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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  June 26, 2024 11:20pm-12:06am MSK

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yes, viktor ivanovich, everything is there, so what, so happy, why should i be sad , i had a wonderful lunch, and they have a cafe here, but it’s understandable that they themselves come here, well, and discuss people who are being scammed without a twinge conscience, well, it’s okay, it’s okay, we ’ll close this shop soon, okay, amon will be here soon, soon, soon, look, they’re insolent.
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i recommend that you provide us with all possible assistance, calm down, as usual, let’s take it easy, i think no one will resist, good, you go into the yard, the rest follow me, come in, come in. here, right? yes, this is the door. let's. citizens, we ask everyone to remain calm. i represent the zanevskoye rvd, the police, korablev is my last name. i have a search warrant. here he is with me. i beg you. please stay.
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at the prosecutor's office, hello, it's been a while, however, korablev arrived, but it's been two hours already, he's angry as hell, and why, who knows, he brought detainees, it was in vain that you were released, something is not enough, you can put twice as many there, yes, yeah, yeah, but he’s at home, at home, it seems, yes, i went, well, how about you i got a job at this... call center, i saw an ad in the newspaper, i came right away, they accepted it right away, the ad in the newspaper, you don’t have an agreement with them, there is no employment contract, there is one, but it’s at home, if necessary, i can bring it, wait, so bring, well, hello, hello, but everything is bad, they took nothing at all, seven people, and then, probably, those,
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yes , but they had everything thought out there, yes, yes, they had a secret door there, through this door, there through the corridor to the basement, in the basement along this, along the collector pipe, you can even go to finland, then they waited, and waited, and prepared, well, who are the organizers, you found out, about the organizers we managed to find out that one was called alexander, and the other was mikhail, last name, well, i don’t have a last name, not yet, this fat man is looking there, looking for the imprint . to be honest, if they
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are not in the database, there will be problems in general, the chicken has nothing either, well, if there was something, he would probably have already manifested himself somehow, yes, but where is he? in the next office, well, marya sergeevna, don’t disturb him, we need to interview everyone before midnight, by god, i’ll come to him tomorrow morning i’ll tell you everything, okay, good luck, and the owner, can you imagine, a bitch, says that from next month i will pay a thousand more, but where can i get this thousand, they won’t pay me a thousand more at work, now they won’t at all ?
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wow, why did they work then? well, you know how difficult it is with work now, we discussed among ourselves that if the meths come, oh, if you come, then you have to run away, why, you were just accepting orders, yes, but you know, we knew , what if they pin it all on us, the bosses, of course, they’ll excuse themselves and answer us. in general, quite strange logic, fedya, you won’t put me in jail, will you? i don’t know, generally speaking, the fall of a law enforcement officer is - well, one can say that
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a beautiful girl fell from the sky, and you are unhappy? how long have you been working at this call center? a little bit more? those who did not know how to sell were forced to leave. how much did you personally manage to sell in a day? well, on a good day, up to 10 packs per shift, that’s 10 packs, well, that’s
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how much you all managed in a day, there are a lot of fools in the world, excuse me, but what, how business, right? i lost consciousness under the consequences of the horror there, while everything is coming, maybe i ’ll have time to drink tea, but in general it’s tough , actually, well, young man, they missed your eldest, you’ll have to sit, well, elizabeth, chocolate, creamy waffles , more were found. this is not your office, mine is right next to the wall, but now leonid is interrogating a witness, and why interrogate us, because we don’t know anything, but the fact is that we really need to somehow go to their warehouse, because the goods the checks that the courier brought turned out to be fake, wait a minute, we
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placed orders not only in st. petersburg, but all over the country, and so in the mornings a courier came to us, who took pills to the post office, he collected addresses from the bosses for mailing, yeah, well, i... there was nothing between us, he invited me to dinner once, and in general he is a married asshole. what are you going to do, vyacheslav alekseevich ruvin? yes, i am, and who are you? kohl, turn off
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your barrel organ, and i’m major korablev, zanevskaya rvd. i see, but what happened? do you ship goods? beauty and health company, yes, i, i send them every day, you are going tomorrow, no, i heard that today there were raids and the office seemed to be closed, i called at the beginning. you will show us the exact place to freedom with a clear conscience, it’s possible, i’ll warn my wife,
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at least warn you on the way, let’s go, let’s go, you have this boss’s phone number with you, there it is, that’s good, sit down, glory ahead, don’t be shy , nothing, that i'm here, nothing. zhirov, but you are ahead of me, yes, well done, i know, right here, right here they have a warehouse, so, it’s clear, well, look for the raised ones, well, we’ll this is... your mother, so, well, they
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have light here, where, here, probably, oh, let there be light, well, citizens are understood, come in one by one, with your hands, please, don’t touch anything , watch our actions carefully. well, yes, here, here they are, here , in fact, from here they were shipped to me, i only had to put stickers with the address on the packages at the post office, well, guess what, we take the first one we come across, put it here, let's open it, yeah. it, everyone saw it, it’s understandable, but then what,
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and there they have a storekeeper sitting, sitting there, saying that the documents, well, they’ve probably already taken all the documents, well, yes, it’s mostly waste paper, witnesses, we come, chalk 2 kg, mdt2, fixed. so what were the women doing here? yes, yes , yes, you see, so, so, so, so, here and here, and what’s this, what’s here, let’s see, ah, well
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, it looks like a ready-made mixture, you see, it looks like a ready-made mixture, yes, dim, what , naphthalene, well, yes, they have a fur warehouse next door, they cover everything with mothballs there in the summer, no, there seems to be some kind of persistent smell. some, no, how as if, here, here he is, navtalen, ugh, so, oops, wow, he’s similar, you see, but they’re not similar, you see, maybe they stuffed him in there by mistake, these capsules, a persistent smell, we sniff, no, thank you .
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they really didn’t expect that they had worked out the track waste so well, they actually closed the shop, collected all these coins, in less than an hour, the documents from this company were fake. the account is a penny, well, the necessary funds to pay for postage, rent, everything else is cash, tax taxes are looking, well, what is this, this is a separate topic, we’ll figure it out, we here we have compiled a description and an identikit of the supposed business owners, yes, the business is good, how much do you think they are?
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it is estimated that they could have earned about 100 million from this scam, according to the most conservative estimates, in 2 years, yeah, that’s even how it is, yes, well , with that kind of money, they are probably far from here, probably, maybe even abroad well, just in case, we distributed these sketches at train stations, at airports, distributed them to patrols, well, that’s right, but this... if their skis are greased, then this will not give any results. look, i can't understand why they took the base, now why do they need it? so these are goods, they are sold and bought, like in the market, or what, disks? no, now it’s a new topic, now there are a lot of companies that are suckers by mail, but they promise million-dollar prizes,
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they fool people, in short, and they themselves force different products from the catalogue, lugansky once ordered spinning from me. now the whole box is in waste paper, oh, i can’t even get into the hallway, and most importantly , you can’t use it yourself, you can’t hook it up, it’s polished, it doesn’t absorb moisture, in short, once you’ve ordered something, you’re in the database, these crooks sell you next, they send you their catalog and so on, well , okay, how much it can cost, well, it depends on how many arcs are in the database, i think it’s not cheap, yes, yes, well, let’s wait, well, wait and wait. well, what are you doing today? i’ll go to the interview you found through
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the advert yesterday. oh, a cosmetics consultant? yes, and then i’ll go to... well, yes, the block is just around the corner, so i think we
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’ve done a good job over these months , fedor. it can’t be good, give him everything, come on, well, there’s nothing you can do about it, there’s also this your aunt, what an aunt, mothball, well, it will hang for a long time, no one will eat it, fyodor, you’re still joking, but i’ll tell you, this is the case, we won’t write it off in the archives for another year, and unidentified persons in the army are calling the bosses have a feeling of burnout, yes, this is an ordinary hangover, it’s time to get used to it, the bosses, fedya, will never be able to get used to it, this is your boss angel and don’t doubt it, i’m telling you this firmly, but
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understand, this is not our jurisdiction, well, well well, why not... yours, you are a law enforcement agency. yes, but we we deal with serious crimes, murder, rape, you need to go to the police. lyudmila andreevna, what is the question here? hello, viktor ivanovich, hello, hello. well, they deceived an elderly man, a veteran. i tell him that he needs to go to the police, they are involved in fraud. what is your name? sergei mitrofanovich. sergei mitrofanovich, well, let’s go to my office, here. slowly, tell me what happened there, and we ’ll help you, we’ll think about how to help you, come here, thank you. "zonka, prepare let's have some tea, please, okay, come , sit down, thank you, here,
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please, thank you, yeah, well, tell me what you have, it all started with the fact that i ordered a medicine , they put an advertisement for it in my mailbox, what kind of medicine is this, reduves it's called, yeah, but it removes all sorts of toxins from the body." it normalizes cardiac activity, lowers cholesterol, in general, just everything i needed, and i took it, yes, yes, of course, it turned out to be a very good medicine, it helped , yes, yes, in no doubt, as it is written, so it is, without deception, yes, when it began to run out, i called this company, i wanted to order more, then they offered me a promotion, if i order two packages, well, yes, then they will bring me the third one for free, yes yes, and how did you pay them by postal order, here, it’s all written here, we have one, yes,
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why not by courier, man, i’m elderly, i’m afraid to let strangers into the house, get it here at the post office, well, it’s clear, well, order i did it, translated it, and the company closed down, before that, when i called, they quickly they answered, here for several days in a row i typed everything, i typed endlessly and nothing, when it was, about a month ago, well , that’s right, everything is correct, that’s it, well, what do you want to get the money back, yes, i want it, that is, no , that is, i want to, just calmly, take your time, explain, they called themselves, this was when, maybe five days ago. zoya, call me shlitsova, she’s in court until half past five, well then call the ship,
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let him either come here himself or send the chicken, when right now, okay, i don’t know, fyodor already, for the umpteenth time this is happening, it’s just, well, tell me what i should do with you, well, why can’t you, explain, leonid, i’m interviewing witnesses in the case. okay, fine, i ’ll go myself, but as soon as you’ve done the interview, be sure to come back, but if it’s too late , then call in advance, that’s another matter. hi, hi, what's wrong? i’ve already finished, but i haven’t yet, and i’m bored, let’s go, i’ll make dinner, just help me
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carry my bags home, listen, they’ll fire me from work for you, cool, we’ll go to an interview together, and then we’ll get a job at the same place place and we will work there together until retirement. viktor ivanovich, come in, sit down, listen, thank you, hello, thank you, hello, thank you very much for the tea, now we can tell you, yes, yes, yes, so they called me, they called and said that they had technical problems, but they they remember about my order and are ready to send it, everything is as it is, uh, packages for the price of two, well, yes, why didn’t they send it, the order was placed for one company, and now i have to pay for another, that is, send money to another account, to the vtolin department, and
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they will send me the money back from that account as soon as i pay for the order, yeah, and you paid, of course, how could i not trust them, if last time they paid me everything honestly, and now it’s not the same money and not that, a? so come to me, let's go, let's go, only this is my head, nothing, nothing, everything is fine, i have a splitting sensation today, i don’t
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know, something doesn’t feel right today. somehow today the weather is like this, the pressure. masha, do i need to talk to you seriously, right now? why put it off? have you submitted your resignation? this is our report called. report, what's the difference? submitted. so you're still leaving? i filed a report. okay, let's try it from the other side. it's for you. signed, signed, that is, you are quitting after all, they gave me time to think, mom, you promised, okay, that’s enough, leave me alone, listen, well, i’ll tell you, i haven’t asked for a job in so long, and i also got you not that much, seriously, yeah, you know that
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i have a difficult relationship with work. listen, maybe this, maybe we’ll come in, we had lunch and dinner at home, but we’ll drink coffee so we don’t sleep at night, let’s go, so, only sounds of death.
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carbon copy, no, i noticed it even then , super, super offer for quick money, and also with an exclamation mark, of course, this information needs to be checked, more calls have already started for you, by the way, they checked the number, yes, viktor ivanovich, number , from which they called sergei mitrofanovich, cell phone, here are the printouts. it is registered to a citizen of uzbekistan and bardag, well, in general, i can of course pronounce it, but this will not change the matter, because the number is most likely rubbish. yes, i think, they tested the scheme on one or two clients and, judging by the announcement, opened a new call center to put the scam on stream. is ovchinka worth the trouble? well, why not, renting a call center is quite inexpensive, but
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dima did this for my business. forgive me, marya sergeevna, apparently, there are records in the database about who ordered what, and they just extorted 700 from this unfortunate old man twice, and i think there are several hundred such old men in the database, most likely they need this girl ask her to i went there, looked at what was what, uh-huh, no, listen, listen, i wouldn’t want a girl to go there. and why? well, we don’t know these people who organized this office, so she worked there, who knows how they will behave when they see a familiar face? of course, yes, that means support one of the operational employees, we’ll try to infiltrate undercover, let me go, they don’t kill everyone there in a row, i’ll sense the danger, i
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wouldn’t want you to go there, you only one smell of perfume, it costs twice as much as they earn there, well, i’ll wash off the smell, just one thing? simpler, although, well, if so, fyodor, what did i want, to sing, wait, oh, you are serious, how did you rush to defend her, hello, hello, and they almost hired me, wow, congratulations , where, and i...
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for whom you must vouch, and she is a special agent? no, no, she's just as much of a slob, let's go, let's go, really, let's go, let's go, let's talk inside, please, after you, thank you, can you imagine, our mother is a telephone operator, how are you going to talk about this at school, i hope it won’t last long, she will be kicked out of there quickly, mom, you don’t have a commercial vein, you don’t know how to sell, what kind of expressions are there to sell, listen, by the way, you could not to mock, but to help mom, yes, well, well, i don’t know, this will do, no, mom, unemployed telephone operators
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don’t dress the way they dress, that’s simple and tasteful, wow, simple, how much we they paid for it in milan, but here it’s even more expensive, so it’s terrible, i have nothing to wear, it’s not funny, okay, let’s go the other way, that i have the simplest, the simplest prosecutor’s uniform you have, you’re kidding me, why should you wear jeans, they’re simply brilliant, well done, not these ones you drive around in , they ’re quite old, that’s good, that’s it, i thought maybe i’ll take you straight to the call center, in this car, well, yes, you haven’t forgotten that i’m getting a job as a telephone operator, no, we’re going round the corner, and then we’ll go there let's go to
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a modest car in korablevo, yeah, it's a pity, it's just so, you could ask for a bigger salary, well, stop mocking me already, turn everything around, please, please, “ i didn’t think that it’s customary for you to be late, and it’s not customary for us, but, but sometimes we are late, by the way , your friend, good luck, bye, hello, well, is it time ? well, can we go on korablev? no, well, the ships will go , and what will we go on? will a bus take us?
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well, let's go. well, we need to come up with some kind of conditional signal, why not? will you feel danger or meet one of your former employers? save, kill, won't do? no, you put the handkerchief to your eye as if you got something, and if you really get it, try not to get it, and you try not to show the contents of your bag and... take it off, why? because this bus is too simple for them. and i thought that everyone in the police earns as much as kurochkin, not that it’s bad, of course, but still, or you’re
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a super-duper agent with triple your salary, you saw through me, no, i just have a husband the oligarch, however, is a real oligarch, the very best. “i’m sorry, of course, ladies, but on this bus your conversation about the oligarchs looks simply fantastic, we’ll soon arrive from...” sorry, we got on the bus without a flashing light, great, great, guy, great, what a task, lazy, remember , they covered the shop with the telephone operators, where the leaders in the basement left, just about, i remember, but of course, we were still cheated like suckers then, there is an opportunity to win back. they are there, that’s why you asked
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to take care of the building plan, well, yes, they took it, of course, well, let’s see, we’re working here, we’ll block the exits here, here, uh-huh, here, no fly can get through, we’ll pack everyone up, well, yes, mikhalych, what is this, a switchboard, probably, where does this pipe lead, what’s the diameter? is to call all loyal clients using
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the existing database, i repeat, the scheme is very very simple, the client transfers money to us to our new account, we send the client the drug , we return the money, but from our old account the activity on which is no longer carried out, sorry, but if the client says says that first return the money, and then i will order more, no, this option... does not suit us, explain this way: either you do as we tell you, get the drug and get your money back, or you get nothing, no money, no drug, yeah, okay, and if the client threatens to sue, just a minute, michael, and if they threaten to sue, i will now answer all questions. hello,
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my name is mikhail, glad to meet you, i am one of the senior partners of this company, and i am ready to answer all your questions. who asked a question about going to court? me, what's your name? maria, maria, although now i appeal to everyone, i want to assure you that we are not doing anything illegal here. rather, on the contrary, we are trying to maintain the prestige of a company friendly to us with our own money. and also maria. “if they want to go to court, for god’s sake, they have nothing to sue us for, we paid a lot of money to lawyers in order to be able to compensate from their account the losses that our clients suffered due to the fault of this company, where they ordered before, more doesn’t exist, but everything suited me, and secondly, let’s talk, selfless help, here our main basic principle, we have developed a new relationship with the client, based on the experience of the past, is"? the main principle of our
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company is absolute selflessness and transparency, emphasize that this is a unique promotion. we start, work according to plan, tea, no , thank you. listen, after that incident, did you manage to escape? no, i jumped out the window and fell into the hands of the opera. and what happened next? well, they interrogated me all night, kept me in the monkey barn, and released me in the morning, that’s all. what did they ask you about, of course? well, we don’t know anything about you, except that you are an oligarch. well, yes, i still have a very long way to go. tell me, are you
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ready to work with us after all this? almost everything suited me then, but what didn’t suit me? salary, after you said the incident, i was not paid anything for 2 weeks, well, this is a misunderstanding, here you go. plus a bonus, thank you, listen, i never asked, what’s your name? lisa. lisa, do you want an offer? i have a promotion for you. yes, we need a senior manager instead a worthless person who performed before michael. i need to think. the salary is three times higher. i agree. everyone stay
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put, ammon is working. everyone gather in the center of the room. hold it. i won’t go there in armor, our people will meet him there, there’s another one, where are they, where is there, you stay here, what happened there, it seems it’s time to run, wow ,
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wait, come here, na, but thank god , everything worked out, forgive me, please forgive me, you saved my life, i said a lot of nasty things to you on the bus, that you do, you have no right, i am an american citizen, call the consul immediately, what kind of scarecrow is this, take it to our office too, we will sort it out there, i will complain, i have the right to call. hello, hello, you are greeted by the company healthy life, hello, can you spare a minute, and on what issue? we want to offer you a unique complex that will allow you to maintain beauty and health for a long time and literally rejuvenate and lose weight in a matter of weeks. delivery will not cost you anything.
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for a long time the recipe for this product was considered lost. for centuries it was used by the may indians to prolong the life of their fatmen. we've arrived. hey, what are you doing there, well, stop, stop, i say, police, so he ran,
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well, did he catch up? well, i got caught, chief, i’m on parole, maybe we’ll work it out somehow, yes, well, so far the repeat offender has knocked down your division, chief, well, that’s it. here he is, here’s a comrade, that’s it, my friend, good luck to you.
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nothing makes a woman look better than a good plastic surgeon. good morning, good morning, tatyana sergeevna. well look, and her you can exhibit contemporary art right now at the opening. evgeny nikalovich, beauty requires sacrifice. beauty, sacrifice, yulia, i see, yeah, that’s beauty. something unnoticeable, but nothing to the man? so you come home and see there, well, this, and if your husband does something like that, scold himself, god, forgive me, tatyana sergeevna, but how do you feel about pastic surgery, i
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don’t feel about it at all yet, yul , we have a hearing in half an hour, we need to get ready, but there won’t be a trial, the defendant has an acute an attack of appendicitis, the conclusion is on your table from the isolation ward, yulia, i won’t disturb you, study, and i’ll probably go. what were you laughing at there? well, look, he’s kind of strange, strange, in general he’s kind of strange, this cossack, i know, i’ve already... sharpened my tongue, i urge you to be polite, irina yuryevna, okay, we’d be a great specialist, right? no, reading your
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decision, one might think that we live, i don’t know, well, in the stone age, well, for example , the court found that during the specified period the defendant, suffering from diarrhea, i repeatedly allowed the spoiled stuff to be flushed... in the toilet, which caused the apartment to flood from the ca, what are you talking about, well, prodiorrhea, why did i have to write, and i investigated the cause-and- effect relationship, but what the hell is the connection, there is a connection between the pipe that is leaking and the flooding of the apartment, and this is so, the accompanying circumstances, yes, come in, come on, tatyana sergeevna, wait, ah... about the eviction of the goat from the apartment, you can evict, my dear, a legally capable person,
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our goat does not have legal capacity, he is an animal , i think if you had hooves on they would pound your head, they would bleat from morning to evening, you would be killed too, stop, i demand to stop the mockery of justice, you are not in kindergarten, i am already presenting your decision to me in the city court. tatyana sergeevna, if you please, it’s in vain to smile, you’ve been homeless for a week, and i’m already having trouble lathering my neck because of you, however, now we’re not
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talking about you, i’m not even talking about spelling, if only you could learn the rules of the russian language, but what are you allowing yourself to do ? , and these are the first ones that need to be written, in the name of the law, the state, i don’t know, well, what else to call it, well, what is it? by the way, you graduated from school with a gold medal. and you, what did i say, and gennady yegorich, well, she’s a woman, but what the hell kind of woman is she, well, in the sense that there are no men and women in court, there are judges in court, and you’re not in such a hurry to defend irina yuryevna , she... can stand up for herself, so tell me, why did she spread rumors among journalists about your connection with telintyev? irina yuryevna?
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yes, you know, even if this is true, it seems to me that it is not relevant to this conversation. i have a hearing canceled today, i i'll go. yes, of course, you are all here with character, i am the only one who takes the rap for everyone, stand up, the trial is underway, i ask everyone to sit down.
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mira, iir, are you not mine ? and what does it matter, maybe i, maybe i also want to sit at home like all normal people, cook this borscht with my husband, meet my husband, and i’m like a cow in this mantle, so, so, so, everything, everything, everything, calm down, calm down, pull yourself together, you know what, you know what, we are with you, we are with you, we are with let's go to a nightclub with you, yes, come on,
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let's go tomorrow, let's go, i regret it, yes, no, no, i myself have been for a long time. was going to me, i just didn’t have anyone with, and now you and i will go, put on some tight jeans, some kind of t-shirt with stupid inscriptions, and we’ll dance, are you laughing or what, no, what are we are you people or what, let's drink champagne, oh, i like dry wine, so you'll drink dry wine, you'll dance, well, i don't know how to dance, that's okay, you'll drink wine, you'll dance, we'll get to know each other, of course, why not, you and i are who , you and i are liberated women of the east, do we have the right? tanya, listen, you weren’t the one who told that lawyer that you were with a tempest classmate, honestly, honestly, how important are you now, right, so, well, i had a free evening today, i want to take a little walk, that’s it, it’s agreed, yeah, agreed, okay, i didn’t say it.
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theft causing significant damage, that is, the crimes provided for in paragraph two of article 158 of the criminal code. please take into account that klenov committed this crime while serving his sentence, which is interpreted as a relapse, according to the ukrf, is the gravest of circumstances. thank you. defendant, stand up. accusation, do you understand? it's clear. did you receive the indictments on time? yes. now tell me, dear man, why is this happening to you? in 7 years, three convictions for theft, one of them has not been expunged. what are you, a cliptomaniac? no, that means he's a fool. i opened the window of an expensive car and a bag hung from the bag; in the bag were slippers and swimming trunks. that there is not
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enough money for a slipper? i didn't think there was a slipper there. what did you think, that it was filled with gold coins? what you thought at all? have you thought about your mother, that you will sit down after this? there she is sitting in the hall, sobbing, plastering these walls, they say, when the courthouse was built? stop crying, you could get used to it by now, okay, do you admit your guilt? i don’t admit it, well, if you don’t admit it. the deadline will be twice as long, as then i admit, it’s too late, so what should i do? ask for forgiveness, why, apologize to your mother right now, you never did this, well, i’m sorry.
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forgive me, mom, well, the defendants admit completely guilty, before it was impossible to find out by following a simplified procedure. your honor, i was just appointed today, they said, just sit there, the client is free. and what? i didn't even read the case. have you read it? no, not an indictment, the whole thing. well done. both. the court hearing is adjourned for 40 minutes. i ask everyone to stand up. lida, hand over the case to the defense for review. your honor, i won't make it in time. and sit down next to me.
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think. if you have time, half an hour will be enough, what is the weather like today, and tatyana sergeevna, i'd like to go to the park now. did vitalik svoravskaya decide to enroll? yes, i know, what about you? haven't thought about it yet. come on, let's do it with me. well, have you seen what shape they have? well, and then, and then military school. i'll go to the landing force, to ryazanskoe. you've seen? he's healthy. and the other students are ready, take your backpack. well, why did you steal your wallet? and i already told you that your
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employees have the audacity not to prepare for the process. what? and everyone is very busy. here people are judged, not logs are sawed. goodbye. lida, we connected. so we agreed, that’s it, come on, good, bye, how are they reading, please let me know,
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they’re literate, that’s good, now you scolded them like that, and you yourself called the defendant a fool, i can’t be, it was, it was, the week was also girls, well, who is he if not a fool, well judge for yourself, tatyana sergeevna, he took this bag of slippers, the police took him, brought him to the station, drew up a report, signed a written agreement not to leave, let him go, so right at the exit he climbed into some nine and there was this panel from the tape recorder also took him, who detained him, two grandmothers and grandfather are a crutch for him between his legs, he’s stretched out like maples, he can’t get up. can you imagine the face of the duty officer who sees how a person who has just been released from the department is being led back under white little hands, well, i don’t see anything funny here, i’ve been in prison for 4 months, i’ll be in prison for more,
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i’m a fool, yes, with a fool and a bribe smooth, but no, he might be cleared, but not us, so let him sit for a year, you want to give him a real year for his slippers, but his criminal record has not been expunged, what can i do, by the way... his father locksmith, this mother i plastered the very court 27 years ago, this is life, it’s an interesting thing, tatyana sergeevna, let’s go to a restaurant, oh, how unexpectedly, well, i don’t know, i can’t do that, suddenly, well, again, somehow you can’t, last time we didn’t go to the park, now again, you’re unpersistently suggesting, evgeniy nikolaevich. “a woman needs to be allowed to refuse three times, if it’s the third time, then bribes are fine, if you don’t want to go to the restaurant, then if you please, i don’t dare detain you, well, thank you for the tea,
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please, why did you come to the trial, i wanted to gain experience from my senior colleagues, and you know, there was something to see, frida, go open it yourself, and i’m telling you that they are not robbers, they detained that one, he’s a robber, i saw it myself, not a robber, but a thief , so, well, i’m quiet here, otherwise everyone will go there now, that’s how it is, and the testimony, all you have left is the last signature. “here, it’s not a shame to take away an elderly woman’s pension,
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you have no shame, no conscience, how can this be, what are you saying, we detained him, they returned your wallet, now let the police and are sorting it out. which of you is a scoundrel, you are an ungrateful, evil old woman, it’s me, an evil old woman, and grandma, did you get your wallet back? that's it, go home, for god's sake, woman! i’ll show you, what are we going to do with these, let me take them now, young ones, you can come in, it’s nice, thank you, but where is mine, great, listen, i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have come, we’ve already punished him, i don’t understand, well, he’s a showcase paid, the store has no complaints, so...
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a parasite, but he could have called, at least so as not to wander around, and you have an extended day group, that these are terrible people, robbers, yes, emelyanov and takmachinsky, and i, a whole criminal group, emilel, where to look with their statement, for god’s sake, i keep thinking, tatyana sergeevna. women get breasts done, but they are size four or five, but why? well, i don’t know, maybe my husband likes it, or maybe he has some kind of illness? no, well , everything is clear with diseases, well, basically they do it for beauty, and the main thing is that he and she know that breasts are not real, what’s the point?
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breasts, breasts, real breasts. julia, what are we talking about, huh? well that's how it is for me i’m just wondering, what can’t women do for these men? and what are they? are they the last goats? oh, what are you eating? so what? are they as cruel as our cossacks, or are they pathetic, like lepchuk? and terendev, i’m generally silent, womanizer! pick it up! feminists go, yes, and that you can go somewhere, they accept it somewhere, well, women, they are thinner , smarter, well, girls, girls, girls, god, julia, what’s wrong with your face, you’ll be so serious, you’ll be covered with wrinkles, what’s up you're looking at a magazine, oh, you're not a magazine, look, you're around, look, otherwise life will go by, and you and not to notice, you will have tea, tanya, i would like something stronger. i’m having
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a fantastic day today, i made a decision on one thing, a ruling on another, and these girls are not the limit, we’re leaving tomorrow, so don’t listen, that’s it, i ran, there’s so much to do, so much to do, i need to get my hair done, now go to the salon to get it done , bye, what was that? tomorrow the sergeant-major and i are going to the night... he will be picking up men, yulia, first of all, choose an expression, and secondly, why is it necessary to pick up men? well, you just don’t know ah mestro, it’s so effective for us just for the sake of the men work, okay, register them, pick them up, well , you look like timurites here, at least they know who these muros people are, i don’t think so, so we know, these are pioneers, oh, i understand, it remains
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to find out who the pioneers are, okay, pioneers , tell me, if you are such voluntary assistants to old women, then why did citizen duplova, duplova show that it was you who stole the wallet, but she didn’t notice anything, it was artyom who saw that this guy was pulling out her wallet and ran after him, and i to him, he just threw his backpack at marinka and ran, and that he didn’t push him down, and then vitalik ran up, stood like a pillar, but i didn’t do anything, they’re rolling on the ground, you won’t understand where who is? then the three of us grappled, and i said to this old woman, well, whoever carries wallets in his side pocket, she’ll grab the pocket, let’s shout, well, what next, then the police came running and arrested everyone, detained, you see, a legal subcon, his mother is a judge and his grandfather i worked in the prosecutor’s office, no one minds telling you, the fact that your mother is a judge is immediately obvious, tatya sergeevna, that’s right, but where is sergei semyonovich, well, yes, where are you from? you know, professional secret. let me go,
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uh-huh, well, i’ll have to let you go, since mom is a judge, well, it’s a pity, good guys, we’ll register a robber, but it’s not a robber, but a thief, i don’t understand, well, if citizen duplova noticed that he was stealing her wallet, then it would be a robbery, since she didn’t notice, it’s theft, oh, look, you understood, and the main thing is that he’s right, let’s go, the victim didn’t notice, which means it’s a secret theft, called theft. yes, yes, you tell them on the street about our indicators, of course, i don’t care about a robber enough, come on, go ahead. you can, but come in, evgen nikolaevich, are you tired? yes, i’m theoretically savvy. what about you? well,
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i gave him a year, in 2 months he can apply for parole, his mother is in tears, as if he has not been in prison for 4 months. well, she probably expected you to free him right in the courtroom? i would release him, only the criminal record has not been expunged, and even if i release him, he will immediately steal something, okay, he will steal something else, it’s some kind of rebus, choose, but... “i choose this and it was, well, it was a walk in park, yeah, it was a river trip, and
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this is a restaurant, let's combine it, we'll get a restaurant by the river, well?" "well, all your friends were taken away, only you are left? yes, my address, yes, i remember, i remember, the address where your mother and i studied together, my name is pavel anatolyevich, but today only for you it’s possible without anatolyevich, and i remember you in my mother’s student photographs, well, you see, you have changed so much, have you? look older than mom, well mom, you’re doing great, but i’m somehow like that, oh well, it’s fine, you’re my father we knew, of course, we were in our first year,
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he was in his third year, a senior friend, but what kind of group this was, a romantic collection, it didn’t matter. what did that policeman tell you about the indicators? well, how do they give them the task so that in a month, for example, 10 robberies, five robberies, three robberies are solved, well, something like that, if, for example, there are not so many, if, for example, there are six robberies, only eight crashes, how then, if there are six robberies, then that’s good, they’ll only praise you for it, crash 10. no, in my opinion, this is some kind of stupidity, i agree, not earthly, so wait, it turns out that they will be judged not for theft, but for robbery, well , he will carry it out as a robbery, and then reclassify it as theft, everyone will be happy, everyone will be glad, and if he doesn’t
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reclassify, that’s what lawyers are needed for, so look, like here , yes, ah, no, next, uh-huh. by the way, maybe you ’ll come to visit us, my grandfather is there now, he loves it when someone comes to us, grandfather, and grandfather has been living with you for a long time, but no, we don’t live with grandfather, he somehow became more frequent lately to visit us, but we just lived in another city before, it’s clear that my mother never got married came out, oops, it’s my fault, let’s reclassify, even if mothers always lived with just the two of them. well, yes, with whom else, it’s clear, well, it’s like here, yes, the cactus establishment, my eldest daughter invited me here, to study to become a fashion designer, there are shows, exhibitions, well, in general, it’s quite good,
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when no one is there, i’ll have a cup of coffee i drink and listen to music, and she’s a designer, well, yes, she’s studying, i’m telling you, well, all that’s on me is ... she, not me, well, we have to give it to her taste, thank you, i’ll pass it on, but how old is she, and 17, third year, as they call it now technical school, college, college, yes, already wandering around to all sorts of shows, even abroad, independent, all like my mother, well, my ex, please, igor, good afternoon, please come here, yes. you said the elders, there are still children, yes, a girl and another girl. little 12 years old, it must be 12 years old, yes, i have a son a little older, with his wife, divorced and not
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planning to get married, a serious relationship is not for me, you know, too careful, thank you, thank you, well, it seems to me that you are acting a little underestimate, you are not very old, you look great, i think i still have a couple of years left to eat you, then i’ll allow myself to admit that i’m courting you, i’m used to living alone, i have a bad character, so my courtship is still a test, i hope your bad character doesn’t prevent you from asking me to dance, without any obligations on your part, well, if without obligations.
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you dance well, but in life you are not flexible at all, you know, we sometimes confuse the concept and, in a fit of kindness, are ready to call you flexible to your face. tell me, do you think lepchuk is flexible? reinsured, reinsured, of course, he’s playing it safe because he’s a diver, and you can’t play it safe, you can’t survive, in fact he’s not flexible at all, i already know that, and why you’re angry is because all former military men are like that, and you’re more military, in ninety years served in the military prosecutor's office, then i had to resign from... there we shot in a direct situation, let's say, not combat, but no heroism,
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only inconvenience, you were wounded, where, here, tatyana sergeevna, don't worry, we 'll have dinner, i'll take you home. so where have you been for so long? well, why did he disappear? a, first, of course, the army, then the ministry of antimonopoly policy, then your ministry was reorganized, he went to work as a lawyer to earn money, and then tea and chess came here. it's clear. family, what’s wrong? yes, it didn’t work out like sergei semyonovich, well
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, lately i’ve started to think more and more often, uh-huh, so you think that somehow, and swear, oh, mom has come, excuse me. hello, good evening, hello,
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go through, well, a game of chess, go through, with pleasure, yeah, and what kind of fate, and somehow, the wind itself, as they say, by the way, pasha spent the whole day today pulling artyom out of the police, what police, davan, sergei semyonovich, okay, okay, you’re not modest. that, well, she’ll find out anyway, yes, the darkness detained a thief today, and for this the police detained him, so, yeah, so, and pasha was there, well, he settled everything, just like he detained the thief, like that, tyoma, yes, i’m here, mom, tyoma, what happened, mom, it wasn’t like that, he just ran, and we drove svitalik away and that’s it, tyoma, and if he was armed, you thought about it, mom, but ? me just standing there watching him steal grandma’s wallet, you should have called the police, well
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, yes, one more, one less, what’s the difference, in this situation it’s less, a man’s action, i agree. no, of course, it’s easy to judge when it comes to other people’s children, but it’s not about who we’re talking about, we ’re talking about an action, or do you prefer to give an example of good actions, but with a caveat, they say , son, don’t do that, uh-huh, come here, let's go check how you made your hands, mom, you promised, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, tyoma, let's go, let's go, pash, why are you silent? “yes, i don’t want to argue with you, i can’t agree for personal reasons, in what sense? our master has some antagonism in matters of morality and law, well, something like that, i shouldn’t have thought, the next move is checkmate, yes , you’re really playing well, but no, you’re just lucky, well
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, that’s okay, next time i’ll demand revenge from you.” revenge, yes, next time, i think it won’t be soon, okay, sergey xie, i ’ll go, perhaps it’s later, yes, happily, i’ll go too, also with your permission, me at an angry woman, no, you’re late, excuse me, i’ll see you off now, but no, you don’t need to see you off, i see you just won’t let up at all, so why don’t you offer to fight again, and what do you like just like that, just like that, you , and i was the first to ask, well, what are you like as a child, yes,
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i liked her, i saw her, she... i liked her, and i saw her 2 weeks ago, and you? what about us, you’ve known her for almost 20 years, and what haven’t you seen yet? how can i say this to you so as not to offend, but it’s not your business, but my business, now, not dare you detain, good night, don’t you dare! stubborn old asshole, i would have given in to you, but
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the exit there, oh, how interesting! what's there? curious phenomena: a traffic jam has formed in our yard. okay, let's rain, it's a long night. lord, what a childish thing. why? the battle of males has long been known to nature. dad. and what, what do i see, i’m singing about that, and you were charming today, what a caring hostess, what an interesting conversationalist, well, just, well, just lovely, lovely, excuse me, please, but i have nothing to do with it, that’s where the passion is boiling, and you, brother, as you wish, but i want to sleep.
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terentyev, pride is a mortal sin. artyom! artyom, i need your help. yes, which t-shirt should i wear? this one or that one? where are you going in a t-shirt? to the party? retro style? disc style? sorry. so what? who are you going with?
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i'm going with my friend. and i was thinking with the evil one who came yesterday. evgeny nikolaevich? why him? i don’t know, he’s somehow too smart, yes, but pavel anatolyevich, he’s not that smart, but why? no, pasha is great, he told me what you were like at university. i wonder what i was like? you didn’t go to parties then, well, now i’m making up, so i’ll wear a white one, yes, okay, i’ll wear a yellow one, women, well, what can i say, well done, okay.
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that the recently found mother has the same relation to the court decision as tereniev, based on the logic of the regional court. but you, evgeniy nikolaevich, with your frivolous
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behavior are setting a bad example for our young colleagues, will you listen to him? well , of course, i bear some responsibility for the overturned sentence, i understand you, let me do it i'll take it. come on, listen, and we are with you. then we’ll talk about this topic, but now it’s not about that, uh, i want to say a few words about irina yuryevna, god, what’s wrong again, what did i do again, no, nothing, nothing, i want to praise you for yesterday, two decisions and a settlement agreement, listen, what happened to you, and a military secret, well, well, that’s all, i still have some questions, but can i look at the decision of the regional court? of course, the matter is in the office,
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but however, i have a copy, prudently, yes, what exactly, do several copies, but what about, evgeniy nikolaevich, you too, please read it, but so as not to step on the same rake. and this is for a subscriber, you can go out for a second, how do you like it,
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what’s crazy, what are you, but you changed your mind, right? bad mood, for cancellations, yes, i understand, another time, ira, there, taram, taram, there, taram, taram, there, we look at rtr, so where?
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it’s just television, it’s a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you have a corporate party, or what? what are you, are you bad you know bender, you don’t need a motive for a cunning murder, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, the dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shestakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks,
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good luck...
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the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. the liberation of the people of europe was brought about by our soviet people. breaking news, political investigations and impartial analysis. live program 60 minutes. on air news comes out. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for? when the whole world calls black white, we choose
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the truth. everything you can’t imagine russia without, only on the rtr planet channel. good evening, we are broadcasting from st. petersburg. in the news studio, igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. boats on turns in st. petersburg are looking for companies who enjoy high-speed driving along the griboyedov canal. they came to check that gardening was an illegal business, and one of the summer residents was suffering from everything, everything around her. utility tariffs in st. petersburg will not increase, this was decided at the meeting. secret underwater
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archaeologists found a car that sank during the war on the road. the transport investigation department is conducting an investigation into the fact that the boat was too fast. fans of wind splashes in the face drew attention to the company in the press after footage of the extreme trip appeared on the internet. in them , a group of young people on a rented boat literally flies along the griboyedov canal, including at great speed, passing under one of the bridges, miraculously avoiding an accident. in the st. petersburg investigation department for transport of the western interregional investigation department for transport of the investigative committee of the russian federation, a pre-investigation check was organized on this fact. investigators have organized a set of verification activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. from the end of spring until... november
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, city authorities closed rivers and canals to the movement of jet skis and small vessels, which are not subject to state registration. the reasons for the bans were just called ensuring public safety. in st. petersburg , the former deputy in rio, the head of the 74th police department of the krasnosilsky district, was arrested. he was charged with taking a bribe and taken into custody. according to the investigation, last year he, then still an official in uniform, demanded half a million rubles from a businesswoman who was facing criminal charges. for fraud, through his friend, an investigator from the eighth police department, he called the woman in question to give an explanation, where he demanded a bribe from her in the amount of 5,000 rubles for...
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the deal was delayed six months later, and he faces up to 12 years in prison. state. leningrad region with an audit of horticulture in the lumonosovsky district. the news has already been told that the owner of one of the plots has organized a warehouse for used bags of hazardous chemicals. the neighbors are unhappy. lya karelin will continue. this inspection is carried out by the state environmental supervision committee of the leningrad region with the support of the police. a forced measure due to the rudeness and aggression of galina usturkhanova, the organizers of the illegal business. representatives regional departments have already encountered, however, even the appearance of employees. the ministry of internal affairs in uniform does not affect a woman. she demands to stop the check and leave the station and even threatens the police with other police officers. i called the police. i'll write a statement. what are you applying for? do you understand that you
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are breaking the law with your actions? i haven't broken a single law yet. the situation is heating up, the mistress of the fetid mountain begins to throw everything she can lay her hands on at the inspectors. girl, what are you doing, get out of here, get out of here, eh whatever it allows itself, the state environmental supervision committee of the leningrad region, no matter the territory, that we have procedural actions going on, they threw a stone at me, i was just walking through the site and they threw a stone at me, physical violence, they ended up here, that is here’s a trail, well , yes, and then the woman disappeared, well, she’s sitting somewhere in the house, she disappeared further. we'll figure out. the police are trying to intervene in the case, but the aggressive housewife simply goes into the house and ignores the representatives of the law enforcement agencies. despite following an incident with an attack on an inspector,
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employees of the state environmental supervision committee decide to first finish what they started, measure the height and volume of an impressive mountain of bags and sacks, and then take samples of soil contaminated with industrial sulfur. the chemicals are easy to see, the bright yellow granules are clearly visible. stand out against the background of the earth. st. petersburg news already talked about this conflict in may; gardeners complained about galina usturkhanova. she organized a smelly, and also dangerous, business on her site. they unloaded here entire dump trucks with used bags of technical sulfur and chemical residues. an enterprising woman, according to neighbors, patched up the packaging and sold it for reuse. since the previous shooting , the fetid mountain has grown even larger .
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and secondly, the organizers of the illegal business stored some of the bags and packages behind the fence. based on the results of the study, the degree of pollution will be determined, the hazard class of waste disposed on the site will be determined, and after which a decision will be made and a the violator will be fined, and then we will go to court to oblige the owner of the site to liquidate this landfill. but that’s not all, the owners of the site, galina usturkhanova and her sons, are probably expected. claims for compensation for environmental damage, the amount can reach several tens of millions of rubles, against the aggressive woman herself after the completion of the inspection, committee employees wrote a statement about the use of violence against a government official, the criminal article
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provides for punishment of up to 5 years in prison freedom. ilya karilin, sergey tamyuk, alexey chubko, conduct the leningrad region. new products were shown at the st. petersburg tractor plant, and road graders and agricultural combines began to be assembled there. kirov now has an agro-pilot. during sowing, the machine operates even without human intervention. the governor of st. petersburg appreciated all this. he was shown updated workshops with rovatized machines. alexander biglov emphasized: the plant is a striking example of industrial development. under sanctions, the company is increasing production, including thanks to assistance city ​​industry support fund. the plant received two large tranches and is now building new workshops. the upcoming indexation was good news for working pensioners.
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tariffs for utility services in st. petersburg will remain the same; at a meeting in smolny , governor alexander beglov canceled the planned increase from july 1. we are talking about tariffs for warm water supply, water disposal and solid waste management. the city manager noted that the city budget exceeded a trillion rubles, which makes it possible to compensate resource supply organizations for their losses. another important decision is that now travel on commuter buses during the summer season will be free for beneficiaries on an ongoing basis. earlier. the support measure was adopted annually by a separate resolution, the benefit
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is available to more than one and a half million people, free travel is valid on 60 routes, and the list can be expanded. i would like to note that from january 1 , 2019, transport reform will begin among our neighbors in the leningrad region, and since we are one agglomeration, it is very important for us to coordinate measures of social support for residents of the city and the region, we talked about transport problems in the nevsky district, the new four-lane street will ensure accessibility to the new residential area and social facilities of the kindergarten and clinic. street lighting is being updated at a rapid pace. now more than half of the city's lights are led. this year they plan to spend almost 118 billion rubles on the construction and reconstruction of energy facilities. find out the weather forecast for tomorrow. and let's continue. hello, with a media forecast in the studio leonid petrov. on
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wednesday , an anticyclone will arrive in st. petersburg and the region, the arrival will be accompanied by heat and sun. no matter what the weather, 585 gold discounts up to 70% on everything, and an additional 40% discount on gold and 30% on silver, and a guaranteed gift using the promotional code summer at 585 gold. summer discounts at 5.85 gold, more jewelry, more discounts up to minus 70%. center of st. petersburg on june 26 in the leningrad region it is clear without precipitation; during the day in the estate field it is expected to be about 27° above zero. so many the thermometer will show in tekhin and baksitogorsk from 25 to 28°c. forecasters also promise in volkhov, kirishi, gatchina and vyborg. not a cloud in the sky and not a drop of rain during
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the day in st. petersburg, the northern capital will be moderately windy and +27 on the thermometers, at night, on thursday in the city it will also be dry, 10° cooler, have a good day in any weather. a unique operation of underwater archaeologists, at the bottom of a lagga they found a car that went under water during the first winter of the siege. leonid apanasov for more details. a barely noticeable single-track coming out of the water, this is it legendary. the road of life, or rather the exit from the waters of ladoga to the mainland near the village of kabona. scuba divers, members of the expedition of the russian military historical society, thoroughly studied the bottom of the lake in these places, and have already brought everything even more or less valuable to the surface. to find new finds you have to go far from the shore. in the spring , 17 km from kabona, archaeologists using a locator discovered an incomprehensible magnetic anomaly at a depth of six meters. an underwater drone was lowered to her. the locator shows. her, but i i couldn’t detect it, in the end i just started
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swimming backwards and the drone hit something, at that moment i turn around, look at the frame, look at the wheels, but in the end we determined from the video that it was a zis-5. members of the expedition pulled up a lifting platform, two stainless steel pontoons, and a reinforced lift above them; as archaeological enthusiasts say, with the help of this homemade craft they have already pulled fifty cars out of the water, but ziz 5 is the first, this car is quite rare. its carrying capacity is twice that of legendary lorry. the head of the military-historical center, road of life, sergei markov, personally went under the water. six meters deep, seven, so there is probably no visibility there now, uh, well, at the bottom, at the bottom there is a very low temperature, visibility is two or three meters. at the most crucial moment, ladoga presented an unpleasant surprise, as if not wanting to reveal its secrets to people. a lake, as they say. local residents were inflated. a strong westerly wind drove up a not very high, but
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strong wave. the expedition members had to urgently solve an important problem: how to deliver the car to the shore without damage? will we lift her up and will she be under water alone? no, there will be wheels, well , it will be slightly visible visually, because there are sandy outcrops here and we can simply crush it, it is fragile, yes, of course, fragile, so many years have passed, man turned out to be stronger than the elements, a platform with a suspended car is all - they finally brought it into the novoladozhsky canal, the veteran truck appeared on the surface, or rather what was left of it, the frame, wheels, engine, all the wooden parts, in including... unfortunately, the first conclusions about the circumstances of the tragedy that occurred 82 years ago have been lost. you can see how the car was moving away, you see, the generator belt broke, the distributor cover was torn off from the impact, you can see from here, and the steering column is behind, that is, you can see quite a lot of overflight and
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the approach went away, nothing like it was hit by something by an airplane there , let’s say we haven’t found this yet. there may be something there with further more thorough work by restorers who may be able to do something, but more often than not, of course, due to the fragility of the ice, due to the washouts, but there are still a lot of questions about where and where the car was going from, whether the driver survived or did not have time to get out of the cramped cabin and went to the bottom along with the truck, historians have a long time to work in the archives, but there is already one clue , these skis were found next to the car. this cargo, apparently, was carried by a car; for a long time they could not understand what they were intended for; they are not suitable for an airplane, nor for rsnei. such devices were installed on trucks in winter, on the front axle. cars equipped with them could move on virgin snow or ice. most likely the skis were taken to leningrad. now they will become
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part of the exhibition of the military-historical center of the road of life in kabon, like the three-ton truck itself, which reached the shore 82 years later. leonid panasov, dmitry sevastyanov, galina romenskaya, denis sukhaparov, conduct the leningrad region. this was the st. petersburg news, all the best. i read somewhere, i don’t know if it’s true or not, that the largest number of centenarians, if you look at professions, are among scientists and economists, and supposedly one in ten scientists
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economists live longer than 90 years. tatyana vladimirovna, hello, good evening. as if we are doing something wrong if we want to live long, but nevertheless , brain activity and longevity, because longevity can be purely mathematical, arithmetic, or it can be qualitative, living the last 90 years with , perhaps, dementia or with other disabilities, of which 20 of them are with dementia, not really, who wants it, not really, yes, but to live there for 89, for example, and the last one for dementia, well, it seems not bad, but... if we want live a long, thoughtful, quality -thinking life, how can we keep our brain in good condition, how can we make sure that until our last days the brain works the way it works, as it seems to me, now for me, for you, this is what i i’ll tell you about this,
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natalya petrovna bekhtereva wrote, i just don’t remember, it was... a book or article called smart people live longer, this is exactly the answer to your question, she describes it, she explains why, because the brain busy with everything at once, he is also busy with physical things, he provides everything we need body, yeah, so those who are busy with intellectual activity, now i ’ll comment... what are we talking about, they train their brain, which is busy with other things, it’s busy with the body too, mm, you know, it’s one thing, there no, there’s a box that’s occupied, i don’t know, with the knee, and a box that’s busy with reading philosophical literature or listening
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to music, and longevity, another box, yes, it’s not very good with boxes, it’s a huge, very complex neural network in which everything intertwined. this is the topic of longevity, this is a fashionable topic in the world, everyone talks about it, like extend more, more, more, the question is not how to extend the number of years, the question is how to extend the number. listen, that’s where the key is, the interest in life must not fade away, well, that is, in general, you can and
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should saturate your life with anything, music, films, travel, sports, fishing, cooking, i’m interested in cooking new dishes and reading, cookbooks, i recently re-read molokhovets, because i was cooking, i was making chicken, pie. and i was n’t sure about the recipe, so i started looking, and then i discovered that there is kurnik not only with buckwheat, porridge, which is put there, but with rice, god knows what, i assure you that i am not lying when i say that reading these recipes aroused me exactly the same interest as reading some serious philosophical literature, it is also important to note that the more intellectual or any emotional load on the brain, the more chances it has to survive, it’s the same as with muscles, that
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is, my desire to someday be able to put the phone down for 3 hours, it will not lead on the contrary to longevity, why do you put down the phone, take hesiod and read it, or are you listening to very complex music and don’t understand what this is now, this is the avant-garde, this is what... is this a new musical word or, on the contrary, are they tricks and tricks , a meaningless game, but the desire to relax can be equated to the desire to leave life, the desire to do nothing, yes, by the way, many monographs have been written on the topic of laziness, laziness is not idleness, it is another, different activity, returning to the muscles and the brain, if we lie down on the sofa, and we will lie on this sofa, i don’t care about counting flies on the ceiling, we won’t be able to get up for six months, yeah, we’ll need
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to restore muscles in the literal sense, on the sofa, yes, yes, yes, learning to walk, learning to move is absolutely the same with the brain, it must work , if it doesn’t work, it goes out, it’s true, the last question, if possible, within the framework of this program, sometimes... it seems to us that older people become angry, maybe their life is filled with bitter experiences, but this is children’s and youth’s love for everything and everyone around is replaced by callousness, such coldness and sometimes dislike for others, if this is an age-related change, how do you think you can maintain kindness and love for life and the world through a? years of life are not always, not always simple, and i think partly this is due to boredom, because i
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have heard more than once, i won’t lie, i have heard this many times, but i have not heard this from one person of great age, very old age, he says, i’m tired, he says, i’m bored, i already know how this world works, i know it all, i’m no longer interested, i’m all this i know i don't want anymore. therefore, skepticism towards those who do not yet know to those who are not bored, i think these are related things, that is, i still believe that as long as it is interesting, this will not happen, why release these needles to the outside world , when you can take a wonderful book and re-read it, on google i can read as much as i want, as long as it’s delightful, i think... nothing is dangerous, when you’re tired of everything, it’s dangerous, and for the bravura end of our conversation, i
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’ll tell you here's the thing: there is scientific evidence that people who speak more than one language have tricks with memory or loss of memory, years later than those who know one, this is another argument in favor of what we talked about in one of our conversations, learn languages, life hacks from tatyana vladimirovna, thank you very much, up new meetings, thank you very much for the good conversation, goodbye, since school, kindergarten, my grandmother
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forced me to dress properly... then all sorts of insignia were added to this, and i tried, for me the issue of coordination was always very acute , and i tried some distinctive signs on people's clothes to classify, when i get into a temple or a church, i see how beautiful, how luxuriously , or probably how correctly some of the ministers are dressed, but how does this distinguish them from others and how it should really be, i don’t know, it doesn’t bother me much, to be honest ... it’s annoying, i want to figure this out today, father kirill, hello, good afternoon, philip, well, for example, with shoulder straps everything is clear, with badges, it’s clear, someone has on these laskans, there are oak trees or something else some leaves, in the church, here you have it, like the vicars, as i understand it, the clergy, almost all, or many, have this thing on their necks, i don’t know what it’s called,
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what it calls it, well, it’s usually called a colorado, it’s a polish word, but it ... from a latin word that simply means neck, yes, neckerchief, that is, this suit that i am wearing now is the product of such a rather significant evolution of fashion within church life, that is, what happened in the 19th century, when the anglican clergy in england, yes, they made a decision switch to some more secular style of clothing, that is, this is not a civilian uniform for you with some kind of insignia, this is... official, this is exactly that, yes, everyday, class, one might say, the clothing of the christian clergy in europe today day, let’s say, if you step a little further, as you know, if you don’t know by sight, that in front of you is a person of the highest rank or dignity, well, if we talk about, we are now talking about the catholic church, about the roman rite, we understand that there is two completely
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different spaces, clothes and... and fashion, you can say that i now use the word fashion in a serious sense, this is a fashion show, absolutely true, yes, the word fashion, modus, from the latin modus, means a certain image, a certain form of existence, reminding us that the way we dress, our preferences, yes, the style of clothing, reflects, of course, the life of society as a whole, yes, our values, our views, including religious views, that is, fashion is not only the lot of the laity. absolutely right, i think it is quite appropriate to say in relation to church vestments are also about a certain fashion, we understand that looking at this vestment, yes, that it reflects a certain self-awareness and views of people of the past, which are no longer so characteristic for us now, these are, in general, approximately, say, liturgical vestments of the same rank , i just started talking about the fact that there are two
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completely different classes of clothing, the first is daytime clothing, yes, the class clothing of the clergy, contractor, rias or cassocks of the catholic church or the costume of the modern clergy, a completely different matter is liturgical clothing, that is the one who used only exclusively during worship, which is exactly what we see here, but from the point of view of fashion, what seems most interesting to me is that throughout a huge part of church history, the first, one might say, five centuries ... in in the history of the church, there were no specifically church clothes, and many people find this very strange, but nevertheless , in the first centuries of the history of christianity, people dressed almost the way it was simply customary to dress in the roman empire, and most the ancient form of clothing is, of course, just a piece of fabric that people wrapped around themselves, for a long time this
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clothing was preserved as a toga, but that’s what... for example, roman senators, some important people dressed, and other clothes, which was, as it were, the main, main thing, was the tunic, yes, the fact that these shirts that were worn under this very toga, these very ordinary, simplest clothes the christian church just accepted as its vestments, and other clothes, which we too here we see, this is the so-called cazala or house in latin, this is such a... large cloak, yes, a cloak-tent, which you can literally, say, take off, put on some poles, yes, make yourself an awning, a tent , in fact, the most... as they say, the ancient, in fact, one might say, liturgical clothing was this ribbon, which we see in the image of st. appolinarius, a scarf, which was called a palium or table,
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it will be difficult for a person who does not know to distinguish the clergy from - let's say, secular people, but we already see the bishop, because he is wearing this very ribbon, pali or amophor, as it was called in greece with a cross.
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than why they competed to make the vestments as beautiful as possible in their churches, they almost took it off the tongue, well, if you look at it like this, i’m talking about the definition, of course. i could be wrong here, but pride and a certain love of money, because dressed completely in gold-embroidered robes, any clergyman seems, well, a little fond of gold, where do these, well, such incredible beauty come from, but also incredibly shiny robes, well, now we can see this kind of vestment only in museums, or in some very old cathedrals, where expensive ones are kept... it is important to understand that only in very rare cases such vestments belong to
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a specific clergyman, in basically this is to use them during services, but here the property of the diocese or parish, which is passed on by the priest from generation to generation, and well, some of us. sometimes they actually order for themselves some, well, their own vestments, yes, sometimes, too, in order to actually pass it on by inheritance, because, for example, such a common practice is to order vestments in memory of some dear person for whom you want them to pray, i come to church, take off the vestments from the hanger to put them on it for worship, and i see this little tag sewn there: pray for the repose of my mother, for example, and so on. and i start this service with the name of this person on my lips, this is very, indeed, it seems to me, a good practice that is, yes, yes, you changed our minds, thank you very much, and if
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we talk about fashion, now we often compare fashion and say that well, this has gone out of fashion, this can even happen in a church, that one priest will say that the attire of another priest is not fashionable, yes , of course, what are you doing, what are you saying? well, for example, let’s say shoes, red shoes of pope benedict, yes, there was a lot of different conversations about them, they said that these are prada, the company makes these shoes for him, which is not true, they are made by one shoemaker in rome, these very red ones shoes, but how as soon as the new pope arrived, the current pope francis, one of the first things that people noticed was his simple black orthopedic boots, and... well, shouldn't he wear white stockings and red shoes, like he wore predecessor, i would say, calmly, yes, i wear the shoes that i have worn for many years in which i am comfortable, this is a characteristic
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sign of how - church fashion can change over time, and it is interesting for me to think about how everything will change in a few more centuries, when, say, maybe in 100 years, people, as in popular science films, will walk around in... some kind of thin film, which means, over their bodies, priests will say: “we wear clothes that we inherited from our distant ancestors in faith, jeans, a baseball cap, sneakers, yes, yes, very interesting, evolution, yes, thank you very much, thank you very much, see you again, it’s been a long time since we worked on my speech and diction, and i feel that sometimes i
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have doubts when speaking, but they say. that the clarity of diction and the corner of the mouth, i don’t connect this directly what is said depends on the clarity of thought. it seems to me that in my head everything is usually quite lined up, quite well lined up, but at the same time something goes wrong halfway, what can you do about it, is this normal and am i right, you think that’s how it is with you everything is in your head, that’s how it pours out of you, you know, there is such a relationship and the opposite, that the clarity of my speech will depend on the clarity of my thoughts, i noticed that i start, of course, and think, in general
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, am i thinking correctly, and why am i mumbling here, yes, what is this even happening to me, what can be done about this to do, first of all, to work with the body, we start by setting up our instrument in general, my body is my instrument, the breathing apparatus lives in my body, the speech apparatus... in the body, the vocal apparatus in the body, i need first of all, adjust your body, after this, against this background, you can already work on the clarity of speech and diction, yes, then you can work on, for example, tongue twisters, the question is how to work with tongue twisters, yeah, there is a difficult one, for well, in order for my the apparatus was configured for speech apparatus was tuned to a clear pronunciation of sounds, because from... from the fact that we lose
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some sounds in speech, the meaning is lost, a completely classic tongue twister, for example, there is a weaver weaving fabrics for tanya shawls, if i weave a weaver not i pronounce it clearly, i get a kettachka, please tanya, what i said has completely lost its meaning, yes, we know very well the difficulties with tongue twisters starting with r, my favorite is about beavers , beavers, kindness, beavers, goodness, beavers, goodness, beavers, goodness, beavers, kind, beavers, good, three times quickly. no thanks, no, well look, let's at least say, beavers are good, beavers are kind, beavers, brilliant, just a minute, you're damned, you can do everything, you can do everything, let's say, if i dare to do this, and maybe on camera, maybe not , if i repeat this 100 times, the effect will be greater than three, it depends, it depends on you, it depends on your skills, because... in some tongue twister,
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perhaps you will work longer, which - will give you easily, but there is a key to each of these tongue twisters, the first key is the fact that in the first phrase we have b-d, i draw attention to this, beavers, kind, and in the second bb, in the second we have bb, beavers, bodry, yes, and there is another small key, beavers, kind, beavers, cheerful, we make a microscopic pause before the word cheerful, here are beavers, kind, beavers, cheerful. beavers are kind, beavers are beavers, of course, of course, yes, but if you take this microscopic pause, we can quickly say, beavers are kind, beavers, kind, beavers are cheerful, and this microscopic pause is very often meaningfully distinctive, but it's not then a tongue twister, why not a tongue twister, you make this microscopic pause, practice this version, and then this pause goes away, let’s say you are preparing for a debate. to compete in some kind of speech with
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my neighbors in the entrance, i can directly see how to prepare, well, firstly, the same story with tuning the instrument, tuning the body, if i want to very clearly answer my wonderful neighbors on economic issues household, then it’s definitely worth practicing diction too, is there anything else? here's what to do before this fateful exit into the entrance, before the fateful exit into the entrance, it is worth, on the one hand, to release excess tension, on the other hand, to train such facial muscles, for example, you can do an exercise when i raise my upper lip and say how disgusting, how it smells, just a little, what is that smell, and then... lower your lower
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lip down, it can be a little more difficult, this is actually a warm-up of the speech apparatus, this is a warm-up of the speech apparatus, this is articulatory gymnastics, i admire you, how you are not shy, this show everything, so we've stretched everything, yeah, we 've prepared theses, as we discussed with you, yeah, we feel relaxation and confidence, yeah, and the absence of unnecessary tension, yes, yes, yeah, but sometimes there's a mess in the head, well, emotions you are overwhelmed, maybe, uh-huh, well, in general , somehow you seem to have done everything, prepared, but this connection has not been established, uh-huh, but the tongue twisters are clear, uh-huh. your face has been stretched, so the clarity of mind from diction does it appear when you, for example, read some work out loud, or how does it all fit into your head? firstly, indeed, when you read a work out loud, it’s a very useful thing, reading out loud, because when i read a particularly
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unfamiliar text out loud, i first have to understand for myself what i’m reading, and then i need to either imagine it or actually read it to someone, and i read an unfamiliar text like this. so that my interlocutor or the person to whom i am reading understands what i am reading about, for example, my spouse or children, for example, for example, yes, you are reading some kind of fairy tale to a child, which, for example, you have not read before, but in parallel, of course , you are doing your warm-up, you pay attention to clarity, here you already pay attention to intonation, when you read aloud, you build the logic of your speech, thank you very much, in fact , it’s starting to converge, even though we haven’t communicated for a long time, what you say, now it is absolutely logical that without clarity of speech, without understanding how you will build, there cannot be anything structural in your head, everything is interconnected, absolutely, thank you very much, see you again, thank you, see you again .
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when i saw valya, my jaw dropped, my heart sank, i think that’s it, i can’t, i fell in love, the famous actor konstantin recently admitted. solovyov, and just recently, about six months ago, he told me in this studio that he had not yet recovered from his third divorce. from the outside it may seem that unexpected turns in the personal life of konstantin solovyov occur even more often than in films, where he successfully
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stars. among the most beloved spectators of konstantin’s worlds are people in uniform, security forces, capable of taking responsibility. an actor also has enough situations in life. this is the life and fate of konstantin soloviev. we only dated for six months, so to speak, no more. and i remember the conversation, it was difficult in places, you were then going through
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such a simple period of life. departure, divorce - it always goes through the heart, so early. now, as i understand it, this page is completely turned over, yes, yes, of course, then i suffered a lot, it was just suffering , suffering, suffering, right, right, suffering , straight tears, suffering, horrors, all that stuff, now everything has changed radically, i seem to have changed i took charge of myself and fate gave me, well , it’s like such a gift, you can say now everything has changed dramatically for me and it’s great, i’m very happy, yes. share , share what you can, happiness loves silence, but still it’s not right, that ’s wrong, i think it doesn’t love happiness, well, i mean, no, every happiness loves happiness, but how is it for whom, how is it there loves silence, loudly, not loudly, but i’m just the kind of person that i want to share,
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share, share, because i’m kind of happy, and i believe that happiness loves happiness, so if i’m happy, then everyone around me should be happy, that’s cool, you know, that’s why? happened, tell me, on february 16, i was on a guest tour - vanino and sofgaun, well, this is outside the khabarovsk territory, it’s far away and quite by accident, well, you know how... this song is such uh love accidentally it breaks out when her you don’t expect it at all, i decided that i won’t love anyone at all, or live with anyone, i’ll be with a samurai, i’ll work there, earn money, be strong there, and so on and so forth further and so on, i saw a girl, that’s it, i fell in love, i immediately proposed, i don’t know how to explain it, honestly, but this is love that arose, just as soon as it arose, everything just arose, well, probably ... said that she was married, i was very upset, then it turned out
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that they had not lived for a long time , well, they told me that she was someone there with me, she filed for divorce, it had been there for a long time in the summer or something, but alone a funny situation arose, she filed for divorce, but the tax office burned out, so they didn’t get divorced, that’s what her name is valya? i don’t know who, i don’t know, but she’s still involved, you know, she helps me, she’s very smart, valya, she’s very smart, she loves, you know, people, you know, as they say, roughly speaking, they’re obsessed with music, here it is, i really like it. higher mathematics, so that means she has an analytical mind,
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respect is not an acting profession, it flared up like this, it caught fire there, that’s where it went, it means she calculated something , she calculated you right away, yes she calculated it, but apparently mine this energy of love, this is my pressure of love, somehow inspired her, that she believed me too, well, what did you say, how did you behave, because i can imagine? slanting fathoms in the shoulders, but the woman reads this attention and that’s all, she could have thought, well, a frivolous actor has generally arrived, looking for adventure, yes, yes, yes, when i became, well, there, she, she helped this story there, that she was ironing things for us for the performance, and i walked back and forth, disturbed her everything, admired her there, looked, said, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, at some point, when i found out that she was no longer... single and living - she hadn't been living with her husband for a long time, and i had already begun to take more
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active actions, she tried to scare me me, she immediately told me in the forehead that i have children, so that i would immediately say: “oh no-no-no, you have children, then no, we won’t do anything further, but i told her: “well and that, supposedly, i love children,” that’s all, i said that i have four there, so two more are fine for me. so i keep pushing her to the fact that we still have our own children to be, that is, i say, seven is still nothing, there will be seven, it’s normal, you’ve had all sorts of different things in your life and there are already some scars on your heart and so on, mistakes and bumps are filled, the more of this, the more dangerous it becomes man, here you suddenly tell me that you’re just throwing out a sentence right away, what’s wrong with you that you suddenly decided to do this, that’s how you saw your man, you know? i had experience, such and such, i really had everything there, but i
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just fell in love, and it’s not that i immediately threw myself into the abyss, i just trusted my feelings and i really take a responsible approach to the fact that i will have a family, two more children, and i really need this, i really hope that this will not become an abyss, after all, something else, put the words of valentina herself, let’s listen to her, at the time of the first meeting with the bones, we no longer lived with my ex-husband, well, i... i didn’t intend to build a relationship, i decided to start raising my children. after meeting, we began to actively communicate via video conference. kostya, even without being there, surrounded me with great care and attention, was interested in my life, with my children, he found an opportunity to give me flowers 1.0 km away. we began to actively communicate, get to know each other, and at one point, when kostya was flying on tour, the flight was about 5 hours. during the flight , i began to realize that i miss him very much, i miss him so much, and i began
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to worry, i guess you can say that this was the first bell for me, that yes, i fell in love, i’ve been talking about my feelings for a long time kostya didn’t say anything, but she understood for herself that yes, i fell in love, and in the way like i'm 16, and what did she say about her past? and you see, she still has two children, the smoke has not yet cleared from that fire of destruction of the previous family, there is such a strange situation there, a man, her man, he cheated on her, oh how she seemed to kick him out of her life and they no longer lived there, but why does a man walk around this village of vanina, around this town of vanina and say disgusting things about his wife, with whom he lived for 14 years and two children, you know, well, you can’t do that, well, how if only you were a man, 35, after all, he’s already an adult man, did you have a chance to communicate with him, but
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no, we are with him, well, how to communicate, he would have been when we first arrived yes... corny, but true, on february 16 i told her, valya, i said that if if you were in moscow, if you were in moscow, lived in moscow, i would immediately drag you to the prison, and you and i would get married, but what did val answer? at first she didn’t answer anything, she smiled with her mysterious smile, and then she told me through some kind of analytical mind she has, she has to check everything, count it, about this, about, well,
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about the matter, so after some time she told me, yes, of course, here... uh, i agree, i will be your wife, that’s all. valya, much younger, how old is she? 30, yes, you are 20 years old, well, 19 there 31 would be, yes, i remember nastya, your previous wife, she was 15 younger, and you told me that after all, in some way, i directly remember your phrase , you said, she, i was like a child, then she grew up, she wanted some kind of independence, that she began to treat me not as a parent, well, that was a problem, you said that... this you know, as i understand it, this is a problem in a person, a problem in a person who matures or does not mature, valya is an adult, she is really an adult, i don’t treat her like a child and absolutely, she doesn’t treat me like a dad , thank god, no, in this sense it is clear that she already has experience of a family, she is a mother, two children, after all, you have experience of fatherhood, it is clear, you are two completely adults, mature
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people, despite this difference, this is great, but sometimes it’s a minus, because some things have already taken shape. which it’s difficult to get better, maybe, but as long as you know, when we start living together, of course, we’ll still get used to each other, understand each other, more, well, that is, we will somehow grow together with each other, it will be maybe it’s painful, maybe it’s not painful, maybe we’ll grow together right away, maybe we’ll understand each other right away, because we both want it, we both want a family, we both want it to be good, as if that’s what family is for i need support, support, that is, i definitely... i need to be sure she too i must be sure that no one will ever put a scissor in your back or turn it like that, you know, so what is important, and what moments of your communication do you especially value? i value her smile, i really value her smile, the fact that she constantly, when we communicate with her, she smiles constantly, and for me this is
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a real pleasure, the fact that when we are together, we hug all the time, well, in such moments, when... “i don’t have to go, i’m waiting now, they ’ll come, we met on the phone, that is andrey, veronica, we met on the phone, and talked on the phone, valya shows, i put myself out there, well, in channel after channel wherever there is, when i do a lot, and andrey wants to be an athlete, and he admires it there, that i am so strong, big, and how he likes it, that’s
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it, well, that is, we have already found a common language, it will happen now. acquaintance in person, i also hope that we will find a common language, everything will be fine, well, i will do it, and i want to, because yes, i already perceive them anyway my children in any way, that is, it is clear that well , they are mine in general, already mine, please put that valya herself talks about this, so after my meeting with konstantin in moscow, upon arrival home, my children noticed that my mother had changed , mom began to smile more. i told the kids about my new relationship and introduced them to kostya via video call. after the conversation, my eldest son, who is 5 years old, came up to me and asked me this question. you’re asking, can i call kostya dad? i was very confused at first, i didn’t know what answer, and then i thought that children feel kindness and sincerity, and the youngest
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daughter, when we communicate, bursts into the room, runs up to the phone, looks at konstantin and says: kostya, cat, i love you, and sends kisses, i think that bye they don’t know each other personally, but contact has already been established, which is cool! with children it’s clear, with parents, her parents, mom, dad, how they received you, they didn’t think that this was some kind of coleostro seducer stopping by, well, i hope that they accepted, no, they accepted, i think it’s normal, they support their daughter and... yes, of course, they are worried that she is going to moscow like that, that’s understandable, it’s like parents, it’s always like that, but there i was told by valya that my mother looked at everything mine
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are there, well, anyway, i post all the stories there with my youngest daughter, she looked and said, i’m like kostya communicates with lena, i ’m not really worried about you at all, because kostya will definitely take care of you, but that’s it personal acquaintance like this has not happened yet, but it will definitely happen. absolutely it’s normal, because valya is a very kind person, a good person, they became friends and they treat each other well, they treat each other well, there is no kind of jealousy, nervousness, something like that, there is no such thing, everything is fine, but i hope that this it will continue, that everything will develop well...
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well, how has it calmed down, well, yes, it’s probably settled down, calmed down, yes, we don’t communicate, and i don’t communicate, and we just communicate about the children, and so, yes, she’s her own lives life, everything is probably fine with her, i don’t know why, not interested, you and valya, well, in some way.
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you know, it’s like a guardian angel took me away from something, you said you’ve already proposed, right, when is the wedding? weddings right now, i think that we will do all this in august, because vali is coming with the children now, we need to get things in order , we need to understand, we need to settle everything down, because there are so many, it turns out, so many pitfalls, and this is necessary everything needs to be resolved, but now at the moment we need to sort out such difficulties for now, because well, it’s impossible right now just like that get married, everything needs to be sorted out a little, calm down that all this, then we can calmly legitimize our love for our relationship, god help me, i want
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to wish you and the roller only one thing, that we also continue to meet here regularly, but so that we never have such a program as we had last time, i don’t, no, i hope that we will have more constant fun and rejoice, but i’m definitely not going to suffer any more all-russian, that’s enough, that’s enough that's the truth. all, you know, that’s it, thank you very much, dear, what is this advice and love, thank you, this is the fate of konstantin solovyov’s life, yes, thank you, the my planet tv channel presents, i was born in...
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the independence of the local population from the official ideology of christian monotheism. so even in the 19th century, karelians continued to believe that the world around them was inhabited by all sorts of spirits of ancestors, owners of forests, water, land, houses, people, they believed that they knew how to negotiate with these neighbors, that is, communicate with nature and wild animals, and also heal the sick, driving out evil from them i'll spoil it. veni myunin was also a healer, with his
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magic spells he not only healed his own wounds, according to legend, he healed the entire koleval people from the pestilence, which was sent to them by the evil sorceress lovkha. but why exactly did veni menin become the main character of the whole epic? he was not the only sorcerer on earth. the eternal one rushed about in his mother’s womb. for 30 years he wandered at sea, for the same amount of time he rushed across clear seas and foggy sea waves.
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the fact is that his spells, spells the old wise shaman were at the same time stories about the creation of things on earth. according to legend, veni menyun was the first person to appear on earth back in those days. control, peoples populated the beautiful region when even history itself did not exist, it turns out that only thanks to his efforts, the guardianship and vigilant kaleva. here is the hero’s land, where he helped the people who came here to survive, and epic legends seem to illustrate the history of karelia from ancient times.
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it is no coincidence that so many runes are dedicated to kolevala exactly how and from what venemen built his boats. the descriptions of various boats contain the history of the development of material culture. the old faithful vienna, menin,
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the age-old soothsayer, built the boat with a spell, he drives the shuttle with stumps from pieces of a large oak tree from parts of its wood, he sang a song, and the bottom is ready, he sang again, he built the sides, he sang a third song, he made everything for the oars, strengthened the ends at the ribs i brought them together by the sides.
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in addition to the fact that the karelians mastered the technique of making iron products, such as knives, here are all the diagrams that were used novgorod, were also used by the karelians. for example, such a complex technique was used for knives, like a three-layer bag, there was a steel strip in the center, an iron strip on the sides, it was a self-sharpening blade, although of course this is a labor-intensive technology, but nevertheless it lasted for a very long time, and the knife could be use until completely worn down. on the same day, on the same evening, they took iron from the swamps , dug it up there, brought it to the crucible, the blacksmith put the iron, placed the crucible in the fire, and set the bellows in motion, blowing them three times it forces, the iron melts, it kneads under the furs, like dough from wheat, or
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dough for black bread, there in a strong forge fire, in a bright flame, a crucible.
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the trinity icon returned to the monastery after a century-long hiatus. vladimir putin bowed to the shrine in the trinity lavra of sergei. three hymer installations are destroyed and foreign mercenaries are eliminated. the situation in the special operation zone and the border is locked. at the border between russia and china, a joint operation took place to catch the violators, our correspondent has details. you're watching the news
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we'll tell you the main news in karina ilyin's studio. hello. urgent messages are arriving at these minutes from kume, where nine carriages of a passenger train, which was being explored from vorkuta to novorossiysk, left the real people. a case of violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway transport, as the news agency reports, the cause of the emergency could have been the erosion of the embankment under the tracks. vladimir putin visited the trinity sergeev lavra, the largest monastery of the russian orthodox church in sergeev posad. at the trinity cathedral the president was met by patriarch kirill. together they entered the temple, where the head of state bowed to the icon of the holy trinity of andrei rublev, as well as the relics of st. sergei of radonishsky. the icon of andrei rublev returned to the temple this saturday, june 22, after
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a break of almost a century. now she will be in troy cathedral permanently. previously, the image was kept in the tretyakov gallery. let me remind you that last summer the holy trinity sergius lavra and the museums entered into an agreement on the transfer of the trinity to the russian orthodox church. russian aviation destroyed three installation of hymers rocket systems, the ministry of defense reported. also liquidated are foreign specialists who... the use of workshop assembly of drones and the place where they prepare these weapons. also, amazed at the launch. manpower and military equipment were damaged in more than 100 regions. for example, bomb attacks are carried out on enemy positions in the volchansk region. and so western armored vehicles are destroyed near ocheretin dpr. in the vicinity of orekhov, zaporozhye region. the crews of combat vehicles destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces with heavy fire. and in the kherson region, our artillery delivered an accurate strike on... the enemy’s temporary deployment point, forcing him to leave
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the area. in dagestan they said goodbye to proteer nikolai kotelnikov, who was killed by terrorists during an attack on the orthodox church. 21 people became victims of the attack in derbent and makhachkala. the funeral took place on the territory of the church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary, where the archpriest served for more than 40 years. hundreds of people came to say goodbye to him. father nikolai readily helped everyone who asked for help. in the city there is. a famous monument to the friendship of three religions, the prototype of the figure that symbolizes christianity was father nikolai. by the decision of the president, he was posthumously awarded the order of courage; patriarch kirill, during a meeting of the supreme church council of the russian orthodox church, proposed awarding the murdered archpriest the order of saint prince alexander nevsky, first degree. today, the european union summit will approve new appointments to key positions. but even before the event it became known that the head of the european council was charles michel. will be replaced by former prime minister of portugal antonia costa. job title
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the supreme president of the eu will be replaced by the prime minister of estonia, kaja kallas, instead of joseppe barel, and ursula fondeen will remain the head of the european commission. several people made this choice, which infuriated italian prime minister giorgia miloni. according to her, the distribution of posts in the european union was undemocratic because it was carried out without taking into account the votes of citizens. and now about the appointment, which has already officially taken place. the outcome of the julian asandge case confirms washington’s policy of criminalizing the work of journalists, as the journalist’s wife, stella asansh, commented on the court’s decision. she emphasized that the only correct scenario for the development of the event would be a complete drop of charges against her husband. the founder of vicks returned to australia after being sentenced. as
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expected, as part of the us deal, the court considered only one count of accusation, namely the publication of materials about washington’s military secrets. the journalist was sentenced to time already served; the australian refused to answer his colleagues’ questions about the details of the agreement, as he writes bloomberg, asanjam's guilty plea is a pleasant outcome for all parties to the process; the wikileaks story began and ended in a gray legal area; the precedent itself did not close the question of the boundaries of freedom of speech. the operation to catch violators of the russian-chinese border unfolded on the amur river; coast guard personnel from the region and the neighboring chinese province of hallunjiang conducted a joint exercise. victoria sutenko watched how our country was defended, even on the water. on command , patrol the lines along... the black river dragon, as cupid is called in china,
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coast guard boats emerge from opposite banks.


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