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tv   Parad yumora  RUSSIA1  June 29, 2024 2:50pm-5:01pm MSK

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all the patients were very friendly, they were greeted very well on the spot, they organized transport, organized a workplace, thanks to the quick receipt of results, tests, as well as the work of all the specialists of the team, among whom were a pulmonologist, an ophthalmologist, a gynecologist and many others, residents of remote villages were able to receive highly qualified medical care, during the expedition the doctors worked until the last patient, reached...
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assistance to the entire population in order, so to speak, not just to cure, treat, but most the main thing is to prevent the disease. this year, the floating clinic set off on its voyage for the twenty-fourth time and, as practice shows, the opportunity for residents from the northern outback to undergo a free medical examination from several specialists at once is not only unique, but vitally important. anna medvedeva, evgeny lasinok, lead tomsk. assembly began near novosibirsk. the equipment of the future siberian ring photon source is 90% russian -made. skif is the most modern scientific center in the world. will be held here cutting-edge research in a variety of fields from chemistry to geology. report by olga durnykh. not only is the weather hot, but it’s time to tune the skif. the construction speed of the siberian ring photon source has reached its maximum. the main buildings are almost ready, while builders are making the final touches, scientists are bringing in the first equipment. skif's heart. the injector building is planned to be commissioned
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by mid-july, but for now the equipment that will be placed there has been brought here to the stand and test building, these are girders, stands for magnets and a vacuum system, four arcs, which in the finale will be connected into one large ring. here we are collecting it in order to check its condition after a fairly long storage period of more than six months, the equipment is in excellent condition, everything is fine, and we will carry out preliminary technological tests here.
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defense, as well as biologists and doctors who are working on the creation of new drugs and treatment technologies. the synchrotron will open its doors for them in 2026. olga durnykh, vitaly kudryavtsev, novosibirs news. ilya in the capital will begin with record heat, which is not was over 100 years old. already today, thermometers have reached almost thirty. well, citizens escape the heat on city beaches, water is distributed in the subway, and utility workers cool the streets with showers. alexey karev from now- tropical moscow. let's start the summer on
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the beaches of full house, as if all roads lead to water. the weather is wonderful, moscow tan, song. lifeguards care about the safety of vacationers and they have stepped up patrols, but only on specially equipped beaches, there are seven of them in the capital, there are more in the moscow region, almost 40. warm, chic, cozy, in general i don’t want to leave, there’s not enough sun, but weather forecasters, on the contrary, talk about an abundance. sunlight, almost any weather forecast contains a special indicator: ultraviolet indices, the most dangerous period of exposure to the open sun is from 10 am to 2 pm. today, for example, this index is seven, 6-7 is expected at the weekend. some people, wanting to get a bronze skin tone, spend hours in the sun without thinking about the serious consequences. the risk of adverse effects increases, but first of all these are burns, of course, if not on the beach, then... in the forest
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for a picnic, but such weather also means a high risk of fires. forestry staff are monitoring the situation around the clock. one can only sympathize with those who are caught in the heat in the city, including. when you go to put this kind of protection on your windshield, public transport passengers are given free water, it’s not just hot outside, almost july heat is +30 on the roads like a frying pan, the capital’s utility workers promise: to help the townspeople endure sleep, they will water the roads more often to remove dust and create a feeling of freshness, this column every 3 hours leaves the garden ring in one such barrel of 10,000 liters of water, in butovo a refreshing shower started working for the joy of the children, guys, well done to the tractor driver,
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in the park, ponds, fountains, as without them, everywhere where there is even a drop of water, there is and a sea of ​​people, water, a cap, ice cream. at the fountain, at the fountain, of course, doctors advise avoiding physical activity and not being in the sun for a long time, using hats, drinking enough liquid, in addition, you can use air conditioning, but remember that the outside temperature of the room should not differ by more than 3-4°. the scandinavian summer is over, subtropical summer is ahead, according to the forecast 28-31° on saturday and sunday, but... on sunday a washed-out atmospheric front will pass through the region, so there is a possibility of short-term rains , a few with thunderstorms, but they will not disperse the heat, the beginning july will be sultry. alexey kareev, egor vorobyov, artemy antonov, lika dzhevakhishvili, victoria makarova, news.
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the investigative committee opened a criminal case after a serious accident in the moscow region, a driver at high speed hit a girl on a scooter, flying into the oncoming lane, the victim was in... a hospital with numerous injuries, for some reason she has to prove that it was not she who created the dangerous situation. maxim oparin talked with all participants in the road accident. i feel heavy. it’s already the twelfth day in the hospital for karina, she has a fractured jaw, nose and left leg, several operations are behind her, but so far the girl can only lie down. i can’t move my leg at all, that is, i’m trying to do something, but it really hurts me, almost to the point of tears. that night she was riding a scooter in the moscow region, apparently. she moved, as expected, along the edge of the roadway. here's a still from the surveillance camera. the impact was so strong that after colliding with the scooter, the car almost overturned. the driver of the car ran up, the smell of alcohol was felt. then i lost consciousness. and this is footage taken by
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eyewitnesses immediately after the accident. then there was a blow, the girl flew off, they dragged the set and assistance was provided. the car was moving from the other side of olympic street, approximately this place she crossed. solid, and already here she collided with a scooter, threw the girl to the side, the car also jumped up, hit the curb, and even left a large chip. this black field is well known; according to local residents, its driver, twenty-three-year-old kharen matinyan, has been spotted more than once in dangerous driving or drifting. according to our information, there were 14 traffic violations in niva last year, and 28 this year. according to slovians, that night in the parking lot next to the accident site, this car also made several dangerous maneuvers.
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an accident, that is, no medical examination was carried out. a criminal case was opened only a week after karina’s relatives made a fuss. a criminal case has been opened for violation of traffic rules and operation of a vehicle. the man, driving a car and neglecting road safety, drove into oncoming traffic. the vidnovsk city prosecutor's office controls the establishment of all circumstances of the traffic accident. we managed to contact kharen matinyan at phone, in his words, to make such a dangerous maneuver. he was forced by other users of electric scooters, but the footage shows that they are riding on the sidewalk in the same direction as the niva. there was an emergency situation, other scooters, i just ran up from other scooters and didn’t see what other scooters were coming towards me, and how i would have been hit by a person.
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karina's relatives plan to seek justice in court. since we have the culprit of the accident, and it is determined, the damage that was caused by his guilty actions must be covered precisely them. see you, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, good saturday evening, friends, thank you for being on our tv screens, on this summer evening, and today in... in our program the best songs and the best stories of prom, all graduates ,
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their parents, we are waiting at the tv screens and opens our program, an unconditional hit of all the last 35 years, during graduation, gray night, anton samoilov, today we are visiting, friends, i don’t know what to say to you when we meet, i can not find. at least a couple of words, not a long one
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evening, not a long evening, the night will soon become dark, the night of dreams, not a long evening, not a long evening, will become a dark night. and again the bright night, but i don’t press, i know that all my tans count into the night, but you can also help, your darkness cannot beat anyone, absolutely, completely nothing. everyone, you know without
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words, now everything has been clear for a long time, you’re just hiding your scumbags, happy class, again in vain, again in vain, i’m about to tell everything, some of it is in vain again, again in vain, i’m going to say everything now, again holy night, only i check with her, holy night knows all my secrets.
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well done, you have a very good edit, and
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you did it a little differently, as yura sang it, but very powerful, very impressive, by the way, i’m a ranking officer, just, well, you understand, seryoga, you understand that this is great , that young punk who will wipe us off the face of the earth, she’s simply beautiful, especially this classic from michael jackson, we’ll talk about that later. well, tell me, where was your graduation, when was it? oh, i’m actually from belgorod myself, my graduation was natural there, in school
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no . yes, i am a teacher of russian language and literature, wow, it seems to me that you can?
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well, what else do you sing, tell me at graduation that we can sing today, we sang a lot of things, it was just such a hodgepodge there, i love it very much, now the song is naturally connected with me, what should i do, if you don’t mind , oh, thank you, now now, well, come on then, oh, scary, yes are you unexpectedly in love? quickly the winged eyelid disappeared like melted snow, fell silent like an autumn garden, it can’t be brought back, it can’t be brought back,
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and... maybe the night shouldn’t rush to do it all over again, let’s repeat it all over again, oh how should i be, maybe i’ll start it all over again i can’t lose you, i can’t lose you, oh how not to be. battle with himself, a little later he will give the song to all parents and graduates, now, friends, in the studio this summer's hit, which i am sure will be played at all graduations, alexander nikolaevich will also perform this song today in listened to more than 80 million times in 3 months, in our studio there is a guy who
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offers to give women flowers, jaura and his hitdarite woman. flowers for us, for no reason and for no reason, because you don’t need a lot to be happy, i ’ll give you souls, souls, land of souls, land of souls, from the heart, from the heart, i’ll give you nelly, yellow,
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red, blue, i ... i will give you daisies, and aigulka, natasha, i will give you all the flowers, forever, all the flowers, give the woman anti-you, for no reason and no reason, because you don’t need much to be happy. give us some kindness flowers, for no reason or reason, because you don’t need a lot. to be happy, i will give you roses, roses, and mimosas, i will give you dulbans,
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dear ones, oh lady, i will give you peonies, peonies, millions, i will give you jasmines. for no reason and for no reason, give women flowers, tetas, for no reason and for no reason, for no reason, because you don’t need much, a lot to be happy, give life, where you are, all the sexes and for no reason, because they are given by women. you are real men.
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no need to be happy, thank you very much everyone, i'm after such a wonderful songs i want to give flowers to all women, so zhana is a real gentleman, friends, thank you, my dear, thank you, thank you. thank you, well done, thank you, bravo, thank you, thank you,
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these are two ulam, i could of course bring millions of flowers, but honestly there wasn’t enough money, listen, tell me how old are you anyway, i’m 20 years old now, oh. but you graduated with honors, let’s say, i studied at a music school, and then at college, now i’m studying at the university, tell me where you’re from, i’m from kazakhstan, the city of uralsk, western kazakhstan region, big family, my brothers, three brothers, brothers, i’m the oldest, it turns out, that’s where i’m so chubby, that’s me, that’s you? yes, it’s me, i actually sing jazz myself, it turns out that my date turns out to be jauren, and my own name is jean, this means something, yes it means that like a beloved, just a big
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boy, a beloved son, yes a beloved son, well, you can play jazz directly on the instrument, but of course i can play a little, so of course, so. or i can even play the classics, come on, shopin, shopne. so, well this is
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the issue turned out to be three times longer, it made me proud of you, so everyone can do it, come on. but you can say hello to your hometown from me, to all my relatives, to all my classmates, to everyone from me in general, hello, i, in turn , want to say hello to akim, this is the mayor of my hometown of uralsk, mirzhana zatkanova, and i want her thank you for your help, she helped us and our film crew went to your home village and met your family, let's see. i am
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zhandauren's father, zhandauren grew up here, we are now we live here. four brothers, from the farm, now we’re getting ready to slenokooos, he comes when he helps during the holidays, so he mostly worked on the farm, he’s there to look at the ram, he goes after the ram, then he’s wearing headphones, then in the evening i come and ask where the ram is, looking, walking, no sheep, i say, how could you? he doesn’t know, he says, when i was sitting, he was here, then disappeared, he says, the house, we live here ourselves, here is the kitchen, here is our hall, zhandaurin’s room, zhandaurin played here all the time, prizes, which he received, he studied at school, when ghanduri always helps me when i
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give him bark. he sings a song, sings a lot of songs, lifts my spirits, i’m proud of him, he’s become such an iron, randovren, i taught him the dumbra when i was little, i played any instrument, the dumbra, the skrik, the button accordion, the accordion. one stick, two strings, now my mother will cook here, we will have dinner on the street, we always have a samovar, we drink tea at home in the evening, as they say, evening dinner in the samovar, of course, we cook a little fraction, then let's drown, i'll give you claps. lam souls, you
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souls, i will give you lemi, yellow vain seven, give women flowers, without poboda without reason, we dance finance you, real men, how do they love you? my family, well, you could imagine, i don’t know 3 years ago, that you would blow up like this - all the parades, i didn’t imagine at all, because i just loved music, and we wrote this song simply from the soul, with the heart, we couldn’t imagine that after this there will be some success, i’m really glad that you invited me, that now the song
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it came uh. with all my heart, to all the beautiful ladies, but since you are already here today, jaren has prepared another hit, and today it will premiere on the russia tv channel, it’s called song on cassette, and you shot the video yourself, and there you will see all the stars of the nineties of the early two thousand, well, jazz is awesome, the song is on cassette, the premiere. the songs on the cassette will take me back to those years, and where i am young, still very young, and you are so young, we listened to the mirage, and my affectionate ones, everyone danced to london. we listened to
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the movie, victor tolya, everyone sang along, come it’s not worth it, the songs on the cassette will take me back to those years, and where i am young, you are still so young. the songs on the cassette will take me to those years where i was still very young, and you are so young, and dr. alban,
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dad remembers, at home and let the years pass, we are still children, songs of youth about... oh, they will remain forever, songs on the tape will take me away to those years where i am young, still very young, and you are so young, the songs on the newspaper will take me away to those years where i am young. you’re still very young,
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thank you very much everyone, we’re looking at rtr, which means we’re looking for the ideal, and what’s the ideal, and what about everyone? kind, beautiful, smart, cheerful, that’s almost me, i’m beautiful, cheerful, smart sometimes, so what’s the point, kuimetchitsy, to look at you what you see, he doesn’t need you, his eyes count, ivannik, then we read, from monday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, is it possible?
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a completely different husband, and how much more is yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, and what are you doing here? i do not for a long time. “change seats immediately, my wife will come here now, please don’t attract attention, that’s what a wife is, i’m a wife, and who are you, it’s you, yulia, you just gave birth, congratulations, your husband
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is probably happy, we’re divorced, and you’re tired he looks like everything is fine, but how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that mom is not around, but we can cope without mom, but there is”? brings not only children, only one option, which one, you need to find a woman, great idea, i myself could not wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, a stork flies on the wings love, let's switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from stork, today on rtr. if you accept this ring, i will be the happiest man in the world. i repeat to you once again, we do not accept rings, either pay the bill with money, or i will call the administrator. what is the reason for this
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strange behavior of this male? well, let's make changes to your passport. this is some kind of mistake, i'm redesigning it. a little more, right here, just a little, oh, what are you doing, what kind of belly festival have you arranged for yourself, just show off your wealth, some kind of crazy person, but they said that we won’t find a free table, that’s it, well done, timofeeva, girl, knowledge is power, stories of a big country, on friday, at rtf once again, good evening everyone , friends, hello andrey on the air, school exams are over, it's time to say goodbye to school and
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the best graduation songs are heard today in our program, now the word to the graduate of 2024 ruslan stelmakh. song night! no, i won’t say that i’m ready to forgive everything and i don’t remember insults, but you know all the same that it’s dark in my soul if i’m nearby no you. night, waiting, cold, pain, as if
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i was split, i don’t see anything, i hate myself, again, tears from nowhere are bleeding, i bite my lips, all i need today is just to be with you, night, what the strange freedom, from sunset to sunrise, waiting for you again, oh, day, i ask you not to, from sunrise to sunset. i’m not talking about love, no, i won’t say that i want to forget you and never remember you, but you have to understand me, i’ll just get tired of waiting and maybe forever, even if you don’t hear me, even if your voice is getting quieter, i will believe a miracle, just out of nowhere. no, i don’t want much, everything i ask from god, i have so little in
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my life to be with her today, night, something strange freedom, from sunset until you are a year, to wait for you again, oh, day, i ask you not to talk about love from daylight to sunset, i don’t see myself, i hate tears in my nose, tears
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from nowhere in my mouth, i bite my lips, all i need today is just to be with you, night, what a strange freedom , from sunset to sunrise, to wait for you again, oh, day, i i ask you not to talk about love, from vanishing to sunset. well, tell me, where did you come from? good evening everyone, my name is selmakh ruslan, i came from the vitebsk region of the republic of belarus. handsome, handsome, simply. this year i am a graduate of the eleventh grade, i went to music school for seven years from the second grade, specializing in bayan, i am very grateful to my music teacher, alena mikhailovna, for instilling a love for this. subject, where will you enroll? to vitebsk
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state university named after peter mironovich mashirov for historical education. but i know that you also wanted to convey special greetings to your physical education teacher. yes, i am very grateful to this man, sergei leonidovich. as soon as he started teaching physical education for me from the fifth grade, he played the harmonica and i, seeing a new instrument, since i studied bayan, wanted to try something new. moreover, he not only taught me how to play the harmonica, but also introduced me to beekeeping, let’s just say, now you have your own apiary, look at what’s in the yard at the age of 17, you play, play harmonica, harmonica men's woman, and i am a simple, purely village woman, accordion player, accordion player, don't let your eyes go down, look straight at me, stare at you, oh, ruslan is our boy, the first guy in... the village, well, if only i could throw if he were 70 years old, i
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wouldn’t give him to anyone, if he were mine, he and i would sing and dance until the morning, so we come to my grandmother, the neighbors all immediately gather, we play here on the bench, we sing, my favorite woman marusya, i’ve been living in this village for seventy-one years, my husband has been gone for 13 years, it’s good now, thanks rusik is helping, i constantly taught rusik to work so that he would not be afraid. no difficulties, understood any work, granny, leave me for a while, leonidovich, i’ve arrived, let’s go to the apiary, sergei leonidovich, mine! a physical education teacher, but not only a teacher, but also a senior comrade. ruslana, i know all the remens, how he entered school, fifth grade, at that time i was studying bees, somehow in a conversation, we got into a conversation, he became interested in beekeeping. i bought three hives, and then sergei leonidovich gave me his. now i’m breeding new families, this is it
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worker bees are hatched, which in the future will carry honey, we can see that their antennae are showing that they will soon have ice, if... a good family is strong, in a season you can pump out 10-15 liters from one house, some of it, of course, for yourself i sell what’s left; a liter of honey costs 600 rubles. my apiary is located next to the house where my great-grandmother lived, here i created a recreation area, i also made old-fashioned paraphernalia to convey the atmosphere of that life, i hung up my grandmother’s embroidered shirt, i don’t throw anything away, i save everything, it’s been a long time home it was empty, there was devastation here, this year i made renovations here, re-pasted the wallpaper myself, installed windows, arranged it, my classmates and i will celebrate graduations here, no matter what he undertakes, everything works out, in the future it will be a real owner, regardless as we grew older, we became friends with the apiary in the background, but music also
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played a big role in our friendship. our guest today is the main rapper of belarus, friends, seryoga, my fellow countryman, earth, of course, why did i recognize him, of course, how do you like it, well done, i am the throne, the throne, just like that talented guys, in the end there was physical education at school, no, of course there was, but i haven’t had time today yet.
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well, all of our graduates are already 17 years old, all graduates are 16-17 years old, and it’s safe to say that none of us thought about a soul mate, about love, so i propose to sing chezh’s song about love, come on, and not sing should i have a song?
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we put it, we put it, of course, tell me, how many years ago did you finish school? oh, a very long time ago, a very long time ago, it was in the last century, andrey, ninety-three, but you was a diligent student, look at this young boy, friends, i’m so grateful to you for inviting me, here i am, this is the atmosphere of that graduation, which... i would like to be at, that is , for the first time i understand that it is possible to celebrate a holiday just with a glass of water, i didn’t know before that, so i don’t really have anything special to tell, so i remember there, yes, we chipped in on we chipped in on the video recording, but on the cassettes, and then when they brought me the cassette, look, look how it was look, i sort of took the cassette because
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what did i pay if the girl at the prom i wanted to go with natasha to but in the end the world came out from the invitation. for seryozha from his parents from sevastopol, they leave a connection, attention, you are mine, mirror.
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i would like to take this opportunity to say hello , dad-mom, i know that you are watching this broadcast,
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dad, your birthday is coming soon, do you remember that i promised you, i promised that no matter how difficult and expensive it was, i i’ll advertise your solo concerts on the russia channel, this happened, it was a complex multi-step, but we got it, vasily vasilyevich, thank you, well, seryoga, we can’t let you go without a black boomer, that’s why. all graduates of 2024, are you ready, sound check, tell me, my friends, well, fire up the dance floor with an accordion, chop, chop, chop, chop! chow, what! only artists who sing along to a soundtrack don’t sweat, but we sweat! hi andrew! live sound is here! i grew up in
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okran, a city worker! a boy in a fashionable cap, a worn gold tooth! the whole boy is just plain ugly! and malakhov himself smiles towards me! when i leave home in the evening i go out into the yard, wait for the car, smile , start the engine, turn on the music and colorful lights, seal the civil love angle! the black boomer of those who really like him has died, our little district is located on the outskirts of the city, the whole
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district is ringing glasses day and night, the guys drink the place and drink bitterly, they don’t know fitness, all because there are no prospects and no business, but the street is native, seven houses three boards , here to do those things that our little cats drive from melancholy, but i have nothing to do until dusk, i’m driving around in a black boomer, because i have black boomer, he is always with me. if i tell you black, you will answer, say boomer, black, boomer, black, boomer, if i tell you boomer, you will answer, black,
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boomer, black, boomer, black, i will say hi andrey, you will answer to me, this is us, hello, andrey, hello, andrey, i'll tell you, the best rapper, you are in response to me, timothy, the best rapper, the best rap, i grew up on the granary, a working-class town, a little guy with a fashionable cap, a rubbed gold tooth, boy . simple bastard is so not handsome, but he smiles towards me and if any of you asks for a ride, i i’ll want to sing it, even i’m not on the way, because i ’ll make a boy crazy, even though i’m simple, well , i can’t refuse a single girl , because that’s why i need a boomer, he’s always with me, because that’s why i need a boomer faster than a crazy one, that’s why i need a boomer, boomer of the backwaters hi andrey black boomer black
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understand me if you can, incredible final game, come on friday on rtl, for good health to our empresses, cheers, the wisest empresses in history, you? two lives, mine is yours, and i want there to be a third, all of catherine and other historical series only on the watch platform. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s
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a national holiday. “we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is flourishing, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. “as long as you live in my house, with my money, you will live by my rules, dad, everyone is laughing at me, sit down, i’m with yulka for a reason, i want to marry her, slav, so you’re married, today you’re married, tomorrow you’re not, i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch him, he doesn’t care what not guilty, you put my accounting in order, and i’ll put your personal life in order, my
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personal life cannot be put in order, it ’s ruins, well, it definitely can’t get any worse, in general, i agree, what? well, to marry you, to my mother-in-law, on sunday at rta, i am a chocolate hare, i am a weasel, on june 21, 2022 , the singer pierre narcissus passed away, that’s it... they didn’t stop around the chocolate hare, an illegitimate son showed up, exclusive. meeting with his illegitimate son, whom pierre narcissus hid for 20 years. the possibility that pierre narcissus may be the biological father is is compiled by malakhov, on monday on rtr.
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once again, good summer evening to everyone, friends, hello andrey on the air. favorite saturday show, we continue to leaf through school photo albums , remember the best hits of graduation, but our evening continues, a song from the repertoire of the vocal and instrumental ensemble singing hearts, welcome to the seventies, alexander roslyakov and stela kakol of the voronezh region with the song: such is love at 17 years old .
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this is love, this is love, this is love, 17 years, although the plot is not much, but... not there are enough words, it’s not difficult to give advice to someone at 17 years old, notes are flying in the classroom like doves, there’s such a commotion in hearts right now. everyone turns their heads in unison, only the teacher does not notice, this is love, this is love,
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this is love, 17 years old, although the plot is not new, there are not enough words, because it is difficult to give advice to someone who is not 17 years old. all the books beyond the syllabus have been re-read, here it all starts with a bang and there is no hope for the teacher in such a simple question as any. yes, that’s love, that’s what love is, that’s what love is at 17, although the plot is not new, but not there are enough words, it is not difficult to give advice
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to someone 17 years old, this is how love is, this is how love is, this is how love is, at 17 years old, although the plot is not new, but there are not enough words, it is not difficult to give advice. i liked what you do, alexander vasilyevich, labor teacher, friends, say hello to your favorite school,
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students, andrei malakhov gave us a gift to the rural school, we have a 125th anniversary, see for yourself, you are generally just a hero of your village, attention, i have to hate you, but i still love you, alexander,
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energetic, cheerful, hard worker, they always are associated with hot drinks, but we don’t drink at work, this is my school, when i go on stage, i change my gait. i’m writing it out, that’s how i go to my workshop, because my class is my second stage, these are my graduates, it ’s exam time for them, but they still came to the workshop to do origami, it’s time to go to college, we are stressed and we come to alexander vasilyevich, it calms us down, he taught us one affirmation when... we are waiting, you close your eyes and say to yourself several times, i feel good, i am calm, i ok, i’m calm, i’m the parents, of course, i taught alexander’s mother, i taught polina’s mother, i
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’ve been sitting here for so long, i taught them all, my mother, and now they want to bring more grandchildren, i say, i can’t do that. , i’ve had enough, i’ve already given everything to myself, to the school, and to the children , and i’ve torn my heart apart. yay , break up again when we leave the school yard. i want to cry, i became a trudovik, thanks to my wife, she is a primary school teacher, end your sweet dream, go out to the balcony, my husband is very handy, all the devices he does it himself, so he made a bipod for hilling, as he did, i used welding, to a blacksmith, i really gave it to him, he knocked it off, so, sasha,
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it’s time to hill up the potatoes, get into trouble, my horse, but i’m a village, i’m a village, our field it’s overgrown, this is how we’ve been pulling the burden of life with my wife for 40 years, don’t go too deep, oh look, i’ll make a remark in the evening, wait, wait, no, i’m tired, i’m this one, go away, go away, go away, in our family he’s the main one , who receives a salary, and allah receives it from us, oh, there’s such a story, i received my first salary, treated the girls, ours, the khokhol girls, everyone here knows me, treated myself, i wake up in the morning, there is no money, i felt ashamed and signed now my husband receives the entire salary, no matter where he plays tricks, he will still return home, but ... oh, he
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loves me, why should he be jealous ? , it’s clear, what is your favorite subject, i have mathematics, of course, and by whom what will you be, who do you plan to become, where will you go, in politics? voronezh region, voronezh, so, and you, i’m going to become a doctor, yeah, a military man, i’m an economist, actor, economist, lawyer, journalist, lawyer, that’s the future, i worked according to the author’s program, and one of the sections we had was coinage, here’s some embossing i made with my own hands, i... would like to give it to you, oh, with joy
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in general, they did it themselves, yes, yes, listen, yes, you are an artist, and you signed this, but that’s not all, i can tell you how i was on my way to see you, come on, wife, that means it’s a year, we have grapes there is, so she made vintage wine there. she says sasha, be sure to bring it, at customs i take the bag on my shoulder, the straps break, the bag falls, oh, everyone says that, i, i have a photograph, but that’s not all, before the performance the day before, i was also bitten by bees , that’s what everyone says, the head doctor of the hospital treated. found out that i was going, hospital,
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fire, saw off like an astronaut, hello everyone, friends, i love you, safe, sound, valera, let's go to yours when we leave the school yard, under your arms, no aging drum. teach us to walk to the corner, back again, again, here for him, come and study, the outpost again, when we leave the school yard, well done, well, dear graduates, my god! you recognize the idol of all
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the high school students who graduated this year, and mirchik is our guest, now another, another kiss performed by amirchik, come on amirchik, pink wind, everyone dance, let your windows look at the carefree pink evening, let the rose see you off. the world looks at you with its gaze, let it endure your mockery, let it trust its secrets. no more, no more they endure,
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the sunset ended the warm summer evening, it stopped. at the ends of the earth, i won’t notice you this evening, and there is no need to shed false tears, it’s enough to endure your deceptions, listen to fairy tales about love at night, and you can believe, no, i won’t look out the window anymore, live as you want. let a carefree pink evening look at your windows, let him gaze with a pink gaze, let the light look at you, let all
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the ridicule, endure yours, let him trust his secrets, no more, i want you. the boys won't laugh at me from your entrance anymore, i don't need to be with you at night shlya. it’s better to calmly watch dreams and a pink riddle and a summer evening, you completely agree with me, so know and you can believe, there is no way in the world, i won’t come near you, forget, don’t
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remember, let your window look carefree pink. evening, let the light look at you with a rosy gaze, let all the ridicule of those without yours, let denmark, its secrets, no longer be necessary, i need you. girls, pink evening,
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the light looks at you, let it change. well, do you remember your graduation, but i didn’t have one, i was on a video call with my classmates, because i finished ninth grade, went to college, the coronavirus arrived, it’s so fashionable now, yes, and then i flew to moscow from bishkek in order to begin my creative journey. but judging by the photo that we have, your class was very friendly, you have a school photo of me, even i don’t have the one where you found it, in a red suit, it’s you hugging a girl,
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no, it’s not me, i’m that one over there, a little to the left, such a bald, chubby guy, and what kind of girl is this, she’s just our classmate, we’re kind of like sisters, because when other boys offended them, we kind of walked around and solved problems, let’s say, that’s why i was bald in an olympic jersey, but your classmates and the teacher from your native village of sadovyi uchkos say hello to you, attention, seriously, welcome to our school number two, where our beloved amir actually studied, the banks, oh my god, are always open inside. remember, in the ninth grade we went to testing, and there was such a thing, well, the wind blew up the mucus.
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i didn’t know it would happen like this, yes, at least
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time, you know how to make surprises, you know how to make surprises, i’ll say this, honestly, i didn’t expect to see my classmates in the video at all, it’s so unexpected, well, i knew, of course, i know everyone, this story about skin was not at all so, i was worried about her skin, okay, not like that, that’s it, everyone says that, everyone says that, first the bees bit me, and then they changed me. that’s not what they say, this is your first time meeting amirchik, ksyuzh, yes, how he is a legend meeting you a legend, very, very, very, greetings, such skin, well-groomed, well-groomed, and you know who ksenia stresh is, but from where, you don’t understand, this is what kind of woman this is, maybe i’d better read these very cleansing things, while i was sitting here, it’s just because i have nothing to do on the cropal, and you you know ksyusha strish, i wrote an armor drying, of course i know, i know you... i was brought up on its moderation, this is a cool decimal, are you on
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the russia-1 channel, we are sitting in company, as if at home in the yard, hello everyone, hello andrey , well , about ksenia swift, come on, yes, so about ksenia swift, are you special? don't make a joke after all, for the sake of her chanson, all her friends in law, that putin and trofim, rasenbaumi and living with him, in general, everyone wants to marry her, on the russia channel alone, as usual we sit, as if in a house in the yard, hello everyone, hi andrey, did you like it? very. everyone says like that. i just want
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to show you another fragment of one song, which in 2006 also thundered throughout the country. attention. look at the sky, see how the clouds are floating, the light from the sun. you and i will never catch. our world is miserable. there's not a drop of soul in him, there's shit everywhere, but what about you? don’t give up breathing like yesterday, in short, you remember, amir, i, you will be surprised, but i know this song, it’s as if i heard it, yes, and moreover, this guy is in the hood, so that you understand who is coming, this is sasha fomenkov, aka mavik, now, can you imagine, this is real, but they recently reworked the song, right? next to you, by the way, just for the first time on television screens authors performers group
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breathe, friends, today natasha, seryozha, where did you disappear, tell me what happened, such a hit, such nostalgia, we went to maternity leave at two, yes, we have two, that is, you now have two daughters, two girls, yeah, i hope i have big musical plans. oh yes, and do you remember how this khets was created, seryozha, the lines are actually the first, look at the sky, look how the clouds float, were written in the forest, and my parents took me with them to pick mushrooms, but i actually didn’t i was looking, i didn’t go, i looked at the sky, but i wrote, yes, the mushrooms were good, but in fact, in fact , there was an installation going on, probably some kind of internal, yes, to achieve the goal, to be confident.
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girls, look at the sky, look at the sky, look at how the clouds float, the trail of the sun, you and i will never catch, our world is miserable and we don’t listen... no, not a drop of soul, there are rapids everywhere, but you don’t give up, breathe, i’m like dead, lifted off the ground, raised to the sky, visible from there, you just imagine, they are beautiful dreams, but imagining life is just an impossible dream, it’s difficult, very difficult, but is it really possible, i don’t know what’s wrong with you will be further ahead, comes to the mortars
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to humiliate himself, and how easy it is to continue to live and so as not to be upset, but no, it can’t be like this... it can’t go on for long, i need to think further about sorting myself out, achieving my goal, being confident in myself and now in my own desire to meet in fate, but i know it won’t be easy with my a broken dream, it will be very hard, i will pass by, breaking all the barriers, behind my back, i don’t want wounds, look at the sky, look at how the clouds float the sun-light, you and i will never catch , found. gods and gods there is not a drop of soul in it, there are rapids everywhere, but don’t give up, breathe!
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yes, i hear my heart beating, i still have a soul, but what else can i do, while i’m still not standing still in living time, if i have a feeling, then it can’t be, there is only rain outside the window that will calm my soul, i don’t want anyone to listen to me now, to see me next to the broken glass, but life is beautiful, beautiful clouds, look at the sky, look at how the clouds float, the sun is light, i don’t understand you and me.
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look at the sky, see how the clouds float, the light from the sun, you and i will never catch , our world-gods, there is not a drop in it souls, there are rapids everywhere, but don’t give up on foot, look at the sky, look at how wet it is. and the sun is light, you and i will never catch, our world is miserable, there’s not a drop of soul in it, there are rapids everywhere, but don’t give up, breathe, give your neck, like that, you’ve gone too far, take off
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your shirt, my god, today...” i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, so, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, you can’t think without flowers, well..." why why? well, well, okay, thank you, i’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, but no , i’m warning you, i have serious intentions, a divorce with obstacles, today on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big
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changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different ones from this absolutely faceless room. .. real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams will become reality. let us into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, this is for you,
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well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute , attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, my hero. time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, on sunday, shuel-shumel, kamby
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zarika, the village of the second tsyplyaeva, remember, that is, the first, competition, odnala invited them, they are not...
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launchers 2024 has become fashionable so all the same music in the corner somewhere i cried with you everywhere. invariably, let there be dancing here, don’t let the breasts flow, let them dance and the pharma will fly away, the music of the people, that’s mine,
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it’s a celebration of life for us, smile in formation, are you ready to sing this song with me, hey-hey-hey-hey- hey, dance, mom, i’m dancing, i’m bringing it to my heart’s content, dad ’s not waiting at home. i’m not myself anymore, i’m dancing, i’m dancing to our bass, dad don’t wait at home, i ’m no longer, na, na, i’m no longer, na, i’m not in a box format and i’m not an intrusive format, but i’m in music from the heart, honestly very. and i write this song at night: freedom words, freedom of thought, the easier we sit down, the more sparks, die quickly, but how accurate, stand and a hundred, we knock out the strength, let the dance flow and the format fly, people’s music,
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here’s mine says, a celebration of life for us, build smiles, you ready with me, this song, hey-hey, hey, dance, mom, i’m dancing, i’ll prepare the bass, dad don’t wait at home, i don’t know anymore, mom, i’m dancing, i’ll prepare the bass, dad is not at home, i’m already.
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anyone, mom, i'm dancing, to our bass, dad , don't wait at home, i'm not there anymore, mom, i'm dancing, to our bass, dad, don't wait at home, i'm not there anymore i know, na, na, i no longer know, na-na-na-na. bravo, vai ja dansoju, par našu pasu.
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and katya is a graduate, by the way, all the exams are over, as i understand it, and today you are not alone in the hall, yes, yes, that’s right, my friends came to support me, my family, my relatives, super. i was lucky to perform with my best friend, my best friend sonya vertogradova, her family is also here, and with me too, but sonya only moved to the ninth grade, grade, and where are you going to go? i am going to enter ryazan state university to become a teacher chinese english languages, wow, oh chinese chinese language, and the music school in whom, and the music school it so happened
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that... my father loves music, since childhood we always had songs with a guitar at all feasts, i grew up on this is also a singing family, i also have a singing family, my sister graduated from a music school in velancheli class, played in an orchestra, my uncle also graduated from the conservatory, my mother and father also graduated from the conservatory and my grandfather too, let's see how your grandfather sings, attention.
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they dent his head, in general, so until the end of the exams i walked around with my head wrapped, and then it was not evening until evening, it was small, it didn’t happen much, it didn’t happen to me very young, it’s hard. on occasion , i would like to congratulate all the schoolchildren on the end of the school year, wish the graduates good luck during their exams, so go ahead, go for it, i wish everyone good luck, that ’s it, andrey, i passed the exam, i’m free, you understand who’s in front of you, looks like
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my grandfather's hairstyle. honored artist of russia, valery kipelov, sophia’s grandfather, that is, you today mom is here, that’s what i said zhanna, teacher, yes, mom is here, let’s invite zhanna then, let’s say hello, we’re just mom, also my family, how cool, yes, what a mom, well, what song will we sing here today, all together at the table, of course, the most...
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hit graduation 2024 on the internet, this song has more than 275 million views, and sultan laguchev with the song bitter taste, good evening, dear graduates, happy holiday to everyone, congratulations on your graduation, i wish that you have found yourself in this life. do not say nothing to me and give me a minute to think, i fuck scottish wine, i’m trying to confuse my thoughts, don’t tell me about love that is not in your
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heart, and don’t call me yours, you crossed my boundaries, and the bitter taste of your love killed me. now without strength, admi the snake released the poison, love hell, yes, i’m so glad that everything has passed, and maybe there was nothing, goodbye, goodbye, and never remember me, please don’t remember, i am the bitter taste of your love, me i killed him, now i’m exhausted, and you let out a snake, i’m in love hell, and i’m so glad that it’s all over, but maybe there was nothing. goodbye, goodbye, and please don’t ever remember me,
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girls, why is your love needed when your words are empty? why don't you lie so much? i understand everything now from now on, you go away, you go away, i don’t need such a fool, forgive me for my words, because such is your nature, and the goriki taste of your love, killed me, now without strength, and you let loose a snake, i am a love hell, yes, i’m so glad that it all went away, but maybe it didn’t. and nothing, goodbye, goodbye, and never, please, remember me, but the bitter taste of your love, me killed, now without strength, and you released poison from the snake, love hell, yes, i’m so glad that everything has passed, and
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maybe there was nothing, goodbye, goodbye, and never, please don’t remember me. taste, then it is dedicated to your ex-girlfriend, in the distant past, yes, probably, it seems to me that today you need to say hello to her and say thank you for such, you know, such inspiration. well, how do you remember
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your school days and graduation? school years like me, well, i’m embarrassed to talk about it, i constantly sang in class, disrupted them, yelled at the whole school songs, yes, they scolded me for this, but when the time came, to do something somewhere, i played babayaga even at school, they immediately called me as an artist. but you had a big class, this is the class teacher, yes, this is our svetlana alexandrovna, i want to say hello to her, she looks like a free barbe team, it’s me, you recently got married, we must congratulate you on this event, well, i want to say, you it’s really rare to see someone without your signature cap, and today seryoga too, you see, tries it on only for his numbers. well, let’s put on the magic cap, when
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i put on the cap, then he wakes up in me, i no longer control him, you know, and he begins to work on things, normal, he travels, gives concerts, earns money, that’s it, and i just pay taxes, and i’m just paying taxes, come on, valera will play along with you now, really, oh and ah, look who’s visiting, showbiz, mastadon, he’s a hunter... madon, he loves all women to tears, be careful, kind people, this is alexander sirov, who is ready not to rush the night, is alone on the russia channel, we are company we’re sitting as if at home in the yard, hello everyone, what kind of pig is this in a poke, he came to us from beshkek, he’s popular all over the world, everyone calls him the guy.
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the country is surprised among the people, that's where the boy's word is, here he is the star of the silver screen, a double of ivan yatkovsky, what kind of adidas is he, well, icon her eight times, hey, there's one on the russia channel, we 're sitting so happily, as if at home in the yard , hello, hello, holy mother, is it you, who is everyone? just gives flowers to women for no reason
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, everyone calls you zhandauren, give flowers a beautiful gesture, but i have a question, who will pay for a bouquet, but there are no other questions, on the russia alone channel we are sitting in a group as if at home in the yard, hello, hello everyone, here are the guests on the screen, and i’m the last one. edge dry , broad-shouldered yard coupletist i'm a modest street poet and middle-aged man not yesenin or punin i'm seryoga black nerd channel as usual sit as if at home in the yard everyone hello hello greetings my friends i'm behind the trains as many as possible but hello, hello everyone ,
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andrey, thank you, sultan, you will have to answer, it seems to me, take some an instrument and something for graduation, so you, well, not like graduation, i’ll sing the songs that we sang in school, this is a serious instrument, a button accordion in pieces, something special, valer, this is... there is a special caucasian harmonica, there is one beautiful girl on earth, she is sweet, pretty, in her own right, i would give the whole world, i would give the whole world for her, that’s all, that’s all. but all this is not mine, i
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give everything to the world, i will give the whole world for her. only this is all, only this is not mine, ours, come on, patriotic, we are one and live on high mountains, we live on the same rocks, if you want to see the base at least once. come to us in the caucasus, the barbecue smells delicious, it means you fried it at the market and
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filled it with cold ba, it means you... strength, well, friends, people's artist of russia, alexander sirov, today the whole evening is with us, we now, we just exchanged words, i say, in this...
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there are emotions, when, so to speak, a girl hit me with a briefcase, well, i said something wrong, they kicked me out of lessons, not often, but so decently, for that what i copied from my notebook there at the one sitting nearby, what else can i remember, well, in general, so to speak, we had a village school, an ordinary school in the nikolaev region, and what did the graduates of your year sing. there was such a song, my god, it’s already 60 years old, probably this song, my school path, but i don’t remember all the words, that ’s why, if you remember the words, you remember, valer, but i have 58 in total, remember, no , girls of the same age, girls of the same age, well, look, there
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’s a thin white thread winding through the carpet of green fields, this is a pipe from the school... gates, every day i walk along it, this is the path of the school gate, every day i walk along it, my first path, enter from the school threshold, go through all the lands and seas, and become happy on the road, path, path, my school path, path, path , my school path, wonderful, i’m hearing it for the first time, it’s also my first time, well, now it seems to me that it’s time for the main slow-motion of this evening, master class, master class, alexander
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serov, what to do, how it should be, now how it should be. leofil's winged eyelid quickly disappeared in the words of the melted snow of soti. quiet as a clear garden, why not they will return it back, they won’t return it back, but maybe don’t
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rush your nose, repeat everything from the beginning, we should repeat everything from the beginning. oh, how should i be, or maybe start everything again, i don’t want to lose you, i can’t... can’t lose you, oh, how should i be, show me, lonely ray, guilt, indifferent clouds, thorn, there was a short way. love is not a simple essence, a complex essence, or maybe it’s night i’ll rush
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to repeat everything all over again, we should repeat everything all over again, oh how should i be, or maybe all over again. start, i don’t want to lose you, i can’t lose you, oh, what should i do, maybe start everything again? i do not want you to lose, i can’t lose you, oh what should i
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do, yes, you are beautiful, we liked it, yes, we both liked it, or maybe we should start all over again, i don’t want to. which workshop will we choose? and there are more guys, we look at rtr, follow the plan , go behind the car, that’s it. how do you come in more often if a komsomol member needs affection, for example, here she is, well, i bit my tongue, and they told me
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that my warrant for the hostel is with you, now everything has been decided, you, hati girl, are uninteresting, you will cry, no they will fall behind, you need to hold your head higher, you hear, remember yourself. limitchitsy. with monday on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. in this program, not only songs are performed, but also desires. my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kahn after the wedding.
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this is some kind of fantasy in me! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. did you say that you were joking now or haven’t received buban for a long time? she tells everyone: you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you. the ugly woman spread the rumor that i would marry her, but i'm a scotchman, i'm with such a fearful woman i’ll only sleep for a million, why are you
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withdrawing all the money, for plastic surgery, what are you going to buy, there won’t be enough beauty, if you can’t wait for happiness, maybe it’s worth stealing it, let’s go, i don’t understand where, you’re a film star, or you’re not a man is he not responsible for his words? ugly love, on friday, intended. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on tour all over liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives,
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boris kovchevnikov’s program, life, from monday to friday on rtr. once again, good evening everyone, friends, hello andrey on the air, the main hits of the 2024 graduation are heard in this studio today, we remember the school days of our classmates, anton samoilov is our guest today, and vladimir karabeinikov from the village
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of bystritsa, kirov region will continue our evening with a song . everyone dances with tappoli fluff, on the asphalt chalk, you are resolving summer, summer, the caressing sea, the caressing sea. touching with your palm, you touch with your palm, the waters are blown by time, the water is blown by time, what you don’t know, what you don’t know, you’re a carefree bird, you’re a carefree bird, you fly into the sky, stalin’s fluff, paradise in july, the nights are so starry, you appeared that the first kiss, you haven't
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admired yet. the floods are fluffy, the heat is july, the wind blows into the sky, but you don’t trust anyone, you’re only waiting for snow, snow, snow. you will not enter to heaven, you will not go to heaven, but simply to the heart, or simply to the heart, where to find happiness, where to find happiness, a small door, a small door, far away far away, sailing away,
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sailing away, without misfortune, without misfortune, but it happens, a failed fire, july, the nights are so warm, you understand that the first kiss is not yet the opposite, topovines of pujara, july, the wind blows away the sky, only you don’t trust anyone, you just wait. snow, snow, snow, tapalins fluff, topalins fluff, tapalins fluff, tapalins fluff, tapalins fluff, tapalins fluff, tapalins fluff, topalina fluff, tapalina fluff,
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tapalina fluff, tapalins. beech heat in july, nights are so moonlit, salty wind blows the doom, carrying with me sad thoughts, this is pauline 's fear, white flakes of snow, and love came to you, this snowy summer, summer, love. we must congratulate vladimir too on the end of the school year, congratulations, i generally always told the ivanushkas that there
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are too many of you, this can easily be sung by one person with different intonations, here you are a rural teacher, how many students do you have in your school, tell us, in our the school has very few students, the school is small, rural , nine years old, there were only 31 of us this year
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. at the last bell they painted my board, apparently he deserves it, this is my class, the ninth graduation, there are four of them, but today we have three here, we decided to make a little surprise for the teachers and parents, in our school the waltz is danced, but rarely, there is such a class of amazing people here, although today we don’t have everyone , but if if that chair. he greatly influenced the development of our personalities, our character, good, the best, he led us through 5 years of a very difficult school life, even more, but in our first grade too,
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yes, he taught us music, but the teacher continues to his student, well, maybe somewhere i was missing something in my life, and i ’m trying to make sure they have it, a home, grandma is there now, let’s go, butterfly, i made some compote for you. essentially my mother, he is like my third son, he is the main person, in fact not a grandmother, but my own mother was an alcoholic, well, she was, how to say, a girl, one might say, of easy virtue, the father did not recognize, he said that could he be mine, that he had been fed up, his mother came up with the idea of ​​moving to... after a month and a half, i had to take him away, otherwise the child would not have been alive, the child lost almost half his weight in a month and a half, oh, it was horror, i’ve seen
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mistaken children, but it was horror, he had no living place, he was like that, how he endured, i don’t know how he endured, they said that you know what a sin it is, to take a child away from his parents, what a sin it is when... the cancer was in danger, i still felt bad, it was hard, lord, i wish i could let him finish school, then at least he finish college, now thank god, that’s all with him, everything is fine with him, good, everything, you, thank you, thank you for everything you did, how lucky you are with your grandmother, in general, let’s say what? from heaven sent, yes, indeed, we’ll say hello to her, we’ll wish her a long summer, she’s watching the show, she’s probably watching, and ksyusha had a super graduation, thanks to her dad, i know, in general, i don’t know how it is in other theaters, but at
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the vakhtangov theater , where my dad served, it was customary there that since, if not once a year, then once every two years, since the children of lonovogov, yakovlev, somewhere like that, plus or minus, we were like that when they were only one year old, and of course they made arrangements for graduation and held a huge concert - so once a year, every two to three years , folk theater artists performed at some lucky moscow school, and by the way , it was almost the last call, i have this feeling in the winter in such a situation what melodies did you play? do you remember any song, what's there? we had labor camps, a labor camp, they drank there, when they were in the truck, that means they were taken to the fields, mykels, there is nothing better in the world. and there is nothing better food in the world than
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to give birth to friends throughout the world, to those who are friendly, no terrible anxiety, any roads are dear to us, there are any roads, roads, e, we will not forget our calling, that’s it! we bring laughter and joy with love! tempting vaults will never replace freedom for us with obscenities, freedom will never be banned, no! well, today amirchik recognized
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the guest singers of the group love stories kristina strizhneva and maya vasilyeva songs school 20 years later friends for all graduating teachers of their parents. schoolyard, laughter, girlfriends, the cleanest, most sonorous, and running in the warm. puddles,
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barefoot girls, others are already being rocked by our school swings, school, school, i miss how quickly we grew up, and notes with doves keep flying to me from childhood, disturbing my memory. there’s no escape from them, i sometimes still meet my school girlfriends, it turned out to be painful, school, school, i miss you, we studied, we fell in love, you and i shared secrets, these 10 years have flown by, the bell has rung, the final doors will open in september ,
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you are completely different guys, school, school, i don’t believe that everything has passed without a return, and notes with doves are still flying to me from childhood, bother my memory, there’s no escape from them, sometimes they still see my school friends, it turns out it’s painful, school is school, i miss, the bell rings on the sly, there’s languor in my soul, i’m in favor of a clean notebook, in september i’ll sit at home and write , what i dreamed about, to everyone who was next to me,
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school, school, i miss you guys, and notes with doves, they keep flying to me from childhood, they bother my memory, there’s no escape from them, i remember my school friends . i still meet them sometimes, everything turned out to be quite, school is school, we miss you, well, friends, everyone, have a good summer and excellent admission to higher education, good luck, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye.
5:00 pm
news of the week with dmitry kiselyov on sunday on rtr, hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topic for this hour. nuclear weapons will appear on the borders of nato countries. such headlines appeared in the world media after putin’s statement that russia needs to start producing medium- and shorter-range missiles. eu.


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