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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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these repressive, absolutely wild methods of mobilization, they give the corresponding result, they still attract, albeit unmotivated, people into the army, and i am in large numbers, i think that by august they will determine some direction , perhaps where there are no serious fortifications, i don’t think that they will try a second time, well , at least to implement the same plan that, on the one hand, was imposed on them by the west, as the main one...
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already sounds completely different, key another, and speakers are already appearing who say: well, yes, we couldn’t, we did something there, something worked, something happened, well , at least some more or less, well, some kind of acceptable analysis , at least some kind of discussion has already begun, and not these hurray, hurray, hurray, we, we will defeat russia, because the west is with us, the west turned out to be not as strong as ukrainian politicians imagined, who, well for some reason they believed that...
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d-20, d-30 were defending our freedom and independence. let's see what's at the front. stormtroopers, vostok groups on motorcycles rush at high speed near donetsk off-road, inviting fire on themselves. shells are exploding all around, drones are operating, a combat motorcycle is a new distracting maneuver of russian units. at this moment , the key strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine in staromayrsky are occupied by special forces detachments, units of the veteran detachment, thanks to the cunning of ingenuity , captured ukrainian positions in the village of kirov, using an underground las they managed to get behind enemy lines. the detachment's servicemen secretly cleared used a tunnel more than 3 km long along the seversky donetsk canal and went to the rear.
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a well-fortified stronghold with long-term firing points and underground shelters, through the tunnel the military personnel established a supply of ammunition, weapons and food to the attack aircraft. using the factor of surprise, the unit's military personnel built on their success and completely captured the strong point, forcing the enemy to surrender or abandon their positions and retreat. in the toretsk direction, the russian unit after the liberation of the beer. every day they cut off the paths supplies to the ukrainian armed forces group in novgorod. the attack aircraft managed to penetrate the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces for another 3 km. tula paratroopers, building on their success at the front, unloaded the airborne forces standard in a razdolovka. in these shots, the latest three-ton aerial bombs are rushing towards enemy positions. the target of this soviet self-propelled gun is russian infantry. russians! they are covering
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the position because we just received a report that there are drones flying around, so we need to leave this position as soon as possible. 2, 3, 4, 10 shots in total. on this section of the front the arrival cargo with western shells balances the forces. several trains of equipment that nato countries transferred to kiev never reached the front at once. iskander operational-tactical systems struck a train unloading site in the zaporozhye region. as a result of the attack , an american armored personnel carrier, a buk anti-aircraft missile system, and a combat vehicle were destroyed. infantry tires, tankers, trucks and 35 militants. in another section, the iskanders destroyed wagons with german leopard tanks, which were heading to the kharkov region. in in the northern direction, the village
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of spornoe was liberated; the village of novaleksandrovka, which is located on the way to the highway to konstantinovka, also came under the control of the russian group. on the right bank of the dnieper. these shots show the moment several five hundred kilogram shells exploded on ukrainian positions at once. russia drops thousands of adjustable aerial bombs per month, and even american patriot systems cannot intercept them, complains the head of the zelensky regime. fighting hubs.
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in an interview with an american regional newspaper philadelier z accused the white house that washington was afraid of angering putin, begged to hit the russian rear with long-range missiles and put forward its own impossible conditions for so-called peace negotiations with official moscow. in the meantime, nato countries are transmitting reconnaissance information from avaxi aircraft to kiev about russian attacks. this was officially reported by the british magazine uk.
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inventory property, who doesn’t know, it’s just a shame, even in our country a turnstile means that if you lose it, and you lose it in any case, then you’re in you will pay five times the amount for this turnstile, today
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students and graduate students, graduate students and evening students have lost the right to a deferment from total mobilization in ukraine ; people with limited health conditions will be sent for a second medical examination, the state border service records a new case of fleeing the country, 17 men were detained for... in nikolaev, a raid to find draft dodgers was carried out at the stadium, 15 football players passed through, this is how the attempt to mobilize a resident of the rivne region ended, the policeman lost his machine gun, immediately. deliver, even those who have not yet turned 25 years old are now subject to conscription, if they
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were enrolled in a special reserve or they have already served in the army, said the head of the center for the protection of human rights and ex-ombudsman denisova, what are you doing, what are you doing? fines of up to $800 are being introduced for female doctors for violating military registration; local media report a creeping mobilization of women. we cannot win this war.
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how quickly the ammunition will run out, our defenses are too weak, and we are not ready to fight and win in an armed conflict of any scale, this is a quote from johnson. in particular, the fleet is not capable of containing russian ships in the north atlantic, and twice as many fighters are needed as are currently available. against this background , nigel farage's reform party is increasingly enjoying public support. even though it's because of him. the poison that
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is fed to our children, they are told that history at columbine high doesn't matter, they are only told about the bad things we have done in our history, and i stand up and tell them enough is enough, we should be proud of who we are and where we came from. take it away! but the party’s rating for the highest level of interaction with voters, the reform party is far ahead. so who
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gets the most love on the internet anyway? this is nigil farage, when he announced his return, almost 12 thousand people liked his post, and this is not something anomalous. 16 of the 20 most popular posts were written by nigel farage, the one who gets the most likes on social media - the us embassy in france is preparing citizens for the most hospitable olympic games in stories. among the recommendations are not to walk in groups of less than five people, to have personal self-defense equipment for everyone, to write down the embassy number on a piece of paper and always carry it with you. a phone can be stolen, just like a wallet, so the documents are in paper. or even next to it, it is better not to wear it, but always carry with you the contact information of the person
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you will need to contact if you end up in the hospital or die. in the united states itself, the main sports sensation was the russian hero vasily komotsky, nicknamed the dumpling. he speaks in an unusual sport, a slap competition. in his debut match, pelmen knocked out the pole , nicknamed kamil marusash, on the first try. vasily pelmen, komotsky scored a crushing victory on kaaltom in his debut on the power bream show created by dana
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white, president and promoter of the ufc. viral sensation in the heavyweight division. komotsky was chosen as the face of the promotion after becoming famous on social media for his ferocious power in the face. pelmen appeared in a new fight, komotsky has serious crushing power, which he once again demonstrated in his last fight with kamil the polar bear marusarge. this was his first slap and he was not going to hesitate, delivering savage blows that with... marusarzh's head, his opponent lost consciousness even before he left the court, falling backwards, breaking the anastille. i said it at the very beginning, that power bream will be the biggest sport in the world, and it will be more than...
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an example of russian soft power, yes, exactly the same, just like the arrival of west fabric, of course, of course, and considering how many fans he has in the world, this is a kind of, well, breaking the blockade, yes, that they are trying to organize for us, it is clear that he is not the first to break this blockade, but there will actually be more such people, who will, among other things, tell the truth about russia, about how...
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they are exclusively russophobic, even conservatives, even laborists, anyone, and attaching such a label to farage would, in general, be successful for them, but firstly not sticks a lot, and secondly for many, and if by the way, read the comments when something about putin flashes on the internet,
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yes, there are a lot of them and, in general, you can easily read them.
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voicing their plans, these are not putin’s plans, putin has repeatedly stated that our lands are suffering before and after that, this is actually kamchatka and before chukotka, and we never intended to go anywhere, we ensure our own security, but they have plans, except for ukraine, burn eastern europe in this furnace, if necessary, and western europe if necessary, that is, as long as everything it was burning, as long as america was not touched, that is, to turn the outgoing hegemon and... and russia and the new bx bloc into a battlefield, to turn not only ukraine, but also eastern europe and western europe into a battlefield, this is what europeans are increasingly beginning to understand , hence the crazy people. farage's support figures and today's sensational overnight, so to speak, result that comes from france. of course, no one expected such a loss for the ruling macron party. 25-30
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they still had to take it anyway, but today it seems to them that it’s not shining, and this shocks everyone, because here the olympics are just around the corner, generally speaking, and all over france there are... rallies, both right and left, no one recognizes the results, and they are burning cars again, burning garbage cans, they are robbing stores, that is, there is, well, on the face of it, so to speak, quite serious destabilization, if washington’s plans to drag europe into a war with russia and transform the whole of europe into such a gigantic battlefield are realized, then europe will clearly not be able to cope with this. ..
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in russia, it just means that farage is simply telling an inconvenient truth about ukraine. let's listen. farage has come under fire for speaking out about the west's provocative decision to expand nato, which... forced russia to prepare for confrontation, but the criticism largely boils down to the phrase: as you can repeat after putin, when nato expansion was just beginning, george kennen and henry kissenger warned of possible catastrophic consequences for relations between russia and the west. the notorious promise of us secretary of state james baker, given in 1990 that expansion would not go an inch beyond the inclusion of east germany was a clear admission of possible russian retaliation, and its subsequent denial left russia with a strong belief in western fraud. offer. clinton's 1993 peace partnership was specifically designed to put this issue on the backburner and was enthusiastically welcomed by boris yeltsen, who was later disheartened and angry when clinton
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abandoned it. we'll be back. me ivan name may be vanya? masha, not bad, i haven’t heard from you yet. lynelka, or what? let's see. on rtr: you need a good girl and get married, how can you decide, he’s not good, but a pretty girl, with a joke, a joke, with an invention, a girl, maybe i’m this ideal, let’s go to the zak office tomorrow , masha, again, is still there, but she’s different, she’s so responsible, reasonable, modest, i’m a serious girl, i don’t need pretense, with your character i need zoya, look closely. nothing hurts, it hurts, it hurts, why are you fooling us, what is this jokes like this, limit girls, i’ll take it and get married,
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today on rtr.
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what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, what is 7,8, 7,8,8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if answer with humor, i chop oak, not pluck. problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache, god forbid now.
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love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want look, look, let's see, look. well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time two, three times, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to me, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose you are your homeland, a soldier, who do you serve, a former friend, tear away everything that is ours that was together, what do you have?
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you know, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr.
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in ukraine, the population is more actively preparing for the loss of new territories, supposedly now the main interest of kiev is not the borders of the ninety- first year, the preservation of the nation and the country, in order to bring ukraine into the eu and nato. according to the court kiev political scientist, mr. fesenko.
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a person revered as a national hero whose militia took part in the holocaust, does she want to become part of the eu? i am convinced that this union will destroy the eu itself. and in this regard we can say that these eu accession negotiations are completely irrelevant. someday a monument to ms. fondern will be erected in ukraine, but for the eu it can become a tombstone. and there is also a feeling that we are talking here mainly about international investors who are already buying everything in ukraine with the gold rush mentality. for everything that was done by him, by everyone else, and so on, you heard, we just looked at the first part, yes, patriot, it turns out to be unnecessary and ineffective, says zelensky, who simply demanded literally, well a few weeks ago these same patriots talked about how they would save ukraine, so
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that’s the whole point. peace plan, we cannot continue to fight, because we have very large losses of the armed forces, yes, says the person who recently said that they are very large, so, on friday, at a meeting there, that means, with the president of slovenia, he developed this idea, saying that i gave the command, already, in the coming months we will develop a plan for peace, and so on, i somehow forgot about my formula, this notorious formula, which assumed.


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