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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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once again, good afternoon, on april 6 it was exactly 2 years since vladimir volfovich zhirinovsky was no longer with us, before leaving for advertising, we met a previously unknown niece, an outstanding politician natalya sokolova, she broke the silence for the first time and talked about another, vladimir zhirinovsky , as only those closest to him knew him. family members. during the advertisement, we were joined by another niece of vladimir volfovich, elena listopadova, who was one of the closest to him in the family and even lived with him under the same roof. good evening. good evening. you are the daughter of a sister, vladimir volfovich’s sister, vera, who was practically his nanny, because his mother was busy at work, she was with him all day. and i was born in the very apartment that he talked about. there is one
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program when he returns to his apartment, yes, we have these shots, and let's watch vladimir bolovich return to his native nest, attention, yeah, you see how everything is here, how everything was done here, and here, here is mine room. this is where i was born, this is where there was a bed, and 16 m, there were two people, i was there with a sister and a child, i couldn’t go anywhere, i couldn’t sleep, and neighbors, neighbors, a lot of neighbors, yes, from here, from here i learned about life. that is
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, a sister and a child, a child - a sister and a child - this is my mother, and me, and this is a communal apartment, as i understand it, at first it was their apartment, then, when there was a war, they started not to enlarge it, but to make it more compact, and it worked out that they all ended up in one room, in the other rooms, three rooms in the apartment, other people lived, there were neighbors, yes, i understand that the time was difficult, because there are also footage of your mother talking about the famine, about the difficult time, let’s also watch these... moments, you know, that’s it, the war, i was little, but remember, even how the war began, how everyone cried, the whole house , if you were escorting someone to the army from home, it means that everyone gathered in the whole house, grandparents, there were adults, everyone went to see him off at his place, it means that if some telegram came bad, there are also such memories, then, for example, there was a saving in light, for example, kerosene stoves were burning, so as not to live on kerosene, gathered around a table in the same apartment. from the entrance and everyone brought
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bread there, someone there, someone there, well, who, what was it, you know, it was a hard time, so we were saved by the fact that my mother worked in the dining room, let’s say we could once there go eat there, she, let’s say, didn’t eat her own lunch, but we came and ate it, or she took it home for dinner, she says, i won’t eat, but at home it was so lost then, but your mother is very similar to anyway, it seems to me like something, yes, that’s really very much in common. yes, and in what year did you and your mother move to moscow, i understand that you were probably transported too, yes, uh, no, we went to a lot of places before that, because my dad was an artist, they changed, so they changed cities , this is just a photograph where we lived in the city of bratsk, so he saw us off, there was such a funny situation when we arrived on the train, it was already about to leave, but the storage room was closed, everyone left for lunch, he’s not there, here he staged a small revolution there, beat everyone, opened this cell to as he walked... he threw things at us, because we had already
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decided to go like this, but still he managed to throw things at us on the go, that’s how we drove, but in almaat, when we lived, he was only in the tenth grade , when i was born, and of course there was such a cheerful, hooligan guy, he sometimes had to sit with me, which i probably didn’t want to do, so he could, for example, put on his grandmother’s robe and go sit with him. put me down and holds me like this, and i’m in diapers collecting alms, grandma comes and says: well, what’s going on? my robe, or what, my mother and i are coming home from work, well, volodka, that means he’s being driven home, he’s being driven home, i was having fun like that, i once played a prank on my neighbor so that there were utility workers with him in this apartment, old people lived with him, god dandelions, such nice people, so he also played a prank on these neighbors, he also put on a national robe, wrapped himself in a scarf like this, left one eye, took me and came to this neighbor, he said: your husband came to our
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village there, now i’m with the child, i’m going to i came to you to live, i went downstairs, it’s worth that’s how he laughs funny, he ’s cracked up too, they think she ’s crying, standing, he’s standing with his back to them, like that. he had fun, artistry was instilled in him since childhood, and how did you end up in the ldpr, you worked there, and he asked my husband and i to help him, that’s when the party was forming, he called right away and said, i need you, and we came to moscow and started working in the party, we worked in general, the whole family helped him at the beginning, my mother, aunt, who you just showed, me and husband, and all the other nephews, also victor, all worked for the party, aleksandna said here in that advertisement that at some time they began to slightly push aside relatives and you felt it, yes, yes, you felt it, because we were in the way, we could have told the truth, we could have told what we see
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from the inside from below, what was happening to him, they began to push us aside, but you also think that igor’s departure, the change of name, were so traumatized and... upsetting that all these emotional experiences resulted in weakening of the immune system i read yes, because he loved his son selflessly, did everything for him, well, everyone knows what position he held, at some point i just think he betrayed his father with this act of his, he simply finished him off, with oleg and nastya you do you communicate, tell me yes, well, so rarely, well, of course we know each other, we communicate with...
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and trying to calm him down, they said that your son is here all the time, don’t worry, to which he had a question, which son, maybe he was waiting for igor more because he knew that i would be there anyway, they tried me kick them out, but i made it clear to them that this was not discussed, that is, on their father’s side, they both simply had very complex characters, when people work together, apparently all this... gave such a result that igor was not, well the father wanted, and then, let it be on his conscience, as they say, but this is not a geopolitical issue, because i heard that igor is somewhere in america, and that he did not want to come and that against the backdrop of this
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patriotism , yes, that everyone should be here, why is he there, i think that after all the father is in in the life of any person is a very significant figure, a key figure. father and mother, and there must be force majeure circumstances so that a person does not come to the funeral of his father, who gave him absolutely everything, from the very fact of birth to everything else, a force majeure circumstance that does not depend on anything, force majeure, and what is this story about galina, who, let’s say, also kept her relatives at a distance.
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she just didn’t let me in, but she said: oh, my dog ​​is nervous, wait, i’ll go get it now key, she immediately returned and said: oh, i don’t see him, kulcha, well lan, goodbye, that’s it, and we stayed on the street, but tell us, what happens to all the real estate if igor left, he is laying claim to something, or how all of zhirinovsky’s property is now distributed among relatives. well , oleg lives in darino now, in my opinion, everything there was rewritten already during the life of vladimir volfovich to galina lebedeva, to igor, he is now the heir to igor, that is, traitors to the homeland should get everything, everything, yes, they
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got everything, but why did you, well, let’s say, the people who worked, knew everything, well, we are heirs in the second line, we are in the next line, and we are heirs by nomination, if there were no wife and children, and he left a will, that is, all the property has already been distributed. but as i understand it, this is the area that in the last program this house, when oleg showed, he now lives there alone, nastya is not there either, i think that oleg lives alone, there used to be a house there that belonged to pavel, the nephew of vladimir voyfech, here's lyubov andreevna for my son, yeah, but in my opinion, everything on oleg was given as a gift, yes, everything was given on aleg, but it’s internal to you... it’s not offensive that such a distribution and such a will, you know,
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there is no point in challenging a will, because it’s stupid, it’s a will volodina, none of our relatives would challenge anything in the will, if he gave something during his lifetime, we would not refuse, it’s like all normal people, we would not refuse to refuse something good, but for me, for example, personally, he never gave gifts, that's all we are... he never gave gifts, he never gave it to me, but he loved it when i gave him gifts, he loved gifts very much, yes, even just a little thing, or for example, somewhere i bought him 20 ties at once, it’s mine, i even remember some... then there was a party congress, and he was wearing my luxurious tie at this congress, i was very pleased that he was wearing my tie, because - you can’t buy him a shirt, you don’t know his size, because he always
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wore a size or two larger , he didn’t like clothes, tight, tight-fitting clothes, he didn’t like it, it was always tight for him, it felt like he was being suffocated, i don’t know, maybe he has something with his thyroid gland, even he always unfastened his clothes, he didn’t like tight spaces because he was very emotional. he needed to constantly move, this is not a person who is squeezed into a narrow space, like in a spacesuit, this man was constantly on the move, he is very energetic, of course he did not spare himself, he wasted himself, his energy, he gave such a message if he spoke to the audience that i would just donate blood, i always just. it’s just adrenaline, it’s a person on adrenaline all the time, he developed there, like
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there was an adrenaline factory in him, his brain was constantly buzzing, he was working, there were libraries with books at home, he read volumes, you just know, he read it in volumes, and of course it flowed from him, why did he analyze all this, he gave the public how here... he likes to talk about predictions, he had a whole analytical apparatus, even his friends, with whom he once studied at universities, and he has 2 and a half higher educations, these friends, they analyzed all the information for him international, for example, situation, and he they had already issued them, and he also processed their notes.
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to the whole world, not only to our citizens, but to the whole world, he knew how to say this, and you still have something as a keepsake, from things, well , maybe he gave something or some souvenirs, well, he to my mother, basically what i have now after my mother, yes, she had some souvenirs, he went to iraq, brought here some beautiful ivas, in general he was very caring, he always tried to bring us all together, feed, so let's at least once a year for... easter at least to get ready, that’s what she said, so he sat us down at the table, now there was a photograph, vdarina, we were celebrating the centenary of
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his mother’s birth, so he gathered us all there, here’s this photo, and here we are there , idly, here he is he says, well, let’s at least somehow get together, so he all the time wanted the family to be this big, big, such a family ball, well, everyone has a job, everyone has their own business, some kind of... then the rush, of course, it was difficult, but... he says how he misses his father, that he is always this for him too this is such an unhealed wound, let's take a look. they didn’t know their relatives, but he knew that somewhere in russia he had a son, and he, when he died, i was 37 years old, so he felt that i was there, i felt that he was somewhere yes, now i met him at the grave, i waited for 60 years, everyone
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pointed their finger at me. from his father’s grave, because jews don’t give up the body, but at least he brought mountains from the land, reburied his mother, gathered all his relatives in one plot at the cemetery in troekurovo, and we are responsible for the burial, that’s where zhirinovsky is all buried, lena and i, yes, we are responsible for he thought that he would also be buried there, this
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is ours, this is our grandfather, this is my mother on the far right. grandfather zhirinovsky, great-grandfather makarov, makarov, fena nikiforovna, our great-grandmother from lenna. and on the right is the jewish part of the family, these are his father ’s relatives, but they were shot in 1941, they are not buried there, just portraits of them, they were shot in western ukraine, i don’t remember which city, where stopol, where to me, somewhere where you are, and this is some kind of cemetery,
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at the table on the occasion of the passing of someone close, so that everyone has a home, it is possible, so that there is a normal refrigerator, filled with the necessary food products, a normal set of clothes, activities, favorite activities, in sports, in art, and technology, and a clear prospect that tomorrow will be the same as today, people want there to be stagnation, just good stagnation, so that everyone can live in normal conditions, work, and there will be stagnation for 50 to 100 years, just to live - for for yourself, for loved ones, not to do great things more than a revolution, don’t send your son somewhere there with a chanel or a knapsack to some great construction site or a daughter who doesn’t know where she got married or what happened to her, here’s an ordinary quiet life, everyone wants that, let’s do it now let's first look at a short advertisement, immediately after it, what
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the nieces of vladimir volfovich zhirinovsky think about this young man, all the details and a new unique one. home videos after the commercial, you’re mine, and you’re only mine, and you’re mine, stop calling me, i don’t mean anything to you i owe you, mommy, i love you very much, but owe me money, money, everything is fine with oleg, in what sense, maybe he has some problems? there was an accident with your husband’s car, get out of here, pack your things out of my house, your late husband owes me a very large sum of money, victoria, it always seems to me that it’s behind me, sunday on rtr,
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please, introduction and roll call, without formation . that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i start, mark anatolyevich zakharov walks, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i surrender everything with joy. let's all wave our hands. when everyone is at home. with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr. the third outing of the gang - in just 5
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days, moscow is tearing up what rumors are circulating, they even came up with a name, death's head. a gang of ordinary people does not kill, only a criminal. andrey smolikov, these bandits know too much about our repeat offenders, so it’s not by chance that people are bandits. victor dobronravov. what else about the gang? a troika works, the troikas are not related to each other, but they have a common head, nickname, artist, andrey mirzlikin, you wouldn’t be a death’s head, if i don’t cope with them, they won’t forgive me, daria ursulyak, a death’s head, i heard about her, the artist, you don’t know who he is, yes, not yet i know, alexander ustyugov, everyone is under suspicion, everyone, marina alexandrova, they will kill you, your chains will break, alexander gorbatov, give you a day, otherwise i will give it all to you.
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good evening again, today we remember vladimir volfovich zhirinovsky, an outstanding politician has left us. april 6, 2022, only today, exclusively, the niece of vladimir zhirinovsky tells everything that they have been silent about all these years. good evening again, i want to show you a photograph of this young man, what do you say about this photo? do you recognize? yes, kologrivs and vladimir ulfovich, it seems, not very much, i liked igor kostolevsky more, in his youth, when in his youth, yes, he was also offered to play this one. but i know that he refused, in my opinion, no, kologrivy, i’m not, not at all, not the same person, absolutely, there’s just a video where he’s at
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the ldpr headquarters telling how he’s ready to play, attention, well, dear friends, everyone is offering me everything, everyone is afraid, everyone is wondering whether i played the role of a wonderful person, and i will say, dear friends, that i... this is all very outwardly, but no, he was not like that at all, well, let's go back to vach and let's see what oleg told in our
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program about the relatives who surrounded his father, in general, initially there were a lot of relatives around his father, they were not bad people, well, he said all the time, he would not give anything to anyone, on the new year he would congratulate him, a chocolate bar, that’s all we talked, and he brought everyone, gave someone a one-room apartment, someone... but he always refused at the last second, then he got sick, then he doesn’t feel well, you know, i also haven’t seen oleg for almost a year, i
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haven’t i know why, that he has some kind of business he's doing something there, we last saw him at the next wake, i think the anniversary was last year, he came to the cemetery, with nastya, with nastya too, with nastya too, we also saw her at... . he is simply a unique person, i can’t even put any of his relatives next to him, but how do you feel about the predictions, about his statements today. 2 years later after his departure they look almost like prophetic tales. i even caught the moment when he was very proud
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of himself, showing a map of russia. some kind school notebook or on a diary, and there was an administrative division, the same one that he once proposed, division into provinces , that’s all, he was just happy that this happened, let’s recall the brightest of them: in ukraine too there will be a revolution, because yanukovych doesn’t know who to sell himself to at a higher price, and it has always been like this, no one will accept ukraine anywhere, neither into nato, nor into the european community anywhere, until ukraine’s border issues are resolved. gradually, gradually, everything will return, both crimea and sevastopol, a significant event, today we are completing the legal procedures related to the annexation of crimea and sevastopol to the russian federation, you will pay a thousand euros for gas, a thousand, i promise you, but you don’t have that kind of money, so you will freezing, i tell you, heaters, it may turn out that relations between nato, the usa and russia will sharply deteriorate, and this may lead to the fact that...
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how do you even have vladimir volfovich’s contact number written down in your phone and did you erase 2 years later with vladimir volfovich did not have a mobile phone, all communication through the state duma reception was connected to him, but during these 2 years you dreamed about him at least once, no, no, i didn’t dream about it, but i did. dreams, when he was still alive, he was sick, i had a bad dream, i was worried, i bullied everyone all the time, called and asked everyone to go, i was very worried about his life, very much, although they told me not to , everything will be monitored there, everything will be fine, i say, we can lose him, he’s been
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in the hospital for too long. this is something incredible for me my friends were sick with covid, well, a week, well, two weeks with pneumonia on artificial respiration, but not two months, that’s a very long time, i was very worried, i had such a bad dream, terrible, i was just very worried about him, and this it’s true that vladimirovich once dedicated a poem to you, i accidentally found this poem. the confessional cry was written in his hand in 1979. you can read about some lines , let me try.
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after all, there is a fire in the soul, how to withstand the night, in bad weather, but don’t touch the obscurantists, they have obscured the flowers of the soul, the desires of work, the impulse and faith have drowned out, but there is still a limit, i hear bubbling in my chest, my suffering will subside, everything that i cannot come to terms with will give me strength to free myself, from hypocrites, false judges , from evil, from envy, persecution, i believe that everything will happen sooner than our generation will perish, our nerves will fray...


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