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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  June 28, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

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rayonjaya urgently evacuate, while emphasizing that this is a temporary measure. it will be possible to return to the northern part of gaza as soon as intense fighting ends . earlier, vtsakhal announced the almost complete liquidation of the hamas unit in rafah. in turn, the palestinian ministry of health reports that the number of victims of israeli aggression in gaza has reached almost 38 thousand. this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. fans have disappeared from tomsk stores; people are buying up climate control equipment faster than they can deliver it to shopping centers. and the demand for installation of air conditioners during abnormal heat has increased 10 times. anna glebova tried to find at least one fan, and at the same time found out how other tomechi cope with thirty-degree heat. abnormal heat of 30° and above has not left the region for days now, and the mechichi are coping with it in different ways. they go to the beach, walk near
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the fountains or just sit in the shade more often, a private house, a swimming pool, that’s how i suffer, sit at home with air conditioning, unless you go outside, i work in the office, it’s cool there, the air conditioners work, well, something like this yes, well, the office itself is cool, and at home there are fans, air conditioners, fans, now the most popular equipment among temechs, employees of all stores note this, they buy climate control equipment both for home and office premises, nothing new for us, summer is here every year it is hot for us, just like in winter there is a demand for heaters, in summer there is an increased demand for fans and air conditioning, of course, we predict high sales during the season, and accordingly we order more goods for this period, but the abnormal heat caused such an unprecedented rush that it was difficult to imagine, in some stores air conditioners are sold out so quickly that the goods do not have time to be replenished, and installers of split systems have to work many times more, and if the situation with air conditioners is simply difficult now, many stores
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have completely run out of fans, employees of one of them told us that they literally do not have time to unload the truck with them, 10 minutes and the goods are loaded, now we ourselves will go into one of the stores and check how things are going on actually. as we can see, there really are no fans in the climate department; now they are only available on order only from july, but there are those who do not suffer from this at all, and consider the hot summer to be their favorite time of year. in hot weather you can gain warmth because... most of all, in the urals, just like in siberia, you have more winter than summer, so we gain heat, and in winter we slowly release it, the heat is amazing, it’s wonderful. according to the latest weather forecasters, the heat will begin to gradually subside on monday, but it will be much more comfortable on the streets in apartments there will be tamichs only after july 3rd. anna glebova, evgeny derunov, lead tomsk. already in the stone age , there were settlements of ancient people in the tambov region, the expedition members are sure of this. during 10 days of work
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, many artifacts were found. igor korenkov also touched on history. centimeter by centimeter, removing the cultural layer, archaeologists get to the bottom of the truth. the fact that the region has been inhabited since ancient times is evidenced by the finds of the first expedition on the banks of the tsna near the village of goreloye. here, a stone arrowhead, just from the era. relatively a high bank and a forest nearby - an ideal location for a settlement. the fact that there was previously an ancient settlement on this site was suggested by historians back in the late thirties of the last century. this assumption turned out to be correct. the first excavation showed that ancient people appeared here 5-6 thousand years ago. imagine, this is the stone age. and there were already people here,
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we already talked about the stone arrowhead, but other finds were waiting for archaeologists, a huge number of fragments in ceramics, jewelry, knives, sinkers for nets, so far unidentified tools made from animal horns with rich ornaments, they found the remains of three dwellings from different eras, and with materials - the so-called gorodets culture of the early iron age, these are contemporaries of the scythians, as well as a dwelling. the end of the 13th, beginning of the 14th centuries , the mordovians, who were abandoned, presumably due to pressure from the steppes, but already at the end of the 19th century the russians came here, such a layered cake of history turned out on a rather small plot of land. my first impressions were that i didn’t believe it, to be honest, i saw the fragment and thought, well, this can’t happen it could be that it was there thousands of years before us, but then, when i already looked, felt, and already came to consciousness, in fact, a very, very interesting experience, the expedition will continue to work. week, its participants hope
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that their collection will be replenished with more than one artifact. igor koronyakov, victor marchenko, alexey iskuvskikh, vestian tambov. a tiger is being caught in the primorye region. which has been keeping the residents of the village of plastun in fear for 2 weeks. another visit of a red book predator was recorded last night. this is already the third time the tiger comes out to people. on june 15, he attacked a dog; a week later, the moment was caught on camera in the industrial zone of a local timber processing plant. rosprerobnadzor has already issued permission to catch the predator. all news is always available on the media platform. ru, this is news, we are monitoring developments. the whole country closely watched this unequal marriage. renata ibragimova’s niece, in her sixties , married a twenty-three-year-old. and then, out of the blue, the couple filed for divorce. it's all overgrown with mushrooms, sit here and stand out,
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crap. live broadcast today at 16:30. let's start. come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing, good morning, good morning, join our broadcast, it’s interesting here.
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than with traditional construction methods, you save not only on materials, but on salaries, the printer is operated by only a couple of specialists, everything is done without dust and noise, mainly using a computer, the ink composition is millet, cement, water, sand and vegetable protein , but it’s not enough to build, you also need to maintain it efficiently monitor all public utilities; the most complaints from citizens come from the area of ​​improvement. moreover, the lack of reaction is not the worst thing. the methods for solving problems are, to put it mildly, surprising, sergei egorov was convinced. i was walking across this bridge and saw that these railings were torn right up to this point, just in different
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directions. sergo sent his concerns, along with photographs of torn railings, to the volgograd administration through the application decide together public services. a few days later the department was already working on the complaint. municipal economy, after another week the man was able to... see with his own eyes the results of his treatment, the steel railings were repaired in a way well known from jokes - with tape, a person with brains could not do this. after photos of such beauty flooded social networks, local authorities had to urgently remove the fruits of the labors of an anonymous well-wisher. the administration obliged the organization responsible for the maintenance to replace the adhesive tape with metal, in accordance with the official response issued to us, and even threatened the contractor with the termination of the contract, but no one took responsibility for the repairs with tape, he was written off as arbitrariness, there were no installations. individuals, this version could sound plausible if the formal relationship of performers to the digital appeals of citizens were not a common practice. here comes a complaint, let’s say, of medical benches, they took the benches, put them where they needed to be, photographed them, sent them, took them back, that is, our people seem to be so cunning, they
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know how to get around this, just like in st. petersburg, where residents of the primorsky district left a request on the portal our st. petersburg, asking to remove garbage from the lawn, the district housing agency allegedly complied with the order, even took beautiful photos. report, the application was processed, but they put on the garbage, simply removed it from the lawn and put it to the side, took and moved this garbage, and then lectured them that they had removed everything, but such an attitude towards citizens’ complaints sometimes not only does not solve, but even aggravates the problem , for example, during the renovation of the entrance to this high-rise building, residents noticed that the workers were laying a second layer of new tiles directly on top of the old ones, after the residents photographed the ugly work and sent complaints to the housing department, the new coating was simply torn off, as a result, the residents were left with the old tiles, which, on top of everything else, are now still stained with the construction mixture. experts believe that the situation can be corrected, the main thing is to transfer the part that relates to the responsibility of officials from virtuality to reality, that is, by personal travel of the responsible person to the place of work; sometimes unacceptable moments happen, this
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really they just didn’t look, they just didn’t control it, they just didn’t go out and someone is responsible for this, this is one of the heads of some sector or the head of some department, the problem is precisely that the heads of the court... it seems as if it had been removed, but they only removed a piece at the entrance, there were problems with loud wind blowers from the wipers, we contacted dobrodel, they wrote in dobrodel that everything was in order, we checked everything, but the problem still remained, so now, but as it should be, quite understandable until the official personally i am convinced that the problem has been solved, the answer is not accepted, by the way, ideally, the citizens who directly filed a complaint should also be involved in the acceptance of the work, so that everyone can be sure that the job has been done efficiently. comfort, safety, adequate price tag, key parameters in choosing a place to relax. domestic tourism in
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the country is gaining momentum. last year , the tourist flow amounted to more than 75 million people, for comparison in the thirteenth year there were 32 million. the forecast for the thirtieth year is up to 140 million trips per year. well, the trend is good it would also be good if the service met the expectations of tourists who have already become accustomed to good service and a beautiful picture when traveling. our guest knows how our hospitality industry plans to please us, our guest is the head of the national union of industry and hospitality alexei volk, good morning, hello, people quickly get used to good things, if you want, i can read from our telegram channel, and so can you, you probably know very well that the level of service at our resorts leaves much to be desired. to reach the best standards as soon as possible, well, we are trying. to accurately reach and meet the competitive conditions under which we work today, when
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the outbound tourist flow has recovered, we need to compete quite fiercely today with turkey, the arab emirates, egypt and other popular destinations, of course, this is not possible everywhere, and this is also due to seasonal work, where it is necessary to hire seasonal employees; their training is sometimes simply impossible or limited in time, but we know what else... he gets how he wants to work, conditions, voluntary health insurance , etc., etc., etc. and we most often agree to his conditions, because otherwise
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there is flexibility, yes, because we simply don’t have people , maybe the service suffers from this, the service suffers, of course, recruiting quality staff everywhere to create conditions in which everything is ideal is almost impossible, especially in large resorts, imagine, at the same time, for example, about 5000 people vacation in anapa, where in anapa lives in general 4000, and of course in... who oversees this work? are there no training centers for the operational implementation of these
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skills? everything is there, everything is there, look, there are colleges, and technical schools, higher educational institutions, and today there are even hospitality classes, where career guidance begins from school, and i am sure that every atelier or every person who runs their business loves , he will definitely take upon himself the responsibility of training these people, it is important where to find these people, this is the key task today, moreover, we...
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well, it’s beautiful and why not drink water from beauty, you don’t have to drink, but i’ll take him away anyway, lazy girls, remember. at 21:20 the whole country was closely watching this unequal marriage, renata ibragimova’s niece, in her sixties, married a twenty-three-year-old, out of the blue the couple filed for divorce, mushrooms were all overgrown, stay here damn it, live broadcast, today at 16 :30,
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catch me if you can, big musical showley my pa'. it’s not scary, i didn’t decide for everyone now, please, volos, today at 21:30, come on, let’s do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning russia and forgive the main thing. instead of a lecture hall , an alternative universe. students at the university of hong kong, for example, are taught physics by albertenstein, generated by artificial intelligence, with popular anime characters to help him so that the students do not get bored. all this opens up dizzying prospects for
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the university’s plans to create personalized virtual classes. every student will... black mikhail zoshchenko is simply a miracle, the book is called "the big book of wit." it is beautifully published and, of course, the stories are here cheerful. listen to a short one of them. in 1926 , a dystrophic patient came to a famous psychiatrist with a complaint of causeless melancholy and apathy, because of which he could neither eat nor sleep. after examining him, the doctor
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advised him to read humorous stories. best of all, take tomik. everyone knows that moscow dates its age from 1147, this is the first mention of moscow in chronicles, but what kind of mention come? the city of moskov to me. you might think that this year moscow became a city right away. of course, moscow is much older. and in one of my favorite series , history, geography, ethnography, mikhail tikhomirov, an academician, wrote this book: ancient moscow. he writes that, starting from the 14th century, there are written references to
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moscow, and not in any other way. in the old church slavonic language, yes, but in the colloquial language, it seemed very interesting and significant to me, a good book, maybe i’ll say a strange thing now, but don’t be surprised, children should be afraid, this is a very important story, the story of learning one’s own feelings, especially moreover, there are good helpers, like this books, anton nelikhov, andrey atuchin, dinosaurs lived here. and yaroslav popov, sergei krossovsky, dinosaurs travel to the past. i won’t leaf through these books so as not to scare you in the morning. and with this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy. what are you doing here? i do not for a long time. change your seat
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immediately, my wife will come here now. please don't attract attention. so you are a wife, i am a wife, and who are you? this is julia alive, she gave birth, congratulations, my husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you’re tired, everything’s fine okay? yes, how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that mom is not around, and we can cope without mom, ast brings not only children, only one option, which one, you need to find a woman, great idea, i myself couldn’t wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a haist, let's get out of... the darkness, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from stork, on saturday on rtr, please,
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introduction and roll call, without formation, i'm very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in white look. when everyone is at home with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr, it’s right that i
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’m divorcing you, i’m divorcing you on saturday, tomorrow your brothers and i will give them such a performance that they will forever forget that they wanted to get a divorce. i need to keep an eye on my daughter-in-law. romantic dinner, flock fan, something needs to be done, but first you need to understand that divorce is with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, catch me if you can, a big music show.
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the city of ivanovo became the center of russian cinema for 3 days, where pilot series festival, the audience and jury were shown the newest projects of the domestic film industry, our media holding vgtrk presented its series. the series doll for lovers of detective stories, a graduate of the institute of noble maidens returns to a provincial town, where she is caught up in the cycle of events, there is blackmail, mysterious murders and a cunning web of conspiracies. the historical project atom, about the incredibly difficult conditions in 1943 when a team of soviet scientists created the atomic bomb. another premiere of stolypen’s film about russian state
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in collaboration with the development institute , the last three projects were created on the creative internet. you know, this is kind of a hackneyed phrase, but now it seems to me that it is becoming very relevant. indeed, without knowing history, it’s... very difficult, and very difficult, to formulate some things for yourself in the present, that is, if you are in a certain place, if you understand that, for example, this was the case, or this has already happened, and this has already happened, you probably don’t feel so scared in some of your fears, it’s clear that everything will be fine, because we already are. we were worried, then picking berries and mushrooms is open, and what is your evidence, please
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, it’s true, of course it’s true, a full basket, in half an hour, i didn’t go too far into the forest, it’s incredible, we’ll eat it or go straight to the market, well, why not go and trade, how much to collect, where to sell it? korosy, more about this later. and now everyone is off to the forest. to the gathering. strengthening relations with congo at the highest level. vladimir putin and the president of the republic discussed the construction of an oil pipeline and trade between countries. the tragedy in coma claimed the lives of three people. completed search and rescue operations at the site of the passenger train accident. there is water in the houses, rescuers are helping the victims.


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