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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  June 29, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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already in stores where all this has been checked, either boil it, there is no need to boil it there so that there is nothing left at all, but you can boil it, on hikes, if you are on a hike, we do things wrong for regular use, but if you you drink water, put a drop of iodine in there, yes, megadoses of iodine are harmful to the thyroid gland, but you don’t do this all the time, you don’t spend your whole life in lemonade, it seems. but you won’t quench your thirst with lemonade, any lemonade is delicious, it contains 8-10 pieces of sugar per glass of water, you can’t use a sugar solution you will get drunk, so proceed from this, the beauty loves us, drinks milk, well, again , this is still food, this is not to quench your thirst, remember that milk should be stored in the refrigerator, and if you forgot it on the table, then drink it ... probably not worth it anymore.
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bottom line, i want to say, people, stop talking about water. stop choking on a glass of warm water in the morning, stop drinking a liter of water at night, i can’t hear anything, there’s water everywhere, there’s water all around, you’re just thirsty, you’re drinking, you’re not thirsty, you don't drink, you don't starve yourself to death, that's impossible because... hormones will drive you to water, the feeling of thirst is probably one of the strongest stimuli, so don’t bother, drink, just drink the right water so as not to get some kind of infection, here he is, you can’t force him to drink 2 liters of water per day day, he drinks when he wants, well, in this case, he eats, but you put water on him, dog, they drink, they leave, no one chokes, no one drinks haphazardly, with the exception, probably, of the camel, but the camel has life in general. we move on, well
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that's it, our regular column, your questions, you sent quite a lot, but we selected just about food, the same water, nutrition, so let's go, hello, doctor, my name is mikhail vasin, the city of tula, i have been sick for a long time near agra, i drink pills, i follow the diet that was recommended to me. doctors. please tell me, if i, for example, completely follow a diet, will i be able to get rid of gout attacks without taking pills anymore? thank you. how does gout relate to gout? i'll tell you, you don't have much hope for this option. well, first of all, diet. in those times when you and i were prescribed a diet, we were told that we should not eat meat, we should not eat canned fish, and so on and so forth. that is, what it contains.
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from purine and stimulates the deposition of uric acid in the joint, which causes terrible pain. today we are talking about nothing special, just a normal, reasonable diet with an emphasis on vegetables, with an emphasis on fruits, with an emphasis on fish-chicken, a small amount of dairy products, whole grain grains, that's really all. the main thing is not to be overweight like you, the main thing is calorie content. still, to have less than 2000 calories, and this is important, here is proper nutrition, we will talk about it throughout the entire program today, as for medications, you and i take medications, now they are different, they have appeared that reduce the level of meceic acid, everything is very it’s just that if uric acid is 365 mg of something, it doesn’t precipitate, the concentration is meant, well, look,
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there’s this blood serum, we’ll take what i have here, i have soda here, in a small concentration it will dissolve, that's it let's imagine that the concentration is up to 360.5 , it will all dissolve, but if you have a concentration above 400, 450, then it will not dissolve, on the contrary, it will precipitate, that is, this limit in the blood test 365 should be less than this value, so, by the way, the problem is with gout, we don’t add more pressure, we give 300 mg of the same alopurenol and say: well, this... you already have
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a dose, probably the maximum, here you have 420, it’s not good, so give 600 mg, let’s 900 mg, but until your meciic acid level returns to normal, gout will not leave you alone. go ahead. good afternoon, doctor, my name is nadezhda, i am from the city of krasnoyarsk, a mother of two children. now in the summer there are a large number of vegetables and fruits available, which i try to include in my family’s diet. and in this regard, i have a question: what vegetables and fruits are most useful in the summer, how to choose and store vegetables and fruits correctly in order to prolong their maximum beneficial properties and... and the third question: what dishes can be prepared from them, so that children eat them with pleasure. thank you very much for your answers. yes, for some reason children don’t really like fruits and vegetables, well, most children, well , first of all, which ones are better? all. it’s not for nothing that we say that you need to collect a rainbow of fruits,
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because what is useful in yellow fruits is not in red ones, what is in red fruits is not green, what is in green fruits is not purple, and so on, and so here is a rainbow of fruits - this is my favorite distinction. if you are looking at pineapples imported there or something like that, well, choose what is now available in this place, these are two, how to cook, you know, i’m here on a program about
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the most important thing, i tried it for the first time, i watched in surprise as cook gleb prepared cold cherry soup, using sweet... bell pepper, cucumber, mint as a basis, and cherry pulp, grinding it, it turned out to be an ice cube, cold, delicious soup, delicious soup, i’m giving you an idea, then, hello, doctor, my name is elizaveta semyonova, i’m from the city of kazan, i have the following question: now everyone is arguing about the benefits of coffee and tea, but they have completely forgotten about such a drink as cocoa, i really love this drink, i cook it with milk and spices, please tell me who can drink this drink, how often, who should not drink it and what are the benefits of this drink? well, firstly, you said, they often argue about the benefits, so to speak, of coffee or tea, why do i react so nervously, i just got regular journalists today, they say: doctor, here are
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chinese scientists, but they are still arguing whether it’s harmful coffee, and the chinese prove that it is not harmful, listen, as much as possible, well, some kind of middle ages, well, enough already. but it’s already the 21st century, but it’s been proven for 40 years that coffee is healthy, that it prevents the liver tract, several other types of cancer and so on, that tea is also full of biologically active substances that actually have antioxidant, anticancer properties and so on and so forth, listen, there is no debate about the dangers of coffee or tea, it is definitely useful, it is clear that if you drink 100 cups of tea or coffee, it probably won’t... but if you drink 100 cups of water, you won’t feel good either, you ’ll dilute your sodium, you’ll start having cramps. cocoa is the healthiest product from which chocolate is made. you take cocoa you take milk and make it into a drink that is no longer healthy, because the less
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milk, the higher the concentration of cocoa, the less tasty it is, because there is no sugar and it is more healthy, so cocoa, chocolate, should be in the diet of every person. dark chocolate, at least 70% cocoa content, or if you want it hot, a drink, just without sugar and milk, that’s how much i know about chocolate, one cube, i think it contains 20 or 30 g of cocoa, well, that means a cup, okay , with all the questions, i went to do some pull-ups, we have a physical education break, you know when the nth a certain amount of time ago they started the transmission, and i had a horizontal bar hanging here even before the transmission. it’s just that there was a horizontal bar in the clinic and there was no room, i thought that it didn’t bother anyone, and i pulled myself up, they left it, the doctor comes up to me all the time, maybe he can take a photo with you, doctor, you tell it so well, but this is more often he keeps saying, doctor, what a great guy you are, i started
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to pull myself up, my husband started to pull himself up, my son’s husband started to pull himself up, and i’m so pleased, it would seem that he is, yes, here’s a personal example, do you want us to review the application or website, look at the dot. by the way, they tell me that you are twitching, let’s do these slowly, by the way, this is quite possible, but twitching, so what? next is solar vitamin d, who needs to get it from foods, and who needs to take it in tablets. ultra-processed food leads to cancer and heart disease, check if you are eating it? now you don’t need to take vitamin d, vitamin d deficiency leads to a lot of diseases, who else without options should take vitamin d, so any failure in this chain leads to deficit. d. check out our killer ultra-processed food. to determine
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what's here, we'll have to send it to a crime lab. good tasty meat. how to make it ultra-recycled? it would seem clear that this is an ultra-processed product. but what you consider useful, we cannot do without bread. bread is the head of everything. your butt is like three heads. well this is beautiful. that you can’t drink water because of the beauty, you don’t have to drink it, but i’ll take him away anyway, linichitsy, from monday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ordynka,
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the rains keep glorious flowers still live in me, some kind of morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr, give me a neck, here ok, i went too far, take off your shirt, today i saw everything. that you saw how you were jumping like a goat near her, it’s easy to check your feelings, that means, i don’t see any
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other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, it’s terrible, we not we have to allow this, oh, you don’t have a thought without flowers, well, where, why, well, well... okay, thank you, i’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, but no, i’m warning you, i have a serious intention, a divorce with obstacles, today on rtr, oh, thank you for that. with us, thank you for watching russia alone, we move on, and
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then we have food, but what kind? food, themed, vitamin d, i understand you want vitamin d, eat from here. there is an informational reason. 24 year, all the european association of cardiology released. new manual, a new guideline, where many people present it as a sensation, now you don’t need to take vitamin d, you don’t need to test for vitamin d, so give it to me, you have yours, you cut it off, yes, eat from here, eat this , well, give it to me too, interesting, so what was he licking, i... i wanted to try the ice cream, did you already eat that, well, you give it, cousin, well,
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there’s nothing new, in fact, the recommendations are not much different , they just streamlined our understanding, vitamin d is the only vitamin that is produced our human body. has receptors throughout the body, in any organ, in the heart, liver, kidneys, brain, thyroid gland. would you like some coffee? so, vitamin d deficiency leads to a lot of diseases, from musculoskeletal pain, rickets, fractures, we insist even bone health, bone health, this is an increase in heart attacks, strokes, an increase in oncology, a lot of diseases, also multiple sclerosis, also parkinson’s, that
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alzheimer's, so that means let's accept, accept, accept, let's remember how... what we said, because then, so that it doesn’t happen that they have changed radically, we said that vitamin d should be taken by children without any options, so it remains that children should take vitamin d without options, meaning foods rich in vitamin d, where cod liver comes first place, who else should accept without any options.
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get the required daily dose, there are inexplicable pains in the muscles and joints, we still find nothing, everything is clear, here i can think and check the level of vitamin d, if it is low, yes, give it, because it may be symptom, there may be something else that will indicate that there is precisely a lack of vitamin d, that is, already symptoms of hypovitaminosis.
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check vitamin d, yes, we told older people, this can be done and it is necessary, by the way, when we are already leaving the market, there is no need to just routinely determine vitamin d, like everything else, so we talked about water if he eats that much salted fish, of course he will drink it later, because he consumes a huge amount of sodium, sodium draws water into itself, maybe you’ll have a blast, let me clean this one up for you, okay, finish this all off. beloved soviet-era cod liver, 10 g daily requirement of vitamin d, go away, without any salad, what are tasty things for? now a few important vitamin d issues. when we take vitamin d, we are not trying to prevent cancer, stroke, or
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heart attack. today we give vitamin d only, exclusively for the purpose. should take a gram of calcium, half of it in food products with 1200-1500 mg after menopause and yes , with vitamin d, so that calcium is better absorbed. in this regard, in prevention osteoporosis, this is very important, but just one more time. why am i like this? i’m saying that it leads to cancer, it can lead to something, we looked at it, it doesn’t help, we give vitamin d, it would seem, remember, i said that the hormone can do something, but we did a lot of research in such... capsules, nothing happens, here's intestinal cancer, intestinal cancer, we say, the more calcium, for the absorption of calcium you need vitamin d, calcium, vitamin d,
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then most likely we will prevent intestinal cancer, but it looks, no, we do not prevent, but it turns out we we prevent the growth of the polyp, and then he looks, no, well, we don’t know for sure about the polyp either, but cancer can sometimes happen, but only cancer if it’s on the right side of the intestine, and not on the left, you read these studies, after an hour you don’t understand anything anymore , that... maybe, that can't, this, this, this, and so on. how will i explain this to the patient? while doctors themselves do not have this complete vision, what is actually harmful and what is useful? we know one thing: everything we eat that is natural is healthy. the same herring, cod, sardines, eggs. how's it going? our beloved pharmaceutical industry is mixed, questions immediately arise. hence the emphasis of the new european recommendations: do not do the test if you are outside
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this group and you have no symptoms, and if you eat well with an emphasis on the same milk fortified with vitamin d, fish, and so on and so forth, then you there is no need to take it prophylactically, in order to avoid any diseases, so to speak. you can discover any disease and those risk factors. well, meet our killer ultra-processed food, but in general, here's what
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are you going to eat this or this? wait, eat this, eat this, well, this is also ultra-processed. so what is it? this is understandable, an egg, this is lard, this is onion, this is garlic, this is meat, that is... this is minimally processed food, why do i say minimal, because the meat is boiled, it is still processed with something, there is food on and we all know it around us, unfortunately we love it, which we will not find any one ingredient, well, let’s say the same hamburger, yes, well, let’s say that there is the right one...
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we can understand that there is probably meat, if you are an optimist, a realist will say that there is toilet paper here, i don’t know, someone will say that there is a mouse tail, salt, sugar, there is definitely some here, this is starch, there are strange fats, and, accordingly, there are all sorts of glucomates, sodium and so on, that is , ultra-nutritive food is when you cannot determine without reading the label what is in it, plus the second thing is sure to be in it... there will be substances that you will not find in your kitchen at home, this is the prerogative of the food industry, look at the meat, good
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tasty meat, how to make it ultra-processed, very simple. we take a stabilizer, we take monosodium glutamate, we take starch, we take all kinds of sweeteners, we take flavorings, we take emulsifiers, we add bread for mass, yes, something else for mass, expired products, for example, well, i hope not. then we
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close it all up, now we take a plastic bag or any other shell, stuff it into this shell, stuff it with this, what’s here, but even you’ve already forgotten about... what’s here and, by the way, there’s probably more to it than that clean meat, for the sake of volume, i think, what goes into animal feed is also added here, i think part of it goes to animal feed, part of the preparation of all these sausages from pure meat. well, it would seem,
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doctor, well, we are, but what should we eat then, and how should we live? and i’ll tell you more, it would seem clear that this is an ultra-processed product, everyone knows about them, this is what you consider healthy and tasty, bread, by the way, is the most unhealthful product for an adult, you say, how so, bread for everyone head and so on and so forth, if... there is only flour, water, and if it is also made from unhulled grains, then it is an unprocessed normal product, if it is from refined grains, it contains salt, it has a colossal glycemic index, and one it’s a war, when it saves lives, it’s one thing for weakened patients who need it, and another thing is we with such a belly, with such
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a ryazhka, with... you will hardly find cereals that are not ultra-processed, here and fructose , here and flavor enhancers, here artificial sweeteners, here are vegetable oils, and of course trans fats, because it is trans fats that give crunchy, not tasty, that’s the most harmful thing, this is a fitness diet, these protein bars,
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well, earlier we said china and this is an absolutely harmful product - bringing zero benefits of milk that increases mortality, too, if it’s whole milk or not whole milk, it’s pasirized and so on, but without adding it’s one thing, you see the taste of chocolate, almonds, something else adds.
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now we will try to understand why this is so harmful, because in principle we get everything we get, calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and even fiber, everything is there, in theory , everything is here, why, if i separate these foods separately, i will only have benefits, and if i mix everything up, i will harm myself, even fatally.
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accordingly, it turns out that there will be three times less sugar, two times less salt, there will not be all this, the doctor will say, there are also antibiotics, hormones, how to lose weight correctly and what mistakes we make, i observe in the hall for these girls, boys who want to lose weight at any cost, this is what it looks like with a body mass index of 25 plus, there will be 50% fat, but then you gain weight without any options, 90% of you...
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mood parade of humor, premiere today on rtr, after all, we need to talk for a couple of minutes, the former is dangerous and vile, the current, withdrawn weak, no longer angry with me, the future, love for you, or the non-future, when there is no one to trust. why did you bring me here to say goodbye to my life? this is a difficult test. test two. we look at the website in the application. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came
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to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo. and i begin. zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more was still to come, i foresaw my destiny, now only everything is fulfilled, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, sunday on rtr. brothers. tigers graze on the ship. the jungle was created, what kind. the actors work in the crypt. i don't want to be a steak. tigers according to
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the stanislavsky system. the tiger is mainly composed of three parts. what does he eat? and horse meat and meat. i read that it feeds on human victims. no predators were harmed during the filming of the film, mysticism, striped flight, on sunday on rtr, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we are returning to ultra. processed food, why? if we eat all the components separately, this is one thing, but if we eat it all together, it causes such harm. well, look, the doctor prescribed you capsules, let’s say, two capsules three
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times a day, there is medicine inside, but we understand that if we take this medicine like this. it will get into the stomach, hydrochloric acid in the stomachs will destroy all this, we need it to reach the duodenum or somewhere there, we specially make capsules that prevent it from getting there here or there, it gets to where it is needed and works at the level where it is needed, but now let’s use the same principle, well, if we have everything separately, why don’t we do it? together, you already understand, yes, that this will be stupidity, because if we break it all, our capsules are crushed,
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then the following story turns out if we take, well, let’s say, a product, in this case a product. in the shell, it will wait for its time, it has passed the esophagus, it has passed the stomach, and it is where it is needed, it will work. whereas if we make a story like this, we grind the food, deprive it of its structure, deprive it of this dispenser, then , accordingly, we get this effect, a conclusion, and it’s simple, everything you eat should be prepared by you yourself, do you want it? cutlet, well, make a cutlet, but your cutlet
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will have half the calorie content than the one you bought at the deli, there will be three times less sugar, half less salt, there won’t be all this, because you it's just not there, and you'll know exactly what you put in there, you know, good a person cooks good food, a bad person will not make it tasty, a bad person will not have food, it is very important who cooks, hands, with what soul do you cook? food, do n’t laugh, it’s important when you buy something in the culinary market, even if it’s delicious, all the taste there is only due to flavor enhancers, trans fats, sugar, and so on and so forth, there is no soul, there is a replacement for the soul, a substitution souls with these harmful things, you want sausages, but why don’t you cook a piece of meat, it will often be cheaper, but you know exactly what is here, you understand exactly what calories, you know exactly how much sugar there is, doctor, there too... that your
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hair will fall out of all places from horror, so let's not go deeper, you know, there is meat, there is fish, there are vegetables, there are fruits, here are ours vegetables, our fruits, they are stored, they contain nitrates, yes, but what you eat in return is ripe cherries. just recently another study came out that talks about the contribution of ultra-processed food to overall mortality, we are fighting cigarettes, we are fighting alcohol, we are fighting physical inactivity, we are fighting various diseases, but we forgot about the number one killer, we have them, actually two killers, vying for number one, this is the sofa. on which we sit and it kills us, but
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that’s not enough for us, we sit on this sofa, eat this, and then we go to the doctor, the doctor hurts me, and what did you want, you ’ve been going to this for 20 years, that’s more it’s surprising that you didn’t kill yourself, that you only had a heart problem or a liver disease, that you survived, that’s killing... in huge huge quantities, the doctor cannot give you health, he can try to minimize the harm that you have caused to yourself, or try to appeal to your, well, not conscience, to your mind, but you understand what it means to appeal, here you are now sitting there for 55 years , horrified, what kind of crap i ate. that’s it, i’ll eat right, and why, but you’ve already
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caused harm, how many years do you need to eat right, lose weight, move, so that you at least regain the functional state that you had before, but you won’t get back to the original one, but you can do something for yourself, it won’t happen tomorrow, but it will be a step in the right direction, it will give you years of active life, think about what you eat, and that’s all, it’s real, it really kills, which is what i actually wanted to convey to you, we move on, the section for soul and body today will also be devoted to nutrition, how to properly lose weight and what mistakes do we make, because we step on the scales, well, i weigh 88, i was just weighing myself in the morning, naked on the spot, now here are my clothes and the fact that i am with... 91 kg plus three is logical, let's
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weigh the cat, you know how they weigh children, little ones, cats, animals, it’s very simple, 91 i weigh without a cat, 95, i weigh with a cat, respectively, what is the weight of a cat, ha, it turns out to say, 4 kg, working in africa, i drove the children crazy with medicine. you have to go by kilogram of weight, they speak the local language there, they don’t have years of calculation, their child was born when she was not a scrod in some year, in the year of great water and filshe. 90 kg with a child 95, how much does a child weigh in a kilogram, why then eight, why? no, how much? i then weighed myself all the time, because i didn’t have enough patience, why am i doing this sincerely? they said 2 kg, why 2, well, there are eight,
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minus 70, how much? two, as in the joke, i live on 2%, right? look, i’m watching these girls and boys in the hall who want to lose weight at any cost, why? well , it’s ugly, yes, it’s ugly, it’s a disease, it’s really ugly, here, by the way, is an illustration, here’s 10 extra kg, you know how much, what it looks like, 10 extra kilograms, here’s 10 kg of fat, this is what it looks like: have you seen when did we get so much fat together? let's go. can you imagine how much happiness there is? okay, but that's not what i want to talk about weight loss. it’s not about how harmful or not harmful it is. i want to call you to reason.
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i'll replace me, i literally start to go wild when i hear the conversations of these static, animic women, with such folds on their cheeks, with ribs sticking out, who say, today i have to eat so much protein. and today i have 1.12 calories, today i only have to eat carbohydrates, they no longer have bistration from hunger, and they still talk, and these protein bars are the way to reduce life, that it's soy, sweeteners and so on
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and so forth, no, you'll find these protein bars everywhere. this is such a problem with all gyms, i always want to tell you something, after all, what are you doing it for, for beauty, for health, yes, you understand what the matter is, understand, when you lose weight, reduce weight, you are reducing muscle mass without any options , if an overweight person who has this much fat in their belly, an overweight person with a body mass index of 25 plus fat will be 50% and 50% will be non-fat mass, not fat, approximately 25% skeleton and tripe
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and 25% muscle when you lose weight, yes you will reduce your. the weight is so fat, but up to 20% of muscle mass is lost when losing weight, what happens is you lose weight, you can’t stay on these crazy diets, with 500 calories, with this hunger strike, with something else, you lost weight for the wedding , for your son’s wedding, for the beach season, but... you gain weight without any options, well, you yourself know how much weight you lost, how much weight you gained, 90% of you gained weight, and how, more than the original, it’s always more than original, but the most interesting thing is that you have lost so much fat, yes, then, when you recover, even to
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the same weight, to the same weight, you no longer gain so much fat, but just as much, it becomes more, you lose weight again, again... and again your muscle mass decreases, and your fat mass your weight increases with each weight loss, returning to the original one, that is, constant, rapid weight loss and rapid weight gain, you change the composition of the body, you change the structure of the body, you enter this group without understanding the consequences, without understanding the hormonal changes that occur in body. not understanding that fat is not fat, it is an endocrine mass, it is an endocrine organ, it produces a lot of hormones, biologically active substances, the same estrogens, if we say: and about women, when we quickly lose weight, the body doesn’t really give up fat, once again, it
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will definitely give off muscle, and it does, it was not in vain that i said, what about fat, lose weight, i urge you to just be smart, especially if you are engaged professionally, well, not professionally. you are actively involved in sports, take care of yourself, but why do you need these problems? they bother with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, counting calories, but it’s not like you go to a new restaurant every time, try a new cuisine, tuva, altai, france, something else, you have a certain diet. the lord gave us a set of products, meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits, grains, milk, everything, grapes , yes, everything, but just eat it, if you
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eat your usual diet, what we say is mediterranean, half a kilo of fruit - this is not enough, 2.5 apples, half a kilo of vegetables, poultry or fish, yogurt, bread from strong grains or legumes, that's it, that's already your 20% protein, dash 30, 40 - 50% carbohydrates, the same 20 - 30% fat, no need to count, that's all already, but why lard? you try, here you are, after eating chocolate bars, you are just suffering, suffering, suffering, that’s all, the bones will soon pierce the skin, and you still have 500 calories, you are not losing weight, then you sit with a piece of lard, healthy, hormones will think , oh, everything is fine, wars... they feed us and they will stop resisting, and things will go, people, here he is, and any animal
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will eat too much, it’s true, because he doesn’t know if he’ll feed him tomorrow, he might run away, get lost, or something else, so he’ll eat, but won’t deliberately lose weight. deliberately refuse food, and at the same time he is beautiful and slim, if you move a lot and eat right, those foods that i told you about that should be in everyone’s diet, they have it all in the right quantity. doctor myasnyakov was with you, and kuzma too, we wish everyone good health and see you soon, goodbye.
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we put the news of the week without the noise of dust on the shelves. news weeks with dmitry kiselyov. on sunday on rtr. hello, oksana kubaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. response step. vladimir putin invited svpz to discuss lifting the moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range missiles. a series of powerful explosions in odessa.


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