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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 1, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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within the g7. the president of the european commission, ursola fondeen, stated the hope that ukraine will receive the first money before the beginning of 2025, but this is not certain. in general, everyone is waiting for donald trump to win. the south korean media is fanning the panic. the korean television channel tv chosan, citing a south korean official , reported the dispatch of the dprk engineering corps to the donetsk region. already in july of this year. today rumors reached washington. at night , brigadier general ryder was asked at a pentagon press conference what was going on, to which the general stated, that this is being watched closely and the north koreans will become cannon fodder. i advised comrade kim not to send his troops. khim chinin, as you understand, still ignored the advice of the americans. $800 a month;
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in total, three to four engineering teams will be sent to the dpr. such assistance will allegedly cost russia $115 million a year. the insight was immediately picked up by all western media, although there is no confirmation yet, but just in case. the british san respected the total number of engineering brigades in the dprk army, their only 10, that is, kim sends as many as 40% of his engineering units to war. well, to control such a number of engineers , the presence of north korean soldiers will definitely be required, that is, the dprk is entering the war on the side of russia.
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relations between moscow and seoul have become tense since putin signed a defense pact with kemchenin last week, which states that...
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it's not new, it's old, it's a boeing c-17 globe master, but it's equipped with a really new one. hypersonic missile launcher, which consists of two drums, each containing six hypersonic missiles, which exactly resembles a revolver. specialists and the us air force are also working on new weapons, and they are also developing new ones on purpose. there are missiles for this plane, but the americans' most secret weapon leaked online, and in the most unusual and incredibly funny way, one of the users was flipping through google maps in search of a suitable beach, she saw
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this marine device off the coast of florida, as it turned out later, this is a new underwater drone us navy, the main development of the americans for the last ones. after one of the subspecies of stingrays, which in russia are called sea devils, or manta, not to be confused with the uzbek national dish manti. the combat features of the drone have not been disclosed, but thanks to a photo from google maps, it is known that the wingspan is approximately 14 m, the length is 10 m. as the american media admit, new mantras.
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developed for several years in the utmost secrecy, the developers of this underwater drone were given the task: mantarey must be the most modern in matters of energy saving, performance, power and fuel supply so that it can carry out various protracted missions over long distances, and montarey can do all this, the developers assure. it has a cruising range of as much as 1000 km, meaning it can easily cross the pacific ocean and reach the shores of russia. moreover, this drone can carry nuclear weapons on board. since the drone is controlled remotely, the creation of montarrey is the us response to a similar development in russia, and recently this american underwater drone was tested in real conditions, off the coast
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of southern california, during which the americans true, we got into a bit of a puddle, because the drone project was actually classified, and now anyone can see photographs of monterrey just by going to google maps, just one of... accidentally captured a drone in the parking lot at the pier during testing, however, some -that the americans still managed to keep secret information about when mantaray would enter service with the us navy. in videos that recently appeared on the internet, we saw a test of a new underwater drone near the coast in southern california; its shape reminded everyone of scathach. as it became known, this drone uses propellers to move underwater; it is capable of hiding on the seabed in anticipation of new tasks. unlike a submarine, monter is a modular device, thanks to which it can be quickly disassembled and transported to any location for further work. the technology is becoming part of what experts call the maritime drone war. america's main adversaries are also developing similar devices. it
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is expected that very soon marine underwater drones will be equipped with artificial intelligence. this innovation will also affect weapons that fight in the air. mantarea's developers are currently working with the navy and are preparing for further testing to be used in full-scale operations very soon. russia claims that it already has a prototype of an unmanned submarine with nuclear weapons on board. development began 4 years ago, with the goal of creating multi-purpose underwater vehicles that could be used for long-duration missions. manta ray completed full-scale tests in february and march of this year, but the public saw the marine drone itself only now. the drone is quite large, but the exact characteristics of the underwater drone have not been reported. according to the requirement, it must be equipped with new technologies, including those that will allow montarey to collect energy from underwater resources. the material from which... it is made must protect the device from the dangers that lurk in the depths of the ocean, including fouling and
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corrosion. the drone has several compartments for payloads of varying sizes, but it remains unknown whether this feature was enabled during testing. according to reports , not only the drone itself was tested, but also the logistics of deploying this machine. so the device was delivered from maryland and sent to california disassembled in parts, after which it was assembled. the culmination of the holiday of perverts, the more
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like hot cakes. in general, the closer madness is happening in the western world, especially in the democratic states of america. just look how prettier he has become under joe biden. new york city. ruckfeller center, empire state building, medison square garden, all decorated with rainbows in honor of lgbt people. no. the city authorities of new york even forgot about the monument dedicated to the victims of the september 11 terrorist attack, while no one knows how many gay people died as a result of the terrorist attacks, they did not ask the relatives of the victims for consent to the strange action, in general, this is an lgbt dictatorship, whatever you want , you don’t want to, but you’re idle, they force you to celebrate , too.
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but fight shows were part of leisure time american soldiers during the second world
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war. american journalists are talking today. what does this mean? there was a landing of transvestites in normandy or what do you understand? guy penya joined the army in 2005, at that time there was a policy of don’t ask, don’t tell, this is what allowed gays or gays to serve in the armed forces, but on the condition that they would not... tell anyone about their sexual orientation, it was a real struggle, i had to hide parts of my identity, hide who i was i am, and i was not truly happy, in the army i drank a lot, i was depressed because i could not be what i wanted. this internal struggle remained with him throughout his service until the don't ask, don't tell amendment was repealed in 2011
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. penya says that the stress received then still remains with him, which is why he headed the veterans organization. has a long history of fighting shows, especially during world war ii, when the cross-dressing event was not only sanctioned by the army, but it was also noted as a plus for the morale of the soldiers. since the military was segregated until 1948, us military personnel had no choice but to dress men in women's clothing instead of girls. here is footage
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from that era, and we see how the soldiers are preparing for their performance, putting on makeup. it's much better when you can be whoever you want. this is another step towards equality for those who defended our freedom. this army was just a prison, but gays were not criminals, they were ordinary people. in the army had murderers, rapists, thieves, other people who broke the law, when they ask me what it was, i can just say that it was a prison. and the fact that
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people told me that they could share their experiences with me made a difference. and now we actually see some changes, because... an article was published under this title in the american edition of the wall street journal. the article talks about, at first glance, law-abiding citizens of slovenia, who seem to pay taxes and raise children, in fact, agents of russian intelligence. german belle solemnly reports that the russian trace is...
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dispersing hysteria and spyphobia, germany's main tv channel, ard. they are trying to convince the germans that putin’s terrible agents are literally everywhere, that even the neighbor with whom you fry a sausage on the lawn of your house on weekends can be an agent. in general, there is panic. he was also accused of spying for
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russia. russian spies are now as active as during the cold war, because of putin's intelligence services, the whole of europe is in danger, they they introduce their spies directly into our environment. every friday at 14:10 johan schäfer sits down at his shortwave receiver and receives a special signal. as if he, oh, yes, a fifty-two-year-old man, blind since birth, has been listening to the radio messages of the special services for more than 40 years, so... this signal comes directly from russia, from the russian special services. radio communication has one decisive advantage: the signal is transmitted, but who its recipient is is absolutely unclear. over the years
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, johann schaefer has accumulated more than 2,000 tapes with a certain scale, he can even play them on the piano. this is the so -called greeting signal: first a low tone, then a high tone.
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they are somehow overly emotionally sounding the alarm about the city of toretsk, what is happening there now, what is the fear, we are surrounding, we are entering, what are the tactics? fear,
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as usual, they are afraid that russian troops will soon liberate this city from nazi occupation, i can safely express myself this way, because the fascists are really opposing us now, with our on the other hand, there is now quite serious progress going on there almost every day. active work of artillery, aviation, and the other day such a message appeared, yesterday on the internet, voiced for the first time, first of all by arestovich, that six battalions of the armed forces of ukraine refused to carry out the order in the direction due to our great advance, they were given the order to go on a counterattack, but the vsushniki did not want to carry it out, for us this is of course good news, but the best news was if they turned around and went to kiev, they would just refused to launch a counterattack, the enemy is indeed now demoralized in many sectors, they are already beginning to realize the hopelessness of events, they understand that they are unlikely to succeed in anything, and i hope that we will continue to see this trend
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more and more further. we talked about this, probably, a few months ago, that when there are a large number of mobilized people in the enemy’s ranks who are captured on the street, then the barrier detachments will eventually cease to cope with the situation at the front, it seems that it is really starting to getting out of control because in so many places we are seeing our progress. kharkov region, what’s going on there, the enemy has really pulled together a reserve, just to understand how many people there are, whether it will be a large-scale offensive, or remember, there was such a term back in 2014, when the war began, the ukrainians said these are toads’ fringes, well then there are jumping gradually, here and there, trying to scare off the enemy, indeed reserves were given and quite serious, but... it’s almost impossible to say about the number, because our the military personnel work very well, very high quality, reconnaissance identifies enemy deployment points in advance, identifies
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new positions in advance, manpower is destroyed in a timely manner, unfortunately, now there are no serious advances of ours there, very serious counter battles are going on, the horsemen are trying to counterattack, but they have so far nothing comes of it, our guys are holding their positions tightly, the main battles are taking place in the volchansk area in the area of... the settlement of libtsy, and it should also be said that the enemy is precisely on in this direction in kharkovsky - precisely in the area of ​​​​the city of volchansk now somehow - managed - to some extent even to surpass us in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. this is truly alarming news, because nowadays all unmanned systems are practically the main type of weapons, because they are small, roughly speaking, cheap birds that can hit accurately. the target is at a great distance, now we have some small problems in connection with this, but despite that, due, again, to the work of our aviation and artillery due to the tenacity and courage of our
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military personnel, we have problems... we have direct communication with communications, as always, from the zone of special military operations, so of course there are nuances, if you have returned, yes, yes, please continue, the connection is indeed sometimes interrupted, it not only depends on me, because now, where i am outside the window, the artillery is really working very tightly, now rocket artillery can be heard, and sometimes it happens that somewhere the connection is damaged for a short time time may be wasted, i apologize in advance. so that’s what i’m saying, even despite the fact that now the dry landers have superiority in terms of ethereal flying vehicles, our guys still do so much of their duty and do not allow the enemy to advance, but attention should be paid to this, we need to improve our rap, we need improve our drones, because artillery is clear that it is the beech of war, but when artillery has eyes, it works more efficiently, in the same way, determine locations in advance opponents, drones help us just
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enormously, in part... how important is this structure, bearing in mind the nuances of modern warfare, when we read publications, they report about 300 uavs that ukrainians produce annually, that’s a lot, not enough, what kind of drones they have , their own drones, these are western drones, we know the model of a woman, what else is flying there? well, in fact, 3.00 drones is an insignificant number, because if we take, let’s say, attack fpv drones, which have a first-person view, there are a day on a sector of the front, on a certain, small one, more than a hundred can be used, but if we talk about large aircraft-type drones that are engaged specifically in reconnaissance, which can fly over
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a huge... distance, then for such drones 3.00 is quite impressive amount, but we have already learned how to effectively deal with them, we always determine when an enemy corrosive drone appears in the air and naturally, if possible, it is destroyed if it does not have time to escape, uh, we can talk about the effectiveness of these systems endlessly, i consider the creation of such troops to be the right decision, i hope that soon we will also have something like this, now we see uav companies, uav battalions, where specially trained people work with this equipment, work. really serious engineers, people with great skills, with great experience, and if we create all this as a separate, roughly speaking, like artillery, like aviation, make a separate class like ethereal aviation, i hope that in this direction we will improve even more and more faster, i'm at the moment i can compare the use of ethereal flying vehicles at the front even as in some way a technological breakthrough, because these devices actually... provide
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a colossal amount of information and at the same time they can also be used as ammunition. thank you very much, military correspondent alexey gavrish from the zone of a special military operation in terms of worsening our relations with the united states. the news has just arrived, another flight from a su-34 of the russian aerospace forces near the american reconnaissance strike uav mq9 reaper. but for now...
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to the destruction of drones, which are obviously targeting our country. look. the russian ministry of defense notes the increased intensity of flights of us strategic unmanned aerial vehicles over the black sea, which carry out reconnaissance and target designation of high-precision weapons supplied to the armed forces of ukraine by western states to strike russian targets. this indicates increasing involvement. usa and nato countries in the conflict in ukraine, on the side of kiev mode. such flights greatly increase the likelihood of incidents in the airspace with aircraft of the russian aerospace forces, which increases the risk of direct confrontation between the alliance and the russian federation. nato countries will be responsible for this.


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