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tv   Formula yedi  RUSSIA1  June 29, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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the proposed methods made it possible to look into the geological past of the earth and obtain an accurate idea of ​​the processes occurring in the earth's crust and the depths of the planets. vinogradov's bold ideas and practical achievements were appreciated by the scientific community. in 1935 , based on the totality of his merits, he was awarded the degree of doctor of science without defending dissertations. in 1943 he was elected a corresponding member of the academy of sciences of the ussr, in 1947 he created grapes and headed the institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry, named after vernatsky, all these years he consistently develops and implements methods of geochemistry and flooding. it was also closed in vinogradov’s scientific biography.
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the age of a number of the most important geological calculations, but also managed to calculate the absolute age and the average composition of the main rocks of the earth on our planet. summarizing the results of his many years of research, he developed and substantiated the fundamental ideas about the chemical evolution of the earth. and the study of the structural features of meteorites, their chemical isotopic composition, which he began back in 1900 in 1948, helped scientist to create a universal hypothesis for the formation of planetary shells. it is not surprising that with the beginning of the space age, academician vinograda became one of the pioneers of the newest field of geochemical science - cosmochemistry. under his leadership, the composition of the lunar soil delivered to earth by the soviet automatic stations luna-16 and luna-20 was determined.
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his analysis confirmed vinogradov’s earlier conclusions about the presence of basalt rocks on the moon, which he made based on the results of the flight of the luna-10 station, which became the first artificial satellite of this planet. vinogradov's space achievements also include determining the chemical composition of the atmosphere of venus and measuring the radioactivity of the martian surface. it is not for nothing that the mineral vinogradov, a fault on the bottom of the atlantic ocean, a mountain on the moon, a crater on mars, was named after him, but probably the main monument to the talented scientist was founded. he is the geochemistry
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of isotopes, one of the areas of modern science, forever associated with his name. hello, i’ll tell you a secret, every saturday there are fluffy, shaggy, eared, winged together with their owners, gather around the screens at the same time, in order to be among friends, and you are in...
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welcome, you will agree that animals are often completely different. sons, hello seraphima, i’m very glad to see you, such a big family, thank you that there are so many of you, please, let’s get acquainted, seraphima, tell us who came, hector saveliy, saveli, hello boys, it’s very nice, yes, i’m glad that you
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are here, this is jayti, we have the only girl, yes, this is the youngest cat magic, this senior cat tef, he will be 11 years old this year , dad is a cat, dad is a cat, he raised him. this boy then took an active part in raising this girl. guys, do you remember how tev appeared in your family or was it somehow in the distant past, well, i remember, i was about seven years old, i wanted a pet , it was there 2-3 days before my birthday, i persuaded my parents, that is, this is a birthday present, well, in my opinion yes, well, actually yes, a gift for all of us, yes, our neighbors brought it to us , they had their first litter , they distributed kittens, right? we were carrying two, we chose this one with erect ears, because in general the breed is called scottish opel. of course, yes, it’s noticeable, so we took the classic version. yeah, tell me about the cat, about the one that’s hiding, which i can’t see at all, about the second one, we found him at the dacha, one day old, my mother heard a squeak, she
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came, well, we have a real dacha that we only use in the summer, so she came to close it, suddenly she heard a squeak in the ceiling between the basement and the kitchen, thought it was a mouse, and they started to take it apart. overlap, because even if it’s a mouse, you don’t want it to somehow die there, yes, even if it’s a mouse, you still need to save it, so, well, what happened next saves, yes, we pulled out a one-day-old baby like this, of course, everyone was in shock, we realized that a cat had just given birth in our ceilings, apparently somewhere in the basement, and he was like the first, probably the strongest, judging by his current size, he apparently crawled, so here we are of course... they saved him, because it was unclear whether he would survive or not, he screamed, we first they put it in a box, put it outside in the hope that the mother would come and pick it up, but she came on the road, sat, looked at this box, realized that the guy was attached, uh, left, that’s how he was, actually,
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after 2 weeks he opened his eyes, the older cat wanted to eat him, but what was it like for the first 3 weeks, yes, he thought it was a mouse, he was hunting him, yes, we hid him in the bathtub. they weren’t allowed in the box, i personally took this small pipette, we poured milk into it, and so the baby looked like a mouse, really really very small, about 10 centimeters, he was still blind, you hold him in your arms, this is how he fits in your hand, and you feed him milk with a pipette, this is exactly the moment that you are describing, it’s true, you are feeding the baby, but he’s already grown up a little, it looks like it’s incredibly touching, and of course , initially there was a legend that we would... feed him, he would get stronger, and we would give him to someone, but he was already a member of the family, it’s just like a new child, and a common one, the way two cats get along now when the older one is already i realized that this was a cat, he began to raise him, he taught him to wash himself, to hunt, they slept
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together, and they still sleep together, he was just learning to eat, and he had to show everything, dad is a cat. we talked about two cats, let's talk about a dog, who wanted a dog in porridge, i wanted a dog, so i begged, i remember, a friend appeared at my dacha, he got a dog, and for a year i just begged my mother, i want it too a dog, that’s how it was, then in the end it appeared savel, did you want a dog, or in general it didn’t matter, well, i was little then and didn’t really understand, well, how little were you, i was six years old? enough to understand that i want a dog, which means i didn’t want a dog, there wasn’t anything special, yes, yes, yes, well, in general, the popularity of this breed in russia, of course, it seems to me, happened after the famous film mask, in which jim carrey dresses up he has a companion, jack rossler, but a real hunter, i must say, by the way, you
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raised him so that he could feel the taste of real hunting, that’s just about no, they didn’t do it willingly, but first of all, they probably raised the dog. cats, the funny thing is that she washes herself like a cat, she climbs on the sofa, she sleeps with us in the bed somewhere at the feet, that is, she basically does everything like a cat, sleeps at a height, you know who...
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it doesn’t happen like that, it happens, well, there’s a special attitude towards you, right, well, you can say so, and i don’t know how it happened, but at first i was mainly involved in it, now i’m more focused, well, on studying, specifically on my some things to do, a lot now sava is with her spends time, she’s probably like sava in this regard. is right in that she considers everyone her masters, because she turned out to be a very family dog, let’s watch the video, you know, from the series, if you want to understand the child, sit down to his level? i, when we got a dog, also when we raised her, well, some kind of communication began, i
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think we need to do something here, get closer to her, we need to try what she likes to play, it seems to me, this video was made then, because to understand what she is like, i i know that your whole life is connected with pets, and since childhood, this is actually our second dog in the family, yeah, and my mother picked up the first dog, she was working at school then and on her way home from work she saw him flying a white... lump from the fifth floor, fortunately the lump fell into the drain of freshly cut grass, so it was somewhat bloody, it turned out to be a month-old puppy, a mixture of a lapdog with someone else, that is, such a large lapdog lived with us for 17 years, and was basically my brother, my mother’s son, such a family member, what was his name, his name was tosha, this is tosha, this is tosha, it’s very nice to meet tosha, here he is not very washed, this is normal for all of us. i
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know that you also had a cat, yes, we had one, there was this cat, another one, i picked them both up, one in the entrance, the other boys were rolling around the yard in a stroller, and i pulled her out of the stroller, i say, that’s it, stop getting the animal wet, she lived with us for 14 years, well, that is, it turns out that you are such a savior, somehow i don’t know, maybe there were such times before, that mostly under...
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cats, birds, well, how can i surprise you with such things, we came up with something unique, but in order to show it to you, we will probably ask your four-legged friends to move behind the scenes so that we don’t have a quarrel here, and then this little surprise awaits you, okay, we have a network of animals, our cuddled ones, our surprise today is darina, kira, varvara and their baby, yes, please meet. hello, we'll have a little look now and then
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we'll talk. i can only say bravo, i want you invite us, and your coach, of course,
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too, girls, sit down, and we can discuss everything that we saw, it was amazing, thank you, hector, by the way, you know what the girls do is called, you don’t know, voltage training, that’s right, i said what it is, this is a sport in which there is gymnastics and a horse, exercises are performed on a moving horse, at a walk or at a walk, athletes perform different exercises, both gymnastic and static, they can be dynamic , yes, dynamically, probably, there can be jumps, there can be just purely standing movements like... i showed darina at the very beginning. where did this unusual sport come from? there is such a version that this, well , maybe a branch came from circus art. dzhigetovka volunteering also has a lot in common. girls, how did you get into this sport? and when we came to the school christmas tree, i saw a poster with valving. i was still very little, i told my mother that when i grow up, i will definitely go there. and so i grew up and started valeting. i've been in
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equestrian sport, when it now turns out that i have three children, i also want to ride a horse, it’s quite expensive. well, the altigation turned out to be right, that is, we all work out great on the same horse, what was your first training session? well, but i was very scared, at first, i was afraid to do exercises on a horse, and there is also such a horse there, well , it’s wooden, you train on a wooden horse, seriously, somehow it’s generally an economical option, you don’t even need to feed it, this is the initial preparation in order not to harm the horse while... well, the athlete still doesn’t know how to do some exercises, and in general vaulting in this regard is very gentle for the horse, because the athlete first trains everything on a model, and then transfers these exercises to the horse, how interesting , yes, i have one question, come on, there are competitions in this sport, this is how they are held, of course, children perform both individually and in pairs, well, as we saw, and also as a team, that is,
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individually , respectively the performance is divided into a mandatory program is a set of certain exercises that everyone does the same, but athletes must do. and there are free programs, where the athlete chooses his image, music and choreography, straight figure skating only on a horse, well, essentially yes, that is, this is such a directly creative approach, the athletes all have different images, they really, well, practically get used to it what image do you perform in, now nowday, saynesday, wensday girl, black hair, that’s all, it’s cool, if we take the creative part separately... they can make their routine out of some specific choreography and they can’t perform some actions, or from all of them , it’s a good question, but you can’t do something that is dangerous for the horse and for, well, actually the athlete, it seems to me that we should definitely conduct a master -class for hector isavely, what do you say, boys, try it,
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i agree, you agree, thank you very much for this, and you, no, you passed, well, i can instead of soevili, great, then i’ll give you my guests, come on hector , i need to give you a ride on the horse, this is a pad, this is a horse, it has handles, you need to grab them now, both, both, yes, uh-huh, okay, uh-huh, turn a little sideways, bend your leg, bend this one at the knees, on your knees on the count of three, i’ll throw you once, i should jump just right, one two, three, uh-huh, great, okay, you’re already on horseback, yes, let’s try to do simple exercises, let’s try to let go of your hands, do it like this, great, good, listen to how it will take them to sit on a horse, yes, now try to stand on knee, that is, you need to grab the handle and lift yourself, yeah, yes, carefully, gently, here it is important not to harm the horse, no, everything is correct, you are doing it now,
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try now to let go of your hands, let go of your hands, yes, that’s great, great already, okay, the next exercise: bend your knee and put your foot in the handle, put your foot here, yes, yes, and you can propose to the lady, yes, this is a prince exercise , great, handsome, yeah, okay, try to stand on the bed , stand up, legs should be in the handles or one leg can in the hands, and put one leg here, yeah, yes, this won’t be easy, and it’ll be slow and careful. by eye in front, we look below, it’s extraordinary, it fits, it suits your son, it’s just a delight, carefully, we don’t go down alone, since there are two legs on my side, it’s a blast and great. thank you, share with us your impressions of how it was, honestly, i was just afraid if suddenly she twitched, but in
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general, this is cool, this is very cool, seraphima, your devil, there is a little adrenaline stress, i’m only worried about the shoes , yes, i’m also a little worried about the shoes, well, take it off, try to take it off, come on. so let me sit you down, and also take both hands, so let’s do english, bend over like this so that i can pull you up, yes, and you think i can do it, i’m sure, let’s do 1, 2, 3, jump, yes , great, you’re on horseback, great, just feel it, just sit for a second, stroke her directly , you can hug her, bend over to hug her, yes, great, this is my favorite action, well , let’s start with you too... you can put her on her knees , just a little for you feel the height of the horse, uh-huh, wonderful, good, that’s it, yes, yes, yes, you can do one arm at a time, yes, good, here it is a little,
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yes, it’s moving, you see, yes, and now we ’ll try this exercise, it's called the letter k, well, it's a sideways stand, and turn your two knees towards me, uh-huh, yes, turn straight, you need to move this leg to the side, put it in a circle, uh-huh, where to put it? so you can, by the way, you just pulled it out very beautifully, yes, yes, and raise yourself a little and move the handle to the side, in general, beauty, come to us for vaulting, seraphim, we know exactly everything about your hobby, you were hiding something from us, well, no, you have 100% done this before, try to do it too, princes, this is, in principle, not a difficult exercise, turn to knees forward, and put the leg here too, just like your son did, lift it a little higher than yourself, or you can do something beautifully with your hands, but for example, something like this, well , there’s something like that. okay, will you get up? yes, let's try, okay, put the legs here, one the other here, yeah, yes, and carefully look forward smoothly, don’t
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look down, yes, great, excellent, into the knees for shock absorption, just a little, just a little, yes, okay, sit on horseback, maybe we’ll give you a ride, yes, let’s walk, yes, let’s let's go for a ride, it's very cool, bravo, boys, you feel a sense of pride for mommy at the moment, i don’t know what about the feeling of pride, probably not a feeling of pride, but a feeling of joy, yes, well, because she’s having a blast, mom’s doing very well it turns out, it seems so to me, yes, thank you, you very patient, thank you very much, seraphim, i hope we still managed to surprise you, yes, you did an excellent job, it looks absolutely amazing, bravo, this applause is for you, you are a real talent,
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thank you very much, i have so many guests and there are so many children here, bring gifts for everyone, please, i will give everyone gifts, one, two, three, thank you very much for taking the time to come visit us and, of course, gifts. for our animals, bring them to the studio quickly, thank you very much, yes, these are boys you, suitable for both dogs and cats, thank you very much for coming to us, girls, thank you for your talent, i wish you success in sports, yes, this applause is for you, we will continue, thank you. we look at rtr, which means you are looking for the ideal, and what is the ideal? yes , like everyone else, kind, beautiful, smart and
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cheerful, it’s almost me, i’m beautiful, cheerful, smart sometimes, so why did it become a thing, kuimichitsy, to look at you what you see, you are not needed, look in the fall ivanik is counting, then i’ll count from monday. on rtr, we're going to the doctor we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge , health, dispelling myths, helping to find out the truth, how to act, so that. .. it’s good to land, you need to warm up before that. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help?
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you only need five ingredients. which will benefit everyone.


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