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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 3, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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this journalist, who shows these gas tankers, argues, russians, wow, great britain is involved there together with the russians, insures, transports this gas, and i remember, only two have passed, well, dima will probably tell you better, just two for a little over a year, when they accused us of immediately stopping the gas trade, because the russians are using it as a weapon, remember, yes, that we need to use the russians, so we need to minimize the purchase from them, and now they are even not embarrassed, they say that we are using this against you, namely gas, namely hydrocarbons , everything else, but it seems that few people will remember all this back there, i will return to the one who is more stable, this is orban, including in the purchase of hydrocarbons. and well, not in supporting
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, so to speak, russia, in a more realistic view, of course, on relations in europe, if only because he is closer to us, just like erdogan, on the one hand there is a change of elites, we see this, this change of elites doesn’t make me particularly happy, so i’m the first i remember the swallow, melony came, yes, but she came in the very party that he led. just as now, say, the right-wing party is coming to france, in which marina lepin seems to be no longer the main one, this young man, bardela, bardela, yes, but the fact is that they came, say, in italy , not much has changed, melanie, heading the government, and here are these trends, so cautious, including
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the fact that what blinken proposed is an attempt to quickly hide behind this not not behind this not ignorant family, and it’s faster to make these decisions, to allow bombing, to allow any, that means, to enter the territory of russia with different weapons, and then figure it out, it’s really dangerous, because , paradoxically, i like as you said trumpist, but trump really started it first.
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the fact that trump came, stopped this war, moreover, trump, in principle, many here say, what difference does it make, and even worse, he fulfilled almost everything he promised, he left the trans-pacific partnership, he began to withdraw from all global - that is, unnecessary for america - alliances, he even destroyed this economic agreement and the new one on his border with mexico and canada. on gas, on
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afghanistan, on the war, on almost everything , he fulfilled his promises, of course, he did not act in the interests of russia, as you say, he acted in the interests of america, but it was on... yes, yes, yes, and this is also, well, here, excuse me, everyone is for himself, as, as it turns out, china is now for itself, and we are for ourselves, forced stand more, even though we are partly together with them, but they still stand for their own interests, of course, he spoke, but did not agree, well, what’s the difference, he spoke, but this one doesn’t
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want to talk, says the criminal, the criminal himself, here i am, that is you still believe the words about him, even now about this debate, to return, but nevertheless he spoke, trump is a criminal. went to a debate with a criminal and legitimized this criminal, well, any normal person, smart, at least a little bit, he would have one of his kinks, he would say, i won’t be with a criminal talk, that's it, went to the side, you know, in our country, by the way, this is often done, we have more or less cunning guys, then the debates are optional, and who are you just calling a cunning guy, well, this is the government, something came out, yes power, russian power, it doesn’t want to work with us, for example, with the communists.
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politics, they talked about russia, of course, they said, do you think these two people are quite intelligent, intelligent, understanding, can withstand, including in relation to russia reasonable how to stop, they don’t need this war, i i see that hungarian doesn’t need war, trump doesn’t need war, and i think that the first thing he tried to do was he decided to come and say, i don’t know what he... specifically said, but most likely he gave him some conversation with trump: listen, or stop, look for a way, or you will have to anyway, or you will be defeated. another question is what i am most afraid of, that god forbid we make peace like this, yes, halfway our way, they
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will return, they will return, they will immediately restore the northern stream, it is not so expensive, they will return to us, they will return to us education, they will bring all these machines back to us and strangle them... than the usa, yes, there are some excuses that their factories there are down for repairs and something else, but nevertheless by a percentage, but more, because that, of course, people come from the economy, buy what is better, what
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is not, what i’m talking about, they take, but don’t sell us anything, we urgently need to restore our industry, that’s the problem, in contrast to , how you accepted our accession to the wto, rewrote the wto rules and made special concessions for them, because they are good lobbyists, no, we need to learn from them, we need to learn this, we need to learn a lot from them, but not everything, we have our own way, yeah, please, a third way, but
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first of all, let me note that it’s like the temperature regime was, in principle, predicted, i keep you informed now krasnodar-40, voronezh 33, this is a global trend, some known marseilles will be 22 there. 32 will be - 43 and the temperature regime, but i’ll tell you a little what else will happen, apparently, according to the data of the state hydrometeorological service, and i know that tankers. so i’m telling you that - the hurricane season is from about june 1 to november 30, this hurricane season directly affects lng gas, which comes from the united states to the european union, as well as tankers, oil tankers do not move when there is a certain hurricane strength, now the first hurricane of this season has arrived, it is already force five, it has accelerated, this is the strongest. hurricane in the history of measurement, in principle, last time, this is not the one in st. petersburg, this is there, if there, if, if in st. petersburg there was a five-point
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hurricane, we would put st. petersburg together piece by piece, because the wind speed there is colossal, mind you, mind you, i’m talking about the same thing, for a force five hurricane to appear in st. petersburg, you have to work very hard, fifth category, for whom, i don’t know, for whom, so now, during the transition, it is now moving, naturally, into a neutral phase, there is a very serious strengthening of hurricane tendencies, this is happening just in the atlantic, this could be one of the most dangerous seasons, why? will explain why this is important, first of all it could hit exports energy resources, the worst hurricane season was 2005, katrina, the same one, it was in 2005 according to a similar system, there was also a hurricane there and the first rita was there, but the hurricane was not only against russia, this hurricane is the european union, in fact, why, because we have a pro-russian hurricane, i would say that our climate weapon, well , since now we, accordingly , have wind, gas, energy for us, everything else, as if it works , then it works, so here you are explain why katrina? this is harmful to the economy, not because it washed away new orleans and ruined the atmosphere of jazz clubs, but
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because this is the mexican gulf, there are a huge number of oil rigs, there is a large hydrocarbon industry, and this is one of the foundations of us fuel and energy policy, the problem is that , that during the hurricane season there is a failure of logistics, that is, the ports are closed, accordingly the towers are closed, they are actually reduced, if there are hurricanes of five categories, vehicles cannot move, so the general the damage that 2005 caused. purely for energy, only for the tech industry it is estimated at 15-20 billion at modern prices, this is approximately 25-33 billion, respectively, this is only for the tech industry, this is only because the ports there were closed, the oil refineries were hit by everything else , now let’s imagine what this can bring, now there is one hurricane, it is already worth a billion, but it has not yet reached anywhere, it has only just reached jamaica, that is, the problem is the following, the problem is that this season will hit logistics very hard, in which a feature of logistics, thanks to the wonderful houthis, we accordingly have a situation in which the cat... not us, well, there is a suspicion, oh well, the red-winged allies, the houthis, he came himself, and the dream team
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has gathered, yes, and so here they are they have limited themselves, the north koreans, super, simply, who would have said in ’22, be glad that anyone at least exists, at least yes, so they have now sort of limited the red sea, by the way they are also hitting the eastern mediterranean accordingly, as a result of which a significant part of the gas, which is qatari, now it is no longer going to the european union, it is going primarily to southeast asia, china, japan, respectively, south korea, and... the americans due to the fact that their distance has become shorter, plus supplies have become more profitable, they are now beginning to be actively supplied to the american market, this is the main one to the european market, this is their main supplier, as it were, europe - these are americans specifically, american companies, if there is a problem in the north atlantic, respectively, in the series in the area and the appearance of hurricanes, this could lead to very serious consequences, as for why this will also be important, because the elections will be in november, and obviously the season will end in november, so any kind of force majeure at the level of katrina, in principle , will hit very seriously during this period on infrastructure projects.
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i just didn’t go, what will happen now to the international committee? in many ways, yes, the problem is that now in the near future, they are confused, well, it happens, these are things that directly affect what is happening now on the battlefield, from the fact that now another 60 billion will be poured there, it won’t be fun for everyone, so from this point of view, they will flood, they will flood only in certain cases, and if we don’t pay attention to who will actually win there, they may flood, trump’s peculiarity is that it will fall out with the main players, the best preferences for the russian federation were during the period when trump came and... imposed sanctions, imposed customs tariffs on china, we did not conclude the best contracts then, why? because china was ready to negotiate with whom
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anyone who moves and lies down at all, because he, accordingly, had a very difficult partner, by the way, and under biden they will not negotiate with anyone, so from this point of view, now, by the way, they will discuss the same thing in the sco , who will now discuss this so-called medial path, the middle path, by the way, bypassing the russian federation through this through central asia, so by the way, why is this happening, because no one has imposed sanctions yet, that’s when trump will come with because he promised 60%. who doesn’t seem to be disturbed by their american colleagues therefore. therefore, the chinese are for biden, yes, ultimately yes, and lenid ivanovich is for trump, yes, because there are very serious suspicions about the russian federation, so his party affiliation is not the same, the head of the cis affairs committee was not so important, well, with us not everyone is so knowledgeable in economics and foreign policy, if this one is for this one, then i am for this one, a friend of a friend is not always my friend, i agree, but in
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this particular case, a situation that maybe in biden's last term, his presidential term, maybe very specific, so from this point of view. it doesn't matter what happens there, but what happens there? there was a decision of the supreme court, this is now being discussed, these are yours, respectively, the supreme court, you showed nine people there, six of them are republicans or about republicans, three of them are near democrats, and so they are in the same situation as the homeless six to three were told that trump has partial immunity, which means he currently has four criminal cases that are being investigated against him, one with a verdict that will be announced in july, that is, in the near future according to, according to the documentation, according to the documentation there is most likely conditional, so the remaining three cases will no longer reach before the elections. there is a vague wording, it is very vague, that is , immunity extends to those cases that are related to his state activities, and payment of a prostitute for services, even through the presidential fund, is the supreme the court was divided, they discussed it all night, but did not
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decide whether this is subject to immunity or not, the verdict will be so in this case accordingly, the question is different, they will return it in other cases. you know, don’t direct the girl to the left path, we’ll agree, i understand that it’s much more fun for you to discuss this first criminal case, in which there’s a deal, yes, with kalashnikov, i want to look at it, in short, trump, in short, the point is is that now, without electoral issues, without these four
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matters, he wins the elections, in any case, if will be... biden he wins, and biden will be, because you looked at bloomberg correctly, there are 19 days left in which you can remove it, there is everything that instead of biden is worse in numbers than biden, despite the fact that biden has almost forgotten how communicate, judging by his condition, there are generally variations on the topic of whether he will be capable in principle, and if he is not capable in principle after august, then this is a complex replacement scheme, it will be even worse for the democrats, for all lovers of republicans, yes and the communists?
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we are here with a bipartisan congressional delegation to show our support for ukraine. the united states, by continuing to provide weapons and financial support, is responding to the challenges of russian aggression. we met with president zelensky and expressed our support for his leadership and what we are achieving together. he continues to tell us about additional air support, air defense, and also about getting united states aid faster, and we share his concerns. my position. than the administration's position. i believe that ukraine should be able to use the weapons that are provided against the necessary military targets. my position is the same as that of secretary general stoltenberg. stoltenberg said that he believes that ukraine should not fight with one hand tied behind its back, that ukraine should be able to respond to attacks from russia and attack military targets. one of the problems that we have is
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the obvious increase in weapons production in russia. this is a math problem. i think, that it should be possible to use. your good two, this is how the stars play to the limit of their capabilities, it’s tough, how difficult it is in general, i’ll close my eyes again, because this is their
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last chance, one in a million, the choice for the first time in our show was made unanimously, catch me if you can, incredible! final game, why are you looking at me like that? yes, i think so, on friday on rtr, did yours go that you were joking now or haven’t received buban for a long time? she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what’s the matter, the ugly thing started a rumor that i’m getting married on... i'll sleep with such a fearful woman only for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money, for
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a classic operation, or what? so beauty is not enough, if happiness, you can’t wait, maybe you should steal it, let’s go, i don’t understand where, where are you going, or are you a man not responsible for your words? ugly love on friday on rtr, you’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task, open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, you’re in trouble. the surname of which character from pushkin's works? everyone knows what it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work,
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for the head pain, god forbid now. if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, watch, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement sign, we sign for two at the same time,
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we sign, we look, we look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh you’re good, he likes to grab there, so voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done! you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, your husband has died, the entire debt is now on you, in 3 days you will bring the entire amount here, even... what i didn’t know, how can you live with a person and not see him die before your eyes, your daughters-in-law, according to the law, are supposed to half of oleg’s share, i definitely
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won’t live with her, that’s what you come up with, you won’t kill her, victoria, on sunday on rtr, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down in a passer- by i half said, i’ll stay here, the military should have been stationed... i’m aware that animals are simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to spite the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours , from monday to thursday on rtr, the third outing of the gang, this is in just 5 days in moscow, god knows what there are rumors, they even came up with a name, a death's head, a gang of ordinary people does not kill, only a criminal, andrei smolikov, too much. viktor dobronravov, what else about the gang, the gang works in threes, the players are not related to each other.


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