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tv   Limitchitsi  RUSSIA1  July 1, 2024 9:20pm-10:26pm MSK

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through the rains they keep the beautiful flowers, they still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, yours went, what was the joke now? or
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have you not received it in buban for a long time? she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what does he care? the ugly woman dismissed the servants, that i would marry her, i’ll go crazy with the luscious one, i ’ll sleep with such a fearful woman only for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money, for plastic surgery, or what are you going to buy? isn’t that enough, beauties? if you can't wait for happiness, maybe you should steal it. let's go, i don't understand where, where are you going ? movie mountains, or you're not a man, you're not responsible for your words, ugly love, on friday, nart.
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third, but it’s true, in the first round of voting, while the national association of marie lepine has a majority, she today inspires the right and ultra-right throughout europe, although it should be noted that all these definitions have long since made no sense, that is, in principle they are trying to attack us draw stylistically into the game of names that no longer exist, and which, by the way, they are for their own purposes, and which they are used absolutely in their goal, they believe that...
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the ultra-right are nazis, although in essence these nazis are those who dress up in the toga of democrats and liberals, that is, this is not close at all and has nothing in common with true liberals and democrats. macron, trying to save himself, asks to unite the coalition, but this is unlikely to help them, on july 7, he destroyed his career with militaristic rhetoric, on the other end of the ocean are the democrats, brilliant, brilliant. behave, it’s simply called, don’t look up, don’t look up, that is, everything is described in this wonderful film, it seems to you that the self-propelled grandfather could not say anything, it seems to you that the audience voted that the self-propelled grandfather completely lost, it seems to you, grandmother nancy pilosi appears and explains everything, my people love biden very much.
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joe biden comes out on stage to show that he has the endurance to do everything else. and by the way, although the press doesn't do this for some reason, there are medical professionals who think that trump has dementia, that his thoughts are not connected to each other. brilliant, yes, that is. it’s not the self-propelled grandfather who fell asleep, but there are such workers, but for some reason they are not shown.
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they say: go ahead joe biden, by the way, this is the dude who said that the older generation of blacks needs to teach him some sense to the youth, because they stole it. firstly, they understand that europe does not know what to do, we, of course, succeeded, this is a brilliant operation of our intelligence services, i congratulate them, to introduce kaja kallos to the post of de facto foreign minister, let me remind you that kaja kallos is represented there she is led, she is led by her husband, who is deeply caught in
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corruption schemes, and you remember, he’s sitting on our money, so kailos can’t go anywhere, there’s a guy there who’s in charge, who’s keeping track, so when... it’s necessary, our agent will throw off all this shit and come out and say: i’m real mother of dragons, i will lead the dragons with me, brussels will be burned, another sum in rubles will come about her husband, who makes so good money working with russia, because as we know, what is good about the estonian aristocracy is that it is corrupt for very small money. at the same time , it’s actually alarming for the first time in a long time that the us military bases in the eu are on heightened alert, citing the increased terrorist threat, what did you want, do you want to set fire to the middle east so that you don’t fly back, that’s not happening again
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stoltenberg he said that everyone has gone crazy at once, here is stolten, he has a tip , so he has a brain... the main thing is to bunch it up so that there are no extra charges for nuclear weapons, it doesn’t matter how much you spend. alexander grigorievich, person serious, he has already said that we will respond to every threat, clearly, clearly,
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no one is going to sacrifice belarusians, that’s enough. the west is globally ready to confront russia, and it doesn’t matter on what fronts, the president of serbia says this. nobody wants the immediate ceasefire envisioned in the prc plan. everyone wants the other side to lose. west, until the people of the west die, or only volunteers die. i don't care how many ukrainians will die. and the latter don’t care how many russians die. i don't know who what really matters is how many people get hurt.
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it is a war machine serving exclusively american interests, and we europeans
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are the fools in this game, the obliging idiots who systematically follow the violent us-assisted nato invasions of the european continent. we saw this in 1995 in 1999 in the balkans, and we see it now since 2014 and especially since 2022 in eastern ukraine on the border with russia.
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it was clear in 1914 that the war was simply stopped, it was stopped and the time would come when we would have to start further, but today, the americans are clearly using not only nato countries, but are conducting their own and studying the implementation of their theories, for example, a global preventive strike, not with nuclear forces, look what has been happening over the past six months, more than thirty-odd different exercises. including from the navy, land borders there, aviation and
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air defense, including with the full involvement of space, that today they are working out the details of this global strike element by element in ukraine, satellite the group is working, all intelligence officers, and all countries are brought there specifically so that they work and study, a system is in place to fully monitor the situation, that their theory is sitocentric wars. unified control system, they are trying to follow the steps that exist, and we have already said on this program, including that at this stage they are clearly trying to work out the suppression of the system, in my opinion, because in the first echelon, in the first strike, there will be at least 200 cruise missiles that will hit our territory, we once considered this to be the case completely, and today they are doing this, that is, reconnaissance, target designation, exit, we must admit that the truth is that the main number of these missiles. is located on ships in the vorovo navy, nevertheless, there is a strategic aviation that carries them,
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including their tactical aviation, which works with the same curtains, with everything else, these moments are serious and this is how today i watch how they are making this progress, we are really also making very good progress, in zelensky’s protest that give we don’t care, just because we knocked it out, we managed to learn in this matter, there are vulnerabilities, there are today, for a reason... the americans are shouting about space, that there’s something like that, the russians are somehow... then they started weapons, this is the most vulnerable place at this stage, this is essentially, if there is a defeat in space, the whole meaning of these centric wars is lost immediately, that is, all these machines that exist, they will, unfortunately, be outside the control system, outside control systems, they cannot act, but nevertheless they strive for this, europe is including together with the united states, it is now actively re-equipping,
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today it is on the battlefield, this is probably the most important thing, remember, we talked about the individual rap system, which should be installed on every armored vehicle object, i think that during this time it was already possible make a tank or infantry fighting vehicle that is not hit by drones.
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they talked and showed stories from those factories where, including me and you, they were showing this whole thing, but today, probably, the most important thing for us is the ability to instantly respond to those challenges, so instantly, that is, the main customer immediately gives the enterprise those challenges that go to the battlefield, today there is an advantage in drones, but you know this is a phenomenon in my deep conviction, for some time there will still be that resource and strong means , which one way or another will put this what? well, it’s kind of the end, yes, but it will still be used, it will be extremely difficult, and like all these people flying there today, this is probably not in the cards, but we also need to come to this, and we are striving for this, and the enemy is striving for this, from there’s no getting around this, now, as far as the global positioning of power is concerned,
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information has now come out about what and why , for some reason, westerners are writing here: russia intends to supply the kuchites with our anti-ship missiles, ballastion, yes, a great thing, and nothing at all not caught, we know, why not, why not, well , the main problem there is relations with saudi arabia, they can do that, yes, precisely because of this, the problem is in saudi arabia, but i think, but we can come to an agreement with agree, of course, we can agree on today you need to understand perfectly well that information has passed that you are preparing for the same agreement as with ran, no, well, just another important point you need to understand that if... for example, israel wants to give up eight patriot systems, then russia is unlikely will restrain himself after this, well, that is, if israeli patriots come to ukraine and it doesn’t matter if they give them to the americans first or not, everyone understands everything, then the consequences of this rash step can be very serious, we must consider vladimirich today, however,
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yes, the consequences must be planned today so that they occur inevitably, that is, the consequences must already be in place. and as soon as someone gives something to someone, the consequences should immediately work, then it will be as if in an ideal version, what i’m talking about today, we’re clear there, now we’ll tell you there, so what about this in the area in america, well, probably, this is not news for us, because we also got a lot from them, because you know all the political strategists here, where did they spit in the elections, they are political strategists and here they have already reached, but what about yeltsin being elected, when he was there and lost the vote for a year, i remember all this very well. yes, yes, no, yes, and there are several points here so that the truth gets through more, i was also talking with colleagues just now about the fact that a decent number of people are watching the evening with vladimirov solovev in ukraine, it turns out, i didn’t know, but go for free, free, free, which is typical, they cut out the advertising, yes, cut out the advertising, but i would
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honestly say that no one in ukraine watches anything at all, this is the ideal option, which probably happened today, we talked there about television, which should be on... broadcast, here is ukrainian television, it is quite accessible so that it is not broadcast anywhere, and today this, by the way, is an element of the information war, yes, this is a very accessible and normal element that needs to be produced, we have learned to hit command posts, we are destroying airfields, we are now, thank god, hitting the echelon, and quite successfully, yes, which is suitable, there is no way to go in the information war only the information itself, this is a more global question that exists today, this...
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in the european parliament, the current elections in france, force us to take a fresh look at the nature of the crisis that exists within europe in relations between europe and america. this is my good friend. and journalist business newspaper vzglyad yuri vasiliev recently formulated this problem as the ability to keep the vanquished in the state of the vanquished, which after the second world war was solved by the soviet
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union and the united states, but were solved differently degree of success. the soviet union really controlled these regions of central-eastern europe for some time, well , in general, by the sixties, quite according to the soviet model or the russian model, but to understand means to forgive, forgiven and... aa bandera, who were released from prison, and the finns were forgiven, although we know that the mortality rate in finnish prisoner of war camps was higher than the mortality rate in nazi camps, and they simply killed russian, soviet soldiers and so on, so everyone forgave them, so this is the skill the soviet union did not demonstrate keeping the defeated, in a state of defeat, and many of the problems that we face now, they originate from there, unlike the united states, the united states after the second... world war created a rather extensive system, which included into itself and military bases on the territory of western europe, including nuclear weapons and control of the media, elites,
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we know that to this day literally not a single significant politician in western europe will receive office before not there will be such screening or control, yes, from the united states, so this model of retaining europe is a comprehensive one, created yet. in fact, this civilization and european identity, as a phenomenon that stands on top or higher than national identity, but ultimately this is
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a model of control of the integration process, thanks to which the united states encourages it, finances it, providing information cover, among other things. it didn't fail for quite a long time, really managed to create a whole such, you know, imneldand, these people who created the illusion or concept of eternal peace, so you can always pray to them, there is a new testament in the person of jean manet, raber schumard, konrad
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denaur, spinelli and so on, and so always for any , well, in fact, for any reason you can always quote, like shoe brands from italy, yes, you can quote. to create a european identity over national identities, or now, when it was, i am sure that with the support of the united states, this was undertaken a serious attempt to expand the powers
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of communal authorities, i remind you, including financial powers, here we remembered urszul fondelai, we remember regularly, and it is with her that such a very powerful breakthrough is connected in strengthening the power of european institutions, quite according to the american model until 2020. and the european institute generally prohibited having a budget deficit, that is, if in a particular year there was a deficit, the next year it had to be compensated, so they also walked , to say in their own words, from about the twentieth year first, under the slogan of fighting the pandemic, then the energy crisis, then the war in ukraine, there was a sharp increase in the resources that this american-oriented european bureaucracy has at its disposal, let me remind you that according to the usual...
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and the current european commission received resources thanks to the borrowings that it carries out the european central bank or the national states in the european central bank, you had a very interesting discussion yesterday on sunday evening regarding financing russian debt, the europeans have solved the problem in this way, the european union is giving out its guarantees, but at the same time this inflationary overhang is increasing, quite according to the model of the federal reserve system and so...
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this is a struggle, a war with china, then the question arises of korea and already in third place, well, sometimes in second place, but more often it even fades into the background, like this is a european war, this is a war in ukraine, this should be supported, supported by europe, among the military it is very, so to speak, well, active there is support for trump's idea that europeans should pay for their security and for the united states.
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yes, all european forces, they are, in principle , subordinate, in fact, to the commander of the european, the head of the european command, the american, he is also the head of the joint forces of nato, that is. here he is subordinated, but then, if there is an american general there, and if there is a direct clash with russia, this is a direct clash with the united states, if any participation is in command the united states, as directly, on the front line, but in ukraine then it is now like that, well in ukraine, i repeat once again, there is no official american team there , no, there kavali deals with them directly, well, there is another, it was it was stated that... he makes up everything for them, well, there was some kind of filipino, yes there was originally, and there was some kind, well, in general , a one-star brigadier general in ukraine, andrei is so small in this brigade, no, well, they’re probably at moscow state university star united states it is now clear that
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now there are two two main things in this regard, and this concerns relations with europe, well , it is clear that somewhere in a basement in brussels, i don’t know where, well, negotiations are already underway secretly with... the second, second, second main direction now is still how to solve the question of ukraine and nato, but we know how to solve the second main thing, right after the advertisement.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air, 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow on рrt. this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, nah, it’s been a while since we haven't seen you, impudent ones. bila, well, you know, for every cool fighter she’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who do you want, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for
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your words, i’m always responsible for his own words, a hero of his time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, only on the platform. look, you are looking 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then there is a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much who's on work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache,
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god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday. on rtr, now we are heading towards the next nato summit, which, the anniversary summit, which will be held in washington from july 9 to 11, and there another very important decision will be made on the creation...
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it can be done in different ways, of course, but in terms of togo, that it is really the united states dumping unnecessary and already used material on the europeans, it is quite obvious that... that it is important for america now, probably, that something happens in ukraine, it is no coincidence that, as they write again , some american bloggers believe , that in august such an offensive is being prepared, another counter-offensive by the ukrainians, you know , yes, that from today there are some categories, from july 1 they will fall under mobilization, that is, they will drive even more there, that’s what the united states is building a new base now. a new armored brigade is actually being created in poland; already 14 sebrs
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have been installed, and there should be up to 80 of them, this is also understandable for anyone, but in ukraine, of course, most likely, naturally, a situation is developing here where now all the missiles about, yes, all the missiles are for the patriots, assoms, they are all being transferred to the brigades in poland, the f-16s should appear, but no, no, now, it’s just interesting. they are supplying weapons for now they are preparing weapons to be supplied there, this is not there will most likely be american soldiers, but will there be ukrainians or poles , there will be someone there, there are 6.0 americans, so that the americans, why am i saying this, because the abrams that are supplied to ukraine, the abrams that are in service with the united states, are not alone and the same abrams, of course, so you need to understand which models will be supplied, while they just say abrams m1, it’s not the same, no, abrams m, well, i don’t know, but...
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apparently with you on the eve of the eighth of the ninth we are already having an official visit to rendra modi, of course, already about and i read there one american comrade who believes that it was putin who again planted the agenda again , they interrupted it because now there is a meeting between mode and putin, it will be able to outweigh what will happen at this summit, which means we have disrupted it.
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the times came out with an article, apparently it was ready to a certain extent, they just lived enough, enough, shot the politician, the people at cnn, all the panelists there, were saying the same thing that...
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why, because if biden is replaced, they definitely won’t make her a presidential candidate, that is, from the point of view of the congress delegates and party bosses, she is a very bad option, but if everything remains as is, she will get hers over time, well, of course, simply for natural reasons. the speeches
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of barack obama and bill clinton were interesting; they clearly took a break, hinting that they, uh, were still thinking. and how they reflect on the situation. barack obama, who is older, bill clinton or biden? oh good question. i don’t know, but i still think that, that biden is older. biden is older because, yes, older, because during the yugoslav conflict the age difference was much more directly visible. yes. no, i just want people to understand that the current president of the united states of america is older, very old, older than the president who has been president for many years. yes, yes, yes, well, that is, bush, that means there was bush, obama, trump, yes, that is, like, up to three, three, three, three, two doubles and one single, cadence back, yes , well, this is what, then it’s not just not, well, it’s a symptom, listen, they just wouldn’t do it,
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that means further, obama said, well, actually, unsuccessful performances at debates do happen, i know about this myself, first-hand, meaning his first round of debates with ... that romney in 2012, when he left for a second term, well , this naturally cannot be compared, and he kind of got off with that. bill clinton actually said an amazing thing, but look how much this guy has done for the republic, well, that is, he seems to did not answer the question at all about what biden is like, that is, these two patriarchs are clearly pretending that, well, the decision has not been made yet, what we saw now, what all sorts of people are saying on msnbc and other liberal channels about that it’s natural that gogo still has an eagle for biden. should have risen, this response media wave: no, biden is fine, don’t believe your eyes, he’s fine, we’re fine, we ’re going with him, so what ’s the intrigue here, actually? character, the thing is that when this administration came, they told us that this is even for us, well, listen, our domestic experts said,
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competent, negotiable people who know a lot will come, who said that, i won’t give names , specialist from the institute of admiration. usa and canada, yes, and canada, well, so to speak, that’s what they are, it’s good to call it, well, well, in fact , it was immediately clear, i kind of said right away, there are at least four very strong clans that are coming , that means, here in power, they blamed trump, whether they would be able to come to an agreement or not, it was obvious that they had, to a certain extent , different, so to speak, interests, they thought that there would be no special crises, in conditions... there was no crisis, they will put a piece of plywood in front, here he is, a powerful old man, the father of american democracy, and here we will arrange our affairs, and if there had not been such a serious systemic crisis, well, maybe it would have been so, i don’t know, but of course, in the conditions crisis, well, remember, yes, as jake salevan said, uh-huh, the man from
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of all the supporting people , the most qualified, all of them, he said, this is how, this is how with me, there has never been such a safe and quiet middle east and then everything collapsed, literally how many weeks have passed there, but a brilliant chinese track, comrades of blinkin, blinkin , yes, by the way, they also appointed a person to come to an agreement with china, so to speak, just according to the new concept, well, nothing, that is - well, here a crisis began, a foreign policy crisis, a double domestic political crisis, that is, it is economic political, because it became obvious that they didn’t suppress trumpism within the country, so to speak, and that’s the crisis, so to speak, accordingly. well, we are not morons, we understand that there must be a person, a leader at the head of this whole matter, well, we watched old films, read books once, look at
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the youth, now i can, so to speak, send it to him on tiktok or somewhere there is also a corresponding quote that a person is needed at the head, that he is the commander-in-chief, and, by the way, pay attention, somewhere around the end of twenty-one, with the beginning of the twenty-second, no one called biden until this moment, the supreme commander in chief, commander and chief, why? well, because it’s funny, it’s anti-advertising, in general, there’s no other way to reverse this so -called electoral situation, which is actually moving more and more toward civil war. what for? i mean why? why should we or
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why should they? do they have a different policy? they chose a phenomenal ostrich policy. no, yes, but they, but among these ostriches, you know, some parts of the ostrich remain it’s still at the top, yes, but they don’t see it, plus considering their sexual orientation, they even like it with the american ostrich eyes, american lgbtq give or take.
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a multi-decade dispute about how to try a former president, there was such a dispute at one time, there were precedents both here and there, about whether to impeach a president who has already left office or try him in an ordinary court, in this part it has been resolved, in what way not resolved, which, as they said, is a more complex situation, as written in the majority opinion, when it acts, the future president, but as a private individual, that is, he remains in office, but he seems to act as a private individual, this means that...
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what they were proud of and reported, which means to the us democratic party in 2019, that they managed to suppress populist wave, nothing came of it, it is clear that the european electoral system does not imply a clear victory, it is only possible if political strategists from the rockefeller foundation come, like macron, when he seemingly won. now the situation is difficult in this situation, moreover, what they did, i i i’m finishing, it’s a curious thing that these little maidans began.
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they will never agree among themselves, but they don’t, they agreed, created a government and yes, this is an attempt to prevent, so to speak, the cases of 2018, so to speak, it’s understandable italian, so it’s very hot there now, that’s how it really is , i think that we will be watching the rest of the twenty-fourth year, and half of it already in 2025, we will see this development , the development of this situation, they will have indeed, the situation, well, i think it’s extremely difficult, this is still something... the olympics in france and this problem will grow and most
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importantly, the biggest problem, i think, that will confront us all. areas , what we saw from the way that what happens after the debates, after the elections, the supreme court, by the way, it is not a fact that some, that, by the way, someone might not obey the supreme court in 2025, after all, it was no longer subordinate, so to speak, it’s clear there, the state of texas, so it will increase the collapse of state administration, and the collapse of state administration not only in washington itself, but a flat structure there will still allow the states to retain power, and in everything pax american, because european capitals are much more behind... now from washington in a sense , politically, financially no , politically, than, for example, the same states of the usa, the loss of control by these people, who still have in their hands, i remind you, there are two doomsday weapons: the us dollar and nuclear weapons, and most as if probable, the dollar, because most likely it will be used, please, yes, regarding the fact that russia disrupted the nato summit, i
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would expand a little to belarus, then from putin’s visit to beijing, then to korea, and to the north, north, northern, we don’t know the other one, to north korea, then a visit to vietnam, we won’t. forget that before modi’s visit there is also a summit of the sco at the highest level, which will take place on july 3-4, during which many interesting things have already been announced, what is expected there, well, for me personally, this is such a professional deformation, i am of course interested in what we will be on the track with turkey, although there will be a meeting with sisin, a lot of interesting things will be discussed, please note,
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in addition to the sco summit, a meeting with erdogan has been announced. gave an interview, very detailed, i listened to it completely, for more than an hour and a half on turkish television, where he told terrible interesting things about the fact that turkey is interested in joining brix, on behalf of others, so to speak, the official list of turkey sounds that turkey interested in sco energy projects, turkey continues to play a mediating role in ukraine, here we remembered historically, as they
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called them, negotiations between the heads of intelligence services of russia and the united states. what is it called, what language is it called? so, they raise such a status in themselves, they say that yes, there will be a meeting with the chief of intelligence, as hakan fedan said, i listened to part of the interview four times, he says: we cannot talk now about the results of these negotiations, it would be too early, but the presenter pushes like this and says: well, they were talking about not using nuclear weapons, the foreign minister says: yes, in short,
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nevertheless, turkey cannot use nuclear weapons, it does not have them. between the united states of america and russia on the territory that will take place on the territory of turkey, where , as he said, historical agreements were reached between russia and the united states, here is the khan of ukraine, yes, yes, then interesting things were said, although well , again, eastern diplomatically, but interesting maxims from hakan fedan at the summit, the so -called peace summit in switzerland, where he he said that... without russia, such negotiations will be less result-oriented , so it turned out in an eastern way, a lot of interesting signals are being sent to russia, and we need to look at what is happening in turkey itself. turkey is now in a difficult economic situation, how do they manage to be in it, i don’t know how long i remember, turkey has been in a more difficult situation for so long, you know, turkey reminds me of the classic version we have among jews about a jewish
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wife, you know, the king felt badly, very bad. another, so to speak, its next cycle in turkey, prices there are higher than in moscow, in ankara i just arrived from turkey, the time i spent was two to three times higher than in moscow, despite the fact that the level of the minimum wage , he and those mortgages that people are far from receiving, the opposition holds rallies on the street almost every few days, demands an increase in the minimum wage from the government, promises that it will demand early elections if these demands are not met. , very difficult situation, turkey seemed to be heading towards the west, counting on the west to help it solve some of its economic problems, which they eventually did, well, they raised the forecast for gdp growth, there they raised the confidence rating in its economy, they raised the forecasts there
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and so on and so forth, they took it out of the gray slate, which all sorts of interesting organizations need to closely monitor, but there is no money, but there is no money, and the only one... expects that the west will pull it out of its economy, no, not at all, note another very interesting detail, and turkey
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in general now, after the west has betrayed it many times, isn’t it beneficial to look towards russia and china, exactly like this, exactly like this, this is the meaning, we will find in the use of a large turkish army, the second in number, first in terms of fire and motivation, even more so. it seems to me that the scales will tip, in many ways, and many countries are doing this, after all, probably the main news now is the elections in france and we can endlessly discuss and rejoice at how macron was humiliated,
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but it’s not even the percentages that are important here, look, the first round is those who win unconditionally, these are always the deputies, attention, just what is the ratio, 39 for the national association and two, for macron 39 and 2 - this is just a total defeat, let it be some small part of the 577 deputies, but what happened was really an earthquake, since the scheme was always the same: the national association wins by percentage in the first round and does not get into parliament in the second round, this did not happen, and here for me it seems important for us to look at how these changes in politics are taking place in european society, if you will...
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systems, look, almost, even probably more, 20 years, a quarter of a century happened when these quantitative changes, growth of indicators in french society led to a quality
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network, then an attempt to organize a maidan here in 1912, it was a reaction, they acted as they were accustomed to acting, they began to work to split the elites, when the crimean consensus occurred in russia, it became clear that it is impossible to work with russian society using old methods, look how easily they stopped the attack on pristina 25 years ago, did everything, one click, and as if it didn’t happen, all this remained such a bright episode from the nineties. nothing more, it has not
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turned into a stable trend, the fourteenth year showed that they need to play seriously, they began to play seriously, this brainwashing of ukrainians is more significant than it was before, this is the putting together of an anti-russian coalition along the eastern european, along the western borders russia and belarus, because it was then that bases began to be formed, bases for heavy aviation, for strategic aviation, and what was in estonia, and so on, and so on, and so on, this is what we see: now, another trend has begun, we must, yes, europe is afraid of war, people are afraid of war, business is afraid of war, they don’t want this, and the establishment is gradually starting to say very cautiously, maybe we won’t go to the meat grinder, the americans say, no, go and see, these are the changes, we're talking about, demonstrative weakness biden, the supreme one, seems to be the commander-in-chief, these elections that are taking place in europe, hungary has become.
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just for supplies, but for the supply of instructors, why one of the officers of the european corps was wounded, one polish general died, the european corps is there for supplies, here is the strange death of the american military attache in kiev and, well, yes, the military attache, yes this is real an exclusive case, but colonels, lieutenant colonels, officers, who are either in australia or in canada somewhere on helicopters have crashed, a myriad of them already, and as i have said more than once, an unexpected surge in the suicide of the american army, and you know what i noticed? when
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i was studying this situation with the european corps, somehow at that moment the twenty-second year passed by, you know, when poland became...


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