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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  June 28, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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and they transferred this task to unmanned aerial vehicles, that is, they are trying, thanks to the large number of their pividrons and remote mining and so on, in general, to cut off the volchansk region, so to speak, from our remaining forces, which are located a little behind, closer to the border , and thereby force us to retreat, this task was assigned to many formations. such as , well, the formation of such a famous magiar, there is the marpekhov thirty-sixth brigade, yes, these are strong unmanned units, but so far they didn’t complete the task that they were given, that is, you can still go to volchanst, sometimes you can even drive in, that’s what’s happening, well, fierce fighting is still happening, that is, we haven’t been cut off from the roads. sasha, in terms of mobilization, is it true
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that the enemy is so bad with reserves, today quite shocking information has appeared that tens of thousands of mercenaries were brought in from colombia alone, according to official colombian information, 31 thousand, 31 thousand people were killed in ukraine, who's there now fighting, what kind of people they are, how professional they are.
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and regarding the foreign mercenaries, 31,000 colombians, to be honest, i don’t have such information yet, but i can note that in general the foreigners who are fighting in ukraine, they find the advice of the main intelligence department, that is, we met - there are georgian mercenaries, there the same colombian mercenaries on kremenaya, they also took part. in an attack on the original russian territory, that is, they tried to enter the belgorod region, they carry out, so to speak, the dirtiest orders of the mountains, that is, well, ukrainian intelligence, well , because the material is quite malleable, since they have practically, well, no sentiments, well, these are banal mercenaries who will be told what to do, here they are will it... do it for money, that is, without
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experiencing any regrets, it will be necessary to suppress some protests there, so they use them, and regarding the professionalism of these military men, well, i will say that the money they pay these mercenaries is quite good , and since in latin america countries have problems with poverty, then there are ukrainian mercenaries, including employees of former paramilitary forces... the police there were imitated there and so on, but the war that is now taking place in the north military district zone is fundamentally different from what is in others hot spots around the world, to what extent their experience is applicable, this is already a very pressing question, because it is one thing to fight with some militants in afghanistan and iraq, who have nothing but a machine gun, and another thing to sit under gliding aerial bombs.
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communications and special operation areas. ukraine, urgent news has arrived, an agreement with the european union pledges to make a positive contribution to ensuring the security of the european union. what we are talking about is not known for certain; ukraine will make a positive contribution, or please give us money from the european union, otherwise putin will destroy us. we have to figure it out.
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he probably feels very comfortable communicating with most leaders of western countries, much more comfortable than he probably feels in ukraine, which is up, here in this horror and chaos that... is happening through his fault, he, of course, likes the statement of western leaders, one of the key statements, this statement was about the decolonization of our country, in fact the destruction of the russian federation, the west, of course, will not succeed, but i would like to explain that neither the russian federation nor the soviet union ever had colonies, moreover, during the years of the existence of the soviet union, our country was on a mutually beneficial basis together with its partners, of whom there were a lot. in the world established economic political ties, moreover, selflessly helped many countries, developing social infrastructure, and increasing the standard of living of citizens of these countries around the world, latin america and africa. even in afghanistan, many now remember that the best time
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for the development of afghanistan was when the soviet union built schools, hospitals, infrastructure there, everything was done selflessly. what are western countries doing to the united states? they just have colonies, they have always exploited these colonies, they they installed puppet regimes there, they brought the population to virtually the lowest standard of living, these people could easily be used, or thrown into the furnace of wars , or used as cheap hired labor, this is the attitude of the west towards the colonies and the system that the soviet union built is now being restored russian federation, we communists know this region well.
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bolivia, we are talking about this now, in 2006 president eva morales, a representative of socialist forces, came to power after already right-wing presidents, and indeed, the economy of this poorest country in south america began to actively develop, then there were several
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coup attempts, because the west really didn’t like the fact that western companies had nationalized their bolivian resources, which belong to all citizens. countries were exploited by the west, in the nineteenth year the coup of the junta, the military junta of svergar, ev morales was successful, but within a year they were unable to retain power, even though washington said that the junta - this is a legitimate power that came to govern the state through illegal means, whoever is in excess of this power, the same thing that the residents of bolivia did now against the puchistas, the people came out, they started strikes, universities began to close, they acted actively. trade unions against the junta, elections were held, they were forced to call elections, and luis arce, and if arce won, now this is an attempt at a military coup, and you just drew the same parallel and showed the mercenaries from colombia, we must clearly understand why
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mercenaries from colombia are coming to fight in ukraine, they are used to fighting there, including with leftist forces, but the entire colombian military is mostly... part of it is from bolivia, which means they were educated in many western, american military schools, this is such a fifth column in latin america, which professes to protect american interests, but by the way, it was the leftist president petro who came to colombia, they now did not support a number of sanctions that were introduced against the russian federation, he did not go to the summit in switzerland and i think that gradually this... this attempt to use colombian militants to fight against the russian federation, it will also gradually fade away. so, in fact, you have shown the right example: a leader must fight for power and rely on the people, and this happened in baliwa. this means that in
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ukraine, unfortunately, you gave an example where there was not enough wisdom, strength to prevent what was happening, a struggle for resources, an attempt - that is, to resist the strengthening. our ties with bolivia, with latin america, preventing entry into the system brix, because the brix system destroys, in fact, the world order, this hegemony of the dollar and the united states. well , the most important thing, of course, is the challenge to go to the st. petersburg economic forum together with the president of the russian federation, together with our country to talk about the need for a new world order, but i am sure that the bolivian people, and the colombian people, all the countries of latin america are gradually freed from the yoke of the united states, will get rid of them, and the world will become multipolar. when we draw a parallel, we mean, i’ll say it again viktor yanukovych, who for some reason was forced to board his own helicopter and... fly away from his own residence and give the command to berkut, does not
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resist the protesters. no one dispersed the protest, although these protesters, as it later became known, were, of course, paid for by our mutual friends, the americans. as for bolivia, well, that’s probably also a coincidence. as soon as i went to the forum, as soon as i signed contracts with moscow, as soon as i publicly said that i was ready. to join brix, immediately a military attempt coup, and many also pay attention, the americans do not waste time on trifles, they have no time to invest money for a long time, orange revolutions, all these behind-the-scenes battles, no, just on an armored personnel carrier and straight to the presidential palace, i’m listening, first of all, we have officially submitted an application to join brix, we received an invitation from this organization to the summit, which was held in the legal entity, we took part in it and there publicly declared
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bolivia’s desire to become a member of brix. now we are waiting and hoping that at some point we will be able officially join the brix countries. we believe this is a good opportunity for both brix and bolivia. for us, joining brix is ​​a way to get help to accelerate the process of industrialization in bolivia thanks to the technology and experience of the countries - this organization. through this, we will be able to accelerate industrialization and growth.
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does not exist, journalism does not exist either, one single telethon, the opposition has been purged, well, homosexuality, this is apparently following the european path, as is happening now, well, i guess, good luck, i i’ll start with north america and end with south america, after all, the debate is truly the most important political event, but unfortunately...
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and a demonstration of how one and the other climbs the plane’s ramp, the plane is the same, the ramp is also the same, trump rises to the end , biden, and then, miraculously mounted, falls several times in a row. well, trump will have to play on someone else’s field; indeed, cnn openly sympathizes with the democrats, and in fact, the presenter will address each of the candidates in turn, not giving them the opportunity to join...
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that paper cheat sheets are prohibited, and this is a kind of symbol of honesty, but i, as a higher education teacher, can say that technology is moving forward, and i myself had to see the micro-earphones that students insert,
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some kind of it cyborg, so biden’s main task is to really stand on his feet for 90 minutes and repeat what they will tell him, and i don’t exclude, by the way, that he can cope with this task, now about that, maybe not, we’ll see, yes, we’ll find out soon, according to about engineering troops of north korea, you know, many years ago i happened to be on the border of south and north korea, and there, on the southern side, i won’t hide it, they showed a tunnel. north korea, but i think that in the half century that has passed since then, they have only stepped
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forward, so in reality, that is, we proceed from the fact that they dug a tunnel right to ukraine, so what tasks will they have? abandoned, i don’t know, that is, in your plot it was that they would restore donetsk, but maybe dig tunnels, maybe to build defense structures, by the way, the baltic countries have announced that they are going to build a line of defense from russia, so maybe there will be some kind of correspondence competition between the north korean engineering school and the baltic engineering school, and we will be able to see which of them will be more effective, but it is clear that the appearance of north korean troops, even in an engineering form, is another step. on the path to creating a new military bloc, and we talked about this, about this concept of a new two-bloc system, in this regard, i think that indeed, countries, countries , those who have not yet decided, will soon have to decide which bloc they will belong to, and bolivia, in my understanding, of course, is being punished not for its casting, but for its politics, for the fact that bolivia
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sees itself as a partner of russia, and indeed the appearance of the bolivian leader at the st. petersburg forum. sign, and as for lithium, maybe i will upset you, or maybe i will make you happy, in fact, there are a lot of lithium reserves in russia, the fact is that this is again a question of how to count, the added solutions of bolivia are very expensive from the point of view extracting this lithium, in russia, during oil production, the so-called reservoir fluid is formed, it also contains lithium, so we just need to use these technologies... tighten them up and we won’t be left without a life in any case, so this is good news, so we we are experiencing illness not because of lithium, in fact, not because of selfish economic interests, but it is simply extremely unpleasant for us to see how, in this well-known style , the military is actually trying to carry out american coups, which
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are considered correct, while, say, what is happening, for example, there in caledonia is considered. a correct coup, because it is being carried out against the french, so here we actually don’t have such selfish interests, as is often the case in western countries, which, in my opinion, positively distinguishes us from our opponents, we’ll come back in a minute, i’m ivan name, maybe vanya, masha, not bad, zoya, zoya me... what didn’t happen, ninel, nenka, or something, we look at the mouth: you need a good girl and get married, how can you decide, he’s a little good, but a pretty girl, with a joke, a joke, with an invention, devt, maybe i am this ideal , let's go to the zak office tomorrow, masha, again, is still there, but she is different, she is so responsible,
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reasonable, modest, i am a serious girl, i no need for self-indulgence. with your character, zoya is needed, look closely, nothing hurts, it hurts here, why are you fooling us, what kind of jokes are these, limit girls, i’ll take it and get married, from monday on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call can be done without space, i i'm very glad you came to to visit me, how much tea has been drunk, how many stories he tells, i was impudent in...
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with my hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, and what are you doing here? i do not for a long time. change your seat immediately, my wife will come here now. please don't attract attention. so are you a wife? i'm the wife. and who are you? it’s you, julia, you gave birth, congratulations, your husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you look tired, everything is fine,
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how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that his mother is not around, but we can cope without our mother, the paste brings not just children, just one option, which one, you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need... get married on the wings of a stork, love flies, let’s switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, hello atayiste on saturday rtr, people all sing well, but i think it’s still possible to recognize the person who sings.
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i'm again afraid of making a mistake, to be honest, catch me if you can, a big music show, he destroyed my format in general, today on rtl, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i did you notice then? it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif?
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continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch. substation: first! podcasts we watch. the whole country closely watched this unequal marriage. renata ibragimova’s niece, in her sixties, married a twenty-three-year-old. and just like a bolt from the blue, the couple filed for divorce. it's all overgrown with mushrooms, sit here , damn it. live broadcast today on rtr. well, returning the congo, putin... awarded the president the order of honor at an official breakfast in the kremlin as part of russian-congolese negotiations, guests were served dumplings with quail, chanterelles,
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stewed veal cheeks in kvass, gooseberry sorbet, neither kvass nor sorbet from gooseberries, the president of the congo did not get it earlier. dear mr. president, dear friends, once again i would like to welcome you to moscow, welcome, in this connection i would like to remind you that you visited our country back in soviet times. we have very good, good relations with you at the interstate, at the personal level, we...


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