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tv   Pryamoi efir  RUSSIA1  June 28, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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brothers, palundra, vessels, tigers are grazing , the jungle has been spread, what kind of actors are working in a crypt, i don’t want to be a steak, tigers according to stanislavsky’s system, a tiger basically consists of three parts, but what does it eat, horse meat, and beef, and i read that he feeds on human victims during filming. film no predator was harmed mysticism, striped flight, on sunday on rt. to spend weeks without the noise of dust, put it on shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. shutdown schedules have been introduced throughout ukraine today electricity. there will be light throughout the day. give only for a few hours,
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a solution to the current situation was found by british scientists, as the bbc writes: ukrainians are advised to use the gifts of nature, use wax that can be used to cover, for example, a paper wrapper and put food there, the food supposedly will not spoil so quickly, well, that is, the british it is advised to stop using refrigerators and wrap food in wax; in this regard, it would be easier to refuse food. researchers say beeswax may help preserve food in war zones. actions such as ukraine. british scientists are helping beekeepers in ukraine develop new wax packaging for perishable products. as everyone knows, food spoils very quickly if there is no way to preserve it, says professor les bailey from cardiff university. using beeswax, which can kill beetles, seems like a natural way to solve this problem. the research team has created various recipes that mix the combinations. items that
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may be available in war zones to create wrappers capable of preserving food. the big difference is in the mixture, says professor bailey. traditionally, beeswax is used to extend the life of sandwiches, but it can be used on other products as well. they have a lot of beeswax and a lot of bees,” added professor bailey. by finding the right wax that has the right properties, you can extend the shelf life of your food. this is especially important when you don't have refrigerators as a power source. the famous british scientists finally came in handy. well, the main problem in war is if believe the bbc how to save a sandwich. dmitry gobitoch, i remind you that the main problem in the war is now a counter-offensive, near kharkov, as was correctly said, accordingly, accumulation is taking place there, as it were, this is already a general position, in principle connected with this, but they do not hide it, they say in front of a wide front, supposedly even in july there, there are now counterattacks, there are 2,500, just...
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the war began in 2014, it began in the donbass, in the twenty-second a special military operation began, but if seriously, back then the ukrainian army advertised this method in every possible way, when not on a wide front, but here and there, they unexpectedly attack the enemy, this is what they are now undertaking, there is a fairly massive offensive going on, no, not mass accumulation yet, what is there, well... if you believe
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the reports from the ministry of defense to our military correspondents, they have not introduced it yet, but they haven’t introduced it, they, they are accumulating, accordingly, but as if under pressure in general, the losses are correspondingly quite large, typical for offensive operations, that there is, roughly speaking, what is happening now is just such a kind of pushing through, that’s why from this point of view, of course, it’s as if the kharikovsky direction is understandable why, because it’s like a fortification, respectively, a close territory, the approach, accordingly , took place there with technology, complexity, in short , the point is that this is the main direction, as it were , regarding the situation related to... today's basic news and nightly news, of course, in the office of the president of ukraine, respectively in the russian federation, as it were everyone watched the debate, naturally, because on the one hand they didn’t, well, thank god, accordingly, as i understand it, the tasks are slightly different, taking into account the fact that in the near future next week there will be an intense international component, including, respectively sco, here are the international economic components, but the entire expert community, which, accordingly , is also involved in international affairs, as if it still watched a couple of times, this terrible hour and a half, in fact with two intermittently, as if with the last incomprehensible
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approach, what the peculiarity is, the matter is, well, firstly, you need to understand that funding is whatever, secondly, this is the last debate, the last debate before september, by the way , they will already be in september, because now this is already a question: it is being discussed, cnn’s operational data shows that according to the results of the debate, accordingly, in the operational data, i can’t forgive you, the aksia publication reports that biden’s entourage explained his failure at the debate with donald trump, excessive preparation, but it’s clear, they say, they overdid it, in short, in fact, the problem is this: operational data, that is, activity monitoring shows that the most general data will appear in a week, when it will be possible... to understand that the undetermined undetermined states have been determined, but operational data actually shows that biden lost on the whole, let’s say, they both spoke negatively there, but biden showed more, because he got into his basic problem, that is, connected precisely with mental component, the fact is that before the start of the actual debate the day before, 45% of voters believed that
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mental problems, that is, health , was a problem for the candidate for biden and 16 believed that this was a problem for trump, now these data outweigh for 50-60. percent, this suggests that voters are beginning to abandon their decisions precisely because of issues related to age with this component, moreover, accordingly, all night - trump completely played out this topic, accordingly, he brought all his vice-presidential candidates after this event, they all gave interviews, at this time biden practically did not go out for a long time, his so- called support began to work only on monday, only on friday in fact, well, that is, in our understanding, this is their evening, respectively, the evening of four, well, after the debate they had a party, he was at this one.
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look at the interview kennedy gave to nbc, these are the people who can't talk, in principle, they are very unfamiliar with the numbers, when they are called, they do not fall into them, in principle, one specializes in economics, did not say a single economic component, said that all policemen vote for him, any policemen in the whole world, the second accordingly, he began to say, as it were, that in order for obama to have a facial expression, that’s the winner, the question is not his facial expression, it’s what he says, he, he, he’s confused, that’s the problem, why this is what this will lead to, this will lead to that our previous election campaign led to the fact that we now have a third of the budget, we are allocating a lot of
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other very interesting things, therefore, what is happening now, in july, in mid-august there will be a democratic convention, the opportunity to resign, that is change the leadership, that is, before the beginning of august, because according to agai’s laws they must agree on a candidate before the beginning of august, there is a little over a month left. there was no precedent in the history of the united states when a candidate was changed against his will, that is, he i have to agree. there are only three reasons why you can remove it: death, illness and, accordingly, your own desire. if a person is against it, this cannot be done. the last time the convention decided against primaries was in 1952. that is, the entire election campaign is modern, there was no such case when a person won the primaries, and then. didn’t become a candidate, the second one is very important, but he doesn’t want to retire, no, he’s just that, he, judging by his surroundings, how can he not formulate that no, he, judging by those around him, he doesn’t want to leave the election campaign, accordingly , a certain influence is now happening on him, but the question is even different , it will be even worse for the next candidate, because this candidate must recruit 400 delegates to the congress,
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390 of these delegates are delegates who will come from the prime minister, that is, most of these people who actually elected, as if they chose him, in second place is not the main candidate, there is now a writer walking there, accordingly, the businessman seemed to have the second place, that is, the problem is this: in order to replace biden now, it will require strong efforts, only in the case of force majeure there was an example about this situation, 2016, september 11, hillary clinton during the memorial service speech, she felt bad, for the whole day it was not clear what was happening to her, there may have been a health problem, then all the democratic candidates, their assistants called, and accordingly the head of the national committee of a democratic person will decide, is she then? here she is then after after she then stayed, because it was as if everything had returned to her, but then she was defeated, but i remind you that then the candidates, including representatives of joe biden, offered to be replaced, that is , the situation is so hypothetically possible, that is the person there could have a heart attack, he had a terrible story there with hillary clinton, she was walking just from the stage towards
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the car, fell, they grabbed her by the arms and actually dragged her after the appointment, this person lost consciousness and many were speculations on the topic from...
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divorce with obstacles on saturday on rtr, the walls are trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are absolutely out of this room. ideas are overflowing, we want
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to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality. look, let him into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, can i call you maestro, can i, maestra, yeah, can, it means he ’s fooled you, and you’re glad that he needs something... . i was dragging away from him, who is the fool, it’s me, the fool, i would like
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to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid for it, but hold on, hold on, i’m holding on, holding on, move us in immediately, one room, oh, one city, st. petersburg, a small city. nowhere to have dinner, only love, vasilis, this is vasily, call me back, please, i'm looking for a travel companion, today at rtr, you don't need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he'll come to the house himself, we'll start, he'll always help, we'll train, how to walk on ice correctly, he'll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, as
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a freshener air can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, a bowl of macaroni and cheese will always support you, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleep too much, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and it will be for you happiness. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. as long as you live in my house, with my money, you will live by my rules. dad, everyone is laughing at me. sit down! i’m with yulka for a reason, i want to marry her. slav, are you married? today i’m married,
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tomorrow i’m not, i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch me, i’m not guilty of anything, you put my accounting in order, and i’ll put your personal life in order, my personal life can’t be put in order, it’s complete ruins, well, it’s definitely not worse will be in in general, i agree that i should marry you, nablina’s mother-in-law, on sunday at... youth festival in st. petersburg. shining eyes, thousands of enthusiastic hearts, white nights, scarlet sails of the brig, russia over the waves of the neva, unforgettable graduation, scarlet sails 2024, live broadcast from st. petersburg,
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today on rtr. long-suffering washington , we are transported to direct communication with the once great united states of america, the still great igor naimushin, igor, hello, well, we watched the debate. the feeling is so-so, but if joe biden is changed to who, when, why he doesn't want to. olga, hello colleagues, good afternoon, change it. still no one, joe biden himself says that he did a great job with the debates, it was just difficult for him to enter them with a liar, but in all likelihood he does not consider himself a liar, he has memory problems, or maybe he just forgot, as he repeatedly said untruth and inaccuracy, speaking on stage at the cnn studio in atlanta, as for specific dates, the democratic convention in
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chicago opens on august 19, before that formally, the party still... can nominate an alternative candidate in order to approve him, but at the same time, biden is the only one who now has enough votes to be the party’s nominee, no one else has them, so change him on formal grounds there is no one, he has no competitors, as for the next debates, they will be held on september 10 on the abc channel, perhaps we will see someone else there, yes, but again there are no formal prerequisites for.. . the current president of the united states was withdrawing from the election race, stepping aside, no, perhaps he will be replaced by vice president kamala haris, who previously said that she was ready to take on this heavy burden, but again, even she admits that biden has begun her speech, did not start her debate the way she would have liked, nevertheless
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she spoke yesterday, or rather today, in his support, declaring that she is still... a supporter of the president and intends to be on his team. thank you very much, igor, igor naimushin, on line washington connections? you know, i think who was most surprised this morning was alexander lukashenko. that is, he probably also slept through these debates, but when he woke up and found out that it turned out that putin would attack belarus next year after ukraine, this was probably the biggest surprise, this morning, in general. you know, of course, the most interesting thing in my opinion began immediately after the debate, so i watched how the democrats were all commenting on biden’s condition before the debate, and the main thesis was, well, the main one the meaning of all their statements, they don’t change horses at the crossing, they say that’s it, the company is moving, there’s no escape now, i look at what happens after the debates, remember the old
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classic film and they shoot the driven horses, isn’t it, that is, now the comments all come down to this. began, which means that they, as they themselves defined it, had an aggressive panic, that is, everyone admitted that biden had really failed all these debates, and were thinking about what to do next, naming possible candidates for replacement, and how to convince him that need to go distance, then they also turned on heavy artillery, as they mentioned kamala haris, turned on, think about it, cnn anchor anderson
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cooper, who, well, always licked biden’s democratic party, the question when she first tried to brush biden off, then admitted that it was a weak start, he says: tell me, he’s the same at work, he does his job the same way he looked, she didn’t know what to answer, suddenly he attacked her and started asking terrible connections, you know, now american conspiracy theorists, they got such an impulse wonderful, they have such a famous blogger mike, cernovich, a film director, he was always banned there for conspiracy theories, and now he says: well...
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no, but i will say that it is difficult to argue with a liar, as noted in the new york times, he lied 26 times. no, well, that is, yes, there was a slightly different moment, but still, i say, yes, it is a completely different moment, we are talking about the fact that after the party happened, these are the shots in which jole biden snatched from him microphone, screamed, impulsively addressed the crowd and said: “joe, winner, i have you, because he stood and answered all the questions, it doesn’t matter.” how he answered, it doesn’t matter what he answered, it doesn’t matter that he hung up, in any case, this doesn’t bother her anymore, but i repeat, the way they react can even suit her
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, take a look, well, he’s a ready candidate, well, in particular, yes, but you understand, at the same time, when they now comment on these democrats, all these presenters, i liked one of the nbc news presenters who said that look, biden resembled that caricature image, which was drawn by the republicans and trump personally, so wait, but if he is. speaks out, that means the caricature image is not what the republicans and trump drew, it was you who drew the caricature image of biden, it was you, proving that he, proving that he, therefore, has normal mental abilities, and can cope with the position quite well, you lied, but trump was telling the truth, well, that is, yes, they were finally convinced of this, and now we can say that... a caricatured image when we see that the president of america is a living, not yet a living caricature in any case, well,
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it would probably be wrong, well, yes, it can be done in different ways it’s either the tv government or the reptilians, it’s generally unknown who, but obviously this citizen is not running the nuclear power, the united states, it’s definitely not him, we’ll be back. we look at rtr, which means we are looking for the ideal, and what is the ideal, and like everyone else, i am kind, beautiful, smart and cheerful, so i am almost, i am beautiful, cheerful, smart sometimes, so why did it become a thing, kulmitchitki, to look at you are what you see, he doesn’t need you, he’s counting the color until autumn, ivanik, then we’ll count it, starting monday on rtr. i think, that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about, here it ’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it,
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there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i have no competition, here there are questions about how everything is running. i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, that's a direct hint in general, the most passionate team, if there aren’t 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, and what are you doing here? i won’t be long, change seats immediately,
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my wife will come here now. please don’t attract attention, you’re the wife, i’m the wife, and who are you, it’s you, yulia, you gave birth, congratulations, your husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you look tired, everything ’s fine, yes i can say that he sleeps lightly, he feels that mom is not around, but we can cope without mom, the stork brings not only children. only one option, what, you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a haist, let’s switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from the stork, on saturday on rtr, catch it!
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the fish is big or small, well, in general , you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, maybe can something useful be pleasant? can science fiction be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, oh, mm, mm, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts your spirits, that’s for sure, food formulas in saturday
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on rtr, can i eat you? i’ll call the maestro, you can, maestro, uh-huh, you can, it means he ’s fooled you, and you’re glad that he needs some fool to be attracted to him, then i’m a fool, it’s me, a fool, i’d like book a room at your hotel, and what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid, huh? hold, hold, hold, hold, make a bed for us immediately, one number, oh, one city, st. petersburg, small city, nowhere to have dinner, one love, vasily, this is vasily, call me back, please, i’m looking for a travel companion, today on rtr, it’s light again night.
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the strongest heat in the last 100 years is coming to moscow, it’s already +27 outside, according to forecasts on june 28, 29 and 30 the air will warm up to a record +40 today in moscow because of the heat, every 3 hours there will be... carry out
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an air radio, a utility service machine directs a stream of water upward, cooling the air. news bye! hello, on the tv channel! russia will be hosted in the studio by irina rossius and the main topic for this hour. moscow and minsk are launching joint high-tech projects. this is necessary to strengthen the sovereignty of our states. the forum of regions of russia and belarus started in three cities at once. dozens of nato equipment and energy facilities were destroyed. and 1400 were liquidated militants in a week. in ukraine, military commissars
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are being seized. of military age right on the street. a grandiose show for graduates is being prepared in st. petersburg, the president congratulated everyone on graduation, wishing everyone success, accomplishments and victories. complete failure: millions of americans have witnessed the end of biden’s political career, this is how the western press comments on the verbal duel of the us presidential candidate. and moscow is greeting july with record values ​​for 100 years, it will be +34, in the primorye they are fighting rain floods, 18 settlements are flooded, rescuers products are brought in on boats. moscow and minsk are creating a new multi-purpose aircraft and designing new satellite systems; vladimir putin announced the launch of joint advanced production today in an address to participants in the forum of regions of the two countries.
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the president called the growth in trade turnover a record, and russia the leader in investment in the belarusian economy. for the first time, the forum is being held in three cities at once. as a result, several hundred contract agreements will be signed. report by anastasia sakhovskaya. there are 800 delegates in the hall, an absolute majority regions of russia, all regions of belarus, interregional ties, a strong framework of the union state. more than 60% of belarusian foreign trade transactions occur with russia; we are still the main partners and allies with a record trade turnover of $46.5 billion. a lot is being done historically and for the future across the regions. innovation, strengthening technological sovereignty and increasing defense capability are talked about at all levels, right up to the highest. solving the problem of introducing new technologies into all spheres of economic life, developing science-intensive branches of industry and agriculture are now actively engaged in russia
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and belarus. this is necessary to strengthen the sovereignty of our states, increase competitiveness and ensure sustainable economic growth in the long term. during the period. by 2035, russia and belarus will implement a number of joint high-tech projects for import substitution, launching new advanced production facilities and introducing competitive products with high added value to the market. in belarus and russia there are all the necessary conditions for this. we have preserved the best scientific schools and have a strong material base.
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today, the global world order is changing, the system of international relations is being transformed, the most important event was the adoption at the beginning of this year of the strategy for the scientific and technological development of the union state until the year thirty-fifth, and this document defined a whole range of promising areas of joint work, from the development of high-tech medicine. artificial intelligence to innovation mechanical engineering and megascience class projects. this is not just recognition of the success and high efficiency of this format of cooperation, but evidence of the steady increase in its role
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in the institutional system of the union state, in the deepening of belarusian-russian integration construction. our countries continue to develop successfully, defending and developing the union.
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will be completely canceled by the end of this year. at the moment , regional state programs in the field of scientific and technological development are being developed in pilot mode in twenty regions. development. and these programs set specific tasks, goals, and measurable indicators for the scientific and technological development of specific regions and formulate, in essence, the sectoral and technological specialization of the subjects. the investment climate turned out to be even better than forecasts, more than 250 agreements and contracts totaling more than 24 billion russian rubles, this forum of regions has already exceeded expectations and undoubtedly, not only in absolute numbers, will strengthen russian-belarusian relations in the interests of our brothers.
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so in the gomel region they managed to intercept a drone that collected data on situations at the border; in addition, terrorists of the so-called russian volunteer corps were spotted in the same area, and border guards also discovered a cache with components for making an explosive device. make a proposal for rapid response measures to us provocations in the skies over the black sea. defense minister andrei belousov set this task to the general staff today. for flights of american reconnaissance drones near
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the russian border. in the military department noted the increased activity of us strategic reconnaissance apparatuses, which determine the coordinates for striking western weapons against russian targets. well, in addition, such missions increase the likelihood of incidents in the airspace with russian aerospace forces aircraft. all this increases the likelihood of a direct armed conflict between russia and nato. responsibility for the confrontation will be borne by the countries of the alliance, the ministry of defense emphasized. 17 group strikes with precision weapons by drones were carried out on the military infrastructure of ukraine. data about the course of the special operation for a week was presented to the ministry of defense today. energy facilities, infrastructure of military airfields, logistics centers for the accumulation of weapons transferred to the armed forces of ukraine by western countries, as well as assembly shops and storage areas for attack unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles were hit. the temporary deployment points of ukrainian armed forces units
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of foreign mercenaries were also hit. today, the military department announced the liberation of the village of razdolovka in the dpr, it located 25 km from artyomovsk. in the same area, units of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions. in just a week , the enemy lost almost 14.00 militants. russian units are now developing success in the pokrovsk direction. the british spartan armored personnel carrier was destroyed there. and this is how, with the help of kamikaze drones, they managed to knock out two american bradley infantry fighting vehicles at once. in the vdeevsky direction, hail crews in the center unit are hitting the strong points and equipment of vysu. on the eastern sector of the front, aerospace forces aviation carries out uncontrollable strikes missiles at enemy positions. yes, i shot it down. on these. in the footage, our fighter destroyed an enemy drone with a shotgun, another knocked out
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german leopard tank, not far from the front line; the combat vehicle was destroyed with the help of several kamikaze drones. a decree on monthly compensation for military contractors was signed today by vladimir putin. the document, in particular, provides for payments to participants in the special operation, including military personnel undergoing treatment or training. the procedure for compensating its financing within 2 months should install. the decree comes into force on july 1. almost 2.5 million people graduated from school this year, and vladimir putin congratulated today the beginning of a new stage in the lives of ninth- and eleventh-grade students. the president noted that now they will make all the key decisions in life on their own, their achievements will inspire others in the same way as our great ancestors and outstanding contemporaries became an example for them. vladimir putin wished the schoolchildren success and achievements.
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find something you like, then you will be able to do it the most difficult tasks, and of course, the main support for every person is family, i’m sure you... a few hours before it starts, watch ekaterina fesenko’s report in big news at
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20:00, and of course, don’t miss the live broadcast of the holiday in 0:40 on our channel. relations between educational institutions and employers will become one of the key priorities of the new national personnel project. this was discussed today by participants in the employment fair as part of the russian exhibition at vdnkh. by video link to the dialogue representatives from different regions of the country joined in. unemployment is now at historically low levels and the labor market is becoming a market of job seekers who can choose the most favorable conditions. it is important for us that. in the process of training a young person, it does not matter whether he is studying to become a skilled worker or a specialist of a higher class, so that he has the opportunity to obtain several specialties, precisely those that are in demand on the labor market today.
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the branch of moscow state university in the science city of sarov hosted graduation for forty-two masters. in an educational institution created with the support of the president and with the participation. the state corporation rosatom trains young scientists, physicists and mathematicians to ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. this year's graduates represent 14 regions of russia; they will work at rusatom enterprises and in other strategic sectors of russian industry. some young specialists will continue their studies in graduate school. this is truly a holy place where many meanings and many symbols converge. and greatness our country is spiritual and nuclear.
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this is news, this is what will happen next in our program: western media called biden’s performance at the debate a complete failure. absentee summonses have appeared in ukraine, what
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will happen if you receive them? and the vologda region added the imperial route tourism project. this is not only discussed after the advertisement. see you. it gets caught somewhere, sometimes at a gas station, sometimes in the corridor, where to go and what to do? in general, no one needs to beg, beg, humiliate themselves or extend their hands, they will have to be with us to be considered, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, this is a matter of life and death, we will be the first to know about this .
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on saturday i saw everything that you saw, how you galloped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check your feelings, so that means i don’t see any other way out. you just need to file for divorce. and children shouldn't know anything. mom and dad want to get a divorce? this is terrible. we must not allow this to happen. oh, that's not your idea. without flowers, where, why? well, well, okay, thank you, i’m warning you, when you’re with her,
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then we’re with her, no, i’m warning you, i have serious intentions, a divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, i’ve already come home, man , i’m not a gal, i have good news, i have five times more. alcoholic products, there is a huge selection, and where did you get such a charm in the zest department of our collection, 38 years of aging, show me, this is the famous jacunda, here you go... why do they look like that? jen gourde was there, everyone celebrated. can i have a little more? i
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i'm just starting to come to my senses. history of a big country. today on rtr. can i have you? i’ll call the maestro, you can, maestro, uh-huh, you can, it means he’s fooled you, and you’re glad that he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who’s the fool, it’s me the fool, i’d like to book a room with you in the hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid, and hold, hold, hold, hold, move us in immediately, one room, one city, st. petersburg, a small city, nowhere to have dinner, one
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love, vasilis , this is vasily, call me back, please, i’m looking for a travel companion, today on rtr, people are all singing well, but i think it ’s still possible to recognize the person singing. the pronunciation is good, getting into the text is not good, i’m afraid to make a mistake again,
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to be honest, catch me if you can, a big music show, it destroyed my format of perception in general, today on rtr, well, it’s beautiful and what’s the point of beauty, it’s not... . drink, you don’t have to drink, but i’ll take him away anyway. lemichtsy, from monday on rtr. this is news, and we continue to release the collective suicide of the democrats, the american called today press, debates of the current and former us president. nbc news writes that the past. the duel is the nail in biden’s political hole, and this opinion is not unique. the new york post emphasizes that millions
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of people witnessed the end of his career, allowing him to lead the state for another 4 years is, at a minimum, national negligence. joe biden's performance during the debate was embarrassing. whenever cnn showed him on split screen, he was looking in different directions. he didn't look old, he looked ancient, he looked empty. wall street jordan. notes that attempts to shift the audience's attention to the essence of the issues were a good strategy, but it is impossible to deny that the owner of the white house clearly did not live up to the image of a convincing leader. the challenge for the candidates could not have been clearer, to become something they were not, only one succeeded, biden's challenge was to demonstrate vigor and consistency, the plan failed completely, trump's challenge was to keep his cool to an uncharacteristic degree, he did it, however. the most... the comment of a journalist close to biden and famous new york times columnist thomas friedman, who admitted that he was watching tv with
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tears in his eyes, was painful. in my entire life, i... can't remember a more heartbreaking moment in an american presidential campaign. joe biden is a good man and a good president, but he is not eligible to run for re-election. as a result, 2/3 of americans surveyed believe that trump won the debate not only due to his physical form. main the topics were the economy, inflation, migration, abortion, but russia could not be avoided. report by dmitry melnikov. biden comes to the podium first and waves to the non-existent. trump appears second, both take their places behind the stands, without greetings, handshakes, or even looking at each other. biden was the first to experience the new rules of debate; several times he tried to accuse trump of lying, but the microphone, as his headquarters wanted, was turned off. the insults began 25 minutes into the debate. biden
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gives in to emotions and remembering. really good, in some issues he can hold the upper hand. biden is telling the truth about relations with russia; i think he is also talking about the conflict in ukraine; the presenters ask a separate question: are trump and biden ready to accept the conditions that the russian president put forward in order to stop the fire and sit down at the negotiating table. i will stop this war between putin and zelensky, as president, as a presidential candidate. people die completely
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unnecessarily. would like to restore the soviet union, he does not need part of ukraine, he needs the whole country. the topic of ukraine came up several times during these debates. biden again feared that russia would attack nato, and trump again accused biden of corrupt ties to kiev because his administration had already spent hundreds of billions of dollars on arming the zelensky regime. biden gave zelensky $200 billion for the armed conflict, which is a lot of money. zelensky is perhaps the best salesman among all politicians. a criminal, to which trump also expectedly received the answer that biden’s own son was also unclean before the law. the only convicted criminal on this stage is the man i'm looking at now.
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when he talks about criminals, his son is a convicted felon. and he will be convicted again, he himself may become convicted as soon as he leaves office, this man is a criminal, you are lucky, i did nothing wrong, the storming of the capitol on january 6 and sex with a porn actress, this is how biden tried to discredit trump, in the migration crisis and epidemic trump blamed biden for drug addiction in the united states. by the end of the debate, it was already obvious that biden was losing this battle, not only in meaning, but in form. the republican recalled that he passed two tests for...
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real panic, because biden failed miserably in this debate, on which for some reason such hopes were pinned, even a cnn poll showed that 2/3 of viewers gave victory in this fight to trump, and this means that at the democratic party congress in august , biden will have to be urgently replaced by another candidate, but lead him to victory over trump for... in fulfillment of the western order to reduce the conscription fund in ukraine , absentee summonses appeared, now, according to cabinet resolution may be sent by mail, and such a summons will be considered officially served, regardless of whether it is received or not. in the lviv region,
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following the volyn region, universities will now transmit lists from... students to military registration and enlistment offices , which means that there will be more and more such personnel, military commissars are seizing men of military age right on the streets, a video from another forced mobilization came from odessa. peter ii made the vologda region the northern military outpost of the country; today the region has become the thirtieth on the list of federal tourist project imperial route, which tells about the historical and cultural heritage of the royal family. the ceremony of signing a tripartite agreement on this took place in the regional capital, and a mobile stand of the holy blessed prince alexander nevsky was opened there. report by valeria kulikova. the traveling exhibition of the charity foundation was placed in the vologda regional hall. he was the heavenly patron of the russian emperors, part of the exhibition is also dedicated to royalty, by the way, some of them visited vologda region personally. there are
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more than 3,500 cultural heritage sites in the region, and we must advertise these monuments in a good sense of the word, we must... from russia, from all over the country, developing domestic tourism and from abroad. the imperial route united 30 regions, which were once visited by representatives of the romanov dynasties, moscow and tyumen, and other regions entered into the historical and cultural project, now it is vologda’s turn. it is very important for us that , well, if the states came and said that voluga is even better than i thought. yes, as alexander i said, well, that’s it, even we felt it, driving up from the station, that voloddi was better than we thought, and emperor alexander ii, when he visited the golovda, he was delighted, he saw what
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riches this middle region has. emperors alexander i and alexander ii visited the vologda region at different times. peter ii himself came to our region six times. documents about his visits are preserved in the restored museum. in total, the imperial route will include. 10 cultural objects, and this is only in vologda itself. now the building of the former museum of the diplomatic corps is being restored, but soon a new museum space will appear here, dedicated to the history of the stay of the romanov emperors and grand dukes in the vologda region. the exhibition has five halls, each containing personal belongings, documents, clothes, and dishes of peter i, alexander i, and alexander ii. valeria kulyukova, andrey shalari, vesti vologda region. tonight, right after the big news, watch the sixth episode of the grandiose, exciting show. catch me if you can. viewers are treated to a musical adventure and intense gambling. for a million rubles
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, a new four popular artists, tatyana bulanova, annie loreksa, sopovyaashvili and ivan dmitrienko, will compete with the rival team. they will only be able to identify those who are only pretending to be able to sing if they agree among themselves. incredible adrenaline rush. from a team of stars, when they are fighting for a million rubles, when talented, successful musicians are trying to understand whether they are being deceived by the musical or no, it’s the brightest and coolest thing when they guess what a person is singing, but i’m very pleased when they are wrong, these are the most sincere emotions when they grab their heads and say how they could have fooled us. ukraine is switching to cash payments; due to energy problems and frequent power outages in the country, it has become difficult to use bank terminals.


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