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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  June 29, 2024 8:35am-9:00am MSK

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ukraine, he this guy told ukraine, if you look at what trump did on told trump, do whatever you want, that's exactly what trump told putin, he encouraged him to do whatever he... this war should not have been start, if we had a leader, he would have already transferred 200 billion or even more to ukraine, this is a huge amount of money. i don't think anyone has ever seen anything like this. every time zelensky comes to us, he leaves, taking with him 60 billion dollars. he is the greatest trader in history. we shouldn't have wasted so much money for this war. behind this fight are two elderly candidates who periodically relapse. as a child, the american voter
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watched with longing and bewilderment, in restaurants and bars across the country, biden and trump supporters organized so-called debate parties, expecting a bright show of hope for the future, were completely disappointed. trump looks great, but biden looks as old as ever. so far, biden is holding up well, but we'll see how this long debate goes. i believe joe will perform badly. he is really good, in some matters he can hold the upper hand. america has yet to comprehend who voters saw and what they heard at this debate. behind the external screen and stories about the cheerful president was an unsightly political reality. will there be a second round of debates, who will take part in it from the democrats? now, perhaps, the main question of the american election race. and now the democrats will be in real panic, because these debates, which for some reason they so big. biden
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failed his hopes miserably, even a cnn poll showed that 2/3 of the audience gave victory in this fight to trump, which means that in august at the democratic party convention, biden will have to urgently change to another candidate. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from atlanta, georgia. the european union has chosen its leaders. at the eu summit, despite the protests of hungary and italy , key figures of the european bureaucracy were appointed. so he remains at the post of head of the european commission. our european correspondent anastasia reports from brussels about how this threatens the european union. popova. probably, the summer mood took its toll, but for the first time in a long time the summit ended before midnight, and discussions were not continued the next day. happy
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together: the future head of european diplomacy kaja kallas is already close to the current head of the european council, as well as the head of the european commission, although in order to receive a position, she must still be approved by the european parliament. i am honored to receive the council's support; it is a huge responsibility in these times of geopolitical tension. there is a war in europe, but there is growing instability in the world, which is also a major challenge for european foreign policy. to understand a little what kind of character will lead. she received the order of yaroslav the wise from zelensky in ukraine, climbed into nato tanks in estonian forest plantations, and called on nato to prepare to fight russia in the next couple of years. italy voted against this candidacy. what is happening with appointments in the european union smacks of a coup d'etat. millions
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of europeans voted in elections and asked to change europe, and what they are offered is all those the same person, ursula vonderleen, a socialist in the european council and a person from macron as the head of ext. there are no resources for this. for all this, the european union needs another 500 billion euros in the next 10 years, but some projects are already being pushed through. so poland and the baltic countries persuaded the european union to finance the construction of an iron dome air defense system on the border with russia. they want to take money for ukraine from
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frozen russian assets. they allowed themselves to steal them and use them to purchase weapons. there was another option - to highlight ukraine has a loan of 50 billion euros, but this is the plan. the summit again failed to agree, however, the head of the european commission, ursula vonlaen, a candidate who also still needs to be voted through in parliament, promises to achieve this money by the end of the year. we presented to the leaders a proposal from the g7 summit, which talks about allocating a loan to ukraine. we will now work with our partners to resolve this issue. but there is one thing. the presidency of the european union passes to hungary, giving up this seat to belgium.
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the day before, orban personally presented a large list of budapest’s demands to kiev to zelensky at a meeting in brussels. the hungarian prime minister made it clear that his position on the ukrainian conflict remains unchanged. as it became known, he voted against. a new hospital was opened in the kremensky district of the lugansk people's republic, the old one was destroyed by ukrainian militants, an outpatient clinic was erected for construction workers from the astrakhan region, 6.00 residents will receive medical care there, reporting by alexey shutov. oops, hooray, hold on, hold on, several thousand residents of the kremensky district will receive high-quality medical care in the new outpatient clinic, there are treatment rooms, examination rooms and dental rooms, and a day inpatient department has been organized. astrakhan doctors come to kremyannaya for the fourth time and enjoy
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great success here among the local residents. currently, eight people have arrived, an obstetrician-gynecologist, an endocrinologist specialist, and more. local residents from small to large. astrakhan specialists share their experience with lugansk colleagues. today at the doctors special mission. and we are glad with our colleagues that we can help here in any way. in the coming days , children from the lugansk region will come to the ostrakhan region for summer recreation. 750 children will be able to relax and undergo an additional education program in our region.
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it will be quite interesting, this is the direction of patriotism, this is the patriotic direction, this is the leisure part, these are, of course, everyone’s favorite discos for our children. 25 more objects will be restored in the boss area. governor igor babushkin emphasizes: kremmensky district is another municipality of the astrakhan region. alexey shutov, dmitry dubrovsky, damir maykenov, vesti astrakhan region. large-scale maneuvers took place in the pacific fleet. the final point of the exercise was training to repel amphibious assault on the islands of the kuril chain. the key role was played by the bastion coastal complexes, which struck a detachment of ships of the mock enemy. the training task has been received, the missiles are loaded, the bastion m complex is moving into position, the missilemen have to make a march to the position area over
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rough terrain, covering dozens of kilometers of kamchatka off-road terrain. the length of this rocket carrier is more than 15 m, but it is no more difficult to drive than... a truck; all conditions have been created here for the driver to work comfortably: power steering, excellent visibility, there is even a rear-view camera. multi-ton trucks can be climbed with ease. to mountain passes and forest roads, they do not get stuck in the sea sand, and rivers do not stop them. when creating the complex, the designers paid great attention to his mobility. a potential enemy should not know where the launcher is hidden until a sudden hypersonic gift arrives at him. the vehicle can drive over any terrain, off-road, through mud, through snow, through water, and overcomes fords perfectly, up to 70 meters . the launchers move in height accompanied by marines, the task of
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the security unit is to protect the column from sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the conditional enemy. having arrived in a given area, the crews immediately begin deploying their vehicles. into a combat position. enable beech? it literally takes a few minutes aside.
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the employee at the university pharmacy surprises you from the first minutes; now you definitely won’t have to stand in a long line. the girl doesn’t go anywhere all the time on contact, she tells everything all the time, and the medications are already falling out of the window somewhere. saving space and time, the robotic warehouse is capable of storing more than 18,000 drugs, in just a few seconds, what you need is in the hands of the buyer. the process can be observed through glass display cases. place an order with using a robot. it’s quite simple, you need to go to the pharmacist and tell them what you need, and then the specialist will give the task
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to the smart machine: during loading, the robot measures each package in height, length and width, and then delivers it to the shelves, and where to put the goods , the electronic employee decides for himself and monitors the expiration date. we can run this process manually, or when the conveyor belt is filled with drugs, it loads it automatically. issuing subsidized medications has always been difficult. time for the pharmacist i had to collect several packages at the same time while the line at the checkout grew longer, but now the robot does most of the work. the pharmacist or pharmacist has more time to conduct a full pharmaceutical consultation, answer all questions, and ask clarifying questions. an electronic employee does not need a vacation either. he is at work 24 hours a day, including night hours, and after closing he can scan packages and put things in order on the shelves. ekaterina shlyana.
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kolyma, now there is pink salmon, and already in early july they will catch whale in the region, the beginning great fishing. lyudmila shcherbakova. the ola river is a favorite fishing spot for many magadan fishermen. here salmon are caught on a line throughout the fishing season. with one license you can catch up to 10 pieces of pink salmon, and a little higher you can catch them for free, although up to three pieces per hand. in accordance with the rules. fishing at established fishing sites will be possible from thursday to sunday to catch e three tails with a fishing rod, our most popular place for fishing within the city of magadan is the dugcha river, ice fishing areas have opened on the sea coast, one of them well, the fishermen are here today, although they are complaining about the bad weather, but they are hoping for a catch. in magadan , it is rainy, cool, and the sea is stormy; this, as fishermen say, also affects it. fishing, salmon do not come close to the shore yet. but despite this, the first catch has already been caught,
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says alexander ivanov, although for now it’s only pink salmon. everything will be fine, today is just the first day, you know, the first day is always not very good, there are fish. this year, the indigenous peoples of the north were allowed to catch more than 100 kg of salmon per person, the limits allocated for them are higher, than those in previous years. in general, according to scientists' forecasts, putin's in the region... should be successful, although the guest is considered to be a poor harvest in terms of pink salmon approaches. for the magadan region, a catch limit of 8,500 tons of red fish has been allocated. the salmon season will end in region 16. or on the website see you.
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among those who, in the summer of 1927, went on an expedition to the barents sea on the first. academy of the faculty of chemistry of leningrad university, alexander vinogradov. he was faced with a very an unusual scientific task for that time was the determination of the chemical composition of marine animals. the work he did produced
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amazing results. for example, he found that oscid. invertebrate benthic creatures are capable of accumulating huge amounts of vanadium metal in their bodies. an interesting fact, but too far, as it seemed, from practical application. it is unlikely that any of the members of the expedition could then imagine that from these first attempts of the young researcher to penetrate the secret of the elemental composition of living and nonliving matter, a whole scientific direction will grow in the future. alexander vinogradov was born in august 1895 in the village of petretsovo, yaroslavl
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province. his father came from the so -called peasants who worked on... state lands in the spring and summer , the grape family worked in the village, and after harvesting they went to st. petersburg to earn money. the father traded, and the mother and children were contracted for various jobs. alexander was assigned to study at the first spassky men's city school, known in st. petersburg as the school for the deaf. education for healthy students was significantly cheaper there. but the demands placed on them were also higher; they had to help their deaf peers learn the material; this largely predetermined alexander’s further choice. alexander pavlovich vinogradov, soviet geochemist, organizer and head of the institute of geochemistry and
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analytical chemistry, creator of a new direction in science: geochemistry of isotopes. after graduating from college with honors, he entered the st. petersburg military school of medical assistants, from there he was sent to clinical military hospital, where he served throughout the first world war in the ear, nose and throat department, but his sweating mind forced him to move on. in 1918, he became a student at the military medical academy in petrograd. during this harsh time , vinogradov was again exposed. he began to study chemistry seriously. in 1919, in parallel with his studies at the academy, he entered the chemistry department of petrograd university. during these years, he works tirelessly, improves his knowledge as a military
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medic and at the same time carries out chemical experiences at the university. he is not prevented from doing this. the young soviet government needed all the specialists, chemists and doctors. in 1924, after graduating from the academy , vinogradov was sent to moscow, where he worked in the laboratory of the famous organic chemist nikolai zelinsky. a year later , he returned to leningrad as a teacher of physical chemistry at the military medical academy. maybe he was destined to. to become a luminary of military medicine, but fate brought vinogradov together with svernatsky, who fascinated him with geology, mineralology and geochemistry.
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against the keps, a commission for the study of natural productive forces, which has done a lot in the field of studying the country's natural resources. he entrusts the young scientist with organizing the world's first studies of the chemical composition of marine organisms. it was at the suggestion of vernatsky that vinovy ​​created a biological station in murmonsk and took part in an expedition on the persian ship. such studies have never been conducted anywhere before. i literally had to start everything from scratch, despite the huge amount of organizational scientific and practical work vinogradov manages to write articles
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devoted to the results of research. in one of them, he first put forward a hypothesis about the role of vanadium as a catalyst in oil formation. this idea was inspired by the aces whom he studied on board the persius. the result of scientific research of that period will be. he wrote a fundamental monograph on the chemical elemental composition of sea organisms, which will subsequently be translated into many languages. in 1930, at the age of 35, grapes decided to end his medical career and devote himself entirely to science. he is demobilized from the military medical academy and finally goes to work for vernadsky, in his...
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in 1934, he published the article “heavy water and its presence in the earth’s crust.” it was with
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this article that vinovovy began to develop a completely new scientific direction in geochemistry, later called the geochemistry of isotopes. it was based on an important discovery. different floods of the same element are distributed in geological rocks. and natural substances certain way, depending on the mass of the atomic nucleus and its physical and chemical properties. isotopes: these are varieties of a chemical element that have the same atomic number but different mass numbers. all isotopes of one element have an equal number of protons in the atomic nucleus and differ in the number of neutrons. already. radov was able to understand what unprecedented opportunities open up the study of the distribution of floods in the natural environment. the proposed methods
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made it possible to look into the geological past of the earth and get an accurate idea of processes occurring in the earth's crust and the depths of the planets. vinogradov's bold ideas and practical achievements were appreciated by the scientific community. in 1943 he was elected a corresponding member of the ussr academy of sciences, in 1947 he created the head of the institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry, named after vernadsky. and all these years he has been consistently developing and implementing. life methods of geochemistry of floods, was in vinogradov’s scientific biography and a closed page.


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