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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 2, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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already using this method, without losses, which is very important, they went behind enemy lines and put them to flight, there an entire section of the defense near toretsk collapsed, thanks to the fact that the veterans , again, unexpectedly went behind enemy lines and put a fairly serious unit to flight, and there now the ukronazis are urgently trying to patch up this hole, as far as i know, they are not succeeding, there is progress there, let’s say it again, the veteran’s unit is actually... using, that neither ukraine nor the united states can afford to exploit the patriot in terms of destroying our factories, there are a lot of factories.
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so that our planes would be more within reach of the petriots, but they were destroyed immediately, and after that the americans gave the command to urgently remove these petriots further into the depths, so as not to completely deprive themselves of what is called themselves and not bear reputational risks, because every destroyed patriot is a blow to the image of the military-industrial complex of the united states, and naturally everyone understands this, and there is no... opportunity
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to take full advantage of that the ukronazis call these systems precisely these systems and, of course, their work is ineffective, but the efficiency and accuracy of the work of our vks in the use of fabs, it is growing quite seriously, and we see the latest news about working with the help of already three-ton fabs, quite a serious weapon, i talked with prisoners the dryers who spoke, who witnessed the use of our 500 fabs, they say that they have never seen anything worse in their lives, but here is a three-ton, three-ton fabs work accurately, hit the target, so here the efficiency, i am sure, will only grow, on our part, you correctly noted that this is a relatively, relatively inexpensive pleasure, yes, let’s say, unlike the same american patrium , it is incomparable, so of course...
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we use we will use them, we will strengthen their use, and the results are already visible, thank you very much, military correspondent pavel kukushkin, on direct communication from the special operation zone, in terms of pity in relation to the enemy, we listen to zelensky, who is literally sobbing, reporting about the fact that there is no money, there is no production, what they give me is not enough, what they give me is very expensive, and the russians keep putting pressure and pressure, look,
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in the states of america, grandpa biden, the main partner, is stuck. trump's position is steadily strengthening. yes, trump is for us too.
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will freeze the conflict for the period of negotiations, he will say that russia should support this, because russia says that it is difficult to negotiate with ukraine, because there is no legitimate government there, there is no legitimate president, then give us 3 months of a truce, and we will hold elections, and you get legitimate partners in legitimate negotiations if... as he hopes, this will happen, zelensky makes everyone feel comfortable, he says, remembers that he promised not to participate in the elections anymore, but he can’t, because he’s already in his second term, although no one chose him, but he began to use and use this second term, so he simply packs his things, says:
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please, my friends, row rowing wherever you see fit, someone would like to take my place as a mortgagee and goes . calm down to his property and money to write memoirs and a story about how he fought for a small ukraine and gave all his strength to his homeland, just as citizen yatsenyuk fell down in his time. remember what an active fighter for ukrainian independence he was. where is he now? in mexico? who remembers him? nobody remembers him. i think that zelensky's plan will fail in this case, because today. dmitry peskov clearly said: russia has never refused negotiations with mediators, without mediators, we are ready, but on the condition of achieving your goals, please withdraw your troops from the legal
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territory of the russian federation, after which you can freeze, negotiate, and so on and so forth, or as stated in the immortal work of 12 chairs. money in the morning, chairs in the evening, money in the evening, chairs in the morning, or vice versa, you can, but money in advance, as far as zelensky is concerned, it’s as if something broke in the man, either they whispered to him at that very summit in switzerland, or someone -he finally explained something, whether he in fact, he realized that there was no one else to count on, it’s clear that the americans have a problem, the french have a problem, which is not clear in britain, all his supporters. to be busy with their own problems, so he for the first time formulated that despite the ukrainian constitution, well , no one gives a damn about the ukrainian constitution for a long time, and despite the endless ukrainian laws that prohibit negotiations with russia, he is still ready to negotiate with russia,
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there is already a new formula for peace, it is now being actively kneaded by what is called the courtiers political scientists, there is one there, for example, by name... who says that a victory for ukraine, even if we sit down at the negotiating table with the aggressor, can be considered the fact that at least something remains from ukraine, while putin leaves us at least something -well, after all,
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the nation, and the territory, we can a little later than the territories, we must preserve the state, return it, we need to preserve the state nation, preferably on a large scale, and this is the main thing, the second thing is to bring the country into the european union, and then to nato, this is the formula for our victory, but they want zelensky to drive you into a trap, saying that if you go to peace, it means you are a traitor. the meeting with ukrainian officials will be held by us presidential assistant for national security
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salevan. salevan is probably the boss in this american shop now. it is clear that now the whole world has finally realized that this is not biden. professor, i will start from such a very important and interesting event as the visit of our wonderful rapper west. everyone needs to laugh at this, but in my opinion this event is so important. significance, which we have not yet fully realized ourselves, this is the collapse of the thinking of our liberals, unfortunately, of a part of our patriots, which established itself somewhere in the mid-eighties . what kind of thinking is this? why do we need these people of color, why do we need to be friends with some african americans in the usa, and why do we need to be friends with asians, and why do we need to be friends with africa? yes , our friends are the white anglo-saxons, our friends are europe, and then there was a split, the liberals
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said, our partners, remember this, the solemn visit of the english queen to russia in ninety-four, our friends are american anglo-saxon elites, they help us build democracy, some of the patriots said, not ours, yes, they are our friends, because russia is the last in the world. the reservoir of the white race, this is the last major source of the white race, and we are in the same boat, and in no case should we stir up the anti-colonial theme, no, no, no, liberals, we want to go to europe, but these people say, yes, we are resisting together with europe people of color, what we see in reality, who at least one white european country supported us, not alone, the moment of truth has come, who we supported by those same, as they say, non-whites with whom both liberals and some of our patriots were recently shy about friendship. china,
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north korea, remember their conversations, yes , this is compromising yourself, contacts with north korea, africa, what we saw last year, and now the african-american movement in the united states, the same people of color that we were told should turn away for the sake of friendship with whites anglo-saxon litas. "we are supposedly in the same boat with them, well now the moment of truth has come, with whom are we in the same boat, whether we like it or not, the conclusion is this: neither the white anglo-saxon elites, nor the white european union elites have ever considered us theirs and will not consider us theirs to the end, of course, our liberals say: but how did they consider us theirs under the tsars? let me remind you that under the kings we were in power. german dynasty, so they considered us more or less their own, after the seventeenth year
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they never considered us theirs and will not consider us, we are strangers to them, for them we are on a par with china, india, africa, but in no case their club, so place your bet on the fact that the white anglo-saxon elites realize that russia is also a white race and we are in the same system, as... but only people of color in essence need to build a dialogue with us, including with the african-american movement in the united states, as once in...
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the fact is that they will align themselves with lupine, but the problem of france is different: under sarkozy they abandoned galism, they abandoned the independent degaulay policy, they returned to the nato military organization and concluded a pact with great britain, according to which, in essence, france is not even a junior partner of the united states, and the junior partner of britain. and if so, since there are no more golists, who are they opposing now? some transnational guys are confronting us, saying: france is dissolving into europe, and the extreme right-wing lupine is confronting us. that's it, you have closed the galician alternative for yourself. this is the source of france's problem. at the same time, the whole country is really purple, purple is the party of marine lepin, so politico reports that it will be difficult to stop the right, it will be difficult
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to stop marine lepin, on sunday macron waiting for defeat. now it’s final. there is one small one there. he promised to dissolve the government once again, but only god knows what kind of clashes this will cause, look. emmanuel macron faces a agonizing choice: throw everything into stopping the far right or try to save what's left of his once dominant movement before it dies. for france's forty-six-year-old leader, sunday's first-round parliamentary election was as humiliating as his stunning rise to the presidency. chair as an outsider 7 years ago, he announced a special vote after a catastrophic defeat from the far right in the june european elections with one goal: to stop france's tilt towards extremes, but macron only achieved the opposite. after the first forecasts were released, thousands of french people gathered at the place de la république in paris to protest against the far right, but will there be an effect? the scenes were reminiscent of the protests against jean-mri lepenne, marin's father, who reached the second round of the presidential election in 2002.
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as a candidate for the party known as the national front. then parties and voters united against the far right. put aside their differences to defeat an extreme candidate in a policy known as the cordon sanitaire. but over the past two decades, european politics has changed dramatically. macron's allies now face enormous pressure to drop out of the race in many constituencies and are advising their supporters to vote for a left-wing alliance to try to defeat lepin. after a minute we'll be back. limiters in previous episodes. oh, masha, let's get busy, goodbye! three friends decide to start a new life in the city, well, according to the advertisement, fill out the form, at the factory they meet ivan and fall in love with him, maybe you need something, maybe you’re missing something, it’s an amorous matter, as i guess, i want to show that another can maybe invite you to dance, masha wins the heart of the windy bachelor, we’ll meet you, but nina and zoya
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are not going to give up their happiness.
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we are going. the doctor takes a lot of money from him time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy... there is a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need
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to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation. years old, so get examined. necessary for the whole family. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things - from monday to friday on rtr. yours is gone. what joke did you make now or haven’t bubin received for a long time? she tells everyone that you are her boyfriend. marry you? what's the matter, that ugly woman spread a rumor that i 'm going to marry her, you crazy scotch guy, i 'll sleep with such a fearful woman only for a million,
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why are you withdrawing all the money, but for plastic surgery, are you going to buy something? so beauty is not enough, if you can’t wait for happiness, maybe it’s worth stealing it, let’s go, don’t you understand? yes, where are you going or are you a man not responsible for your words? ugly love, friday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when? my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still... still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy. we have then there was a famine, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she carries this kurba to the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend
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a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people who are not indifferent, support in a word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived. only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. so, the russian armed forces liberated the populated areas: stipovaya, novoselovka is the kharkov region and the village of novoprokopovskaya. this is the donetsk people's republic, stated the ministry of defense of our country. the total losses of ukrainian troops in just one day, imagine, amounted to more than
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1,900 people, almost 2,000 militants per day, killed and wounded, as they say, a meat grinder. retired us army colonel douglas mcgregor announced a new figure for losses in the ssu; half a million has already been announced. now there are only 600,000 killed and the same number of wounded. on the ukrainian side, i know this from reliable sources: the losses killed at the moment probably already amount to 600,000 people, that is, the losses of the ubs are more than 1 million killed and wounded, remember that they did not have the effective medical evacuation and treatment that exists on the russian side, while the russians probably lost amount to 50,000 people killed, while some claim that it is less, and some... after the defeat in the early parliamentary elections,
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where for the first time in 30 years a representative of the conservative party won, he does not despair, he went to ontario for an asian food festival. trudeau, whose ratings have fallen below 20%. dancing, taking selfies, shaking hands with visitors and grilling meat. in general, everything is fine with him. canada's prime minister was spotted dancing at food stalls last week, chatting and taking photos with local vendors. despite the fact that in ontario now. one of the largest cultural festivals in canada is taking place ...


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