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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  June 27, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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expand the army to 200,000 soldiers, and school, school can be abandoned. shooting, running around, soldiers taking up defensive positions. in eastern poland , young people are being taught how to use guns in a program called holidays with the army, which some may find funny. participant of this course.
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hopes more that in this way it will be able to get more young soldiers into its ranks, it’s just that the polish military leadership declared the russian federation the main threat to poland after the end of the second world war, and ordinary poles are very alarmed by russia's war in ukraine. i didn’t want to become a soldier, but i decided to become one because of the latest events in the world, because of all these conflicts, and most importantly because of the situation at the borders of our homeland, i will be a soldier, i decided so. participants in the program learn to handle various types of weapons, learn to disguise themselves, apply camouflage, and learn to survive in the wild. dominic actually wanted to study computer science at university, but now he will be a professional soldier. and most of the young guys in these exercises really just finished school. the only exception is thirty-four-year-old magdalena, but she always wanted to be a soldier. her children are already old enough and, in her opinion , now is the time to serve in the army. i'm wearing a military uniform and i'm proud of it. "i put it on
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to show everyone that i am not only a wife and mother, but a soldier. after completing these military exercises, young poles themselves can choose where they want to serve in the army or territorial defense forces, and many of them are already planning to join into the armed forces poland, for a long time. this is not a vacation, the recruits wake up with the first rays of the sun and immediately begin to teach them how to fight and how to survive, when they are not in..." the fields they are busy cleaning the barracks, well, the location of the unit, which is only 130 km away from the belarusian border, they are prohibited from leaving, that is, no trips home, no parties in the city, with all this , the army vacation program, as the polish authorities claim, is of great interest among young people throughout poland, the polish ministry of defense initially expected attract a total of 10,000 young poles to the program, but 11 are already taking part in it. at the very end
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of the program, participants solemnly take an oath that they will faithfully serve the polish republic, and even if they need to shed their blood and give their lives for it , and as pavel galaska, commander of the eighteenth logistics regiment, whose fighters are training participants in the program, said , everyone here knows about the threat looming from the east, well, a return report in the united states, before the debate begins. trump and biden in less than 24 hours. in this communications slithorical publication babylon bee writes that trump is preparing for the debate with biden by visiting a nursing home and talking to patients with dementia to find common ground with them. the news, of course, is comic, but it is only part of the joke. indeed, no one has seen biden for more than six days. it is known that he is locked in his residence in ken david, where 16 assistants,
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official information, work with him on the so -called intensive, which includes endurance training, in other words, joe teaches how to stand for 90 minutes, exactly the debate will last so long without falling, stumbling or messing up anything, while the rhetoric of the republicans is also crossing all boundaries, people from the trump team, and donald trump himself, openly saying: that before going on stage, biden will be injected with a heavy dose of cocaine , it supposedly causes cheerfulness, or at least, they will inject you with prohibited energy drinks, it will be easy to check, they say, if joe behaves as cheerfully as he did during his address to the us congress, then everyone will understand that he is definitely on drugs, in general, we are waiting, the debate will take place in atlanta at cnn headquarters. 4 am moscow time,
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the tv channel has already shown exclusive footage of the ring where biden and trump will meet: look, biden will be standing on the right. stand, don't sit. trump will be on the left. the distance between them is 2.5 m. if you really want to, you can throw a glass of water, or pour it on your competitor. there will be no spectators in the hall. but there will be time control light signals. a kind of traffic light is green, you can say, yellow is less than a minute left, flashing red is 5 seconds, stop. interrupt. each other is forbidden, you can only speak in turns, well, that is , the most convenient conditions for debates have been created for biden, it still remains to ban donald trump himself from coming, well, so that joe does not interfere with anything at all. if we go
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behind the stands, we will see two green lights, when they are on, this means that the candidate can speak, his microphone is on, when they are off, then the microphone is off, i want to show how... like the lights on the podium , he will try to interrupt me during my answer and how is it will look, i say and what phil says is very difficult to understand. now let's try it the other way around, my microphone is on and victor's microphone is off and he will try to interrupt me, my sound level is normal, but what victor is saying is difficult to understand. my name is adam kinzinger, and i am proud to be a conservative, i always have been, and as
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a conservative, i always put our democracy and constitution first, it is because of my continued support for democracy that today, as a conservative, i support in this election for joe biden, my whole life was built on the belief that america is a beacon of freedom and democracy. i don’t agree with biden on everything, of course, but i never thought that i would support a democrat in the presidential election, but i know that he will always defend what makes america the best country in the world - our democracy. donald trump poses an immediate threat to all fundamental american values. he doesn’t care about our country, he doesn’t care about you, he only cares about himself, in the pursuit of power he sweeps away anything and everything. anyone. we saw this when he tried to change. election results he lost in 2020, he attacked the very foundation of our nation and incited an angry mob of his supporters to march on the capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power. now he has become even more dangerous, he is talking about repealing the constitution, he wants to become a dictator on the first day of his rule, he has spoken about it directly, and he
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continues to incite political hatred, there is too much at stake to stand aside, so to each to the american, regardless of his party affiliation, i say: now not... many americans believe that biden can take one or another stimulant drug that will help improve his memory and stamina. trump called on joe biden to take a drug test and said he was willing to take one too. today's poll on our website showed that the vast majority of our viewers believe that during the debate. will be on edge, as he was during the address to the nation, it will be an unusual joe, who has no idea in his head. understand that we did not see the pumped-up jos from the times of his extremely charged furious speech, when he screamed, screamed, he practically did not blink and literally flew through the speech written to him in record time, he
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did not even give the speaker time to introduce him, unfortunately, for john, there will be no script for the debate and he will have to rely on his memory. fortunately for biden , the so-called moderators, lovers of fake news, will help him. he just needs to hold on for 90 minutes without falling, and the media will declare him the winner, only because of this. president trump's former top adviser presented him with a plan to end the war in ukraine if he wins the election. according to one retired general, the strategy involves
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pressuring ukraine to enter into peace talks, threatening to withhold american military aid and threatening russia with increased support.
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immediately after a message from bolivia about the desire to join brix, it happens. in this
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footage, an armored personnel carrier breaks down the doors of the presidential palace and armed soldiers under the leadership of their general they rush inside. the rebellion, however, ended quickly. only the doors of the presidential palace itself were damaged, when the empty military burst in, they were met by president luis arce himself, who ordered everything to stop and arrested them. the instigator of general zuniga. commenting on what happened, political scientists point to the country's economic problems, political rivalry between the current president and former eva morales, who also faced a coup and was forced to flee to argentina, but there is more an obvious explanation for the turmoil that the latin american state experiences almost every year. over 200 years there... there have already been 191 coups d'etat, the whole
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point is that bolivia has huge lithium reserves, 21 million tons, but bolivia itself can no longer cope with their development, for this it needs partners, and bolivia wanted to mine lithium cooperate with moscow and beijing, and this, as you understand, gives russia and china a huge advantage; the demand for castings is growing rapidly. there are not so many reserves of raw materials, it is already possible to do without lithium in the modern world impossible, without batteries, electric cars will become, gadgets will not work, and lithium is also used for the production of radio electronics, laser components and parts of military equipment, but what is even more interesting is that bolivia went against us foreign policy, condemning genocide in the gas sector, tearing up everything relations with israel have become closer... with russia and thereby brix. moreover, a few weeks ago, president
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arce even dared to come to the st. petersburg international forum, where contracts were signed. conclusions suggest themselves, as if by themselves. the united states is behind the unsuccessful attempt. but judging by how quickly the bolivian military rebels collapsed, the hegemon's power to maintain his dominance is becoming less and less. in the kremlin, literally. the coup attempt has just been called an internal affair of bolivia. peskov said that russia wishes for a speedy restoration of calm in this country. on the streets of the bolivian capital, surrounded by soldiers, an armored car breaks through the gate. presidential palace, part of an attempted military
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coup. the military rushes in, hoping find the frightened president, but he turns out to be one of the first people they meet. president arza comes face to face with general zuniga, who is apparently behind the uprising. the president orders the general, who is surrounded.
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position ahead of next year's elections. there have been a lot of warning signs and one of the interesting things is that the us embassy was attacked last week. there was no ambassador there, but there was someone responsible for business. someone copied her voice using artificial intelligence, and she was accused of preparing a military coup. she was even called into the foreign minister's office, and of course the united states reaffirmed its support for democracy in bolivia and so on. but i am sure that now after all this there will be a statement that foreign opposition powers were behind the coup. there is a right wing in bolivia that has carried out several coups d'état. there have been more coups in bolivia than in any other country in the world in its entire history. 191 revolutions in 200 years, so that there is nothing new here. the same forces that carried out the coup in
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2019 tried to carry it out in 2020, and are now linked to the generals and the military in many ways. in the book you wrote and published in argentina, you say that the military coup occurred because the military stopped obeying you, military planes flew without your permission, despite the fact that you, the commander of the armed forces, i called the commander of the air force, general terceres asked what it was, who ordered it, and he replied, we did this to convince the rebels to calm down and not engage in confrontation, but did you get it? order and he fell silent, then they went over to the us side. we need to look at the economic situation that bolivia finds itself in due to the shortage of fuel dollars, which has caused several protests in the last few months. but in addition, we need to pay attention to the power struggle waged by current president luis arza and former president eva morales. they used to be close allies, but now they have become
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rivals. a criminal investigation conducted by the attorney general could make a difference. western sanctions have failed to undermine russian weapons production, he tells bec news, and moscow has even increased production of artillery shells, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones, reports the american joint services institute. in the twenty-first year , moscow produced 56 x101 cruise missiles per year. last year, 46 such missiles were produced. the stock of ballistic iskanders also increased sharply from 50 to 180 things. according to the report, since the beginning of the war, russia has increased production. times, shells for rszzo grad 15 times, for hurricanes six times, conclusion: sanctions
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somehow failed to undermine the russian military-industrial complex, that is, even something is starting to dawn on the americans. now all hope is for the magical f-16, which is unclear where to place it and of course for the second peace summit in switzerland, this will definitely work, just like... the sanctions have already worked. turkish yenisafak writes that due to the crisis in the red sea, eu countries had to return to energy resources from our country. russian supplies accounted for almost a quarter of the gas purchased by europeans in may and this june. imports of blue fuel from russia increased by 23% and exceeded 7 billion cubic meters. but brussels is not that simple. by command. the united states, which now considers the european gas market its own, the european union is working on new sanctions to combat circumvention of old sanctions. according to one of
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the european diplomats, the sanctions will affect dual-use goods, including chips that are used in household devices, as well as advanced technologies and military products, writes raiters. but that means they will again hit our poor microwave ovens in our refrigerators. simply restless, al jazeera states, the most sanctioned country in the world has found ways to circumvent all western restrictions, including friendly countries, the most striking example is the chinese auto industry, which replaced the western auto industry and now accounts for 50% of the russian market. only the usa exceeds 5 hundred. most of the sanctions are related to russian aggression in ukraine. they only intensified after the full-scale russian invasion in 2022. however, some sanctions date back
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to 2014, when russia seized crimea. but do at least some of these sanctions work? from the very beginning, the purpose of the sanctions was to shrink the russian economy, to provoke russians into thinking twice about vladimir putin's war in ukraine. however, if it was implied. that sanctions will shrink the russian economy, making it more difficult to wage war, the figures prove that putin's war economy is in reality growing. russia was quite well prepared, including the central bank taking many measures even before the sanctions were adopted, because they expected this. most sanctions have now been in effect for a very long time; they are not so effective because they can be circumvented through other countries, this has already been talked about a lot before. here's a line of trucks. who import prohibited goods and technologies into russia, despite international crackdowns, more than one and a half thousand companies, including the world's most recognizable brands, have long stated that
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will cease or reduce their activities in russia as a protest against moscow's military aggression in ukraine, but our investigation showed that most of the products of these companies are easily obtained in russia. luxury brands in the upper price segment closed their stores back in... audi, nissan, kia, and ford all left russia, car sales fell to the bottom by as much as 59%, but then began to grow as chinese manufacturers began to fill the void , now they are in control.
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he is transported to the eu from russia, he delivered by ships to european ports, this is 20 billion cubic meters of gas annually, a quarter of this amount is redirected in european ports and goes on to other
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countries, only this... has completely disappeared from the world market, so the sanctions are designed in such a way that russia can henceforth sell this raw material , because otherwise prices would skyrocket and this would fuel inflation so that russia can still sell gas and oil to india and china. at the moment, russia is the most sanctioned country in the world, against the country and more than 16 individuals were introduced. he improved his forecast for russian economic growth to 2.6%. western countries still insist that their sanctions have an impact on russia. international sanctions, the oil price cap, and the export controls we have imposed have weakened the russian war machine. these restrictions will become even more severe. but
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there is general recognition that russia is finding ways to get around these restrictions. it seems that the sanctions fight is working to russia's advantage. to be fair, which the shocked al-jazeera correspondent is trying to analyze, already outdated in relation to the russian federation, seeking our strategic defeat, the west did not impose 16 thousand sanctions. if you believe the first deputy prime minister of russia mantrov, he first announced this figure at the st. petersburg economic forum: 20,000,800 sanctions have been imposed on our country, that is , no matter how hard they try, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work out on the one hand, on the other hand the world is still closer to nuclear armageddon, in any case, this is exactly what we have sensation. we're moving forward right now. to
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the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation a unique opportunity for direct communication, deputy minister of foreign affairs, sergei ribkov, we endlessly respect our friend, comrade and truly great russian diplomat. sergey alekseevich, hello, thank you very much for finding the opportunity to get in touch with us directly, i know that there are time limits, but nevertheless i need to ask some questions. really painful question for every resident of our country, you just recently said that how as if the world does not underestimate the possibility of a direct military clash between nuclear powers, and as if not everyone understands these risks, we understand that there are those people who do not understand whether we can call them by their last names, who even controls these risks now, is there
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someone who at some point... will say stop, or are we in such an airless space today, when the planet is really sliding into some kind of nuclear hell. hello olga, i am glad to have the opportunity to talk about this extremely important topic with you and the experts. you're right of course, the fact is that the situation is complex, alarming, and let’s say downright dangerous, but we don’t see any limits to the escalatory course of the united states and its satellites in nato, we see the continuing pumping of ukraine with the most modern weapons, and this addition to the supplies themselves is accompanied by signals that kiev can decide for itself how to use these weapons for what purposes, accordingly, we
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are seeing tragedies. which unfold on russian territory, in the republics that joined the russian federation most recently, in crimea, in many other territories, in the belgorod and kursk regions, this is essentially the direct involvement of the united states and other nato states in the war against russia, this is the turning of the united states to the side.
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important fundamental importance are the foundations of state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence, the laws of the introduction of hostilities. consequences of what is happening right now, so the nuclear topic is sounding louder and louder, and people on the other side, accustomed in recent years to limit themselves to stupid empty accusations of russia in the proliferation
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disinformation, propaganda, without bothering themselves with any reflections and counterarguments, they simply repeat the same thing, they, unfortunately... and in their internal dispositions, layouts, as i understand it, are not very inclined to look at the situation and see the potential in detail growing dangers of collision, including with the use of these weapons systems that you just mentioned. you recently stated that the west underestimated the possibility on our part of russia to use nuclear weapons. what could be a trigger for use? nuclear weapons? as for part of our doctrine, we are all already aware, this is territorial
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integrity, a threat to the territorial integrity of our country, but they hit russia, they did, no one used nuclear weapons, so when we are ready, is there some formulated for this? olga, in the doctrine in the foundations of state policy, the scenarios when it is possible to resort to this extreme, ultimate means of conducting armed struggle are described in sufficient detail; there will probably come a time when further clarifications can be made to the foundations of state policy, reflecting experience, among others. acquired during the nwo, when, let's call a spade a spade, the classic, old-fashioned reading of nuclear deterrence did not work properly. regarding
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weapons systems, as you mentioned, we saw the president ordering exercises to develop practical skills in the use of non-strategic weapons. nuclear weapons, this in itself is a signal that is read not only by military professionals, and not only by diplomats, but i very much hope by the general public the public in western countries, which the public, unfortunately, connives with their leaders in a completely irresponsible, dangerous course that is pushing western countries into the abyss of direct armed confrontation with russia.
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victory in it, in my deep conviction , is impossible to ensure, but western provocateurs and western tests of russia's strength, they apparently envision something different for themselves, but they will not be able to sit in their own bunkers, even if it comes to a really serious clash, they must understand that russia is determined to do everything. in order to guarantee the unconditional provision of our security and protection of ourselves as a country, as a state, we are dealing with an existential challenge that is thrown at us by the collective west,
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which is exactly how they should understand the degree of our firmness in countering their aggressive plans. well, here’s an attack by american attacks on our sevastopol. this is not a reason to use tactical, say, nuclear weapons; interpretations can be allowed here, and also after us ambassador tracy was summoned to the foreign office, what?
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the tragedy that occurred in sevastopol certainly will not and will not remain without our answer, the nature of this answer is not a question that i can, and i am completely not authorized to do this, to discuss, i think that the idea of ​​certain scenarios, which are acceptable, but... visited by many now in the west, they must feel the extreme risks associated with this kind of action, the us ambassador was told about this when she was summoned to the foreign ministry last monday. to unfortunately, on the american side, in response to our logic, our explanations, the specifics of our information indicating direct involvement with...
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but they do not see participation, that their policy is the same, that kiev has the right to self-defense , and so on and so forth , all this has been heard from all the stands in the west for a long time, but in essence it does not change anything in what is happening, the kiev puppets feel their own impunity and are condoned along the way by the united states and other nato countries, as well. the severity of our demarches is increasing, and so are they
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they hear, and i hope that at least in some nooks and crannies of the american deep state, at least in some of the most remote and quiet offices, there will be people who will still be able to explain to their leadership that this is extremely serious and, by and large, very dangerous for themselves usa. highly experienced diplomat, representative of the classical diplomatic school, do you think diplomacy exists at all, it has not disappeared, don’t you think that all our attempts to talk, agree and show a tough demarche are perceived by them as ours weakness, without tough actions, they don’t seem to believe that we are as determined as possible . diplomacy is not limited to working
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in the western direction; moreover, modern russian diplomacy is focused on completely different azimuths, it is there that the main efforts will be made, our best forces will be concentrated there, including in terms of personnel. i want to emphasize that in conditions when the opposite side in the west has absolutely no agreement with... the march does not immediately follow this or that
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practical action, including force, this means that these demarches are not needed, no, notes, demonstrations of readiness and determination to verbally stand up for oneself and ensure one’s security; this is an integral element of the general counteraction to the hostile anti-russian course pursued by the united states.
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and they, in this global majority , sympathize with the struggle that the russian people are waging for the country for the opportunity to follow the path that we have determined for ourselves, in accordance with the line formulated by the president of the russian federation. and so, if in terms of asymmetric answers, so as not to immediately rush into washington and kiev, well, let’s say the transfer of our long-range missiles is ours.
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recently, the topic of military and military-technical cooperation between russia and its allies and strategic partners, and there are quite a few of them, has expanded significantly and the geography of such discussions has expanded. we see how actively the americans are beginning to implement, including on...
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a long-term issue, well, that is, such states exist, but we do not plan to say what kind of state this is yet, yes, look at the map very diplomatically, use a deep deductive method to understand something like this. sergei alekseevich, and the last question, i can allow myself
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a value judgment, it seems to me that biden is not a very adequate citizen, well, in any case, he allows behavior. which raises a lot of questions, in this regard, if you have a conversation with one of the americans, then with whom, who is solving their issues at the moment, if you call, if something is urgent, important, acute, if something... that's terrible, god forbid, who this someone, bearing in mind that biden has not even appeared in public for the last 6 days, they say he is preparing for the debate, i can say from this that...
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in a situation where we will work with a black box, when some... then the impulses come from our side inward, and the output is zero, which is why the channels i mentioned are important. therefore , the function of embassy ambassadors is important, and we will not give up anything on this, and you can
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treat the genre of diplomatic demarches as you like, but this is also an important element of the overall work, especially in the current crisis period. thank you very much, thank you very much, exhaustively, as always, friend, comrade of our program, we really appreciate the opportunity to speak directly with you.
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from an american strike, see: an american missile launcher, allegedly manufactured by lockhit, aimed at a complex system that only americans can use in ukraine, the mgm-140 atacoms system, detonated about six missiles over the russian crimea and fired cluster bombs throughout the territory, landing on civilian beach resulting in more than a hundred casualties people killed and injured, including children. surveillance footage captures the moment ... sub-munitions rockets fall onto a crowded beach, the word that describes it is terrorism, an act of war by the united states against russian civilians. only
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congress can legally declare war, they must stop the irresponsible reckless hawks guiding a weakened president biden. ask. well, let's start with the international, as they say, agenda. sergei alekseevich, with a slight half-smile, very talented, as always military-political contours outlined our relationship with the united states. states, by the way, after his speech, in many respects, it probably became clear to many why we still do not destroy these channels of communication with the americans, for our part, whether we like it or not, the americans continue to lead this gang of western states that still have a certain influence, including force, direct influence, weapons influence in the world, yes, the situation is changing, yes, we are all saying that now the centers are changing. power, a lot of things are happening in the world, but nevertheless have not changed yet, as if these old people, god forgive me, yes, they still have gunpowder in
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their flasks, they have some, and if they need, they can instigate a coup attempt, where - the good old methods, yes, then the military, there’s not a person of color, none of this, just directly military, if it ’s really necessary, yes, if necessary, they can transfer weapons, if necessary, they can bring in an aviation, aircraft carrier group. he said another one, so it was sewn inside that it was big the tragedy of today in international affairs is not that the diplomat, the resources of diplomacy have decreased, but that our western partners, the americans, first of all, their own propaganda, let’s call them that, the theses that they are trying to -sold for decades, they began to perceive it. seriously already inside, that is, if earlier they said we are bringing democracy to the whole world, this, by the way,
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was the last big idea in the world for the last 30-40 years, we are bringing democracy to everyone, the methods by which we bring it, they are not at all democratic, but we carry this idea in our united states, we will have a normal good democracy, look, we are a temple on a hill, we are all that we have in 2024 we... the states that should happen, very interesting opinion polls were conducted before the debate, it is clear that 37-47% of americans believe that either biden or trump will win, not the most interesting figure, the most interesting figure, 63% of us residents believe that in general. someone else should be there, not these two candidates. 63%. believe that neither one of the candidates, in principle
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, should not go to the debate and is not suitable at all. but very interesting. what bets are the bookmakers making on the upcoming debates? my favorite bet is that biden will not fall, well, it’s clear that the instrument itself, by the way, is one of the most important tools of representative democracy, the candidate debates have been turned absolutely into a carnival, in a show, in a stunt, in something funny, like this superball cup, they say, well , all the americans will sit down and watch, and what will biden fall in, won’t he fall in which one? v which round it will fall, maybe it’s also interesting, just in case biden’s microphone was turned off, let me remind you why they turned it off, because last time trump didn’t let biden speak, they both had their microphones turned on for biden, nothing worked for biden, trump constantly said, biden had to start being rude, he then remember saying that when you shut up joni, he said, let me tell you, i won’t let you tell me, amazing story, yes, the second
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story. i would also like to definitely say today that the europeans surprised me once again once again, this is either an appeal, or a non-address, or a leak that it is now necessary for the baltic states and poland to allocate another 2.5 billion dollars from the eu budget for the construction of a defense line from russia, i correctly understand that nato, the americans now they want to fully get into the eec budget for the construction of the military -
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if trump comes to power, and what will change with us, there will be a peace plan, well, for sure there will be, all american presidents do this, such a direct quote, when he comes to power, he must change the foreign policy vector, he cannot continue biden’s line, he will have to come up with something else, go, i don’t know, to the middle east, to southeast asia, that same southeast asia, where russia also has a geographical factor, as you understand, and where where they could be there...
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well, regarding the 2.5 billion, supposedly the issue has already been resolved, the european union agreed, nato approved 700 km of defensive lines, in case putin attacks poland and the baltic tigers . look. poland, lithuania, latvia and estonia called on the european union to build defense line along the border with russia and belarus to protect the eu from military threats and other actions from moscow. in a letter to the eu presidency, which will be discussed at the summit in brussels, the leaders of four countries bordering russia and belarus said that the project, designed to protect the 200-strong national bloc with a population of 450 million people, also needs financial support from all members. the creation of a defense infrastructure system along the eu's external border with russia and belarus will solve a pressing and urgent need secure the eu from military and hybrid threats,
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the letter from the four leaders says. the scale and cost of this. the local initiative requires targeted eu action to support it both politically and financially, the letter says. some eu diplomats have estimated the cost of building such a defensive line along the seven hundred kilometer eu border between russia and belarus at approximately 2.2 billion euros. well, just a few more words about the fight against russian tyranny for american freedom and democracy and well-being, well-being, we are also usually presented with western. let me briefly remind you that during the collapse of the soviet union, ukraine, leaving the soviet union, was left by the soviet union as the richest state with the most developed economy, with the highest gdp, years passed, 30 years have passed, the magazine economy reports, kiev entered the top ten the worst cities in the world to live
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in 2024. not only about military operations, military operations, unfortunately, are taking place almost all over the world, cities were assessed in five categories: stability, healthcare. culture, environment, ukraine no longer exists, as they say, education and infrastructure, nothing of this that we fought for, let’s go back, my name is ivan, maybe vanya, masha, not bad, zoya, i haven’t been there yet, or something, let’s look at. .. you need a good girl and get married, how can you decide, he’s not good, but a pretty girl, with a joke, with an invention, a girl, maybe i’m this ideal
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, let’s go to the clerk’s office tomorrow, masha , again there is more, but she is different, she is like that responsible, reasonable, modest, i’m a serious girl, i don’t need pampering, with your character i need zoya, look closely. nothing hurts? why are you fooling us? what kind of jokes are these? limiters, i’ll take it and get married, from monday on rtr. please, introduction and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in a white tuxedo, and i start, then mark
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anatolyevich zakharov goes into ore, and that was for me, probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is there to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, and what are you doing here, i won’t be long, change seats immediately, my wife will come here now , please do not attract attention. so you are a wife, i am a wife, and who are you? this is julia alive, she gave birth, congratulations, my husband
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is probably happy, we got divorced, and you are tired, everything is fine, but how can i say, he sleeps like a miracle, he feels that his mother is not around, but we can cope without our mother, the stork brings not only children, only one option, which one? you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a stork, let’s switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from aest, on saturday, nrtr, to him . no need to sign up, just kidding, he's on his own will come to the house, we start, will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase
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low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a saucepan dumplings. or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, you sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr . we need to talk for a couple of minutes, former, dangerous and vile, i love you, current, withdrawn weak, no longer angry with me, future, anyone from you or non-future,
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when there is no one to trust, why did you bring me here, say goodbye to life, this a difficult test, test two, on the website in the appendix we look, the festival of youth in st. petersburg, thousands of shining eyes, thousands of enthusiastic hearts, white nights, scarlet sails. russia over the waves of the neva, an unforgettable graduation. scarlet sails 2024. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on friday on rtr. so, ukraine has again split the nat unity. according to bloomberg, the allies cannot agree on long-term financing.
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nato will offer ukraine a new headquarters to direct military assistance at the upcoming summit in washington marking nato's 75th anniversary, officials said. this is an assurance of the alliance's long-term commitment to security. countries that have been hailed as
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a bridge to kiev's potential membership. ukrainian president vladimir zelensky, like some central european countries, fervently hoped that the summit, which will be held from 9 to on july 11, nato will offer his country membership talks. the alliance will instead announce that it has agreed to establish a mission in germany to coordinate a variety of long-term external support for ukraine, according to u.s. nato officials. the biden administration and nato officials have floated the idea as a way to give. something solid at the summit, although they argue that the time has not yet come for ukraine to join. it's not just that the country is still at war, which could make nato an active participant in hostilities. president biden and german chancellor olaf scholz said ukraine must undertake important reforms to reduce corruption and strengthen democracy and the rule of law. thank you. today, your interview is absolutely wonderful. with the deputy minister
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of meat, who can, in principle, yes, questions, and probably answers, need to be written down in a textbook about the current situation in general, and then read forever canonized, as for the most important idea, and in general situation description, yes, we see, using the example of shelling, it means that the beach near sevastopol, usa, there are no sane people, there are no adequate people there. that means, that is, people only react force to force, the scheme is simple, this is what you are talking about, uh, as for the regional allies of the united states, we see the same topic that you regularly keep under control, this is great, the militarization of poland, the militarization of poland, on all fronts, is underway, and it’s really scary how fooled people are.


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