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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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your most wonderful interview with the deputy minister of meath, which, in principle, questions, and probably answers, should be written down in a textbook about the current situation in general, and then read forever for canonization, as for, as for the most important idea, yes , in general, the situation is described, yes, we see it in the example of shelling, which means, uh, beaches near sevastopol, usa, uh, there are no sane people. there are no adequate ones there, which means that people react only force to force, the scheme is simple, this is what you are talking about, as for regional allies of the united states, we see the same topic that you regularly keep under control, this is wonderful, the militarization of poland, the militarization of poland, and on all fronts, it is happening, and it’s really really scary, how foolish people are, they’re getting ready.
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died, did not bend under their sanctions, well, here’s the key phrase, you know, it’s like western partners, european sanctions, european sanctions are imposed by the europeans for themselves, the americans, that means their comrades, they calmly supply all this through a third country, in the same way it comes to us, well, how do they want to kill, if one hand, relatively speaking, does not do it, and the other does it doubly, well, what did they want, of course they have an economy and economic... processes and rates of everything the rest is down, the most important news is that the president, our president, drew attention to problematic issues regarding the navy, everything, that is , information reached the highest level about what and how to do, the president in his meeting with the military leadership clearly indicated what and how to do, what...
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well, something like this, in short, and as for, by the way, bolivia, really, uh, bolivia’s cooperation and its rapprochement with us and china, against the backdrop of brix, in the brix format, of course, is not liked as much as possible - america, this is the maximum, because everything is correct, everything is very simple: getting closer to us, opening access to lithium, which means lithium mining, processing, and, for russian and chinese companies. naturally, this is
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maximum damage and a serious threat, including to national interests, the us national defense needs this resource vitally. regarding the night meeting of president putin, in which all high-ranking representatives of our security bloc took part, the problem is known, at some point it seemed, perhaps, that they were really not paying attention, but this is a terrible thing, what the americans, we understand perfectly well, is that this...american drones and british drones are now trying to repair in the black sea, how are they attacking our our black sea the fleet, putin is aware, he is aware of this danger, aware of this threat, they know about the number of ships that we lost, which were also injured by these attacks, well, in general, as peskov constantly states,
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start, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, in these frames, the combat work of a russian infantry fighting vehicle at a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces is just a couple of meters from the security networks. the commander fires suppressively from a thirty-millimeter cannon right through, breaking through the dugouts where he is hiding a group of enemy fighters. podocheretina, fpvidron operators are destroying the pride of the armored forces of the american army, the
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bradley infantry fighting vehicle and the m1a1 abrams tank. the vehicle, abandoned by the crew, is now inspected by russian soldiers, conveying warm greetings to the tank’s manufacturers. well, comrades, here it is, the great defeated abrams 2:1, from here the american technology, but where are my 10 lyams, here is the magnificent one, here it is, the advance of the russian army in the harvest is supported by attack aircraft, the crew of the players is released from the pitching position according to the position. full of action movies drums of unguided rockets. these shots show the arrival of a-39 shells into the frontal part of a ukrainian t-64. the cumulative jet was able to reach the ammunition compartment, breaking through additional kontakt-1 reactive armor plates.
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soldiers of the 98th airborne brigade are burning out the firing points of the nazis holed up in the high-rise buildings of chasoy yar with sanitary aids. the ukrainian leadership urgently needs to defend the city. the most elite units are being transferred by the forbidden kraken, which is also suffering losses, let's throw away the water, bro, let me take care of the legs, and you will take care of it on horseback. yes, these frames show the exquisite work of snipers, a new challenge has become the enemy’s high-precision flying drones, they clearly see the target in an infrared sight, shooting down
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uavs flying at high speed with single shots, and here the oda 1500 aircraft projectile is literally planning for the target on khersonskaya. direction, the wingspan of the correction module that amazed the entire western world is clearly visible; from a new angle, it is noticeable that the bomb is approaching the target at ultra-low speed. successful urban combat tactics developments unnerves german bilk propagandist julian röbki. on this map, according to the ukrainian resource deep state, part of the city is already marked in bright red. this means that it has completely come under russian control. the orange areas are the part of the gray zone where russian troops advance, supported by bombers and attack aircraft. the situation on the battlefield is developing very dynamically and although no one has serious and significant successes, the russian army is still moving forward, in small steps pushing the ukrainian armed forces out of the chasoy yar. terminal
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starlink satellite communications, russian fighters undermine with the help of precise drops of packages with explosives. disguise the apu station. 300 propaganda messages have been loaded, you can contact russian forces by radio or mobile phone, for convenience there is even a qr code. the positions of the militants who did not want to surrender are already being attacked with live shells. yes, i said, shot, we work on equipment, we also knocked out nato equipment, paladins, crabs, we work on infantry, we dismantle dugouts, that is,
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the effectiveness is one hundred percent, it works on great, shot! in chernivtsi , a whole bus was allocated to catch more draft dodgers, future attack aircraft are forcibly pushed inside one by one, the head of the medical service of the assault battalion of the wolves is davinchi mikhailov prophetsky.
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european companies that have hired draft dodgers to work in the eu are suffering no less than ukrainians from mobilization. the conscripts are afraid that they will be tracked down like this and returned to their native lands under arms. the financial times assures that in the event of a war with russia, europe is unlikely to recruit even 3,000 soldiers. experts bloomberg agencies say. with the promise of endless help, the leaders of many countries got excited. some nato allies are refusing to commit to multi-year military aid to ukraine, despite a proposal by nato secretary general jens stoltenberg that the allies would spend at least 40 billion euros a year. many countries are now deciding how to enforce such obligations practically and legal obstacles in several european capitals mean that the government is likely to come.
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biden's national security adviser kirby reports to reporters that by the time of the next round of negotiations with moscow, zelensky must approach from a position of strength, how can he achieve this? biden understands that the stronger ukraine's position on the battlefield, the stronger they will be at the negotiating table when the time comes, who will decide when that time comes, president zelensky and no one else, nothing about ukraine without ukraine, we stand firm to make sure that president zelensky has everything he needs so that when he is ready sit down at the negotiating table, he could do it from a position of strength, he should know that he has our support and the support of the 50s... look, these are ukrainian fans at the european football championship, a huge
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number of young, strong, in full health potential soldiers, go to watch the match with belgium, according to the bad old maidan tradition, they chant, whoever doesn’t jump is, of course, moskal. having had enough fun, the football fans began to chant together zsu, that is, harnessed, armed. ukrainian forces themselves, formally they are draft dodgers, they don’t intend to go to the trenches, well, they motivate the players to win with chants, it didn’t help. the game eventually ended in a draw, as did the decisive match for qualifying from the group between slovakia and romania, both teams make it to the playoffs, this is a fatal draw, depriving the ukrainian national team of the last chance to reach the 1/8 of the tournament. well, they can rest now, will these guys come back?
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ukrainian special military vehicles destroyed more than 23 thousand units of equipment during the operation, the loss of the ukrainian armed forces in the zone of responsibility of the dnepr group of troops per day amounted to 80 military, three hymers launchers (h3) were destroyed. the air defense shot down two mik-29 aircraft of the ukrainian air force, and in parallel it was reported that naval weapons were used to attack the airfield infrastructure of ukraine. range hypersonic missile dagger and uav. one of the airfields where, according to reports from our ministry of defense, it was planned to deploy nato fighters, was hit. the name of the airfield is not indicated here, but it can be assumed that we again struck at starokonstantinov, we hit virtually on a daily basis, but completely
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destroying the airfield network has not yet succeeded. please, allocate it. great attention to absolutely wild methods of mobilization in ukraine, but let's answer the question: why does zelensky need unmotivated, forcibly mobilized people at all, well, on the one hand, to make up for losses, you know that according to reports from the ministry of defense of the russian federation , losses already reach 2,000 people per day, and i think this is due to the use of heavy weapons, such as fabs 1500 and fab-300, i think that these losses will be only to grow, but on the other hand , zelensky needs this, these unmotivated people, forcibly mobilized people, are needed solely in order to fill those holes that the vacuum that is forming at the front, solely to solve one problem, he needs to gain time. zelensky, at the moment, deep in the rear
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, new assault troops are being formed to solve a key, most important task. which kirby spoke about: to achieve tactical success on the battlefield to provide forces that are more advantageous from a position, conditions for starting the negotiation process. we are talking about the anniversary summit, which is due to take place in july. of course, at this summit there will be no invitation to ukraine to join nato, but what will happen there? and there will be a presentation of zelensky’s plan or zelensky’s report to western partners on ukraine’s readiness for another possible attempt to make it in time. sky with f-16 planes, give these f-16 planes or not, by this time he should form assault troops inside ukraine, attract the maximum number of foreign
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mercenaries, including in these assault battalions, that is, to prepare professional, let’s say, brigades that must complete a certain task, achieve tactical success on the battlefield, this is what he is working on today, and you need to keep this in mind, one of. .. from their point of view , kharkov directions may be promising, why? because all attempts to break through, relatively speaking, fortifications in the southern direction or in the donetsk direction will achieve some success, well, it seems to me that this will be impossible, taking into account the fact that russia , after all, as a result of all the opposition to the first counter-offensive, which was, still drew conclusions from this, and as for the kharkov direction, there in such a short period, taking into account... that the russian the army advances day by day, new and new points are taken, it will be very difficult to gain a foothold there or build some serious fortifications in order to go on the defensive, you just
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need to keep this in mind that in fact, well, they are preparing for the next still trying somehow to turn this situation around in order to intercept this world agenda and, from their position, so to speak, dictate the ultimatum that they would like to implement in the past. world summit, in general, this world summit, in general, was supposed to be the final, final stage of everything that should have happened in ukraine by that time, you know, by that time they planned to invest financial resources, provide the army with weapons and ensure success in battlefield and as the final stage unite as many countries as possible around you in order to present an ultimatum, by the way , many countries did not go there, very many, let’s not say there...
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in the morning in order to listen or see how many rounds biden will stand or not stand, or whatever trump will do interrupt, or understanding that the microphone will be turned off, there are several five or six key phrases that americans will understand with the microphone turned off, this does not interest me at all. because i think that by and large, if someone thinks that confrontation with russia and america is temporary in nature due solely to the fact that
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the bidens and democrats are in power, then i believe that this is not so, regardless of who wins there, this confrontation will not go anywhere, just as i believe that support for ukraine will not go away, not so much support for ukraine, but the desire to resist or, as they call it, to restrain russia, it will not go away, i’m at the extreme. you see, what trump and biden have, i don’t know what they will be content with, so to speak, in the end, but i it seems that from this point of view, we should be prepared for quite a long, long, long-term, i don't know. states of america, you just know, when i read, or is it called trump’s peace plan, although in essence
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it is not his peace plan, just two ex-officials presented their plan to biden they said, or rather to trump, and there was a good reaction, i don’t know there was some kind of reaction, trump nodded, yawned or scratched his ear, but it seemed to them that in fact he, in principle, accepted this plan, what a plan, a plan very... simple, we’ll put pressure on ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table, if it doesn’t sit down, we won’t give them weapons, and we ’ll force russia to sit down at the negotiating table, and if it doesn’t agree, then we’ll give weapons to ukraine so much so that ukraine kills the russians on the battlefield, here’s a plan as simple as the corner of a house, well, tell me, with a plan as simple as the corner of a house, who to talk to, biden or his adviser, i don’t think this is biden’s plan , but what his advisors and ex-advisers are saying, well, i i think it’s not... not far from the truth, which could, in principle, be, knowing the position of trump himself and believing, and knowing that we will be dealing with a rather cynical
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businessman who knows how... regarding the political debates between donald trump and biden - this is the eternal favorite american tradition of carnivalizing absolutely any process, turning big politics into a kind of hollywood, while please note that no one is interested in the program at all, no one expects anything from biden at all, no reasoning about economics, no talk on the topic. how exactly he will end the ukrainian war, and if you remember, when allocating 51 billion, he promised in the short term to present a plan, where this plan is key to find out now, will he fall, will he not fall, will he stumble, will hesitate, will he actually reach the podium, well madness, of course, madness, especially bearing in mind that it is grandfather who promises to achieve the strategic defeat of the russian federation, everyone,
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including in the usa, well... not everyone, the republican part declares that for joseph this crash test an opportunity to finally clarify whether he is generally adequate, he is exactly himself, look, president biden will have to pass the most important test of mental acuity when he takes the debate stage in atlanta with former president donald trump. episodes of freezing or wandering, as well as nonsensical phrases, have characterized ... biden's recent public appearances. during the debate, he will face 90 minutes of standing questioning. only pen, paper and a bottle of water are allowed in the stands. recordings and consultations with assistants during two no commercial breaks allowed. in other words, biden, escorted by a half-dozen staffers just so he could stroll across the white house lawn, will be left unassisted during one of the most important events of his political career as public confidence in
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his fitness for office plummets. . critics and health experts, including dr. lieberman, said biden would need performance-enhancing drugs to avoid debate disaster. some argue without any evidence that he used such drugs to deliver a vigorous state of the union address in march. on the other hand, why not, biden is not an athlete, and doping is not prohibited in big politics. the main thing is to clarify what exactly the grandfather is taking. we'll be back. where is she behind seven seals, it looks like it’s artyom, artyom took sonya, and apparently, it was he who killed, that revenge, together, is a very serious motive, which means dig deeper and wider, just carefully, a hunted animal, the most dangerous thing so tell me, what now? not alive, she
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wasn’t there, in general, this is the thing, he has nothing more to lose, artyom is in the cord, no, i didn’t know, you haven’t seen each other, i’ll close all the doors and turn on the alarm, yes, smart girl, it’s under seven seals , final episodes, today on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking. big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, we have plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant
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maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr. from the first note, beauty, repeats, with the first fray, better a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, with the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or what?
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class together, for everything we do, we also answer together, and cover for all this shit,


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