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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  June 29, 2024 8:20am-8:36am MSK

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“you need a good girl and get married, yes, yes, how can you decide, he’s not good, but a pretty girl, with a joke, with an invention, girl, maybe i’m this ideal, let’s go to zaks, masha, again, is still there, but she’s different, she’s so responsible, reasonable, modest, i’m a serious girl, i don’t need pampering, with your character i need zoya, look closely, nothing hurts”? this is where it hurts,
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why are you fooling us, what kind of jokes are these, limiters, i’ll take it and get married, from monday on rtr, the floor is trembling, shaking the walls came big. changes in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are completely faceless from this room, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in sight are turning into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes soon. real stone flowers are blooming, after
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dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them in your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, cool, well , you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them, yes who is dear to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now... still loves them, you
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are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only on the platform look, people of different professions are waiting for you here and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. to love a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, they come up, oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his toes, so tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, come to me a parrot flies from the sky onto your shoulder, the stars are ready for anything.
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i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check your feelings, so that means i don’t see any other way out, i just need to file for divorce, and children should not know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, i can’t imagine you without this, well, why? well, well, thank you. i'm
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warning you, when you're with her, we're with her. no, i'm warning you. my intentions are serious. divorce with obstacles. today on rtr. more than 5 tons of food were delivered, over 1,700 were evacuated. people in the far east resist powerful floods. almost 200 houses and thousands of plots have already been sunk in the coastal area. the ministry of emergency situations strengthens the group rescuers. according to forecasts, the water will remain in july. the honor regime is in effect in several areas, the roads are washed out, and only special equipment can pass there now.
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several settlements are cut off from transport links; delivery of water, food and medicine has been established there. and in yakut, a large hailstorm deprived farmers of their crops in the famginsky district. not only did the residents have to take shelter because the precipitation drove their livestock from the pastures. thick fog descended on tyumen, more than ten flights were canceled and delayed at roshchina airport, visibility dropped almost to zero. on the highway , a seventeen-year-old teenager got behind the wheel without a license and flew into a parked truck at full speed. two girls, 14 and 15 years old, were taken to the hospital with him.
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and residents of the region escape the heat by the sea. the water in the baltic has warmed up to comfortable temperatures and you can swim, so it’s difficult to find a free place on the beach in the morning. beauty! vacationers share videos and photos like this online and report that due to the large number of sunbathers , the sea sand is no longer visible. look, guys, what we're doing! what a beauty! those who didn't have time are late! we arrived early today, we thought we would at least take a seat, new! the mediterranean cyclone brought hot air masses to the region, and thirty-degree heat settled in the region. refreshing sea water is the best remedy for overheating. tourists who have flown on holiday to the russian baltic states from chelyabinsk, murmansk, novosibirsk happily spend
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time riding sup boards and banana boats. you go into the water, it seems cold, but then your body burns so much, you experience such pleasure, simply divine. we really like it, probably even better than in... lifeguards on city beaches ask vacationers to protect themselves from the active sun, if possible, sunbathe under an umbrella, carefully choose panama hats and hats; not all hats will protect you from the blazing sun rays. it’s very hot, there’s a lot of sunstroke, and sometimes you wear caps, you know, it gets hot, these mesh caps that we have, well, i don’t recommend those, closed panama hats are better. in the heat, cool water is just right, in the city it’s a little hard, in the city it’s a little hard, there stuffy, only the most. persistent tourists are ready to walk around the resort town or ride bicycles in the kuzhskaya spit national park, however, the region will soon see a respite from extreme weather, strong thunderstorms will come, but the heat will not go away, from sunday the air will warm up to +33°. marina
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naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. panic, shame, despondency, this is how the american press describes the mood of biden’s supporters. after his debate with trump, polls show 2/3 of viewers they believe that the former president defeated the incumbent, many democrats are openly calling on the party leadership to urgently replace the candidate, but biden’s headquarters insists on continuing the fight, on the progress of the duel, and on the reaction of our us headquarters, dmitry melnikov. president biden walked to his podium with a shuffling gait like a scaffold. trump appears on the podium second, they have not seen each other for 4 years since... the last debate and the degree of mutual hatred is immediately visible: biden and trump take their places without greetings or handshakes, and even without looking at each other. biden is not delaying his main weapon, criminal charges against trump. trump responds by recalling the president’s son hunter and
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the biden family’s corruption scandals with ukrainian burisma. there's only one convicted criminal on this stage, and i'm watching right now. on him, he talks about convicted criminals, so his son, a convicted criminal in a very serious case, will probably be convicted many more times, and he should have been convicted a long time ago, and joe himself may become a convicted criminal, how much he has done, terrible things, he told the ukrainians that they need to change the prosecutor who was investigating his son’s case, otherwise they will not receive billions of dollars, this man is a criminal, already at the thirtieth minute of the debate it becomes clear, neither biden can speak on the merits , neither trump is going to, the answer to the hosts' questions is preferring to accuse each other of all mortal sins, a scandal with unmarriage.
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he refused to honor the memory of the fallen servicemen, he said: "they are a bunch of losers and failures, my son was not a loser and loser, that's you, a loser and a loser." firstly, this is a made-up quote about losers and losers, they themselves came up with it. do you think i, standing in front of the generals, would say about losers and losers? 19 people confirmed that i am such didn’t say. all this was made up, just like the rumors about russia, russia, russia. another serious mistake of biden in this fight in afghanistan. for some reason, he begins to lie that not a single american military personnel died under him, and thus. disowns the 13 soldiers who died in afghanistan during the disastrous withdrawal of american troops. but biden still shifts the blame for the afghan tragedy onto trump. when he was president, people were still being killed in afghanistan, and he did nothing about it. the truth is that i am the only
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president in this century under which there has not been, in this decade under which no military personnel have died anywhere in the world, unlike him. as for afghanistan, i pulled troops out of there, but i pulled them out with a show of strength and dignity, and the way he pulled them out of afghanistan was the most shameful day.
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on what i can do with covid, excuse me, with everything that we need to do, listen, if we finally figure out the foreign aid program, well, yes, he’s absolutely right, he figured out the medical aid program, no stone unturned from it put it aside, destroyed it, a question that hangs in the air.
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and he also challenged me to a golf match, i ’ll be happy to play with you if you can carry your bag yourself during the game, i saw how you play, let’s not act like children, you’re a child, after such arguments everything else could no longer be taken seriously, but these two people.


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