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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  June 30, 2024 8:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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you know, the first education probably won’t go anywhere, a builder remains a vocation for life, today we are also restoring the donetsk people’s republic, we will develop, we will build, install, postpone until later the solution of social, economic issues, it is absolutely impossible, we need to solve these questions now parallel with the solution of combat missions, the participants in the program consider themselves ready to perform any tasks, they complain that there are more women governors in russia. no, each, each of us i need to work on myself, apparently, this is also my omission, but it seems to me that it would be a mistake to do it the way it is done in some countries based on gender , you need to select people first of all according to personal and business qualities, if you do it the way in some countries, if there is a minister, it would be better if the ministry was completely eliminated. why keep such a minister, and
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they have leadership qualities in every word, every action, a minute before the start of the meeting, the sea is worried, why do we need it? and after all, many with civil services have gone to serve their homeland in the literal sense of the word at a combat post, what are your immediate plans? it’s not up to me, i’m currently serving, and you are the supreme commander-in-chief, here is the new leader of the kursk region, a region that also found itself practically at the epicenter of historical events.
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entrepreneurs not only did not allow the loss of those enterprises that were abandoned by our so-called partners from abroad, in the hope that everything would fall, everything would fall apart, but nothing fell apart, everything was not only intercepted, but with your usual brilliantly began to move on and develop. the head of perm spoke brilliantly, and suddenly he heard something from the president that he definitely did not expect to hear. being the head of a city is harder than it is. governor, it’s lower down there to be the head of a municipality, even lower than a district, it’s more difficult than being the head of a city, it’s always like that, why, because the closer you are to people, the more acute the problems, and after all, the governor of the pervsky territory heard the same thing, he i was just there, but do you agree that it’s more difficult for the mayor than for you, well, not entirely so, although you can’t argue with the president, the mayor’s job is really to work with the population, although we also try to walk the streets and communicate with ordinary citizens. well
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, you see what wonderful mayors we have, i wish them good luck, success, how to communicate with people, almost weekly, an example from the highest level, completion of work, in sergiev posad, putin took off his jacket, gets into the car, at this time, several tens of meters away, a few seconds pass. we just saw the moment when the president was already getting into the car, and then he heard that his name was called from here people, got out of the car, is now heading here, where, as we see, hundreds of parishioners have gathered, did you expect that he would come here, no, you didn’t expect, well, a little, i prayed, i really asked, i managed
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to shake the hand of the president, a long time ago dreamed of seeing him live, he also really wanted to shake hands, it seemed like all the conditions for this were even in place. on my father’s shoulders, hanging right over the president and it seems like everything is about to work out.
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we must be even more purposeful, we must have a clear understanding that caring for the fatherland, about the people - this is our common responsibility, this is the only way we can follow our historical path, which has never been decorated with roses, and has never been an easy path, it has always been difficult, god forbid that these difficulties of the present century , the treacherous century in no way weakened either our fatherland or our people. well, so that we can become stronger and gain more and more strength to fight evil. trinity sergeev lavra itself sergeev passat requires special care of the meeting on the development of the city in parts to be included in each of the federal programs. yes sir.
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along the streets of the ancient lavra presidential. as carefully as possible, well, these shots in general, many will watch with bated breath, then start to moscow, before the rest, the most interesting shots about big politics were published in the telegram channel of zarubin in the kremlin. the work continued late in the evening, these shots were taken around midnight, with the hero of the day. gennady zyuganov has one of the longest handshakes, congratulations on your anniversary for awarding the hero of labor star. i want to thank you for your many years of work, for your service to the fatherland, for your today
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support for everything that happens, in any case, on the outer contour, in the zone of special military operations, where some may diverge.
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and it becomes clear that the soldiers decided to take advantage of the wait and rehearse their ceremony again, and after a couple of minutes everything went perfectly. in recent years, african countries have begun to play a special role in the global economy, and now in geopolitics. most of them are not interested in the west’s next attempts to command them, which is why relations with russia have become special. trade and economic ties are also developing, in level, recently
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the western media have been writing more and more often: “washington and its european allies completely in vain discounted the countries of the global south in big politics, now they are reaping the benefits.” the central event of next week will be the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, which will be held in astana. heads of state and government from sixteen countries are expected to attend. the russian delegation will be headed by vladimir putin. today , almost 40% of the world’s population lives in the sco countries, the combined territories of the member states occupy more than 80% of the eurasian space, in contrast to narrow bloc structures, as putin puts it, the sco is aimed at cooperation, mutual consideration of interests, respect for cultural and civilizational diversity. agree that about 10 years ago, or even five years ago, many wondered: what is the sco, why are all these summits needed? and so... now, now, in this very acute situation, everyone sees how important that
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many years of work is. despite any external pressure, squealing with teeth, knocking on table, whispering in my ear. there are people, leaders of countries, and powerful countries at that, who do not succumb to this pressure and are guided primarily by their own... we are united by common problems and common interests, common borders, by combining
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regional efforts, we can achieve a serious result, this will depend and the authority of the sco in the international arena. the shanghai cooperation organization began as a structure designed to resolve border issues. and negotiations had been going on for 40 years before this, i want to emphasize this, that’s what created, gradually this platform helped us solve these border issues. i am convinced that the new association will serve a more rational and more effective use of the potential of our states, will contribute to the strengthening of peace and stability, it is no coincidence that the motto of the new organization is security through cooperation. even then, at the beginning of the 2000s, the sho began to arouse jealousy on the part of the west, but that was the time when political disagreements on the world stage were talked about as required by diplomacy, as correct as possible. we also see... attempts at some kind of competition with our organization, but
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i believe that it would be correct if we do not enter into any competitions, but engage in positive, constructive work, as we have done in all previous years. for us, this is not a chessboard, not a field for geopolitical games, this is our home, and we all together want the king in this house... peace, prosperity, the first test of strength, which the sco withstood with dignity, the global economic crisis of 2008 , with politics can be dealt with later, but with the economy we need to do something immediately. a joint initiative to overcome the consequences of the global financial crisis. it was precisely this approach, joint discussion, respect for each other’s interests, the desire to take into account and hear sometimes completely different views, that became increasingly attractive for other countries to work with. organizations are showing great interest in other states in the region, including pakistan, india, iran, and
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afghanistan. no one believed it then, but the sco succeeded. countries that were constantly teetering on the brink of a nuclear conflict became members of one organization. most likely, now at the summit in ufa we will make a decision on admitting both india and pakistan to this organization. turkey has extensive experience in conducting negotiations with... turkey's authority in the international arena and its independent sovereign policy provide every reason for turkey to take an increasingly active part in regional international organizations. russia is interested in this. by 2015, divisions in the world are intensifying and is becoming more and more obvious. western unions are built on the principle of almost dictatorship,
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the sco and brix are based on consensus. we do not have bloc principles. which we will certainly not aim at confrontation with anyone, but at providing the necessary conditions for comprehensive and multifaceted cooperation. then, in the report of the sco -brix summit in ufa, we showed footage of the atmosphere of the event, which is still being discussed on the internet. despite all the density and intensity
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of the agenda, everyone is in high spirits, not you often see sergei lavrov like this. then some wondered why and for what purpose these summits were being held, what was the point in 2022, when the world was shaken by tectonic geopolitical shifts, even skeptics understood how important that work was. conditions for the development of the russian economy. the shanghai cooperation organization, almost, or slightly more than half of humanity, is 25% of world gdp. and, most importantly, the economy.
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what is called dancing to someone else's tune. i can't imagine that fashion could to frighten, intimidate or force to take any action contrary to national interests.
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relations with china have previously been a special factor in geopolitics, and in the last 2 years they have generally become a key basis for the world balance. but many skeptics say that russia is falling into dependence on china, such an ironclad dependence. this is said not by skeptics, but by envious people. why? because the dependence of, say, the european economy on china is increasing at a much faster rate than russian, at a much faster pace. trade turnover is growing. blinken, biden, and many leaders of the european union countries, having seen these shots, sidinpin,
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climbing the stairs of the large kremlin palace, you and i understand exactly what that means. this place is exactly this format of negotiations. a us congressional commission recommended that the united states prepare for a simultaneous war with russia and china, and consider the option of nuclear war? i don’t think that these are some healthy thoughts that come to the minds of healthy people. and if we talk about the war between the great nuclear powers, this is a completely different story. i don't think so to people. in a sane mind, this thought should or can come to mind, if it comes, it only makes us wary, and even more so, to fight right away from russia, from china, nonsense, of course, at the upcoming sco summit. it is not expected that belarus will become a full member of the organization. russia and belarus have full-scale ties even in the most sensitive areas. now another strong thread
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is participation in the sco. in world political history , a unique precedent or phenomenon has been created as want to. creation of a state according to the formula, two countries, one state. i'm sorry, and even nuclear weapons are one for two now. and with this reality we need.
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every day biden gives more and more reasons for the whole world to discuss the state of his health, he is the president of one of the largest nuclear powers, and at the same time we all actually watch on a daily basis, well , to put it mildly, extremely specific footage, when you see all this you hear, what do you think? i think that the us domestic political campaign is gaining momentum, the election campaign, it is taking on more and more acute forms.
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they accepted my statement about mr. biden with a grin, but they saw in it some kind of hidden attack on president
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biden, really an old-school politician, something that he didn’t like, he then, to a certain extent, even began to attack me, i i thought that this would be the case, which means i’m right, he’s predictable, all this only confirms our thoughts about what i was talking about, well, if by and large we don’t care, i say quite sincerely that we...
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the sco are going to astana, and at the same time as putin , the leaders of many other countries are going to the capital of kazakhstan for the sco summit; the president said a couple of weeks ago that he plans to talk with erdogan. on the 3rd or 4th of july he should be separated. also, if you carefully study putin’s statements in recent weeks, it will become clear that a meeting with sidimpin is possible in astana, and although they saw a lot of topics for discussion quite recently. judge all these issues with the chairman of the people's republic of china on the platforms.
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thank you pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week, and to the audience, i’ll see you after a short break in the sunday evening studio. i don’t even know how to start the program, that is, i probably need to change all the backgrounds, put some kind of sick leave, in fact, what happened, moscow time, early on friday morning, but this is a
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human tragedy, that is... the whole world just mocked a weak, evil old man and you feel extremely awkward, because well , it’s like you’re forced to peek at a keyhole, the problem is that the size of this keyhole wells all over the world, and i don’t even want to be ironic or mock, it’s just a human pity, that is, for a deeply mute person, and at the same time, well, listen, not everyone will live to such a state, but how to... mock an old man to expose him to such global humiliation, while, well, we ourselves understand very well that our candidates are not there, yes, of course, vladimir vladimirovich said that it is beneficial for us to have biden, but it surprises me when someone is here says: trump, this doesn’t fundamentally change anything for us, there is the basic interests of the usa and russia, obviously they
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do not converge under any circumstances, and here... there is no need to indulge yourself with illusions, but here is the level of political shamelessness, mockery, reluctance to notice the obvious until the last moment when this happens, but real hysteria ensues, that is, the democratic party is hysterical, that is , now they are simply destroying, grinding this unfortunate biden, well, of course nothing could help biden, because all of his... attempts to say something about trump, some insults to putin, but it’s all about nothing, it’s just about nothing, the man is trying to say something, remembers something, his personal terrible tragedy, the death of his children, his first wife and daughter died in a car accident, then his son died from cancer, but when he pulls out this story over and over again, it already looks like
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speculation, that is, yes... yes, a drug addict, and having committed a wild number of crimes, but for him this is such a last hope that as long as he is president, he can to have mercy, that is , such a race, what will happen first, he will remain president or the verdict will come, why can he, well, look, if there is such a theory that you can pardon in advance before the verdict is passed, but no one will let him do it, because it looks too indecent, that is, firstly, this is de fact
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means already admitting it. son is guilty, and then this is directly the use of official position for personal purposes, moreover, at a time when he still needs to be elected, a lame duck can do this, no, the elections have just passed, he remains, he needs to get to of this moment, that’s why he is forced, because in his mind, after what happened, there should be a twenty-fifth article, because in his mind, it became clear to the whole world that he cannot fulfill his powers, why so happy?
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include not just african-americans, but the lgbt community, he wants to get away with get rid of the ability of medicare to for the ability to for the... "i did not oppose bussing in america, what i oppose is bussing ordered by the department of education, that's what i oppose. making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do with the uh, with the covid, excuse me, with um dealing with everything we have to do with uh, look, if you will determine the outcome of this election, vote, vote. vote, if you're able to vote early in your state, vote early, if you're able to vote in person, vote in person, vote whatever way is the best way for you, because you will, he cannot stop you, and i'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the the the total
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initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. president trump, i don't know what he said, i just don't understand.
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vladimir putin said that our country must start producing intermediate -range missiles and deploying them in a manner that meets the security interests of our country, because desperate heads in the eu continue to prepare for war. ursula had not yet given up his position when he immediately
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started talking about creating a unified european army, asking for at least 500 billion euros i can just see how ursula’s, you haven’t noticed, he’s just starting to get a mustache, look like a mustache, you can feel it coming soon.
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i like this approach. we need to relearn how to maintain the escalation game. for example, we could confiscate all 300 million euros of russian sovereigns. idiots, we won’t do anything anymore, like comrade stalin, who gave them land, tried to figure out that these too were victors, tried not to notice the animal anti-semitism of a number of polish armed formations. so, forget about the history of the thirties, when poland has misbehaved in such a way that churchel gave it a clear definition: come on, europeans,
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you don’t understand russia at all, when you understand, it will be too late. alexander mikhailovich, well, you started with a very important topic; indeed, by showing the debate, we will still see how america demonstrates that the governance of this state clearly does not come from the white house. if two presidents, two presidential candidates allow themselves to devote all their time not to analyzing the situation, not to development forecasts, at least for their own country, and not the whole world, but to personal insult, they measure golf handicaps, yes, this suggests that, firstly, well, old age, what else do they put up with, they ignore the opinion of the whole world regarding events that worry the majority of the population, and secondly, they show by the fact that they clearly there is something else behind this, well, the military-industrial complex. i probably agree, military-industrial complex, maybe there is something else, but clearly
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it is not the presidential power that is the main one in american reality, but despite this, i agree with you, no, i believe that america is actually ruled by the federal reserve system, well, i agree , that they too, but clearly not these two people performing such thankless roles, ritual dances, yes, as for america itself, the west, of course. is still strong, well, it would be naive to think that this kind of debate, they can somehow turn you and me into a different opinion, or impose on us a different opinion related to the situation changing, nothing like that, uh, i understand that today the military-political defeat of russia, but if it has not faded into the background, then at least has moved away, then they, of course, continue to actively influence us with the help of financial and economic methods and they see that it is possible here, i am not expecting them, it is possible to cause the greatest damage to russia,
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i would like to say that of course, we have been resisting this for a long time, and the government is actively working in this direction, we are trying find a solution, understanding the huge number of sanctions, including financial ones, we see how the financial bloc is trying to bypass these sanctions, but the problem is that attempts to bypass these sanctions by the financial bloc, they occur within that perimeter or in that system coordinates that existed before,
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he said that an export-oriented economy would otherwise lead to its collapse, well, listen, from the lips of the first deputy of the central bank they listen to this kind of statement, well, firstly, he himself, his functions within the central bank are not simply connected with the search, with the discovery and creation of this kind of mechanisms, the second, but we understand perfectly well that such phrases were uttered from the central bank, and the first is for the central bank.
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well, this is a man, a woman, this is a man, he has worked for 30 years, he is liable for military service, i don’t really understand due to his age, but what is he partially avoided mobilization? i don’t know, i had a chance at least somehow, you know, i’m taking advantage of bringing to my homeland, after such phrases, the entire economic bloc, he immediately
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burst out with different comments in all these posts there, i would like to say something, actually first of all, i would like to possibly protect this person, because there is probably too much excitement there already? fathers, i don’t know who they are, spiritual teachers than the central bank, they follow the example of their own, i don’t know, the federal reserve system, a very closed organization, it’s impossible to find them any day now, how many times, please, these guys are all security guards, come, i’ll be alone, and you’re all around, tell me. to the people, what is in your heads, just for the sake of interests, please share, i would protect, try to protect, and you will be like their defender, i agree, here they are all standing, and the two of us, i even think that we should ask in the relevant authorities to check the information, which in this case was voiced there in posts, that maybe they attacked the person too much, well, they wrote so much, i don’t even want to comment, so
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here, but in general, in fact, the point is not in him, and even the point is not in these financial sanctions, i believe in our government that it will be able to solve this problem, just the problem. they are much broader, we have the problem of public debt and servicing public debt, our public debt is the lowest in the world, well, it’s 14%, but well, it’s generally incomparable, here is the potential for the development of our country at the expense of public debt, which does not frighten economists, it is big, but even this is not a problem, the problem is something else, that we it turns out that we service it based on the current discount rate in such volumes that this year last year it was 2 trillion, this year 3 trillion, listen, what is this? rubles for servicing the national debt, this is in total equal to the cost of education and culture, but i don’t understand it, but we owe someone to ourselves, so this is how we service ourselves, so the question arises for me, maybe we already somehow, let’s think about what we can at least, i’ve already talked here about bonds
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federal loan, well, let ’s give them not 14% annual yield, at least 2%, and if such a yield is present, then let’s issue them. or use it through state banks, so that at least the interest on these loans remains with the state, listen, there are real simple mechanisms for solution, wait, i don’t understand, we owe it to ourselves, well , the state owes it to itself, it means the state owes itself, and to whom do we then pay a percentage for this to the banking system, which does not belong to the state, partially yes it belongs, but partly it doesn’t, the guys have settled in, but i would like to ask, how long will we be there?
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i was just heading abroad through the moscow exchange, okay, this is a separate topic, for individual institutes studying this information, i’m talking about something else, now we have an over-the-counter formation of the ruble exchange rate, well , listen, there’s a 2-3 ruble jump per day, but this where possible, if this is the constitutional
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duty of the central bank, so i read somewhere that they are collecting information, well, the needs of exporters, importers, well it looks beautiful, even scientific. we found out how much is needed, calculated how much there is, here’s the rate, listen, what a situation we live in, what kind of market, like the svo, 21 thousand sanctions, but maybe we’ll at least think about what this mechanism for determining the ruble exchange rate has examples when it is necessary not to study, to collect applications from exporters-importers, to collect the exporters-importers themselves, members of the government and not only, all interested participants, based on this information, and forecasting during the period i don’t know long-term, at least there for at least a year or two or three to form an understanding of what ruble exchange rate will be effective for the functioning, do you want them to live on a salary or something?
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this is a choice in favor of a stable currency, well , listen, if we treat our own ruble this way, then we will always have an outflow of capital, maybe we will deal with our own currency, when i say that if we use a similar mechanism to form the ruble exchange rate at least for a year, two, which suits everyone more or less, because it’s not the number itself that suits, but the stability of this numbers, the understanding that i can plan my own activities and thereby lay down less costs and pass them on to the consumer, so i want to say: on the other hand, that i am afraid that this kind of action with reference to the fact that this is a reaction of the over-the-counter sector of the economy,
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will lead to the fact that there will again be a sharp jump in the exchange rate, as we already had, after which the central bank will say, well , accordingly, the next thing is that inflation is with you , another rise in the discount rate of the central bank, and i’m really very i am afraid that this may happen and i would like to say in advance that this should not be allowed under any circumstances, here we go. is the central bank a sect of dollar fans? well, i, well, what else, well, the temple is in a good place, they go there, take them to the moon demanding the dollar exchange rate there, as pelevin once described, that is, no, no? well, there was oil there, well, it doesn’t change the essence when the financial bloc said that we are now trading 54% of currencies in yuan, you know, this is exactly what caused me concern, because the ease of transition from the dollar to the yuan, that is , to...
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colossal tasks, the first thing is that the government today faces two issues : creating a mechanism and tools for interstate settlements, and this cannot be done without understanding that the ruble must be based on the ruble. we are not like this , just imagine in brix they are going to propose a new currency system, yes they say , here we are, russia is proposing a mechanism and that they will gather their brix colleagues and say: you know, now we will finance the economies of china, india and russia with the new currency, it means you can come here, because there is no overheating there, you can come here, but we have overheating, that is, how do they even plan, how can one even wrap their head around this, no, they’re right, what is india’s annual growth rate, well, i think how is china's order there?
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it’s different what’s happening in the world, in society, it doesn’t matter to them, someone told them that yeltsin is no longer president, they didn’t tell them that chubais is on the run, that is, the central bank is not in the know, no, i want to say that dual power in the economy continues, so i completely unexpectedly i immersed myself in the topic of building roads in particular, i am amazed at the numbers, and most importantly at the realities that this industry demonstrates today, we have built and are building high quality, but such roads are already ...
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they don’t exist, if in fact there is an understanding of the money supply , today the government would just give the opportunity to fill ours . we have everything, only there is no money, but what about the economy with the money supply to boost our economy, projects that have already been implemented today, we are forced to mothball , partly due to the fact that supposedly there is no money and me i want to say that the monetary policy of the central bank in the fight against inflation has led to the fact that today the central bank is actually the cause of this inflation, not to mention the fact that well, we... expect
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to bring the rate in line with the realities as soon as possible the central bank, and the realities are such that industry, and indeed the country's economy in general, is waiting for a discount rate of 5 dash 7%, and not 57 3.7 it is not necessary 5 7 much at least like that, second, we must end up with excess exports, we must tax perhaps taxing not all, but some profits of the banking sector to ensure movement forward, and most importantly, we must ...
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to the largest systemically important banks in friendly nato countries, inflation rose, someone grabbed their head, the americans didn’t even know, they were told not your model, that is, their economy and they easily pump up the country’s economy. money, what is the dollar backed by? nothing, from the word, at all, have you ever heard conversations, oh, overheated, oh, this, oh, that, no, 16 trillion in 3 years, despite the fact that they have a debt, yes, off scale, and for us they tell you, but you don’t understand, but you need to clamp down, you need this, you need that, maybe someone doesn’t know something, well, contact the minis, he
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will tell you very accurately, very deeply about what is happening, yes. here’s one phrase of yours, alexander mikhailovich, about roads, it hooked me, i was talking a little about the road, which means i was there now, driving from lugansk towards svatovo, before it would have been hours, firstly, crushing teeth, about five hours, now flew by in less than 2 hours, the roads are amazing, fantastic, simple, the main thing is that we really learned how to do them, here we are now in talyat.
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and they dragged me to court, these heroes gave me another thought, and there are other heroes, i recently met my neighbor, he lives there not so far from me, who quickly snuck away there somewhere, he is somewhere abroad in croatia or somewhere else, he suddenly appeared back, i said, what is this suddenly, well, i work there
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with one gazprom structure there, so you’ve been like you for 2 years now... it was, why am i saying this, he says: i was very secretive, why am i saying this, those who ran away, left, deceived, deceived, for example, they returned, but i immediately had a thought: everything is on the contrary again, to return to the fact that there should be only one citizenship, many states do this, here is one state citizenship and live here, why what am i afraid, why did i say this, i i understand that
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this is more of a rhetorical question, i’m afraid that tomorrow it will become a little better, they will all run here, they will run here again to do the same things, not at all there, somewhere to trade, somewhere in case what or... then you need to contribute, you cannot do, because the constitution prohibits depriving them of citizenship, that is, it is necessary to amend the constitution, because when you are talking about two citizenships, the question is to deprive them of russian citizenship, but they still cannot refuse, because we don’t have it, for those who have joined again, there is, but those who ran away, for those who were born, you better do something else, here alexander ivanovich bastryki, in my opinion, spoke very incorrectly to the state duma, i think this is unacceptable, but the topic that he raised is important. i can't understand why we have people those who come to work, that is, labor migration, they become citizens of russia, and also members of their families, i really can’t understand this, with what joy they get confused with migration, i didn’t want to raise this topic,
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but he even gave me an order at one time, this of course, the president must decide what to do in this situation, but speaking before this, he spoke at your forum, i was not there... at the security council, so we created a group, and he knows everything perfectly well, that is, the security council decides this question, it’s a complex question, we formulated a story, you member of the government, i say, i, for example, there to any head of the special service, of course, why has this law that we formulated for you been in the government for 3 years, the person came, worked, left, without any patents, he’s in the government, you’re a member government, so you are responsible for this, what and what does the duma have to do with it, the security council, of course, he... doesn’t want to kick mishustin or medvedev, or especially the president, so he decided, it’s not nice, i didn’t like it, myself in fact we passed a law on last week, they themselves were adopted in the duma, you
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know about this, about security in this area, you violated it, you immediately end up on the register right out of the gate, now without a trial, by the way, by the way, there was no trial, before through the court, now without a trial, you can stop handing out russian citizenship, citizenship. create a separate agency, two separate agencies, one dealing with migration issues, for example russians, the second dealing with labor migration issues, just split it apart.
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such, such, there are no statistics, there are no statistics, well, in any case, behave like this statesman, it is impossible, i, for example, would never allow myself, even though i quote, continue after a short pause.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, wow, we haven’t seen you for a long time, you impudent ones. bilay, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, who’s good for you, the boys married two of them, don’t ask stupid questions now, they’re loved. you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of his time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship. to fall in love.
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visual pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, that’s it, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, my name is ivan, can i vanya? masha,
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not bad, zoya, i haven’t had zoya yet, ninel, ninka, or what? we look at rtr, you need a good girl and get married, like here to decide, he’s not good, but he’s a pretty girl, with a joke, a quirk, an invention, a girl, maybe i’m this ideal , let’s go to the zak office tomorrow. masha, again , there is more, but she is different, she is so responsible, reasonable, modest. i’m a serious girl, i don’t need any pretense, with your character i need zoya, look closely, nothing hurts, it hurts, it hurts here, why are you fooling us, what kind of jokes are these, limit girls, i’ll take it and get married, from monday on rtr . hello, dear
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friends, your favorite program 60 is on air minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow on рrt. so, returning to that, to the debate, it seems to me, it seems to me, it’s not a matter of this, not such a primitive picture, it seems to me, the environment. they realized that biden was no longer capable of running for president, they arranged for his participation in these debates to be specially buried in order to bury him, why did i have such a thought, because well, it was hard not to see, we are here with you how many times, well the year probably shows that he will stumble, or he will say something else, well, why, it was possible, but what did they do, first, they, first, they legitimized trump, he is not a criminal.
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since you are next to him at the debate, he could refuse, say, listen, i will not go to the debate with a criminal, he is a criminal, it has already been recognized that he is a criminal, the court there made some decision, biden called, like that, and i say, and biden, on the contrary, called, biden called, and it seems to me that there is some hidden meaning in this, second, you know, when all this spilled out, volodya to the public, that it turns out to be the family that rules, i remember...
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he received this biden, this biden, no other, and received a small family, and they always tell us about some institutions that they have created in america in europe, without these institutions, and no matter what happens to the president, these institutions work, so if this is an institution and his wife, his sister, his friend of some kind of the same age, yes, that means, what kind of institutions are these, these are the decisions that i’m talking about... i understand correctly that you don’t believe in family values, in i believe in good family values, but still this is a state, once you've been chosen, you have to rely on something, by the way.
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the fact that our state apparatus also needs to tighten up, we just now remembered with you a respected person with respect, well, everyone needs to tighten up, we all must be in very harsh conditions, understand somewhere today that family prices, although everyone should be somehow twisted.
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and here you and i were talking about these drones, which we’ve only been talking about for the last week, we talked about how we just need to shoot it down, just take it shoot down, it doesn’t even matter if some pirate shot him down, while he was a drone, before he became a pilot, that’s right, you understand, yes, but they started talking about it, they said, as soon as belousov gave the order to the general staff, they we started to move, we are not even now anymore, of course everything is not just wrong there. i’m not simplistic, because these are neutral waters, we need to declare them special there, without pilov, well, we talked about this 10 times, i ’m saying this now to someone else, to the fact that this man called the president of the united states, not only he himself made decisions in this state, but he also forced europe
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to do this, but he didn’t make a single decision and didn’t force, he can’t force, he forced there when i was still obama’s vice president, now all these decisions are made by completely different people, and of course, yes, you want to turn to the past, i’m talking to you and me already, this was in the seventeenth year, when petliura’s petliura’s ukraine suddenly, that means there was such a thing, you know, it was called the socialist revolutionary party of fighting, they suddenly by the way, many are deceived, they say
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that the bolsheviks were, that we are going sideways and to invite ukraine to the people themselves. as the classics say, you will deliver to them, as if you listened, and you think that they are watching, listening and not blocking us, and then what kind of people are you talking about, here they criticize me, there are some people there who are nervous, how so? i want to remind you, you know, remember, sodom and gomorrah, well, the lord destroyed these two
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cities, for what? because their sins were such that even ten righteous people were not found, so after the conversation abraham and the lord... this decision was made, not only that, we also remember that the angels brought lot and his family out from you read the comments that are now being left on the other side for the death of our children, just for a second, you want to turn to to whom, all of our people are already here, over the years that were, those who treated us with sympathy, with understanding, several million people moved here, we just very often draw pictures for ourselves. which are not there, so i just want it to be clear when ukraine now uses clergymen as exchange material and rejoices in the fact that...
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this is a very high percentage, and we are still trying to say that what are you, these are our brothers from 1984, well, i’m not naive about this, we’re brothers, let’s come to your senses, but it’s the same as organizing, well , now we’re organizing, we’re helping, please, those who come over to our side, thousands of people are sitting here, just now moskhalkova and i were talking, the next ones have been sitting for 15 years, the person in charge has been in prison for 15 years. russian service in poltava for 15 years simply because he led
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russian service, and there are thousands of them, we exchange these people, we get them out, but this is not the audience you are addressing, they are sitting, they are political prisoners, they don’t need to be convinced of anything, they need to be saved, and we are talking about a cheerful everyman who from the year 14 i enjoyed, in particular , what happened in odessa, the tragedy in zugrez, they also enjoyed.
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according to sociology, there was no drop in biden’s rating, they had a gap of 1.5-2% with trump, it remained approximately the same, well, it’s 2.5, that is, it’s still statistical error, and if you look at the breakdown of states, now there are disputed states, there are about a dozen of these swing statistics, and there - for the most part, while trump is in the lead, but these are the gaps there, roughly speaking, 2%, 1.5%, that is these are gaps that can be overcome, while 47 million americans watched the debates, now
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they say, well, like, this is not enough, we have, like, 250 million voters there, only 47 million watched, but if you look at the turnout, the last elections, 156 million turnout, well, that is this is every third voter watched the debate, plus, well, that is, less than superball in any case, but for a political event it’s a lot, yes, but those who didn’t watch it, they at least watched the cut-out, it’s a cut-out. exactly these are the frames that we watched - at the beginning, and - from the point of view of what influenced what, the bookmakers' odds changed, expert assessment, that is, now expert estimates are 54% for trump's victory 20 for biden's victory, but the most interesting thing is this when people bet their money, by the way, in 2016, despite the fact that all sociologists predicted hillary clinton's victory. here there were more bets on trump’s victory, and so now the odds that
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bookmakers give are, well, the odds, roughly speaking, you gave a dollar, how much you will get if your candidate wins, it was 1.9 for trump, now it’s 1.6, if he wins, you will get your bet, so to speak, for biden before the debate there were five, now there are three, and here there is a sharp drop. and an interesting point, the governor of california - if it was nine, it became six, also a fall, and trump, yes, no, no, no, why trump, trump was 1, 1.9, now 1.6, that is, this is an increase, well, roughly speaking, an increase in his chances, yes, an increase in chances, but just there, yes, five three, yes, but i understand, no, on the contrary, biden’s increased, from three to five, then yes, then it hits. from three, yes, from three to five, yes, thank you for correcting me, and california governor gavin newson, but this is now the most discussed
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figure, and there were 26 if he won by... 1 dollar, now they give eight, well, that is , it’s like a topic, that is, otherwise he thinks that they will replace him, yes, but what’s the problem, starting last fall, the entire circle of trump, no, not trump, biden, not the family that leonid spoke about, indeed this article in axius, which came out describing the biden family, and a wave of materials on this topic immediately went out, promoting the theme of family, this is really an analogy with our ninety-sixth year. they just suggest themselves, so here’s a funny story: those around him, all the political strategists of the democratic party, they convinced biden to refuse, and they used them, even these guys colleagues told a funny story, they used such a funny technology, in february of this year, american scientists
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made a list of the best us presidents. and trump is there in last place, in fifty -fifth place, and biden is in fourteenth, they came to him with this research, they said: listen, well, you are our dear man, you are already a great president, you are in the top 15, you are in fourteenth place, even ronald reikon is on the sixteenth, but everything is already your legacy, you have to leave, and the funny thing is that the reaction was the opposite, he says, so listen, he says, i’m a great president, so we need to run for a second term, in this sense, when...
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minimizing the candidate in the company, accordingly, various authoritative people speak for him, the same barack obama, who now has quite good ratings, the second technology the company , god forbid, in fact, they are already leading it against trump, but you can, so to speak, toughen it, and technology number three we had was general lebed, who gathered the protesters and , accordingly, in the second round gave these votes to yeltsin, well, they have the second. no tour it happens, but there is robert kennedy, who now, according to various polls, so to speak, has from seven to 9% of the votes, and most likely does not receive a single elector, but since there are 10 states, respectively, well, how would i deal as a political strategist , there are states where kennedy takes more from biden, there are states where he takes more from
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trump, but accordingly, in those states where he takes more from trump , technology is pumped into kennedy so... they work a lot with the surveillance program, but early, yes you can vote by mail, very what other options could there be, after all , to persuade biden not to run, because
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to take a man who went through the primaries and for whom 14 million americans voted for a ride at the congress, well , this is... an almost impossible story against his will, but still- somehow psychologically break him now and persuade him, but what’s the problem? further - any other candidate is weaker than biden, gavin newson, i looked - all the polls that exist today, biden - so to speak, he is about biden versus trump gives the best numbers, the trump-newsom gap is somewhere around 15-20, well, that’s right there. the best 3% there give him, but if you look at the swing states, then the gaps are quite large almost everywhere, why? because newson is such a very radical left candidate, plus he is remembered for his work as the mayor of san francisco, that the homeless people there messed it all up, i remember back in 1960 i was struck by the contrast of how
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san francisco changed there in just a couple of years, now they still say categorically worse and... this happened precisely under newsamy as mayor of san francisco. kamela haris, probably one of the worst vice presidents in the history of the united states, has all the dignity of being a woman and being a person of color. and i think that in general she also has quite big problems with getting elected. pete buttigieg, who has been clear about him for a long time, and the conclusion. i think that today the most realistic option is the one that vladimir said, that they will still leave biden as a presidential candidate and will try in a variety of ways organizational means to ensure his victory. well, i think that trump’s chances of getting a real term in a couple of weeks increase sharply after this debate. andrey, well, first of all, of course,
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i am grateful to joe biden, he provided us all with work until the end of this year, because there were two options: either they could pump him up and he would perform the way he performed at the state of the union , and there he really performed quite cheerfully, or he would simply fall, he did neither one nor the other. strategic uncertainty persists, which, in fact, is being determined now, by the way, today they are meeting in kemdavid, the inner family circle , apparently the closest alliance, advisers, biden's advisers in the white house, by the way, i do not rule out that kamela haris will also be there, so the decision, which will be accepted, because for the democrats they have such an existential character, insofar as, let’s remember the elections...
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which of the groups, which of the groups of the american establishment, well, that’s what it was called before, now it’s called the depst, let it be continue to determine the fate of the united states, now it’s not against someone biden and something else, now the main thing is trump, this is the person who can defeat trump. any of the listed, realistically speaking any, well, in principle, before there would be any, now not not any, these are the ones whom the democrats, because there will be no one to overcome, obviously, trump will either be imprisoned or killed, when if, if
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this happens, but we the last time they said it was in '16, the year i didn't say that he would be killed, in '16 year they thought that they would win, in the twentieth year, but this did not happen, the fact is that there are 4 months and 5 days left before the elections, so who can be promoted during this time? komalu, precisely, in this case, the only option that now exists is now they will gather, what is most important is the sponsors of the democratic party, so they will decide everything, if they say, we will not give money, grandfather, accordingly, go to rest, you you feel bad, they break his wife over the knee, they say: go to school and teach, stop chatting, kamalo becomes president, they pump her up so that she can show herself powerfully like a president, they give her the whole team of political strategists, then it’s one gate.
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that this is a person, in general, who is closely connected with the biden family, so kamala, in my opinion, is now a really real option, because if you look, you know,
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andrey, they can also play out a beautiful story that my teacher is feeling bad, i’m defending his legacy, a great american president, but no one's age, but i stand next to him, as biden has said many times, i i work for this woman, she’s the president, he’s the same. i regularly called the president, i am now coming out of the closet, i take myself to answer, this is the whole set, and the anti-rating of 56% does not play any role, i can remind you how before the elections in 4 months, many who won were crazy.
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moreover, if you take, except for kamala, emmy klobuchar and michelle obama, these are all over 60, that is, 60 more, everyone else is 52 years old, yes, that’s all, everyone is preparing for the twenty- eighth year, just big, big account for those candidates who were announced, they don’t need it now, they will step aside because the country has elections, the ideal option is to leave now before nato. because if kamala already represents the united states at a large nato gathering to show her leadership and everyone crosses her and speaks, it will immediately give her such a powerful boost if you forbid her to laugh, well, otherwise her donkey, this donkey’s roar passing her off as laughter may interfere i must say that in the last few speeches over the course of 3-4 months she was told just don’t open your mouth laugh a lot, you have to say what they
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want to tell you...
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they will push this power, as for the democrats, there is much more explosive potential here, so the arrival of trump will inevitably lead to the fact that the twentieth year will repeat there and on an even larger scale, that is why, that's why i'm a states' rights supporter. believes that it is necessary to supply texas with kalashnikov assault rifles in large quantities, then, i think that trump, in this particular case, is shaking up and will shake up this situation, but for the democrats of the current establishment, it is not important allow, therefore, either if they inform biden, then biden, but most likely they will not inform him, i don’t think that they are using the twenty-fifth amendment, now it’s too late to just leave gracefully, it ’s too late, but he can on august 19 say.
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where am i in general, a tragedy, of course, it’s terrible, well, like a tragedy, well, he really, in fact , he has drive, he doesn’t have enough strength, i think so . guys, i know i'm not young, let's state the obvious, i don't walk as easily as i used to, i don't speak as smoothly as i used to, i don't debate as well as i used to before, i know what i really know, i
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know how to tell the truth, and he starts yelling, and he’s not convincing, no, look, this is an archetypal image of a fool, i know what is good and what is bad, yes, if you translate camera on...
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after this, the minister of defense gives instructions, and publicly, gives instructions to the general staff to formulate a proposal on how to quickly respond to the threats that have recently arisen, this is naturally in the wake of the terrorist attack in sevastopol, a few words about what this is this rq4 drone. the hundredth black global hawk jet drone, this is a really serious device, it has very good characteristics, the operating ceiling is 17-18 km, it can stay in the air for up to 30
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hours, sometimes it works in tandem with the pi-8 posidon aircraft, with which it is controlled, has... equipped with a synthetic aperture radar, which allows you to take radar images of the area with a resolution of 1 m, by the way, it ’s not a cheap thing, it costs 218 million dollars, they ’re all american, it’s been there since the sixth year the americans have 35 of them in total, they planned to have 100, but it didn’t work out because... the program has grown as always in cost and - they stopped producing them within a day, so to speak - they can carry out object photography on an area of ​​138,000 km,
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transfer to the operators there about 2,000 images with a resolution of 0.3 m, that is, a very serious device, what can be done? submit what you can do right after a small advertisement, look at rtr, it means you are looking for the ideal, and what is the ideal, and like everyone else, kind, beautiful, smart and cheerful, that’s almost me, i’m beautiful, cheerful, i’m smart sometimes, so why did it become a thing, kulmitchitki, to look at you what you see, they don’t need you, they’ll catch you until the fall . ivanik, i’ll count it later. from monday on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we
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begin. will always help. we will practice how to walk on ice correctly. he will always tell you how to increase your low blood pressure. and... how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, always supportive, a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday on rtr. yours went
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that he was joking now or hasn’t received a diamond for a long time, she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what’s the matter, that ugly woman dismissed the servants, that i’ll marry her, you’re talking, i’m with such a fearful person i'll only sleep for a million, why?
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uh, the fact is that over the black sea, over neutral waters, uh, there is still a route of civil aircraft, planes of civil airlines fly, that is , missile launches, they are always uh fraught, fraught, yes, moreover, the americans can go on - escalation, and mig doesn’t have missiles, air-to-air, no, there are missiles, air-to-air, but - still there, i say again the most reliable
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means - it’s still - no, well , nevertheless, well, you can, you can also fire missiles into the air, but that’s necessary, but what is the speed of this colossus, well, it has speed, so to speak, i think it has a jet jet jet drone, it has a speed of more than 1,000 kilometers, well, that is, they are comparable to an instant, yes they are comparable to an instant, yes, then has become. intellectual capture banged, but for this, what needs to be done for this, of course, is to declare a no-fly zone, this is not very, not very good, because declaring a no-fly zone, it presupposes the defeat of ground assets, the neutralization of air defense systems, a potential enemy, and so on , i think, that it is necessary to do what the americans did in 1999, when they bombed yugoslavia, to make... an official statement by the foreign ministry that, taking into account the increased danger
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of committing, so to speak, terrorist acts on the territory of crimea, taking into account, so to speak, aircraft targeting, so to speak, certain foreign countries, mead warns that the presence of aircraft in this airspace is unsafe and may, so to speak, happen in the future. this is necessary, so to speak, to escalate the situation, to beat the drone, i am sure that this will not lead to any, not to a third world war, but the americans, i think, they will think very hard, because well, the reason, the reason is not such that, well, according to international law, if we shoot it down in neutral airspace , this is an act of aggression, well, you know, this is not an act of aggression, because it needs to be done, it needs to be warned, it needs to be warned, and what to finish.
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so they are also smart, so now, for example, they have already deployed british ones, they have deployed a manned one and have deployed four escort aircraft, of which row turned off the transport, about the british and the french, they fly there too, you don’t need to start with the americans, you need to start exactly with what i’m leading to, with these guys, and
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then, so to speak, start with the americans, now the second question is about that, the one that, so to speak,
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uh answer, how can we answer? i must say that we still have very good groundwork in operational-tactical missile systems and ground mobile systems and multi-purpose - high -cross-country chassis. we have a missile for iskander m e 723, which, due to its oil and dimensional characteristics, can easily be modified to 1.00 km. we have what the president said at one time, we can land, as he said, a caliber with a range of 2,500 km, we had an excellent ground complex with a light icbm r-26 line, which we, uh, well, let’s say
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, the americans came out in our favorite repertoire, although we declared it as an intercontinental ballistic missile, so to speak, we agreed to launch it.
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medium-range missiles, then i think we will not hesitate to let them answer and also place it, i would, for example, we had such plans, by the way, the same line can be placed in chukotka, that’s all, it then reaches
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the west coast calmly, not to mention the oblast, i ’m telling you, the third world war everything is going well, so don’t worry, no, you don’t need to worry yet, but everything is okay. well , we can calm ourselves down, but if we look at it realistically, well, now in france, they are right there, if they win, it will be clear that there will be hysteria, how to get out of it, ursul wants war with all his might, the poles want war. for sevastopol will be, the only thing i an agreement is not an answer, it’s a preparation for an answer, that’s the answer, when they feel the damage, that’s also the answer, then it will be
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the real answer, no, we answer everything, we started with the crimean bridge, when there was a terrorist act, then the blows began, blows to the energy infrastructure, they are growing, so to speak, but only now we started to really start to sort it out, then we fought with the transformer, and it’s unclear what kind of moth is with the transformers now. have already reached, well, if they don’t stop, because the calculation would they won’t stop, that’s it, then it will go now, but it’s possible for this then and now to start now, well, preferably, but unfortunately, i talked about this from the very beginning of the operation, well, listen, well, it’s clear that ukraine is consumables for them, our guys there are great, they are now coming up with colossal things, implementing them, military science is developing there at a colossal speed, the ministry of defense is interesting now. information provided that last week two well -thought-out daring operations were successfully carried out, the first covertly
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an underground tunnel was dug and a settlement was taken without a fight, we have already used these techniques more than once, in particular, it is known when our heroes, a detachment of veterans in avdievka, walked through sewer hatches, there are also a lot of relays, but here it was done deliberately, beautifully, it’s not enough that our ministry of industry is doing even more work there. because we have developed and used a system of small-scale mechanization, which is now also being actively implemented, it is not a fact that this particular tunnel was dug like that, but a lot is now going to the front all sorts of ideas, the second, with the help of a sudden motorcycle raid , a populated area was also liberated, and with motorcycles it is very interesting, if for example, well there in the kharkov direction it doesn’t matter, because there it flies like that, the sounds are such that you don’t have to bother there, then here it is i was just now with the guys, they said, you know, it’s good for us if... an electric motor, well, just to quietly get close, hop, they came in and worked it out, besides , it’s a consumable item, you need a lot of it, and
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whatever you want, that is there at least electric at least electric scooters, that’s all, that’s all you need, they quickly dropped in, worked, all the time, and no two assaults are the same, that is, all the time there are some innovations, that is , they are being worked on, well done in this regard, so the army is ready, well, we need a political decision, of course, a political decision and yes.
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it’s also very important for us to know how the chinese feel about the election process in the united states and its prospects, but in order to answer this question i’ll start from afar, i’ve just returned from another business trips to china, we were preparing a trip, well, i personally organized a large corporation, a russian technological one, perhaps the largest, i can’t say which city. what companies did we meet with, but there was a meeting at a very high level, and people were amazed by what they met, now there are sanctions, this is all talk about how china is not our friend there , and so on, at a level that we haven’t met even before the twenty-second year, we were all surprised how this could be, why, including during meetings, they said that these large high-tech corporations are ready to return to russia after the twenty -fifth year, this is already the beginning of an answer to the question of how the chinese feel about the prospects, and... what will happen at the end of this year, that is, well, as if there were two scenarios , yes , that means one is a compromise, the other is an escalation, accordingly, quite
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recently, a few days ago, too, that means the dates for the third plenum were announced, well, that’s why this is important, the third plenum, every 10 years sets the prospects for the chinese economy for a decade, well conditionally principles and so on, this plenum has been postponed since october last year, that is, this is also very important. parliament meets in march, in october at the end, beginning of november, plenum, march, which means november, march, november. years, here last year they took it and haven’t carried it out since october, that is, there was a certain stupor and there was a misunderstanding about where the united states would go in relation to china, what the policy would be, whether there would be a victory, which has now happened, which means in the direction of ukraine, the russian federation, and so on further. i draw conclusions for myself that the chinese political and economic system has accepted as the most likely scenario for the development of the situation, an escalation
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scenario, in other words, it will not be better, no matter who comes to power. indeed, now we’ll see how this epic with biden will end, but nevertheless, a definite decision has already been made that most likely there will be large sanctions against these companies, which are now large... exist in china, there will be a tariff policy, it doesn’t matter who wins, it will be trump, it will be biden, one way or another wash, roll markets, and premium markets for chinese exports, electric vehicles, including the european union, the united states, they will be cut, that is, this is a completely new story, a new escalatory story, accordingly, that’s what we ’re talking about they said that in fact vladimir putin’s visit to beijing removed biden, i think we
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can already fix this now, who will be, what will the other candidate be? or, then, it will be gavin newsom, yes, or it will be kamala haris, look at whom you passed just, they have already presented it to the chinese leadership, there were examinations for the chinese leadership, i think that it would probably, of course, be nice for china for this candidacy to be, which means a nice person, focused on relations with china, california is the largest trading partner , among other things the people's republic of china and so on, but most likely that is why he will not be allowed in any elections, that is, there will be some completely incomprehensible candidate kamala haris. which means it’s enough for now, like some kind of code in a bag, it’s not clear what attitude towards china, but nevertheless it will also present an escalation scenario, well, that is, to put it briefly, how the chinese treat it, in any case it will only get worse, and then there will be a correspondingly new prospect for the development of relations with the russian federation , that means those companies, by the way, noticed that there is already a large range of chinese companies, also like communication companies, they are very
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calm about meetings with ours, which means... manage that they have already been delisted from the american ones, from american stock market, they are already the object of sanctions, well, i repeat once again, it will only get worse, so here is the scenario, which means connections, the growth of these connections, it is, well , most likely inevitable, that is, most likely it is obvious that the connections between russia and china will only get stronger, and what can help, not faceless, just now the thought came to me during the broadcast that kamali harris can help get re-elected to some no-name, but how can i say, a great rise of the nation in the fight against a big enemy, this can be china? i don't i’m talking about what will happen tomorrow, which means there will be a landing in normandy, which means, yes, it will be like saving an ordinary area in a movie, yes, that means there will be some kind of assault, that means the coastline, and so on, but what -that means a clash there with the same drones, the same clashes with the philippine, which means the coast guard, there are already fights, there are already casualties, and so on and so forth, this escalation scenario will most likely be realized, ukraine will fade into the background, with this is connected now perhaps there is some
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dynamics in the negotiations on ukraine, now the war between them will play a big role. for as long as humanity has existed, wars go on all the time, the number of years when there was no war is incomparable with the number of years when there was war, we are simply spoiled, we are somehow accustomed to the fact that war passes, well, what does war mean?
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view that the nuclear winter will all end, everyone quoted the phrase, i don’t know whether the old man really said it or not einstein said it, that i don’t know what kind of weapon will be used there for the second, or even the third, but the fourth will be stone
10:00 pm
ax, this is all untrue, there is no fear after nuclear weapons after chernobyl and fukushima, this is a tragedy, well, they now really believe that only one factor was at work there, radiation, and there is also impact.


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