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tv   Privet ot aista  RUSSIA1  June 30, 2024 12:40am-4:11am MSK

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taxi, we hold on, it became a little scary, but nothing, gleb, continue the story, it’s very interesting, peter i brought all their names from holland, look, yes, if you and i get a stronger sail like this and an even stronger front one, she will go under at an angle like this, ian, you know, it’s been a long time since i’ve been so free and calm, i haven’t felt like i’m in a boat, you know, in general, that’s how it’s been, right. catch the wind, the wind will come from there, look now, if i stand with my bow exactly against the wind, the sail begins to rinse, it is not filled, we have stopped, therefore it is necessary create an angle to the wind, due to this very pressure the yacht moves forward, in order to understand how to go faster, you need to walk along the spots of the wind, they are visible on the water, there are small ripples on them, this means strengthening, we see it, at this moment it begins to attack us strongly.
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hobby or work, it’s just life, it’s inseparable, we’re already in the fourth generation, we go on yachts, i’ve been on yachts for as long as i can remember, that is, i was, i don’t know, four years old, my dad already took me on a yacht, my grandfather took me on a yacht, everything i see around is just romance, it’s boundless space, we don’t stop at our water area, we can travel all over the world, and the good thing about sailing is that no matter where you come to any yacht club, you will feel like one of them, like yourself, it’s a big family. at any age,
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the nizhny novgorod region is for love, here love for one’s work helps to overcome the laws of nature, climate, and love for one’s land pushes one to a feat of labor. here, at the confluence of two rivers, you want to enjoy their gifts and endless space. here you want to be, not seem. i take this with me. guys, let's get out of here now and get the purus into overdrive. great, let's go, let's go. you can find all our episodes on the media platform , watch, download the application or go to the website, let's go! rtr planet is more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen. the planets
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have flown, the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party, or what? what are you, huh? you don't know bender well? you don't need a motive for a cunning murder, what was that on the strip? i don't know, it's a dog, i think exciting series, let's assemble an orchestra! we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks, luck doesn’t smile on him, we will succeed, i’ll do the surgery, i ’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, there’s no motive for the murder, no connection between the murders, but she there is, and we will find her, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and do you generally spend most of your life on your feet? or on the head, even
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i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, hope, my home is underground. it rests on the song of russia, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, i poured a bowl of hot water on myself and i’m glad to say to my wife: i ’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meetings with the stars, and what it’s more difficult, to become a good person or to stay, the question is certainly interesting, both are difficult, you are the most understanding program. animals, circle friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite and not betray anyone, no matter what happens. live, the story of a mysterious disappearance. the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not
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communicated for 5 years, advanced documentary. and now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. liberation of the people. our soviet people brought europe. current news, political investigations, impartial analytics. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for? when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair; as we all remember, he enters the hall through these doors. everything you can't imagine without. russia only on the rtr planeta channel.
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now i will show you a unique yurt - a buddhist nomadic temple. before entering there, you need to spin the khurda drum. inside it are prayers written on pieces of paper, spun and prayers ascended to sky. well, this is roughly what the first buddhist temples in russia looked like. today we will go to buryatia, visit the modern buddhist monastery datsan, and see what art buddhist masters and monks master. buryatia is the center of buddhism in russia. the buddha's teachings came here from tibet in the 17th century; in 1741, empress elizaveta petrovna signed a manifesto recognizing
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the lamai faith in russia. the very first temple on the territory of buryatia was dasan baldam breibun, it is close to the border with mongolia, because lamazayev. he went to study in tibet, walked, when he returned, he founded that same dotsan. in 1764, dambadar zhozazayaev reported on his travels to empress catherine ii during an audience, after which she gave him the title of the first bandit khambo lama, the first head of buddhists in eastern siberia and transbaikalia, and his dotsan became the first residence of khambo lama. today is a resident. is located in ivolginsky datsan, the history of its appearance is very unusual. in the thirty-first year of the last century, when militant atheism set in, they began to close churches, and so it was until the forty-first year, when the germans approached moscow, and stalin gathered
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representatives of all religions, promised them that if they helped the cause of victory, he would allow the opening of churches. local lamas organized a collection of money in the villages, which was then used to... build several planes for the front. in 1945, in the town of ashor bulak, they began to build a small temple. in 1945, local residents presented the lamas with two houses. one house was a prayer house, the second house was for tea drinking. and here the first ones began prayers. we placed this stupa at this place. the stupa is called ranjun, self-manifested entry. such stupas existed during the time of the first buddha. but now there is a big ret. this type of stupa. that same prayer house was moved to the village of verkhnyaya ivolgo, right at the foot of the mountain range, and soon the volginsky datsan was built here. pilgrims from all over the world come here to touch its main shrine. the bandit khambul agila
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was the head of russian buddhism from 1911 to 1917, when the february revolution happened, and the news reached here that nicholas ii abdicated the throne. and
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dragons sit on the roof, pulling up the roof, supporting the teachings, these teachings are protected by the heavenly lions of the buddha, usually they sit proudly in front of the dugan, here are the suburgan stupas, the stupas are the body of the buddha sitting on the throne, simply depicted schematically, in geometric shapes, stupas there are mainly eight, these are his main feats of the buddha, in total there are 10 temples in ovalginsky datsan. now the masters and lamas are building another one, the fact is that the main sokchendugan no longer accommodates
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all the parishioners, the new temple will become the most large buddhist temple in russia. i brought candy with me, you know why, to make an offering to the gods, then they will bless me. by the way, this is a sculpture of the goddess of green container, it is believed that she is always fast. “the universe has no beginning and end, which means it was not created by anyone, lamas teach this, in buddhism there is no creator god, but there are many deities, good and angry, all-seeing, thousand-armed and many-faced, they , like people, are subject to passions and try break the cycle of rebirth."
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utama, he dedicated his life to finding a way out out of the cycle of suffering, achieved enlightenment and showed this path to others. he is called the great teacher and founder of buddhism. his sculpture always adorns the altar of the temple. this is very different from the usual secular sculpture, yes, well, that i did. there i can just come, yes, the mood is good, bad, it doesn’t matter what you do, with buddha it’s different. it doesn't matter what happens here in the workshop. what was our lesson playing here, heavy metal, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you are calm inside, the buddha
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we are making, he will be two meters tall, the canons are already in the drawings, i use them - drawings that have long been drawn up, uh, by old masters, they are all there, down to the millimeter, first we make a wooden model, then we start minting on top, knocking out copper, after that we put it all together, we weld it, someone gilds it, someone paints it, you need to draw the eyes, it will be, only then it comes to life, and after that they put mantras, put incense inside. pyotr gormaev is a well-known sculptor in buryatia, he made figurines of warriors, craftsmen, darkhans, animals, but one day he decided for the first time try to make a buddha sculpture. somehow i thought, if i’m gone, what will i leave behind? are these works like fashion? it is passing, there will be more religion, and i thought that i need to learn, think about
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this, about everything, learn this skill, every year we go to the mountain to pray, and i wanted to make a buddha sculpture for the mountain, i called the local alloma, he then he says: come on, we have a dotsan opened here, we need to do it there, i know the technical process in theory , but i don’t know it well in practice, i called my friend yuri chengisovich irdyneev. connected everyone together, everyone got acquainted and began this process. previously, metal sculptures were rare, they were brought here from china or mongolia, and local craftsmen made deities from wood, such a multi-faced goddess of longevity ushnishivjaya was carved by the artist ilama sanzhi tsibik-tsibikov, he is called the creator of the school of buddhist wooden sculpture in buryatia. he was born near bulanuda, the village of ashur bulak. since childhood, he loved to sculpt
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clay figures and dreamed of becoming a crowbar. when he completed the buddhist school at... once upon a time, maxim gomboev did not even think that he would become a woodcutter; while still a young guy , he went to study in khabarovsk, but he stayed there for 30 years, worked as a coiner, and then
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he was drawn to his native place, when he arrived here, the soviet union had already collapsed . buddhist centers began to form, for me it was generally the very first need, my relative says, here’s a construction project, kid, maybe you can go there and work, you can probably do it, probably woodworking, but i say, i probably can still, and we met on upper birch, we started working together then, we met while we were making the throne. for such a reason, and we’ve been working for 20 years now. they work in a small workshop, not far from the very village where they met. eduard pavlov became interested in wood carving as a child, saw a wooden japanese sculpture in one film and decided to make something similar, it worked out, he got older, took up sculptures of deities, or
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as they say here, burkhanov. i tried to cut out the burkhanovs, looking at this. on photographs and then the father of a friend saw it and sent it to an artist, a woodworker, he studied for about a month, he conveyed to me the confidence that i could, first of all, i need to start simple burkhans, these are the good deities, then the angry ones, these defenders , the wrathful are one of the main guardians of the faith, they must be intimidating to their enemies. although at heart they are not entirely scary. according to the canons, each sculpture has its own pose, facial expression, gestures, attributes; they say that if the master does something wrong, the deity may become angry and even punish, restore oryabova with scrap metal, she had no attributes, this sculpture stood for about a week,
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probably on the table, i could not touch this sculpture, i had a favorite mahakala with a brush and... somewhere 1 :00 at night, it hit my hand, i lost all sleep, i went up to the sculpture, i cut out all these attributes for a while, looked at it, exactly an hour passed, then this mother, when i met him, he says, she lifted you up through this baton , forced me to make my paraphernalia, i said, okay, i said, next time then give me another burkhan so that he doesn’t raise me, doesn’t force me to work at night, this was the case, of course, inexplicable things, these buddhist icons in...
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india, even during the life of the buddha, that is, in the hundredth century bc. gradually, along with buddhism, art came to tibet in various ways. and gradually tibet became such a bowl in which different artistic traditions began to merge and buddhist philosophers began to include various deities of other countries through which buddhism passed. ultimately there are about 700 deities. there is this thangka of goddess saroswati in the picture that i painted, she is holding a vina, a musical instrument, each string means for the first time: the element from which the universe and man are created, earth, water, fire, air and ether, so it is believed that the goddess soroswati, by plucking these strings,
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it brings into harmony the primary elements of the entire universe; all the happiness and balance of the universe rests on this harmony. it sometimes takes several months to write just one tanka. first of all, the artist carefully prepares the canvas, primes and polishes his. some of the chalk begins to scatter on other sides of the surface, some is compacted inside the canvas, and gradually we get the thinnest skin, like on a drum. tibetans, canvas is called melong, mirror, we have learned that there is a subject, there is an object, and there you need...
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your earth was painted, with lapis lazuli of the sky, from a white shell, white paint is obtained, white light is used when painting clouds, artists use it for tanks only have noble materials to respect the deities. to extract paint from this stone, we you will need either a sledgehammer. or something heavy, grind it to small particles, the next stage is separating the darker
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pieces of vazurite from the white ones, since we will paint the sky only with this paint, grind it, sift it through a sieve, this is how we did it. a shock-like condition that will need to be noted in a mortar. add water to about two, well, twice as much as the amount of powder, turn clockwise in a mortar, add animal glue. animal glue is mixed with hot water and added here. after mixing the paint. ready. since childhood, balzhir watched his mother ocherma make paints, draw tanks, and his father, lama, helps her, and now he
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is learning this work himself. semi-precious mineral paints are used to preserve the original appearance. painted with thin wound paint can even retain its appearance near the front. mineral paints, they give some kind of shine. once i painted a nimbus with coral paint, and my colleague, the artist, looked at the picture from afar and asked: did you paint with gold? i always said that i would be an artist because that my brother is an artist, my mother sees how he draws there, she came to the studio, looked in, i really liked it, then in high school i forgot all this and entered the institute of technology, i studied there for six months and i thought all my life...
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when you paint pictures, since you are changing the world, it turns out that you are changing your state so that people can see, also change their vision a little, died, a tank for a buddhist is more than art, it is used for spiritual practices and meditation, now i will show you how this happens: you sit in a pose lotus, legs crossed, hands on knees, slowly inhale and exhale, contemplate the deity. you meditate and come to a state of complete peace and harmony, tanka, this is
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meditation, in your head, if you scroll through the deity itself, as i will depict it, this is meditation. then, as the first colors began to develop, this is also a continuation of meditation to the end. at this time, we are now writing tanka, the 12 deeds of the buddha, this is the main story of the buddha. buddha's mother had a dream about a little elephant with six tusks. she i asked the... people what this dream meant, the sages told her: soon a prince will be born to you, a person who studies buddhist philosophy, for example, yes, can freely read thangka like a book. these 12 thangkas, which tell the story of buddha from birth to death, are written by lama chimiddarzhiev for the new temple in ivalginsky dotsan. he has already painted the canvas, the next stage is outlining the drawings with a thin line. in buddhism, everything is very
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symbolic. and even the contour has its own meaning, the contour starts thin, then thickens, then disappears again, that’s it shows the birth of a person, for example, or something else, then his blossoming, then his departure, the contour means the entire acceptance of the path. 15 years ago , mongolian monks who mastered the art of buddhist painting came to the ovolginsky dotsan, then chimit lama saw for the first time how a thin outline stretches across the canvas. i really liked it, just as they arrived, they started making a set to teach buddhist painting, i immediately decided to enroll here, here i studied for a year, went to mongolia, studied for 5 years, here with we needed more artists, i came here to help, chimit not only paints tanks, but also teaches others this business at the university of evolginsky dotsan. tanka we
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make wear with gold, gold is usually used to decorate clothes, the aura, the light around the buddha, we bring gold from nepal, yes, it is mixed with bone glue and applied here, at the very end this is the opening of the eyes of the buddha, in a simple way, of course, this is drawing the eyes , that is, he paints the eyes without finishing the hands and body.
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tibetan sanskrit. and then he got carried away he began to communicate and study oriental languages, buddhism, but is it really possible to learn the teaching only from books, and he went to buryatia in search of a spiritual teacher. i traveled around everything, at the last moment i met one doctor, he said: we have a sacred mountain here, where lamas used to practice contemplation. are you traveling or wandering? i say: well, i’m traveling, she says: you’re looking for a teacher, i’ll give you the address, and he says, he hardly takes on students, it’s impossible to get through to him, but he has very good knowledge, it turned out that this is her husband, he is engaged in painting, and he gave me one tibetan icon, he said, if you want to
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see me again... you will bring an exact copy. i went to st. petersburg and tortured everyone, but i painted an exact copy using pva paints and polyvenyl citate tempera, brought it to him, and he liked it. for 10 years, lama zhimbatsibenov passed on his knowledge to alexander, and then helped him go to study in india. so, at the age of 25, he became the first russian student at the institute of buddhist painting of tanka, his holiness. dalailams, graduated there, passed exams for the highest category, it turns out, people with the highest category can be the dalai lama's personal artists or teach. i was invited to the dalai lama university, i opened a department there, i came periodically on vacation, talked with my teacher, before his death, he asked me to return and bring here the knowledge that i received in india. it so happened that perestroika began
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and lama... was taken on the task of restoring monasteries and the buddhist tradition in transbaikalia. since then , more than 50 dotsans have already been restored in buryatia and new ones are being built. for each of them artists they write tanks. who necessarily undergoes a rite of illumination, or, as they say here, a rite of revival. we create a form, this is how a designer sews clothes, and we do rituals, we call on the heavenly forces to come inside, if it is not drawn according to the canon and wrong, it does not go inside. the clothes are not made to fit, so the responsibility is econopic: to create everything so correctly that the spirit of this teaching can be introduced there. then people, turning to this icon, come into contact with a very subtle consciousness, so this is a completely different painting, which can help you accumulate good merit as an artist, and through this you improve, it is like a path
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of improvement. there is a buddhist tradition of writing mantras on colorful fabrics and hanging them in sacred places. such flags are called lunkta, which means horse-vet. it is believed that when the wind develops these garlands with mantras, it spreads kind words, happiness and good luck throughout the world. my name is ivan, can i be vanya? masha, not bad, zoya, i haven’t had zoya yet. we look
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at rtr, you need a good girl and to get married, how can you decide, he’s not good, but a pretty girl, with a joke, a joke, an invention, a girl, maybe i’m this ideal and... from monday on rtr, where is your homeland, my
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brother , and whose homeland you are, a soldier, whom you serve, a former friend, to tear off everything that was ours, which was together, that you will have left, they went against god. with a tour of all the liberated territories, what an impression is happening, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, yours went that he made a joke now or hasn’t received it in bubin for a long time, she tells everyone, you ’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what’s the matter, the ugly thing spread a rumor that i ’m marrying her. i ’ll sleep with such a fearful woman only for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money, for plastic surgery, or what ? there won't be enough beauty, if happiness
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can't wait, maybe it's worth stealing it? let's go, i don't understand where, where are you going, or are you not a man and aren't you responsible for your words? ugly love on friday rtr. my planet tv channel presents. blue roses actually exist. they were obtained as a result of crossing the genes of a white or black rose with online eyes. the leaders of the scythians, huns, sarmatians, and ancient turks were buried here from time immemorial.
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each nation erected mounds in honor of its famous ancestors, installed stone steles and sacrificial sanctuaries. altai has become a necropolis for them, we will grow a nomadic culture in the open air. the successes of a twenty-three-year-old elder from the akebek clan, to whom his uncle first entrusted leadership of the community, they say that everything is not so bad not only with the present, but with the future of this small nomadic people. first of all, you need to fasten the ropes together with ropes. the strength of the house
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depends most of all on this, you see, at the top is the talisman of our family, my mother bequeathed it to us, she said that circles of eternal pumping, infinity, like figure eights, are drawn here. this drawing protected our ancestors who roamed here. and he will protect us while we follow the path of our ancestors, until we stop, they didn’t settle down, they didn’t exchange yurts for houses. as soon as a nomad begins to furnish his home with unnecessary things, furniture, household appliances, he will die.
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shepherds are one of the oldest professions on earth, they have been known since the times of the old testament, but the shepherds of the chuya steppe are not biblical heroes, much less shepherds of human souls, but they inherited an equally important wealth of the human race, the memory of their ancestors. don’t be angry with us, we will all come
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your way, but for now give us good soft meat, feed the people with your blood the earth and spirits of our new site, it looks like... the other day the chabans told me how well preserved, look, the eagle below and the horse without
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a rider above, this is an ancient idea of ​​heaven about earth, a symbol of heavenly flight and earthly life, take it yourself here in your hands, admire the art of the ancients, here you can see a lot of things under your feet, you see these fireplaces, our ancestors made sacrifices here , there were once hundreds of fireplaces here, look, one next to the other, hundreds of tribes came at different times into this valley and prayed in spirit. and we have to pray, preserve these monuments, here is the altar of our ancestors. unlike the region of odarovich, sanaa and his brothers have been living close to ancient graves since childhood. for them, these are alien paths that are not worth walking on alive. the dead have their own destiny, the living have their own, to graze cattle and not anger the spirits of the sacred bark.
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the yak is also here, and look, there are already a lot of calves, i see one, the white-headed one has calved, the one with black eyes, the one along the way, look, over there, further away, yes, over there. i see she gave birth today, a good sign, sacred mountain ours, the head of the savior, you can see us, yes, i agree, if only the pass would open, right? pass, you say? this, of course, would be completely good, but not all at once. for many years , the family herd of the sablakov sergeevs have found their shelter at the foot of iktu. it is in this mountain dead-end that the yaks feed until
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the pass opens from the snow, when it is possible to migrate higher to a new pasture. there will be enough food there until autumn. but for now the chebans of the chui valley are powerless to change anything, we can only hope that the wolves will not get here before pumping, and the spirits will hear prayers of the people.
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today in moscow, at the seventieth year of his life , after a short illness , semyon semyonovich kazantsev died suddenly. in the soviet union, he was an outstanding engineer and production organizer. in new russia he became an industrialist and entrepreneur. in the difficult circumstances of the nineties, semyon semyonovich kazantsev participated in the preservation and then in the development of unique areas in the chemical industry and biotechnology. relatives and friends, as well as work colleagues, considered decency and humanity to be the main qualities of businessman semyon kazantsev. we
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express our condolences to the relatives and loved ones of the deceased. first.
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hello, who is this? it's me, grisha. have you already been released from prison? where did you get this number from? i forbid you to call here. i 'll be with you tomorrow. grisha, i beg you. from me, be a person, i don’t need you, i love you, you understand this, idiot, i don’t know what to do, i’m losing a friend for the first time, wait, what friend, the best. thank you, gleb, nikolai, don’t forget that you are the sons of a great man. thank you, alexandrovich,
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thank you. i didn’t have a better friend than my grandfather. kolenika, glebushka, don’t forget, mother, you’re the only one left with her. natalya nikolaevna, why are you offending me? well, can’t sovelyevna really rely on me? lord, forgive me, please, i didn’t mean to offend you in my thoughts. not you, not nastya, i’m sorry, it’s just that today is such a day, my head is spinning, he gave me a saxophone, why didn’t he say anything, but he says, one of these days i’ll tell you everything, i don’t know what i’ll do with it, so what, play, what else do you need a saxophone for? goodbye, goodbye, everything will be fine, i have a teacher at the philharmonic, let’s start by coming to see me a couple of times a week? although we’ll see, nastya, this is great, yes, evdaki saveryevna, my dear, we are always with
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you, count on us if you need anything, not even gleb, nikolenka, call us, they still have business, family, worries, kolya, gleb, take care of your mother, yes, definitely, all the best, goodbye, nel, vlad, i’ll ask you to stay. there is a conversation, let's go through, yeah, yes, of course, please, let's go, dear albina, give orders to set the table in the central living room once again, let's sit with the whole family, let's go, mom, let's go, gleb, well, this... the issue cannot be resolved now, we must, we must think, well, look at the risks, risks, and
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risks , why are you talking to me like in a bank, i’m addressing you as a close family friend who knew and loved my father, i propose to continue the business he started, you buy half of the plant, i buy the other half, we need to figure it out, we need to look, you you propose to invest half of it in the plant, almost...
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now i won’t fly anywhere, i’ll have to carry it myself. thank you. goodbye, dad!
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kohl, what's going on? why are you drinking alone? it seems to me that it is so natural to understand why we have gathered here. we stayed to remember again together. exactly, all together. we talk so much about family unity, in elementary things we... like the samoilovs? fine. well, i want to remember my father, and again, i want to have a drink. i won't drink with you. why? because today we buried my father, you have already decided everything. i decided what
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you need. am i wrong? what are you talking about now? agreed with the samoilovs, you were already drunk, at this time the dog was like fat, as always, nastya, pavlik, how can you, mom, well, sorry, i was just telling nastya a very interesting story about her grandfather, well, it’s really very funny, pavlik, how you are behaving, when will we give you braces? hollywood you are my smile. and when will you keep your promise? kolya? kolya has not been practicing for a long time. so much for family unity. your brother has been preparing for the opening of his first own clinic for a whole year and travels between moscow and nizhny. and what are you even in between? between moscow and nizhny novgorod albino. i am opening a clinic in nizhny novgorod. it was there that gleb and i’s
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father worked at the largest chemical plant in the ussr. and there are still people there who love and respect him. and who helped me, i have a brother in moscow who doesn’t care about what i do, your son gleb can come to my office tomorrow in kitay-gorod, he will get a brace and will accompany the treatment, you can rest assured, listen, somehow you sobered up, brother, huh gleb, pavlik doesn’t want any braces, this is not pavlik’s business yet, this is his parents’ business, i say, you sobered up, brother, you wanted to and sobered up, maybe you weren’t drunk, but were pretending, why, hush up, and that i can’t sober up, kolya ? what's wrong with you, what are you, what is it? listen to me, semyon semyonovich left a will, what? will? which? my husband, your father, yours, gleb, and yours, nikolai, left a will. so, wait, did anyone
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know about this? nobody knew anything, i didn’t know either, this is what a lawyer brought me yesterday, my mother, what in will? i haven't looked, i want to read it in front of you. it says here that the entire fortune, all property, including real estate, money , etc., are divided into three equal parts: one remains for me, your father bequeaths a part to his
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sons and asks them themselves... to decide how to distribute their share, another third , semyon semyonovich bequeathed to nastya, to whom, which nastya, nastya, nikolai’s wife, 1/3 of everything, what? okay, calm down. drink, come on, come on, come on, come on, why did your father include you in the will, will, i don’t understand anything, i really don’t know why i was included in the will, don’t you know why i was included in the will, oh, we have a fraudster in our family, a swindler, you go to jail, girl, we
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will find out everything, we will prove everything, stop insulting me, stop it immediately . i don’t know anything about this will, i don’t know why i was included, kolya, she doesn’t know, stop it in front of the child, it’s a good will, albino, really, she doesn’t know, but she has a brother. criminal, what does my brother have to do with it, don’t touch him, albina, it’s clear to you, don’t you dare, but i dare, that, that she, that her grishka, one fields, berries, wait, oh, what ours, dad is still a joker, huh? could you act more calmly, with whom? with your family members, with my brother, with his wife. i generally
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sat in silence the whole time. it was albina who attacked me and began to insult me. well, what can i know about this will, since, well, what am i guilty of, tell me. well, of course, this is complete nonsense. to assume that you know something about... a broadcast that came like a bolt from the blue, according to which you now own a third, nastya, a third of my father’s entire fortune, can you even imagine that in one second, just in one second, i turned from your wife, who loves you, loves our family, into some kind of, i’m not... some insidious woman who has been trying to take over all this time this money, what nonsense, has it changed or been there all along, what?
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did you sleep with my father? now i have to say yes. there is nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. kolya, kolenka. calm down, what a scum you are!
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what are you doing here? grisha, you know, i can do something for you, do you want it? good to you too evening. “i won’t call the police, i’ll give you the opportunity to leave on your own, olya, you forbade me to call, but you didn’t forbid me to come,
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you say you can’t hear me at all, olya, hello, and i’m on my way to see you, i’ll be there soon. i decided to dial, you’re a free woman here, maybe you have someone now, stop what you’re saying, then i’ll be there soon, i ’ll be very glad, come, grisha, grisha, please, i beg you, open up, please, “i just want to look at you and that’s all. kresh, i ask you to leave immediately, i simply demand, for you to leave. okay, i’ll open the door, but
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only on the condition that you look at me and you’ll leave right away, we agreed. well, i looked, it hasn’t changed. great, it 's finished for now, come on, marry me, you're a complete fool, huh? there wasn’t a day that i didn’t
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remember you, go away, sin, there, there, well, hello olenka, madam.
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when do you leave work? across the river on a neighboring hill, someone built a beautiful house for themselves, everyone stares at it, especially when the weather is clear, when the sunset, the house plays with all the colors, then strawberries and cream, then sea buckthorn, then bloody, someone will definitely say, in freedom i’ll build no worse for myself. i don’t remember
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meeting in uskut, they probably sat at different times, probably, what’s their name? grigory, andrey, we will, we will, listen, well, it ’s a real movie, yes, well, we agreed on... i’ll pick you up at 10 am at the hotel, let’s go, happily, thank you, grishka, hello, hello, my brother, let’s go , got up, flew at 9:00. your
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damn brother, your damn brother will sing you a song about, will sing you a song, a song about what happened a few years ago, will sing you damned brother, he will sing about how the heart. lives in the middle of the walls, like a drop of rain, all your documents are for cash, fake, turn off the music, all your documents are for cash, grisha, fake, god forbid, guys, god forbid. bags with money on the floor,
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moved away 3 meters, glyab, this is some kind of mistake, this is not a mistake, grisha, it’s a mistake that you came to rob my bank, so, so, so, quietly, gleb, you and i are one family, how can i steal from you, what, if you think that the papers are fake, then let’s sit down and talk, on the floor, quiet, quiet, at... clean it up, clean it up! you know, i won’t lie down on the floor, i’m not a badit or a machine operator, let’s do it, we’re not going anywhere now. we don’t take the money anywhere, we go to your office and calmly talk about everything, okay, okay, you and i are one family, gleb.
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they will show you three different examinations, the documents on which you cashed the money are fake and your murdered friend komorzin forged them, and this is also proven, komorzin used you, your family ties with gleb, but he is a corpse, and now there is nothing you will prove to everyone that you are his counterfeit. by the way, you were lucky that gleb ended up at the bank and that the employee doubted your papers and took them to gleb. you were very lucky that gleb came and stopped you. but i do not understand. i don’t doubt for a second that komorzin was going to kill you after
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the case burned out. the fact that the papers were fake would have become known in any case. and he understood perfectly well that you would not pat him on the head for this. sergey lyaninovich. i’ll tell you what to do, only you come at me with your fists don’t rush, you have to sit down, but gleb is furious and will only exhale if he sees that punishment is taking place, gleb doesn’t seem to be a wild man, but if you prove your innocence, then you can suffer in freedom, yes, to put it mildly, gleb needs time , to cool down, until he cools down, in prison...
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to humiliate gleba, everything has changed since then, and kolya, he defended me then, didn’t let me know what had changed, he became an irritant, rude, at first i thought it was connected with the fact that he... his first clinic was opening in the lower one, then i began to think that he another one appeared, you know, i think about it, i think, and i’m silent, and i tell them that i’m finally pregnant, you’re pregnant,
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nastya, nastya, you’re a fool, this is happiness. yes, this would be happiness only for that, if not for the current one, i’m even afraid to tell him about it, but don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid of anything now, you don’t understand, an event happened, i don’t even know how to explain it to you, so and what happened, semyon semyonovich left a will, so what in this will, in this will a third of his entire fortune. he leaves why do i need a third of my fortune, wait, you ’re not confusing anything, no, i’m not confusing anything, it’s some kind of nonsense, i don’t understand anything, everyone doesn’t understand, grisha, everyone looks at me as an enemy, you can’t even imagine ,
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what kind of things, what disgusting things they all say to me, tell me, why did he leave all this to me, i don’t understand, you know. “it always seemed to me that semyon semyonovich hates me much more than gleb, because because of me his son could have been killed, and now what happens is that he leaves you a third of his huge fortune, you, my sister, yes, listen, i need to talk to gleb, talk to him, convince me that i ’m innocent.” krish, i want to have an abortion, what did you say? i want to have an abortion, so
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calm down, i was on board and you were killed, we’ll decide everything, in we’ll figure it out, it’s good that you came, come to my philharmonic in the evening,
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okay , yeah, i’ll come, i’ll definitely come. that no one is going to give her a third of the fortune, no matter what is written in this damn will, she will understand and step back, she will understand that you will not stop until you understand the situation. she, you know, she’s not a fighter, she’s not a player,
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someone is using her, and they’re doing it in vain, put pressure on her. she will retreat in tears right away, but i don’t need her to retreat, i want to understand who this someone is, who? i didn’t care about the money, who is this, someone who is interfering with my family, who wants to take what’s mine, that’s what you don’t need money, don’t get excited. gleb semyonovich, grigory zemsky has arrived,
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he’s standing at the gate, go out, wait here, how do you like it, yesterday his sister received funds, out of the blue, today he comes here himself, in person, huh? “i ’ll go now and he’ll explain everything to me, stop, don’t go anywhere, send him away, why, let him tell me everything, i’ll find out everything now, but they won’t find out, only the security will help me, but wait, if he came on his own , that means he knows what he’s doing, he’s prepared now, but you’re not, he made sure that the first move was his, and the move was well thought out, and now you’re going to screw it up”? just send him away, we're not ready yet, come here,
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so, then, you’ll kick him out to hell and tell him that he never came here again, carefully, but seriously, without assault, and tell him, if he’s needed, i’ll find him myself, i got it, i got it, quickly! well, something like this, good morning, good morning, thank you, my gold. yesterday was kind of a wild day, yes, and you were kind of wild yesterday, in a good way,
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no, rather in a bad way, what do you mean? seemed eager to come to me, but when he arrived he started talking about his wife, only yesterday i didn’t really understand something, this is all nastya’s inheritance, now i’ll tell you i’ll tell you everything so that it’s clear, at the same time i’ll remember it better, evdakia savelivna, why does semyon semyonovich include anastasia in his will? well, you see, albino, that no one knows the answer to this question. i'm not sure anastasia doesn't know. but why? she spoke so in her hearts, screamed so much that she didn’t understand. it seems to me that you have to be absolutely sure of the opposite
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in order to accuse a person. mom, you can't be absolutely sure of anything. don’t forget about confession and communion, what are you talking about now, some bad woman is controlling you force. facts, mom, even your father, now he understands me, okay, my dears, that’s it, my dears, after such conversations i somehow don’t want to move to live with you, no,
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wait, you think that we are some kind of... then we're doing us a favor, right? we want you to be with us, to have a close person next to pavrik at such a moment, not some nanny, but you, my mother, this is important, and since you’ve already started talking about me, and you’re quiet, what are you , gleb, what are you talking about, i’m okay, i just thought that you had already finished fooling your grandmother, listen, i wanted to ask, is it possible for me today headmaster should go to the concert, shall we? “she will meet me and bring me back, okay, no, not okay, we have interesting ideas, yesterday you buried your grandfather, she buried a man who for her, well, of course, yes, well, actually the philharmonic is her job, and
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today it will be a concert of an outstanding jazzman, i think, grandfather..." i wouldn’t mind if i went there, pavlush, but this is really a very strange story, well, the day after my grandfather’s funeral, going to a concert and that means , today this is what you will do, hello, hello, kolya, hello, mo... you talked about braces yesterday, when will it be possible to bring pavlik? i think i said quite specifically yesterday, at any moment, everything is ready, if you want, you can today, in 3 hours my son will be with you, that’s it, get ready, i don’t want to get braces for myself, pavlush, a future businessman
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needs dignity and look presentable, what are you saying, what kind of peacock should i make now? before what kind of businessman he will be, that’s right, what he cares about now is that he needs to listen to his parents, but i don’t want to no braces, how will i play the saxophone in them later, why, what kind of saxophone, what kind of fantasy is this, the one that my grandfather gave me, my grandfather gave you a lot of things, but don’t argue with your parents at all, let’s go, yes, that means we’re going let's go, quickly, i said, it will be done, take him to the dentist, and don't piss me off, pavlush, well, maybe you're from...
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hello, hello, twelfth, we're coming to you, is everything correct? yes, that’s right, but the young man’s name is pavel? yes, come on, pashka, you will be handsome, olya, hello, pavel glebovich, hello, they asked me to bring the break, very good, everything is correct, olga nikolaevna, start, sit down. and i ’m waiting for you there, come on, you’re a real man, let’s go forward, forward, forward, forward, now,
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yes, everything was fine, you’re happy with everything, yes, thank you, thank you, say hello to dad, kolya, okay, see you dates. where did you sleep? yes, of course, this is the most important thing now. maybe you can still tell me what happened with my father? don't sigh, but then you'll be beautiful.
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thank you very much, you're welcome, goodbye, see you dates. why she came, i don’t know, she and pavlik are great friends, probably just to support him, maybe just to look at me, did you tell her something, it doesn’t matter, well, of course, it doesn’t matter, but what ’s important is important, that she is now an heiress. look, marry me, what? what
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to do? will you marry me, will you? well, i beg you, please come out. yes. evdakia savelivna, pavlik came back with braces on his teeth, he’s so worried that he didn’t even go to school, maybe... i’ll ask you to go calm him down him, he’s allergic to gleb and me , okay, of course, i’ll calm
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you down, please, please, gleb, please, we decided
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that have a seat, we cannot accept your offer, the amount is too significant for us, the risks, and not only risks, the situation is completely unclear, yes, and what is unclear here, we learned about the will. we won't tell you exactly how we found out, not exactly, not exactly. through lawyers, several lawyers took part in drawing up the will. you made us an offer, we couldn’t help but find out as much as possible. well done, what else did you find out that nastin grigory came to moscow. gleb, we believe that pressure will now be put on you regarding the distribution of semyon semyonovich’s inheritance.
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the plant will have to be postponed for now. wait, what do you mean postpone? to postpone is to lose, i will deal with the inheritance, everything, i repeat, everything, i will control my father’s inheritance alone, so, thank you very much, we will go, no need to say no, nothing has been decided yet, well, no need, i will solve everything with the inheritance, i promise, mom, what kind of lawyers are these, what kind of lawyers who drew up the will, and the contents for... in a row, how could this happen, and this happened, mom, who are they, tell me, i will punish them, mom, can you hear me, can you hear me or not, gleb , pavlik is feeling bad, you’re a simulator, you ’ll go to school tomorrow like a bayonet, i understand, glebushka, well, pavlik is very, very
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bad, yes, gleb semyonovich, grigory has arrived. on styrnoy. hello, gleb. well, shall we go for a ride? come on, let 's go for a ride.
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gleb, please accept my condolences. thank you. i will ask you to drive in silence. i have a passport, check, do you live, where? dima?
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so vladivostok, the airport is nearby, you go there, take a ticket, fly to your vladivostok, i find out that you are staying here, many accidents will arise, i understand, dima, i understand, don’t abuse my good relationship, i just gave you life. so we talked.
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viktor gennadievich, forgive me, please, hello, i’m looking for you everywhere, wait, i can’t deal with tickets too, it’s a lot, dear nastya, you’re an excellent organizer, that’s why we decided to add to the bouquet of your responsibilities, i won’t have time, you’ll have time, you're great, thank you. something happened? yes, it happened. lord, what? with the clinic, you are very caring, nastya, what are they playing? ray charles? did you come here to listen to music? yes, yes, listen.
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what happened? “i’m leaving you, i’ve decided everything, that’s it, forgive me, i love someone else, what wait, are you kidding, i’m leaving you, especially since my dad took care of you in advance, we’ll leave you a fortune, this is a fortune, this is tears from they just need it." no, no, i ’m leaving the inheritance has nothing to do with it, i decided everything a long time ago, i love someone else, it’s just that now i it became easier to tell you about this after dad took care of you, goodbye.
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i could always live without denying myself anything, but for other people’s money, and i always dreamed of using my own. and this time has now come, if i were not a doctor, i would not have met you, i am happy that you are with me, you are my freedom, i adore you, ol, i love you, and i want us to be together, i i realized it, you only
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realized it now, oh, taxi, let’s go, i’ve already arrived, come out, nastya, what happened? kolya left me, this is my clinic! this is your clinic, i have drawn up documents for yours name as the head doctor of this clinic, do you agree? is this your surprise? yes, do you agree? yes, let's go home! how are you doing?
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yes, okay, i want to go to nizhny novgorod, talk to people there, go to the plant where the director once was, this is a testament. that’s right, i think so too, you know, i want to use your share of the inheritance in order to improve relations with gleb, wait, this is how you trust me, of course i trust, everything is so mysterious, where are we going, i’m shocked, pinch me me, i'm sleeping. you you’re not sleeping, this is our home with you, yes, i’m probably still sleeping, you’re not sleeping, wait, i ’m hungry, you can eat this, of course.
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olya, i felt like the artist of our life with you, your dissertations and your two new roles, yeah, the head doctor in my clinic and my wife, i realized a long time ago that we should have a family business, people who care for each other and trust each other as for ourselves, i began to be your wife. yes, that is, you and doubles. olya, i ask you, don’t talk about this today, 100%, they will want to take away your share. for this i do everything, i want you to secure, if you make me your
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confidant, then i can use kozyre’s shares in negotiations with gleb, if you agree, then you will need to sign the papers at the notary, of course i agree, nastya, nikolai, i ask you, don’t joke with me like that, you tell me that i am your wife, and i believe you, but we will return to moscow, everything will be the same, i understand that you have an impulse and all that, no need to rush with words, i’m already with you, well, firstly, we will not return anywhere, and secondly, i’m already with you, i have... this not enough, because i love you and want
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you to always be with me, you are serious, serious, but that’s all i have, i ’ll call you in front of you, answer, i don’t want to talk to him, i have nothing to talk about, answer . “hello, hello, anastasia, hello, it’s me, i don’t want to drag out our divorce issue, so i ask you to come to our office the day after tomorrow at 10:00 am, you know, i’m opening a clinic and now i will permanently reside in nizhny novgorod, so i want to fly to moscow one day to end this formality, he wants me tomorrow.” tell him you're pregnant
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tell me, kohl, i’m pregnant, kohl, look what you’re doing, why were you silent about it, i ’ll call you back. calm down, calm down, listen to me carefully, firstly, he won’t go anywhere, he’ll get mad and come back, and secondly, if we look at the situation from a legal point of view, then according to the law, we can’t divorce you and me so quickly, so dear my sister, you cannot be abandoned so easily. should i give you a ride?
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no, i’ll go, he’s waiting. okay, see you later, bye. now where, grisha, will we go to nizhny novgorod? wow. what's wrong with the boy? some kind of intoxication, perhaps there is a temperature? yes, 38.6, what did you eat, remember? anything not fresh? yes, i haven’t eaten anything like that, are there any food allergies? no, clearly. well, my dear, you and i need to drive along now, can you get up? yes,
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do you need a stretcher? no, come on, alusha, lord, you can come with us, okay. here, well, that's it, that's it, that's it, let's go, let's sit down, sit down, eat, let's go!
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nothing bothers me. bmw in moscow is still attached. there's a dirt road ahead, let's check there anyway, come on.
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just like that! kolya, hello, hello, yes, albin, sorry about that
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it’s late, pavlik got sick, i don’t know what’s wrong with him, i arrived soon, he got out of bed and immediately fell, oh my god, they took him to the hospital, can i? talk, i need to consult, nikolai left me, he said that he was getting a divorce, he left, is he crazy, i can’t talk anymore, i understood everything, thank you albina, pashka, pashka. yes, gleb, how are you doing? fine. we arrived here and woke everyone up. pavlik is being examined, and i’m waiting for him. hollya. gleb, i called them. nikolai, i wanted to ask for help
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with doctors. gleb, he's getting a divorce. yes i i knew this, money is leaving the family, listen, why are you telling me this now, that i think that the child has appendicitis and the boy needs it. operation, when immediately, natya, you need to read it here, sign your consent to the operation, right here, i agree, clamp, tampon, tweezers, pressure 121 over 85, pulse 63,
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i would like to talk to those with whom he worked . thank you.
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gleb. gleb, listen, i couldn’t help but come, he’ll handle it better, our pasha will handle it, i brought a record player to his room, his favorite records, thank you. "if it weren't for semyon semenovich, then our plant simply wouldn’t exist anymore, but people gave their lives for it, i ’m not speaking figuratively, during
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construction, reconstruction, when they launched an experimental line, people were faced with tasks that required self-sacrifice from them, this is our pain, our secret, if you want, but how could it be otherwise, you can’t build such a colossus according to the instructions, when in the nineties on...” i knew about kazantsev for a long time, but my grandmother and sister told us that they were geologists and died in an expedition to tianshan and you are nothing
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don’t confuse what’s wrong with my son, doctor, please sit down, excuse me, i’m still on my feet all night. i said the reason is intoxication. this is an inflammatory process in the child’s body, its source has not yet been found, there was a suspicion of peritonitis, but this suspicion was not confirmed, appendicitis turned out to be an erroneous diagnosis, we will continue to monitor pavel, but what strange things to say, doctor, huh? take tests and, so to speak, keep your finger on the pulse, it is likely that the body itself will cope with this problem. you're not tired of talking, man, as soon as
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my son gets better, i 'll take him away from here, you fucking theorist. you’re here again, batman, there’s a conversation, no agreement, in the car, sit down, thank you, i’m not offering tea, time is
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running out, i’m listening to you, i’m really very guilty of you, i realize it, but now i swear, i’m i didn’t know anything about this setup, i was scammed, grisha. i thought you were smarter. okay, i'm an idiot. but i want to enter your business, i want to be useful to you. you know my potential. you're drunk, right? gleb, come on let's forget the old. i did not come to you empty -handed. i came to you with nastya’s share. my sister agrees. so that's why you came? are you offering me a business for my money? you know? the will will come into force only in six months, and during this time anything can happen, get out of here, be you
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human, don’t you really want to know why semyon semyonovich, why your father left a share in nastya’s inheritance, why this is a wise act of repentance , this is the exam to which he sent us from the other world, an exam, yes. with of the other world, you and i must pass this exam with flying colors, semyon semyonovich, ira, yes, coffee. i’ll do it alone, igor here, now, igor, escort grigory to the entrance and speed up, yeah, let’s go.
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good afternoon, please, i ask you, neli, ulad, swear, i will be brief, gleb, nothing personal, nothing personal, only my wife and i suddenly became unpleasant with the very fact of involving us in your family criminal showdown, we know what methods you you use to solve problems. this is terrible gleb, we passed, sorry, what are you talking about, what, what methods, we we can’t help you, gleb, i’m sorry, no offense, gleb.
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the money is leaving. our father, and thou art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, as in heaven on earth, give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors ,
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and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one, for yours is the kingdom of power and glory forever and ever, amen, yes, you have already answered, who is it? it’s my boss calling, i don’t even know what to tell her. "great, well, let's go, i need to call now, hello, nastya, hello, yes, grisha, my dear, hello, how did you get there, yes, okay, well, let's meet today, everything is in force, yes, let's meet,
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just not today, we're all in..." hospital, pavlik has surgery again , everything is so bad, yes, his life is in danger, lord, help, lord, help us all, nastya, i ’ll call you tomorrow then, hug you, bye, plans change, uh-huh, hang in there, at the bottom, for old times’ sake let’s go, let’s go , you brought caviar, what’s all the caviar for? otherwise, wow, this is what i understand, denmark is the east, come on, let’s go, let’s go, so what, the kingdom of heaven, semyon, today is not just a day, not just a date, six months since the death of my husband, your father, but
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today everyone who... is indicated in the will can go to a notary and receive a certificate of inheritance. mom, i ask you, don’t talk about this right to inheritance today, i need to go to the hospital, alya and nastya are waiting for me there, nastya, so what? well done, look what an eagle, now we’ll give you an injection, let’s go. pavlik was taken to surgery. oh my god, i
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believed in god. i believe that the lord will help my son. six months in the hospital. doctors sanatorium, nothing is clear, lord, i ask you, help my son, everything will be fine, it can’t be any other way, lord, save my pavlik, lord, help him, lord, save and preserve, most holy theotokos, save and have mercy, god help my son, i believe that... you hear, i lived in anger, suspicion of people, i repent, lord, everything for which i fought so much, for which i strived so much, was eager, i am ready to give up my mind without hesitation, as long as my son recovers,
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stays alive, clamp, tweezers. light, light, here, yes, we need a magnifying glass, a unique case, here we go, we need to deal with it, sew it up, process it. to the intensive care unit, that nastya, the pushing has become very strong lately, god, i wish i could give birth soon, it’s hard to go, how
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happy you are, really, nastya, just a second, come here, everything’s fine, kolya, here he is, well stand. gleb, have you collapsed, why did you bring him here, i didn’t expect this from you, are you even thinking, why are you yelling that gleb, you understand, he would have come anyway, that’s why i brought him, take him away from here , i just came to support her, her you can’t make her nervous now, you understand, wait, let me talk to her, i haven’t seen her for six months, i want to talk to her,
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write, as a result of the operation , a fragment of the tip was discovered in the storage of the acidic lining of the intestine. presumably a dental instrument, what caused the liver injury? time, date. hello, excuse me, again out of the blue
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, without a call, come on in. the operation was successful, god, the cause of pavlik’s illness is clear, six months ago, maybe a little earlier. during dental procedure, the boy swallowed a broken tip of the instrument. the doctor did not notice this; the tip got stuck in a fold of the intestinal trace. pierced her and
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wounded her liver, well, thank god, the boy will live, and the worst is over, but god, we are obliged to conduct an official investigation into this incident, tell me what kind of procedure it was about six months ago, and do you know who carried out it , oh you scum, bastard, this is gleb, but it’s all because of you, kolya? "i'll put you all in jail, stop it, help, stop, nastya, girl.
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thank you, why is everything not like other people with you? i hate you. stay here. kolya! “your career has come to an end, how could you allow this to happen to pavlik, what are you talking about, you ’re so untalented, all these years i’ve been trying to make you a friend, a doctor, an ally, and you ’ve crossed everything, quietly, you’re a freak, i ’ll kill you, just a little bit, just a little bit more, so breathe, breathe, i can’t take it anymore, so put out, put out,
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yes, calm down, calm down, how can i calm down when a new boy swallowed a piece of the probe when she was putting braces on him, i was in the hospital for six months that i didn’t die, but it’s my fault, it’s my fault for what happened to the boy, but it was an accident, do you understand that? just remember, remember this day when i got these damn braces, remember how you and i lived, remember your enthusiastic chatter, what you told me, what you promised me, where are you now, since, who are you with now , you decided to become a hero, to fight for the boy. with me, that is, let me go, you
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’re a bastard, you’re a bastard, you’ll stay like that, i have nothing to say to you, olya, find something better words for his wife, for nastya, yes. “ it took me a while to get to the bottom of the truth, our parents died, not somewhere out there , neshans, but here in nizhny novgorod at the chemical combine, during an experiment that was initiated by semyon semyonovich kazantsev, so your father kolya was involved in the death of our parents, so and the whole secret of this strange will, so semyon semyonovich kazantsev
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was a decent person, that’s all, god, how simple it is, now it’s clear why dad was so happy when we met. nastya got married, oh,
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gleb, forgive me, please, gleb, i’m on my way, my son was born. wait, wait. here are the documents in which everything i talked about, tell gleb, and congratulations on the birth of your son.
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hello hello! katya, katya, stop, hello, teska, and who are we running away from, there’s cola, i’m afraid, okay, hello, katya, yes, everything’s fine, tell me, katya, can you count, yeah, only up to ten, up to ten, you're so smart, then this is for you. it smells delicious, yeah, let's count the flowers inside, let's go, jump, let's go,
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please remember in detail what your child ate yesterday, hello, i can’t get into a vein, i’ll go. it hurts so much, but turn on your left side. uh-huh, well , there is obvious appendicitis, you have doubts, don’t rush, i’m right now, his stomach is tense, but not dense, and yellowness in his eyes, what do you
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think, there’s colic there, i thought so too, but hers is so obvious it hurts on the right side, but it’s small, it’s easy to make a mistake, we... now we’ll take blood, everything will be clear, after the repairs of the second department, come in, come in, just quickly, come on in, i hope, hopefully, stop worrying, please, i hope that everything is clear to everyone, as always, in the summer we will go on vacation... the best doctors, for example, dr. petrov, i respect you, well done, the ambulance is being brought with appendicitis, the operating rooms are already ready, and dr. petrov doubts the diagnosis, he paid attention to the sclera,
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checked the symptoms, and that we have hepatitis, and it is still unknown why she... they’re not ready, why they’re not ready, they’re ready, belerrubin is high, well, well , does this mean it is? only further confirmation of the possible the correctness of dr. petrov, i praise you, dr. petrov, yes, only if he had diagnosed it himself, again you stuck your nose in, do you remember that you are just a laboratory doctor, i remember that i am a pediatrician, vitaly vitalievich, do you remember? just about now, maybe it’s high time to change places, petrov to the laboratory, kruglov, reception, okay,
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okay, talk, i’ll figure out who to change places with whom, who to send where, petrov is a young specialist, he needs to gain experience, and where do you think he should get enough? experience, if not in the emergency department, i asked you, sir, i asked you , please be patient for six months, but no. i have a laboratory assistant, so it’s been a year and a half, and i was not assigned to you as a laboratory assistant at all, who are you arguing with, but that’s all, this, this, this is all already decided, and we won’t change anything, where are you going? , sorry, no time, stop immediately, where are you going, we have a meeting with the chief physician, and you still know how many glasses i need to look at. completely blossomed, katyusha,
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hello, why are you so early, how early, k i was in a hurry, you know how time drags on, i missed you. that katyusha, well, forgive me, tonight you will have to be alone, my boss urgently calls me, there is a project that needs to be redone, he actually grabbed me like that, katyusha, don’t be offended, okay, just today, you remember, i have a girlfriend tomorrow he’s coming for just one day, we ’re expecting you and the girls tomorrow. i adore you for your understanding, the fourth arrives,
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aunt, katya, you will teach me to dance, dance, and my mother said that you can tap dance, it was, it was, well it was. is this it was 1.0 years ago, well, it was, you’ll teach me, you ’re my friend, yes, of course, my friend, now we’ll come home, relax, eat and dance, girls, this is ours, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on , we had time, well, tell me, how did you relax, like the sea? listen, it’s great, in general it’s great, yeah, the people
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were so cool, but also roman, who was planned, what are you talking about, yeah, great, and tanya had enough entertainment, yes, tanya, tell me, well, in general, how are you about tanya’s father, yeah, no, he didn’t show up, but alimony, yes what kind of alimony, he didn’t even show up to court. come on, we’ll break through, we’ll break through and we’ll live as i said for you, that is, you are my beloved miracle. everything, bravo, great, aunt katya, super, i
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liked it, dance again, okay, daughter, that’s it, it’s time to go to bed, let’s go to bed, good night, good night, so don’t wait for grisha, he probably won’t come anymore , completely overworked, lucky for him, otherwise he would have... so when is the wedding? oh, tom, this question is not at all complicated, yes, katyusha, well , you know how much i love you. "you are very important to me close dear person, i don’t like you, well, why is he hiding from us, i don’t know about that, but it seems like he’s not hiding, well, that’s exactly what it seems, and don’t look at me like that, remember how i with igor it all started with the color of candy, and how did it end, you know, i’m tired of all
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this stupidity, eternal waiting, sinning? i’m waiting, i’m waiting for work, i’m still waiting, i’m waiting, but i need to live here now, oh, a good toast is ripe , here now he’s leaving for the fourth quarter, katyusha, don’t be sad, next year we’ll go to the south again for a day, we’ll drop by for a day, tamar, well, not enough a day, well, at least for a week, my dear, i’d be glad, well, just work, you understand, look, he had time, look, look, at least he’s leaving,
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“let’s go there, that’s it, girls, that’s it, let’s , let's get on the train, otherwise we'll be late, come on, come on, katyusha, come on, honey, oh, bye, bye, my dear, katyusha, katyusha, don't think nonsense, maybe it's a mistake, what a mistake, he was even afraid to look at me, girls, the train is leaving, come on , listen, you figure it all out anyway, okay, i promise, i promise, and also, i’m waiting for you, remember this, my dear, no matter what happens, there is somewhere to live, we will find you a job, and there will be even better suitors, believe me, that’s all, my dear. i love you, i
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love you, be careful, close the doors, everything will be fine, you hear, everything will be fine, i’m waiting for you. kat, kat, kat, kat, well, wait, well , wait, please listen, i, listen, i want to explain everything, i don’t need to explain anything, everything is clear to me, kat, just wait, well, wait , please, well
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, listen to me, well, i, i, i understand, everything is not simple and yes, i’m married, well, really, that’s it, we we're getting a divorce, that's what i thought, kat, kat , well, well, why are you doing this, well, well, well, look at me, listen, kat, well, well, believe me, it's true, it's all over for me, for me there daughter, i couldn’t just do it right away, daughter, that’s why you deceived me, and screw her too.
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what are you saying, ekaterina vasilyevna kruglova, what a vacation, in the spring, what are you saying, we’re doing it on purpose. you smart, beautiful girl was moved to the summer, it was so long ago, vitaly vitalievich, and then, well, a trip to turkey came up quite by accident. you already bought a new swimsuit, okay, go!
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“excuse me, please, you won’t give me a lift to the city, to the city, in my opinion, where to the city, on sverdlov street, although i don’t know where it is, well, actually it’s a bit far, i ’ll pay whatever you say, yes ok, i’ll pay right away, i’ll pay, in case you don’t have enough money, i’m kidding, give me your bag, i ’ll put it in the back seat, i usually don’t take much,
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well, let’s go, yes, this is actually your car, well ? in a way, mine, which means in a way, don’t worry, i know how to drive. are there any doubts? there is. everything is working.
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are you coming to us for work or relaxation?
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to the city, there are wild boars here, by the way. sorry too, they just didn’t meet me, and i’m worried. be careful, dog.
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forgive me, but it’s okay, everything is fine, i’m sergey. katya, very nice, my name is ivan, you can vanya, masha, not bad, zoya, zoya i haven’t been there yet, ninel, ninka, or something, look at rtr, you need a girl, a good one and get married, how can you decide, he not a good girl, but a pretty girl with a funny
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little joke. thinking girl, maybe it's me this ideal is, let's go to the tax office tomorrow. masha , again, is still there, but she’s different, she’s so responsible, reasonable, modest, i’m a serious girl, i don’t need pampering, with your character zoya is needed, look closely, nothing hurts, it hurts, it hurts here, why do we need you you're fooling your head, what kind of joke is this , limit check? i'll take it and get married on monday at prt. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer. the order is ready. explore. nature, mother, dear, simple.
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incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers, try it, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, yours went that he was joking now or hasn’t received it in buban for a long time, she tells everyone, you're like her boyfriend, marry her
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got ready for you. are you a movie star or are you not a man who is responsible for your words? ugly love on friday on rtr, i have a very good intuition and i hope it won’t let me down, i’m confused.
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yeah, how much do i owe you? the whole wallet with money, but i’m kidding, they shouldn’t at all, invite me for tea, oh, you know, it’s somehow not very convenient, i’m visiting. arrived, well, yes, let me at least help you with your bag, or what? no need, thank you, really, i’m myself, i’m starting to act, yes, what’s your name, me too, why are you looking, the car isn’t broken or something? i saw, great, great, i haven’t
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seen bosses for a long time who drive to the station in a watchman’s car, what is such an important task that there is no one to entrust, are you the boss or who? i felt that i needed to go today myself, i wasn’t mistaken, why aren’t you sleeping, you’re still under guard, but i decided to do a walk around the territory just in case, children’s things, why do you need so much, you have so many children in the house if you don’t find it, i can’t find it, you can find it in another house, take it to the orphanage tomorrow, just quietly.
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sorry, i probably didn't get there. when 3 days ago, and tanya?
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“i was running around on calls, the car broke down, so she went on foot to a distant area, the donik got wet, she coughed for 2 days, then a hurricane filled her lungs, we didn’t even have time to arrive, she was waiting for you, she told you, they couldn’t reach the river for 3 days.” calm down , i haven’t slept for 3 days, and you ’ve been coming to us for a long time, let’s
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figure it out somehow in this situation, i was going to launch, but igor knows, tannin, dad, we don’t even know where he is or how to look for him, she’s already ..." is sleeping, let me take her to bed, security has been putting pressure on us for 2 days, according to the law, tanya you have to give it to your grandfather, but we have a conscience. it’s not enough, somehow we managed to agree not to disturb the child with questions for at least a couple of days, but what next? what's next? the apartment will be sealed, but
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i probably won’t give the baby to an orphanage, i’ll stay with her, that would be good, at least for two weeks. but what can i say so directly, my best friend, almost a member of the family, and we will take care of our father. he’s not drunk, he’s been lying there for a long time, maybe 10 minutes, but
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move away, you want to fuck yourself, look, you can say your first and middle name, and raise your hand up, and stick out your tongue, stick out your tongue, you have a head it hurts, the battery is low, can you hear me, don’t close your eyes. good afternoon, what happened, the man is feeling bad, he’s having a stroke here , minutes are counting, please, urgently go to the intensive care unit, let him prepare the tv. i’m tired, tanyush, please forgive me, i had to help the man, you’re great, how long ago did this happen, we found him about 20 minutes ago, that is, the attack happened right before your eyes, well, practically, he was lying on the street. i mean, on the street, were you just walking by, and you often approach
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people lying on the street, always, well then he twice lucky, twice that you were just passing by, and that you understand this, professionally, well done, listen, apparently, you’ll be staying here for more than one day, my offer may be a little strange, but maybe you’ll work for us , we have three free positions here in the ambulance, and the guys will only be happy if you unload them, i somehow didn’t think about it, i need to resolve issues with tanya, well, we’ll organize the duty taking into account tanya, and oh, how you will need the money, yes, but i don’t even have a diploma with me, nothing at all except a passport. oh, yes, this is a formality, i’ll sort it all out,
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agree, you always need money, i thought, tanyosha and i will consult, think, think, well, try to figure it out without me, that you’re like little children, i’ll be there soon, that’s it, let’s use our brains , bye. well, how is the patient? thank you, i was saved only thanks to your help. my pleasure? well, let me give you a ride home, i’ll give the girls a lift, i remember the address. katya, it’s good that you haven’t left yet. good afternoon. good afternoon. come see me for a second, i need to clear up some formalities. tanyush, we need more stay a little longer, thank you very much.
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bye, i understand. tanyusha, my little one, what are you doing, katya, i’m scared, i want to go to my mother, come to me, come to me. well, what are you talking about, i’m with you, let
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’s think of something good, come on, if you want to go to the store tomorrow, let’s buy something, you promised to teach me how to tap dance, you’ll teach me, i’ll teach you, for sure, now, now, come on, get it then my gift. down with the carpet, let's roll it up, come on, come on, tanyukh, oops! ready, uh-huh, come on,
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this? i, well, you, my smart girl, do you think they transferred all the neighbors, come on, ready, yeah, you’ll get the medicine from my warehouse, yeah. the rest is a call, then you will need to hand in your call card to the dispatcher, well, have you met the farm? yes, valentin nikolaevich, we don’t have much here, everything is compact, i’ll go, yes, thank you, how do you like your new job, the people are cheerful, friendly, tamaru remembers how the baby is,
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the baby doesn’t fall asleep without me at all, she eats very poorly . you know, very little stress says, well, nothing, over time it will subside, how to survive just this time, kruglova, challenge, well, look, my first challenge, good luck, come and see me later, if you have a minute, that the new favorite, do you approve or condemn, i think that we are with you. we are adults, and let’s not remember something that ended a long time ago, or do you think differently, well, it’s already 160, but it’s good that it’s falling slowly,
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you can’t bring down the pressure quickly, thank you, thank you, baby, but i feel it how it’s already letting go, ah... uh-huh, oh, and you seem to have recently us, you’re right, actually, i’m a pediatrician, i’ve been in the emergency room for a long time, but no, recently, today is the first day, don’t be embarrassed, don’t be embarrassed, i’m an experienced patient, you can see right away, the eye is accurate, the vein is hit, the arm is full, thank god, a professional has arrived, yes, okay, i understand, i’m waiting, yeah, the driver called, my petrovich, there’s a line at the gas station, oh , it’s good, you and i are having some tea right now, no tea, i ’ll go now, no, no, no, baby, no, no, no, this is not human, somehow, oh, and you
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tell me that is it that you, young, beautiful, and so skillful, have taken us away? ambulances, let me help you, actually, i live in another city, so i came on vacation, there was a misfortune with a friend, well, in general, it’s a long story, for my husband, no, i haven’t had time yet, well, don’t rush, don’t rush, among the local suitors i know only one good one, help yourself, homey, yes, i haven’t eaten for 100 years, can i have another one for my driver petrovich? oh, yes, of course, take everything. thanks a lot. you, katerina vasilievna, don’t swear, everyone managed to gather at the gas station. five cars are all ambulances. we had to take
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turns. this has never happened before. it’s good, at least there’s silence on the radio. it's true. now to the base, yeah but they treated us to cookies, yes, you were lucky, in such a house they got used to it, what a beautiful girl came to us in an ambulance today, and she was so polite, mom, that’s enough, but i already understand where you are going, and why am i getting at it, the staff at the substation is just growing in my eyes, that's what i mean, yes, of course, of course. if you want, let's hire her as a family doctor, well, since you like it so much, oh, two higher educations, but still not smart enough, a family doctor needs a family. and what kind of family do you and i have, no grandchildren, no fiancee for you,
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even, mom, there are a lot of brides, but these brides are of no use, they call you don joan behind your back, soon i won’t even be able to help your reputation, well, with your reputation, i ’ll sort it out myself, mom, but i think i found a good girl. “soon i’ll bring you home myself, to bow to you, to give you fertilizer, well , you’re a buffoon, you’re a buffoon, seryozha, and the girls perceive you as a buffoon and a clown, you bring circus performers into your house, seryozha, well, at least once mother, listen, but i have an eye diamond, mom, how i love you, thank you! thousand i haven’t been out like this for years, i’m glad how
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tanya is, tamara often remembers, she cries every day, igor still doesn’t show up, time is running out, let’s find igor, the police promised me, i need to go see them, why the hell is he asking about me, well ... of course, you are now a famous person throughout the city, i don’t even know what i’ll do now when you leave, you know, you’re still kidding, you’re not leaving, i ’m afraid to even make plans 2 days in advance, so let everything go as it goes, the main thing is tanyusha, but i really need to go home go away from work, quit your job, pick up your documents, yes, okay, i’ll try to replace you. you’ll get it done in a week, of course, god, at least there’s some light, thank you, oops.
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so, well, that’s it, my passport, here it is, my passport, i left you, i’m not leaving you either, i’m leaving . well, what are you doing, mom, i’m never alone
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for just a couple of days for documents, this is very important, but what’s the light of you she’ll take you to kindergarten, then you’ll spend the night with her, you like to visit them, but we ’ll go to the park, to the cinema, i don’t want to go to the cinema, don’t leave. tanya, i can’t, i i really need it, then take me with you, tanyukha, you know how far it is, my mother and i traveled far, maybe you’ll go together. tanyukh, you're not cold, okay, the car
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will be there in 5 minutes, okay, hold on, but valentin won't stop by, and valentin will say hi, he's very busy, i understand, well, girls, i ran, good luck on the road, sweeties, goodbye, light , thanks for all. bye, well, we 've been waiting for 5 minutes, that's luck, when i get ready to go somewhere, i'll meet you, hello, young lady, hello, should i take you somewhere, no, thank you, here we are already, what about the bag? it will help, it’s not true, it’s unnecessary, there’s someone to take care of us, yes, oh, just a minute,
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hello, come on. get in, katya, wait, hold you, how pretty, this is for you, they took it last time, thank you, tanya, well, i hope, see you soon.
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“please, documents, don’t worry now, you are a relative of this girl, no, i’m a friend, her mother, what happened, let’s go to the department, i can’t, we’re late for the train, citizen, i’m detaining you until the circumstances are clarified, you it's clear?" "i'll go myself let's go, i'll just check the documents, everything is fine, your employees are strange, first a signal comes from you, a woman stole a child, then from you a crowd comes for her in a couple of hours, i didn't understand what the signal was, there was a call from the ambulance, it can't be, so maybe
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a woman’s voice nervously said something about the child, okay, do it yourself. figure it out, is there anyone to woo the girl, or invite social services, no, no need to invite anyone, we can handle it ourselves, thank you for not making a fuss, well, if anything happens, call, no, it’s better if you come to us, well, everything is fine, yes , you can go, yeah, but only one. katyusha, don’t worry, i’ll look after you, i’ll come back, you believe me, i believe you, that’s it, girls, we have to go, i’m very grateful to you, but don’t think about anything,
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i’m with you. come back soon, thank you, goodbye, katyushenka, yes, what is this, and first you with this vacation, unplanned, mind you...
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but i need to go, round, my dear, well, what do you need, well, tell me, well what, a personal driver for you, well, a free schedule for visiting work, well, why are you bargaining, but i’m not bargaining, well, sign these documents for me, i’m leaving, forever, that everything is so serious, it’s about the fate of a little girl, i thought that you at least found a worthwhile man, vitaly vitalievich, okay, tomorrow by noon.
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you will get everything, thank you, keep it in mind, katya, if you ever want to come back. “i will definitely accept you, yes, vitalievich, thank you, yes, okay, go ahead, otherwise i’ll persuade you to stay, well,
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hello, good afternoon, oh, hello, hello, why are you here? wait, wait, kast , stop it, don’t be a fool, what do you mean, why did you leave silently, silently? i arrived, by the way, i’m getting a divorce, and you don’t even know, and i’m not interested, i’m leaving, wait, wait, what do you mean, not interesting, but i’m wondering where you’re going again, to whom, and what difference does it make to you, well, wait , well, let's get married just like you wanted. i don’t want to marry you, grisha, listen, wait, what do you mean i don’t want to, katya, well grisha, i have a beloved man and daughter in another city
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, what are you talking about, and which man is in which city, and by the way, i’m from - i’m getting a divorce for you, what a daughter, 2 weeks have passed! who are you anyway? needed? say thank you for having me. fool, you grisha, excuse me, of course, you yourself, you fool, will come running later, you fool. number 25. katya, hello, and tanya, where is she and valentin? tanya was taken to an orphanage, straight from kindergarten, i couldn’t do anything, the apartment hadn’t been sealed yet, but i think that in
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the near future, i understood, listen, light, then i’ll quickly go to the orphanage, i beg you with sort things out, please, okay, of course, of course. “i’ll tell you straight, i don’t want you to instill false hope in the child, you you see, no, i don’t understand you, i’m, of course, not her mother, but believe me, i’m a very close person to her, and she has no one closer to me at all, but that’s the point, but you’re a doctor, you’re studied psychology, you must understand such things, you must have some kind of personal experience, in the end, but what does the doctor’s experience have to do with it, i don’t understand, okay, i’ll explain to you, after the misfortune happened with tanya’s mother, you actually created a child for...
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the job is, you know, to assume, and not to have your head in the clouds and dream, that's why i i assume that danya’s father may not be alive, he could have gone abroad, he could have changed his last name, anything, why are you doing all this, and besides, in this case the girl will remain until adulthood, a ward of the state here you in an orphanage, it doesn’t matter with us or not with us, okay, then i’ll adopt her right now, but it would be good if that’s the case, only until the issue with tanya’s father is resolved, no one will give her up for adoption, this is firstly, but also secondly... tell me why you even have you decided that they will give her to you as a daughter? are you married? no, you have a place to live, i have a job. i know you have work to do. i even know that you are a good doctor, but you don’t even have
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a residence permit. no. darling, you are an adult . you must understand such things until you can give to the child. it’s not clear that as long as you behave like this, i won’t allow you to meet, i understand, i understand, calm down, let’s go, tan, did you leave me? tanyush, i will never
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leave you. don't leave me please, i want home. i know, my little one. i will definitely take you away from here. i just need to collect all the documents and find your dad. i ate something today, i don’t want to eat, but if you want i ’ll bring you something tasty, i don’t know, bring me the doll that my uncle gave me, i’ll definitely bring it, tanya, you just eat, do you hear? katya, i will wait for you every day! hello,
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well, finally, i missed you, tell me that nothing could be done at all, what are you talking about, listen, well, i tried to persuade my conscience, well , it seems to them that you are targeting the apartment, lord, what stupidity, you couldn’t vouch for me. or in the end , don’t give tanya away, but everyone in the city knows you, kai, it seems to me that you are tired, you need to lie down, rest a little, and rest tomorrow, yes, you saw tanya, okay, i’m sorry, i’m nothing but problems for you i create, “i need
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to resolve the housing issue, there is a dormitory in the hospital, listen, i’ve long wanted to tell you, why do you need a dormitory, come live with me, that’s all, i thought it would be better if we live together , what is this ornate hand proposal and hearts"? "this is just a proposal for now, do you agree? not now, i’m pleased, but i need to think, yes, think about what to do with tanya, the children will take her away, what have you got to do with it, we need to look for my father, and if he’s not found.” “the director
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of the orphanage painted such gloomy pictures for me , if igor is not found, then they may not give her away at all, do you understand? katya, do you seriously, seriously want to take her, adopt her? yes, but what other options are there? well, i don’t know, you can visit tanyusha, after all, it’s not at all necessary to adopt her, but what can you do? katya, this is not my child, that’s all, well , wait, then, someday, over time , you and i will have children, our children, now is the time for me to lead. and
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some department for you, well, it’s just not the time now, you know, i understand, thank you, thank you for what you value so highly, for the prospects, okay, let’s be real, what can be solved with the hostel? are you refusing me? yes, but you don't seem used to it. well, now you understand that i can’t help you with housing or work, you’re firing me,
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you’re being dishonest, right? but frankly, you're lucky, what?
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nikolaevich, yes, i want to tell you, you are a good doctor, but a bad person, right. colleague, let's observe basic subordination, subordination, i ask you, no, i demand that you immediately solve all the problems of the round-tripper, regarding the job in which you persuaded her, regarding the hostel, otherwise, what else, otherwise i i’ll go to the health center, a lot of people are holding me back, so, well, just don’t make threats, the question is being resolved, why did you decide that i’m not doing this, yeah, so, that means we are now
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let’s have some tea and go to the hr department, and get a warrant for the hostel, that’s right, i ’ll call there now. “i don’t understand anything, there’s something wrong here, you need to go to the hospital for an examination, a diagnosis, but what kind of diagnosis, but old age, that’s my diagnosis, don’t worry, katyusha, he’ll let you go now, you and i will drink tea now, no, no, no, no tables, you will be lying down now, when the family returns, in about 40 minutes, that ’s great, i have the last call for today, that i will sit with you, oh, but i’m already feeling better, tatyana ivanovna, i'll cover it now table, it’s better to get to know each other at the table, tea, what, yes, who to meet, so we’ll get to know you, katya, i
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don’t know anything about you, except that you’ve only recently arrived with us, so why tell about me? “alone, my mother has been gone for a long time, my fiancé turned out to be an ordinary bastard, my friend was like a sister, and she passed away recently, and how do you cope with all this, work saves you, but not very well, you won’t believe it, i dance.” step, i dance because you can’t feel sorry for yourself, step? oh, i ’ve been dreaming all my life, a winter evening at the garakh, what kind of mood do you think, but can i
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learning, easy, i even have a little girl dancing, really, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on... ready 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 times 6 7 8 no, wait again, pubs, pubs, look like this. tatyana ivanovna, in my opinion, you forgot why you called me, whoever had high blood pressure now, the pressure was, well , why should i now sit in a chair and wait for death, it was and is gone, come on! once again, once again, yes, come on, pubs, pubs, hello, you can’t
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do this to her, katya, i’m sorry, i can’t in a different way, i have a completely different life now, but i can’t explain it, i can’t tell my nuances, nuances, but how do you like this nuance, with the father alive, the child will have to live in the orphanage, god, katya, i’ll soon have a child, my wife will seven months, a difficult pregnancy, and hello to her, we have your consent, without it they won’t give the child away, or even better, let’s
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take her now, then all the social security questions, god, katya, i already told you that i don’t i can just take it and acknowledge it, you know, no, i don’t understand, yes in my life maybe everything will change so much that i won’t be happy later, you said there... tomka still has the apartment, yes, but it’s sealed, let’s do it this way, i’ll talk to my wife, carefully, mainly about the apartment, but then, well, maybe then she, we’ll meet halfway, what are you talking about now, your own daughter is in an orphanage. this is about the apartment, in general, i said my word, it’s
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not far to get here, if anything happens, i’ll call you the day after tomorrow. listen, vasilyovich, i ’ll look at these papers this evening, okay, sergei vladimovich, he there is no ruble, everything is strictly according to the estimate, and this is when you have to pay, well, i understand, tomorrow we will decide everything, be healthy, oh, how lucky i am, hello, you again, hello, why are you following me, of course , i don’t have anything else to do, and you’re here for... yes, you, and i ’m helping to do repairs here, you’re in town, uh-huh,
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i’ll let you down, or as usual, today i ’ll agree, i’m lucky, please! the car is not yours again, no, the car is mine, the automatic transmission, the handle is here, where to take you, to the hospital, you work there, yes, i wanted to thank you for the doll, tanya doesn’t part with her, well, i’m very glad that she liked it. what happened to you, are you kind of sad? yes, i’m not in a good mood,
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i’m in a very bad mood, it’s okay, we’ll improve the mood, i need you to go to work, but hurry up, i can’t run away from work. how good, strange, at first i somehow didn’t believe you, am i really that scary, but no, not scary, strange, i’m strange, and not a wanderer either, they probably think the same thing about me. tell me, why didn’t you ever ask about me, why did i come here?
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why do i live in different places all the time, and you. who am i anyway? well, firstly, i asked, you didn’t answer, and secondly, why should i find out from you what you yourself don’t want to tell? well, thirdly, thirdly, thirdly, what i see is enough for me, i’m not curious, which means i’m very curious, the most curious. the person in this city is me, well, i’m holding on, listen, if you need any help, well, any help, call me, i’ll help, thank you, it’s just that sometimes
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there are such circumstances that it’s better to figure it out yourself first. well, how is she doing, you know, it’s scary to pronounce, but she’s used to it, she even plays with other children, thank you very much, but she ’s lost weight, it’s terrible, she doesn’t eat anything at all. why didn’t igor ever call? he disappeared no matter how much i called, he’s always unavailable, maybe he’s afraid, or is waiting for an opportunity, it’s all very bad, time is not in our favor,
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but what happened? yes, everyone was asked to come here for a production meeting, what kind of news was a meeting during a shift, i don’t know, he has become stern, lately it’s better not to approach him at all, please pay attention, i warned you about inadmissibility. vehicles for personal purposes, you even signed my order about this, and so, more than once , kruglova’s team, instead of going to the station to replenish the supply of medicines, turned off the route and was absent for more than half an hour, for
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violating the order, i reprimand kruglova’s doctor . with the deprivation of her bonus allowances, so she did not travel on personal business, but where is home? i informed the head of the garage that the driver will also be punished by deprivation of bonuses, i don’t know which house they stopped at, we have the same procedure for everyone, of course, valentin nikolaevich, but remember, you to the whole team? you promised to find tamara’s ex-husband, tell us, what did you manage to do? but i remember, but it ’s not done quickly, of course, it’s a pity you can’t be deprived of the bonus.
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i just don’t understand why he needs all this? arivant, to whom, why? the nature is like this, to everything, to work, to men, he sees how easy everything works out for you, and yes, it’s easy, nothing works out. wow, wow, important guests, not to you girls, no, to us, what is this? behind
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you, behind me, and what? don't you know who he is? how should i know? as always, he pretends to be holy simplicity. lena, you should get down to business, go, for example, to valentin with a report, lena, go already, who is he, well, you’re a friend, you picked up the main dunjuan in the city and is silent, he... is our main employer, not poor, you understand, he’s not married, although there were a lot of options, and where you know him from doesn’t
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you see, katya, i can’t look for a person just based on your statement, you’re not his relative, not his wife, not his sister, right? it’s not me who needs this, but the little one. girls, she needs to find her father. i think that the competent authorities in this case are already actively involved in this. you see, he was here. who? igor. tanya's father. have you seen him? especially. you met him. your intentions are unknown to me. motives too, let's be honest, you tried to take the girl out of the city secretly, you were detained by the police, now you come to me.


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