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tv   Pyatero na odnogo  RUSSIA1  June 29, 2024 9:25am-10:11am MSK

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i’m cheerful and smart sometimes, so why did this matter? ulemitschitsy, look at you what you see, you are not needed, your eyes count until autumn, ivanik, then i’ll count, from monday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor . when you really need to go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge of health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. on what to pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit everything.
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it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your body comprehensively, get yourself fit and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. "yours gone, that he was joking now or hasn’t received a diamond for a long time, she’s everyone she says, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what should he do, the ugly thing spread a rumor that i’m marrying her, you scotch guy, i’ll sleep with such a fearful woman only for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money, for plastic surgery or something? if you buy it, it won’t be enough if you don’t have happiness...”
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i’ve been inviting pavliashvili here to the soso program for a long time, but he doesn’t come, he says that he really wants to, but he has so many pets that he can’t bring it at once, okay, good reason, i agree , as an exception, the program itself went to the circle of friends guests to soso povliashvili, look. well, hello, come in, welcome to our cat house. meet me,
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this is part of my family, irochka, hello, our lisa, our brothers, acquaintance, welcome, this is chicha, the leader of the pack, and this is altonbeg, aka cheburek, deputy vazhakostae, deputy vazhakostae, when a few years ago a wild cat... . threw seven kittens into our roof, we didn’t plan to have any animals at all, since we often go on tour, and for us it was taboo, here, from somewhere, we hear miukane and apparently a cat. died, and chicha was the first who dared to come out of hiding and start calling for help, because the kittens were already hungry, and thus little kittens actually began to fall from the roof, there were seven of them, and we didn’t expect it at all... , here i take a photo
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of this fluffy kitten, some impossible peach color, bring him a soso, he just woke up then, i say: look, please, like...
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lives are raining down from the sky for us, they are aware of everything that i have is happening, so, like my brothers and sisters, i want to introduce you to my, the madagascar cockroaches that i got because
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my friend brought them to me, they have quite specific names, we decided not to bother and just call them by their names. just a flurry of love, at first, of course, my mother was surprised, but then she also began to love them, she can even touch them sometimes, and this is our garden, the place where we recharge with strength,
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energy, recover after touring, we practically never leave here, our the animals really, really like it here, it seems to me that it’s real happiness when... the pet owner has a garden and the animals simply enjoy the grass, the forest, the trees, they climb trees, our cats, for example, can climb into the bedroom right over a huge oak tree and come into the bedroom at night, and this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, the most important thing is that the fragile girl made all this beauty, the house and the garden, i call these gardens the house, the house and the garden. love, that’s all that love does, this is proof of this, this is how it charges me, that i want to create like this, yes, yes, yes, ira saw both the house and the garden, just in her head, she built it all in parallel, i don’t know how it’s even
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possible to see both the house and the garden in parallel, especially since she doesn’t have any education, let’s say there’s design, there’s construction, there... what else is there, i don’t know, i’m just a complete idiot psychologist, yes, she is a psychologist by training, but she sees this world so beautifully, my father is an architect, god grant our parents long life, when he first came and looked at what ira created, and he said that i once again, i fell in love with ira once again, i say, because it’s incredible how she was able to do it all to do, he says, i, he says, am an architect, i’m just absolutely, absolutely in admiration, here’s our sandra, oh, hello, sunshine, hello, how, hurray, sandra studied with us, yes, very diligently the granite of science with a tutor, my
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good, what did you do, social studies, social studies, in fact, i don’t have a rosary yet. idea of ​​who i want to become, but most likely it will obviously be something related to a creative profession, i taught social studies, well, because i take exams in social studies, that’s why. in the village, different parts of georgia, we have relatives almost everywhere, and these are
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the feelings that i still dream about, and i just built this house and this garden together with sirizhka, and from the very beginning i dreamed that i every morning we were woken up by roosters, what a beautiful explanation for the fact that we are simply not allowed to sleep in the morning and we just wake up with roosters, and not with one rooster, with nine roosters, this is our pride, our chicken coop, here they are, our pets , our alarm clock, our alarm clock, we keep such a farm, but we don’t eat their meat we use them, they are truly like our beloved pets. but they give us a huge amount of pet eggs, when
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you wake up, it’s already happiness that you woke up, your parents are alive, your sister, your nephews, nieces, your irochka, the most beautiful irochka on earth, your children, let me get there, father don’t interrupt, here’s your irochka right next to you. beloved, the most beautiful woman with you, and of course, my children, my lebanon, my lisa, my sandra, we pray for each other and this is great happiness, we have in the fall there will be a big anniversary concert in moscow dedicated to my sixtieth birthday, i’m 60 this year, 60, but thanks to love, thanks to this beauty, of course, i feel much... younger and indeed, let this continue forever,
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and sandra will definitely perform, and sandra, and levan, and irochka, of course, we are all on the same stage, don’t guess about love, if your eyes are happy, don’t guess about love, heaven decides everything.
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on рrt. for the good health of our empress.
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the wisest empresses in history. at your place two lives, mine is yours, and i want there to be a third. all of catherine and other historical series only on the watch platform. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family,
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we admire strong relationships. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, while you live in my house, with my money, you will live by my rules, dad, everyone is laughing at me, sit down, i’m with yulka for a reason, i want to marry her, thank you , so you're married, married today, no tomorrow. i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch me, i ’m not guilty of anything, you put my accounting in order, and i’ll put your personal life in order, my personal life cannot be put in order, it’s complete ruins, well, it definitely can’t get any worse, in general i agree , why marry you, to your mother-in-law, on sunday at rta.
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this... this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness , your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov today, on rtr
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today i have a guest whose cat is a little larger than his dog, please meet roman popov, his children, their pets. roman popov is a comedian, tv presenter, actor, and has participated in dozens of comedy shows. shows and several roles in films. father of many children, raising three children, hello, i’m very glad that you came to us, hello, mutually, dmitry andrevich, please, i always know my middle name, how is this possible, hello, hello, take a seat, introduce yourself, this is teffi, teffi, it’s very nice, we are very glad to meet teffi, the girl is on the air for the first time, so, well, you can
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pet him, you can, i’m very glad to meet you, this dog will lick you to death, she’s too much. kind, i really, really want her to get inside me first, yes, and then i really want to to see who's hiding there, we're not really hiding here, but we're just transporting a wonderful maincuncun named ivanovich, but from ivanovich, yes, he doesn't have a nickname, then i'll explain why, come on, catoferi, come on, dear, that 's it, i i’ll tell you a few words about our cat. first of all, why minecun? the children really wanted a maine coon, but my wife just wanted a ginger kitten, i had to look, to be honest, uh, why ivanovich, because there are many of us in the family, i have three children, my wife and i, my mother, my cousin, other men call these women techu, i just don’t like the word, especially since we have
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such a wonderful relationship with her, my heart, that’s right, yeah, we have a k-pop lover here, me. taught me, i also recently found out, do you know what this is? yes, heart, heart, hearts, that ’s what nickname to give, there are many versions, as you might guess, yes - so i, by the strong-willed male decision of the head of the family, decided that there won’t be a nickname, there will be a middle name of his father, the european champion, his name is ivan, ivan , yes, that’s why ivanovich, but if you saw ivan, you would also worry about ivanovich, like us, because i’m afraid of what this animal will turn into, he’s only a year old, but that’s it. will grow, yes, much more, because in a sitting position, in a sitting position, his father is like ivanovich lazets stephie, that’s my first question. it seems to me that in general among the maincoons, at a certain moment, someone sinned with dogs in the family, because at the stage of growing up ivanovich was just a puppy, in fact
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it was an organized crime group, a criminal group, when ivanovich appeared, in the first months he studied the territory of our house, then i noticed an amazing thing: i now know for sure that animals of different breeds and different species can communicate mentally, silently, i wonder how it works, well, look at... this well-fed sausage with short legs, yes, it’s clear that she’s not going anywhere can jump, although she has very strong jaws, she is still a shepherd dog, the fact is that the welsh corgi breed is an obedient dog, she has very strong jaws, so that if she crushes something in the forest or some other predator, she tries to gnaw everything at home , but does not reach everything, but with the appearance of ivanovich, she felt better, one day i looked in, we have glass into the kitchen from the corridor, i walked and... then i froze, i saw the communication and decided to watch, i see how our little cake is sitting under the table, looking upstairs, ivanovich gracefully jumps onto the table,
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pushing some objects from the table, as if asking, silently, this is not there, this is not yet, we choose, this is it, yes, he throws it off , she chews it into pieces, wow, dad said, that...
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there is information that in different years, i would even say in different decades, considering how many elizabeth also lived about the rules of britain, her number of corgis varied from 12 to 67, wow.
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zoopsychologist, completed courses on the behavior of dogs and cats at the university of edinburgh, has a second higher education diploma in zoopsychology with honors from the international academy of competencies and professional retraining. hello, glad to see you, hello, everything is fine, i also applaud quietly, aching in my soul, listen, but they say that the owners of this breed, that there is something dog-like in these cats, yes, they are actually very they are open to the world, and indeed they are often not afraid of anything, they really love to follow people everywhere, this is a fairly common story, that is , how tails follow them, yes, it’s true, the fact is that we still have younger ones. but this, of course, is ideal love between martha and teffe, they chase each other,
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run after each other, and ivanovich sometimes feels like he’s out of luck, so what about me, yes, do i need to walk with ivanovich like a dog, here we ’ll be look at the temperament of the cat itself, that is, if you have an active one, you see that he is bored at home, has nothing to do... first of all, i want to say about grooming, i think that people should prepare for this, this breed has quite thick fur and it is long, now we have a guy, apparently he
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is already molting and we are not we see this one. so here’s the care, since this is an animal with long hair, it requires care, in particular combing, if we don’t do this, the hairs turn into such icicles, you know, not very beautiful and so on, the novel told us what ivanovich means and.. . real grouping, how well do maine coons get along? with other animals in the house, most often, most often very well, they find a common language, the only thing is, of course, they first need to get used to it, get to know each other correctly, and if this happens all according to the canons, then they will be excellent friends. there are no conflicts, romance, sometimes there are, of course, but in general they are quite understanding towards each other, listen, well, i have never seen such a relaxed
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dog in our studio. taffy, a good girl, yes, they have a lot of competition in the family, so you always need to be in control of the moment, probably, yes, yes, of course, but the fact that we are talking about maykun all the time, and talking about maykun, of course, she also needs to remind herself how taffy feels in the arms of others, you can hold her, well, try. we’ll find out , now we’ll find out, so, dmitry andrevich, take it, hold it by the butt, by the butt, of course, hello, yes, hello, my dear, at such moments i feel absolutely happy, thank you very much for trusting me, the most valuable thing, your belly, i’m still scratching the tefe, you can ask elena questions, everything that interests you about mainkun, let’s i’ll tell you about brushes, come on, yes,
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tell me, have you ever wondered why at all? in principle, we kunam tassels, mustaches and tassels on the ears - these are sensors, they perform a function. your dad is just, as they say, a novice zoopsychologist, let's applaud the psycho, as they say, yes, really, look, since our ears end with these hairs, any similar, yes, yes, any wind blow, some kind of wind movement and so on, all this is recorded and the animal has good control over the events taking place around him, that is, he does not need it. look somewhere, thanks to this he can already understand what is happening, yes, surprisingly, he acts like a fly, but that is, you know, when you try to swat a fly from behind, so, you raise your hand, it has already felt it and flew away, so the same, yes, yes, this is the same, that is, such a wonderful function, i want to thank you, listen, you took the time to come and share your great love with us, thank you very much for being here, thank you, we are very we are glad, we have no one, no one
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we don’t let children or animals go without gifts, thank you very much, bye! if you have a problem with your dog, it doesn’t listen to you, behaves inappropriately, you can’t cope with it, urgently call our program, we will send antoine najarian to you, you don’t know who it is, then look carefully, oh, carefully , stand, calm down, calm down. come
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next, you can’t, stand next to me, foxy, please, come next, let’s go, to me, he really doesn’t listen at all, he doesn’t care, alena, hello, hello, my name is antoine, it’s very nice, i know what you need my help, how can i help you? the thing is that fox, his name is fox, he constantly pulls, he constantly aggressions dogs, and since i just recently became a young mother, that is, i always have a choice between walking with the stroller or walking with the dog, because in my universe it’s it’s generally impossible for me to go out with just two, yes, because it’s very dangerous, that’s it, but i feel very sorry for him, because when the weather is special like this, yes, that is,
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i go out with a stroller, i walk there for several... and the dog the poor thing is sitting, if today our friend is with you with a stroller walk calmly, listen to you, you will walk, agreed. i understood everything, it will be uncomfortable for him to pull, now he wants to go there, i say, look, i pull it up and bring him to the starting point, where he
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should go, if you walk with him, he pulls you back and forth and you agree, he will always be do it this way, why not do it, if you don’t mind, so i object, i say, friend, while we’re walking, go like this, don’t pull it in the wrong direction. walk with me, then, when he walks with me and i’m satisfied, i’ll tell him, go for a walk, and you’re free, now he’ll take a walk, do his business, i’ll ask him to walk next to him again, uh-huh, and another important point, look, go, go, see, your my leg is in front, yes, look, how i feel that he wants to go forward, the leg says, hey, hoselbaum, you see , what i do is go forward again, mind you, i don’t look at him at all, i just go forward, enjoying it.
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window. agree, not every friend is capable of this, regardless of the day of the week or the weather. think about this, and i say goodbye to you, see you in a week with friends. bye.
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ultra-processed food leads to cancer heart disease, check if you eat it, meet our... ultra-processed food, to determine what is here, it must be sent to a crime laboratory, this would seem to be clear that this is an ultra-processed product, this is what you think it’s useful, we deprive it of its structure, we deprive it of this dispenser, then
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, accordingly, we get spring water, in whom can it cause parkinson’s disease, and is it possible to drink tap water, how much water to drink, what kind of water to drink? accordingly he must drink, carbohydrates break down into water, also gives you an additional 200 ml of water, and accordingly these people need different mineral water. vitamin d: who needs to get it from foods, and who needs to take it in tablets? now you don’t need to take vitamin d, vitamin d deficiency leads to a lot of diseases, who else has no choice but to take vitamin d, so any failure in this chain leads to vitamin d deficiency. hello, says dr. mestikov, showing, you are in my clinic on belarusian, on the russia-1 channel, why such a table, and today we will talk about food, that’s the whole program. we will talk about food, well , what can we say about water, is water food or
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what, but in any case we consume it, we’ll just talk about what kind of water, how much to drink in the summer, the eternal question, the eternal question, let’s talk about what are irreplaceable vitamins are contained in eggs, i thought it was raw, it was boiled, but well, boiled will also work, and not just a simple vitamin, an important one. vitamin of longevity, lard with garlic, where would we be without him, it will help to talk about proper weight loss, well, this is just a demonic product, because the hand is so stretched, so stretched, so drawn to eat it, and then put it on some bread like that and eat it with appetite, let’s talk about why it’s so difficult to resist. and is it necessary to do this, we begin, well, here is the eternal topic, water, how
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to drink correctly, look, this miracle will be with me throughout the entire program, he will eat and drink with me, until he starts with milk, so, let’s, eternal the theme is water, today, after all, it ’s summer, people are traveling, it’s hot, how much is it? drink water, what kind of water to drink, well, we know that we need 20 ml of water per kilogram of liquid, it would seem that if a person weighs 100 kg, then he should drink those same notorious 2 liters, the point is... that you already
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get water, no, no, we don’t necessarily drink coffee, you just eat fruits, you eat vegetables, you eat the same pasta, potatoes, dumplings, all of this contains water and in significant quantities, you see, it doesn’t pour more than can be poured, it will still pour out, the same thing happens when you... immoderately water, it you just reach a certain limit and the mechanisms of osmoregulation work, that is , the sodium concentration changes, the receptors act on this very clearly, they catch it very clearly, and certain hormones are produced, lowering, it doesn’t matter the heat, winter, when you still need to drink by thirst. naturally, you are thirsty, there is a very
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complex hormonal chain going on, you drink, in fact, this is where the problem ends, well, on the other hand, if you drink the notorious 2 liters, you are clearly drinking more than what you need, because in order to to cover your needs not in the heat, in normal times, in normal situations, you don’t need so much, just half a liter of water, because you lose water in your urine, with... what’s simple, drink whatever you want, the only thing
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is when it’s hot, you walk, if you don’t have water with you and you think, well, i’ll be patient, i’ll wait, you look at the color of the urine, the urine should be light light yellow, if it’s intensely yellow, this is dehydration, here you need can’t stand it, drink it anyway, here are the questions, they are simple, what kind of water, well , first of all, any water, if you want to drink mineral water. it’s completely optional, but just remember, not distilled water, but distilled water, it won’t stay with you, in general, water follows sodium, so when we give diuretics, we... we don’t remove diuretics, we remove sodium, h2o follows, water is coming. the whole question is not a question of how much water is in the body, it is a question of sodium concentration about the molarity of our plasma. accordingly, this is regulated;
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accordingly, this amount of sodium is either, so to speak, diluted with water, or , on the contrary, condensed. so the water is not distilled. mineral, well, it could be mineral, it could just be ordinary drinking water, because mineral contains different salts, already tastes, not everyone needs such salts, because let’s say people with a certain type of kidney stones, they need to alkalize their urine to prevent stone formation, and in others with a different type of stone, they need to oxidize the urine, and accordingly. mine, come here, come here, we go to the table, we sit, and, accordingly, these people need different mineral water, so we we are talking in general about drinking water, about drinking water in bottles, because if we now remember our times when we calmly drank water from the tap, today tap water, to put it mildly, is not
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recommended, what will happen if you drink water from the tap, absolutely nothing, once nothing, twice nothing, three times nothing, on the fourth you can get some kind of infection, yes, it is chlorinated, yes, it is disinfected, but not at all as intensely as it was before, i have several springs at my dacha, and as long as i live, there are so many these springs, people go there, they have already been improved, and they have put paths, steps, and so on, here are the springs. the water is the purest, the spring water is sweet, tasty, you understand what’s the matter, the water is the purest, but there is a lot of things there that you don’t know about, and, by the way, there is a large amount of radon, but radon is only mapped, oh, radonova ivan in altai ,
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everything is fine, rodon is not an easy thing, in some cases, increasing risks... oncology and so on and so forth. moreover, i will tell you that spring water is statistically reliable, it is a factor risk of developing parkinson's disease. again, what happens if you drink spring water? nothing will happen. but i advise you to either buy bottled water and drink it, or boil any available water. treat water as a potential source of infection. all infectious diarrhea, all these almost 2 million deaths a year from infectious diarrhea, it ’s still water, it’s rotavirus, it’s norovirus, it’s adenovirus, it’s all kinds of bacterial infections, so either buy it in stores where all this
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has been tested, either boil it, don't boil it there so that there is nothing left at all, but... you won’t get drunk with a sugar solution, so proceed from this, our handsome guy likes to drink milk, well, again, this is still food, this is not for quenching thirst, remember that that milk should be stored in the refrigerator, and if you forgot it on the table, then drink it...


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