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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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news, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair in the hall, he, as you and i remember, enters through these doors, everything that cannot be imagined without russia for yourself, only on the rtr planet channel. russia is starting to produce formidable weapons of medium- and shorter-range missiles, why, this is news for weeks and i am dmitry kiselyov, good evening, watch now.
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russia sees states unilaterally developing a very dangerous class weapons, medium and shorter range missiles, sounds almost... harmless, medium and smaller, but in fact, it is a formidable force with a range of 500 km to 5,500 km. until recently, such strike systems were prohibited by the russian-american inf treaty, intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles, but america terminated it. speaking on friday at the russian security council, putin, in the current conditions... set the task
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of starting to produce medium- and shorter-range missiles, we will consider today - the question of further steps of the russian federation regarding a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of ground-based intermediate- and shorter-range missiles. as you know, several years ago, the united states, under a far-fetched pretext, withdrew from this treaty. and announced that they would produce such missile systems, we announced in 2019 that we would not produce them, these missiles, and would not deploy them until the united states deployed these systems in some then from regions of the world, today it is known that the united states does not only... they produce these missile systems, but
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they have already brought them to europe for training, to denmark, just recently it was announced that they are in the philippines, it is unknown whether they took these missiles out from there or not, in any case we need react to this and make a decision about what we will have to do next in this area, apparently we need to start producing these...
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the united states signed the inf treaty, but russia withdrew from the agreement in 2019. so in the british newspaper mirror the events of the five-year antiquity is turned upside down, and is also placed above the title of the photo launch of the sarmat rocket, which krsmd has nothing to do with it. in 1919 , the united states unilaterally withdrew from the treaty, which everyone can read about on american wikipedia. the reuters agency also, to put it mildly, distorts, but this is a very recent event. speech by the russian president at the russian security council. putin's move finally destroys everything that remains of one of the most important treaties on cold war arms control, amid fears that the world's two largest nuclear powers could enter a new arms race with china. after
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trump terminated the inf treaty 5 years ago, moscow closely monitored washington's further steps. and on our part he acted all this time. deployment of medium- and shorter-range missiles, a unilateral moratorium on production until the americans begin to deploy them in some region of the world, be it europe or asia. last september the united states has deployed a system for launching intermediate-range missiles on the danish island of bornholm in the baltic sea. we are talking about a launcher for multi-purpose missiles reidton standard sm6. it was transferred there during an exercise, which was confirmed by the pentagon. etogoru manufacturer company.
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the ussr - pioneer s, ak and relief complexes, and the usa pershinka and tamogaf. by the way, the soviet union destroyed twice as many missiles. there was an agreement not to produce in future missiles smaller than 500 to a thousand, with an average range of 1,500 km,
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in order to reduce the danger of nuclear war. and so states accusing moscow of nuclear rhetoric over and over again turn the hands of the doomsday clock to the philippines. from the agreement, the states tested the launch of the agm-158 aviation cruise missile, created using stealth technology, with a range of up to 1.00 km. knowing, probably, about all these facts, experts from the authoritative american magazine new york times are only worried about why vladimir putin
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spoke about missiles right now. he made this statement a few days before the 75th anniversary nato summit in washington, which starts on july 9. and less than 2 weeks after the visit to north korea, which frayed the nerves of the united states and its american allies in asia. in russia, the development and production of the necessary missiles, given the colossal experience of n&i, will not matter. we have already gone far ahead in the production of missile weapons, and let’s say that testing of these missiles occurs at the level of designing digital models of these missiles. number of probationers. launches of such missiles, it is sharply reduced by about tens of times, so everything will happen in a very short time program, and serial production of these missiles will be launched as soon as possible. but putin spoke about placement, and here the western agency opens up a large field for
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imagination. evgeny reshitnev, polina gomzikova, anastasia zorina. news of the week. exactly a week has passed since the barbaric attack on the beach in sevastopol, which... the americans struck atak ms with their missiles. more than one and a half hundred wounded, four dead, two of whom were children. but that is not all. the consequences of that strike, by the end of the week our divers, examining sea ​​in the attack area, they first found one unexploded cluster munition, and then two more, ready, fire, fire, how many were not found is still difficult to understand, in general, if you call a spade a spade, then this is a direct military attack by the united states. to crimea. there is no smell of the apu here. don't deceive yourself. these are
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american missiles, aimed by the americans on the basis of american intelligence data from american drones flying loops over the black sea near crimea. actually, the russian ministry of defense says so directly. all flight missions to american ms operational-tactical missiles are being introduced by the american ones. hiding behind ukraine, but this is for the naive, our ministry
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of foreign affairs also confirms. according to the russian ministry of defense , american atak ms operational-tactical missiles were used, equipped with cluster warheads to increase their lethality. all flight missions were entered by us specialists based on their own satellite reconnaissance data. an american reconnaissance drone, global hock, was on duty in the sky near crimea. he's just a dove of peace. i would advise you
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visit ukraine to talk about their activities. you know, they make their own decisions when it comes to targeting operations. we do not have any information to indicate whether civilians were killed. of course, we will talk to the ukrainians. we have made it very clear that we do not want civilian casualties. kyiv is openly under such cover. bloodthirsty, adviser to the head of zelensky’s office , mikhail podalyak. there are not and cannot be any beaches, tourist areas or other fictitious signs of peaceful life in crimea. crimea is also a large military camp and warehouse with hundreds of direct military targets, which the russians are cynically trying to disguise as being closed by their civilians, who for their part are civilian occupiers. however, what they say in kiev has long been insignificant. they are at war with russia. the united states, and there are those there who clearly understand this. us presidential candidate robert kennedy jr. directly
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calls the american attack an act of war. american missile launcher, allegedly manufactured by lockheath, aimed at a complex system that only americans on the territory of ukraine can use the mgm-140 system, as well as ms. detonated about six missiles over russian crimea and fired cluster bombs throughout the territory. which landed on a civilian beach, resulting in more than 100 casualties, deaths and injuries, including children. cctv footage captured the moment missile submunitions fall onto a crowded beach, the word that describes it is terrorism, an act of war by the us against russian civilians. only congress can legally declare war, they must stop the irresponsible reckless hawks guiding a weakened president biden.
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to whom it seems harmless, i don’t know, a massive missile strike with ammunition clusters on sevastopol is an obvious escalation. and to pretend that everything as usual is no longer possible, us secretary of defense lloyd austin actually does not call his russian colleague andrei belousov, but then he picks up the phone and asks to connect. and the press release published following the conversation on behalf of the ministry of defense, hardly conveys the full intensity of the conversation. june 25, 2024 at
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the initiative of the american side. a telephone conversation took place between russian defense minister belousov and us defense secretary austin. the defense ministers exchanged views on the situation around ukraine. belousov pointed out the danger of further escalation of the situation in connection with the continued supply of american weapons to the ukrainian armed forces. other issues were also discussed. pentagon spokesman patrick ryder added that secretary austin, in a conversation with andrey belausov. noted the importance of maintaining communication between the military departments of the united states and russia. communications are, of course, important, but at the same time american missiles are hitting our cities. russia, of course, will not accept this. in the meantime, we are understanding what is happening. here are the words of deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov at
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the primakov readings. today, there are risks of direct armed conflict, among other things. nuclear powers are high, we have come to the conclusion that there are questions about how the classical concept of nuclear deterrence, we came to the conclusion that we need to think about what’s next and how to minimize the risks of a direct clash, a professional conversation on this topic should be continued, unfortunately, through the official line on... our opponents are putting forward obviously unacceptable conditions for carrying out such dialogue, and isn’t it scary to think about the scale of damage the americans were counting on when they launched as many as five missiles simultaneously on sunday, and dachshunds with cluster warheads, fortunately, and we intercepted four on approach,
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but what if all five had reached their goal, and what kind of damage did the americans even plan for us? have you thought about retaliatory damage to yourself? after all, rebkov says that we have come to the conclusion that we need to think about what comes next? from the reaction, which became known by the end of the week, the order of russian defense minister andrei belausov to make a proposal on measures for prompt response to provocations, if literally, then so. the russian ministry of defense notes the increased intensity of strategic flights...
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the french newspaper commented on this video as follows: after long negotiations, the man climbed into the car. the bbc is trying to figure out why ukrainian
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society is losing motivation for war; a report from odessa begins with a young couple. the bride's father died at the front, the groom is fleeing the war. you are scared? yes, i'm afraid. reports of the detention of dozens of fugitives by ukrainian border guards. military commissars do not serve on the ground. every day they bring only the remains of the male population in
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small towns and villages. we switched to megacities. raids have intensified in kyiv. conditional average ukrainian, sacrifice with yourself does not gather for the sake of slogans that were considered unifying just recently. outreach schemes cost money. military registration, permits for travel, western journalists conducted an experiment, through the darknet they found the businessmen who were releasing people from the army. the document will indicate that i have a serious illness or health problems, due to which i am not fit to serve in the army with a white ticket for the rest of my life.
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german streets at the euro championship loudly declares his love by marching in football. they would be the color of the ukrainian nation. v attack aircraft to give in, but it’s better to love the ukrainian armed forces from afar. the shortage of fighters in the army has become a problem that could decide the fate of ukraine, even if it retains
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western support. fugitive russian businessman alfred koch dared to speak out about the fact that ukraine is dying out. from the point of view of ukraine, this war must be stopped immediately at any cost, because if the situation continues as it continues, then this country will not exist for 40 years. and the question arises. and what kind of land do you want to free, and for whom do you want to free it, for syrian refugees who will come here and live on it, because it will be an empty place. zelensky is confidently leading the country into this desolate future, the ukrainian armed forces are depleted, national battalion fighters are sabotaging orders, hijackers are caught as cowards, but are escorted with honors on their final journey and met from captivity. this week, russia and ukraine exchanged prisoners, 90 people.
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sub-soviet patriotic songs. ukraine does not submit them for exchange. during the 2 years that these people have been in captivity, they have renounced ideology, the country that betrayed them, and zelensky. he said things like that i would stop the war. he didn't. on the contrary, he intensified this war, unfortunately, he destroyed many people, it was more of some kind of ideology like fooling, most likely young people, we are the best, we are like that there, but in fact, well, they just lived for themselves, received money from there are some kind of states and benefits and so on, i see that now nothing has changed either, they feel the same way, they felt good before, now they
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feel the same. maybe even better than before all these events. nikolai did not believe that he was alive, from the can, that was the name of one of the bunkers occupied by azov. in may twenty-two, he managed to call his wife to say that he would not return. the leadership came to us on the contrary, they agitated that we should stand here until the last minute, hold the line, that there would be help soon, how could there be captivity here, and that even if i wanted to, they would simply not allow me or they would shoot me in the back, or so i thought. well, i’ll stay here, honestly, the heroes forged here at one of the military bases of azov in mariupol, recruits were trained in the training battalion, it was fashionable to serve in azov, they paid three times more than in the ukrainian army, and the rationing was european, american. in the spring of 2019, in the building of a former school, children no longer studied here due to the proximity of the azov battalion base, there was an election commission, residents of mariupol, as well as
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all of ukraine. they elected the president of the world, with such a program zelensky came to power, but there was only one step left from peace to war. the punitive battalion was considered an elite unit; european soldiers worked here instructors, masters of torture and murder, the nazis kept the city in fear, drugs were used that forced people to be fearless and do things. military crimes for disobedience or, if a person showed himself to be a coward in war, they could shoot, they could do it as if the person died at the hands, at the hands of the russian army, as they said, after the shameful surrender of the nazis from azstal to the authorities ukraine had to urgently relaunch
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their brand. they begin training personnel from the national teams. german journalists showed report from a children's camp. twelve-year -olds play war games, shoot sub-nazi chants from wooden rifles and dismantle a combat machine gun. am i ready to go to fight on the front line in the hottest spot? i think yes, being here i already have skills that will help me in the future. zelensky will try to make sure that the front waits for the growing shift in kiev. reduced to 25 years, now they have found a reason to conscript even earlier. the united states has already loosened the draft age, first they advise taking them to war at 17. kiev risks destroying an entire generation of young ukrainians. elena erofeeva, vitaly kaydanovich, natalya novgorodova, andrey korpenko, lead the week. meanwhile, on the fronts of the northern military district, russian troops hold the initiative. our war correspondents,
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nikolai dolgachev and... evgeniy podubny reports. the kiev regime continues to look for opportunities to strengthen its own group of troops in the kharkov direction. in the future, it is this section of the line of combat contact that will remain the most difficult, and the fighting here is the most intense and difficult. enemy losses are growing, and the quality of personnel is falling. if earlier the command of the armed forces of ukraine transferred the most trained and motivated units here, now. makes up for the losses with forcibly mobilized military personnel, although special forces units continue to cement the defense of the ukrainian armed forces in this area. the front line has actually stabilized, but the intensity of the fighting is not decreasing. soldiers of russian units are conducting successful combat work, burning enemy armored vehicles, destroying personnel formation of the kyiv regime. the targets
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of the russian army are german self-propelled guns, american multiple rocket launchers, british howitzers, and french wheeled artillery. the kharkov direction is an excellent illustration of the one with whom... contour strikes. the goal of the kiev regime is to bring reserves here again, which should ensure the occupation of the territory of slobozhanshchina liberated by the russian army. but the goal is futile; the initiative is in the hands of our team.
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drones are very good for us, which in some moments is simply inaccessible to the eye, accessible to the bird, that is, we work in a certain connection with technical means, technical reconnaissance, the enemy is trying to penetrate our rear, well , we stop him in every possible way, the enemy’s losses are large, because all groups, even small ones, that notice... immediately they are hit by fire and the equipment that falls into the frame of our unmanned aerial vehicles is immediately hit by fire, both by fpv drones and also by artillery
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shells. on the territory of the belgorod region the air threat siren continues to sound regularly, but now the enemy fire is not so massive.
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but it’s lighter than 3 kg 3 kg i’ve been using it for a long time, as i understand it, this ammunition already has a large layer of examples of combat use, the most effective automotive
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equipment, electronic reconnaissance equipment, that is, antenna units also work well at firing points, if the conditions exist. battle, the machine gun crew killed her, that is, one hit and the machine gun crew was disabled, that is, in terms of personnel, personnel, yes suffers from it quite well. the crew is famous for destroying not only standard targets, but truly complex ones, for example, electronic reconnaissance and warfare antennas, which the enemy uses precisely to suppress fpv drones. what has fpv drone become on the battlefield now? at the tactical level, let’s say, this is... the main means of strengthening infantry units, the main means, both for us and for the enemy, which is quite possible with proper organization, can also bring down logistics, serious tension
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hold the rear areas, but at the moment this is one of the main means of destruction on the battlefield, practically with a competent approach to organizing work. calculations on the part of the command, it is quite possible to replace the eighty-second mortars, 120 mortars, it may even be possible somewhere ... artillery, with the proper organization of the reconnaissance circuit it is possible to effectively conduct counter-battery combat, destroy the enemy’s logistics, that is, isolate -anyone can, yes, absolutely right, everyone per day, the enemy in kharkov alone loses more than 300 people killed and wounded, and thanks to the forced mobilization carried out by the punitive detachments of the kiev regime, the enemy can still afford such large losses. by the way, they have already begun to forcibly take people to the front right from the streets of kharkov
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and those who were mobilized with virtually no preparation are thrown to the front line, which is very close here. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week. kharkov direction. the closer to the front, the more drones in the sky. scouts, they're always looking for something to look for. target, if he notices us now, then the next signal will go to the pithidron, we are now going to the signals of the pivetron, but rap, rap is on, does not stop, the signaling device, roads, all the time, all the time working, soldiers of the assault brigade alexander nevsky, this unit volunteer corps as part of the south group, holds positions behind solidar in this area.
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they take prisoners, we take them, we check with them, accordingly, we have full information about what, how, what forces and means are located in this direction, forest regiments are narrow strips of plantings between fields, you can be relatively invisible in them...
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the trenches are shallow, but greenery, greenery also
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helps to camouflage, where it has the opportunity to sprout, it helps there, fishing nets, they are picked up by drones, so where possible they are pulled in, the front line in this area is relatively calm, in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the alexander nevsky brigade, today, perhaps, this is the quietest place, on the right on the right sides straight. poloka, you can’t stay here for long, this is an observation post, the ukrainians of course know about it, what can you do, sometimes you have to keep an eye on them, observe, looking from the outside, it may seem that the position is abandoned, people are not visible, but at every firing the point is on duty, the position of the machine gunner, the machine gunner is observing the enemy, there is direct visibility across the field. back to the drone operators. they
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know better than many others how to deal with air targets. volunteers shot down that day another woman, an industrial drone. this is one of the modifications of the vampire complex, produced by our enemies. the thing is very dangerous, it is engaged in relay control of fip drones. this brigade is conducting intense battles in three sectors at once, including currently storming afyary and working in volchi.
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the lavra was bowed to the icon of the holy trinity by andrei rublev, which was delivered from the cathedral of christ the savior on june 22, on the eve of the orthodox holiday of the holy trinity. the president was met by patriarch
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kirill of moscow of all russia. about this and other events presidential week in the telegram channel zaruben in the program moscow kremlin putin. right after the spring work, a fragment right now, you are needed where it is most difficult, where there are real management challenges, where the most difficult tasks are, and the tasks are the most unexpected, right here before the start of the teleconference with putin, just round off here a little more everything was wrapped up, it became clear that not everyone could fit into the frame, but it’s clear that everyone really wanted a lot of valuable practical advice and recommendations.
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we will build and install. ready for participants in the program consider themselves to be able to accomplish any task, and complain that there are no more female governors in russia. each and every one of us needs to work on ourselves. apparently, this is also my omission. they have leadership qualities in every word, every action, a minute before the start of the meeting. worried about the sea, why should we? and after all, many left the civil service to serve their homeland in the literal sense of the word at a combat post. what are your immediate plans? no, it depends on me. i am currently serving, and you are the supreme commander. the new leader is here kursk region, a region that also found itself practically at the epicenter of historical events. you mentioned that the kursk
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region has become a border area. it sounds very strange, but we are back to the situation in the 15th or 15th centuries, when the borders of russia pass through the kurovo region, incredible, but true, we must proceed from these realities. this. the legendary regiment of akhmat kadyrov is 20 years old,
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our sergei zenin met with ramzan kadyrov. when it's already midnight. as long as the united states, what issues are being discussed in the presidential office, why putin had already gotten into the car, but after 30 seconds he got out of it, noticeable only to our program, the nuances of big politics, the topic of the week is an intermediate-range missile, a serious step is very, in my opinion, very dangerous, putin warned in advance: let's reveal the secret, so where was this shot taken, which has been discussed throughout the internet for many years, in big politics we see and
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show you more than others, incredible, but true, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look at rtr today, i thought that everything was here more seriously, you sit and think, you can’t think it through here, here... this is it, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, well, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible, i meant , of course, a bear. when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 1000 are new, zhenya
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will add his own, and what many people use, the strongest love for the game, is the five-on-one program, i hop, five on one on saturdays on rtr. this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, a moment of attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, sovereign, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in them fell in love, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys? stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible
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for my words, hero from...


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