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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  June 30, 2024 5:50pm-8:00pm MSK

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the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, oops, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, and a holiday, dashing, it’s been a long time since we haven’t seen you, gersky, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you answer for my words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes from... their time,
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beauty, repin, the whole team, just look at the platform, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already... what is the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it's mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, dare charmer - this is the oldest profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became... a real amulet for its
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owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, do you really think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well, let's go home, to a quick marriage, wait, well... vika, owl, yes , by the way, his eye lit up for you, maybe 20 years ago, your happiness was sought, but now it has been found, i’ll take her, and we’ll forget about everything, when you’re two men figure it out, three girls on saturday at rte. hello dear!
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“you need a good girl and get married, how can you decide, he’s not good, but he ’s a pretty girl, with a joke, a quirk, an invention, you girl, maybe i’m this ideal , let’s go to the clerk’s office tomorrow, masha again there is another one, but she’s different, she’s so responsible, reasonable, modest, i’m a serious girl, i don’t need pretense, with your character i need zoya, just take a closer look.”
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nothing hurts, it hurts here, why are you fooling us, what kind of jokes are these, limit girls, i’ll take it and get married, starting on monday on rtr. the american newspaper washington post published on monday the results of a study by the gelap institute on the level of support for lgbt people in the country. over the past 2 years, the popularity of their ideas has begun to decline, both in the camp of republicans and democrats. the newspaper recalls that in the mid-nineties, support for same-sex marriage in the united states was less than 30%. in the twenty- second it is already 70%. and later. 2 years ago, support
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for same-sex marriage in the country dropped by as much as six points to 64, which also seems to be a lot, but the pendulum seems to have already swung back. democrats' support declines by 4%. of course, it’s too early to say that this is some kind of tectonic shift, but movement activists are shocked. the washington post reports their mood. oter takes it, complained the former executive director of the human rights company, vic basilia. lobbyist hillary rosen responded destructively. scary, terrible, i'm in despair, summed up elizabeth
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birch, who served as executive director of the human rights company from 1995 to 2004. we really won the heart. himself by surgically developing primary secondary sexual characteristics, allowed his children to take hormones from school age, destroyed the psyche, attempted suicide, tens of thousands of americans became permanently disabled, because, as they say, you can’t turn the mincemeat back, in general,
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clearly destructive processes are taking place in america, with a visible example the debates of presidential candidates have become degraded, because...
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at the beginning of the year, the presidential candidates to participate in the debates were astounding. biden got to him first, much in advance, straight from his training camp at camp david. then, after a dramatic pause, trump arrived. however, the block itself where the television studio is located was blocked by the secret service atlanta police the day before. for the first time in american history , two presidents participated in the debate at once, a former and a current one, people with an idea of ​​how the us global machinery works, who had maximum access to all information, the debate could become a conversation about the fate of the world, but doubts that this would work
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began creep in from the very beginning. with a shuffling gait and barmach greeting, biden appears on the right; after the draw he got this podium. then trump enters the stern scene; they have not seen each other for 4 years since the last debate, time has treated them differently. the degree of mutual contempt and hatred is immediately visible: biden and trump take their places on the podium without greetings, handshakes, and without even looking at each other, they open the debate on the main issues for the voter, inflation.
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we must be sure that every single person who claims to be i can do it, with covid, excuse me, i can do it with everything that we need to do, listen. chances for a second term. trump's main task at this debate is not to be trump, that is
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, the one who annoys about half of america. he almost succeeded, with unusual restraint. trump calmly confidently poured out theses, but at the same time he lied shamelessly. as a result, he counted three dozen cases of distortion and lies. he juggled numbers, denied that he called migrants predators, and attributed to biden that he had never spoke and even declared that democrats are killing children. they are radicals, they take the life of a child of eight months, nine months, and even after childbirth. but even during trump’s speech, everyone is closely watching biden, he stands without blinking, directing an empty gaze somewhere to the side, periodically freezing with his mouth open. the magic workout pills clearly don't help, and the political disaster that the biden campaign feared most is unfolding in front of millions of viewers. supreme commander of the united states. goes down on the beloved on trump's topic of illegal immigration, biden completely gives up, tries to say that he is doing
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the most to protect the border, but in the middle of the sentence he completely loses his point. and i 'm going to continue until we have a complete ban on this whole initiative related to what we're going to do so that we have more border patrol, more staff in asylum services. i honestly didn't understand what he said at the end, i think he didn't understand it himself. trump beats up biden in front of the public, gathered his strength, and this, apparently, the result of the training, biden takes out his main weapon, trump is charged in a criminal case, for the sake of this moment the former president was convicted on 34 counts. there is only one convicted criminal on this stage, and i am looking at him right now. the level of discussion was plummeting and the future of america could not be discussed. cnn anchors jake taper and dana
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bash tried to bring the candidates back to questions, but both were already openly bashing each other. the scandal with trump's extramarital affair during his wife's pregnancy is also biden's homework. how many more billions dollars you have to pay for publicly harassing a woman, for all these things, for sex, with a porn star, and this is when your... biden has a surge of emotions when he accuses trump of disrespecting the fallen american soldiers, but he is confused here and says that his son god died in iraq, although in fact he died from a serious illness. illness, he refused to honor the memory of the fallen servicemen, he said:
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“they are a bunch of losers, my son was not a loser, you are a loser.” first of all, this is a made-up quote about losers, they you came up with it yourself, what do you think, standing in front of the generals, i would say about losers? 19 people confirmed that i did not say this, all this was invented in the same way as rumors about russia, russia, russia.
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threatens that russia is going to seize belarus, which it has already enrolled in nato. the fact is that putin is a war criminal, he has killed thousands of people, and he has made one thing clear. thing, he wants to restore what was part of the soviet empire, not just some part, the whole of ukraine, that's what he wants, and do you think he'll stop at do you think he will stop if he takes over ukraine? what will happen to poland, to belarus, what do you think will happen to these nato countries? when asked whether trump is ready to accept the conditions put forward by moscow in order to stop the fire and sit down at the negotiating table, the republican presidential candidate answers confusingly; before the debate, the so-called trump plan was leaked to the press, which, according to him, could end the conflict yet before he takes
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office, instead of negotiations, according to trump, biden is pumping kiev with weapons, and the number of dead ukrainian military personnel. which is already up in the air, does biden consider himself fit for a second presidential term? with the stubbornness of a capricious old man, he answers: yes, although in the time that has passed since the beginning of the debate, the whole world has already understood that american democracy, or rather the system that put up such candidates for elections , is in a serious crisis. i'm a senior politician, but this guy is 3 years younger than me and far
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less competent. look at the numbers, look at how i dealt with... the terrible legacy he left behind, an empty conversation that, instead of discussing the future, devolved into an argument about who is the better golfer. trump boasts of his good memory and physical fitness compared to biden, and voters once again understand why they do not want to see either of them as president of the united states. i took two cognitive tests and passed them perfectly, but he did not. i would like to see how he goes through at least the simplest one. i just. that he won two golf tournaments, and he can’t hit the ball 50 yards, and he also challenged me to a golf match, i would love to played with him when i was vice president, i had a golf handicap rating of almost six, and by the way, i'd love to play with you, if you can carry your own bag while playing, can you handle that? it's the biggest lie that he was
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a level 6 golfer. i had the eighth level, i saw how you play, let's not act like children, you're a child, the american voter watched this fight between two elderly candidates, now and then falling into childhood, with melancholy and bewilderment, in in restaurants and bars across the country, biden and trump supporters organized so-called debate parties, expecting a bright show of hope for the future, but were completely disappointed. i think biden will have a hard time convincing americans that our economy is doing great. biden says that he has not drawn the united states into any war. however, you know, the fact that we are now sending huge amounts of money to ukraine to finance the war against russia is very distasteful to most americans. donald trump is proving that he is the best person
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to serve as president, and frankly, i don't think joe biden is fit to be president of the united states. and these are biden’s supporters in the tavern that democrats love, here is the wall and a photo of obama, no matter how much they want to turn a blind eye to the fading mental abilities of their president , they cannot, although many of them will vote even for such a biden, just to prevent the return of trump. it's not the strongest performance i've ever seen from him, but he tells the truth, and trump just lies about everything, he just doesn’t know how to tell the truth, he doesn’t care about it. voters have yet to realize who america saw and what they heard at this debate. behind the external screen of controllability and stories about a cheerful president, there was an unsightly political reality. shocking cnn poll data immediately after the debate. 67% of them were won by trump and only 33% by biden. after an hour and a half on his feet, joe biden was led
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out of the studio by the hand of the first lady. and as it turned out, the main ideologist of his political torment. would like to leave. biden remains silent with a dissatisfied face. it’s not the best time to spill too much, because the us president is going to the most alarmed, most important people right now, his financial donors.
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one headline sounds like a verdict, in order to save the country, biden must leave the race, he is literally being dismantled for parts. the president showed himself on thursday night to be like those. at the moment, the president is engaged in ensuring that the party is risking stability and reckless gambling, there is no reason for the security of the country, forcing voters
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choose between mr. trump's shortcomings and mr. biden's shortcomings. and this was only the first salvo of friendly fire, then the fire became heavy, and biden’s personal friend, economists, nobel laureate paul krugman, and such influential journalists as tom friedman pulled the trigger.
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a headquarters representative assured that there are no discussions about replacing biden. according to the rules of the democratic party, if you are a leader with the support of delegates, and president biden has 99% support, then he cannot be removed, only he himself can make a decision, not run for office. on his own, but not on his own, the axius publication publishes the names of the oligarchic entourage of the us president, that kitchen cabinet that is only capable of persuasion.
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it never lets go. a rally in north carolina the day after the nightmare in atlanta, a desperate attempt to prove to ourselves that this is not the end. at first it even works. “i know that i’m no longer young, i know that i don’t walk as easily as i used to, i don’t speak as coherently as i used to, i don’t debate as well as i used to, but i know what i know, i know how tell the truth, speak the truth, as we know, is easy, and it’s easiest to speak when there’s a prompter in front of you, albeit a transparent one, but as soon as biden moves away from the written text, there it is, that already familiar, absent expression on his face, the stage, the supporters, next to him, his wife jill, only the president of the united states again..." turned out, retreated into himself, and it is unclear when he will return. then i saw in him the same character as today, and although he faced
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unimaginable tragedies, his optimism is unshakable, his strength is unshakable, his hope and over the past few years, joe has been adamant. helped heal our country, helping us all recover from the chaos of the last administration. whoever would heal joe himself, the one whose strength is unshakable.
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united states of america, i doubt that any of the witnesses to the debates that took place still believe that it was biden, since this is clearly not the case. and the same machine tried with all its might to push the half-dead biden to the debate in mid-summer. trump agreed to the usual election schedule in the fall after the port congresses. and here is the daily mail newspaper, referring to the former assistant to hillary clinton, reports that these secret gears came into motion for a reason. biden's inner circle demanded a speedy debate. there is a growing belief that this was a soft coup as they know he is incapable of running the country and have known this for some time. the organizers of the palace coup are hidden in the shadows, but the most impatient profit -takers have already appeared. michigan governor grechen whitmer, who is considered one of biden's possible replacements in the race, turns out a couple of weeks ago. sent an advance group to washington.
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if he chooses them, then he will have to face to face . this is, of course, about biden, but if it’s time to converge with trump, then the chances of each of biden’s alternates are so-so, on points they all lose to the republican en masse. uharris 45 to 48, 44 to 47 for newsam, in the red, and governor whitmer, like michelle obama, was last measured there in march and the gap was also three points.
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he has better public opinion than any of the democrats. these choices are between strength, weakness, competence and incompetence, war or no war. you know they love wars. they love killing people, which is amazing, but you know i'm the only president in decades who hasn't started a war. trump promised that russia, china and north korea will not be enemies of the united states if a reasonable president is at the head of the white house. being unreasonable is simply dangerous, both for america and for the whole world. this is the man who stores the nuclear codes, this is the commander-in-chief of the most powerful...
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all day they reported on the panic that arose in the democratic party. i would panic too if i were a democrat today and this was our candidate. i think they understand that they have a serious problem. it is not some abstract few who should look into the hearts, but the majority, clearly defined by the norms of amendment, including the vice-president, that is, kamala haris. in this case, it is she who will have to replace biden. we are talking about a kind of council of elders that has been operating for decades. which includes the people closest to the head of the white house, first lady jill biden, jr. biden's sister, valerie and his longtime friend ted kaufman, whether the us president needs to vacate the oval office or
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sit still, will be decided in the office by the kitchen staff, valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and evgeny samsonov, news from new york. this week the name of the new nato secretary general became known. jens stoltenberg will be replaced by former dutch prime minister mark rutte in october. americans like rutte. last year , the netherlands, together with denmark, led a european coalition to train ukrainian pilots for f16 fighters. and themselves the netherlands plans to deliver fighters from its reserves to ukraine in the second half of the year. there are also changes in the leadership of the european union following the elections to the european parliament.
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germany, mikhail antonov. the european union is cutting off the last communications with russia. how could it be otherwise if the head of european diplomacy is about to be headed by a person located in russia. for her, moving from stalin to brussels is , of course, a sharp career take-off , the fulfillment of a cherished desire that is openly cherished by all leaders of the baltic countries; she will justify trust with no less zeal than i tried to earn it, i already started. the price we pay for help.
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hysterical with intuitive hatred of russia and blind submission to nato. well, she is also called the princess of war. apparently, with a hint that the queen is mrs. vonderlein herself. this week, eu leaders also approved her as head of the european commission for a second term. the european parliament was again entrusted to the italian roberto mizola, and the european council, to the former.
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a very dangerous precedent is being created, they tell me that in europe this is exactly how everything works, it doesn’t matter whether you are ready to submit or will resist, no one cares, in europe there are such rules, you need to do this... italy in the elections to the european parliament can be converted into some important positions in brussels, but it turned out that everything was off the nose, it is not such a valuable ally. it’s especially funny that while waiting for the auction with the funder, miloni alienated her politically close friends, in particular the party of the hungarian prime minister, but now the prodigal brothers will apparently have to vote with fidesz orban. when will the personnel issue be submitted for final approval to the european
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parliament. hungary is the second country whose leadership was not impressed by the proposed list of candidates. the past 5 years have been arguably the worst five years in eu history. in the european parliament elections, people showed that they want changes in brussels, but the way things look now, the same ruling coalition will remain in power. i don't feel happy about what's happening now. showed poor results. europe needs better leadership. the fact that brussels would not reach an agreement with orban was clear in advance was in a hurry to close several sensitive issues at the june summit, because from july 1, the eu presidency will pass to hungary for six months. the very first question is the theft of russian money, that is , the transfer to the european peace fund, from which the eu finances the war in ukraine, income from the reinvestment of frozen russian assets in the amount of 1,400.
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the broken clock shows the correct time twice a day, so he
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still told the truth once. we must develop and prepare this settlement plan put it on the table for several months. we have little time because we have many wounded and dead. to be continued: zelensky and his western curator ermak are preparing another supposedly peace conference, similar to the one that failed in switzerland two weeks ago. only the lazy one didn’t write that russia...
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nothing that went beyond the standard framework, just another dummy. europe really needs one thing: a commitment from ukraine to continue the war, europe will give money for weapons, but will at least try. funderline at the summit, it was hoped to secure approval for a $50 billion loan secured by russian assets. which the g7 had already agreed upon for kiev, it failed to immediately push european leaders to take this step. the idea of ​​spending 500 billion euros over 10 years to expand the european military-industrial complex was also met without much enthusiasm. with this money, fondelein wants to fund his project to introduce the post of european commissioner for defense with the accompanying bureaucracy. they are mentioned as candidates for the post. europeans
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have not invested enough in defense and now we need to make up for lost time, we need to think about how we will finance the big push to increase our defense capabilities, it will not be easy because neither the member states nor the european union have the resources to do it. the issue that was finally closed at the summit is another one. the fourteenth package of anti-russian sanctions has arrived, it includes a ban on the re-export of russian liquefied gas through european ports and another 116 organizations and individuals. children's camp. ural airlines, akhmat kadyrov's public foundation, ramzan kadyrov's mother, three-time olympic champion maria kiseleva, singer polina gagarina, singer shaman. this week , the story of the persecution of the russian businessman alisher usmanov, who has been under sanctions for a long time, was developed by the frankfurt am main prosecutor's office, which is still trying
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to accuse usmanov of money laundering, despite the fact that the frankfurt court last year recognized searches and other investigative actions against businessman.
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and do not agree that we have imposed sanctions against russia, this was again reflected in the election results, but in my opinion, there is no alternative to change this now. scholz clearly had a bad week, a bad interview, performances, cut himself while shaving a patch over his entire chin. scholz sees no alternative, and this suggests that he has finally accepted the role of a loser, the weakest chancellor in german history, because he cannot find the will to correct. state in accordance with the expectations of the germans. that doesn't stop him from blaming the alternative for germany in frequent viewing of programs of the russian information holding arti. but the fact is that those who cannot be reproached for this symptomatically are beginning to look towards the adh. this week, friedrich merz, the leader of
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germany's largest party, now the opposition cdu, began to adjust his course. he no longer demands the immediate delivery of taurus missiles to ukraine. he seems to doubt that more guns are the way to go. 71% of germans say they no longer want to help ukraine, that is, they want to maintain support for current level or decrease. discussions are heating up about arms supplies. i always said that we should have done more at the very beginning, but now there is no point in looking back 2 and a half years ago. we have to look forward and we have to see that we are opening up the possibilities for this to happen at some point. the conflict was over. the dynamics of the public mood are clear, and the cdu is beginning to gradually distance itself from the most rabid part of the political community, which is demanding an increase in the supply of weapons and equipment to the armed forces of ukraine. this is an unpopular idea, especially in the east of the country, in brandenburg, saxony, thuringia, where in september it will be necessary
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to be elected to local parliaments, it seems that the alternative for germany will be party number one, and the cdu will be party number two. why not a coalition? for the social democrats and the greens, everything is very bad there, just a catastrophe, and the ruling parties in germany have no choice but to wait for its approach. the chancellor diligently hides it, but he seems to be depressed. one thing is clear: a return to the good old days, which really weren't that good, it won't be, what we need is a political perspective that will allow us to provide. the good old days, which were not very good, what is this about, about cheap gas prices, zero borrowing on the foreign market, a stable trade surplus and a social state that is now going under the knife to fill the military treasury, if this is not, then it is not clear, that there can be
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good times at all, one thing seems certain, a return to them is not expected in germany, but that means... europe too. although it will be more difficult than usual to approve the new eu leadership in the elected european parliament, this should not be read as some kind of impossible task for fonderlaen. those who can will be persuaded, those who cannot will be bought. it's more interesting how it will work later. probably, those who compare today's european union with the late ussr are still right, when at first glance nothing has changed. but in fact, a lot is changing. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya. denis lisitsin and andrey putra. news of the week. germany. in france today in early parliamentary elections. a fatal event for president emmanuel macron. his party suffered a crushing defeat in the european parliament elections from the right, led by marin liu peen.
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but now, judging by the polls, the macronists continue to lose popularity further. about how macron outsmarted himself. our correspondent in france, anastasia popova. 20 days of extremely intense, sometimes chaotic political cavalcade ended the election campaign. saturday is a day of silence and today. they don’t remember such activity at the polling stations since 2007 of the year. polls published a couple of days before the elections showed that the national association has gained even more and may well gain an absolute majority. 289 seats, this will greatly complicate the activities of president macron, although he retains the right to block appointments proposed by the far
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right, not to sign their laws, and in every possible way to slow down the implementation of their election promises. how to keep face when you wanted to dissolve parliament and rally everyone around you, but in the end you lost? macron is haunted by such questions even at the summit in brussels. i i don’t want to get into this squabble, but what impudence. i mean that the whole discussion today is as if everything has already happened, you don’t have to vote, and this is after two weeks of criticism of me for asking the french to come to the elections, you don’t have to go anymore, all the positions have already been distributed, but the french did not choose who these people were in order to explain what the constitution should be, who they are, what kind of political culture we are talking about, twenty-eight-year-old party leader jordan bardela calls himself the future leader
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luxury in our society, and i don’t accept it. the rights understand that the state of the french economy is deplorable and it will be difficult for them to fulfill everything they have promised. france's national debt during macron's reign exceeded 3 trillion euros, 110.7% of the country's gdp. budget deficit 5.5%. the european commission officially demands that paris cut costs, but what then to do with napoleonic plans to defeat russia in ukraine and flood the world with french weapons. atal assures. the economy will cope, the national association also promises to support kiev, but not in the name of escalation and remotely. my position on this conflict
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is very clear, i defended it throughout the entire european election campaign. we support ukraine and want to avoid escalation of the conflict with russia, which is a nuclear power. if i become prime minister, there will not be a single french soldier on ukrainian soil. managing your nuclear facilities. like sensitive positions in the state, the right wants to entrust only the french. in their opinion, dual citizenship in such cases is unacceptable. on the last day of the campaign there was no scandal. inspired by such ideas, one of the party members said on air that the appointment of najat walo bisem, of moroccan origin, as minister of education in august 14 was a mistake. wait, wait, it’s very important here, you take najat valosem as an example, that is, according to you.
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after the information bomb exploded, he had to apologize, saying that his opinion was his personal one, and he didn’t like it. by the way, many people must say that the first woman minister in this position promoted the ideology of social, racial, sexual justice, sharpened to protect minorities, disowned her deputy marine lepin, but it was too late, the former minister was invited. aired, where she accused the national association of racism, which was actively replicated by the president, his blog and the left. can anyone else trust marine lepine with anything? it was she and jordan bardela who raised this issue of dual citizenship. the only thing in their program is the deep conviction of all members of the national rally party that there are second-class frenchmen who do not deserve to be french. today it's speeches hatred. “tomorrow there will be fear of these second-class frenchmen, however, the national association has the support of some republicans, including the
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party leader, who they expect to receive in return.”
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the strategy isn't working. his bloc, which before its dissolution had 250 seats in parliament, now counts on 70. his closest ministers are turning their backs on macron, writes bloomberg. they call it toxic. most pro-government parliamentary candidates did not include macron's image in their election posters and leaflets. the president is considered such a liability that even those deputies who have been with him since the very beginnings
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of the creation of the centrist party do not want him to come close to them. however, the presidential bloc is not giving up; its coalition is waiting for the next window of opportunity to win back. according to the constitution, macron will be able to dissolve parliament again, but not earlier than in a year, that is, in the mid-twenties, and then the presidential elections are just around the corner. the struggle will be intense, as the current trend, voting for the far right is no longer taboo, so now all options are possible. anastasia popova, lia bernatsky, denis lesitsin. news of the week, france. on thursday, at a government meeting, an important decision was made that concerns new russian regions. citizens of the zaporozhye and kherson regions who ensure the implementation of the tasks of the svo will be granted the status of a combat veteran. in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, such a measure is already in effect. the president emphasized that people who defend russia with arms in their hands
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should be on equal terms. government. constantly provides support to all of them, except military personnel and volunteers, we must not forget about the civilian personnel of the armed forces, doctors, war correspondents, employees of various structures who helped improve life in new regions, especially the situation in the zaporozhye and kherson regions was not easy to develop, the legal regime there was changing, which required adjustments to the existing regulations, so the government made... a decision to grant status combat veterans and citizens who ensured the implementation of the tasks of a special military operation in these two russian subjects of the federation. for them , additional social guarantees are provided in our legislation, including a number of tax benefits, vouchers to sanatoriums, an out-of-order right to purchase a plot of land and a number of other benefits and other advantages. this is the news
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of the week, next in the program. so who made it to the second round of the iranian presidential election, and what does this mean for russia? 110 years ago gavrila princip shot the archduke of austria-hungary franz ferdinand, about how the first world war began in the balkans by daria grigorov. the legendary regiment of akhmat kadyrov is 20 years old, our sergei zenin met with ramzan kadyrov. when the clock is already midnight, until the united states, what issues are being discussed in the presidential office, why putin already got into the car, but after 30 seconds he got out of
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it. noticeable only to our program, the nuances of big politics, the topic of the week is the medium and shorter range missile, a very serious step on... putin warned in advance and we will reveal the secret, so where was this shot taken, which has been discussed throughout the internet for many years, in big politics we apparently show you more than others, incredible, but true. moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. “your lady said that he was joking now or hasn’t received a tambourine for a long time, she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what should you do, that ugly woman spread a rumor that
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i’m marrying her, i ’ll only sleep with such a fearful person for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money for a classic operation, what you buy won’t be enough if you can’t wait for happiness”? maybe it’s worth stealing it, let’s go, i don’t understand where, where are you going, or are you a man who doesn’t answer for your words, ugly love, on friday on rtr, darlings songs are played in our studio,
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do you really think that someone will
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need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well , let's go home, to soon get married, wait, well, vika, solo, yes, he has , by the way, my eye lit up for you, 20 years ago your happiness ran away, but now it’s found, i’ll take her and we’ll forget about everything, how are you going to figure things out with men, three girls on saturday on rtr, i have a very good intuition and i hope it won’t let me down, they are confused as young people.
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catch me if you can, an incredible choice for the first time in our show was made unanimously, the final game, why are you looking at me like that, yes, i think so, on friday on rtr, we look at rtr, then look for the ideal one and what is the ideal, and how everyone, kind, beautiful, smart and cheerful, it’s almost me... looking at you, what you see, he doesn’t need you, autumn thinks, ivanik, then i’ll read it, with
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monday, on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, tomorrow on... on friday, early presidential elections were held in iran, scheduled after the tragic death of president ibrahim rasi in a plane crash at the end of may. iran is our reliable ally in the middle east and russia is important who will take the helm of the country. as a result of the voting, none of the candidates was able to overcome the fifty percent threshold, so on july 5 there will be a second round of elections in which representatives will meet.
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the country has its own leader and our revolution is still alive. he has been going to every election since the creation of the islamic republic, and his special book contains dozens of voting marks. from the very beginning of the revolution, i went to the polls; this is our duty, which we fulfill every time. now all iranians need is a card, an id card, it is scanned and they issue a ballot. long lines outside, quick procedure inside. iranian voting with an oriental touch. iran and israel, it was impossible not to ask, how do jews live in an islamic republic?
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the community here lives separately from israel, we have been in iran for 2,700 years, you know, even in america, canada and europe, synagogues and jewish centers were attacked, in iran, thank god, we didn’t have this, here, on the contrary, everyone is welcome. and this is what generosity looks like in iranian, there are hundreds of volunteers, these are children, old people, and clergy, this is not some kind of organization, but ordinary people who organized themselves in order to prepare food and distribute it to everyone who wants it . the same classic... kebab, rice with shaffron and scorched tomatoes. we are ministers imam ali. today is the day when we distribute food and celebrate with a pure heart. all in honor of the day when the prophet muhammad named imam ali as his successor. the tradition of continuity is not an empty phrase for iran, recalled the country's supreme leader ayatallah ali khaminii, calling on everyone to go to the polls. our slogan is the proclamation of a strong iran. power is not just missiles, although we have them.
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in 1979, the people checkmated the shah of iran . pohlavi fled to america, ayatallah ruhallah khameini returned from exile to iran, and the country did something unprecedented, did its political system is democracy based on islam. behind the emerald glass is the tomb of the first ayatala, the founder of the islamic republic of iran, khameini. he is revered here as a saint. after his death, this tomb was built in just 40 days. ayatala was so popular that...
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10 million iranians came to bid him farewell; the crowd, out of grief , tore his shroud into thousands of pieces, which became sacred relics; for 35 years now they have been coming here with entire families, praying, leaving donations. the imam did for us a lot, our whole family came to honor his memory, especially since i was his personal security guard, accompanied him on many trips, he was conscientious. since 1989 , the country has been ruled by the second leader ali khaminiya, he , like khamini seyyed, that is, a direct descendant of the prophet muhammad, only they in iran have the right to wear a black turban. we are descendants of the prophet in terms of duty, we are no different from other people, but we feel a special light in our heart. ibrahim raisi. this week marks exactly 40 days since his death,
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an irreparable loss for the iranians, they are talking about him they cry with their souls. raisti has done so much for us, i can’t help myself. all together, his legacy for the iranians is undeniable, for russia he was a reliable partner. lynx tried to have deep, even strategic relations with russia in the field of economics and security. his relationship with president putin was not only political, but also friendly. they opposed the powers that imposed sanctions. relations between iran and russia are strengthening every day. we have no doubt that soon there will be several poles in the world influence. one of the strongest poles will be. iran, russia and china, with india joining them in the near future. we, together with iran in brix and the sco, are implementing a major north-south logistics project on the verge of concluding a comprehensive cooperation agreement. in general, the course of continuity prevailed here, work on the agreement
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continued, at present it is, well, in fact, at the finish line, this is an agreement that covers almost all areas of cooperation. all experts are unanimous, regardless of who will become the next president, the vector of foreign policy will not change much. two people made it to the second round, a conservative and a reformer, although this division is arbitrary; the reformer, former minister of health pezeshkin, promises new jobs, a fight against the emigration of iranians, while being proud of the production of iranian drones and missiles and demanding open trade borders for iran. we have. huge economic advantages, there is oil, gas, geographical location, we could become a transit country between east and west. conservative, ex-head administration of yatala jelili, defends the rights of village residents, talks about inappropriate spending. when people talk about seizing opportunities in the economy, what they mean is that we need
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to develop relationships with other countries with which we have common features. although all the candidates talk about reform in one way or another, reform in iran does not mean kowtowing to the west. the iranians are on this issue. no matter who they vote for in the second round, they are united. vitaly kormazin, mikhail devyatkin and tatyana koroleva, news from tehran, islamic republic of iran. a great event for world journalism. juliana assange is free. we have a detailed report on this ahead, but the context is also interesting. the west continues to clamp down on freedom of speech. on june 25 , a ban on any broadcasting activity for three russians came into force. media in the european union were subject to censorship bans from the rio-novosti agency, izvestia and rossiyskaya gazeta. in response, the russian ministry of foreign affairs issued a statement on retaliatory measures. the russian side has repeatedly
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warned at various levels that politically motivated harassment of domestic journalists and unfounded bans on russian media in the european union will not go unnoticed . despite this... the capitals of the bloc countries chose to take the path of escalation with another illegitimate ban, forcing moscow to take mirror and proportional countermeasures. mirror measures are a ban on eight dozen european media in russia, including, for example, from germany spiegel, diezeit and frankfurter algemmaig. from france - italy - stampa, spain - paes. next, paspi. funny in this regard, there are accusations against russia from us state department spokesman matthew miller about blocking european media. look, i think this is another sign that the russian government
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is cracking down on journalism because they are afraid that their own people will hear the truth, hear the truth about russia's actions within russia, about the government's actions in repressing its own people, about actions. .. a type of activity, which means that those who will engage in investigative journalism, following asanj should already understand that they are committing crimes.
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astronauts face about the same difficulties as me, again, not for so long, they at least sometimes see the sun. when we recorded this interview, no one could have imagined that our interlocutor’s imprisonment in london would last so long. the persecution of julian assange lasted 14 years, of which he spent 7 years in this building in central london, where the ecuadorian embassy is located, where he was allocated a small room from which he was practically unable to leave. went out. then another 5 years in london. where are the terrorists? from this prison in the early morning, 24
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especially dangerous criminals were kept and in june a convoy of six police cars , accompanied by a helicopter, delivered assange to london stansted airport. a short procedure for completing paperwork and boarding a plane that was supposed to take him to the pacific island of saipan, which is under american jurisdiction. there, under the terms of a deal with the us department of justice, asansh had to plead guilty to conspiracy to target. only 25 journalists were allowed into the meeting room, the twenty-sixth was the accused himself. juliana asanche, speaking before the court, said that he had previously been confident that he was guaranteed freedom of speech. as a journalist, i encouraged my source to provide information that was said to be classified in order to publish it. i believed that the first amendment to the us constitution protected this activity. amendment. there is, but freedom is not for everyone. assange was sentenced to 5 years for espionage, although he was immediately released because
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he spent this term in a british prison. that was the point of the deal. not answering questions from journalists, asansh returned to the plane to fly to his homeland in australia, where in 2006, together with like-minded people, he founded the wikileaks website. this brainchild brought him world fame and problems commensurate in scale. his wife and father met him at canbera airport. the emotions at the meeting were understandable. for the last 5 years, asansh could only count on short visits with his family in london prison. journalists were promised a press conference, but the founders of wikileaks were not among those who came to the microphones. he needs time, he needs to recover. i ask you to please give us the space, the privacy to let our family remain a family, before he can.
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freedom of speech, for freedom of the press, so that the american public and the world community receive truthful, important information. the authorities of the united states stubbornly and he suffered a lot in his struggle to achieve something, and i think this is unfortunate, the behavior towards him on the part of washington and london looks very ugly, because in most countries the world considered him a political prisoner, and this made us look hypocritical. vaughn smith was one of those who hosted julian asandge in 2010 in london. wikileaks then thundered throughout the world with the publication of secret materials from the pentagon and the us state department. the most scandalous of them was the video recording of the executions of iraqi civilians and reuters journalists by the american military. these publications were followed by a swedish arrest warrant for asandzh.
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he was accused of committing crimes of a sexual nature there. so it was launched legal. call it psychological torture, but what is the un for the united states if american intelligence services shamelessly spied on the secretary general of this organization, pangemoon. at the same time, they did not hesitate to tap the phones of their allies, western european leaders. this was again reported by asansh and his website wikileaks. here are german chancellor merkel, former french president sarkazy,
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italian prime minister berlusconi, israeli prime minister netanyahu, even un secretary general pangemoon. was on your exposure did she give you any kind of reaction? yes, in some countries there was a reaction, in italy the us ambassador was called in with explanations, they began an investigation into these facts, this is very important, because the italian prosecutor’s office is very independent from the state, it has extensive experience in fighting the mafia, but what’s even more interesting is that it doesn’t there was no reaction from pangemoon, neither he himself nor the united nations said anything, just as, despite the noise, the german press remained silent. and angela merkel. in the usa there was just a reaction. american intelligence agencies, grief desire for revenge, they developed plans to kidnap and even kill osange. the embassy monitored him using hidden cameras and built-in microphones. the spanish company that served them transferred all records to the central intelligence agency. the uk has a
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global human rights budget administered by the foreign office. 10,400 is allocated for this. no longer hiding behind other people's arrest warrants, the united states came out and demanded his extradition. legal battles in london have turned into a painful swing. either we'll give it up or we won't give it up. all this time, asansh was in a maximum security prison. my health was declining . the likelihood of release became more and more elusive. i had to admit that i was a spy so as
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not to completely fade away behind the walls. whoever assange was, he was not a spy, a publisher, a journalist, an activist. information anarchist, whistleblower, impresario, he played all these roles, but no one, not even the us government , seriously argued that everything he did in 2010-11 was espionage, his actions in the coup with draconian laws in countries like the uk and australia will undoubtedly have a chilling effect on genuine and legitimate reporting on national security issues, it will only affect the government and secret services, nothing will change much for the rest. the terms of the deal with the american ministry... the investment does not provide for any restrictions on osange’s further activities, and he is barred from entering the united states, but there, like in britain, he now hardly has the slightest desire to come, and there is nothing for it, but sanju has to collect money to pay off his debts for a flight from london via the island of saipan to canbera. the founder of wikileaks owes the australian government half a million dollars, so
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he left a british prison not only with poor health, but also a beggar. all these years so far. his supporters hoped that the us would stop persecuting him, if only as a nice gesture, but this did not happen. modern inquisitors needed a repentant sinner so that no one else would take his path. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov and gleb napara. news of the week, london. 110 years ago, on june 28, 1914 , a pistol shot sounded in sarajevo. about how the first world war began in the balkans, daria grigorova. mosques and churches,
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bazaars with oriental sweets, fountains and wells, a place where the course of european history changed. has remained the same over the past few centuries. you can imagine what sarajevo looked like more than 100 years ago here, in the bascarse district. this is the oldest part of the city, it was built by the ottoman turks in the 15th century. century. basca means the main, largest crossroads; here the paths of the heir to the austrian throne, frans ferdinand, and a group of revolutionaries from the mlada bosna organization, which fought for the independence of bosnia and herzegovina from austria-hungary, converged, the principle said. his shot was the beginning of the end, the beginning of the end of the feudal system that we had, the last feudal system that...
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at the very beginning, one of the attackers, a week of motorcade, but the plan failed in chebrinovic, managed to throw a grenade, but she bounced off the convertible. duke on the road. shrapnel killed the driver of the security car and injured about 20 people. chebrinovich swallowed a pill with saanium potassium and jumped into the river, but the poison turned out to be expired, and the river became shallow. chebrinovich was severely beaten by the townspeople and handed over to the police. gavrila princip by that time already knew about the unsuccessful attempt, on his own initiative he moved to a new place, the fate of world history was decided by chance. a fatal event for the entire planet occurred here near latin. bridge over the melaska river, hertz-duke ferdind's car turns right. at this moment, gavrila princip is on the corner of this building, he shoots from a very close distance, here
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only one and a half to two meters. the wounds turned out to be fatal. franz ferdinand and his wife sophia died within minutes of each other. princip also wanted to commit suicide and chewed the ampoule, but the poison turned out to be from the same expired batch and only caused severe nausea. eyewitnesses beat the principle so badly that in prison he had to... have his arm amputated, further events unfolded quickly and within a month they led the world to the first global war and a new historical era. austria was primarily interested because it used this moment to attack serbia. she had been preparing a campaign against serbia for a long time and was waiting for an opportunity to start this war. immediately after the assassination attempt , a massive anti-serbian campaign began in austria-hungary and germany. here, for example, is one of the cartoons of that time.
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now, as before, is that there must inevitably be a war between the germans slavs that it is necessary to mobilize all peoples of the germanic spirit, but it would be good if the initiative came from the slavs. historian miroslav peresic managed to prove that vienna knew about the impending assassination attempt; there are many versions of who exactly organized the murder; both the german general staff and the serbian officer organization black hand and its leader, colonel dimitrievich under the pseudonym apis, were accused of this.
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and mlada bosna, the shot of the principle was perceived there as a signal for an uprising against austrian occupiers to create a unified yugoslav state. already in 1920 in sarajevo, at the serbian orthodox cemetery of st. michael, the chapel of heroes was opened, where princip and his associates were buried. and in 1930 , a memorial plaque was installed in the city center with the inscription: at this historical site, gavrila prince anticipated freedom. and here is footage from german newsreels from 1941. first of all , after the fascist units entered sarajevo, the sign from the place of ferdinand’s murder
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was removed. and they send it as a gift to berlin, presented for the birthday of adolf hitler, a liaison officer of the first company of the sixteenth bavarian regiment during the first world war. today, at the site of the assassination attempt there is a new, fourth version of the memorial plaque. official. as heroes, as people who fought, thanks to their revolutionary ideas, for the liberation of the people from the conquerors. however, in the context of modern times, it can still be said that bosnia and herzegovina is a country in which the forces against which gavrilo fought still have influence and are still trying to carry out their colonial policy, and the result of this policy in 2024 is that bosnia and herzegovina cannot exist as a state. preserving the historical memory of the sarajevo events is
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a matter of principle.
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they will forgive for a long time the respectful attitude towards gavrilo princip. immediately after the murder they wanted to execute him, but according to the then austrian law, the maximum punishment for a nineteen-year-old was only imprisonment . princip fell ill with tuberculosis and died in a prison hospital in april 1918. austria-hungary outlived gavrilo princip just for six months. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov. weekly news from sarajevo and belgrade. this is the news of the week, further in the program, the legendary regiment of akhmat kadyrov is 20 years old, our sergei zenin met with ramzan kadyrov. the main holiday of russian graduates, scarlet sails, took place in st. petersburg; we’ll tell you what kind of energy drove the grandiose show in the city in the sky.
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this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, nah, we haven’t seen you for a long time, impudent, well, you know, on he will find every cool fighter even cooler, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now
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and... they still love you, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, the heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole crew, just on the platform, look, i thought that here, if you’re more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been poisonous, i meant, of course, a bear , when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general,
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the most gambling... team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, i hop, five on one, on saturdays on rtr, in which workshop determine? and where there are more guys, look at rtr, follow the plan from behind the car, come in more and more often, if a komsomol member needs affection, for example, i... here she is, well, she bit her tongue, and they told me that my warrant is for the hostel you, now i’ve decided everything, oh, what a scarecrow, and even if you’re a girl,
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you’re not interesting, you’ll cry, they won’t leave you, you have to hold your head higher, do you hear, remember yourself, limit girls, from monday to... people of different professions are waiting for you here and animals of different breeds, but they are united by one thing, sincere strong friendship, to love a white fluffy, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh you’re good, pet the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, tame the biter, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, bring a stray to my shoulder from the sky a parrot flies in, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, everyone is talking,
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guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on... rtr is yours did you say that you were joking now or haven’t received buban for a long time? she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what’s the matter? that ugly woman spread a rumor that i would marry her, it wouldn’t go far, i’d only sleep with such a fearful woman for a million. why are you withdrawing all the money, for a classic operation, or what are you going to buy? beauty is not enough, if you can’t wait for happiness, maybe it’s worth stealing it, let’s go, i don’t understand where, you’re going to
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the mountains, or you’re a man, you’re not responsible for your words, ugly love, on friday on rtr yesterday to a special police regiment named after hero russia, the first president of chechnya, akhmat kadyrov, is 20 years old. previously, a regiment formed from residents of the republic eradicated terrorists in their region, now its fighters. they fight on the fronts of special operations, terrifying the ukrainian armed forces. to defend russia, if necessary, to give one’s life for one’s homeland, this is the calling and meaning of life. report by sergei zenin. everything was
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exactly the same as it is now. i just returned from the war, talked with my family, but didn’t stay at home for long, because my fellow soldiers, with whom i had experienced such things, invited me to go fishing. to the rest. and you can’t tell, and you can’t explain, even before the war, when we liberated our homeland from terrorists together, during the war, when our homeland called for protection, we spend our whole lives creating a family, these people want us, for all this to be destroyed, they are trying everything to destroy this, then i have the opposite question for you, are you ready to leave these people, what remains to be done with them, if not for us, then... and i think why we had to wait until they came to our house, yes, one person who walks next to you and he dies, this is for you a huge loss, as if you
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had lost everything in this life, well, he died for what, so that people could live like this, so that children could play, so that everything would be so peaceful, so that everyone would be fine, but what about me? a few days before the assault on mariupol, ukrainian propaganda intimidated the local population with the arrival of the chechens, painted terrible pictures of executions and massacres, but when kadyrov’s special regiment entered the city, people realized that they had been lied to, the chechen guys, risking their lives, under fire, took the ukrainians to safe areas , children first, first. only when the evacuation of the civilian population was completed, the fighters began clearing the city of real fascists. when we entered the city, there were many civilians who had been shot. nothing from the shrapnel, just
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from the field, but they, well, that is, they just shot, yes, they shot, we went into some courtyards, and there were people who buried their daughter, buried their father right in their garden, they just cried towards us, they ran and said , don’t leave a single one alive, kill everyone, well, they’re just like these azov people, yes, yes, yes, they hated them so much. for the power structure of russia, 20 years is not an age, but if you simply count by years, and if by results, a special police regiment named after the hero of russia akhmat hadji kadyrov began their combat journey in the chechen mountains, these guys cleared every piece of their native land from terrorist gangs, 5,500 special operations detained.
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losses during the assault on mariupol, in violation of all the rules of military science, were minimal. tricolor white, blue red, it is described what
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color it is, what it means, this is the color for you the most important, well, important for us all, well, this is the color red, this is the color of the blood shed by our grandfathers, the heroes are all the boys who were there, these guys are made of steel, these are real men, defenders of their homeland. your friends, your brothers, it’s 300 times better to go into battle than to have an article on camera and explain yourself, okay, okay, then not about yourself, but about the guys who serve side by side, shoulder to shoulder, about the guys the commander, let’s say, speaks , that we need to send five people to help people in order to get them out of there. 10 people, 15 people are flocking there, we are
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chechens, we are chechens, it’s in our blood, we ’re born with it, we have it, we have it, maybe it’s our father’s blood. during the existence of the special regiment , 165 employees died heroically, their names are on the stele at the place of permanent deployment. the head of the republic, every time he comes here, first goes to honor their memory. special police regiment named after the hero of the russian federation. they really came out for the sake of the people, for the sake
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of religion, for the sake of the republic, yes they did not have the task of getting paid, they... or give up and there are no problems and the rest will do the same thing they are not ready for anything yes we will win we will not stop we will definitely definitely definitely definitely we will win or we will die or we will defeat
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the other no he’s even gloomy but that’s why i asked you how is it? the speed is only forward, of course, i can’t ask you one more question, a very important one, your opinion on this matter, how do you feel about what happened not so long ago in dagestan? well, in fact , this could happen anywhere. well, in dagestan there are radical mosques, there are curators there somewhere there are officials, there are curators of law enforcement agencies, here we have a spiritual administration, he is the curator of all mosques, yes, if he is not under control
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there is no mosque, yes he is, all mosques read the same sermon, we need a system. to put such a thing today, it has always been like this, according to our customs, the customs of dagestan, it is prescribed, but customs, but that, brother, father, uncle, or elder people, is responsible for this or that person, here is our senior kind, responsible for me, at home, i listen to him, he can call me at any time... ask me why you did this and come on, either apologize or i’m responsible for what you did today, you don’t obey this call , you’re not a muslim, so we ’ll destroy these non-muslims, well, i can’t
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help but ask you for my fifteenth birthday medal, you can have a twenty one take a picture of you. military journalists are embarrassed to wear their awards because they were not received in battle, but this special one, albeit an anniversary one, was presented to me on the fifteenth anniversary of kadyrov’s regiment, from those guys who here in the chechen republic proved that they ready to fight terrorists to the last terrorist, and there on the iso that they will always defend their homeland to the last drop of their blood.
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in st. petersburg, on saturday night, the main celebration of russian graduates al and parus took place. the grand show in the city of nanev has been held for many years with the support of rossiya bank. the tradition of scarlet sails itself was revived on the initiative of president putin in 2005. the head of state addressed the russian graduates with congratulations. this is a special, very exciting moment for you, it begins a completely new stage of life, more adult, independent, where you will make all the key decisions yourself. the most important thing is to realize your calling, find a job
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you like, then you will be able to cope with the most difficult tasks, and your achievements will inspire others. just as our great ancestors and outstanding contemporaries, who showed themselves brightly and worthily in their studies, creativity, and work, became an example for you. sometimes in difficult trials, i want to sincerely wish you all success, accomplishments, outstanding achievements and victories. with happy holiday to you, be happy. scarlet sails is the best holiday in the world, which is confirmed by numerous awards. in 2020 , the global eventex awards will be awarded in four categories at once.
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holiday, inspiring joy and good optimism with which russian graduates set off into adulthood. and look, we have a big report ahead, but for now there are only a few shots. here it is, gushing vital energy, infectious with its determination. this is the festive mood of young russia when it enters life, the new generation carries the fuse within itself. passion, the very one that is the key to success in love, business, life, this is it, what is
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our russia like? yes, it's a holiday, right? it’s a difficult time, but the holiday is very necessary and priceless for young people, it charges with energy, but this same energy feeds the youth and the whole country. a report from st. petersburg from ekaterina fisenko is just around the corner, all that remains is to add that the live
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broadcast of allah parysov was carried out by channel 5, russia tv channels, first tv and ren tv. it is clear that everything was online, the audience is huge. hey, people, this is how adult life begins in st. petersburg, the time is not childhood, but graduates are already. patriotic spirit is the most important thing a citizen should have. the tradition has been around for many
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years; in 1968, leningrad graduates first met brigantine on the embankments of their beloved city; a whole generation entered adulthood with full sails. then the tradition was lost and revived in 2005 on the initiative of vladimir putin. the twenty-year anniversary of the new scarlet sails is celebrated this year. and the children are the grandchildren of those leningraders this evening on the palace square are like a sea of ​​130 thousand graduates from 308 regions and sixteen friendly countries. russia, russia. the holiday was opened by the governor of the traditional rynda, not the last call of childhood, but the first of adult life. today the whole city of russia welcomes you. on the threshold of adulthood, now you decide everything for yourself, you continue the work, build
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a powerful and great russia, protect and preserve the honor and dignity of our homeland, a holiday of the brightest, brightest night for them, traditional, but extraordinarily beautiful a gift, a mood, as it should be on a magical night... it’s also magical, i’m simply delighted with everything that’s happening, i really like it, it’s simply the best thing in my life, i’m currently dreaming of entering a higher education institution and getting... a profession, which i will truly love and work to create for russia, because this is our main calling, hello, there are children from donbass, 500 people came to the northern capital for the holiday, those who experienced terrible moments in mariupol, and then watched as the city st. petersburg's sister city rises from the ashes and getting prettier, finishing school in russia, this
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was their dream, everything is being rebuilt, everything is fine, their hometown is also unusually elegant, festive and there are hundreds of schoolchildren on the embankments, they have their own scarlets and sails, at the same time as st. petersburg the yacht asol leaves for the sea of ​​azov. the whole of st. petersburg is a concert hall, the raster columns are burning, the bandelists and guitarist are on the roof of the hermitage, the drummers are beating the pulse of the city, this is how the heart of every graduate beats in anticipation of a miracle. troitsky bridge turns into a fiery waterfall, allowing brik to fallen kurus. there will
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certainly be scarlet purses, here is the brik, which on the embankments of st. petersburg, as if in a giant parterre awaiting thousands of graduates, appears in the water area, bow sails in the color of the flag and such a familiar name for everyone, russia, a fantastic sight, brik russia seems to be accompanied by dolphins, it burns the heart. spreads its wings and the palace bridge, and under the fireworks the brik enters a large field, to make these fireworks dazzling, st. petersburg white nights, special skill, fly from a giant pontoon to neva, from troyevsky bridge, vasilievsky island from peter and paul from the palace bridge,
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this is the best time to make a wish, the most... a romantic night gave new dreams, ala and sails, warmth, lights, loved ones nearby and a show that is the envy of everyone peace, a symbol that life will be full and bright, when the music and fireworks fade away, the embankments continue to chant the name of their country. ekaterina, sergey ishchenko, well, that’s all for today, except for one more important message for our viewers: teams to lead the week goes on summer holidays, and on sunday evenings the weekly reviews will prepare big news, with this we say goodbye and see you in september, on the first day of autumn, a little later, sunday evening with vladimir
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solovyov, right now moscow. unbelievable but true. are you finally waiting for the most exciting political program to start? interesting shots and rare moments. and let’s reveal the secret of where this shot was taken, which has been discussed throughout the internet for many years. good evening, working meeting, meeting, international negotiations, president's schedule, as always, it’s busy, there’s a lot of events. at the beginning of the week, vladimir putin visited the holy trinity lavra of st. sergius, where he bowed to the holy trinity icon by andrei rublev and talked with parishioners. that same evening, but already in the kremlin. the president held a meeting on the development of shipbuilding. the next day, he received the president of the republic of congo, who arrived in
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russia on an official visit. and at the end of the week i met. with graduates of the ranhix high school of public administration, known as the school of governors, and of course, the meeting of the security council, at which discussed our response steps to the us deployment of short- range missiles in other countries. hello, putin said about this 5 years ago, let them not squeak later. washington was given a lot of time to play back, but now russia is forced to do what it warned about. judging by the fact that at the very beginning putin took off his watch, talked about... the treaty and announced that they would
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produce such missile systems, in 2019, under a far-fetched pretext, we came out of this year and announced that we would not produce them produce and will not deploy them until the united states places these systems in some of the... regions of the world. russia does not intend to, this is very important, i repeat this on purpose. russia does not intend to be the first to deploy such missiles in europe. if they are actually produced, they will be delivered to the european continent, and the united states has such plans. in any case, we have not heard statements to the contrary; this will sharply aggravate the situation in the field of international security. will create serious threats for russia, because some classes of these missiles.
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and the us allies cannot answer anything without them, because in this sense and in this part their sovereignty is greatly limited, they simply do not have their own word. footage of a statement from five years ago. does putin talk in detail about what the us decision entails? the administration of the current president withdrew from the short -range missiles treaty. this is a serious step, very dangerous in my opinion. only russia, only the united states. they don't produce weapons of this kind, it's true, indeed, many other countries, probably about a dozen of them there, produce such weapons, and russia and the united states have bilaterally limited themselves, now,
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apparently, our american partners believe that the situation has changed so much that the united states should also have such weapons , the next step was to look for someone to blame, well, the simplest and most familiar thing to the ear of the western man in the street is that russia is to blame. this is not so, we are against the destruction of this treaty, but they are also mobilizing their satellites, they are so careful, but still the americans grunt about this issue. first, they began to develop and use medium- range missiles, giving them the name of a target missile for missile defense purposes as a diversion. then they began to deploy universal mk-41 launchers in europe, which make it possible to carry out combat.
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they took it in romania, installed it, in poland now the ranges, well, it’s written right there, no, they will install it, look at what short -medium-range missiles are, and then compare them with the parameters of attack unmanned vehicles, the same thing, the fact that very quickly after exit announcements the united states has tested such a missile. medium-range ground-based, suggests that they have been working on this for a long time, such problems cannot be solved technologically in a couple of months, this means they have been working on this for at least several years, we were always told that aegis systems cannot be used for launches of land -based medium-range missiles, ijus, which are now already in europe, will soon be in poland in romania, and then boom they themselves announced that the launch systems had been used for... what should we do? of course, we will need to ensure our security by taking some steps, let them not squeak later about the fact that we are achieving some advantages, we are not achieving advantages, but
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we are maintaining a balance, ensuring our security. and now that same squeak is rising, but russia has been giving the united states a chance to come to its senses for almost 5 years. today it is known that the united states not only produces these missile systems, but has already imported them. to europe for training, to denmark, just recently it was announced that they are in the philippines, unknown at the same time, whether they removed these missiles from there or not, apparently, we need to start producing these strike systems, then, based on the actual situation, make a decision about where, if necessary, to ensure our safety, to place them. at the meeting on shipbuilding, please, also about the military-technical response to increasingly aggressive statements and actions. regular threats. addressed to russia, we even see concrete
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actions to implement these threats, naturally, this must be taken as seriously as possible, everything must be calculated possible risks plan adequate responses, so to increase the combat stability of fleet forces, pay special attention to the speedy implementation of remote threat detection systems, including from unmanned aerial vehicles, bearing in mind not only control of airspace by air defense systems, but...
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let's discuss the tasks today to equip the bases and areas of operation of our ships, ships with additional fire weapons, including manual and automatic machine gun modules, crews of unmanned aerial vehicles devices. and russia can definitely achieve its goals on the water, in the air, because they have created new engines for civil aircraft, for decades we have not had anything like this, but the pd-14 is a wonderful engine, modern with excellent data and such... countries, two- three, that’s it, no one else does it, they have the potential, i don’t know, well, there are several such engines, but russia does it, talk to those in leadership positions who help the country develop, you are needed where it is most difficult, where there are real managerial challenges, where the most difficult tasks are faced, and the tasks are the most unexpected, right here before the start...
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he joked, he made everyone understand that everyone was one team, everything related to their activities, and from his level he was ready to help in resolving any issues important for the country, talking with the heads of government of new regions, development has already begun, no matter what, no matter what security problems, development is underway, restoration is proceeding at a fairly rapid pace, of course, i am always at your disposal, with one on the one hand, the task is set that it is necessary to develop, on the other hand... there is a constant
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threat that it will come again, and how to accomplish this? in fact, this is all already happening, right now, well, lugansk is undergoing a very serious transformation, repairing a relatively small area, for example, a road or a park, is much easier than not having it at all, everything was on a residual principle, this is very good for me it is known that these are not empty words, i know this, but we do not think so today, we believe that the lugansk people's republic, just like all our other new ones, but in fact, historical territories... russia is an integral part of the russian federation and the standard of living of people in these territories must fully correspond to the standard of living and capabilities of all of russia. there are programs and appropriate resources have been allocated. it is only important to manage them wisely. head of the government of the donetsk republic. you said that you were an installer, you remain an installer, only at a higher level. so do you feel like an installer? you know, the first education
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is not going anywhere, probably a builder is there remains a calling for life, today we are also restoring the donetsk people's republic, we will develop, we will build and install. but it seems to me that it would be a mistake to do as is done in some countries on the basis of gender, you need to select , first of all, people based on personal and business qualities, if you do it as in some countries...


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