in the hospital during your duty i pointed out that i suppose... poisoning, and with particular cynicism, tablets ordered from a catalogue, does anyone else order tablets from a catalogue, how, it’s clear, that is , natural selection is happening right before our eyes, but your aunt, one of the victims,
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seriously, yes, well then that means there must be and others, i really wouldn’t like it, the office that sells this poison is located somewhere on tomino, so, why? then two addresses, one legal, they most likely have an office there, and the other was established by the phone numbers to which they accept orders, they most likely have a call center there, so you check the first one first, legally, legally, lazy, i don’t know this area at all, i’ll drop you off at the transport station, and then ask someone, well, come on, come on, come on, come on. what do i need to find out, too lazy? well, for now , just find out where their office is, hang around there, see what’s where? just don’t flash the trigger, there’s no need to make a fuss ahead of time, why all this, well, kuvin also had a bright
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thought about natural selection, so before the aunts start falling like a cornucopia, he’s trying to speed up the investigation, then you want to say that we will set up shop, i don’t know, gentlemen is still busy with the examination, no, if the test purchase... also shows poison, then in my opinion, the masks of the show will take place tomorrow, yes, fil, that’s it, let’s walk from here , so, laziness, by the way, there are a lot of people here, but still closer than it was, come on, come on, i need to go, where is she, behind seven seals, it looks like it’s artyom. artyom took sonya. artyom? yes, and, apparently, it was he who killed anna. what? revenge, revenge is a very
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serious motive. so, dig deeper and wider, just carefully. the hunted one is the most dangerous. what? well, speak up. so what now? sonya is alive, she was not there. in general, this is the case here. he has nothing left to lose. is artyom in town? no i did not know. we haven't met. and i’ll close all the doors and turn on the alarm, yes, smart girl, under seven seals, the final episodes, tomorrow on rtr. the finalist of the beauty contest , together with guryatiya ssk buinova, mysteriously disappeared in ulanuda, and her acquaintance, stanislav norboev, went missing along with her. they have been kidnapped for more than two months, but so far they have been found only things, traces of blood scattered on the outskirts of the city and a girl’s car with twisted license plates. we conducted our own investigation into what connected the married queen. beauty and her friend, for which the husband of the beauty queen is accused and cctv footage that no one has seen. malakha, tomorrow on rtr. it's right that i
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'm divorcing you. this is me divorcing you. on saturday. tomorrow, with your millet, we gave them such a performance that they will forever forget that they wanted to get a divorce. i need to keep an eye on my daughter-in-law, romantic dinner, with a secret admirer, you need to do something, well , first you need to understand that divorce is with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think here, here that’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because... we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m beyond competition,
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here there are questions about how everything is running , wow, i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most exciting team, if any of it, zhenya adds his own, then what will they use. many have the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, i’m oops, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr, but i’m sitting, waiting for him, in his office, well, i’ll be there soon, here he is already, that’s it, that's it, that's it, mitya, hi, yeah, hi, well, you managed to get the federal drug control service to submit, it turns out they have a hard time maspectrograph a week ago, and so you said it was urgent, well, everyone is urgent, so what do we have here, well,
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there is no naphtholene in these capsules, yeah, so it turns out that the nikishna stuffed it into the shells herself, no, we at home, naphthalene is also not sharp, then i examined these capsules, they were closed once on a filling machine, a fake or something, a fake of something, well, this medicine that they sold was just lazy, well, at least you should have read it out of respect for me . well, in conclusion, i spent 2 hours on the equipment, the composition of the capsules medicine, look what happens, they sold this stuff for 3,500, uh-huh, say, well done, yes, well done, you give this to the security people as compensation for their suffering, compensation, you know, show it to any drug dealer, he will burst with envy,
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well, everything is clear, the active ingredients are magnesium, potassium, of course, you can look at the ingredient composition of this dietary supplement according to official documents, but judging by the fact that nothing unusual is written here, what about the secrets of eastern medicine, well, what secrets, what are you talking about, everything that is written here is long ago for us familiar, most of these oriental plants have our analogues, yes, so what, nothing innovative? but can you lose weight from this? what is this for weight loss? well, yes, amazing, well, yes, it removes toxins, promotes weight loss, everything is as usual, yes, you can lose weight, it’s still possible, if you give up flour, sweets, and fatty foods at night, go in for sports, then you can, well,
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you can without it , yes, i’ll film without him. you can, or better yet, buy a vitamin complex at the pharmacy and lose weight with it. and how much does this miracle cost? 3.5, wow, yeah. so, hello, hello, leonid, well, did
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i find this house? i found, of course, but this is how to put it, not quite a house, it’s a whole mansion, i’m standing in the very middle of it, in the living room, but there’s no one here except homeless people, and homeless people, to be honest, and some kind of predator, laziness, laziness , you should take me away from here, or send me some kind of car, otherwise they’ll eat me here, shoo said, well, it’s clear, everything is as usual, little beast, get out of here, otherwise i’ll gnaw you myself, great, you, great, why did you clear covina for the meeting, maybe you should move on to operational work, now,
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i don’t like all this fuss of yours, you know what... i like my craft because all my clients are extremely calm, flexible and unhurried people, and you know why, because they’re dead, we won’t be late, masha promised to call me when the ram runs out, koralev has arrived, come in, well, let’s go, i’m afraid we won’t fit in together. i won’t tell you what to do if you take the composition, i just give up, my dear, how glad i am to see you, alive, you know, tupanov, if you joked yesterday, firstly, i won’t forgive you for this, and secondly, i’ll poison you with something myself, but what is it? gastric lavage is not the most pleasant procedure, that’s it, go there,
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leave me alone, oh well. “hello, your address, yes, yes, ours, listen, they said that they can give you a job here on the phone, and who you called on the phone, they said, my friend, i worked here a long time ago, but they pay little here, people get jobs , then they leave, it’s a big tick, seriously, yes, seriously, i don’t really have a choice, i mean, i’m disabled, something it’s not visible to you, let me pass”? please, you’ll see now, thank you, well, well, the guy came up with a good idea, look, please, this is one of their bosses, can you talk to him,
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hello, who are you, listen, they told me? you can get a job here, well , on the phone here, who said, well, a friend, he used to work here for you, what’s his name, his name is uh , and they said that the herbs that are in this drug are sold in our pharmacies for 2 kopecks. , they said grass, they just said so, but what about viktor ivanovich, in the analysis that yesterday we made it fatty,
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there was no grass, and what was there, well, now i ’ll tell you, there was a lot of construction chalk, most of all, then they pour a little sugar in there, but the rest is a cheap laxative, that is , what’s here on... it is written, this, if i may say so, has nothing to do with the drug, no, no, well, my friends, dear, colleagues, if we take a laxative twice a day, yes, of course we will lose a little weight, lenya, yes, victor , what is it, kurochkin, who found this call center, now we’ll find out. thank you dear, uh-huh, hmm,
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hello, lenechka, listen, well, i almost got a job with them here, well, yes, now here, oh, yes, they accept orders, but i don’t know where their warehouse is, okay, that’s it. here, uh, lights out, well, well, since in the check, in the invoices, all these addresses, appearances, it’s all fake, so prepare the operation, we’ll shut down this telephone exchange right today, viktor ivanovich, we first need to establish surveillance, find out , who is in charge there, we can’t take risks, we’re lazy, they pour into these pills everything they can get their hands on, viktor ivanovich, it’s good if it’s there will be just cow patties, otherwise... you know, the answer came from customs, the reduves did not pass through them, that is, this poison is made somewhere here, well, moreover, leonid, yes, viktor ivanovich, everything is there, so what,
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so happy, why should i be sad, i had a wonderful lunch, and they have a cafe here, and i understand, they themselves come here. well, they’re discussing people who are being scammed without a twinge of conscience, well, nothing, nothing, soon we’ll have this shop, okay, amont, it’ll be soon, soon, soon, look, they’re insolent, they don’t even have bars on the windows, why do they have bars on them? windows, near there is such a constant movement of them here, and at night at any time, it’s a nightmare, in the morning our people wake up in vladivostok, even to go to bed, here he has arrived, so, old man, come on, put your people around the perimeter, well, as usual, fedor, you’re on the street under the window? make sure that you do it safely, well, you know how to read, here’s the decree, my last name is koralev, and i recommend that you provide us with all possible assistance, on
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horseback, as usual, let’s calm down, i think,


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