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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 27, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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where? why? well, well, thank you, i ’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, no, i’m warning you, i have serious intentions, divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, backgammon.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. so food is served, i’ll bring tea now, grandma, you know what i came up with, that, sonechka, for my mother to marry uncle grisha, so it’s who came up with everything, you, sonechka, yes, me, good, good morning, planet, hello,
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christina and grisha, i just got up too, mom, tea and coffee, yes, coffee, coffee, coffee, mom, haven’t i prepared it yet, damn it, i’ll go make it, they’ve already gotten up, and i was already thinking about how to wake you up, otherwise there’s some kind of disorder, there are no guests... he’s home, and the hostess is sleeping, yes, i told you, make yourself at home, so i’m not home, a whole delegation came to see you there, yes, yes, of course, i’ll pour you a drink, i confess. impose a sentence
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of imprisonment for a period of 3 years, to be served in a general correctional colony regime, why is everyone so serious, what happened? no, no, we just have an important conversation with you, let me, yes, and i’ll go, i have badminton there. come on, stay with your proposal, we don’t agree , no, no, guys, better come later, otherwise he’s pushing me, okay, in general, we were thinking about selling the factory, yeah, why, we don’t want to share anything, on the contrary, we want to unite, who are we, safanova, we want you to head the factory, and i’m giving you mine... i’m vasin, and i’m mine, and i also want
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to do promotion, after all, i have a lot of experience in this, well, it’s decided, do you agree to stay at the helm of the safonov confectionery factory? - i don’t even know, don’t worry, if anything happens, grisha will help you, he’s a businessman, and we’ll figure it out, we’re family, family, this is forever, think about it, you agree, i agree, hurray! thank you, michal, my condolences, they told me it was you who issued the permit. “i didn’t want you to miss
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your father’s funeral, i would have buried him properly 15 years ago if it weren’t for you.” i want you to know it wasn't a murder, an accident, a fight with anya, fell, hit his temple, yes, however, as in your case, you didn’t want it, call it what you want, but when i didn’t confess, i was ready to kill her, it’s a pity. it’s a pity, artem, that you’re so confused, shove your pity much deeper, who are you, you’re a weakling who allowed a woman to control you, i just loved her,
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that’s it, a mistake, a mistake, you can’t love anyone and you can’t trust anyone, i ... bilanya is like a mother, and what, what did this lead to? this is a feeling that destroys, which makes a person weak. i hope it's you someday you will understand, philosopher. ok. why are you so happy? yes, yes? yes,
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the ministerial commission signed everything, in 2 months the grant is ours, we will put it into modernization, modernize me, i need it. slow to modernize, i'm already old formats. kuleshov, ivan ivanovich, can i speak with kristina dmitrievna alone. take a seat, it’s an unfortunate omission on my part that i didn’t meet you earlier. well, why, ivan ivanovich, we know each other in absentia, you tried to blackmail. i have custody of my daughter, not true, christina dmitrievna, you were misinformed, is it okay, an attempt to blame me for embezzlement, you are talking about a grant, well, that’s not entirely true, some people grossly distorted the facts, i really advocated for your factory to receive government
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subsidies, i need to say thank you, thank you, i'm glad we could meet with you in a cozy atmosphere and discuss how you see the future of the factory. i see it thriving under my reliable leadership. artyom polovtsev, got talking during interrogations, the investigator revealed the details to me, your scam ivan ivanovich. i will not sell the factory under what circumstances. and i ask you to leave the office. subscribe to my new blog safonov factory, you know me, i will tell you not only about new lines of our products, but i will find time to talk about personal things, so i love you, see you in a new format, that i have a lot of subscribers, i want so that they subscribe to
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my new blog, i’m just doing my job, yul, fame is worried, how will you cope, pregnancy is not a disease, i said so too, tyurina, how do you imagine this? i'm going to st. petersburg for an operation, and are you here alone? no, i can’t do that, so i’ll go with you so that you can be very, very calm, quiet, quiet, quiet, what, let’s go faster, the fireworks are starting there, and let’s go to the fireworks, of course, yes, it’s the same as in this one, mom, when the fireworks start, just a minute, hold on. my nose, come on, i want to say a toast, thank you, when anya came to me she asked me to go with her, it was like in another life, i was very angry then and was sure
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that she was up to something, maybe that’s how it is and it was, who will find out now, but she has her goal achieved, she united us all and saved the factory. this is all thanks to anya, and it couldn’t have been any other way, i’m very glad that we are all together, and i think that anya is also happy, looking at us, for anna, for the fact that she is all of us.
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since monday, the plan has been carried out by car among, that's it, so you come in more often if a komsomol member needs affection, for example, here i am, well, i bit my tongue, and they told me that you have my warrant for the hostel, now everything is decided, oh, “if you cry, they won’t leave you alone, you need to hold your head higher, can you hear yourself remember, we look at rtr on monday,
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you have not yet signed guarantees for ukraine, well , just for..." there is someone else who has not signed guarantees with a delay, which is nothing, i think that we still need to sign with the association transgender clowns, animal feeders with the league of sexual reforms and with the league of sexual reforms, because this idiot, who completely illegally seized power in kiev and is afraid to appear in kiev because he understands that there may be consequences, is now riding around everywhere, and some filkins... signs with the next idiots, for example, on the sidelines of the eu summits, he signs something, with whom about
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what? what is the eu? this is a bunch of scoundrels in the new reich, who do not have their own army, do not have their own defense, industry, which is such a growth on the body of national states that it can guarantee? moreover, he signs with those who are already leaving. he signs with those whom the european majority despises, who gave them... in the ass in these elections, well, no, everything is fine, he is happy, but then a friend said that they turn out to be very large losses in killed and wounded, but he really didn’t give the numbers, because then it must be admitted that he lied before, in the details of what he signed, how it will be implemented in practice, there’s no point in even analyzing, nato decided instead of an invitation to the alliance to offer ukraine an abstract bridge to membership, i hope that this will be enough, here is a bridge to membership. not only does it sound terrible in russian, but most importantly some dental associations, to be
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honest, it turns out to be some kind of ugliness, that is, well, that’s not the topic at all, it’s just terrifying, maybe closer to ursula, but i’m not so familiar with the nuances of her profession to understand where a gynecologist needs a bridge, but the idea is terrible, oh, something else is important, in general, who is for what i like, this is what
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the pentagon said , there is such a problem, but we don’t even know where the money goes, the weapons we give to ukraine, they must report within 30 days, 31 days no report, well listen, whatever you want, we give them billions of weapons, they really are 62 million cannot count out, but who will count these pennies at all, but given that no one has ever been able to do the pentagon. moreover, notice how in america they no longer even remember that the promise of 60 billion was based on the fact that the american authorities would say what the goals of the task are, this is not the case at all, that is, we just look at these people and never cease to be surprised, you who, to face the truth, has the strength
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not to be found in european political cretins, nor simply in american political morons. no, but of course there are smart, understanding and popular people there, but for now their voice sounds like the voice of someone drinking in the desert. putin, putin! i think you deliberately ignored my question because you knew i would ask. putin, he is so bad. let me quickly turn the inside out of your ridiculous monologue. firstly, i was struck by your point that boris johnson is a right-wing conservative. do you know boris johnson? “i know boris johnson is a killer clown who, like many , has declared his love for ukraine, but in reality he is responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians in this war. ukraine cannot win. and i would advise you to turn to wikipedia how many more people are there in russia? than in ukraine? you know, for 100 million. 100
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million. in the framework of a land war - this is a lot, it is simply impossible. for ukraine to defeat russia. the best they can do is sign a peace treaty. everyone knows this, including zelensky, who wanted to do this from the first days of the conflict. boris johnson, on orders from the biden administration , prevented this from happening. this is an undisputed fact, it is simply a fact that everyone now recognizes. he stopped peace talks almost 2 years ago. now ukraine is completely destroyed. zelensky has now passed a law that allows foreign corporations to own land in ukraine. tell us what ukraine will look like through?
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they are not touched. why? but i hope that the federal security service will investigate and give the necessary answer. well, so that no one has any illusions. by the way, there are a lot of people coming to the front lines. poorly prepared ukrainian citizens of different ages, who are destined for a tragic fate. but how is the ex-commander of the nationalist battalion aidar evgeniy dikiy happy about this? i can definitely confirm it was precisely from the first sources from within those very demonized hated ttcs that more people were recruited in the last month than in the previous six. we have already covered the recruitment for the previous six months in a month and
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it seems that the process is only rocking and swinging, although now one alarming trend has appeared when i heard about the decision to... so slaughter, lord, but how this creature rejoices at being driven into the trenches of the peasants, but how... he cooks, well, it’s clear, the root is slavic, they’re stubborn anyway, but the fact that they don’t know how to do anything, well, whoever survives will learn something.
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vladimirovich, this olangran that you showed, she represents a party that , damn it, completely lost the elections in the netherlands, mind you, more than six months have passed since the elections, no one can knock them off, neither rutta, nor olongrad, everyone is sitting there , which means that rutta, at least... occupies, well, a place from the party that is now trying to enter the new coalition, and ollengren generally no longer represents anyone closely in this government, but now he very actively travels to ukraine, several times i’ve already stopped by, apparently, she’s hoping to get some kind of bread-and-butter job at the end of her ministerial career, as for the signed historical document, well, that’s what they call it in ukraine today, and about the guarantees...
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the orders that will come from brussels, can you imagine? there is already someone who signed on behalf of the european union, but there are all these here, michel signed, as i understand it, and
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fondeleien, well, no, well, fondeleien remains unknown, the hungarians have already said that they are still there, there is nothing, they can do nothing i can’t, well, i won’t ask italy or hungary, of course, you don’t understand, the european people’s party will decide there now, so they have already formed a coalition without any unnecessary things. as they call them , right-wing parties, so of course they will be the majority, that is, real democracy, well, yesterday in your program they laid it all out on the shelves, so no one is going to ask voters here, i didn’t have time to show it yesterday, really bolivian coup, what can i do, i used to be like that i’ve never seen a coup in my life, you remember, you’re the president, i’m the president, i’m the general, the general left here, everything’s fine, by the way, there’s still no coup now, so he asks why he was leaving, he says, yes, we agreed , that i will bring out tanks for you, raises. of the last 12 coups , i remember them, especially the third, seventh, ninth, because they were accompanied by bright fireworks, so it’s a classic, there’s no escape, so in this sense, and here
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there will be another one, as for, by the way, i also noticed, you know, who spoke still in the role of a beggar at this gathering of europeans, scholz? he suddenly came out and said: listen, it’s strange for us europeans that ukrainian refugees are no longer on the rise. now they say: yes, the european union should help us countries that accept many refugees, we need to somehow allocate funds for this, especially after yesterday’s walks of ukrainian fans at the uh, that means, at the european championship, and with shouts from the ukrainian armed forces, ukraine, such healthy men, who for some reason are clearly in no hurry to join these same armed forces of ukraine, you see, marches in europe arranged, it turns out, but they organized a march out.
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by rank, by position as a general, that is , we remember, but the major publicly wrote a sting, it’s not clear, yes, that is, a major commissar, yes or something, but he fired the one whom they consider vatnik, what’s up lutsinko formed, scum from the old days, that’s not, that’s igor lutsenko, yes, this is not yuriy lutsenko, igor, the other lutsenko, but he wrote very wonderfully such imbecility in the family, that lutsenki, that podalyaki, it happens, yes, it is passed on, that is when. writes that this is old a generation brought up in the soviet russian school, and as he said, this is the territory of free people, you know, for some reason i have
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the merry fellow u from the soviet cartoon. but what does it mean that the lower-level officers of the state security department wrote a public slander even before this incident with odol, i got acquainted with this complaint, it was not published there for a long time, it’s just wonderful, they complain for several pages about what this maximdon did , so it turns out that he forced the officers at the checkpoints to clean composting toilets, from which they concluded. that he
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is an accomplice of russia, since in this way he dampens and corrupts the ukrainian army, and zelensky removed him, after this theft, i’m not kidding, this is really such a complaint for several pages, a cossack does not use a dry toilet, he could not have come up with this when he described those times , but at the same time, despite all the ridiculousness, one should not underestimate the enemy, one should not underestimate the enemy, the enemy is strong, cunning, and at the same time i say. not only its manpower, which is the ukrainians, nato mercenaries and the discharge from all over world, but also the nato intelligence machine, and the nato military-industrial complex, so there is certainly no need to relax under any circumstances, especially since the west clearly formulates its goals and objectives, as mikhail mikhailovich spoke about many times when it was said, and what task are you setting, that is, now mikhail nikkhailovich, you correct me, maybe
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i’ll just remember. june 22, 1941, but naturally, not physically, i did then, but when it was without a declaration of war, it was the same when the german fascists attacked us, verolovna without an announcement without a declaration of war, well, strictly speaking, it wasn’t quite like that, well, i just remember the announcement, and then i came to the kremlin with a package, with an announcement, yes, they announced it simultaneously in two places, in berlin rebentrop announced this in his speech, in schulenburg arrived in moscow...
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de facto today dmitry anatolyevich medvedev formulated this very precisely at the st. petersburg legal forum. by and large, what they are doing is a beli incident. you can declare war in different ways, you can, for example , accuse according to moscow time, start according to far eastern, and this also happens, in fact. but if we talk about those documents that ukraine almost continuously signs with other countries, 27 such agreements on security and... support have already been signed, but if they are signed so easily by 27 states, then apparently these documents are not in the texts there are no such clear legal obligations, and the fundamental interests of those states that sign these documents are not affected, so when they are called, i ask sorry for the expression of filkin's letter, there is a certain moment of truth in this, because when the need for a military alliance arises, then such
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depths must coincide... and the geopolitical interests of these states, if they do not coincide, well, in words, military alliances are never formed and are not concluded, but when there is even an intention to form a military alliance, well, what , in fact, is what kiev dreams of most of all - joining the same nato, then it is very important to note that the fundamental question in this case is about power, who will command whom, on what issue, since a military alliance is still an entry into war, that’s when... we sometimes discuss hypothetically whether it is possible for any coalition groups to conduct an armed struggle , but in terms of hypotheses we are discussing this, then again, who will command whom and who will give directives and combat orders on what issues, because what does it mean to give a combat order in war, well, in reality it’s sending people to death, it’s not enough the fact that you give such orders, you also control their implementation, you press
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there in this regard, you give, but... otherwise i tell you, well, in a different way, in fact, combat operations are not controlled, here the question arises, what is it like in coalition groups? is being solved, but there is such experience in the world, it has been worked out, it all started with the first world, but in general, here i say again, the ease with which ukraine signs these documents and other states indicates that they are not affected questions about power, because in during, for example, the first world war, great britain and france could not agree on a single command and the nature of subordination, they came to this almost at the end of the war, but... americans, when they came to the first world war, i apologize for such an expression, we arrived, then general pershin immediately said, the united states is not going to obey anyone, give us a line of action again from point a to point b, and we ourselves will command everything there and lead everything, that is, in
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principle, historical precedents of these actions in coalition groupings have generally been worked out, it is possible according to this option, it is possible according to this option, but when the fundamental issues of power, of subordination are touched upon, then... in fact, this very broad discussion begins, coordination of the position, with such documents are not signed easily, and even if they are signed, no, but nato is not about war at all, that is, those countries that themselves are part of the nato bloc, but sign separately, there is no military component anywhere, that is, there not it is written down how many troops, what will happen, how it will happen, who will go, the corps there, that is, all this is not there. well, what is the price of this document then, when there is no, but the broadest support, like you will help us, of course we will help, but how is there nothing written down, not spelled out, as for the situation at the front line, a few
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words are needed here to say, the initiative is still being imposed by the armed forces of the russian federation, they are advancing in almost all directions, but it must be said frankly that the armed forces of ukraine... stubbornly they defend themselves, sometimes they conduct military operations on the principle of not taking a step back, again , there is no need to underestimate the enemy, otherwise some have already made headlines in some media , there is a collapse of the front, the enemy is retreating there, what are you comrades, and even before that moment, as in that line in the song, we won, the enemy is running, running, running, well, it’s still a bit far, you can politely ask those who write this how far they are from that place at that moment. which they describe the events they describe, well at least 500 km, otherwise i really like it when we have a bunch of military bloggers who have never gone to the combat zone, no one saw them there, no one saw them there, no one saw them there, didn’t hear, it wouldn’t be enough their
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military education is unknown to anyone, their previous military experience is also unknown, and they write as direct participants in the event, but here we are now, as for sometimes surprise, well, a certain degree of surprise. well, expressed by representatives of our widest public, in fact, in what’s the matter, why is it that sometimes the advance of our troops is measured, well, in hundreds of meters, hundreds of meters, but where, as before, for example, were there indicators before, for example, of a front-line offensive operation, but this is like a depth of 500 km along the front 500, the average daily rate of attack 20 km per day, the duration of the operation there is 15-20 days, well, these were the standards, strictly speaking, but why is it somehow not found now? a reflection in reality, but the fact is that the means of warfare have changed a lot, and this is how you a person who has repeatedly been to the front line, well, you just imagine much better than even many others, because before, for example, the front line of the warring countries was mainly
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visible only through binoculars, through a stereo scope, well, sometimes they received some data due to military reconnaissance, aerial reconnaissance was not so true in former times, but now space reconnaissance, optoelectronic ... detailed, surveillance, radio, radio engineering, unmanned aerial vehicles dominate the battlefield and reconnaissance and loitering ammunition, almost the entire tactical defense zone is under their control, earlier, as, for example, it was supposed to break through the defense, like we put out there almost 300 guns per kilometer of the front, behind there are attack groups for a division of 2 km, and so on , artillery barrage begins, the enemy's front line has been demolished to zero, the infantry is reaching the lines.
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i’ll even say, moreover, for example, we could, for example, afford it, but in 2 and a half years, that means we should have come out, if you measure the loss of several million people in that war , especially since somewhere from the beginning
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of 1945, germany practically no longer kept an objective record of losses, that’s for sure, but therefore, therefore, but still, when an offensive operation, sometimes to complete a combat mission, sometimes you even have to deliberately sacrifice personnel during the great patriotic war, because it is these sacrifices that will then ensure much smaller losses on other sectors of the front, and overall success operations. because these losses were sometimes justified in a number of cases, as for the events on the front line now during a special military operation, some say that now f16s will arrive, some kind of air battles will begin, battles for air supremacy, it is they who will decide the outcome of the armed conflict, well, it’s very unlikely, why, because after all, the number of multifunctional fighters that will be available... operations in the theater of military operations, not just
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air operations, yes, they can cause us a number of troubles, there may be sensitive blows, but nevertheless , the number of fighters at this stage that will arrive will not lead to some kind of turning point in the course of the armed struggle, but again - after all, our aerospace forces are already preparing to meet this enemy, they are probably practicing all the necessary techniques for air combat, that is... that this is the bet that some kind of air battle will take place in august-september, which will lead to a armed conflict, even to the point that nato will join this armed conflict, maybe in one form or another, well, since it is already participating in that form, perhaps in one form or another, but directly during hostilities, it’s probably still will not take part, well, the estonian army is already preparing, ramzan akhmatovich even had to say that he urgently called abtiarunch to allocate two wounded soldiers.
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i’ll paraphrase a little that in the end we can agree on that plan and even i will decide the outcome of the armed confrontation strategic reserves of the armed forces of the russian federation, which is why i want that there was an alliance that you don’t really like, yes, but according to tucker carson, we still have it. there are more reserves, i’m just seeing here that nato members should not have the illusion that they can endure being bombarded with bodies, that their mobilization resource is higher than ours, if they consider not themselves, as in total there are about a billion of them, only us 150 million, when they understand that we have two billion mobilization resources on our side, what’s their business? goes to the point, yes, then the whole situation will be somewhat different. especially since the americans are pursuing a phenomenally stupid
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policy, turning the world majority against themselves, now it’s advertising, then we’ll continue, my name is ivan, maybe vanya, masha, not bad, zoya, i haven’t seen zoya yet. ninel, ninka, or what? let's look at rtr. you need a good girl and get married. how can we decide? he is a good gentleman, but a pretty girl, with a joke, a quirk, with an invention, a girl, maybe i am this ideal , let's go to the zak office tomorrow. masha, again there is more, but she is different, she is so responsible, reasonable, modest. i'm a serious girl, i don't need pretense. with your. zoe’s character needs it, look closely,
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nothing hurts, it hurts, it hurts, why are you fooling us, what kind of jokes are these, limit girls, i’ll take it and get married, starting on monday on rtr, i think that everything is more serious here, you’re sitting and thinking , there’s no need to think about it, this is all here, to play or... not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, concerns fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i meant , of course, bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000
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is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, i oops, five on one saturdays on rtr. can i have you call maestro? it’s possible, maestro, uh-huh, it’s possible, it means he’s fooled you, and you’re glad, so he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who’s the fool, it’s me, the fool. i would like to book a room at your hotel. what are you doing here? this is my number, i paid for it, i paid for it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, settle us immediately, one room,
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one city, st. petersburg, small city, nowhere to have dinner, one love, please call me back, i’m looking for a travel companion, on friday on rtr, with us, if it’s sports, then with records, if it's a national holiday, we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at
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the russia exhibition. valentin smernitsky is 80. you were in love while in shchukinsky. all this is youth, youth, youth, larisa guzeeva didn’t marry you, you see, koboevsky, and what of mikhail sergeevich guzeeva didn’t marry, as you remember, when you don’t remember anything, i remember, i remember, i remember, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov in friday on rtr, we just talked about a possible response from nato countries, which means that today there is already a british reconnaissance drone, which was accompanied by four, and nato fighters, british, and two were excluded, transpondors, two are not, i quote from the fighter bomber telegram channel, and that is,
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the english arsi 135 with a crew cover of four fighters, two of which performed demonstrative actions. transponder turned on, and two fighters flew close to the reconnaissance aircraft with transponders turned off, depicting one on the radar target. our presidents write fighter is accompanying so many planes, here usually there were already a million of them flying around without any escort, they were burned, it’s hard to fly for several hours in a tight formation, so someone made a mistake, we noticed what the british idea was for the mullion variants, it’s clear , that it is now necessary to meet and deal with such a flight with at least a flight, preferably two, because here... the question is not intelligence, it’s a question of an image nature, to support, which the shavers were unable to support today, now it is being decided who is in the black sea, now ours move? in general, this arsi is very similar to the very answer that i warned this answer about, to our very understandable intentions to shoot down the enemy in the black sea without the help of weapons, which legally
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cannot be an act of aggression, so nato is also planning, that is, that is why here it’s still very, very thin, by the way, well , let’s have a debate, and then in brussels today, as you said, in this supranational superstructure, the task of which is to completely enslave the european union and so that national governments and presidents do not could decide some issues, that is , delegate powers to the top and then choose the ministers of all the others themselves, well, by the way, it’s interesting that... they place such exceptional russophobes kaya-kala, remember, she always shouted so loudly against russia, we we thought, and you know, that he turns out to be one of the seven repressed, her father turns out to have been wildly repressed, a big one.
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said, you know, and i see that after 2 years vucic gave a german newspaper, which means an interview, europe will enter into
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this conflict, without seeing the instructors who have been there for a long time, by the way, the german officers when they communicated with each other, it got into the press, they were just talking about the french and the british, this is already, as they say, moving by leaps and bounds , and what actions in general, what is their plan ? they do not plan to put up with us, they plan to really fight, we see what changes are taking place, we see how the european theater is being sharpened and changed in the future of military operations, i will remind you that they they set themselves this starting point: the 75th anniversary of the nato summit next month in washington and under it they had so-called regional programs, which they signed last year in vilnius, when each country committed itself to making real changes to legislation so that there is a military schengen.
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level of weapons will not be used for the minister , we will not fight, it will be a completely different foreign affairs of russia ribkov said: do you understand that the consequences can be fatal, by the way, some such manifestation determination, this is what you just described, the british, who flew in for show. but this is a consequence of the fact that somehow the american high-altitude drone global hock had not flown very successfully before, our planes flew next to it or something else
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he didn’t like, the british generally like to engage in such provocative activities, when i remind you , as part of the fanop program is free of navigation, when they like to pass through territorial entries that they do not recognize, the british warship decided to pass through our crimean waters when our bombers dropped a couple of bombs. 250 on his course, he turned, today, probably, we didn’t do this, but in the future we will also teach him quickly enough, every time they won’t be able to fly with such a flight into the black sea, so the question arises, but they really don’t understand the consequences, they are waiting, this is their psychology, perceptions, we actually, even today discussed, we have the genetic memory of the great war of the great fatherland, every family remembers these losses, we understand that the war or get up is a huge country, because the war with... europe will be a very serious level of confrontation, what are they counting on, then they won’t get out of this conflict so easily either,
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here i remember the psychology of the americans she is different, she is always tailored for business, they have now considered that the ideal businessman who can work in the consulting business, which means investment, is a person who has high, which means, loyalty to a rapidly changing environment, that is, in fact, a person should have no fear. to some negative consequences, well, like the business didn’t take off, it’s okay, we’re doing something new, that’s the start-up mindset, we immediately start 10%, 10 projects at the same time, two or three are unprofitable, well, that’s okay, pull out the others, but in politics this is fraught with simply huge losses, there may be consequences for which they will not be responsible, citizens and families will be responsible, moreover, in fact, this decisiveness that we have been showing lately is connected with... that means, in africa,
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when we have military units at the same base, actually opposite each other in different hangars, in this situation, the manifestation of decisiveness is now also of serious importance for us, by the way, including in rhetoric, we have certain categories that say, listen, well, no we need to scare them, why are we talking about this, we need to, because when you communicate with people, just with people, in the regions, when you come to the front, everyone asks the question, why are we being altruistic, can we normally, seriously show power, to hit the planes, to strike some kind of blow, that is, people have a request position on a completely different level, the west, which also listens to us as experts, it removes our position, but what about people, we, to some extent, update the information that comes from people, and not even escalating the situation, we need to very clearly express our opinion that we are not afraid
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of the use, including of unconventional weapons, what did vucic say in his unit? he says: european politicians are heading into war because they believe that putin is bluffing, that is, there is no confidence that we will to use something, now this confidence is starting, in fact, a little bit at a time, a lot of events are happening at the front now that cannot be said, these are new weapons, and new units, and new front lines that will open directions, that’s all then it will be such an unpleasant surprise for them, but they are also really seriously preparing and... in the near future they want to open a second front in our country, i remind you that the new judases, our former deputies of various legislative assemblies, federal, that is, federal meetings, are preparing for a nato summit in order to propose a new plan for a sabotage war in russia, who want nato to support, but we understand perfectly well that this is a cover,
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they want to launch actions inside our country that will be very... more since western society is preparing for a protracted war, and the planning horizon for peace negotiations, that you know, i ’m watching such information waves, since there is such, you know, mobilization of power resources, some kind of aggressive statements, since now the next track, this is as usual speaking now, these are, relatively speaking, peace negotiations, but in fact the whole logic of the events that are happening now is what i am tracking through
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the assessment of public opinion, i ask myself the question, why are they asking these questions? why do analysts comment, throw, as you absolutely correctly said, into the information space, probe topics, and mobilization, readiness to go to war , everything, i what i see now from that western sociology, they give it a lot in countries, i understand that in principle, society is already mentally preparing for this, gradually then involve certain actions, if we take it in fact, western society is not ready, they live a different life, by and large, with small costs, there are inconveniences due to migrants or. some kind of rhetoric that irritates and does not allow us to create a large planning horizon for the population, but there are other forces, the image of the enemy from russia has been created, no one is going to blur it, but on the other hand , other forces are involved in this process, which basically support this story, this is the answer to the question, they think you were talking about businessmen, i generally support your story, which goes into foreign territory,
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listen, all the businessmen are large, so i watched this in different countries. how it works, they still consider political risks, that’s what we don’t always take into account, i believe that the risks and costs that we can incur when entering another territory, i mean some kind of commercial ones there relations, some humanitarian projects, i think we definitely need to look at how we work with the population, how we work with elites, how we work with people, if we talk about ukraine, they keep ukraine on the pulse, the pulse is constant, weekly research of several companies that monitor. moreover, in the dialogue here we talked with you for a week. what i ’m saying is that they control a significant part of the population of ukraine, i would really like to emphasize this, they look at how people react to certain actions, if we take razumkov’s survey, which was just now a good study that they conducted in june, we interesting moments like this have surfaced somewhat, here it has already appeared in our media that, let’s say, distrust
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of the institutions of power, i will reassure you, distrust of the institutions of power in ukraine was... always high, if you take trust in the president, then he remains at the level there is more than 50%, the support is normal, there are several interesting things they said and what they didn’t say, the first is the level. negative rating, i want to say right away that these are very large, very unpleasant indicators, this is level of the same poroshenko, the same tymoshenko, the question is some kind of public role, i think that well, i just don’t see it at the moment, that is, as his public sphere, but what’s interesting in this sociology, and there there are no two characters, well, they obviously exist, but in the public field there is no, no budanov and no zaluzhny, there could be an interesting story there, that is, how do you assess it, that is...
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relatively speaking, well, there were conversations, yes, but the person said, absolutely not, he generally has a very low level of trust, level high level of fame, that is, as an independent player, he leveled himself, and maybe he didn’t set this task for himself, but we would focus on this: he is still present in society, well, as they say now, the narrative that ukraine has a lot of chances to win, it is very important that they see the support of the west, that is, in ukrainian society this is not blurred, they still believe that the west will help them, they... still believe that support, here these contracts, they most likely, maybe they are aimed even more at an internal audience, we don’t know what they are talking about, that is, there may be some points that may be interesting, it doesn’t matter, but the fact is that it is obvious, even without knowing
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the details, we understand that this supports the faith of ukrainian society that the west will not abandon them, the west, by the way, they are now declaring this very much, that this support will be permanent, systemic in nature, and if we want to understand the situation, well so you know, seriously, then yes, we understand that they, too, are preparing ukrainian society for the long haul, why? because the story here is that the ukrainian society there is tired, and if it needs to be somehow supported, warmed up, given some perspective, plus the whole society needs to be reoriented towards a military track, that is, when there were volunteers mobilization, well, the beginning of the twenty-second year, that is, there were enough resources, human, military, everything, now this wave has passed, these people, by and large, do not exist, and we need to find some arguments so that that part of the population, which is under the control of the ukrainian authorities.
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with her - this is a comparison, this is what is happening with us, because by flirting, trying to please the one who is there, we can lose the one who is here, it is much more important
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to monitor the mood of our society, the people on the front line, excuse me, no, i am in that in terms of developing what you say, so that we have not only the deep analysis that you propose of what is happening there, but we would also have an equally deep analysis of what is happening here sociologically, it would be very...
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9:03 pm
uninteresting, but i want to remind you of the bible, the story of sodom and gomorrah, to all those who criticize me for my statements about cities, in the bible it is described when abraham speaks to the lord, for how many righteous people the lord will save these cities from destruction, and it goes there quite specifically.
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conversation, this is also an important moment, well, you have to think all the time, the righteous remain, the righteous remain, this is a very serious question, you know, another such serious moment, i want to say this, i just want to hear them, zhen, spiredon worries he won’t have enough time, well, one phrase, i ’ll just finish now, you know, we are, indeed, probably many in our own right, but we must understand that every day there are fewer slavs on earth, there are only 3.6 left in the world %.
9:05 pm
of course, well, we also need to talk about this, we talk all the time, yes, we talk, i just, i just think, before deciding the question of who to talk to, we need to understand why we sit down at the negotiating table and what goal we really want to achieve , if the goals of the nwo were stated, then the question must be answered during negotiations and agreements we can achieve the set goals of the northern military district, obviously not, but as it seems to me, this is about the line of defense, where it appears. i’m now breaking vasil, having heard orban’s speech, he thinks, god, he would have stayed, he would have become a hungarian, that is , now it’s hard for him again, which means look, along the line of the front, where untrained, recruits, unmotivated soldiers who are captured street, this all happens for a reason,


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