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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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who knows what the world will be like in the coming months, whether the three baltic countries will be able to maintain their sovereignty, but most importantly, will the region be able to remain? with stability and integrity and restore dialogue with russia, which is the largest piece of the baltic puzzle. cnn claims that the trump -biden debate in atlanta will actually decide who will become us president in november. fox news lost biden. sean hanenty wonders who is running the country right now? in the sense that joe has not been seen for 5 whole days. where is biden hiding? everyone
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famous for its residence in came david. for what purpose is also clear. learns to stand on your feet and not fall for 90 minutes. every day training. bookmakers have started taking fun bets on the upcoming debates. you can bet, for example, on whether biden will stumble or perhaps fall asleep during the debate. who will be the first to swear at their opponent? bets are accepted on how many times biden will say barack obama. also on what phrase trump will say. more often fake news from china or sleepy joe. about debates trump spoke himself. said: “i want to say that joe biden is the worst of all the debaters that i have opposed, because he cannot put two words together. trump compared biden to a doll that shakes its head again asked to take a drug test, especially for cocaine. however, one cannot expect much from the debates themselves.
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the americans will be deprived of intense debates, bright speeches to the crowd and antics. at biden’s request, everything will be different, without spectators, without dialogue, the debates will be held in the state of georgia, where the local governor is kisha, lens. bottoms is a democrat. cnn's jake tepper will moderate. he previously compared trump to hitler on air. in general, an absolutely neutral and... democratic choice of leader. joe has been in hiding for more than 5 days, apparently the president of your country is unable to fulfill his duties, his job duties, while he is preparing for a 90-minute debate on the friendly territory of fake news, cnn, at least 16 aides are helping him with this, is conducting debate rehearsal meeting where he works out strategy, also according to biden's week-long intensive at camp david for reporters.
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in general, the white house refused to conduct a drug test, said that everything he says is a desperate lie and says who is really afraid of debates, who is not ready for them, biden will be ready for them. i have already sent a letter to the white house more than once asking for cognitive tests to be conducted , the same ones that trump took. and all my letters were ignored. so tomorrow i will send a letter to president biden, or rather to his physician, dr. conor. i'm not very pleased to do all this. it's just humiliating for your ex. the white house doctor has to
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do it, but we have no choice. i will demand , on behalf of many millions of concerned americans, that he take a drug test before this debate takes place. particular attention should be paid to stimulants. recently, during the state of the union address, we saw a joe biden who did not look like the joe biden we see every day for 3.5 years. and explain it other than that he was under the influence some medications are not allowed. he will spend a week at camp before the debate, partly so he can experiment with dosages.
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points for himself, debate is about expectation, and a lot is expected of him, so he has to come up with an excuse in advance for why he will lose, so he introduces this new unknown. i doubt the president will agree to take a drug test. and if he still decides to hand it over, then trump will have to do the same. i don't understand why this is important. is it stated in the contract? no drugs condition during the debate? i don't think so. i wish we could show a little more respect for the institution of the presidency. it is not necessary to respect a specific person or the institution itself. and do not indulge in baseless insinuations that the commander-in-chief may be under the influence of drugs. our allies and enemies look at us and we look like idiots. did you give president trump any advice about what he should do on stage this thursday? well i spent time with him last week, i can say that he's in great spirits, i think it 's going to be a big night for him, and i think there's going to be a stark contrast between his vision for america, which is very positive,
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and the vision that he wants to convey in reality to president biden's weak record, which is difficult not to notice, i think this contrast will be stunning, you already said that you are watching how... look, i'm just telling the truth, i'm just acknowledging what everyone sees, we can't influence how we age, everyone getting old in different ways at different paces, my father-in-law is the same age as president biden, but he lives at 100, he works 12 hours a day, runs a small business that he has been doing for many years, he is energetic and seems to be able to do almost anything, and president biden cannot, is that...
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his energy is very dependent on what format he speaks in what forum, and we expect him to behave the same way as he did during the address to the us congress, when america is knocked down, it gets up, that the evening was full of energy, so this is exactly the joe biden i expect to see, the question is whether he can last the stage for 90 minutes. this debate will be three against one trump, since the moderators will be from cnn, there will be no lower expectations from the audience, if biden does not cope in these conditions, then i think that he
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will be finished as a presidential candidate, my advice to mr. trump: be yourself, americans are tired of the media fooling them, they already know all their tricks, just tell people about your achievements, compare them with... at the age of 15, his father and wife met him right at canbera airport. asansh flew to canbera from the northern mariana islands. these are remote american territories in the pacific ocean. there, an american judge, naturally, approved the deal between the wikileaks founder and the us department of justice. the espionage case, in which
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asanji faced 175 years in prison, has been officially dropped. the australian journalist left the meeting room on the island of saipan to cheers and applause. no official address or even a short comment to the press, and sansh did not answered how it feels to feel like a free person. silently gets into the car and leaves for the airport to fly home. the flight assange was on was the most tracked flight in the world today, according to flight radar. all western newspapers published on the front page a photograph of asanj, who looks hopefully into the future through the windows of the illuminati. it’s not... so rosy, and sanjeu will have to pay australia for government expenses on flights, the main whistleblower of the planet was banned from flying commercial by the court airlines, and now, in order to pay off, as sanzhe’s wife said, they need to raise 520
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thousand dollars. also upon arrival, hugging her husband, she asked the reporters to leave their family alone for a while; everyone needed to be alone. according to the journalist's lawyer. asanch was simply forced to make a deal with the us authorities so as not to perish in a london or american prison, where, according to a special report for the un. systematically subjected to psychological torture, now after either the triumph of justice or public humiliation, depending on who you choose, the activity of the wikileaks resource may resume, despite the obligation to delete supposedly secret data. we see a huge crowd and there i think his
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wife stella, a warm hug, that's what awaits him, his legal team was on board with him, supporting him, his wife finally appears and behind her i see his father john, like you are mr asange, how are you feeling? julian wanted me to sincerely thank everyone, he wanted to be here, but you have to understand what he's been through, he needs time, he needs to recuperate and this is a long process, i ask you to please give us space, give us privacy, find our place, let our family be a family, before he can speak again, when the time is right. julian should never have spent a day in jail, but today we celebrate because he is free.
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extradition of asandzh, he risked receiving a sentence of 175 years. in 2012, the australian received political asylum at the ecuadorian embassy in london, where he remained for 7 years. in 2019, the uk arrested he was placed in belsh prison. today, despite asandge's release, his lawyer says the fight is not over. all this restores a rather positive trend, but we should not forget that information is spreading everywhere in the world.
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you feel? atlas held the whole world on his shoulders and it was quite hard, and then the gods came to him and said: you can rest a little, we will take it from you. that's how i feel, a huge relief. julian assange left this courthouse a free man, but the judge warned him that the plea deal became possible only due to the fact that a lot of time had passed. since everything was clear now, she explained that no one was harmed as a result of his actions. the work that wikileaks has done is historically significant. some of the data that
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wikileaks published directly led to the end of the war in iraq. i'm talking about a video of a helicopter shooting killing people and journalists in baghdad. i think this is a historical moment, a historical publication that has spread around the world. comrade kim chinin does entrance on the pacific chessboard . the dprk is testing a hypersonic missile, it was launched from the surrounding area. hinyana flew 250 km and fell into the waters of the eastern coast of north korea. the fact of the launch was confirmed by the south korean military and the japanese coast guard. the previous tests were carried out by strada. may, the first reports about phinyang’s hypersonic program appeared at the beginning of twenty-two, then, according to official reports, the missile hit a target at a distance of 100 km. this was confirmed by the south korean chiefs of staff committee, noting that there is no evidence yet that the projectile was hypersonic. rumors
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that putin transferred the necessary technologies to kim constantly arise in the west. production of ammunition has increased in number , allegedly building up north korea, testing before sending them to russia. but pyongyang seems to be more interested in its southern neighbor than in destroying the world in a nuclear war. cnn reports that the garbage war continues to escalate on the peninsula. allegedly, the dprk has been bombarding south korea with balloons filled with slop for the third day in a row. through border directed by more than a thousand balls. this is a response to...
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putin has turned this relationship into a strategic partnership. for many years, north korea has been among the countries against which the most severe sanctions have been imposed. and now, by joining russia, they gain access to important russian technologies. moscow can provide thingyan access to raw materials that will allow kin to achieve many of his modernization goals, including his own nuclear forces, so this is a huge opportunity for kimche. north korea is one of the few countries possessing nuclear warheads. so what does kim jong-in hope to achieve with his nuclear arsenal? kim continues to be a rational actor. his main
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strategic goal is to ensure the transfer of power to the next in the kim generation and ensure the preservation of the north korean system. so kim jong-in is not preparing for war per se, but he is ensuring that if that day does come, north korea is ready to fight that war. that is, transgender. he made his coming out in the twenty-first year, to serve i went after the start of the svo with my boyfriends. we went through the terrorist defense, then became
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mortar men, had sex in the trenches. and at least 50,000 of them in the ranks of the ssu were read on telegram, having studied the data of the lgbt military account. there is a whole battalion for gays, lesbians, non-binary people and other perverts. they have a unicorn on chevron, the publication writes that the main problem of the front line for uncle lyubov, as gays are called in ukraine, is not a shortage of ammunition or weak defensive lines, the worst thing is the ban on same-sex sex in the country marriages, so that if a hot guy dies in battle, then his partner will not be paid compensation, they will not even be allowed to take the body, the bbc took care of the problem:
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rodan’s ex-boyfriend was killed in the first months of the invasion, roman was only 21 years old. the massacre of gay soldiers on the front line has revealed the injustice that lgbt people do not have equal rights to marry. it doesn't matter if people are straight or homosexual, i don't want to feel like i'm one of the half-citizens, i'm the same person as everyone else, i pay the same taxes, i pro-ukrainian, and a rocket.
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marchers are only allowed to move a few hundred meters and risk homophobic attacks. this group of far-right
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protesters had just shown up to try and oppose the pride march, shouting incredibly offensive and homophobic slogans. now lgbt organizers say they don't reflect society, there will always be people who are homophobic. they say that society is becoming more...
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i’ve been serving for a very long time, and even at home, just simply sitting, at any moment, i can get pregnant rocket, and like your life will end, and you haven’t tried anything in your life, and homosexual couples won’t even be able to prove that it was their partner, because we don’t have a law that allows this, in parliament there are also opponents of the bill on same-sex partnerships, it has been blocked by conservative mps, with lgbt soldiers worried the war may not provide the window for change they hope for. and these are the emilys, our valiant wars are right now being pushed away from peaceful cities, gorlovka and donetsk, let’s move to the front, vladimir razin, military correspondent, is in direct contact with us , hello, what is the situation in the donetsk direction, what’s going on with toretsk, why pokrovsk is traveling. apparently he is going to
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pokrovsk in much the same way as he went to ovdeevka, to chasyar, uh, there is movement on our side, there is movement in the karlovka area, that is, there are battles taking place on the very outskirts of this settlement, we need to, uh, i think we should remind you once again that the terrain there is quite complex, there are lakes there plus a defense line that the enemy there lined up for quite a long time, long before vdeevka was liberated, he understood that we would get there... we would go there and we would liberate this settlement, that is , we were quite seriously prepared, so the battles are not easy, but our guys are moving, there is movement every day, absolutely, traffic also goes to the area of ​​​​the settlement of vozdvizhenka, this is already behind novoleksandrovka, this traffic goes towards the highway between krasnoarmeysk and dzerzhinsk, this is exactly pokrovsk and toretsk, but how was it renamed and the cities with
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ukrainian side. in the area just like taretska, yes, there is movement on our side in the area of ​​the settlement, there are noises, in the area of ​​the settlement severnaya, druzhnaya, that is , they broke through the enemy’s defenses, let’s move on, this is actually these settlements - they are in the area there, 3-4 km from the city of toretsk or dzerzhinsko, as it would be more correct, the defense there is sufficiently built.
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a lot of preparatory activities, let’s say, yes, with the use of artillery, aviation, are taking place there and have taken place before, how our attack aircraft went forward, so the movement is going on, our guys don’t stop at anything, they know how to break through the enemy’s defenses, so, well, let’s just say, everything is going according to plan, according to the plan that our military sets for itself directly in the directions , volodya, a couple of days ago we talked with an attack aircraft ... his call sign is a lawyer, he was attacked by eight drones at once, so he says that there are actually 8-10 drones for each, how do our guys move forward in such conditions? moreover, many are now writing, in including our muscovites mobilized from regiment 1431, which says they tried 16 types of weapons, 12 types. there are still
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drones that pass through these systems, there are simply heavens of them, yes it is, evgeni, it is so, yes, i know the lawyer’s story, in fact, there from the very beginning, as soon as she appeared in the public field and your communication with him i saw, well, in fact it is, on some sectors of the front, and even on most sectors of the front, in fact the situation is like this, it is basically the same... on both sides regarding the number of drones per unit of equipment or group of personnel regarding countering drones, well, again, each unit for itself in its area in its own direction chooses, let’s say, the optimal counteraction, of course they intersect in terms of, let’s say, guns and rap or rap, let's say with some more.


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