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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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in a voronezh high-rise building , the heating was completely accidentally turned on, also at +35, while preparing the system for the next season , hot water was supplied to the pipes; it was cool in the evening for everyone, it was 60 minutes, look at the news, goodbye. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sitpel, hello, astana is hosting today the summit of leaders of the shanghai cooperation organization countries.
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the capital of kazakhstan is becoming the center of world politics these days. the sco summit opens in astana for participation in the council meeting heads of state of the shanghai cooperation organization. vladimir putin arrived in the capital of the republic in the morning. a guard of honor was lined up to greet the president at the airport. the main program of the summit is scheduled for tomorrow, but in addition to the general session, the russian leader will hold a number of bilateral meetings.
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including turkey and china. the bonds of friendship and mutual assistance, forged in the harsh times of war, today remain a reliable basis for the development of the strategic partnership between russia and belarus, which interact fruitfully in various areas and coordinate efforts to counter external threats. these are the words vladimir putin congratulated alexander lukashenko on his day today. independence of the republic, the president recalled that exactly 80 years have passed since the day when the red army, where our fathers and grandfathers fought shoulder to shoulder, liberated minsk from the nazi invaders. the head of state emphasized that the further expansion of constructive bilateral ties and the strengthening of the institutions of the union state fully meet the interests of the fraternal peoples. in minsk less than an hour ago the festive parade ended.
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t-34 to modern iskanders, triumphs, the latest drones and armored vehicles. military personnel from china, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan and of course russia took part, i was present and...
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we know, because we are proactive, we are more vigilant than ever, we have learned all the lessons from the beginning of the great patriotic war, we only one teacher, our history, the history of the winners. at the parade in minsk, our armed forces were actively represented in the ground and air parts of the parade, in in particular, the program decorated the flight of aerobatic teams, russian vitez. and today, on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, the russian military department has declassified a new batch of archival documents. with details from anastasia sakhovskaya. a masterpiece of military art, it is called the most successful offensive operation of the 20th century, the blitzkrieg of the red army and the largest defeat of the germans in the entire military history of germany. the wehrmacht simply could not imagine that a blow would be struck from here, but it was here in polesskiye swamps. the path to berlin began,
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the starting point for victory in the gomel region, then the places were impassable for the germans, ours, at the prompting of the locals, wove thousands of macro-stomps from vines and linden bark, the soldier... walked through the swamp without falling into it, the first 10 pairs were made just in one night, 10 scouts dressed them, they built a makeshift flooring for the equipment and camouflaged it with branches, so as not to give themselves away to the enemy with noise, staples were driven into logs laid over 2 km a few hours before the start of the offensive, well, the pain is mine, even the cavalry crossed the british moss swamp, artillery was pulled, tanks were moving, the depth of the swamp was 2.5 m, the combat weight of the tank was 32 then... the sappers equipped each tank with special devices, these are logs, these are cocked hats, these are fascines, so that they could put something under them and move if the tank tilts left or right. zhukov shouted into the phone: i don’t believe it, but by evening the troops had already marched 20 km, the result of 7
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months of preparation in the utmost secrecy, and these documents had just been stamped. soviet intelligence services outmaneuvered the nazis, radio games, simulated troop transfers, the nazis were waiting for the blow. make and concentrate mock-ups of tanks in the forest to show their movement during the day and at night, and to indicate a large concentration of our troops in concentration areas at night , light a large number of fires. here is a directive for technology to move secretly only at night, fyodor feshchenko remembers this, he was awarded the order of the patriotic war at 98. for participation in the operation. the nazis, surrounded near minsk, the elite units, the entire army center grouping, were defeated, we entered minsk, it was free, it was a spectacle,
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of course, it’s sad, of course, they came out, met us, finally, oh, with tears, with tears, because there wasn’t a family that didn’t... lost relatives in this, especially in belarus. ruins and people minsk was alive, but almost erased, a few buildings survived, the officers' house stood, next to it was a tank with number 145, on which junior lieutenant frolikov was one of the first to burst into the liberated city, here is his declassified identity sheet. kampat allowed another tanker bilkevich to drive up to his parents’ house right on tank. it says here that this meeting was indescribable, he was ready to move on. go to forgive your loved ones. the motive of tens of thousands of nameless heroes who, under occupation and deep in the rear, waged their war on rails. 11 thousand trains were abandoned, more than 800 bridges were blown up. bagration's plan was based on their reports. belarus is a partisan
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zone where hospitals, schools, even airfields operated. it had its own telephone connection with a length of 450 km. and this switch, from that phone.
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a powerful fire broke out, with which rescuers they fought for several hours. the rocket hit another ceiling, the debris scattered hundreds of meters before the store opened, so there were no customers inside and no one was hurt. another abrams went to salvage today thanks to the accuracy of our fighters. they tried to hide an american tank in a forest belt in the vdeevsky direction. our reconnaissance drone detected the target and transmitted the coordinates to the artillerymen. the car was hit. self-propelled guns with armor could not withstand a direct hit, the boykomplekt detonated. and in the poltava region, iskander’s crews struck again at a military airfield. this time the target was a mi-24 helicopter and a support unit. let me remind you that the day before,
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seven ukrainian planes were destroyed and damaged there. pantsir anti-aircraft systems are operating in the avdeevsky direction. their main task is to provide cover from air attacks. infantry and combat vehicles of the central military district, report by military correspondent alexei baranov. from the forest area where these multiple launch rocket systems are based.
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the machine works, but for sure, let’s say, there are no such goals beyond difficult for it, so that’s all we are working on a regular basis, the combat experience is growing, and as for the machinery , everything is in order with a stable connection, the battery of hurricane multiple launch rocket systems, meanwhile, having worked out, it has already replenished the ammunition, welded frame. viciously protects from the impact of fpu drones, from large kamikazes, the survivability of the vehicle
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is greater. the combat mission and target coordinates are received in less than an hour. alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, grigory glushenkov. news: lugansk and donetsk people's republics, battle line contact. french citizen, employee of the swiss organization center for humanitarian dialogue. lorran venatier today fully admitted his wine, he was detained in early june on suspicion of collecting secret information of a military and military-technical nature for foreign intelligence services, what kind of information we are talking about is not disclosed for obvious reasons, but it became known that in order to obtain it he met with experts and government officials. according to the investigative committee, seven witnesses were questioned in the case. magnetic storm incinerating daytime heat and egyptian nights.
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the air temperature after sunset does not drop below +24. anomalous july heat affected the central part of the country, southern russia and the regions of the far east. over the past 24 hours , weather stations recorded 39 daily records. high temperatures, wind, and drought complicate work with forest outbreaks. it's all fire, right? all the flames, terrible footage is published by residents of transbaikalia, firefighters have not been able to cope with the fire for several days now. you can’t see anything, there’s a lot of smoke, that little mound just wasn’t burning, and now it’s already there. several fires have turned into crown fires, the wind is constantly changing direction, and populated areas are under threat. and in the coastal region, which is now resisting powerful rain floods. transport links with the village of olon were restored. the water is gradually receding, and three more
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villages remain cut off above the mainland. almost 900 summer cottages were flooded in the khantamanzi autonomous okrug. rescuers provide residents of flooded areas with everything they need. they deliver drinking water, food, medicine, and fuel. but this is astrakhon in the fields earlier than usual, the soroncha stood on the wing. a high alert regime was introduced in several areas at once. intensified cultivation of crop areas is underway. how to maintain a balance between intensive economic development and environmental safety. mikhail mishustin discussed this at a meeting with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana rodionova today. in recent years, budget funding for the service has increased significantly. this made it possible to purchase several thousand units of new equipment, transport, and multiply the number of laboratory tests.
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of course, such projects are underway in the lugansk and donetsk people’s republics, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, i know that you have your divisions open there, how things are going there, we advise all our new ones. as of today, there are 19 facilities next year where we will be inspecting serious facilities as part of general cleaning, which i hope will also be included in the priority list and will also be liquidated. alexey serebryakov celebrates his anniversary today; the people's artist of russia is 60 years old. his cinematic biography began when alexey was only 13. having seen his
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photograph in the vechernyaya moscow newspaper, directors krasnopolsky and uskov invited the boy. we will continue to report everything further in our issue about the situation in antalya, there a bus with russian and belarusian tourists got into an accident, many were injured, we will find out all the details in a few minutes, who our witnesses will be, the runner ran away, we are getting married, we look at rtr, love i love him, why did ninka choose
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me? her back, limit girls, today on rtr, to him still, you check, like, you don’t mind to no need to sign up, just kidding, he’ll come home himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on the ice correctly. will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to kasmi, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, i sleep,
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that’s how a child sleeps, but you don’t have to do that i advise you, a doctor who you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely get more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. igor konstantinovich. yes, and you? and i am your daughter. you take me for a fool, honestly. let's look at the weekend. come here. but help, help, i need to know who i’m dealing with, who sent you? before my mother died, my mother told me about you, and i, fool, decided to see you, so what, now your daughter will live in our house, we are of the same blood, you and i, you have
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a miracle brother, if anything, but you have a miracle sister, give this girl some money and that’s enough, i know she’s mine. she has a daughter besides me there is no one, it seems to me that i have fallen in love, and i love, dad, you know, i love not like a sister, a swing, on saturday on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, the big ones came. applications for the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects, i
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adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes, here real stone flowers, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, you are mine, you are only mine, and you are mine! “stop calling me, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, give me money, money, everything is fine with oleg, in what sense?” maybe he has some problems, there was an accident with your husband’s car. get out of here, pack your things out of my
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house. your late husband owes me a very large sum of money. victoria, i always it seems like someone is watching me. sunday on rtr. catch me if you can. final game.
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for evading mobilization, ukrainians will be deprived of real estate. this is the measure kiev is introducing for those from whom it is not possible to take money from them. the amount of the fine for one failure to appear at
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the military registration and enlistment office is two monthly salaries, so there are often simply no funds in the accounts. the ministry of defense, represented by general syrsky , meanwhile, complains about the lack of qualified and motivated fighters; the rada again promised to call up 2,000 people by the end of this year. according to profile estimates. ukraine will not be accepted into nato because of corruption in the country, this is the information daligraph shared from the sidelines of brussels. kiev managed to beg another 2 billion in aid from the pentagon, but
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as the american elections approach , the west is cooling towards zelensky. about the mood in europe, asya melyanova. the poll ahead of the nato summit in washington is unlikely to change anything, but it is a trend that can no longer be ignored. trust level. vladimir zelensky in the alliance countries has decreased, only 40% of respondents believe that he is doing that’s right, the politician’s ratings dropped the most in spain, france, the netherlands and poland, 48% versus 70 last year. zelensky is definitely not interested in these studies. it requires the patriot system. sending defense minister rustem umerov to the united states, he ordered not to return without news of new supplies. ukraine is waiting for a new package of military assistance. 2 billion euros. this package will include additional air defense interceptors, anti-tank weapons, as well as critical ammunition from
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our arsenal. with arms supplies to ukraine he is in a hurry not only about the united states, where in november after the presidential elections everything may change. in kiev they are very worried about france, where the possible coming to power of a national unification could put an end to the history of military and financial assistance. the country is preparing for the second round, trying to avoid victory. i want to appeal to the entire french people, to all voters of the right wing, center, left wing, who do not accept this direction towards extremism and radicalism of jean-luc milanchon, if he becomes prime minister, i invite these people to work with me. changes are also awaiting the netherlands, where the government has changed for the first time in 14 years. mark rutte has already shaken hands with his successor. hofu got on his bike and went on vacation; since october he has been the new secretary general of nato. the new government has big plans, and brussels is very worried about them. the idea of ​​limiting migration
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is very reminiscent of what they think about refugees in hungary, which took over the eu presidency 2 days ago. viktor orban has 6 months to return europe to its former greatness. this is the slogan that the country has chosen for its chairmanship. the hungarian prime minister began working on this from the very first day and suggested that vladimir zelensky immediately cease fire during his visit to kiev. hungary's proposal for a ceasefire was rejected, zelensky's office said. but viktor orban is unlikely to stop there. during the negotiations, the prime minister will prepare new proposals for the council of europe. orban has enough of them, according to journalists from leading european publications, who have dedicated special issues to hungary’s presidency. any, even formal visits viktor orban wherever he goes, europe is very tense today. that is why preventive measures were taken. according to anonymous sources of some publications in the european commission, brussels demanded that belgium
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chair the eu in the first. they are already preparing an action plan in case of re-election, as the policy writes, one of the key points is to end the conflict in ukraine, retaining russia and its new regions. and one more point is to undertake a commitment not to expand nato to the east. well, besides, according to the publication, the states will give up their role as the main supplier of combat power in europe, and those countries that spend less than 2% of gdp on defense will not receive
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security guarantees. 3/4 of american voters are confident that any other democratic candidate instead of biden would have a better chance of winning, a new cnn poll showed, but the head of the white house does not intend to withdraw from the election and is only adding to the work of his administration. at the press conference, he again mixed up the words on the prompter and misspoke. we've invested billions to improve the power grid to reduce outages. electricity to make light, this is installation, the white house insists. despite the new blunders, karine jeanpierre called the failure at the debate an isolated incident and rejected journalists' suggestions about possible dementia or alzheimer's disease in
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the american. to calm the legislators' panicking sponsors, biden's team is amassing all its forces, the wall street journal writes. today the administration will gather all the staff for a conversation. the president himself is advised to ignore critics and stay in the race. well, although just about democratic congressmen are already openly talking about the need to close the gap. he writes about the fact that biden’s blunders are happening more and more often and are becoming more alarming. new york times. according to the newspaper, those who have communicated with biden recently have noted that he has begun to appear disoriented or lethargic and is losing the thread of conversation. and there were at least twenty such episodes last year alone, reports the new york post, citing journalist carl bernstein. plunge into the world of cinema and show off your skills. this schoolchildren from all over the country
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and a number of foreign countries received the opportunity. artek hosts the international children's film festival scarlet sails. this year it was dedicated to the memory of vasily lonovoy. in 8 days, participants will make a film about the people's artist, and they will be assisted by famous artists and eminent masters of the film industry. karan shakhnazarov, sergey gormash, gosh kutsenko, natalya gvozdikova and many, many others. the program includes film screenings, master classes and, of course, creative meetings. limitmaker dramas. the seventies, three friends in a big city are fighting for their happiness. watch new episodes immediately after the evening news. well, we will continue to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us.


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