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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 1, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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the ministry of defense of the russian federation belausov gave the command to take action and prepare to destroy drones that are obviously targeting our country. look. the russian ministry of defense notes the increased intensity of flights of us strategic unmanned aerial vehicles over the equator of the black sea, which carry out reconnaissance and target designation of high-precision weapons supplied to the armed forces. ukrainian forces by western states to strike russian targets. this shows everything greater involvement of the united states and nato countries in the conflict in ukraine on the side of the kiev regime. such flights greatly increase the likelihood of incidents in the airspace with aircraft of the russian aerospace forces, which increases the risk of direct confrontation between the alliance and the russian federation. nato countries will be responsible for this. the minister of defense of the russian federation andrei belousov entrusted the general.
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intends to highlight those points that can be presented in favor of joe biden, that is, the child goes to the end. ask! well, there is nothing meaningful to discuss about the main political show of the west. we didn’t hear anything new or interesting, but the impression, the sensory impression, has enormous political effects, it will be a long-term effect.
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all over the world, who is the president of the united states of america, this is not just the highest government official, according to the constitution and tradition, it is a symbol, an image of the american state, the whole world saw this image, there supporters clung to the tv, they were it didn’t matter what he said, the main thing was that he got to the end and expressed himself more or less coherently.
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we understood, we guessed that this would happen, we made an assumption in this studio, they knew it, they could not help but understand what state biden was in, and yet there are rails, inertia, and this apparatus can no longer stop , he stubbornly rides on these rails, so they stubbornly say, biden will still participate in the second round of debates, he will still go to the presidential elections, don’t we see the same with the american it is a state... at this debate there was
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a third participant, of course, he was not allowed to speak, this is russia and its president, seven times one candidate mentioned our president, and seven times another, 14 times in an hour and a half, you know who he reminds me of the american state now, i was thinking about this analogy, what could it be? imagine such a very elderly prima donna of a burnt-out theater at the exit, who with all her soul hates the new stars that have appeared, she doesn’t want to talk about them, but she can’t help but talk about them, that’s what they are untalented, upstarts, aggressive, and i have such a voice, such a gdp, they sit around me sadly, but...
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this means one thing: the main political show of the liberal-democratic world has publicly burst and failed before everyone’s eyes. this will not have a short-term effect. but this is an impression. impression plays a huge role in politics. the world saw the absolute dead end of american democracy. in terms of bullying joe. biden's most remarkable insight on this topic concerns how exactly biden was tried cook, well, first of all, we know that he was hidden in his residence in whom david, there were trainings, he was taught to stand, he was taught to walk, he was taught to pronounce names, trained by years and dates,
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nevertheless he still managed i got confused, i made a mistake with the date of death of my own son, which of course doesn’t even make me smile, this is really a diagnosis. but how they prepared grandfather and what came of it, look. so let's go again, you've been here for a week, let's run through the list. first let's start with the fact that trump is a convicted criminal. yes joe, say he is convicted criminal. second, russia is bad, russia is very bad. very bad. and ukraine is good. zelensky is a cool guy, more money, more millions. yes, ukraine is good. so, thirdly, the security of our borders, everything is very cool there, just forget about it. we love gays, i'm gay, you're gay, i'm gay, you're gay, hurray, so, so, joe, don't fall asleep, look, look, shiny, shiny thing, don't switch off, so, now abortions, well, who doesn't, joe, joe, joe, don't fall asleep, joe, look here, don't sleep, that's the most important thing,
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so, give me a syringe with adrenaline, another injection, yes, let's do another one, boom, ready, let's continue, don't talk about incest, you didn't shower your daughter at the wrong age, of course you didn't, then you were saving water, that's it and it was, further, we don’t say long words, but if the topic of your son hunter comes up, remember, he’s just wonderful, he’s the smartest person, and you know it, he’s the smartest person, i think everything’s okay now, okay, hang on, and what does it smell like, like someone puffed up their pants, well joa, well ju, cruel treatment of... with pensioners, biden failed, and the wonderful axios explains what the reason is, he tried too hard, he overprepared, overexerted himself, the potential is enormous, then, well, it came out and couldn’t. president biden's responses
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during the first debate of the 2024 election were at times incoherent and chaotic. supporters immediately expressed serious concern about how this would affect his future fight with donald. he was too prepared to rely on small things when all that mattered was cheerfulness and energy, said one person close to biden. they they prepared him for the wrong debate, he was overprepared , and he needed rest. it was confusing, he added. a former white house official argues that people should be fired, but complains that this likely won't happen because biden rarely fires people. it was a truly disappointing debate performance by joe biden, former white house communications director keith betdinfield said on cnn. you know, i was watching the debate, i remembered, just watching how biden answered, i remembered mandelstam’s lines, i say i forgot what i wanted to say, is this actually, or is it time
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to recall this now in my memory, but you know, i may say some somewhat unexpected thing that goes against the general tone of all these comments, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that and how this affected the map of electoral preferences, can we say that it really is the same, that is, the picture has changed radically, they went back and forth, no, this picture does not exist, and this says himself matter about many things, this suggests that now
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the task of the democratic headquarters has become more complicated from the point of view of political science, but this does not mean that it is not solvable, the information space is arranged in such a way that... informational reasons beat each other out today everyone is talking about in this catastrophic speech of his, the image is a picture of a man who does not understand where he is. my wife helps me get out, but tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, some new stories will appear, new reasons, it’s quite likely that all this will be forgotten, and you know what’s most the main thing is that i, in any case , have not seen this said anywhere, but it seems to me that these debates have revealed the following thing, that maybe, but the americans just don’t talk about it, maybe the institution of debate has outlived its usefulness, why because what really... these are not the debates that really were system-forming, meaningful in the history
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of america, when in the sixties the first debates that were broadcast on television, you remember, yes, kennedy nixon, yes, they determined the fate of fate presidential elections of the sixtieth year, 20 years later, the eightieth year, carter, reagan also carter loses, he loses the elections, then it was really decided, because then... there was a discussion on the merits, there was a republican agenda, there was a democratic agenda, there was , there was a whole set of specific questions that interested the americans, what we saw now, we saw two meaninglessness, but one meaninglessness was with weak cognitive abilities, with the inability to pronounce words, and the other the emptiness was lively, it was bright, it was normal, in this situation, when we see two vacancies, what should
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the american electorate do when the country is deeply divided, of course, the biden team and those who support biden understood, in fact, what and what you can expect from a person who has already manifested himself in a similar way in dozens of situations, that he could jump over his head, that he... would wake up as some kind of golden-whisker, so to speak, an actor, who would suddenly speak: no, a miracle did not happen, it couldn't happen, but donald trump is categorically unacceptable for them, and even if there was a wax figure there, it would still not be donald trump, they would still vote for him, so they will continue to go back and forth, maybe when we we’ll see the polls after the debates, maybe you ’ll see that trump will take the lead by two, three, maybe 4%, but it’s possible... the situation will be played back, so the intrigue
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will remain, and as for replacing biden, you know, i would give a slightly different comparison, you were talking about prima donna, but i would say that the american political system now reminds me of such eastern corporations, business corporations, in korea there are such chaebol corporations, competing with each other, yes, these are 300 people who...
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of course, out of madness, from the stupidity that surrounds them, that literally
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anything can be a trigger for starting a war, see thirty-six-year-old athos solomé, a qualified parapsychologist from brazil is often called a psychic because of the accuracy of his visions and predictions, among which the coronavirus pandemic, elon musk's purchase of twitter, and even the death of queen elizabeth ii. now he warns that a small incident could trigger a series. events, with the worst yet to come, great leaders, adherents of the occult, strive to achieve surgical precision and choose the exact moment to attack major events, their strategies carefully calculated based on the thirteen-month lunar... calendar, ensuring that every move is made at the ideal moment for maximum effect , he says. in his opinion, a big role in the new war will be played by amy's electromagnetic pulse technology, a weapon that interacts with the earth's magnetic fields and can render all electronic devices useless. he also explained current conflicts in regions such as the south china sea and military buildup around russian borders are signs that point to the possibility
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of a larger confrontation. we'll be back in a minute.
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from the first note: beauty, repeating with the first phrase, better a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, finely swimming braid, from the first smiles, we recognize each of them, face. profile, back of the head, business, or something, we ’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’ve got your back, the crew, pull out of the car, run, the whole crew, only on the platform
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let's look. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ardynka, on the ordynka, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also wishes, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche caen after the wedding, my wife says, yes you don't i understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done?
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baskov on sunday on rtr, did yours go that he was joking now or hasn’t received buban for a long time? she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, is she going to marry you? what's the matter? the ugly woman started the rumor that i would marry her. shaked. of course, i ’ll sleep with such a fearful woman only for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money, for plastic surgery, or what are you going to buy? there won't be enough beauty, if you can't wait for happiness, maybe it's worth stealing it, let's go, i don't understand where, so where is the movie mountain, or you're not
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man, are you not responsible for your words? ugly love on friday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one field is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy. we had a famine then, here comes grandma, just like that. i came across such people, caring, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, they can only
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ours, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. so, olaf scholz again gave rise to bullying, the chancellor in germany appeared in public with a cluster on his face, he visited the international police center of the european football championship in nosy with his chin taped up. last year it was reported in the opposition media, of course, that his wife was beating him. previously, scholz had already actually appeared in public, going out with a pirate's armband, so he disguised his black eye. then scholz is unsuccessful fell while jogging, this time olaf allegedly cut himself while shaving. oh no, what happened
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this time? when things get particularly hectic, sometimes mishaps happen. the chancellor is a person like everyone else. on friday night, he negotiated with the heads of state and government of other eu countries in brussels until 2:00 am. the next high-level meeting took place already at 8:00 in the morning, so the night was quite short, in addition to everyone, the chancellor from... it was the stress of the budget negotiations in berlin, when this happened, scholzeck accidentally cut his porotsi, well, the day before we showed the most honest interview with scholz, where the chancellor’s truthful but bitter answers were edited from his own interview, today the tv satirists continued the mockery and interviewed a hologram of chancellor scholz, who generated artificial intelligence, it turned out to be one. vodoh don't want a piece, my dear sholly, you are already the most unlucky chancellor of all time, so you don't have
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the feeling that the traffic light coalition is doing everything right, it seems that they are not when it comes to the federal budget, the party the coalitions are more divided than the readers, and blocking bills is more important to them than governing the country. they are not blocking, but discussing the details, more specifically, the cards are on the table, the sdp and the greens want to get into new debts, christian lindner insists on a debt brake, which gives you hope that the problem will be solved, artificial intelligence, that’s your name, you want to say that you are artificial intelligence, this explains a lot about how much longer you are going to tinker with the federal one.
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scholz, just in his account in on social networks, he has now also posted this funny photo, we are waiting for new products,
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the chancellor with a sausage, someone is trying to bite it off, the chancellor is very funny, now the news is important, president putin is right now holding a security council of the russian federation against the backdrop of all the circumstances with american supplies in weapons, everything said is very important. so, putin discussed with the security council steps regarding a moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter- range ground-based missiles. the president said that russia itself must begin production of medium- and short- range missiles, inf treaty. today, the united states not only produces medium- and shorter- range missiles, but also brings them to the territory of the european union. also, putin said, it is unknown whether the united states has removed its medium- and short- range missiles from the philippines. where they were previously delivered as part of the exercise. russia must respond to the actions of the united states; apparently, it is necessary to begin
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production of strike systems. rsmc


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