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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 2, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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to the one who received second place. today on our channel there is a continuation of the fascinating melodrama of the limiter, a story about friendship, love and the difficult fate of women. don't miss new episodes today immediately after the evening news. well, we will continue to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. the village of stepovaya novoselovsk in the kharkov region came under the full control of our military, this is the zone of responsibility of the west group, the village of novopokrovskoye in the dpr was also liberated. in these directions the enemy lost an american armored personnel carrier, three m37 howitzers, a maxpro armored car, hundreds of military personnel. about the work of artillerymen, a report by military correspondent mikhail andronik.
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load one of-59 fragmentation fuse! full charge! the enemy is preparing boats on the right bank of the dnieper to try to cross to the islands at night, but he is now spotted by the dnieper artillery group working on this target. all guns in this area that reach the enemy are trained on the enemy group, allowing ukrainian militants to sit down in...
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be more careful in choosing your target. previously, they shot everywhere, it was not even clear where they were hitting. now they are trying, apparently , to save ammunition, because they are trying to shoot specifically at targets, trying to hit, but they are not succeeding. in the zone of responsibility of the dnepr group of troops, our artillerymen have complete advantage over enemy artillery. this is confirmed by the militants who chose to lay down their arms and stay alive. in position. horror is happening, explosions, arrivals, skids constantly, drones disappears literally for a minute or two, without water, without food, you can’t get out at all, it’s getting worse and worse, militants and their accomplices are found in the rear areas of a special military operation, in this footage fsb operatives in the zaporozhye region are detaining suspects in collaboration with the special services . ukraine, i passed on the coordinates
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to my friend artem zelensky, who is an intelligence officer of ukraine, as i learned from internet sources, rocket and artillery strikes were carried out at my coordinates. based materials collected by security authorities, a criminal case has now been initiated under article 276 of the criminal code of the russian federation. espionage. punishment under this article is provided exclusively in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 20 years. michael. news kherson and zaporozhye regions. updating the system of higher engineering education to ensure the technological sovereignty of russia. vladimir putin and the head of the ministry of education and science valery folkov spoke about these problems, which are being solved by advanced engineering schools, at a meeting in the kremlin. as told minister, now 50 advanced schools have already been opened at universities, they are supported by the state and 160 industrial partners. with details.
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at the moscow aviation institute, taking into account the challenges of the time, they opened a master's program in unmanned aerial vehicles. design, assembly and programming of a drone. 60 such specialists graduate every year. and this is the second task of advanced engineering schools, the one that in practice is called technological sovereignty. at the beginning of the msvo , there was a great need for personnel, therefore, we have opened a course of advanced training and additional professional education. where we can quickly retrain engineers who were not part of the revolutionary industry to design unmanned aerial vehicles. and if in the first 2 years the state allocated about 12 billion rubles for the development of engineering schools, then the industrial partners of universities, there are 160 of them throughout the country, are one and a half times more. i am very
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glad that business simply does not resist , on the contrary, in fact, it is at the forefront of this process, at the forefront, and we looked at if. in the first year, those schools that we selected gave about 30 kopecks for every state ruble, then now the last schools give more than 1 ruble 70 kopecks for every state ruble, and practice is ensured, over teams, student leaders are leaders, say from kamaz or rosselmash or from pyramus engines. future students are also introduced to advanced developments, involving them in science: 22 thousand schoolchildren in engineering schools. we only studied last year. engineering of the living systems, genetics and genomics, now there is software engineering, we have these different schools, the children study there with pleasure. and then they enter universities according to their profile, having received an offer from technology partners, that is, in essence, an invitation to
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work after studying. we also actively use and develop such a form as student contracts, this kind of, you know, intellectual engineering special forces, these are the guys who should become creators. and the most difficult thing is to create, create, take yourself responsibility, leading teams. by 2030, the number of engineering schools across the country will double. olga armyakova, polina gomzikova and andrey prikhodko, lead. the rural development program will be extended to new regions. mikhail mishustin announced the government’s decision at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. this year , the federal budget allocated 70 billion rubles for the state program. about where.
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public space is being improved, including the supply of water and gas, and repairs of pre-regional and local roads, healthcare and educational facilities are appearing, appropriate conditions are being created for playing sports. of course, all russian regions should have these opportunities, the decision made will be an additional incentive for local farmers, including, which is very important for creating new jobs. for example, construction in the lugansk people's republic in the area of ​​mikhailovka and stakhanov. over the past 30 years , no new tracks have appeared here, and the old ones have not been repaired. on some roads where new pavement is now being laid in layers covering, there was simply no asphalt. another
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topic of the meeting with deputy prime ministers was support for technology parks. mikhail mishustin announced that federal subsidies for the development of industrial infrastructure will now reach 99%, and there will be more enterprises... that can apply for them. these rules have been extended to include projects for the modernization and reconstruction of existing enterprises. moreover, such government support will become available not only in regions with low socio-economic indicators, but in single-industry towns, where it will be promote the opening of new jobs. also in the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. the mechanism of government procurement in small volumes, up to 600,000 rubles, is also expected to change. will appear. a catalog with a description of goods so that the customer can choose the best offer in the information system that will be used for bidding; there is also a mechanism for appealing the results. a whole range of other tools that will speed up small frequent purchases, but most importantly, make them more transparent. and of course,
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they will facilitate the participation of medium and small enterprises, which , by the way, employ about 30 million people. priority in government procurement remains with russian goods. and members of their families, services, including those related to housing and medical support, are provided on a one-stop-shop principle, and there are many who want to use the service, but during the test work the center received more than a thousand requests, most of them have already been resolved, olga’s report mishcheryakova, the principle of a single window, as in the mfc, except that the employees with shoulder straps, but you must get a coupon, we select social support issues. so regional payments , deputy minister of defense anna tseveleva is here with
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an inspection, this is the very first military-social center in the country, it was tested for a month, and today it was officially opened. there are seven categories of military personnel at the electronic counter, those who can count on help. military personnel who are conscripted, under contract, mobilized, volunteers, that is, everyone, come here, and as this test month shows, issues are resolved promptly. the center will work in collaboration. the foundations are defenders of the fatherland, where they traditionally provide almost any support, legal, psychological, related to rehabilitation and assistance in employment. we decided that representatives of the military registration and enlistment offices will be located and receive people directly in the offices of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, so that immediately when a person arrives, he, as if in a one -stop service, receives an explanation and routing in all directions, regardless of what category . along the corridor to the left there is a long hall, 10 windows, probably not everyone knows about the new center, but in a month
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six hundred people have already applied here, military personnel, including svo participants, are entitled to payments, there are many of them, they help to figure it out, if there is a problem, they solve it, i applied 5 days ago, there are already such, yes, after 2 days the financial issue, yes, everything was resolved, so the enemy’s bird hit a grenade, so the boys managed to run in. and under cover, i stayed back there a little, the dump took place at my feet, i asked about the attack for wounds, if the money was delayed, the center staff will discover a technical glitch and fix it in a few days; at the end of may you were wounded while performing a combat mission; after being wounded, you will return to your place? definitely, definitely, already want, opposite the group of the main medical directorate of the ministry of defense, requests are related to treatment and rehabilitation, on the floor above with... housing specialists , svo participants, subject to a number of conditions, are entitled to benefits for obtaining a targeted
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housing loan, that is, a loan paid by the state, this is also often asked: when included in the savings mortgage system, a military member of a special military operation can immediately receive a targeted housing loan and apply to a credit institution to purchase an apartment. this first military-social center is located in the moscow military district. talk and eat normally, i even had nerves fonel for the first time in a long time, maybe
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after the operation to restore the facial , i couldn’t eat, i did everything through a tube, it’s only liquid food, a fragment flew in, well, from the side, on the left side, here it is from here came in, broke his jaw, crushed the skull bone and left it somewhere inside; he was wounded in november last year near avdeevka. the left side of the face turned out to be completely paralyzed, here it feels like a touch, but oh, yes, it’s like an electric shock, it’s all shocking. at the republican clinical hospital , microsurgeons managed to suture the nerve, but even during a two-hour operation, doctors could not guarantee complete restoration of the nerve trunk. the traumatic element does not just damage like a knife cut, it also damages surrounding tissue, and therefore separate the tissue. healthy from damaged ones, in particular the nerve from scar tissue is quite difficult in the next ward preparing for discharge
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military personnel from whom a shrapnel was removed from the heart everything should heal completely and all physical stress should be eliminated as much as possible thank you for doing such work during the assault operations of our troops under the wing, the drone operator was wounded by a cluster munition and was assisting his comrade when he realized that he was wounded. i started to burn it myself, we they pulled it aside, but after i lit it, i realized that something was also wrong with me, because all my clothes were already thoroughly wet, that is, the fragment entered here in the shoulder, and ended up in the heart, this fragment measuring 4 by 7 mm, the doctors removed it from his heart, leaving a foreign body with sharp edges inside was life-threatening, sooner or later the fragment could cause internal bleeding. the trajectory of the fragment was such that it was already on its way out, when it flies at high speed, heats up, and apparently according to the principle of welding in the heart muscle warmed up there
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and began to boil, so he did not die from bleeding at the moment of the wound itself. a unique multidisciplinary operation. such unique cases, when the fragment is localized directly in the thickness of the myocardium, are isolated causal cases, so this was its uniqueness. after triage in ministry of defense hospitals, the most difficult patients are brought here. a military hospital with 300 beds is deployed on the basis of the trauma center of the republican clinical hospital. every day here carry out up to thirty operations on military personnel injured in the zone. stanislav nazarov, alexey urazai, gin khazipov, lead kazan. in russia, a new electronic reconnaissance complex , the verge, has been launched into mass production. it allows you to combat drones as effectively as possible. the system has already received high praise in the nwo zone. it will also be useful for protecting industrial enterprises. artyom petrov with details. a sound that
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tells you that a drone is nearby. based on the frequency radiation, its edge is calculated. this mobile complex. radio-electronic reconnaissance, the device is assembled on the basis of russian spectrum analyzers, the software was also written from scratch by our specialists. these electronic reconnaissance complexes are produced in similar workshops throughout the country, there are several of them, specifically this one is located in ulyanovsk. such complexes have already proven themselves successfully on the front line, and in order to cover the needs of the front, craftsmen often have to literally spend the night at their workplace. so that soldiers on the front line can see more and further. and complexes of a team of enthusiasts, in addition to ulyanovsk, manufactures and programs in tatarstan and moriel, in moscow and yekaterinburg. volunteers from chelyabinsk and st. petersburg are working to meet the needs of russian soldiers. such a complex solves several problems at once, among the key ones are covert radio communications, protected from interception, and electronic reconnaissance. the device of the laktar group is a kind of combat harvester that
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sees almost everything. civil type drones, attack drones, both copter and aircraft types, all main control channels and video communication channels are within the reception range of the devices built here. this also includes terrestrial voice radio communications, that is, ordinary radio stations, unusual radio stations, that is, all this is covered by this device. skills in working with the complex are practiced at special training grounds, and it takes a matter of seconds to assemble an edge. we install the edge into the antenna mounting clamp, connect the antenna, and enter the mode. scanning, the device entered combat mode. grania developers we focused on mass availability and ease of use; you can master the complex in a few hours. the most important thing to learn is to recognize signals, that is, to understand what kind of signals there are, and how they look on the spectrum of the analyzer. in the sky above the test site, the drone is not even audible yet,
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but the russian drone detector is already reporting the approach of an object. i see a drone, 11 o'clock. distance 500 m. 2.4. turn on suppression. there is suppression at 2.4. the electronic warfare calculation identified the target. antidrone operator gun pulls the trigger. and now you can see that the signal is already weak. and now the copter loses connection with the control panel. today laktar produces about a hundred electronic reconnaissance systems per month. the methods of its development are advanced, and in order to see even further, a large reserve has already been laid down. about future modernization. artyom petrov and mikhail derzhavin, lead. macron's personal humiliation. this is the assessment the western media give to the parliamentary elections held in france. according to the results of the first round, marine lepin's party is in the lead. national unification, 33% of voters are for it. the coalition has slightly fewer leftists; only a fifth of
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the french are for the mokronists. the second round is in a week, it is already clear that the french president is betting on the dissolution of parliament and early. mentioned a teenager of algerian origin who a year ago died from a bullet in a suburb of the capital. in lyon there was also a roar of firecrackers. about three hundred people rallied in qana against. of the national association the left came out and in marseilles, in nantes there were clouds of tear gas, upset in the camp of the president, macron went to abank, arrogantly took a risk and
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lost, hoped that the disastrous results of the european elections would quickly be forgotten, the french electorate would be afraid of the growth of far- right sentiments in the country, would rally around a politician who had flitted around for 7 years, constantly promising changes for the better, but his affairs were too divergent with reality, therefore... we had to resort to various political technologies: the sudden dissolution of parliament, a rapid election campaign, intimidation of the french with a civil war if they vote not for presidential movement. all this did not work, resulting in a fiasco, loss to both the right and left, third place, lost relative majority in the national assembly. macron is already finished, can someone start lepin? for france's forty-six-year-old leader, sunday's first tourlament election was a personal humiliation. as stunning as his rise to the presidency 7 years ago, from a rookie outsider. however, it is too early to draw such conclusions. macron does not give up, convenes
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two meetings at once after announcing the results of the first tour, another one at noon today, again resorting to political technologies. the president, who so zealously urged everyone to vote against the right and against the left, ordered to study each electoral district and see with whom an alliance could now be formed. premier ottal curtsied towards the left. announced that he was suspending the reform to reduce unemployment benefits until the fall and was withdrawing several dozen of his candidates from the second round. 60 candidates of the coalition together for the republic will be removed from the election race in the second round of parliamentary elections in france, to prevent the victory of the opposition party national rally. the lesson is that with the far right on the cusp of power, tonight is like no other. remove weak candidates in favor. three main rivals who did not receive 50% of the votes advanced to the second round. the new popular front,
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an alliance of four left-wing parties, received 28% of the country in the first round, and called for everything to be done to prevent further victory for the right, this all includes any methods, including an alliance with macron’s movement, which the leader of unconquered france, jean-luc milanchon , called.
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the turnout was record-breaking, such numbers have not been seen in the last four decades; about 35 million people came to the polling stations. the french have made their choice, but the race is not over yet; candidates must submit applications for participation in the second round by tuesday; the vote, which is decisive for the future of the french parliament and the political life of the country, will take place on july 7. anastasia popovnadsky, news: france: the entire aviation giant boeing is storming. the us department of justice is preparing to present the corporation with an official charges in the case of violations of 737 max airliners in indonesia and ethiopia. denis davidov will talk about why real punishment began only 5 years after the disasters. with portraits of those killed by boeing, their loved ones visit the doors of all american authorities.
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indonesia and ethiopia, which happened within a few months of each other 5 years ago. the cause of the tragedy was said to be deficiencies in the autopilot software of the new boeing 737 max. due to the defect, the planes went into a tailspin. then the aviation giant paid the fine is more than $2 billion, he promised to fix everything, but this year the manufacturer has questions again.
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lawyers representing relatives have accused the federal government of preparing another sweetheart plea agreement with boeing, but the memory of the 346 innocent people boeing killed demands more justice than this. if the company admits guilt, it will face a three-year probationary period, work under the supervision of observers and a fine in the region of $250 million, pennies for boeing, the general the director who receives.
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it was clear that the aircraft giant’s brainchild had problems even before the launch. these frames show how, on the ground, out of the blue, the protective cover flies off the capsule.
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following the example of the cities of khabarovsko and komsomolsk. this master plan will involve two scenarios or two stages of development of the island, the basic one, of course, is what is already included in the agreement, this is a border crossing for transport. logistics center and tourist infrastructure, expanded - this is already a bouquet of investment projects that is growing literally every day. in in july, russia will send a note to china about changing the status of the future border crossing from cargo to cargo-passenger, and the design of the checkpoint will begin immediately. 10 billion rubles. the preliminary cost will be covered by the federal budget. the deadline for completion is 2026. we have ambitious plans, in addition to the border crossing.
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at vfe anna leonova limberkinov, vesti khabarovsk. 19 restored icons were brought to the ascension monastery in the village of good, lugansk republic. the faces of the saints took six months to restore novosibirsk. among the icons there are unique specimens. with details svyatoslav dolgachev. the bells of the ascension monastery ring in honor of the return of the restored icons. 19 restored by novosibirsk.
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during the restoration, in order to avoid repeated damage, it was placed in a wooden frame behind glass. are you helping us restore our ancient shrine, our ancient monastery? special words of gratitude from the clergy are addressed to the volunteers who delivered the shrines. this is not the first time elena and sergei mozhirin have helped the monastery. before this, the icons of st. nicholas the wonderworker and the dormition of the virgin mary were taken to novosibirs for restoration. the fact is that we are orthodox people, orthodox and... we cannot stand aside, when people die here in these territories, we understand that there are no atheists here at the front, that is, the fighters need help, and local people, especially those who have already suffered
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from fascism here. the spouses admit that the reconstruction was not easy, some of the images were seen for the first time in novosibirsk, this is due to the fact that in the luhansk region beyond the ural mountains, different schools of icon painting are popular, it happened... masters argued about whose specific image was depicted on the icon, there was such an internal state that with god's help everything should be fine, you just need to be patient and work hard, in fact, and the restorers did their best skills, talents, abilities, prayers in order to do this work, everyone was incredibly happy when this work was completed. the return of icons in good condition is associated with the revival of the monastery. the temple was damaged as a result of the fighting. after reconstruction no longer reminds us of the shelling of ukrainian militants, at the same time that life in our republic is coming to life, our main shrines are coming to life, here our monastery, as one of the shrines of our diocese, today is already decorated with images, but these images are
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actually in the temple they were never exhibited, they were kept in our sacristy, and we were waiting for the opportunity to restore them in order to exhibit them to the people. the restored shrines will decorate not only the ascension monastery, some of them over time... will become museum exhibits in lugansk. the church is already preparing the next batch of icons to be sent for restoration to novosibirsk. masters beyond the urals have earned the trust of the lugansk diocese with their professionalism. is engaged in the reconstruction of medieval costumes; in the 11th-13th centuries they were decorated with copper
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purzhins; the craftswoman studied forgotten techniques from ethnographic sources at the academy of sciences of karelia. i now have a scarf on my head, then there will also be a bandage on top of the scarf, which will cover the headband and thereby cover other bandages that will be on handkerchief. we have a lot of wind in kareli, the blowing is very strong and how... china, within the framework of a scientific and practical conference, living traditions, crafts in art, a graduate student of lomanosov moscow state university spoke about traditional costumes of the song dynasty. there is a chinese people called man, man, man people, they have.
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very mixed feelings, a lot of joy,
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a little excitement that we are saying goodbye to the participants, i want to come again, i don’t want to leave, i want the celebration to continue, a lot of energy, the festival gave a lot, and i i say, warmth, some kind of inspiration, the ugra international crafts festival has joined forces to revive the best traditions of folk art, the competition is professional. during the new ukrainian shelling of the belgorod region, the village of novaya
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tavolzhanka was attacked. in the shebekinsky district , the gas supply line was damaged. five settlements were left without gas. report by alexander korobov. in recent days, the belgorod region has been under heavy fire from ukrainian armed forces. the enemy strikes with the help of various weapons, they hit from barrel artillery rszzo. the village of novaya tavolzhanka came under mortar fire. an employee of a local agricultural enterprise died. about a dozen the day before. there was a barn, in fact it’s no longer there, now it’s very dangerous to go there, the building is lopsided, there’s no roof, that’s actually the wall of a residential building, but the bricks are holding it up...
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about a dozen residents’ cars have been hit in recent days, there are some wounded, unfortunately, there were some dead. the day before, in the volokonovsky district, a drone attacked a civilian car with a family inside. the four-year-old died on the spot the girl, her parents, grandparents were injured, they are now in the hospital, they will receive all the necessary medical care, today there was a loss of electricity in almost the entire territory of the region, there were interruptions in water supply,
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traffic was difficult due to non-functioning traffic lights, recovery is on the way electricity supply specialists began immediately, our power engineers are great fellows, i wanted to thank them for their professional work, a complex technological outage was eliminated under investigation almost in full, and enterprises have received electricity to residential buildings in the belgogorod region. the situation in the region still remains difficult; all border areas come under enemy fire every day, and the threat of shelling remains. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, news from belgorod. the first arctic helicopter of the ministry of emergency situations entered service in the arkhangelsk region. experts say that the difference from its predecessors to this mi-8 is colossal. special navigation, thermal imagers, video cameras and even night vision devices. the aircraft is intended for the arctic units of the ministry of emergency situations,
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one of which is located in pomorie. report by artemy zavarzin. the water arch is an unchanging tradition for welcoming new aircraft. this. the mi-8 is not just the first for the arctic, but also the first for the country. the newest version of the mi-8 has become the most anticipated equipment for the ministry of emergency situations in recent years. flights at any time and in any weather conditions. special night vision devices and an engine that can start even at extremely low temperatures of 60° help. in at the arkhangelsk airport the crew is met by a large delegation. the volume of upcoming tasks is unprecedented; the arkhangelsk arctic integrated emergency rescue center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia has been created in the region. he...
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the federal ministry of emergency situations has almost a dozen modified mi-8s. recently, such a helicopter was greeted by neighbors in the murmansk region. all the filling is of domestic production, and the technical design allows you to complete the most complex tasks. what is unique is that now the auxiliary unit itself warms up the air ducts everywhere in all transmission, that is, it starts itself, warms up the entire engine unit, that is , there is no ground maintenance, the helicopter is distinguished by improved thermal insulation of the body, and even a beginner can reliably hover in the air and land where. did not risk, for example, on an ice floe, it is also important that due to additional fuel tanks the aircraft will be able to stay in the air for 7 hours without refueling and cover over 1,500 km. powerful spotlights will also show the way, the operating range is up to 300 m, and a special navigation system will allow you to determine the location of the helicopter, even if communication with the satellite is lost. in addition, there is also
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a built-in thermal imager that can detect and search for people in the forest who are also on the water surface. also here is a new one, this is a backlight, a night light, that is, when flying at night , so-called night vision goggles can be used, that is, all the backlight is turned off and it goes into the infrared range, night vision goggles are an accessory, as it turned out, voluminous, they are included in the kit with a helmet, it is heavy, i tested it myself. sorry, in you can’t check the functionality on white nights, but on polar days, it will be a real scanner of taiga forests; the human eye cannot see much of it.
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evacuation of people, but with the delivery of rescuers to problems, the helicopter will solve not only search and hard-to-reach areas, but also... will help in extinguishing natural fires, is equipped with a drainage device, if such a need arises, fires will threaten the populated area, of course we will use this helicopter . by the end of the year, the region's emergency situations ministry will have another helicopter, and this we will soon see the recruit in the sky on training flights. artemy zavarzin, mikhail dalinin, local time. kubinka near moscow in patriot park welcomed the memory train in a patriotic project launched by...
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applications, both amateurs train, and can book a time with the help of professionals, we try to find a place for everyone, and try to make everyone comfortable, especially kids who they come to us from scratch, after the expansion the sports complex has become even more popular, on these hot days the ice skating rink is especially in demand arena, that's absolutely true now. we have the coolest and therefore most comfortable place in all of novoperedelkino, training goes on from morning until late evening, and just
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now the next one begins. it's 33° outside, only 13 inside, but when the professionals play, it's hot on the ice. the best time for training is, of course, summer, because it’s hot outside, but it’s nice and cool here. well, where else in july can you see how they shovel ice in such a hot dehumidifier. they are working at full capacity, on the street there is a very big plus, but here it is a minus, the air conditioning turns out, our windows start to fog up and to make people more comfortable, so the dehumidifier turns on. parents of young athletes are pleased not only with the new playgrounds, but also with the special approach; they do everything here for the full development of their children. i’m delighted, yes, because it seems to me that we live nearby one of the few complexes that accept young children. it was very convenient for us, we were very glad that the arctic had opened, that we had an ice arena nearby, a large sports construction site in the west of moscow
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the renovations are still ongoing, we will set up a sports park for budget money and we are building a sports park , it will be very nice, so by the end of the year everything will also be ready, so the new renovation will be a sports area, a new family area with a skatepark, towns, mini-football fields and children's playgrounds platforms will be opened at...
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and the windows on the second floor, from where people were escaping, there is still a strong smell of burning in the corridor, the fire occurred behind this door, now it is sealed, no one is allowed inside, an investigation has been initiated into the fire criminal case. a fire broke out in one of the rooms and spread very quickly, the swindlers on the first floor tried to save those who were blocked on the second, that’s when we opened the fasal and took out two windows from these windows, that is, they saved people, yeah. well, from which it was possible to save, now the causes of the fire, five people became its victims, are being investigated by investigators, an inspection of the site has been carried out with the participation of specialists,
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and forensic fire-technical examinations have been appointed. the preliminary cause of the fire is careless handling fire caused by smoking, but the residents of the burnt house have a different version of what happened , blaming faulty wiring that was never replaced, by the way, this fire is not the first here. our wiring also caught fire in the shared toilet and bathroom. the neighbors had a fire literally 2 weeks ago, there was a fire in the wiring in that wing, people just managed to react, fires are not uncommon in such places. the only survivor had to jump from the third floor. the cause of the fire was most likely an electrical overload. we pointed out that our electrical networks simply cannot withstand such voltage. residents of the village of vinogradov also complain about the overload of all communications. on lands intended for private construction, businessmen organized two giant hostels at once. do you live here? what difference does it make where i
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live, you live here, what do you need? do you live here? well, i came to visit. there are dozens of people living here in every bunk bed room. a small room here lives once 2 3 4 5 6 people heat it with this untrustworthy stove. this is modern heating system for illegal hotels, can you imagine? does this design generally not comply with any fire standards? in this room, according to the video, it resembles a boiler room, everything inside is covered in soot. it seems like there was already a fire here, but ...
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no, with whom are three. the hostess, however, claims that she receives guests here. sometimes relatives come to me and live in these houses, no one leaves, comes, leaves, comes, but now he lives there, well, until he came, it’s the weekend, the weekend, what he said, for 15,000 are rented, it’s the weekend, residents of neighboring areas are sure that if a fire happens here, their house will burn down, unfortunately, the interest of supervisory authorities in such places arises only after emergency incidents, the criminal investigation into the fire in balashikha continues, investigators are interrogating the owner of the building. maxim aparin, alexander kutateladze, ekaterina cherusheva and ilona agasieva. news. the production of unmanned lawn mowers for the needs of a special military operation was mastered in lassino-petrovsky near moscow. these products make the work of sappers easier. with their help , military engineers first mow the tall grass and then begin clearing mines. now manufacturers intend
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to create a more powerful model capable of cutting bushes. limitchitsy. in the previous episodes, oh, mashka, he did a lot of business. goodbye village. three friends decide to start a new life in the city. we have an ad, fill it out. at the factory they meet ivan and fall in love with him. maybe for you. i need something, maybe i’m missing something, it’s an amorous matter, as i guess, i want show that i can be different, invite me to the one, the heart of the flighty bachelor is conquered by masha, you, we will meet, but nina and zoya are not going to give up their happiness, who thinks that you have stolen such a walk, she looks just like a girl, and i’m not with a girl, ivan vasilyevich, and i
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told you right away that you chose the wrong thing, van, where have you been? he was with me, linkers, continuation, we are watching right now.
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it took you so long to send a telegram, but
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our post office was closed, we had to go to a distant one, nothing, the main thing is that you congratulated your granny, what did you put on your makeup? nina, is this what they give us at the post office? come on, what else? nina, give it away, share it, we need to share it, well, woman, i can’t hear the news, the lucky one is ours, but she’s silent, hmm, what’s wrong, it’s our time to get in touch, spit it out, or the wires in her garrison were cut, don’t worry, lyubash, the thai woman lives better than you. how do you know, i feel in my heart, after all, everything must be fine with someone, we have a person here who knows, the sergeant writes to him from the same unit where the secret woman,
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maybe they live next door, in a neighborhood with rare beds, but no , i don’t know anything, but what does the sergeant write? yes, i have only two letters from him, he is interested in success at work, health, and so on, but no one has seen these letters, and my letters, why should i show them, it means he’s fallen in love, yes, sergeant, maybe he’s fallen in love, i’m no worse than others , i don’t suppose he told me to come, yes, maybe he will come when he takes a vacation. “in about six months , well, don’t jump into bed right away, it’s unknown what else he needs, maybe he came for a day, or maybe for life, otherwise you’ll be like our secret, shalashovka, cheap, even these
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see the letters, otherwise she wrote such a poem in response, maybe she’s wasting the paper in vain, but there are no letters, so they’ll write letters to you, then you’ll show them, but in the meantime they’ll make you jealous”? ivan vasilyevich, why do you have a niece, ivan vasilyevich, uh, help me, what exactly do i need, a place in the hostel, i live in conditions that are dangerous for morality, young man, i wonder what kind of conditions you have,
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a small room, we live with three people, the hostess, a witch, he makes and sells himself, well, what’s not moral, it saves girls from the fruit of love, we don’t have a vegetable garden, we have us... a cemetery, that’s how it is in such conditions, i’m young and inexperienced, but what do you smell like, the cage is like a siren, well done, that’s all, there’s something to look at, and don’t stop at what you’ve achieved, the middle branch doesn’t give you peace , not at night, not doing anything, well, oh well, you don’t give it that way, so come visit, you’ll see everything for yourself, okay, i’ll think about what you can do when you come, you should know in order to prepare, well, i’ll figure it out soon, let’s work, why is she, who, what is needed, and
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where to live in general, she says, it’s scary here to live, how is your passion, inventing it, everything is fine with us, are you jealous? look, i’m jealous, i can’t stand tears, i immediately feel sick, i won’t be jealous, i’ll learn, uh-huh, you just don’t know nina, if she wants something, then everything will be her way, well, not only everything depends on nina. i know, but we really need to move you, i’ll think about it and let’s work, we’re standing here with you like two monuments, they’ll spot us, i’ll see you in the evening, yeah, bye, girls, hey, girls, listen, yesterday i met someone aged , true, but nothing so solid, we agreed to meet today, he will come with three more friends, mash, how are you, no, i can’t today. zoyka, it’s better not to go,
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no one will fall for her, no, i still can’t, okay, it’s our business to offer, you’ll go, why not go, they’re so respectable, biyar, i don’t know, i don’t want, ber, that’s enough according to his ivan , it’s time to straighten his chest and take a walk for the girl, he’s messing around with someone, he ’s walking around contentedly, and what are you saying, the life i lead now is hard, your love. makes me the most unhappy, happiest person, what passionate desire to see you, you are my happiness, my everything, never doubt my loyalty, forever yours, forever mine, it’s already eight, take a book, do your homework, yes i ’m going, no, forever your punished, just oh,
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it’s already in this school, they started asking so many questions, children don’t see life, why bother damaging their eyes, they’ll forget everything anyway, come on, i’m going.
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where are you going like that, let alone a date, and you’ve already returned, so soon, no one liked you, but there’s nothing to catch there, married old man, why did you get the idea that you’re married, yes, it’s clear that the males jumped out for a walk for 2 hours, and then back to the place... i won’t let my youth be wasted like that. three questions seriously worry me. where does the hare hide his letters? i've already shook her bed three times. where does grandma go with all the money? i noticed one place, and there was only 5 rubles there. and third, who are you dating. where did she get the idea that she has a treasure? so consider it
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, he takes it, there are different herbs, moonshine, a love spell for little things, well, this is the grass for treatment, it’s free, he’ll say, it’s also free, abortions she also does it for free in the annex, she collected all the fairy tales, these are not fairy tales, i ’ve been watching her for a long time, i thought. she was hiding the money, she went to check, and there were tongs all the way to the spacer, i already saw this when i went to see my grandmother with my mother, the stupid mother decided to kill the child with an onion, she stuck it there, but it got stuck and took root, it’s like she strangled the child, nina, you don’t even want to listen, listen, this is life, that’s it, we were stuck there, both the child and the onion, and then the mother couldn’t walk. i had to
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take her to grandma’s, i didn’t see anything there, believe me, this little bitch is hiding thousands somewhere, you don’t want to listen to me, so tell me yourself, who are you going with? why is masha so secretive, i ’m telling you everything as if in spirit, but i’m still not sure of anything, well, at least where we met. oh, if you don’t take a ride on a vagrant, you’ll bring it to aunt tanya in the basement, what do you say, what do you think, they’ll just hang out with you, guys aren’t interested just like that, they would like to be closer to the body, i ’ll figure it out myself, we have a lot of girls , there are a lot of easy ones, today here, and
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tomorrow there, i can’t understand you, nin, and it’s so bad, and it’s not good, well, good luck.
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is someone chasing you? out of breath? somehow you’re not yourself today, you’re wearing perfume, it looks like lilacs, how do you know? so i'm with my soon- to-be sour professor. hold it, thank you, please, my loved ones.
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but it’s not good to peep, you fool, as if lying is good, but i never lie,
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unlike some, you tell others about your sergeant, he forgot you, it’s not over for a day, you rude thing, that’s it, should i show you if you still nothing... you understand, for example, he writes to me, love makes me the happiest and most unhappy person, it’s beautiful, but you don’t understand it, but since he writes, show me why, i’m trying to prove to you, i don’t want anything, you don’t want it, don’t believe it, you, my happiness, my everything, never doubt my fidelity , “you ’ll never meet such a person, but some rude person will meet you, he’ll drag you into bed and beat you, and come on, where are the letters, let me show you, i hid them in my left pocket or stuffed them in my underpants, take it, if you don’t believe it, it’s not really true, he writes, he ate it,
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give it back, that’s it, no, i’ll give it back when i behave you will be fine, van, what you were like in childhood, you were mischievous, but no. the mother was a pick-up, the father was not there, he died, so the mother could fall asleep because of herself because of the father, the mind drove in through the back seat, these... i can say, it was about to come in, but
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it seems to me that he was making fun, but not especially, well, like everyone else, he only did something mean once, he stole money from him, half his salary, well, and that was for a good purpose, for what purpose, he was going to a marikhodka, he wanted to be a captain, a white ship, a black whale. the girls are so secret, with a cocktail in short dresses, and we’re going like this from the captain’s bridge, saluted, what is a cocktail? i ’ll treat you sometime, i didn’t get there, you won’t believe it, two stops, two stops, it already smelled like the sea, they took it off, the mother didn’t beat me at home, she was crying. “the first time i saw her cry, the last time, well, that’s it, i don’t have a ship,
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let’s go to the sea on vacation, dreams should come true, you wanted to introduce me to your mother, you’ll have time, but who will let the two of us go right away, but he’s been here for 2 months i did that, not this year, but later. it’s vitally important, you like to make plans for a girl’s future, you inventors, what’s wrong with that, if you don’t make a wish, it won’t happen. it will come true, let’s make a wish, let’s start, why are you hiding, you’ve probably already dreamed up a lot of things, well, we’ll have our own separate apartment, a refrigerator, a tv. nikofon, you will be the head of the workshop, wow, or
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the director, oh no, not the director, he didn’t show his face, what if i’m the director, i ’ll ruin everything, no, refrigerator, tv, tape recorder, it’s possible, it’s difficult, but you can, and boy, girls, i’m ready right now, well, not right now, but why, you said that dreaming is not harmful, dreaming is not harmful. and generally speaking we need to strive for a dream, and not just think about me, excuse me, you're coming soon, vanya, like on a train, okay, let's not rush, let's wait with the boys, delicious, i would make the skirt shorter, you need to open your legs, no, maybe longer , but it’s somehow inconvenient, well, you’re not going to papadi, huh? let's sew up a stitch here at
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10, well, no, sew it up yourself, i won't spoil my work, they were there themselves, since they are so smart and don't dare sew up, it won't be 18 all the time, go while you can, soon! you're on the shabab, in our latitudes this is a quick thing, just i was a girl, you look like a shiba, then you put on full-length, dederon stockings to go with a dress from the germans, no one can resist.
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masha, you brought me milk, the girls are completely wet, what’s wrong? i’m holding you, i’ll bring you now, one loss, look what you found, zoya the fool was hiding under the mattress, and what were you looking for under her mattress, and the letter? sergeant, she showed one thing, and hid the other two somewhere, so i feel something is wrong in this story, a beauty queen,
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a queen. just know, you take it off, otherwise you’ll freeze, zoya will be offended, i’ll take her out clean water, sewed a dress, maybe ordered extras, yesterday she said that she had no money, i’m stunned. you're just like some kind of heroine, are you overheated? but what if she’s beautiful, i won’t remain silent, here’s the terrace, but i thought she’d scratch out my eyes, why? the dress is mine, i ordered it and they sewed it for me, otherwise i think
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it’s not zoya’s measurements, but our technician is busy, everything is lurking and lurking. well , tell me, to whom you are going to show off, that right in front of whom, in front of you, zoya, i heard how they are trying for us, i offered you to raise money to sew something for everyone, we then took turns wearing it, i may never make such a dress. zoyka, don’t cry, they tell you, they sewed for us, and we don’t need to put money away, we’ll just set the order, home. take off, come on , don’t give orders, zoya is right , we’re pulling the same strap together, there’s no point in standing out, otherwise some have everything, and nothing for others, now we’ll cast lots, who will be the first to wear, who will be the second, and who will be the last, and if not if you want, go ahead,
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live alone, since you have everything... it suits you, well, 3:4, wow, for the first time in life is lucky, for the first time, ninka, take off my dress, your libraries all end up, but i’m not in the library, i’ll go to work, let everyone fall there, they’re stuffed, everyone says that they live poorly, half the salary is already spent on a dress, so you shouldn’t raise your salary, but need to cut it, if you don’t have a head on your shoulders, then why do you need money, well done, masha, a good dress fell to our dead sparrow, you ’re going to work, i’ll have time now, girls,
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don’t rush to the workshop, there’s more here. ..what to see, i guarantee you that, and it’s been a long time you have almost a year, natasha, my friend, it’s time to start a new life, three girls, on saturday at rtr, altai, a majestic mountainous country. ridges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountainous ones are especially rich in glaciers, beluga whale, a double-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend one can find the entrance to shambhala, beluga whale is the highest point
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of siberia and the cradle - lake teletskoye, altai has always been a source of legends and myths , and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just like many centuries ago, yours went, that he joked now or for a long time in... didn’t get it, she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what’s the matter, that ugly woman dismissed the servants, that i’ll marry her, i’ll sin and jump, i’m with such a fearful person i’ll only sleep for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money, buying something for a classic operation, the beauty won’t be enough, if
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you can’t wait for happiness, maybe it’s worth stealing it? let's go, i don't understand where, where are you going to the movie mountains, or are you not a man, you're not responsible for your words, you're ugly? love on friday rtr, are you here, are you sick, it’s great, your complexion is not yours, but it’s great that you’re out for a walk? shift is coming soon, i'm going, i'm coming, petrovna, hello, hello, oh, i don't recognize you, have you grown up, a little, but it's clear, hello,
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hello, hello, who do you think something has been stolen here, she's walking around, and it's me here, she looked just like a girl, and i am a girl, ivan vasilyevich, a girl of primary school age, you will also say, i have a passport, but what, how would they hire me then, well, i was thinking based on metrics? i'm very much an adult, if you want to know, yeah, that is, you can send fleets directly, yes, send them, we’ll consider the proposal, so, what kind of meeting did you organize here, it should be where you should be, at work, at the workplace, and you say you mean, it’s my fault, i’m going, yes, it’s my fault, but what if i looked closely , good, natal fedorovna, not your taste, life would be easier, it’s unsafe, well, what danger is there for me, well, what, i’d take it and die of boredom , what an idiot you are, you’ll waste your happiness, it’s not a fast train at all, so as not
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to rush somewhere, i need to look at everything so it’s thorough, to find, so to speak, all the possibilities, so fedorn, i was caught at work, you especially need an invitation, my pocket came off. only bunny, so can you work or not? i’ll fine you, i’ll deduct your wages, for what? 10 minutes, as it should be at the workplace, but then what is the fine for her? one more word, i’ll kick you out to
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yadrenefeni. “if you cry, they won’t leave you alone, you need to hold your head higher, listen, remember yourself, what about you, i wanted it beautifully, and you’re already beautiful, don’t look at these, look what i brought you, i don’t know why”? they sent it to the factory address, it was from him, from whom, from volodya, from the sergeant who was there, i haven’t forgotten,
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it turns out, why didn’t you immediately give him your address, i don’t have my own, i live in an apartment, i wrote him a fraudulent note, well, you see , it’s good, i guessed where to send it, thank you, natalya fedorovna, it’s like you took me out of a loop, and what are you, what are you, my dear, how does your tongue turn?
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do you think i put it on for you? i put it on for myself. ay. they’re not ordinary workers, there are girls with different characteristics, hmm, well, yes, but we, but we’re not like that, we’re from the peddler, yes, that’s what you want to say, no. well, forgive me, it’s good that
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you’re not like that, you’re simple, unpretentious, you belong to the board, come on, let’s go, there, stand, stand! here, like this, like this, hug your girl, what kind of girl do you have, her appearance, memorable, model, i want to warn you, just in case, that i take wedding photos, it’s cheaper if you contact me directly. got ready, well
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, you’re at a resort, and it looks like you’re at a funeral, smile a little, then relax, okay, get ready, don’t blink, freeze, take it off, now another one, head a little bit, a little bit to the side, smile softly, here we are smiling, take it off, that’s it. well, i said this about the wedding, for information, the pictures will be ready in a week, get a coupon, thank you, maybe down to earth, we won’t go, uh, no, i need to show off, the girl has a model appearance. don’t be afraid, dimka, my old
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army friend will give it to me, let’s go, i’m cold, oh, tom, look, he’s sitting, the owners are hospitable, but they called you, but you don’t understand where am i, di, now...
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dimka was called for shift, his wife and son are from the village,
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after all. the tea has some strange taste, regular tea, with konjac, where did that come from? remember what i told you about the cocktail? yeah, less tea, more cognac, i don’t like cognac, it’s disgusting, you know. you love it, you don’t love it, you also need to warm up, that’s right, and if cognac doesn’t help, i’ll take care of you. i ’ll warm you up, of course you took the fashion, wear these short ones, a little material,
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these thin stockings, you don’t live in paris, you have to understand, our climate is different, tell me, why do you need to go at all? the bangs, they don’t warm you up, they’re either there or not, deterron, by the way, is beautiful, but it seems to me that it’s better without them. tell me, did you lie about the guests? and what i get for this? will they beat you? just tell me and we'll see. welcome, honest pioneer, executions
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now. this, of course, may be beautiful, but without them it’s still better, i ’m free, we’re hiding, we’re hiding, the inca is playing with you, be patient with me, maybe we’ll say, well , if you’re not afraid, but you, i’m not, i’m afraid. well, that’s okay, they won’t eat me, they’ll even eat me i have no doubt that you’re saying this, cheer me up, tell me that i can handle it,
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i can handle it, you’re already brave, like on a car depot, remember popper, well, this is different, i didn’t think about it then, i’ll imagine it, i don’t know what to do with myself, yes, men, these are women. but not more dangerous than animals, i don’t even know what to help you with, i’m testing your courage, it seems like you have it , i tried it, well, i’m not afraid at all, uh-huh,
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everyone’s gone, you’re still sleeping, watch, you’ll sleep through the whole world, oh, yes, the shift is half an hour, but why didn’t they... wake you up, there was a reason why they didn’t wake me up, why are you, what’s up, ivan, they’re not doing something wrong, why are you fussing, huh? as a new fornicator , the law is not written to you, there were times when verka was half an hour late for her shift, nothing. and you get used to it,
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are you trying all night in vain? at least cover yourself up, there is a need for nakedness here, the working day is in full swing. do you think he needs it? do you think you'll have this for long? vera, i’m to blame for you, but i, i love him, me too, i thought that he was mine for life, and then after 4 months you came, i’m prettier, i give him this and that! yes i three times better than all of you, but you
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ruined my life, i hate you, vera, vera, vera, stop, vera, vera, vera, vanya, why are you yelling, i told you, quietly, so i’ll leave what you have here, the equipment does not observe safety, your mistress. it’s your fault, you’re looking for it, so go in the mirror,
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look, everything, everything, everything, already, everything, i’m scared. what did you have fun with? get up! have we conferred with the hare? we want to live with you more,
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get exhausted, and you’ll go back to what happened to you, you’re a skin, masha, where will i go, wherever you want, you can go to efimovnik’s podbach, you can go straight to vanka, otherwise you’ll leave him alone for a painfully long time, you’re not afraid, he’ll rush to another, whatever you think, the other won’t find him, so beautiful, no one can replace him, girls, why are you screaming, girls, everyone knows what you are like , don’t, bunny, well, what kind
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of letters, that’s right, write, bunny, write everything as it is, what kind of snake you warmed up on your chest, you knew everything, you went with me, you raked in the heat with my hands, i cooked it for myself, and you took advantage. bunny, the floors need to be washed so that it doesn’t smell here, build an extension, go and take the blanket over there bed, or lack of a place, and it’s so hot, there’s someone to warm you up, give it to me. i grabbed the guy, but look boldly, these guys will go crazy and wash themselves, either
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you are them, or they are you.
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why did you find me, did you come to visit me? as a boss, i’m supposed to, although it doesn’t matter, you won’t leave, no, i immediately understood that she had arranged everything for you, so please, let’s not talk about it, you understand the matter yourself, the defendants, i feel sorry for her. okay, okay, nothing, nothing, soon everyone will get used to it, we’ll live as long as the earth stands, together, it’s spinning, yes,
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it means spinning for now.
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now he’ll teach you, i’d rather stay with lyuvu , masha will spend his assurance, why, well , what’s better, i know that, it’s said, you’ll go to veri, you’ll go to her, i got it, i got it, well done, catch me if you can, final game, i think that, of course, the person is singing, i have no explanation, pure intuition, on friday on rtf. igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i ’m your daughter, you’re taking me for a fool, well , honestly, we’re looking at the weekend, help, i need to know who i’m dealing with, who
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sent you, my mother told me before her death about you, and i foolishly decided to see you. so what, now your daughter will live in our house? “we are of the same blood, you and i, you have a miracle brother, if anything, and you have a miracle sister, give this girl money and that’s enough, i know that she is my daughter, she has no one but me, i i think i fell in love, and i love, dad, you know, i don’t love like a sister, the swing, on saturday at rtr the table is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are out of this room. absolutely faceless we make three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object,
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there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i love it. plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, but dreams. becomes a reality, look, let it into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, they left a mess again, good morning. "wow, they got me married without me, hey, what do you mean, look at the brides
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arranged it, but they didn’t need me, it ’s itching in one place, lyuban, why are you yelling early in the morning, what difference does it make to you who your student is, give me ninkin, you really taught me one fool, so you give me another locked up, teach yourself, as you sleep, so teach, any, nina, pushkin will bring the boxes, so ivan vasilyevich told me that this is ivan vasilyevich, listen to me." go back, take it, yeah, who works here, but something like me i don’t see anyone, it turns out that you, vanya, i can’t, yeah, vanya, i can’t, this is what happens, top i didn’t stand for an hour while i sharpened it, you can’t do it here, and come on, don’t let me down, because if anything happens, it will open up on me, the breakdown has begun, go ahead.
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we’ll all go down in flames, you know, well, the women, they’re angry and offended, they’re not capable of anything, but our production is dangerous, just
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push it a little, that’s it, the machine will do everything itself, i promise this won’t happen again, what do i care? your promise, now your promise, what should i do with writing a statement, i won’t let you go, i understand that... you’re protecting your girls, well done, yeah, but you they need to be carried out, well, that’s how, well, i don’t know how, but i’m not only talking about production, i’m talking about your personal life, and take the machine away from the set, a student can’t work alone, i understand, but i’ll take it, yes i'm getting married, here... make an appointment, why haven't you been in
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a month, but anyway, i forgot, come on, don't sleep here, greek, some olives, maybe a greeter. so i'm following you, okay? you're there or you're sleeping, the devil knows what they're doing at night, they're sleeping here, plates, who's going to pay, i'm out of my own pocket, and i'm paying, well done, go to the checkout, tick, for a glass of 10 kopecks, take another, valyush, fight, you need to get out of the distribution, let's skip the line! let’s let the person through, come, come dear, no need, what to eat, i didn’t even want to eat,
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sorry, i haven’t liked the first one since childhood, i’ll share, thank you, new guy, second day, village, yeah, i’m also one of the students here , where do you work? kroselchik, wow, harmful production, what’s your name? potapov, andrey, masha. the guy got me here, i’m renting a bed from him, there’s no money, yeah, when i make money, i’ll buy you lunch, but i’m on i don’t agree to a canteen, i want a restaurant, i’m not sure about the restaurant, i’m scared, don’t get your ears
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dirty. i won’t demand a refund, well, you need to go to the tax office and they’ll get married there, but i don’t mean what you decided, but since that’s it, well, how am i not, i thought i was thinking it up for myself, and then tomka got pregnant like this , well, this is not my option, no, don’t think that i’m just because of the child, i’m well, the house was good , yes... it’s also all good, all for me, and i ’m washing something, and the wedding they are all good, and then here we are with tomka, yes, we are every day we're fighting, everything's wrong, you know, i'm drinking, i haven't found a salary, dim, your server has always been languid for, always, but the wedding was normal, and then yes, come on, she became a viper, yours is the same, between
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it will be different, something won’t let me in, i just imagined. well, i got married and every day you come home in the evening, she cooked borscht, she’s standing there dissatisfied, and you go and figure out why you can’t, of course, you’ll slip through, but i need the baby right away, you know, i ’m looking at my own, one word is my blood, like me, it's me, and not me, and the girls are different to you, they seem to be yours, but not yours anymore. did you have a score in arithmetic at school? i don't care about your arithmetic. how much did you give me? eight, well, the room costs 12, so is there still a car? masha has a separate living area, she has been paying for it separately for a month already. thank you,
7:27 pm
another letter from volodya, i wrote it last week, here it is again, stop dancing, the floor is about to break the floor for me, read it, come on, he’s coming, he’s feeding everyone breakfast, hello, no, he’s not coming, they don’t give leave and don’t... . is driving and that he grabbed you, don’t worry about the inheritance. she sang, no, i don’t have an inheritance, that’s exactly what i don’t, i typed, and what did he see in you, uh, who will clean the floor for me, sergeant, so he’s not coming to you, distance is not an obstacle to my feelings, i can imagine how we will meet, zoya, nin, why are you tired of you, all of you, mashka vanka,
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you have this half-smart sergeant, for... i have nowhere to retreat, we need to look for housing, it’s cold here, but in general he won’t let you come to me, you’re making a fuss in general, they built a house, in the hut in the spring, they won’t give you a family now, only
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if. masha, listen, maybe go ahead, what is it, nothing, you go to sleep, we’ll talk tomorrow, think, we need to think about something, it’s cold here. let's get married.
7:30 pm
and i’m telling you, write it down, and i’m saying, you didn’t make the plan today, well, you’ll do it tomorrow, today you didn’t do it, but tomorrow we ’ll do it, well, how about a note, what if tomorrow is a check, check, hello, hello, i’ll take it myself, this is the data i sign. but no, yes, what do you need, i then, i said everything, i said everything, they’ll screw you up, aunt, pol, they all left, and
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why, i say, they left, yes they left, they left, it seems. by the way, you don’t need a cut on your granddaughter’s dress , she’s 10 years old, let them wear what’s in the store they give it, so it will grow up, a good cut, you need something, tell me, i need a key, what kind, well, there is a door between us and them, the key to it, do you need a men’s locker room or something, why? why is this my business, you name your price, i’ll steal the soap, make some soap, aunt
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paul, weren’t you young, for a surprise, the key is for me, for fornication, for fornication, but you won’t deceive me, here one took it, he said, it will be fornicate, and then the men didn’t pay the advances. the main thing is that she didn’t take everything, she took half of it, she thought they were going out for a drink, and they wouldn’t remember where and how much money was spent it, it would have all worked out, only one turned out to have an ulcer, he didn’t go on a drinking spree, funny, i have their advance without any need, not exactly for fornication, you tell me the price, and no one will swear, otherwise they will come running to whoever gave the key, no one there won’t be, please don’t complain, don’t swear, just gratitude, i say, gratitude? five and an hour later i returned it, why so much? well, what do you think, you have to pay for pleasure, four
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rubles are not enough, and you’re a small thing, look there, oh, oh, come on, no, no, no, no, no, that’s it, come on, that’s it, come on, oh, come on ! tyuppul, so me tomorrow there won’t be enough money for lunch, don’t shame me, look at yourself, so that you can return it in an hour, well van, bye, we’re off, yes, come on, goodbye.
7:34 pm
what, you came for some soap, shall i take it? and what ’s not there, everyone left, the two of us were left, are you going to stay here? why go there, it’s the same
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as here, plus, you’re still with me, masha, you know, then why don’t you leave, since masha, you’re standing and watching. and i told you right away that you chose the wrong thing.
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well, i put things in order, like in the kremlin, if the chalk doesn’t work, it fails. "i really wanted to
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take a spare, otherwise you pay for one, but you are tumbling together, well, wait until then, i’ll look at you again. “you poor girl, what are we going to do, i don’t know how you will decide, ivan vasilyevich, it will be like this, why are you all on the same board?” the perfume is the same, like an incubator,
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you will get confused about who is better, on me or on masha, and what does this have to do with it, i see him and remember her right away, and yet, who is better, it depends how you look, but maybe i love you? you, it hurts me to watch you wander between the girls, you need her, and you need me, you decide, so if you think about it, you are closer to me, maybe calm. very calm, sometimes even
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like a stranger, you believe me, no one looked at me like you, bewitched me like, oh, i’ll be lost with you, don’t even tell me. mash, what do you want, go there, they are there, go, go, i say, i’ll stand.
7:40 pm
van, where have you been? he was with me.
7:41 pm
mash, where are you going, your husband died, the entire debt is now on you, in 3 days you will bring the entire amount here, i didn’t even know anything, how can you live with a person and not see that he is dying before your eyes, your daughters-in-law . by law, required half of oleg’s share, i definitely won’t live with her, that’s what you come up with, you won’t kill her, victoria, sunday on rtr,
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to the house himself, we’re starting, he’ll always help, we will train how to walk on ice correctly. will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a pan of fried potatoes for lard, sleeping, that’s how a child spits, but you have to do it not i advise you, a doctor you can trust... 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve. dr. myasnikov, on saturday on rtr, yours
7:43 pm
said that he was joking now or hasn’t received a tambourine for a long time, she tells everyone: her boyfriend is going to marry you, what’s the matter, the ugly woman dismissed the servants, that i’ll marry her, let’s talk you, i will sleep with such a fearful woman only for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money, for plastic surgery, or what are you going to buy? so it’s not enough, is it beauty, if happiness cannot be waited for, maybe it’s worth it steal it, let's go? i don’t understand where, where are you going, or are you a man who is not responsible for his words? ugly love, friday on rtr.
7:44 pm
i thought it was a stranger who was in charge here, but why not for work, i’m leaving home, you’re running, that means no. i didn’t survive, there will be no peace, if only the girl hadn’t acted foolishly, i don’t need advice, advice to everyone is unnecessary, everyone lives out of their own stupidity, my woe, woe, woe,
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mine, woe, oryuzhko is a big one when. i’m grieving for this, if only i was grieving for this, my mommy came, advise me mother,
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my mother came back just like how she is, well, that’s it i won’t come back in the end, i’ll be with you anymore, what happened, i don’t want anything , so come on, go where you came from, i won’t let you into the house. mom, go, go, there’s no place for you here, mom, why are you, mom, well, there’s no place, no,
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don’t ask, mom, you know how it is there, you can’t hear yourself because of the noise, you’re on your feet all day long , there your hands cramp, but here we live like a queen, you know, don’t even tell me about being on your feet all day, do you want such a life for yourself, but i don’t want it, i won’t let you in, mom, please , well, i won’t let you in, don’t ask, then you’ll say thank you, mom, yes, at least let me say hello to grandma, but she doesn’t know anyone, just know, she’ll come, yes she’ll come. “nothing connects her with this light anymore, as it is, as it is, okay,
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you’ll spend the night, and tomorrow morning we’ll go to the bus, i won’t change my mind about staying.”
7:49 pm
i found out, you'll see, i'll be happy to spite them, you'll see.
7:50 pm
and where should we take you, you couldn’t stand the probationary period, i didn’t have 4 days, and i didn’t pick up the documents, i went awol, quit my job, well, what’s my due, a fine, well, how much will i pay, dismissal under article, why are you like this to us, how much has happened, but nothing like this happened? well, maybe you can come up with something? take the documents, somewhere else, something. i think i can go to natalya fedorovna, natalya fedorovna herself will give you a kick in the ass, zin, i agree to any job, once i ran away, you’ll run away again, i won’t run away.
7:51 pm
“hello, young ladies, you’ll see me back, another one, but what should i do with you, pickle something, like cucumbers, we don’t need a runaway worker, i quit my job by law, and now i want to go back, but i quit, didn’t run away, or something, you took a lot of power, look, they overthrew the tsar, and you’ll fly, appear , threaten, i recognize you, i can spot you in a student, if you want, i’m a bitch to you, or something, to go as a student, i have 5 years of experience, i’m ready to become a student, i’m chasing a better life, it’s only
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obvious that they’ve pinched your wish there, don’t shake your rights here... you, zinaida, are imprisoned here with a small matter , so don’t get carried away and it’s not for you to argue about my tail like a mangy monkey, okay, i’ll come later, and not just one, look who showed up, someone like that to download the rights here. i’m ready to become a student again, well, if a person understands his fault, comes without pride, asks like a human being, thank you, zine, i’m back,
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don’t dream about you, i’m already daydreaming, i want to work , i want to live, i don’t need this . i figured it out, that means i figured it out, excuse me, i ’m even glad that everything turned out this way, that you and nina are not my hero, well, if it’s okay, but i was still tormented by something, thinking about what to do, what to do, hello , mom, hi, are you back? yes, yes, and you still left, hello, hello, well , go already, listen, i’m sorry that this happened, i didn’t want to harm you in any way, it turned out the way it happened, but you, van, don’t think about me, in general, you know, forget about me,
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i’ll think to myself, just register as a student, not to you in return. it’s as if i ’m starting all over again, as if i’ve just arrived. so tell me, why did you and van run away? this is personal, so let’s
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talk about personal things. it’s as if you don’t know yourself, he exchanged me for another, i have information that you, oh, your source, you bastard, disobey him, you yourself will doubt, but no, he says so himself, our women, i know, i’m listening last, he went over to ninka, and what is this, to beat him off? he’s a traitor, and what’s next with him, you know, ivan is not a stranger to me, his mother knew him well, in our barracks our rooms were directly opposite each other. only five years older than me, i remember when i was a child they left us to her, our mothers to work, and we tied our tails, and then i
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began to keep an eye on little ivan, well for now i didn’t get married, he grew up in my arms, to be honest, i would have asked him to marry him, where, men under thirty, purely by the hand, i pull everything shiny. but i forgave, i don’t have the habit of sitting and ranting, forgive me, but i have a
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good husband, and my family, in general, is good, don’t cut it from the shoulder, life, you know, is long. the second coming, you thought i’d procreate for your joy, let’s talk frankly, then... the truth is for the truth, whatever you want, everything is serious with ivan, although you already knew when you started messing with him, so it’s not i have him
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she took you away, and you left me, what else can you say, i want a family with him, a real one, we can have a child. pregnant, i don’t know yet , i suspect how soon it’s going to happen for you, but what ’s taking a long time, maybe you’ve been tumbling with him longer, but it didn’t work out for you, but we’ll succeed, from me, what’s needed, ivan and i talked, we have no complaints against each other, neither he holds me, nor i hold him, swear, mother’s health, swear that you won’t come between us, you’re stupid, i swear to your mother, don’t
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bother her here, i swear. i swear by my happiness, i don’t love him and i won’t love him anymore, damn, remember, you can’t hold back, you won’t be happy.
8:00 pm
good morning, great, you can warm some water. ruble i’ll add a rent, you ’re paying for the roof, there’s electrics, maybe you’ll come back to us, why such generosity, well, it’s autumn in the yard, the frost will set in soon, they divided the men up, we can’t share the room, thank you, i’ll come, but you come now. and that you are so kind, you don’t look like yourself, pay less for three, and it’s easier to look after her.


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