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tv   Taini sledstviya-12  RUSSIA1  June 27, 2024 2:20am-4:01am MSK

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should be boring, anna brovenko confidently, the main thing is that they should be visual, we launch improvised rockets and deal with pressure in liquids and gases, it is not surprising that even summer physics electives always attract a full house of sixth-graders. i really liked it when we studied soil; in sixth grade i also plan to study it extracurricularly. so, unbeknownst to themselves, her students go through topic after topic, and the most important thing for a good teacher is to ignite this spark and maintain interest. children do not need to be forced. be in love physics, a teacher should be like a conductor, leading an orchestra unnoticed, my subject is so interesting, you can interest children in an infinite number of ways. by the way, about infinity, not only physicists thought about it, but also the famous flerment poets and others. a teacher of russian language and literature from moscow, arseny turkevich, is conducting an unusual lesson today. today's lesson will focus on the topic of space in literature. and after 20 minutes in the space museum , it becomes clear what they have in common. at the endless distances and those
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dreamers who look at them from the ground, to educate the new generation so that they strive straight for the stars, this is the task of an excellent teacher, in order to interest the student, you need to understand that a modern child today is interested in being in the trend, but not to step over the line after all give him knowledge and tools that will be useful to him in life. arseniy sergeevich explains some information very simply and clearly, it’s very simple... to perceive, in addition to our heroes, take part in the competition is a cool topic, already more than 6,000 teachers from all over the country wanted it, the last applications are accepted until july 1, by the way, this time there will be surprises for participants. we will select not only 35 semi-finalists and seven finalists, our partner organizations will have their own author’s nominations, their own very interesting prizes, internships, but not only prizes and recognition in the competition, the most important thing is, the winner of the second season, ekaterina sigareva, is sure. and in the end
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each participant wins, this is a completely new experience that you definitely can’t get at school, you will make your lessons brighter, more interesting, in general you, firstly, will make a huge number of friends all over the country, well, we just have to closely follow the competition , cool topic, 35 teachers will be selected for the semi-finals of the project, they will go to moscow to film their own video lessons, well, then ninety- five or ninety-two, what kind of gasoline to fill in the car? if the manufacturer allows both, expert advice will come very soon, my name is ivan, maybe vanya, masha, not bad, zoya, i haven’t had zoya yet, ninel, ninka, or something, look at rtr, you need a good girl and get married, like here make up your mind, he’s not good, but a pretty girl, with a joke, a quirk, an invention, a girl, maybe i’m this one...
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from monday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very i'm glad you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was cheeky in a white tuxedo, and i'm starting,
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sunday on rtr. what are you doing here? i do not for a long time. change seats immediately. my wife will come here now. please don't attract attention. so are you a wife? i am this wife. and who are you? it's you, yulia. here, she gave birth. congratulations. my husband is probably happy. we divorced. and you are tired. okay, how
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can i say, sleeps lightly, feels that mom is not around, but we can cope without mom, the stork brings not only children, only one option, which... you need to find a woman, great idea, i wouldn’t do it myself maybe, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of aest, let's move on to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from stork, on saturday on rtr, treasures, the walls are shaking, big ones have arrived changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we
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want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in sight turn into projects, i love them. plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. in britain's big pig race with political overtones , devon farmers have released animals that mockingly represent the country's major parties. five pigs rushed to the finish line, destroying everything in their
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path. the jealousy is quite understandable. at the end of the 140-meter distance, tasty, juicy grass awaits. as often happens, the two strongest participants took the lead. who came to the finish line neck-to-nose and refueled well. another question: what kind of gasoline is best to refuel modern chinese cars, only the ninety-fifth, and maybe the ninety-second will do? ivan zenkevich figured it out. some manufacturers of modern chinese cars write in the instructions: the use of ai92 is allowed. and this causes understandable skepticism. the engines on such models are usually turbocharged. this means it is sensitive to the quality of the fuel, so is it possible or not to feed new cars with ninety- second gasoline? let's figure it out: digital indices 92 and 95 indicate the octane number of the fuel, that is, its resistance to detonation, explosive combustion, ninety-second,
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as you might guess, is less resistant, why is that bad? ignition of the fuel in the cylinder must occur at a strictly defined moment, which is specified in the engine settings. if it happens... earlier, a sharp surge in pressure and a shock wave will first of all destroy engine parts, pistons and valves. you can detect detonation by hearing the characteristic metallic ringing sound during sudden acceleration. of course, any engine has a certain margin of safety, because situations may be different, for example, there was no suitable fuel at the gas station and two types had to be mixed. the control electronics of modern engines, of course, can be adjusted to a certain range. tactane number a of the current gasoline, however , you should remember that its possibilities are not limitless; if you fill in ai92, the knock sensor will be rebuilt, but it will be more of a semi-emergency mode, not designed for constant operation and full efficiency, dynamics
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will decrease and consumption will increase. that is why ninety-second gasoline is often indicated as acceptable. yes, if anything happens, the engine will digest it, but it’s still better to spend money on... ninety-five. experts also do not recommend alternating two varieties, and resorting to replacement only in emergency cases. on the good side, from the point of view of the internal combustion engine devices of a modern car, of course, on supercharged cars it is better to use ninety-five gasoline, because ninety- second gasoline, some say that it is cleaner, since it contains basic raw materials and a minimum amount of additives, but that’s all however, it is more likely to detonate. as a result, if you abuse the ninety- second, there is a risk that you will move. the declared resource will work out longer, but it is already low for modern turbo engines. and one more piece of advice: if you are going to drive off-road or to the hot south with a lot of luggage, it is better to fill the car with higher octane fuel, the car will definitely thank you for this. come on,
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let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great, good, okay, morning. russia, don’t forgive me , the main thing is to lead the morning, we will tell you about the main thing in russia abroad. in karina's studio ilyina. hello. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the acting president of iran, mohammed mahber. bilateral cooperation in all key areas was discussed.
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switched to glanders. in chechnya, during a hurricane in the city of argun, several people received bruises and injuries. the squally wind blew off the roofs of houses and felled trees. in the coastal area there is flooding, prolonged downpours, and rivers overflowing their banks. in several areas, 22 settlements were flooded . the perm region is also being attacked by non -stop rains. precipitation turned the streets into rivers, and the courtyards into lakes. one of the reasons is the poor performance of livnyovok. report by maria beloostotskaya.
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a video posted on vkontakte shows another flood in the children's center on elkina street 3. the teaching staff dealt with it with the help of rags and even a filling pump, but the problem remained. it concerns all residents of the house located on the unfortunate sloping side of the road. according to the principle , they wanted the best roadway, taking into account the requirements of an accessible environment, they were repaired 2 years ago. since then... residents did not enjoy the fresh renovation for long first second entrance to lebedevo 35, after prolonged rainfall the water stood until the second step, now there is a smell of mold everywhere. whether to ford or bypass, passers -by around the square decide every day. during the rainy season, the city authorities are aware of utility problems; the day before , at a plenary meeting, they considered the issue
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of transforming livnyovka until 2034; the reconstruction of 50 km of existing networks is required, as well as the construction of 80 km of new networks; what was most shocking was the required amount. to fundamentally solve this problem , 116 billion rubles are needed. that's two, that's more than two city budgets, of course, there is no such money. in other words, the storm drain is now being cleaned, but the address is... of course. maria belostotskaya, matvey vershinin, lead pirm. today , us television viewers are in for a grand show. the television company cnn will host pre-election televised debates between the former and current presidents between donald trump and joe biden. according to recent polls, americans' faith in trump is apparently over forty. 7% believe that the former head of the white house will win the upcoming public debate, and indeed in the leading western media
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there are more and more reports that this verbal duel could literally turn the entire course of the presidential campaign and even decide biden’s future political fate. the televised debate will be the first in us history between a current and former president. they will take place in atlanta, georgia and last 90 minutes. the elections themselves are scheduled for november 5. this is the news. we are monitoring developments . more than 100 korean manufacturers. presented their products at the national economic exhibition in vladivostok, it is the first time it has been held in the city on such a scale: these include cosmetics, clothing, building materials, furniture, dishes and even musical instruments. ekaterina shilyanova studied the range of korean goods. a warm welcome with songs and dances in the spirit of russian traditions marked the opening of the exhibition
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of kendr achievements. as if at the crossroads of three roads, it is difficult to determine the best here. it seems like all the companies contributed a piece. souls to make their pavilions crash. the first guests were the head of the korean delegation and the governor of primorye. the agreement between the two countries brought neighbor relations to a new level. the head of the region has already decided to capture them. i'm preparing a book now. there is a lot of historical material about russian-korean friendship. a wicker basket with filled apples is pleasing to the eye. the fruit, which is not uncommon in primorye , has already received praise from the locals. i tried apples about 7 years ago, north korean, they are very, very high quality, very tasty, you eat them, the juice flows straight from them, next door they are showing off universal furniture in a matter of seconds, an ordinary chest of drawers turns into on the desktop, among the dozens of products presented there are clothes, food and even some medications, but as a girl, i
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was attracted by the bags, there is a huge selection of them, they are made of genuine leather, for those who want. change your image or just transform yourself, a real hairdresser has opened up, but they don’t risk experimenting with their hair here, but they try on hairstyles with all their might, the quality is good, but the haircut is not mine, on the shelves you can see yarn products, jewelry, perfumes, medicinal decoctions from the roots , but not all products can be purchased yet. korean delicacies are in great demand, primorye residents are already actively tasting chocolate, it is the most natural, just natural chocolate. very tasty, everyone without exception can evaluate the products of korean companies until june 30, the exhibition will be open daily from 9:00 to 17:00 on the territory of the dynamo stadium arena. ekaterina shilyanova, maxim malygin, vesti primorye. freshly caught pink salmon appeared on the shelves in khabarovsk. in just the first weeks of summer
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, more than 200 tons of red pink salmon were caught. affect are such volumes worth the cost? when should we expect the “affordable fish” program? thanks to which russians can buy healthy pink salmon cheaper than usual. report by elizaveta yurova. silver tails shine on the counters. sellers continue to praise the first harvest of pink salmon at the market. the most delicious meat, so fatty and red. people have already missed fresh fish over the winter. direct deliveries from the fishing areas of the vanensky and sovetsko gavonsky districts to the entrepreneur elena assures that everyone accepts a load of fresh catch day. delivery. more and we will try to set prices lower. the starting price in retail outlets in khabarovsk is 400 rubles per kilogram. you come across quite large ones and one tail can easily exceed a thousand. although buyers do not stand in lines, they take it. the most delicious. price, normal, good price. so far there is no talk of catching large quantities that could affect prices. the fishery has essentially just begun. in
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the khabarovsk territory, in the first weeks of the summer fishing season, a little more than 200 tons of pink salmon were caught, so far from the north hat. zones and scale of production they are just gaining momentum, the main mass movement is expected in july. the goal for the season for all designated fishing areas in the region is at least 50 thousand tons of all types of salmon. while pink salmon are arriving late, strong storms are interfering, but the number of summer fish is already breaking records. this is almost three times more than last year. yes. here. eh, according to the amur and the amur estuary, one might say, simply, waiting for the fish to approach. no tail yet. it is necessary to master the catch quotas for pink salmon on the amur by july 14, just before the big whale approach. forecasts despite the weather the conditions are favorable, therefore negotiations with enterprises on the implementation of the affordable fish program do not delay. negotiations with producers and fish miners are ongoing. well, most likely it will be the same as last
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year. in 2023 , they asked for about 170 rubles per kilogram of affordable pink salmon. display fish on the counter at a social price. is planned for the end of august, just when industrialists reach a stable catch. elizaveta yurova, sergey shulga, lead khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, this is we are monitoring developments. i have loved you for a long time, i don’t know what to do with this. lenichtsy. from monday at 21:20. behind this unequal marriage. the whole country was closely watching, renata ibragimova’s niece, in her sixties, married a twenty-three-year-old, and like a bolt from the blue, the couple filed for divorce. it's all overgrown with mushrooms, sit down. performs, damn it, live broadcast, tomorrow at 16:30, let
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's start, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, morning of russia vladislav zavyalov, here is svetlana abramova, lively, real, elegant and... a unique robotic waitress, who is always emphatically polite, has become the attraction of one of the chinese restaurants. her presentation of dishes is almost flawless,
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if you do not pay attention to the slightly twitchy movements. the owners of the establishments reassure visitors, saying that this is normal for a robot. but they are in no hurry to reveal their main secret. roby, the waitress, is actually a professional dancer, just moves like a smart girl. car. waiters, cooks and housewives, take note of information from scientists. they found that tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots stored in the refrigerator continue their life processes and spoil when ripe. here's how to stop this process, why some vegetables are contraindicated in the refrigerator, let's understand the plot. they are no longer suitable for cooking. i don’t like that everything here has already deteriorated and is leaking. unsightly appearance. alga litviny mercilessly throws out the delicious tomatoes with the aroma from the refrigerator, because in a summer salad there can be only the most beautiful vegetables are allowed. about 5 days after the vegetables
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have been in the refrigerator, they begin to deteriorate and lose their appearance. i'm thinking about finding a way to store vegetables longer so that they don't lose their appearance. probably millions of russians dream of this method today, but so far only this couple seems to have found a universal recipe. we buy a little and eat at once everyone else, for whom it is important to have at least a minimum supply of food on hand, usually turn to the refrigerator for help, refrigerator, and somewhere else they are stored, where in a one-room thirty-six-meter apartment, a dark room without sun, but few people know that vegetables, after they have been collected, continue to breathe, it is this process that speeds up their seeing, usually at home , at home, somewhere during storage, vegetables do not receive up to... light in order to provide themselves with photosynthesis, so they switch to the respiration process, during which they need gas exchange, that is , the absorption of oxygen, the release of carbon dioxide
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gas moreover, due to the low humidity in the refrigeration chamber, the water lost during respiration is not restored and the vegetable quickly deteriorates. this applies primarily to tomatoes and carrots, it is better to store them in a cool, dark, but not cold place, so they will live up to 10 days, potatoes and onions in the same conditions for up to a month and a half, but cucumbers, zucchini and greens, on the contrary, are stored only in ... in the cold on a special shelf for vegetables, fruits in sealed bags, but not longer than 70 days, so when stocking up on vegetables you need to correctly calculate your appetites, it is also very important to monitor the humidity, in a tight bag, in a tightly closed bag and make sure that condensation does not form. condensation is the enemy of all vegetables, because when they develop, when condensation appears, the process of spoilage begins. such proper storage ensures vegetables have the longest possible life. but if you didn’t keep track and the vegetables are a little wilted, you can make the perfect sauce from them. a fairly simple set of products: bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, olive oil, provençal herbs,
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salt hot pepper. mix everything and place in the oven for 25 minutes at 190°. all that remains is to remove the peel and punch it with a blender, then not a single vegetable will go to waste. do you know what the temperature is inside the earth, the core of the earth, in my opinion, like the sun, but this... we will check with our next guest why i started talking about this. american scientists recorded a sharp slowdown in the inner core of the earth; it rotated at high speed from 2003 to the eighth year, then until the twenty-third it began to rotate two to three times slower. on what could this affect? they say for the duration of the day, at least. the core itself is a solid iron-nickel sphere the size of a moon, surrounded by a liquid iron outer sphere. but how do we know this and what else do we know and don’t know about the interior of our planet? our guest is the head of the department of the central scientific research geologist of
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the colored exploration institute. because no one probed it, no one measured it, well, the deepest well, the kola super-deep well, it was drilled for 12 km and 200 -something metro, they allegedly showed something else through. yes, well, not what supposedly, seismic waves, seismic waves, uh, that is, when we throw some pebble into the water, yes, such waves diverge there, everyone has windows, yes, so to understand this principle, uh, the boundary of glass and air is the boundary of means with different reflective abilities, uh, with different
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refractive indexes, and... on this boundary there appears a surface that reflects, and the simplest way to check how many of these windows, glasses, in a double-glazed unit, and we bring a lighter, lit or a flashlight, and we see the reflection, in principle geophysicists, thanks to these seismic waves , do exactly the same thing, that is , a seismic wave is launched and a reflection is caught, such events with... happen on their own, these are earthquakes, that is, an earthquake is generated by seismic waves that pass through, shine through, geophysicists catch all this , seismographs record, then analyze, they say that we believe this too, the speed of rotation of the core has changed, it has slowed down, what could this lead to, it rotates a little faster, maybe a little slower, but somehow slips, but on average remains
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the same speed. it means how this will affect our lives in absolutely no way, because where is the core, and where are we, that is, we are separated by almost 500 km, what is it now, what else are the specialists working on, what do they not know, what is happening inside, what are they they don’t know, well, now some inhomogeneities are being discovered in the mantle about inhomogeneities, you could read the headlines that some mountains were discovered in the mantle, well, these are really some large inhomogeneities, and they are wondering about nature of these inhomogeneities, but this will not lead to some kind of overheating, explosion, and so on, when it is not from above that a person will deprive, but from there, no, the earth is actually slowly cooling down, on the contrary, it is slowly developing this resource of its own, how long will it be enough?
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yes, enough for our time, the secret depths of our planet were revealed to us by the head of the department of the central research geological prospecting institute of non-ferrous and precious metals, pavel selevanov. you are playing with fire, women, they are angry and offended, they are not capable of anything. lenichtsy. with monday at 21:20. catch me! if you can, a big music show, scary, i didn’t decide for everyone now, please, please, tomorrow at 21:30, russian morning, don’t forgive me, the main thing is that distance is not an obstacle, every year medical care becomes
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more accessible to residents of the most... in remote corners of russia, thanks to the national healthcare project , new hospitals, clinics and medical and obstetric centers are being opened in villages and villages, and existing facilities are being modernized. well, programs help solve the problem of shortage of medical personnel in the regions zemsky doctor and zemsky felsher. more details in the story. what worries you? back.
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to travel to see a doctor, we would have to, of course, in terms of time, i don’t know, it would take four hours to get there, here i came, already went through everything conveniently. such mobile clinics help cope with the shortage of medical personnel in villages and villages. today , the zemsky felsher and zemstvo doctor programs also make a great contribution to solving this problem. now let's look at the teeth, everything is fine. thanks to the federal program, zemsky doctor chulpanpan bagmanova i returned after studying to my native shigordan for 13 years now. works as a dentist in the bataryevskaya hospital, i went to the regional hospital because this is my native village, i was born here, i like it here, well , at first i wanted to stay in the city, of course, but since our region is large, beautiful, and
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developing, i decided to stay, like her friend firya khafizova, now she combines the position of head of a local clinic with the work of an obstetrician-gynecologist, she doesn’t even think about moving to the city, here she loves her job and has a strong big family and home, that’s what she needs... million for financial support, we built the second floor, now we have a big house - for our friendly family, a lift from 500 thousand to one and a half million rubles is paid to all specialists who come to work in the countryside under the zemsky doctor and zemsky felcher programs. last year , about 6,500 doctors received monetary compensation and this opportunity still remains. and to make it comfortable for doctors and paramedics to work in the village, new healthcare facilities are being built here and existing healthcare facilities are being modernized, for example, important short circassia and after the capital.
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i would like to book a room at your hotel, but what are you doing here? this is my number, i paid for it, i paid for it, but
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hold it, hold it, i hold it, hold it, settle us immediately, one room, oh, one city, st. petersburg, small city, nowhere to have dinner, one love, vasilisa, this is vasily, call back i'm looking for you please. travel companion on friday on rtr. festival of youth in st. petersburg. a thousand shining eyes, a thousand enthusiastic hearts. white nights, scarlet sails of the brig, russia over the waves of the neva. an unforgettable graduation. aly sails 2024. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on friday on rtr. brothers. polundra. tigers graze on the ship.
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what a jungle it was. the actors work in the crypt. i don't want to be a steak. tigers according to the stanislavsky system. the tiger is mainly composed of three parts. what does he eat? both horse meat and mountain meat. i read that it feeds on human victims. no predators were harmed during the filming of the film. mystic. striped flight. on sunday on rtr. the village is working, and all thoughts are about relaxation. the whole country became open. sociologists have found that desire working in the summer is completely absent from every second person. the true workaholics who do their best work today are in a modest minority. only 11%. the respondents found many reasons for such low motivation, in
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your justification, in the summer many people want to see their family and friends more often, and secondly , to relax more, but the heat was called the biggest obstacle to work, it interferes with concentration, the moscow museum, where now a large-scale exhibition moskvichka is taking place, it is dedicated to soviet women, revolutionaries, shock workers, artists and the first fashionistas. dmitry bakiev will tell you more. each hall of the exhibition is a separate chapter, each room has its own heroine, but they are all muscovites, famous and forgotten, whose destinies were intertwined with the history of the capital 100 years ago. the october revolution simply revolutionized the idea of ​​what a woman could be. and it turned out that a woman can be a hero, a pilot, a woman can be a shock worker in textile production. in just 20 years of soviet the woman has come a long way: first she tied a red scarf, put on
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work overalls and stood in line with the men. after the revolution, a woman was a symbol of incredible strength and independence, which was reflected in picturesque portraits, graphics, and especially in propaganda posters, which were all over moscow at that time. a muscovite of that time is such a bright woman who looks at us from the poster. and this is already an exemplary city woman of the thirties. mikhail tsibasov draws asya. whose perseverance and desire for excellence is symbolized by the gto badge, reflecting the ideals of the time. the soviet woman is an art form, like a girl with a paddle, you know, gigantic, it's something that really changed the appearance of the city. through the evolution of the female image, one can trace the evolution of an entire city. moscow has always remained the center of change. nowadays it’s difficult to imagine the capital without a monumental sculpture of a worker and a collective farmer; at this exhibition you can imagine what it would look like. moscow, if vera mukhina had not become a sculptor, but
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would have chosen to become a designer. for the first time , theatrical costumes and headdresses sewn according to mukhina’s sketch are presented to the general public. mukhina proposed, as a constructivist at that time, to design from some rectangular and, therefore, oval patterns, which our reenactors did. next to mukhina , other prominent muscovites are presented in the neighboring rooms. lyudmila maikovskaya, the poet’s older sister and a talented artist . of their time, which left an indelible mark
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on history and culture. and the exhibition of a muscovite, which is taking place in the moscow museum, is not just the exhibition is a dialogue with time, an opportunity to see the capital through the eyes of those who lived in it 100 years ago. you can immerse yourself in the past without leaving modern moscow until august 25th. and then, he hits, which means he doesn’t love. when the law on domestic violence will finally be adopted and in what form, we will discuss it immediately after the news. the trinity icon returned to the monastery after a century-long break. vladimir putin bowed to the shrine in the trinity lavra of sergei. three hymer installations were destroyed and foreign mercenaries were eliminated; the situation in the special operation zone. on the edge russia and china carried out a joint operation to
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catch the violators. find out more from our correspondent. this is broadcast on the russia tv channel. main news. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. vladimir putin visited the trinity sergeev lavra. the largest monastery of the russian orthodox church in sergeev posad. the president was met at the trinity cathedral by patriarch kirill. together they entered the temple, where the head of state bowed to the icon of the holy trinity, andrei rublev.
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and after the report, the president spoke with residents of sergeev posad.
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in the republic of koma, nine carriages of a passenger train, which was traveling from varkuta to novorossiysk, derailed. according to preliminary data, there are no deaths. up to 50 people were injured. in total , the train had 14 carriages, carrying 232 passengers. emergency services have been dispatched to the scene. the head of the region, vladimir uibo, also flew there. according to preliminary data, the cause of the emergency could have been the erosion of the embankment. under the tracks, traffic in this area is suspended, passengers are being evacuated, operational headquarters to eliminate the consequences the accident was headed by the head of russian railways, oleg belozerov. the prosecutor's office is already studying the circumstances of the incident. russian aviation
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destroyed three installations of haimers jet systems in one day. this was reported to the ministry of defense. foreign specialists who ensured the use of these weapons were also eliminated. in addition, the drone assembly shop and the area where they were prepared for launch were hit. manpower and military equipment were damaged in more than 100 regions. for example, bomb attacks are carried out on enemy positions in the volchansk region. and so western armored vehicles are destroyed near ocheretin dpr. in the vicinity of orekhov, zaporozhye region, the crew of combat vehicles destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces with heavy fire. in the kherson region, our artillery delivered an accurate strike to the point. dislocation of the enemy, forcing him to leave the area. today , the eu summit will approve new appointments to key positions, but even before the event it became known that the head of the european council, charles michel , will be replaced by ex-prime minister of portugal antonia costa. the position of eu high representative instead of
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josep barel will be taken over by the prime minister of estonia, kaja kallas, but will remain the head of the european commission. several people made this choice, which led to the conclusion. guards of the region and the neighboring chinese province of heilongjiang conducted a joint exercise. victoria sutenko watched how our country was defended even on the water. on command to patrol the lines along the fairway of the black dragon river, as cupid is called in china, coast guard boats emerge from the opposite banks. as soon as the
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border guards notice suspicious people on the horizon small vessels immediately move from observation to action, signaling the start of the operation. the siren wails, a matter of minutes and the criminals are surrounded. during training, everything is like in life, the violator cannot hide, if the intruder is noticed near the state border line, the border guards of both countries will begin to arrest him. on the russian side, this is the authority of the border department of the fsb of russia for the amur region, with the chinese ground forces in the northern zone of the combat command of the people's liberation army of china. in the latter have hovercraft at their disposal , which were also demonstrated. themselves in action as a result of joint actions of russian-chinese border guards , attempts to illegally cross the state border were stopped: conditional border violators were detained, the goals were achieved. the importance of such exercises is due to several factors: firstly, the longest section of the russian-chinese border runs along the amur, secondly, a number of international projects are being implemented here,
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the safety of which, as shown by such training is in good hands. in addition to the coordinated actions of coast guard employees, the maintenance of order at the border is also facilitated by severe punishment for violators, a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment of up to 2 years, as a result, a low crime rate. victoria satenko, alexander raskazov, vladislav. alekseev, news: amur region. this is news, we are monitoring developments. abnormal heat covered the entire territory of western siberia, which was caused by an anticyclone that came from central asia. record temperatures are observed in the krasnoyarsk territory. thermometers rise above 35° during the day. alexander usatenko found out how local residents escape the heat. the working day in full swing on the city beach of krasnoyarsk is crowded; the heat that has covered the city
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forces people to spend more time near the water. we can come here with the kids, have fun, splash around and enjoy everything beautiful. but some people enjoy summer where it is prohibited. in pursuit of freshness , city residents do not think about the safety of their holiday near the water; they can swim. in this on the side of the channel, here the bottom is examined, there is a lifeguard, on the same side, the responsibility for their own safety lies with the vacationers themselves. for such lovers of the sun and water, specialists from the small boat inspection conduct preventive raids, but these measures do not stop vacationers, like the sad statistics. already in these last hot days, about 2 weeks, three people died, one of them was a child, 16 years old, who drowned here in the vantovoye area. places on unauthorized reservoirs, just here, if the water is fresh, then in in the city, people escape the heat under canopies in
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the shade of trees, with thermometers above 35°. there are queues at the ice cream kiosks, and while adults and children are trying to cool off with a cold dessert, guests from the arctic polar bears do not leave the ice pools. the heat covered the entire territory of western siberia, the reason for this was an anticyclone from central asia, record temperatures in omsk, novosibirsk, kemerovo. in the daytime, so it’s not lost that during such a long period, perhaps some records will be broken, it will only get cooler next week, the temperature will drop to 28° and there will be rain. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, vesti krasnoyarsk. all news. always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website the news is following developments . the finalist of the beauty contest together with
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buryad ssk buinova mysteriously disappeared bulan ud. along with her, her acquaintance, stanislav norboev, disappeared into obscurity. they have been looking for them for more than two months, but so far they have only found things scattered on the outskirts of the city, traces of blood and girl's car with twisted license plates. we conducted our investigation. what connected the married beauty queen and her friend? what is the beauty queen's husband accused of and how?
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sound insulation will be at the same level, not like in modern new buildings; according to construction experts, more than 70% of new apartments were built in violation of sound insulation standards. what to do if you find yourself hostage to noise and how to demand that the developer eliminate the violations was discussed by andrei shavtsov. the neighbors turned on the washing machine. audibility is on the edge fiction, this is how alexander, a resident of a new building in st. petersburg, describes his apartment . when he bought it, he thought it would be quiet and calm,
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but very quickly the young man became disappointed and the main thing... the problem was excellent audibility, conversations of neighbors, their music, even the noise of household appliances, literally surround him 24x7, not allowing him to live in peace. the reason, i think, is the quality, the quality of the house, the building, probably some kind of material is used, that is, or in the proper way. alexander even planned renovations in apartment in order to enhance sound insulation, but the builders announced such a price that the young man thought about an alternative, more radical option, it was necessary to change the district house. moving there, the next ones will already be there, i think i will choose housing based on other criteria. hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens are today in the same situation, hostage to noise in their own apartments. construction experts shrug their shoulders; developers are violating sound insulation standards everywhere. 70% of orders come when people have already completed renovations, and then think about sound insulation, they live for six months and start
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thinking about sound insulation, because people are moving in and moving in. nerves begin in the settings, i didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t go to work, and the reason for systematic problems with normal sound insulation of apartments is the savings of developers, sound absorption materials are not cheap, for example, the cost of insulating an apartment 50 km is more than 150,000 rubles. from an engineering point of view, sound insulation is not an easy solution, for example, here is expanded clay weighted with a fine fraction, this guarantees that you will not hear the neighbors below, here is a bad one soundproofing or even lack thereof? are considered a construction defect and it is possible to oblige the developer to correct the situation, people en masse go to court, for example, in chelyabinsk , residents sued a company that cheated on sound insulation, all claims were satisfied: to recover the costs of eliminating construction defects in the amount of 97,149 rubles 60 kopecks, a fine of 48,574 rubles, 80 kopecks. by law, the developer is obliged to compensate
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the full cost of the work; often this reduces the area of ​​the apartment, this is also a reason. receive payment, soundproofing - it will be the thickness is 3-4 cm, if you take it around the perimeter, it will be reduced by a lot, we are calculating a new area, we are already contacting the developer with these losses, but in order to solve the problem of hackwork on the part of the system company, experts suggest holding them accountable in every case of dispute not only the developer, but also officials who for some reason accepted a house with an obvious defect, if any violations are revealed, yes, it is certainly necessary to take various...
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it is noted that statements of domestic violence are subject to mandatory reception by the police, even if the victim does not have visible signs of violent acts, the victim must be isolated from the aggressor. we will discuss all this with associate professor of the department of criminal law at kutafin university, candidate of legal sciences, anastasia ragulina. hello, we have discussed this topic many times, but there is still no law, maybe this time it will appear, what do you think? well, i would really like for him to appear, because it seems to me. our society is ready for this, the question is in what form it will appear, because from the text of the bill in terms of physical violence, beatings have disappeared, and most often they happen, and if we talk about economic violence, then there is not a word about non- payment of alimony, why do you think? well , it seems to me, you know, as usual, it’s very difficult to immediately make the law good, we once decriminalized beatings, we were the first to remove them from
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the criminal code to the administrative code.
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the victim withdraws such a complaint, it turns out that there is none, and it is as if it is impossible to initiate a case, so i saw that yes, in the media as it was covered, what such people are offering changes, it seems to me that they will be positive. what else should be taken into account in the law on domestic violence in your opinion in the future? it seems to me that the mechanism should still be more clearly spelled out, and regarding how all this happens, yes, that is, how you can submit an application so that law enforcement officers cannot silence these cases, so that they are held responsible for the fact that if suddenly, well, suddenly for some reason they did not accept the application, did not take any measures, and let’s say the neighbors go to the kucheskoy and says: you know, i i hear a child crying, i hear a woman crying there, but no one does anything, but i understand. there are few uchkovs, we also talked about this, it is impossible, yes, to embrace every family, but if there were such signals and law enforcement officers did not react, it is probably also worth paying for this, as it were, the responsibility and, in general , the responsibility of the people, yes, who actually
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helped to silence, but helped this situation and how to make it closed, when they help this comrade who uses violence to avoid responsibility, these are also cases that must be to speak out, not to let such cases be hushed up, this must also be written down in the law and still toughen measures so that it is not just that a person was brought to administrative responsibility there and there is no point, it still has to be criminal liability, there must be a public outcry, all this together should lead to such a person no longer wanting to do this, thank you, we discussed the bill on domestic violence with an associate professor of the department of criminal law kutafin university, candidate of legal sciences, anastasia ragulina. valentin smernitsky is 80. you were in love, while in shchukinsky, with marianna vertinsko, well, in love, all this is youth, youth , youth, larisa guzeeva didn’t marry you, vishkaboevsky, and why
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didn’t she marry because of michal sergeevich guzeeva, how do you remember, when you don’t remember anything, i remember, i remember, i remember, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, tomorrow at 15:00 on the russia channel. come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, no sorry, the main thing is that before pedestrians had time to get used to the new means of individual mobility, suitcases started rolling down the streets.
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she is choosing a suitcase for a future two-week trip to sochi; the girl travels by plane, train or car quite often, and therefore she needs a high-quality and durable bag. i chose a suitcase made of polypropylene, it has a warranty of more than 5 years, it costs 21. for me this is a quite comfortable price, i’m ready to pay that kind of money for the quality. a good suitcase is a must for for any tourist, it is not surprising that travel bags are in demand among russians. this year, russians bought 32% more suitcases than last year. currently , the average check for suitcases is 4,390 rubles,
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which is 10% more than last year, while the price range for suitcases varies from two to 40 thousand rubles. the cost of a suitcase primarily depends, of course, on the size sm or l, and the material from which the bag is made. the most budget-friendly ones will be fabric ones from t to... rub. this one can easily get wet or it can get dirty, it can be cut on the luggage belt, frayed items inside are not protected from mechanical stress, and the advantages are that they are more spacious, as they have additional compartments in the form of external pockets. the next segment is plastic suitcases. the cheapest material will be abs plastic, it will be heavier compared to other types of plastic, and the most inexpensive, that is, its big, main advantage is its cost. mid-price segment - it will be polypropylene, it is easy to paint, so there will be a lot of colors and assortment in this type of plastic. very large, the price will also be from 8-10,000 rubles. if we are talking about polypropylene. the more expensive range will be made of polycarbonate, one of the most durable and strong types of plastic. the service life of such bags is from 10 years, and the cost is from 20,000 rubles. suitcases made from this
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material are highly wear -resistant; they do not crack or get wet, just like suitcases made from the high-strength matrix material. they also have a bright design and can withstand the most strong shocks during transportation, cost from 70,000 rubles. suitcases made of aluminum have been especially popular lately; their price is significantly higher, starting from 50,000 rubles for a small displacement. by the way, it is from aviation aluminum that trusted manufacturers make suitcase handles, and this is another parameter that is worth paying attention to when choosing a travel bag; the type of wheels is also important. verified manufacturers. today we abandoned removable wheels, because it turned out to be not very practical, so how the mechanism of removable wheels wears out very quickly, uh, as a result of replacing this mechanism, that is, it either cannot be replaced, or replacement costs more than replacing a regular wheel. and lastly, the lock is the trend of the decade tca locks; the suitcase is locked with a code known only to its owner. at the same time, intelligence officers can easily hide it using a universal key. with such a locking device, the key combination remains as safe as the suitcase itself. and then. laboratory uaz, about the new
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we'll tell you the role of the famous suv in a few minutes, where is she, behind seven seals, it looks like it was artyom, artyom took sonya, artyom? yes, and apparently, it was he who killed, that revenge, revenge is a very serious motive, which means dig deeper and wider, only carefully, a downtrodden beast, the most dangerous, what do you say. so what now? is sonya alive? she wasn't there. in general, this is the case here. he has nothing left to lose. is artyom in town? no i did not know. we haven't met. i'll lock all the doors and set the alarm. yes. smart girl. for family seals. final episodes. today on rtr.
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gal, i’ve already come home, man, i’m not galya, i have good news, my salary will be five times more, come in, galya, galya, galya, where did you get such a beauty, in the alcoholic beverages department, there’s a huge selection there , the highlight of our collection, 38 years old, show me. this is the famous jakunda, well, wangok, why do they look like that, it was the city day, everyone celebrated, we can do it a little more, i’m just starting to come to my senses, stories of a big country, on friday on rtr. a
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what are you doing here? i won’t be long, change seats immediately, my wife will come here now, please don’t attract attention, so you’re the wife, i’m the wife, and who are you? it’s you, julia, you gave birth, congratulations, your husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you look tired, everything is fine, but how can i say it? sleeps lightly, feels that mom is not around, and we can cope without mom, the stork brings not only children, only one option, which one, you need to find a woman, great idea, i myself couldn’t wait, until listen, you need to marry love flies on the wings of a stork, let's move on to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from the stork, on saturday on rtr.
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there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. the order is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it's mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, caster smey is the oldest profession in india, they say it is done correctly in bukhara. the knife
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became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. artificial intelligence has learned to identify problems with cars, no worse than a professional service. cars drive through a special frame equipped with sensor cameras. who will look, listen , touch, smell and send all the data to the computer. within 30 seconds the program produces a detailed report on the vehicle’s condition. scanners are already installed three hundred american services, and the receptionists are sad in the break room. they are able to find defects and repair power lines at a distance in our country. for this purpose, they created an entire mobile laboratory in moscow and a robotic engineer in yekaterinburg. andrey alekseenko, further.
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today we have a uaz on test, but this is not a simple suv, but a special electrical laboratory. from the outside, distinguish the car from the citizens. possible by the small inscription and the lack of glazing in the trunk, it is filled with special equipment, it is an instrument rack, in which houses high-voltage units, an autonomous gas generator, it is this that allows the team not to depend on external energy sources, the uaz platform gives freedom of movement, because in our country many substations are located in places impassable for ordinary cars, to get to them, they usually use trucks and whole teams of specialists, expensive. and it is impractical for the operation of a miniature laboratory, just one driver will be enough to arrive at the site, make the necessary connections, and then the operator will be remote connected in this way, at the same time a single control center can conduct tests on dozens of uaz laboratories, we turn on
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the laboratory, the next moment a voltage of over 60 kv is applied to the line, the cable is literally burned through as if by welding, this is necessary in order to visually find the break point in the future. and here another development, a flying drone engineer from yekaterinburg, is perfect. can find defects that are located on the line, which cannot be found by a person from below, examining the line. 5 km/h at this speed, the robot scans the wires automatically, and if it finds damage, it informs the operator, who then decides whether to call a repair team or a drone to handle it themselves. the complex can install stopping clamps and trim unbraided conductors. and either its braiding today , the happy road of the system, has become of interest to both russian power engineers and their foreign colleagues, because the development will not only significantly save time on diagnostics and repairs, but also the most most importantly, it will eliminate injuries. tough
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premiere, take care of yourself, take care of your children, to russia with love, if only for the next anniversary we would answer, jackpot like a married couple, my god, you can become. hello, about ten people are in serious condition after a passenger train derailed in koma, varkuta city hall reported. in total, according to preliminary data , up to 50 people were injured, no deaths were reported. a temporary stay center was opened for the victims in one of the schools.
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nine carriages left the real estate. the train was following from svarkuta to novosibirs to novorossiysk. in total, the train consisted of 14 carriages, carrying 232 passengers. the head of the region, vladimir uyba, also flew there. the cause of the emergency could have been the erosion of the embankment under the tracks. traffic in this area has been suspended and passengers are being evacuated. the operational headquarters to eliminate the consequences of the accident was headed by the head of arzhd oleg belozerov. the circumstances of the incident are being studied by the prosecutor's office. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the acting president of iran mohammed mahber. bilateral cooperation in all key areas was discussed. the interlocutors expressed particular satisfaction with cooperation in the energy sector, as well as the implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects. poladimir putin wished the people of iran success in the upcoming presidential elections. and he expressed confidence that friendly relations between the countries will continue to develop increasingly.
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the state duma adopted a law on the resumption of indexation of payments to working pensioners. deputies supported vladimir's proposal putin. who approved the idea of ​​the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov. next year the state will allocate more than 96 billion rubles for this. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin noted, the president’s decision will restore social justice and also return experienced personnel to the country’s economy, including doctors and teachers. according to the document, pension increases will be carried out in a new way twice a year, from february 1, depending on the level of actual inflation, from april 1. on the level of wage growth, a cyclone with rain and hurricane winds covered the regions of the north caucasus; an emergency warning was announced in adega, in dagestan. dagestan was hit by a volley of rain. the disaster left several
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settlements in the kizlyar region without electricity and gas , lep supports were knocked down, and the pipeline was damaged. makhachkala was flooded, water entered the entrances, public transport got stuck in puddles and some residents switched to glanders. in chechnya, during a hurricane in the city of argun, several people received bruises and injuries. the squally wind blew off the roofs of houses and felled trees. in primorye floods, prolonged downpours, rivers. leaving the filling pump, the teaching staff dealt with it, but the problem remained, it concerns all residents of the house
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located on the unfortunate sloping side of the road, the roadway, according to the principle, they wanted the best, it was taking into account the requirements of an accessible environment that they were repaired 2 years ago, since then the manager homeowners' association alexander morozov keeps records of general damage to the building, what is this hole on the sidewalk worth? were done - lowering the curbs, it turns out from the sidewalks, that's all the inflow that is coming, it flows under ours. residential building, we have complained repeatedly since twenty-two. residents of the first second entrance at lebedevo 35 did not rejoice at the fresh renovation for long. after prolonged downpours, the water stood up to the second stage. now the smell of mold is everywhere. to ford or bypass, passersby of the park on krubskaya decide every day during the rainy season. city authorities are aware of utility problems. the day before, at a plenary meeting, they considered the issue of transforming livnyovka until 2034. reconstruction of 50 km of existing ones is required, and also construction of eight.
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by herself. maria belostotskaya, matvey vershinin, lead perm. this is news, we are monitoring developments. more than 100 korean manufacturers presented their products at national economic exhibitions in vladivostok. it is the first time it has been held in the city on such a scale. these include cosmetics, clothing, building materials, furniture, dishes and even musical instruments. ekaterina shilyanova studied the range of korean goods. a warm welcome with songs and dances in the spirit of russian traditions
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marked the opening of the exhibition of the achievements of the dprk. as if at the crossroads of three roads, it is difficult to determine the best here. it seems like all the companies put a little bit of their soul into making their crash povelions. the first guests were the head of the korean delegation, the governor of primorye. the agreement between the two countries brought relations between neighbors to a new level. the head of the region has already decided to capture them. i'm cooking now. a book about russian-korean friendship, such a great historical material, a wicker basket with bulk apples is pleasing to the eye, a fruit that is not uncommon for the primorye region has already received praise from the locals entrepreneurs. i tried apples about 7 years ago, north korean ones, they are very, very high quality, very tasty, you eat them, the juice just flows from them. in the neighborhood they are showing off universal furniture in a matter of seconds, ordinary. turns into a desktop. among the dozens of products presented are clothing, food and even some
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medications. as a girl, bags caught my attention. there is a huge selection of them here, they are made from genuine leather. for those who want to dramatically change their image or simply undergo a transformation , a real hairdressing salon has opened. here they just don’t risk experimenting with their hair here, but they try on wigs with all their might. the quality is good, but the haircut is not mine. on the shelves you can see products made from yarn. clothes, perfumes, medicinal decoctions from roots, but not all goods can be purchased yet. korean delicacies are in great demand. primorye residents are already actively tasting chocolate. this is the most natural, just natural chocolate, very tasty. everyone, without exception, can evaluate the products of korean companies until june 30. the exhibition will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. hours. on the territory of the dynamo stadium arena. ekaterina shilyanova, maxim malygin. news. primorye. freshly caught pink salmon appeared on the shelves in khabarovsk. in just the first weeks
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of summer, more than 200 tons of red pink salmon were caught. do such volumes affect the cost when? to implement the “affordable fish” program, thanks to which russians can buy healthy pink salmon cheaper than usual, reporting by elizaveta yurova. silver tails shine on the shelves, the first harvest of pink salmon at the market, sellers do not stop praising the most delicious meat so fat, red, people have already missed fresh fish over the winter, direct deliveries from the fishing districts of the uchastovinsky and sovetsko-gavansky districts, businesswoman elena assures a load of fresh catch. accepts every day, delivery is more, and we will try to set prices lower, the starting price in retail outlets in khabarovsk is 400 rubles per kilogram, you come across quite large, one tail can easily exceed a thousand, although buyers do not stand in queues, they take it, the most delicious, the price is normal, good price so far there is no talk of catching large quantities that could affect prices; the fishery has essentially just
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begun; in the khabarovsk territory, in the first weeks of the summer fishing season, a little more than 200 tons were caught. bushes, while from the north khato sea zone and the scale of production is only gaining momentum, the main mass movement is expected in july. the goal for the season is that in all designated fishing areas in the region there is at least 50 thousand tons of all types of salmon, while pink salmon are arriving late, strong storms are interfering, but the number of summer fish is already breaking records. this is almost three times more than last year, according to amur and the amur estuary can be said simply. waiting for the fish to come until the tail is gone. it is necessary to master the catch quotas for pink salmon on the amur before july 14, just before the big whale approach. the forecasts, despite the weather conditions, are favorable, so negotiations with enterprises on the implementation of the affordable fish program are not delayed. negotiations are ongoing with producers and fish producers, but
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most likely it will be the same as last year. in 2023, they asked for about 170 rubles per kilogram of affordable pink salmon. khabarovsk all news always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. i have loved you for a long time, i don’t know what to do with this. from monday at 21:20. the whole country was closely watching this unequal marriage, renata ibragimova’s niece, in her sixties, married a twenty-year-old, out of the blue the couple filed for divorce, mushrooms were all overgrown, sit here performing, damn it, live broadcast, tomorrow at 16:30 they started .
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, no sleep it off, that's the main thing. good morning everyone, good morning, we will be glad to celebrate a new day with you, our viewers, june 27, thursday shows the calendar, vladislav zavyalov, svetlana abramova, in front of you, russian cosmonauts made their appearance. it seems that this is a new tradition for the whole
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crew to watch a play in the theater before the flight. that evening at the chekhov moscow art theater there were three sisters performing on stage. the new iss crew alexey ovchinin and ivan vagner have several difficult months of training and preparation ahead of them. they will go on a long business trip to orbital station in the fall, they will replace other theatergoers there, oleg kananenko and nikolai tube, they set out the tradition. a wonderful tradition unlike any other. at the beginning of the summer , scammers became more active. during interruptions, they offer the best prices for purchases. compared to last year, the surge in scams in this area increased by 17%. about how to protect your vacation, dmitry zaitsev, what to do, buy a cheaper tour, but here, as they say, there are no guarantees, or still overpay and absolutely go on
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rest, well, there is always a choice, the main thing is not to make a mistake, no, we didn’t go to the maldives. the honeymoon was a disaster. we didn’t register for a trip, and it was about a month before departure, 3 days before the vacation we didn’t receive any vouchers or tickets, when elena and andrey went to the company’s office to sort things out, the doors were closed, and you... disappeared , it turned out that they were not the only ones whose expectations were disappointed; about two dozen people were victims; now the couple is trying to get their 650,000 rubles back. in a day, the same site i'm talking about i told him where i was going to buy a tour for myself, as you can see, it no longer works, but moskvich valery saved his money in time, his wife and i were planning a vacation in egypt, on one of the sites they found an interesting week-long tour for only 148 rubles, although on on other tour operator sites, a similar package was much more expensive, however, valery was not bothered by this and decided to book. have already started making a payment, that is, a link has arrived, that’s it, it ’s ready, it’s active, you click on it, the payment opens, the card has been linked just secondary, which should there was money, but i, out of luck, simply didn’t
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transfer the money there. forgetfulness saved us from scammers, after half an hour the payment link did not open, according to experts, the so -called fly-by-night sites are a favorite method of criminals, if the price is about 20% below the market, then we can immediately talk about deceiving the consumer, because in high... tourist season, no one can give you a low price, or the entrepreneur must work at a loss. in russia there are now more than 43,000 travel companies, all their legal relations with clients are enshrined in the federal law on the fundamentals of tourism activities of the russian federation. however, the agency in this chain is only an intermediary; in practice , it is not so easy to hold enterprising businessmen to account. it’s enough to collect a large amount before the season and not book. but if a person is conditionally bankrupt or nothing has been registered for him. how to take money from him, that is, just sue and wait until he pays 10 million there at 200 rubles a month, it turns out that any person on
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the street can turn out to be a travel agent, so as not to become a victim of this scammer, experts advise carefully checking the company that offers you the purchase of a tour or air tickets, we have a unified federal register of tour operators, you can always contact us, this is an open internet resource, it is maintained by the ministry of economic development, 4200 tour operators, secure. the moment of purchase is fully tracked, who went where, what, according to the same principle as we have on dairy products or on bottles of water, and there is a special qr code, it’s like the same thing, plus or minus , done in the tourism sector. transparent for now purchasing tours through an electronic ticket is available for traveling abroad, but from september 1, the service will also be possible for booking within the country. however, law enforcement officers are asking russians not to... relax, scammers are coming up with new deception schemes, the main thing to remember is that there is no such thing as free cheese. but are there any other financial problems? tour operators
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claim that tours will not become more expensive, since all the risks have already been included, and this is good, but what about paying for the same excursions abroad in the current situation? yes, us they urge you not to panic, not to rush to the bank to urgently buy foreign currency for travel, but this , too, is not always easy, sometimes. there is not enough currency in banks, especially in small towns, what can be done, how to improve this situation, our guest, director of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism tour pomosch, alexander saulenko, hello alexander, good morning, probably knows. some operators have a deposit system, this is how it works, why few people know about it, there are some unforeseen situations, unfortunately, are not the most pleasant, where money is needed, here. here now, you mean the pharmacy, for the doctor, well , including, no, if you have insurance, yes, well, as a rule, if an insured event arises,
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they offer, well, often pay for these services themselves, and then, when the package is collected documents, these funds are compensated if they fall under the insured event, and if they do not fall under the insured event, if there is no money, well, you know, the circumstance, so to speak. system, a flexible depository system, can maybe we should organize it with travel agencies, because we won’t consider emergency cases, the tourist just wants to go on some kind of excursion
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or go diving there or something else, but there are no funds there for this, and if it’s 100-200 dollars in equivalent in rubles put it before leaving, why not, you know, maybe a person came somewhere on a trip to some country, planned to spend one amount of money. then i saw how good it was there, how beautiful, i got a taste for it and wanted to see it better, unfortunately, the possibilities, what arguments? yes, such situations are possible, i can tell you, everyone. of us, when he travels, he still has at home, well, let’s say, friends, relatives, and so on and so forth, who in this situation may well help him, knowing how simple it is, since this mechanism works and works directly with this tourist, and to put it mildly, he has already chosen something for a certain amount, it’s quite possible to come to an agency and put it there, well, not put it in, but... deposit it, yes, but
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well, help is the key word in your organization, why don’t you take on this function yourself, well, the thing is, the fact is that our functionality is clearly prescribed by the legislation of the russian federation and this, relatively speaking, does not fall within our competence, we are not a commercial organization, that’s why, of course, we ourselves have such functionality we cannot take, but that travel companies, as commercial organizations, have the right to provide certain services within the framework.
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so imperceptibly for themselves, her students go through topic after topic, and the most important thing for a good teacher is to ignite this spark and maintain interest, children should not be forced to love physics, the teacher should be like a conductor, leading the orchestra unnoticed. arseniy turkevich, a teacher of russian language and literature from moscow, is teaching an unusual lesson today. today's lesson will focus on the topic of space in literature. and after 20 minutes in the space museum, it becomes clear what the endless distances and those dreamers
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who look at them from the earth have in common. to interest a student, you need to understand that a modern child today is interested in being in trend, without overstepping the devil still gives him knowledge and tools that will be useful to him in life. arseniy sergeevich explains some information very simply and clearly and is very easy to understand. in addition to our heroes , taking part in the competition is a cool topic. more than 6,000 teachers from all over the country have already wanted it. last applications are accepted until july 1. by the way, this time there will be surprises for the participants. we will select not only 35 semi-finalists and semi-finalists, our partner organizations will have their own author nominations, their own very interesting prizes, and internships. but not only prizes and recognition. the most important thing in the competition is the winner of the second season , ekaterina sigareva, and in the end each participant wins. it's brand new. experience
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that you definitely can’t get at school, you will make your lessons brighter, more interesting, in general , firstly, you will make a huge number of friends all over the country, well, we just have to closely follow the competition , cool topic, 35 teachers will be selected for the semi-finals of the project, they will go to moscow to film the author’s video tutorials, well, then ninety- five or ninety-two, what kind of gasoline pour into the car, if the manufacturer allows both, expert advice is coming soon! which workshop will we determine? where are there more guys? let's look at rtr. carry out the plan for the car, keep an eye on it, that’s all. so you come back more often. if a komsomol member needs it.
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what task do we have to open the whole board , we can handle it, if you ask, then it will be done with a bang. does everyone know the name of which character from pushkin's works? how much is 7.8, 7.8? who talks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what
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also, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then...
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races with political overtones in the uk, farmers from devon released animals into the distance, which mockingly represent the main parties of the country. five pigs rushed to the finish line, destroying everything in their path. orvenia is quite understandable; at the end of
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the 140-meter distance, tasty, juicy grass awaits. as often happens, the two strongest participants took the lead, finishing neck-to-nose and excellent refueled. friend. question: what kind of gasoline is best to refuel modern chinese cars, only ninety-five, and maybe ninety-two will do, ivan zenkevich figured it out. some manufacturers of modern chinese cars write in the instructions: the use of ai92 is allowed. and this causes understandable skepticism: the engines on such models are usually turbocharged, which means they are sensitive to fuel quality. this is how you can feed new machines or not. let's figure it out with gasoline: digital indices 92 and 95 indicate the octane number of the fuel, that is , its resistance to detonation and explosive combustion. the ninety-second, as you might guess, is less persistent. why is this bad? ignition of the fuel in the cylinder must
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occur at a strictly defined moment, which is specified in the engine settings. if it happens earlier, a sharp surge in pressure and a shock wave will primarily destroy the engine parts. pistons valves. you can detect detonation by hearing the characteristic metallic ringing sound during sudden acceleration. of course, any motor has a certain margin of safety, because situations can be different. for example, there was no suitable fuel at the gas station, and two types had to be mixed. the control electronics of modern engines, of course, can be adjusted within a certain range to the octane number of the current gasoline. however, it should be remembered. then its possibilities are not limitless, if you fill in ai92, the knock sensor will be rebuilt, but it will be more of a semi-emergency mode, not designed for constant operation and full impact, dynamics...
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that it is cleaner, since it contains the basic raw materials and a minimum amount of additives, but still it is subject to a greater likelihood of detonation. as a result, if you abuse the ninety-second, there is a risk that the engine will not work out its declared resource, and this is already low for modern turbo engines. and one more piece of advice: if you are going to drive off-road or to the hot south with a lot of luggage, it is better to fill the car with higher octane fuel, the car will definitely tell you for this. thank you! and then, a journey to the center of the earth. at this
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rate, the lava will overwhelm us in about two minutes. i think she's slowing down. i am so sudden and contradictory, i can slow down, i can speed up. i'm done, i'm starting the drill. she's still slowing down. or i speed up. about what is really happening to the core of the earth, and how it affects us all. it will affect us, we’ll find out immediately after the news. the trinity icon returned to the monastery after a century-long break. vladimir putin bowed to the shrine in the trinity lavra of sergei. three hymersa installations were destroyed and foreign mercenaries were eliminated. the situation in the special operation zone. the border is locked at the border between russia and china.


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