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tv   Taini sledstviya-13  RUSSIA1  June 28, 2024 2:55am-3:46am MSK

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why are you fooling us, what kind of jokes are these, limiters, i’ll take it and get married, from monday on rtr. she lived in the forest, the woman ega, she was very scary, the man went to bed handsome and woke up handsome, and the woman somehow deteriorated overnight, she needed to touch up, then what, i tried everything, they came up with trichium, i’m a rat, nothing is contagious, we know how to create a festive mood, a parade of humor, the premiere is on saturday. on rtr. brothers.
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tigers graze on the ship. the actors work in the crypt. i don't want to be bevsteak. tigers, according to the stanislavsky system. the tiger is mainly composed of three parts. what does he eat? iconism and pride. i read that it feeds on human victims. no predators were harmed during the filming of the film. striped flight. on sunday nart. the best graduation songs are heard in our program today.
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now imagine a sports match taking place in pitch darkness, with all the floodlights in the stadium turned off. only ultraviolet illumination works. space baseball teams take to the field the game begins. spectators can clearly see the players in bright neon uniforms. the flight of the ball is also noticeable. what was intended. the joke
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has now become reality. tickets for upcoming games are sold out and fans are stocking up on neon jerseys from their favorite teams. and the participants of the popular show “catch me if you can” are still trying to unravel the main secret of this musical television game. last week , celebrity artists suffered a crushing blow. the audience won over them. will the stars be able to recoup, or will it happen again? another failure? we'll see you today at 21:30. how do you know if a person sings if you have never heard his voice? the new four star players will have to puzzle over this question tonight. those who will not say a word during the entire show will appear before tatyana bulanova, annie lorak, soso pavlyashvili and vanya dmitrienko. 18 participants are ordinary spectators, but for one evening they will all become masters of deception. the special aura of the show is that the producers are all our trainers, who, well... trained, trained all the artists,
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they tell them special hooks that how to show that you are worried if, for example, you sing, or how to show that you are absolutely confident in yourself if you don’t sing, in general, there are a lot of techniques, but the main trick, all participants they sing to a soundtrack, creating the illusion of perfection, it will clearly not be easy for a team of stars to distinguish true talent from masterfully executed falsehood, i warned you, it won’t be easy, my parustak is turning white. oh lonely, junior lieutenant, young boy, everyone wants to dance with you, swindler vocalists will deceive star players, because if only one of the teams wins, only one of the teams will break the bank and take a million rubles, i’ve been involved in this for a while, but i hope that my intuition will not let me down, let’s see, there are a huge number of people who don’t know how to sing, but they sing selflessly and you can’t understand whether he sings well or not well, he sings everything. and here, well, well
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, let’s see, god willing, it will be so, the most important thing is that everyone will smile, whether the stars’ rich musical experience will let them down, or maybe their sixth sense will save them, we’ll find out tonight. new episode, catch me if you can, as always, at 21:30. and then, tourism in russia, yes, how the service at domestic resorts is changing, we will discuss in a few minutes. strengthening relations with congo at the highest level. vladimir putin and the president of the republic discussed the construction of an oil pipeline.
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russia supplies the republic of congo with wheat, plastic, rubber, purchases coffee, precious metals and stones from the country, and the flagship project of bilateral cooperation, the construction of a pipeline for transporting petroleum products, speaking about the development of relations between moscow and brazoville, vladimir noted that trade and economic ties between the two states.
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as noted, vladimir putin awarded the order of honor to the president of the congo for his great contribution to the development and strengthening of relations between our countries.
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the russian military launched a strike with precision weapons, including a dagger missile, at ukrainian airfields. they plan to place western aircraft on them. according to the ministry of defense, the target of the strike was achieved. the kiev media, in turn, reported explosions in khmelnitsky, ivano-frankivsk and chernivtsi regions regions, as well as in the vicinity of the ukrainian capital. and these are stills from the chachovo yar. stormtroopers strike from the heavy flamethrower systems of the sun in the kanal microdistrict. in turn, the artillerymen eliminated observation posts of the enemy positions in the donetsk direction. in addition, it is reported that in our own zone, our troops destroyed manpower and... enemy equipment in 117 regions was destroyed by two ukrainian mig-29 aircraft within 24 hours. the ministry of emergency situations has completed search and rescue work at the site of the passenger train accident in koma. by according to the latest data, the tragedy claimed the lives of three people. according to the investigative committee, the body of a sixteen-year-old girl,
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who had been searched for a long time, was found. earlier, let me remind you, it became known about the death of two more men. the list of victims includes about 40 people, 10 of them were hospitalized, including a fourteen-year-old child. a girl who is in critical condition in intensive care at the kome children's clinical hospital. the composition of varkuta novorossiysk left the streets the day before. russian railways named the preliminary cause as undermining canvases due to heavy rains. now the railway is being restored. a headquarters for eliminating the consequences of the flood has been deployed in the primorsky territory. the most difficult situation is in dalnerechensk. water is already in the houses. the district is strengthening its team of rescuers to... provide assistance to the victims, food and medicine are being delivered to people. details from maria yezhevskaya. children and women are leaving their homes, high water is already in the courtyards of private buildings in dalnerechensk, somewhere it has entered houses. forecast, no precipitation, sun outside,
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deceptive, streams coming from the hills absorb everything new streets. in flooded areas, rubber boots are no longer helpful. you can’t go out onto the street without guards; a supply has been organized. it is from the local residents that he finds out how often it drowns, and the reasons, it often drowns here, the second year, the second year, this is how the white river was cleaned, it all began, as for the assessment of assistance to the victims, high will certainly help, here is the municipality, lost property, which means the municipality will adopt other acts, people will not be left without attention, well, now the most important thing is to create the conditions so that people to provide assistance in a timely manner, additional special equipment arrived in the city to eliminate the consequences, and at night work began to boil on the dam
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of the bolshaya usurka river. a headquarters has been set up in dalnerechensk; the head of the region has set the task for employees of the local administration, together with rescuers, to be on duty on every flooded street in the city, to help people and deliver humanitarian aid. after the water recedes , they will analyze what support measures need to be sent to agricultural producers, and heads and commissions will work to help the victims. maria yazhevskaya, vesti primorye. european union and ukraine signed an agreement on security guarantees at the summit in brussels. the agreement, among other things, talks about financial support for kiev in the amount of 50 billion euros for the next 4 years. the document was signed by ursula vonderleen, charles michel and zelensky, who has already made a number of unexpected statements. quote: we don’t have time, because the ukrainian armed forces have many wounded and killed, thereby establishing the real situation on the battlefield. also, according to him, after ukraine , belarus will join the eu, because it is also
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a european nation. in turn, the chancellor germany's olaf scholz called on his colleagues to increase spending on ukrainian refugees, and poland and the baltic countries called on the eu to allocate funds for the construction of a 700-kilometer defense line on the border with russia and belarus. this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. 10 chicks, rare falcons, and falcons were delivered to altai from the sverdlovsk region; they will be raised in special enclosures and then released into the wild on the territory of the national park. now the chicks are just over a month old; they are all participants in a project to revive the population of this rare bird. alesya obukhova has details. only from the plane to the tattoo parlor are 10 princes of a rare red book feathered predator. today
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there are about one and a half thousand pairs of balabans left in russia. a number of regions of the country, including the altai republic, are working to revive the population and the first step is applying tattoos to the birds’ legs. for our work, we use hypoallergenic pigments that are safe for chicks. the procedure itself is painless, thanks to thin needles, and fast. the procedure is for their own safety, in case the bird is caught poacher, he won’t be able to sell it, the presentation has already been spoiled, which means there is a chance that the ballaban will be released into the wild and it will not become a tame bird for arab falconers, it is to them that caught birds of prey are most often sold, and this, by the way, is illegal and leads to criminal punishment, after a flight of beauty treatments in a tattoo parlor it’s time for lunch, quails were chosen as food, their meat is similar to wild meat, this is done for...
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in a couple of days they will be able to independently tear off pieces of the required size, a little later the menu of birds will be replenished also rodents, this batch flew from the urals, they are from 3 weeks to a month, they are all participants in the project for the revival in altai, a group of the rare balaban falcon, are already in place in koshagach... heki, the main thing is so that they do not see people and do not know who feeds them, later the housing will begin to be opened so that the falcons can master the territory, and once they are fully on the wing, they fly off into the wild, this method has been used in the national park for the third year, during this time 20 falcons have been released, this year they are waiting for release 15 more. olesya obukhova bayram olushkin, news altai republic, all news is always available on the media. look at the platform in the app or on the website and follow developments . come on, come on with a smile, more,
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more, more, great, good, so, morning in russia. don't forgive the main thing. good morning, good morning, join our broadcast, we have interesting, educational and even fun moments here. vladislav zavyalov, svetlana abramova, on your screen. printed houses, i don’t know how fun this is, but this is a common phenomenon in tatarstan, here with using a 3d printer, an entire suburban village was built; printing one residential block
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with an area of ​​80 km takes from 7 to 10 days; foam concrete is poured into the machine automatically. they do everything without dust and noise, mainly using a computer, the composition of the ink is millet, cement, water, sand and protein of plant origin, but it’s not enough to build, you also need to properly maintain everything.
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we solve public services together, after a few days the complaint was already being processed by the city department, after another week the man was able to see the results with his own eyes of their appeal, the steel railings were repaired using tape, well known from jokes; a person with brains couldn’t do that. after photos of such beauty flooded social networks, local authorities had to urgently remove the fruits of the labors of an anonymous well-wisher; the administration obliged the organization responsible for maintaining the bridge to replace the adhesive tape with metal, according to the official response given to us, and even threatened. to the contractor by terminating the contract, that's the responsibility for repairing himself with tape no one took it; it was attributed to the arbitrariness of some unidentified persons. this version might sound plausible if the formal attitude of performers to the digital appeals of citizens were not a common practice. here comes a complaint, let’s say there were medical benches, they took the benches, put them where they needed to be, photographed them, sent them, took them back, that is, our people seem
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to be so cunning, they know how to get around this, just like in st. petersburg, where residents of the primorsky region left application for... our portal st. petersburg, they asked to remove the garbage from the lawn, the district housing agency allegedly complied with the order, even made a beautiful photo report, the application was processed, but they put the garbage on, simply removed it from the lawn and put it aside, took and moved this garbage, and then reported that it was they removed everything, but such an attitude towards citizens’ complaints sometimes not only does not solve, but even aggravates the problem, for example, during the renovation of the entrance to this high-rise building, residents noticed that workers were laying new tiles in a second layer directly on top of the old ones, after the residents they photographed the ugly work and sent complaints to zhek, the new covering... was simply torn off, in the end the residents were left with the old tiles, which, on top of everything else , were now stained with construction mixture. in fact, to be honest, it would probably be better not to touch it, because at least we didn’t have anything terrible and dirty. experts believe that the situation can be improved. the main thing is to transfer the part that relates to the responsibility of officials from virtuality to reality, that is, by a personal visit of the responsible person to the place of work.
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sometimes there are moments that are unacceptable, they really just didn’t look at it, they just didn’t control it, they just didn’t go out and for... someone is responsible for this, it’s one of the heads of some sector or the head of some department, the problem is exactly the fact is that the bosses were happy to join in compiling photo albums of problem areas, as in the famous film you give me, i give you, you give me a photo of the problem, i give you photo solutions, but the scheme, unfortunately, fails, and more and more often, they sent a photo report that the parking lot it seems how it was cleaned, but they only removed a piece at the entrance, there were problems with loud wind blowers from the wipers, they contacted dobrodel, they wrote in dobrodel that everything was in order. we checked everything, but the problem still remained, as it is now, and as it should be quite clear, until the official is personally convinced that the problem has been solved, the answer will not be accepted, by the way, ideally, citizens who directly filed a complaint should also be involved in accepting the work, so that everyone is confident that the job is done with high quality, comfort, safety, an adequate price tag, key parameters in choosing a vacation spot,
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domestic tourism in the country is gaining momentum, last year the tourist flow amounted to more than... 75 million people, for comparison in the thirteenth year there were 32 million, the forecast by the thirtieth year is up to 140 million trips per year. well, the trend is good, it would be nice if the service also met the expectations of tourists who have already become accustomed to good service with a beautiful picture when traveling abroad. how our hospitality industry plans to please us, our guest knows, our guest is the head of the national union of industry and hospitality, alexey volkov.
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united arab emirates, egypt and other popular destinations. of course, this is not possible everywhere, and this is also due to seasonal work, where you have to hire seasonal employees. their training is sometimes simply impossible or limited in time, but we know that five federal programs are also planned, including personnel for tourism, this is how this will happen, what they will teach - politeness, drivers, some waiters to be more attentive, how would it be to find waiters, if before we at least had a queue, we could choose, today we have no queues. the most favorite period for workers has finally arrived, today is the worker’s market, he talks about how much he wants to receive, how he wants to work, conditions, voluntary health insurance, etc.,
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etc., etc., and we most often agree to his conditions, because otherwise, you show flexibility, yes, because we simply don’t have people, and increasing, maybe the service suffers from this, the service suffers, of course, recruit quality everywhere staff create conditions under which everything is ideal is almost impossible, especially in large resorts, imagine at the same time. for example, about 500,000 people vacation in anapa, where in general 400,000 live in anapa, and of course, at every point, find a hospitable taxi driver, eliminate any questions, there are contacts with guests in stores, in hotels, and so on, practically impossible, yes, sometimes we lack, perhaps, service, part of the cultural code sometimes does not allow us to be as open as, for example, they do colleagues from turkey, these are young people, they want... precisely in the season, when they are freer in the summer, they want to quickly earn something for their pocket, who supervises this work, there are no these training centers
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for the operational implementation of these skills, everything is somewhere to go, look, there are colleges, technical schools, higher educational institutions, and today there are even hospitality classes, where career guidance begins from school, and i am sure that every atelier or every person who does his business with love, he will definitely take on... himself it is the responsibility of these people to train, it is important where to find these people, this is the key task today, moreover, we calculated approximately the need for 400,000 people, it also seems to me that we need to pay attention to taxis, to taxi drivers, because getting to know the city where you are going, when you arrive, it starts with a taxi, sometimes you get out, and there is an appearance, and communication and such an atmosphere that is repulsive, you don’t want to come a second time, yes, it seems to me that it is necessary here too. we definitely took it and worked with it and continue to work, today there are bombs everywhere, in sochi, in moscow, in gorno-altaisk, in crimea, they are everywhere,
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this is a substance in itself, that’s what we’ll call it, and from the point of view of non-people, from the point of view of service, it will disappear when taxi services appear everywhere , quality and price will appear, or vice versa more expensive, thank you, thank you, how can we improve the level of service at our resorts? we spoke with the head of the national union of hospitality industries, alexey volkov. thank you, alexey. thank you. home graduation news 2024. we remember school money classmates. a girl hit me with a briefcase and kicked me out of class. this is the atmosphere of the graduation i would like to be at. hello, andrey, andrey malakov’s evening show, tomorrow at 17:50 on the russia channel. instead of a lecture hall , an alternative universe. students
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at the university of hong kong, for example, are taught physics by an ai-generated albertenstein, supported by popular anime characters so that students do not get bored. all this opens up dizzying prospects for the university’s plans to create. exams are not will be required, well, but this does not mean at all that there is no need to read books now; egor sirov offers publishing novelties for every taste. good morning, such a book in the morning is, in my opinion, what i need. look at the authors: mark twain, thomas edison, oscar wilde. jerome jerome, stephie overchenko, sasha cherny, mikhail zoshchenko, just a miracle, the book is called the big book of wit, it is beautifully published
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and of course. the stories here are funny, listen to a short one of them: in 1926 , a destrophic person came to a famous psychiatrist with a complaint about causeless melancholy and apathy, because of which he can neither eat nor sleep. after examining him, the doctor advised him to read humorous stories: best of all, take tomik zoshchenko, maybe it will seem simple to you, it’s proletarian, but funny, this zoshchenko is a big funny guy. doctor - the patient sighed sadly. i am zoshchenko. the big book of wit. fine. everyone knows that moscow dates its age from 1147. this is the first mention of moscow in chronicles. what kind of mention? come to me in ograd moskov. one might think that in this year moscow became a city at once. of course, moscow is much older. in one of
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my favorite series, history, geography, ethnography, mikhail tikhomirov, an academician , wrote the following book: “ancient moscow.” he writes that, starting from the 14th century, there are written references to moscow, and not in the wrong language, old church slavonic, yes, but in colloquial language, this seemed very interesting and significant to me. good book, maybe i’ll say a strange thing now, but you’re not surprised, children should be afraid, this is a very important story, the story of learning to own feelings, especially since there are good helpers, such books as anton nelikhov, andrei atuchin, dinosaurs lived here and yaroslav popov, sergei krossovsky, dinosaurs, travel to the past, i will not leaf through these books so as not to scare you in the morning. with this
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i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy, give me a neck, i went too far, take off your shirt, on saturday, i saw everything that you saw, how you galloped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, that means, i don’t i see no other. exit, all you need is just file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, i can’t imagine you without flowers, where, why , well, well, okay, thank you, i i warn you, when you are with her, then we are with her, but no, i am warning you, i have serious intentions, a divorce with obstacles, on saturday
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on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call can be done without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories to tell, i was daring in white tuxedo and i begin. zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad - i imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is still ahead, i i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when
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everyone is at home... with timur kizyakov on sunday on rtr. what are you doing here? i do not for a long time. change seats immediately. i have a wife now will fit here. please don't attract attention. so are you a wife? i'm the wife. and who are you? it's you, julia. here, she gave birth. congratulations. my husband is probably happy. we divorced. and you? he's tired, is everything okay? how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that his mother is not around, but can we cope without our mother? the stork brings not only children. only one option, which one? you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married. love flies on the wings of a stork. let's get down to business. i wanted it myself offer. greetings from stork. on saturday nrtr.
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we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge of health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what to pay attention to, each risk factor. i must have my own pill, where can i look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family must be examined,
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the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and, about the most important thing, be on rtr from monday to friday. the city of ivanovo became the center of russian cinema for 3 days, a festival of pilot series was held there, the audience and jury were shown the newest project of the domestic film industry, and our media holding vgtrk presented its series. tv series doll for lovers of detective stories, a graduate of the institute of noble maidens returns to a provincial town, where she is caught up in a whirlwind. the historical project atom, in what incredibly difficult conditions in 1943 a team of soviet scientists created the atomic
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bomb, another premiere of stalypin, a film about the russian statesman and reformer starring alexander ustyugov, perhaps the most anticipated documentary film the northern sea route, the story of sailors or yes. if you understand that, for example, this was the case, or this has already happened, and this has already happened, in some, even, probably, your fears, you become not so scared, it is clear that everything
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will be fine, because we have already experienced this, a hot premiere, take care of yourself and the children, have a safe journey to russia with love. i wish we could answer the next anniversary, already as a married couple, head, my god, you can become a donor for your wife bahar, i really want to live, no, don’t sign, mom, what are you doing, bahar named spring, coming soon to the channel russia, we’re watching on the russia channel, or it’s grown up, a little, but who’s here? stolen like that?
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three-year-old, out of the blue , the couple filed for divorce, mushrooms are all overgrown, sit here performing, damn it, live broadcast, today at 16:30, this is the news in the morning, we’ll talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in the studio of karina ilyina, hello , the russian military... launched a strike with high-precision weapons, including dagger missiles, at ukrainian airfields; they plan to deploy western aircraft on them, as the ministry of defense reported, the goal of the strike was achieved. the kiev media, in turn , reported about explosions in khmelnytskyi, ivano-frankivsk and chernivtsi regions, as
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well as in the vicinity of the ukrainian capital. and these are stills from yar's watch. stormtroopers strike the canal microdistrict with heavy flamethrower systems from the sun. in turn , the artillery liquidated the observation post and... the list of drugs that are purchased through the circle of good foundation for the treatment of children with serious and rare diseases is expanding.
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in siberia in the far east , a difficult flood situation remains in five districts of ugra, the water is rising, more than 2.0 houses are flooded, the situation remains the most difficult in primorye. water has come to hundreds of houses, nine settlements have been cut off from the mainland , and residents are being evacuated. water leveled roads, bridges, tens of thousands of hectares, and agricultural land. the ministry of emergency situations is increasing its team of rescuers. they evacuate people, help save animals and household appliances. and yakutia was covered in smoke from forest fires. the taiga is burning over an area of ​​more than 600,000 hectares. almost 1,500 employees of the ministry of emergency situations and aviation security, including aviation, are involved in the extinguishing efforts. a thunderstorm front brought hurricane-force winds to the volgograd region rain and hail. bad weather destroyed it. future harvest. in the svertlovsk region
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, a steam locomotive of the m-726 series, built 90 years ago, was restored; it was used in factories, and during the war it was captured by the nazis. about his unusual story dmitry nemytov. the whistle sounds, the m-72614 series locomotive sets off. and this despite the fact that it was built in 1933 . before the great patriotic war. the machinists affectionately nicknamed him eshka or eshak for his endurance. the main purpose is a steam locomotive, of course, it is the export of finished products, the delivery of goods, as since the beginning of industrialization. after the end of the war, this locomotive worked at permskaya, and now serdlovskaya. railway, but gradually became decrepit and was sent to
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a well-deserved rest as an exhibit at the museum site of the yekaterinburg-sortirovochnaya station, but a year ago they decided to give it a second youth, sending it for major repairs. at the plant in st. petersburg, it was literally rebuilt bolt by bolt, replacing all the main components and assemblies. and now he was again delivered to the urals, where he underwent a scheduled technical maintenance and preparation for operation. this locomotive can be called a real hard worker, despite the fact that it is a shunting locomotive. long-haul , it does its job quite well. it is planned that he will drive the ural express tourist retro train on the shuvakish, verkhnyaya pyshma-museum section. and also participate in historical reconstructions or filming. dmitry nemytov, denis urasbakhtin, vesti ural. israelis gathered in tel aviv demanding a ceasefire in gas sector and release the prisoners. carrying flags and photographs of relatives, protesters marched to the ministry of defense building. meanwhile, the israel defense forces called on residents of the shejaya area to urgently
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evacuate, stressing that this is a temporary measure. it will be possible to return to the northern part of gaza as soon as intense fighting ends. earlier, sachau announced the almost complete liquidation of the hamas unit in rafah. in turn, the palestinian ministry of health reports that the number of victims of israeli aggression in gaza reached almost 38 thousand. this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. fans have disappeared from tomsk stores, people are buying up climate control equipment faster than they deliver it to shopping centers, and the demand for installing air conditioners during the abnormal heat has increased 10 times. anna glebova tried to find at least one fan, and at the same time found out how other marks cope with thirty-degree heat. abnormal heat of 30° and above is already that. does not leave the region, tomechi people escape with her in various ways, go to the beach, walk
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near fountains, or simply sit in the shade more often. private house, swimming pool, that’s how i suffer, sit at home with air conditioning, unless you go outside, i work in the office, it’s cool there, the air conditioners work, well, something like that, yes, well, the office itself is cool, and there are fans at home , air conditioners and fans are now the most popular equipment among tamechi, this is noted by employees of all stores, they buy climate control equipment both for home and office space, nothing new for us, we have summer every year, it’s hot, just like in winter it’s easy to use heaters, in summer received demand for fan and air conditioning, of course. we predict high sales during the season and, accordingly , we order more goods for this period, but the abnormal heat caused such an unprecedented harvest that it was difficult to imagine. in some stores, air conditioners are sold out so quickly that they do not have time to replenish the goods, and installers of split systems have to work many times more. and if the situation with air conditioners is simply difficult now, many
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stores have completely run out of fans. employees of one of them told us that they literally don’t have time to unload the truck with pigs. 10. minutes and the goods are downloaded, now we ourselves will go into one of the stores and check how things really are, as we can see, there really are no fans in the climate department, now they are only available on order only from july, but there are also those , who does not suffer from this at all, and considers the hot summer to be their favorite time of year, in the heat you can gain warmth, because we have more of it in the urals, just like you have more winter in siberia than summer, so we gain warmth, and in winter it we are slowly giving back, the gorgeous heat, this is for... according to the latest weather forecasters, the heat will begin to gradually subside on monday, but it will become significantly more comfortable on the streets in the tamichy apartments only after july 3. anna glebova evgeny derunov, tomsk news. already in the stone age , there were settlements of ancient people in the tambov region. the participants of the derzhavensky
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university expedition are confident of this. the excavations they are conducting in the vicinity of the village of gorelae are proof of this. during 10 days of work , many artifacts were found. to the history of the order. the coast and the forest nearby are an ideal location for a settlement. the fact that there was previously an ancient settlement on this site was suggested by historians back in the late thirties of the last century. this assumption turned out to be correct. the first excavation showed that ancient people appeared here 5-6 thousand years ago. imagine, this is
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the stone age, and there were already people here. we have already talked about the tip of the stone arrow, but archaeologists were also waiting for other finds, a huge number of fragments of ceramics. the remains of three dwellings from different eras and with materials from the so-called gorodets the culture of the early iron age, these are contemporaries of the scythians, as well as the dwelling of the late 13th, early 14th centuries of the mordovians, who were abandoned, presumably due to pressure from the steppes, but already at the end of the 15th century they came here... the russians turned out to be such a layer cake of history quite a small piece of land. the first impressions were, i didn’t believe it, to be honest, i saw the fragment, i thought, well, it can’t be that it was there thousands of years before us, but then, when i looked and felt, i already have knowledge, in fact, very much, very an interesting experience, the expedition will work
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for another week, its participants hope that their collection will be replenished with more than one artifact. igor kornikov, victor marchenko, alexey iskovskikh, lead tambov. a tiger is being caught in primorye, which has been keeping the residents of the village of plastun in fear for 2 weeks. another visit of a red book predator was recorded last night. this is already the third time that tiger has come out to people. on june 15, he attacked a dog, a week later, the moment was caught on camera in the industrial area of ​​a local timber processing plant rosprirobnadzor has already issued permission to catch the predator. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. the whole country closely watched this unequal marriage. renata ibragimova’s niece, in her sixties , married a twenty-year-old. and then, out of the blue, the couple filed for divorce.
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it's all overgrown with mushrooms, sit here performing, damn it, live broadcast. today at 16:30. let's start! let's go with a smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning, wake up, summer is outside the window, it’s unforgivable to sleep through it, vladislav svetlana in this studio, today we are responsible for your mood, friday, june 28. and it’s wonderful, just like ice cream right for breakfast, you’re always missing something, but in the summer of winter, then you’re in argentina, the icy
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breath of antarctica reached south america, the ocean began to freeze near the southernmost city in the world, ushuaia, on the fiery land, at the end of the world, findelmund, in spanish, if you want, this happened for the first time in the memory of local residents, but there our winter is in the midst of summer, which is also a sign. shifts, how hot it will be, we will find out from the leading specialist of the phobos weather center vadim zaochenko, vadim, good morning, hello, vadim, glory, of course i feel sorry for the argentines, the cold is blowing towards them from antarctica, it is also blowing towards us, but not cold at all, to we are blowing heat and heat from the mediterranean and northern africa, that is , at least it’s real summer and these days are really miserable. to sleep, i’ll go tell you, the clouds over southern russia will dissipate, only here and there over the mountains
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in the caucasus, there will still be masses of cumulonimbus clouds, carrying with them showers and loads, the prevailing daytime temperature in the lower reaches of the volga and don is +27-32, in the crimea in the kuban up to +30.3, the black sea has also warmed up well, on the coast of the caucasus up to.. 4-27° off the coast of crimea to 22-25, but the middle volga will still be affected by the influence of the cyclone, so there will be short-term rains, thunderstorms are possible in places, the prevailing daytime temperature is 22-27. a cyclone will break through to the north-west of our country over the weekend, so the cloudiness here will thicken and the weather will pass. rains, thunderstorms with gusty winds are possible in places, and... the fire will begin to subside by sunday in the north +18:23, in the southern part of the region up to 23-28°, in central russia
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mostly sunny weather is expected, only on sunday in some places , refreshing thunderstorms are possible, but they will not prevent the sun from warming up the air well in the midday hours until 27-32. the urals remain under the control of the cyclone; it is cloudy and rainy here. and the influx of solar heat to the earth's surface will be small, so the midday hours, columns the thermometer will only show +17-22°. very warm air from central asia will continue to flow into southern siberia, thunderstorms may occur here in some places, in the daytime it will be +28-33, in some places it will be another 2-3° warmer, but in the south of the far east it will become active again.
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on the coast of the sea of ​​japan up to +17:22, not only in the center of vadim, but also further, to the east there are marks over 30, how long will all this last? well, if we talk about central russia and southern russia, here the heat has come in earnest... to reach even three, but siberians will be less lucky, but here the temperature regime will be or...


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