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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 29, 2024 11:00am-11:51am MSK

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news of the week without the noise of dust is laid out on the shelves, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. hello, oksana kubaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. response step. vladimir putin invited his pez to discuss lifting the moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range missiles. a series of powerful explosions in odessa. and in the kherson region , air bombs destroyed the drone control center in the ssu. the bastion complexes
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worked out a strike against a detachment of ships of a mock enemy, large-scale maneuvers on pacific fleet. panic, shame, despondency. it’s painful to see how the world reacted to the us presidential debate. a grand celebration of farewell to the school in the neva waters. scarlet sails united hundreds of thousands of graduates. there is nowhere for an apple to fall, extreme heat, over 30 in the baltic, the beaches are crowded with tourists. 365 days without sick leave, the longest robotic pharmacy in the country opened in vladivostok. russia needs to start producing medium-range strike systems and decide , based on the real situation, where to place them if necessary, vladimir putin said at a meeting with permanent members.
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security council. until now, moscow has observed a moratorium on the deployment of such weapons, but according to the president, the latest actions of the united states require a response. i would like to ask you to speak on this topic. today we will consider the issue of further steps by the russian federation regarding a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of ground-based medium- and shorter-range missiles. as you know, several years ago, united the states, under a far-fetched pretext, withdrew from this treaty and announced that they would produce such missile systems, we announced in 2019 that we would not produce these missiles and would not deploy them until the united states will place these systems in... in one
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of the regions of the world, today it is known that the united states not only produces these missile systems, but has already brought them to europe for exercises, to denmark, and just recently it was announced that they are in philippines, unknown at the same time, whether they took these missiles out of there or not, in any case, we need to react to this - and make a decision about what we should... do next in this direction, apparently we need to start production of these strike systems, then, based on the actual situation, make a decision on where, if necessary to ensure our security, to place them, so i would ask both the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of defense to speak on this topic. let me remind you, the liquidation agreement. no less
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range ceased operations in august 2019, after the united states decided to unilaterally withdraw from it. an agreement signed in 1987 between the ussr and the usa provided for the elimination of ground- based ballistic cruise missiles with a range of 500 to 1.00, as well as from 100 to 5,500 km. countries pledged not to produce, test or deploy such systems, this...
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the air raid alarm went off. the russian ministry of defense reported the results of the strikes carried out on ukrainian troops during the week. military-industrial facilities. this footage from the kherson direction of the air bomb was destroyed. the location of the drone operators, bomb attacks are also carried out on militant positions on the front line, this is a video from their side. a one and a half ton munition with a unified planning and correction module exploded right in one of the strong points. this is also footage filmed by the armed forces of ukraine, a burning american armored car oshkash, a destroyed t-64 tank. in total, according to the ministry of defense, almost 16,500 armored vehicle tanks were first destroyed by the northern military district. this is what the strikes of a tornado rocket launcher on a concentration of enemy infantry in the dpr look like, the fire was adjusted from drones, and the drones are already hitting the enemy in a razdolovka, the tanks of the vostok group with direct fire destroy the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces on
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the approach to ugledar, and this is a defeat of the tracked american mrzzo analogue of hymers , she was tracked down and destroyed by iskander missiles in the village of shevchenkovo. associated with a risk to life takes place in the vicinity of lisechansk, this unit of sappers of the southern military district regularly operate on the front line. we are engaged in clearing mines and supporting passages for assault units on the front line. using a copter, we fly over the necessary tunnels,
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roads for tanks, for infantry, we detect dropped mine devices, shells that lie on the ground, after detecting the group comes out, the drones help us. unmanned aerial vehicles are truly indispensable. this mine, of course, is already prepared for destruction, and the place where exactly the ukrainian military laid their entire chain was discovered precisely with the help of copters. tankers of the central military district , meanwhile, are operating in the ovdeevsky direction, it is there that the key events are happening now, this is what the crew commander tells us. with the call sign armor, my crew is universal, i calmly transfer with my crew, whether to 72 or to eighty, the eighty is soft, it drives well, it all depends on the crew, on their skills, on their professionalism and on their training, how a person is trained , as he understands the tasks, he works there in a day
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, maybe three or four trips, maybe five or six, here are the shots taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle of one... of the units of the center group, the destruction of a large warehouse with enemy ammunition. sappers continue their work at the front line; ensuring the ability to advance personnel and equipment is the most important task today. each unit of sappers today is necessarily equipped with a copter, with the help of which they always inspect the area before starting work. baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news: lugansk and donetsk people's republics, line of battle contact. the russian economy should grow by about 5% in the first half of the year. vladimir putin announced this during a meeting with graduates of the higher school of public administration. the project started 7 years
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ago, during which time, according to the head of state, it has proven its effectiveness. 57 of its participants headed various russian regions, and some became federal ministers. and...
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it is absolutely impossible, impractical, these issues need to be resolved now, in parallel with the solution of combat missions, therefore it is very i count on you to make every effort. in order to do everything necessary. a shortage of personnel, of course, is felt in the new russian regions; people who have already proven themselves in other areas are willingly taken to leadership positions there. egor kovalchuk worked in the city of mias in the urals. i am heading to the city of lugansk, thank you for your trust, i was recently introduced as the chairman of the government of the lugansk people's republic, uh, a very serious choice, a responsible position. i want to sincerely wish you... good luck, there is a huge field of activity there, over the previous decades, unfortunately, very
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little has been done in terms of the development of this territory, those people who made decisions regarding this area, they did not believe that it was an organic, integral part of their country , everything was on a residual principle, there are programs, appropriate resources have been allocated, it is only important... to manage them competently, i am always at your disposal and at yours and the leaders of the republic, a lot depends on managers, the mayor of perm eduard sosnin is trying to do what is entrusted to him in the city to establish the production of pd-35 engines, which the domestic aircraft industry needs. i have no doubt that these plans will be implemented, then we will have our own engine for wide-body long-haul aircraft, but the pd14 has already been made, that’s already it. huge, a huge achievement, for decades we have not had
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anything like this, here is a high-thrust engine, there is a pd-35, this is not just an engine with a little more thrust, it is in many ways a qualitatively new product, and they have such competencies, not i know, well several countries, two or three, that’s it, that’s it, no one else makes such engines, but russia does, systems russia is a country of opportunity that allows those who are deprived of connections and patrons to get to the very top thanks to their own intelligence and abilities, people move from regions to federal center, like olga petrova, who became the deputy minister of education of russia, you were the minister of science and education in nizhny novgorod, now you are the deputy minister, don’t you think that this is a demotion? no, i don’t think it’s possible to do a little more. not only for the nizhny novgorod region, and for all other regions, to build all this
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seamlessness in order to really quickly and efficiently solve all problems. the government is replenished from the personnel reserve, so roman starovoyt, who headed the kursk region, became minister; a replacement has already been found for him in the new recruitment. we all ardently support the national goals that you indicated, already under the group in which i was a member. defended herself - and wrote her final work in the kursk region in the border region on demography. here you are mentioned that the kurdish region has become a border area. this is strange, it sounds very strange, but we have returned to the situation , in my opinion, of some 15th or 15th century, when the borders of russia passed through the kurovo region. unbelievable but true. uh. we must proceed from these realities. the kursk region is from time immemorial, it belongs to the core of the russian
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state, therefore, even despite the fact that today it turns out to be a border territory, i sincerely want to wish you success, the kursk region has very good the groundwork has been made in previous years and has very good potential. in the current issue , the acting head of the keimerovo region is kuzba.
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from the front line to study, one way is 1,500 km in a uaz, but it seems to me that after all, it was all not in vain, your plans, what are the next, do not depend on me, i am now. and you are the supreme commander, of course, that is, you continue to remain in military service now, but yes, yes, now it will end back there, i won’t ask where exactly you are fighting, well i’ll ask your commanders, yes, there is a social elevator that everyone can use, but
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the president pays special attention to participants in a special military operation; for them there is a personnel program “time of heroes.” people are excellent and reliable, in a good way, committed to work, to achieving results at the front, in civilian life, i have no doubt that you have the same fighting spirit, i am sure that in the future, in the upcoming work, you will act together, in one team that has already formed here, i hope, with graduates of the program time, your heroes will coordinate their actions with them in...
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in the country, but in the world, reporting by ekaterina fesenko. this is how adult life begins in st. petersburg, the time is not childish, but graduates are no longer children, they have finished school, only the best lies ahead. 130,000 tickets for graduates from 38 regions of russia and 16 friendly countries, 500 children from mariupol, a celebration of the brightest night for them, a traditional but unusually wonderful gift, the mood as befits a magical night too. magical, i just i’m delighted with everything that’s happening, i really like it, it’s simply the best thing in my life, the holiday was opened by the governor, the traditional bell is no longer the last bell of childhood, but the first bell of adult life. now you decide everything for yourself, you must continue the work, build a powerful and great russia, defend, preserve the honor and
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dignity of our homeland, that’s how it was. 3 centuries ago, when peter i created great russia, he founded st. petersburg, a symbol of a free and new russia. traditions have been around for many years; in 1968, leningrad graduates for the first time we met brigantine on the embankments of our beloved city. an entire generation entered adulthood as humble servants. then the tradition was lost and revived already in 2005. on the initiative of vladimir putin, the twenty-year anniversary of the new scarlet sails is celebrated this year, and the children and grandchildren of those leningraders this evening on palace square and the embankment, the culmination is that same brick under the scarlet sails, scarlet sails be sure to be, here he is brik, who on the embankments of st. petersburg, as if thousands are waiting in a giant parterre graduates, appears in the water area, bow
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sails in the color of the flag and the name russia, so dear to everyone. an incredible spectacle, impossible to describe in words, accompanied by a symphony orchestra, the brik glides along the neva with its sails, a real dream ship from a fairy tale, this is exactly what gives the exuberant celebration of graduates the status of the most romantic holiday. to make these fireworks on dazzling white st. petersburg nights is a special skill, a pontoon on the neva almost a kilometer long is still being built by a polish citizen of petropavlovka. dvortsovoy bridge from the spit of vasilyevsky island, the best time to make a wish is, of course, today. it seems that millions of lights made the city even brighter, the wind filling the sails with music, the warm night of the northern capital, extraordinary beauty, all this is a symbol of hope, a symbol of faith, the best parting words in a new,
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adult life. ekaterina fisenko, sergey ishchenko, dmitry mishchersky, vladimir minyailov. vesti, st. petersburg. news, follow developments . stay tuned to the russia channel. my name is ivan, can i be vanya? masha, not bad. zoya. i haven't seen zoya yet. ninel, ninka, or what? let's look at rtr. you need a good girl and get married. how can we decide? he's not good, but he's a nice girl with a joke. first, i’m a serious girl, i don’t need pampering, with your character zoya needs it, look closely, nothing hurts, it hurts,
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it hurts here, why are you fooling us, what kind of jokes are these, limit girls, i’ll take it and get married, starting on monday on rtr. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a bulge, what character's name from pushkin's works does everyone know, what is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, a lot and loudly? says, if you answer, then with humor, i would think, chop, not, pinch, problems with water,
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light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, a set for headaches and not god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, oops. tomorrow on rtr, this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, yes, today is a big day, a big holiday, yes, we haven’t seen each other, cheeky, it will be even cooler, in them fell in love, who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for
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your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only platform we look. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes! “i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams
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become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. what are you saying? are you doing here? i won’t be long, change seats immediately, my wife will come here now, please don’t attract attention, so you’re the wife, i’m the wife, and who are you, julia, who’s alive, i gave birth, congratulations, my husband is probably happy, we’re happy. divorced, and you look tired, everything is fine, but how can i say, he sleeps lightly. feels that mom is not around, but we can cope without mom, but eating brings not only children, only one option, which one, you need
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to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to marry, love flies on the wings of a stork, let's switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from the stork, today on rtr. more than 5 tons of food have been delivered, over 1,700 people have been evacuated, and powerful floods are being confronted in the far east. in almost 200 houses and thousands of plots have already been sunk by the seaside. the ministry of emergency situations is strengthening its team of rescuers; according to forecasts, the water will remain in july. the state of emergency is in effect in several areas, the roads are washed out, and only special equipment can pass there now.
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several populated areas... the fire is quickly spreading through dry trees, rescuers are constantly monitoring the situation from the air. and the heat came to the baltic, on hanschlag beach. tourists and locals take their places from early morning,
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there is nowhere for an apple to fall from...
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you go into the water, it seems cold, but then the body burns so much, you experience such pleasure, simply divine, we really like it, probably even better than in turkey in tunisia. lifeguards on city beaches ask vacationers to protect themselves from the active sun, sunbathe under an umbrella if possible , carefully choose panama hats and hats, not all hats will protect you from the scorching rays of the sun, it’s very hot, there’s a lot of sunstroke, and sometimes you wear caps, you know, these will bake in the net.
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alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. panic, shame despondent. thus, the american press describes the mood of biden’s supporters after his debate with trump. polls show that 2/3 of viewers believe that the former president defeated the incumbent. many democrats are openly calling on the party leadership to urgently replace the candidate, but the biden campaign insists on continuing the fight. about the course of the duel and the reaction to it. our us headquarters, dmitry melnikov. president biden walked to his podium with a shuffling gait like a scaffold. trump appears second on the podium. they haven't seen each other for 4 years since the last debate, and mutual hatred is immediately visible. biden and trump take their seats without greetings or handshakes, or even looking at each other. biden is not delaying his main weapon, criminal charges against trump . trump responds by reminding him of the president’s son hunter and the corruption.
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it’s clear: neither biden nor trump are going to talk about the substance; they prefer to answer the hosts’ questions by accusing each other of all mortal sins. trump's extramarital affair scandal, although not proven, according to the calculations of biden's team of advisers, should was to unsettle the enemy. how many more
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billions of dollars do you have to pay for publicly harassing a woman, for all these things, for having sex with a porn star, and this is when your wife is pregnant.
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he refused to honor the memory of the fallen servicemen, he said: “ani are a bunch of losers and losers, my son was not a loser and a loser, it’s you, a loser and a loser.” first of all, this is a made-up quote about...
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if you look at what trump did in ukraine, this guy told ukraine. told trump, do whatever you want, that's it what exactly did trump say to putin, he encouraged him to do whatever he wants. this war should not have started if we had a leader. he has already transferred 200 billion to ukraine, or even more. this is a lot of money. i don't think anyone has ever seen anything like this. every time zelensky comes to us, he leaves, taking with him 60 billion dollars. he is the greatest trader in history. we shouldn't have. spend so much money on this war.
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american voters watched this duel between two elderly candidates, periodically relapsing into childhood, with longing and perplexed. in restaurants and bars across the country, biden and trump supporters organized so-called debate parties, expecting a bright show of hope for the future, but were disappointed. trump looks great, but biden looks as old as ever. so far, biden is holding up well, but let's see how... america has yet to comprehend who the voters saw and what they heard at these debates, behind the external screen and stories about the cheerful president there was an unsightly political reality, will there be a second round debate on who will take part in it from the democrats. now, perhaps, the main question of the american election race. and now the democrats are in a real panic, because this
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debate, which for some reason they pinned such high hopes on, biden failed under stress, even a cnn poll showed that 2/3 of the audience gave victory in this fight to trump, which means that at the convention in august dem party, biden will have to be urgently replaced by another candidate. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from atlanta, georgia. the european union has chosen the leadership of the eu summit, despite protest. in hungary and italy , key figures of the european bureaucracy were appointed, so ursula vonderleen remains the head of the european commission, the former prime minister of portugal antonio costa will become the chairman of the european council, and the head of brussels diplomacy is the prime minister of estonia kaja kallas, all of them take a pro-ukrainian and anti-russian position. our european correspondent anastasia popova reports from brussels about how this threatens the european union. probably it was the summer mood that had an effect. but the summit ended before midnight the next day for the first time in a long time
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they did not continue the discussions, they came out happy together, the future head of european diplomacy kaja kallas is already next to the current head of the european council, as well as the head of the european commission, although in order to receive a position, it still must be approved by the european parliament. i am honored to receive the council's support; it is a huge responsibility in these times of geopolitical tension. there is a war in europe, but instability is growing in the world. which is also a major challenge for european foreign policy. to get a little to understand what kind of character will lead the eu's foreign policy, here are a few facts. kaya kalos is called the princess of war for her ardent support of ukraine. she is ready to send estonian soldiers there. she received the order of yaroslav the wise from zelensky in ukraine, climbed into nato tanks in estonian forest plantations, and called on nato to prepare to fight russia in the next couple of years. italy voted against this candidacy. what is happening with appointments in the european union smacks of
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a coup d'etat. millions europeans voted in elections and were asked to change europe. and what are they offered? all the same faces. ursula vonderlein, a socialist on the european council, and macron's man as head of foreign policy. i consider this the height of disrespect. the still-current head of diplomacy, barel, apparently has his sights set on becoming defense commissioner. such a post in the eu may soon. the europeans have not invested enough in defense and now we need to make up for lost time, we need to think about how we finance the big push to increase our defense capabilities, this will it is not easy because neither the member states nor the european union have the resources for this. for all this, the european union needs another 500 billion euros in the next 10 years, but some projects are already being pushed through. the thai countries persuaded the european union to finance the construction of
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an iron dome air defense system on the border with russia. they want to take money for ukraine from frozen russian assets, and they have allowed themselves to steal it and use it for the purchase of weapons. there was another option: to provide ukraine with a loan of 50 billion euros, but this plan could not be agreed upon at the summit again. however, the head of the european commission, ursula fondeen, promises to achieve this money by the end of the year, which also still needs to be voted on in parliament. we presented to the leaders a proposal from the g7 summit, which talks about allocating a loan to ukraine. we will now work with our partners to resolve this issue.
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made it clear: his position on the ukrainian conflict remained unchanged, as it became known, he voted against fonderline and did not support the candidacy of kaja kallos. anastasia popovia bernatski, inna koshkina, news, brussels, belgium. a new hospital was opened in the kremensky district of the lugansk people's republic, the old one was destroyed by ukrainian militants, an outpatient clinic was erected for construction workers from the astrakhan region, 6,000 residents will receive medical care there. report by alexey shutov. several thousand residents of the krimensky district will receive high-quality medical care in the new outpatient clinic, which will include treatment rooms, examination rooms, dental rooms, and a day inpatient department. astrakhan
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doctors, who have come to kremenna for the fourth time, are very popular here with the local residents. has now arrived. despite the hostilities, our doctors continue to come and carry out medical examinations of local residents, from young to old. astrakhan specialists share their experience with lugansk colleagues today. doctors have a special mission: the children came to organize the camps first and foremost, yes, and my colleagues and i are glad that we can help here in any way we can. in the coming days, children from the lugansk region will come for summer recreation in astrakhan region. 750 children will be able to relax and undergo an additional
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education program in our region. it will be quite interesting, this is the direction of patriotism, this is the patriotic direction. this is also the leisure part, these are, of course, everyone’s favorite discos for our children. another 25 objects will be restored in the sponsored area. governor igor babushkin emphasizes that the kremensky district is another municipality of the astrakhan region. alexey shutov, dmitry dubrovsky, damir maykenov, lead the astrakhan region. on the pacific the fleet underwent large-scale maneuvers. the final point of the exercise was training to repel an amphibious assault on the islands of the kuril ridge. key. the role was played by the coastal bastion complexes, which struck a detachment of ships of the mock enemy. report by mikhail yudaev. start it up! the training task has been received, the missiles are loaded. the bastion m complex
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moves into position. the missilemen will have to march to the position area over rough terrain, covering dozens of kilometers of kamchatka off-road terrain. the length of this rocket carrier is more than 15 m, however it is no more difficult to drive than a regular truck. all conditions have been created here for the driver to work comfortably: power steering, excellent visibility, there is even a rear view camera. multi-ton trucks easily climb mountain passes and pass forest roads, do not get stuck in sea sand, and rivers do not stop them. when creating the complex, the designers paid great attention to its mobility. a potential enemy... should not know where the launcher is hidden until a sudden hypersonic gift arrives at him. the car can drive over any terrain, off-road, through mud, through snow, through water, and overcomes fords perfectly, up to, uh, 70 meters in height. the launchers move
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accompanied by marines. the task of the security unit is to protect the column from sabotage and reconnaissance groups of a mock enemy. having arrived in a given area, the crews immediately begin deploying their vehicles into a combat position. food has been provided. turn on the side. eat. it takes literally a few minutes towards the conditional landing force the enemy fires an electronic salvo of onix hypersonic missiles. having worked for training purposes, the launchers immediately change positions, camouflage themselves and prepare to receive new tasks. in the area of ​​contact we have camouflaged the equipment and continue to equip positions in engineering terms in readiness for action. also, during the exercises , related tasks were worked out: organizing security of the area during duty, air defense, ensuring
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interaction with other military formations taking part in large-scale maneuvers of the pacific fleet. mikhail yudaev, news: kamchatka. ideal employee, 365 days a year, no days off, no sick leave. the longest robotic pharmacy in the country has opened in vladivostok. what functions does a unique robot pharmacist perform? ekaterina shilyanova. it rushes along the monorail like a high-speed train. the new employee at the university pharmacy surprises from the first minutes. now you definitely won’t have to stand in a long line. the girl doesn’t go anywhere all the time on contact, she talks all the time that’s all, and the medicines are already falling out of the window somewhere. saving space and time, the robotic warehouse can accommodate more than 18 thousand drugs. in just a few seconds, it turns out that it is necessary. placing an order using a robot is quite simple, you need
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to go to the pharmacist and tell them what you need, and then the specialist will give the task to the smart machine: during loading, the robot measures each package in height, length and width, and then delivers it to the shelves, at the same time, where to put the goods, the electronic employee decides himself and monitors the deadline expiration date, we can run this process manually, or when the transport belt is behind... he is at work, after closing he can scan the packages to restore order on the shelves. ekaterina shlyanova, maxim molygin,
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lead. primorye. the salmon fishing season began in kolyma. now there is pink salmon, and already in early july there will be whale fishing in the region. about the beginning of a big fishing trip. lyudmila shcherbakova. the ola river is a favorite fishing spot for many magadan fishermen. here salmon are caught on fishing rods throughout the fishing season. with one license you can catch up to... pieces of pink salmon, and a little more than that it is allowed to catch for free, although up to three pieces per hand. in accordance with the fishing rules , it will be possible to catch three tails with a fishing rod from thursday to sunday in designated fishing areas. our most popular place for fishing within the city of magadan is the dugcha river. they opened police stations on the sea coast, they found one of them, the fishermen are here today, although they are complaining about the bad weather, but... they are hoping for a catch, in magadan it is rainy, cool, and the sea is stormy, this, as the fishermen say, also affects fishing , salmon are not close to shore yet
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suitable, but despite this, the first catch is already there, says alexander ivanov, as long as there is only pink salmon, everything will be fine, today is just the first day, you yourself know, the first day is always not very good, there is fish, for the indigenous peoples of the north this year allowed to catch more than 100 kg of salmon per person. the limits allocated to them are higher than those in previous years. in general, according to scientists’ forecasts, poutine in the region should be successful, although the guest is considered to have a poor harvest of pink salmon. a catch limit has been allocated for the magadan region 8,500 tons of red fish. the salmon fishing season in the region will end on september 16. lyudmila cherbakov, alexey gilev, vesti, magadan. and this concludes our release. oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media. look at the platform in the application or on the website see you.


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