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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 3, 2024 5:30pm-7:50pm MSK

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we are at an altitude of 800 m, where piloting skills are being developed. the cadets had already flown enough hours to begin more complex flights. in the coming days, they will take the helm at night for the first time. this is preceded by serious preparation. the female cadets studied the light landmarks of the night route using maps; they will have to fly using instruments, so during daylight hours they practice the maximum possible. elizaveta is from a small village in the perm region, over five years old. years of study, like all cadets, she passed serious theoretical training, training on flight simulators, then more than a hundred hours of real flights, on the first flight everything was somehow childish, new sensations appeared, sensations of flight, because before that i had never flown in an airplane at all, now it’s already responsibility. krasnodar higher military aviation school named after sirov, the only university in russia that trains female military pilots. they will graduate in october.
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positions in the donetsk republic, where five counterattacks of ukrainian militants were repulsed. by using russian reconnaissance drones in the zaporozhye direction of the front identify and destroy columns of military equipment and fortified areas of ukrainian neo-nazis. from the front line. report from our military officers, alexey boranov and igor pikhanov. from the forest area where these hurricane multiple launch rocket systems are based, the battery leaves after receiving a combat mission for... work, they choose an open area,
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there are several points for crews to choose from, the commander of one of the vehicles of the west group of troops with the call sign jaeger, tells us about targets to be hit. infantry, manpower, vehicle, column, day-night, morning, evening, rain, snow, and what difference does it make, everything comes in bulk, the war is changing, there were no drones before, now drones have appeared, locations for the deployment of rszz units from air attacks are covered by anti-aircraft guns. pantsir missile and gun systems, this particular unit protects the personnel and military equipment of the central military district operating in the ovdeevsky direction. we are in the cockpit of the pantsir s anti-aircraft missile and gun complex. she armored, the doors are armored, the roof is armored, even the windows are armored, all this protects the driver not only from automatic weapons, but also from shrapnel. it works, but for sure, let’s say,
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there are no such goals that are too difficult for it, so we are working on everything as usual, combat experience is growing, and as for the machine, the cake is full, stable communication is all right, the battery of multiple launch rocket systems is a hurricane, meanwhile, having worked, has already replenished the ammunition, in a welded frame, prophetically protects against the impact of fp drones, from large ones. komikaze, vehicle survivability is greater, task combat work and target coordinates are received in less than an hour. alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, grigory glushenkov. news: lugansk donetsk people's republic, line of combat contact. scouts of the dnepr group go on a combat mission. the purpose of the unit is to identify enemy positions in the orekhovsky direction. now this is one of the hottest
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spots on the zaporozhye front. ukrainian nationalists make daily attempts to attack settlements near the front region. they use mortars, rocket artillery and kamikaze drones. to search for targets, a domestic drone called the hall takes off into the air. the advantage is that it has a long range, applications, and good communication. on average, it stays in the air for 3 hours, 3 hours 10 minutes. well, this drone can also serve as... a telecommunications broadcaster for the lancet complex. the drone operator is located at a great distance from the drone itself. in remote mode, he examines the line of combat contact. operating range russian uav - 50 km. enemy stations for the sake of electronic warfare are not capable of harming an air reconnaissance aircraft. the drone operator detected the enemy. all information has been transferred to the operational headquarters. now our birds are rising into the sky and heading towards the ukrainian militants, each one. they are equipped with armor-piercing
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ammunition. the first target is the enemy's military transport, the armored car infantry fighting vehicles are in a hurry to deliver fresh forces and ammunition to the front line. the attempt at rotation is stopped with precise blows. the convoy was destroyed, also in russian pividrons fighters are destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces' strongholds and observation posts. during reconnaissance , the enemy's bgga noticed such a sensational quadrocopter, they shot it down, one was shot down with small arms, the second was shot down by dropping a syllable, that is, they hovered over it and destroyed it. combat work does not stop at night, the enemy decided that he was not visible under the cover of darkness, reinforcements and attack aircraft were pulled into the position, drones neutralized the enemy detachment.
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at the front, our fighters are gradually squeezing the enemy out of their occupied positions and stopping attacks to populated areas. everyone understands that every single piece of enemy military equipment and artillery means dozens of lives saved. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead the zaporozhye region. doctors and nurses from all over russia go as volunteers to donbass, where their help is difficult to overestimate. among them there are even volunteers from france. this time a medical landing landed in the kherson region, this.
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it seems to me that this kind of experience is very important. during the reception in the village the electricity goes out, this often happens in pre-front areas. volunteers and local residents quickly connect pre- prepared generators and continue to work. actions in such situations have been practiced more than once. the monk of the novospassky monastery lukav-rolov in the area of ​​the northern military district is already on his fourteenth business trip. i want to help people, that’s the first thing. here. and since, well, everyone knows what the situation is. that i also need help, well, probably for the soul, probably it’s useful and life-saving, anyone can become a volunteer at st. alexis hospital, for this you need to fill out a form on the website help inbede.rf, place your chin, press tightly, hands on your belt. in
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just one day in lazurny, doctors and volunteers examined almost 100 people, several of them were asked to go to moscow to continue treatment. mikhail andronik, lead. ukraine may default as early as august. the country's national debt will reach 94% of gdp by the end of the year. after such forecasts from western investors, us secretary of state blinken tried to save the situation by promising to protect american business interests with the help of air defense systems. and all this against the backdrop of domestic politics conflict that is only flaring up in ukraine. word to alexander khristyanko. i understand this message, i eh, i don’t...
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the territories can be returned later, to save the state of the nation, that’s what’s important now, and to bring the country into the eu and nato, this is the formula
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for our victory. but neo-nazis from various national battalions, warmed up by zelensky, clearly do not agree to such a victory and its formula. the leader of one of these has already commented on new trends in the politics of kiev, switching to the language of direct threats to the current regime. no peace without victory, one victory, not one “we won’t leave this war to our descendants, we won’t leave this war to our descendants, you won’t leave it either, because if you try, it will be bad, for you and for them, if it’s a mess, don’t even think about it,” he wrote with restraint. under pressure, including from the national battalions, last week zelensky fired the entire commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy sodol. new field commanders are striving for power, trying to displace the old guard in the ukrainian ministry of defense, simultaneously blaming them for all the failures at the front, which is already beneficial for politicians. current and former under fire of criticism commanders-in-chief syrsky iluzhny. the tragedy is that
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nothing changes, the principles of decision-making do not change, so we have a situation in the kharkov region, which repeated the preparations for the russian offensive in 2022 and 23, the reasons for the failure are written much more deeply by the western press, the german welt estimates losses in the ssu six-digit number, hinting at the figure of 200,000 dead, to compensate for losses, it will be possible to create new brigades, ukraine needs at least 50 thousand new soldiers every quarter, and by the end of this year 2000. as welt learned from european intelligence agencies, in recent months the country has been significantly lagging behind these indicators. and therefore, along with the forced mobilization , the military commissars went to ukrainian prisons, where 50% will not work. there you need to give 50%, not there you need to give 100%, or even 150%. but even there there are few people willing, in any case there is a gap in the required number of troops. cannot be blocked, so it looks like kiev will continue to loosen the age of mobilization, it has already been lowered
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to 25 years, and there is every reason to call up even earlier, sponsors are demanding to be taken to the front even at 17, both men and women, the united states has a direct interest in the war, in addition to its military-industrial complex, business in ukraine, which needs to be protected. the ukrainian economy has exceptional potential with the right investments, but you need to make sure you have air defense to try and defend the area. kiev, although this is an attempt to hide the real situation, that ukraine has long been a bankrupt state and that its economy can only be saved by injections comparable to current military expenditures, for which the west has no desire. ukraine lived off delays for already taken loans, which were provided only on the basis of the belief that kiev
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would be successful at the front. now creditors realize that they have miscalculated and are trying to urgently get out at least part of their money. the payment deadline is august 1, the amount is unaffordable - about $20 billion. ukraine has a month to avoid default. the imf wants finance minister marchenko to negotiate a write-off, but such a deal seems unlikely in the time available. if ukraine does default, it will indicate alarming mistrust private investors to the west's obligations towards ukraine. in the long term, this could spell disaster for the country's recovery. by the end of the year , ukraine's public debt will approach 94% of gdp. the devaluation of the hryvnia is being prepared, as noted by the imf, the country's authorities need to develop internal resources for self-financing, that is, all the time the debt will fall on ordinary citizens, although ukraine is already below the poverty line. half the population. alexander khristenko, maxim shchepilov, lead. nato countries
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agreed to provide kiev with another 40 billion euro military aid. the bank managed to beg another 2 billion from the pentagon the day before. the forces in the west who advocate pumping arms into ukraine have to hurry up as the american elections approach and a possible change of ownership in the white house is approaching. europe is cooling towards zelensky. about moods in the old world. axis emilelyanov. the poll ahead of the nato summit in washington is unlikely to change anything, but it is a trend that can no longer be ignored. the level of trust in vladimir in the alliance countries has decreased.
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about the usa, where in november after the presidential elections ukraine is in a hurry with arms supplies, not only can everything change, in kiev they are very worried about france, where the possible rise to power of a national unification could put an end to the history of military and financial assistance. the country is preparing for the second round, trying to prevent the victory of marine lepin's party, president emmanuel macron decides on a risky maneuver. i want to appeal to the entire french people, to all voters of the right wing, the center, the left wing, who do not accept this direction towards extremism and the radicalism of jean-luc milanchon if he becomes prime minister. i invite these people to work with me. changes are also awaiting the netherlands, where the government has changed for the first time in 14 years. the idea of ​​limiting migration
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is very reminiscent of what they think about refugees in hungary, which 2 days ago took over ... the presidency of the eu. viktor orban has 6 months to return europe to its former greatness. this is the slogan that the country has chosen for its presidency. the prime minister of hungary began working on this from the very first day and suggested that vladimir zelensky immediately cease fire during his visit to kiev. hungarian proposal for a ceasefire in hungary, special issues. any, even formal, visits by viktor orban, anywhere in europe today, are very annoying. that is why preventive measures were taken. according to anonymous sources of some publications in the european commission, brussels demanded that belgium, the eu chairman in the first half of the year, clean up all the tails by july 1. this cleanup naturally included military aid to kiev and a new package, literally just from behind vladimir putin’s camp. as part of its working visit to kazakhstan
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, the sco summit is holding a meeting with chinese president sidinping. our country stood. well , the origins of the creation of the shanghai cooperation organization in 2000, the first year, with the expansion of the circle of participants, and tomorrow belarus will become another full member of the organization, the organization to support china’s chairmanship of the sco in 2024-25, has repeatedly stated with good reason that the russian- chinese relations of comprehensive... partnership and strategic cooperation are experiencing the best period in their history, they are built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty. our cooperation is not directed against anyone, we do not create any blocs or alliances, we simply act in the interests of our peoples. my dear friend,
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in a far from difficult international situation.
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is labor, tanker from the republic of niger idris hasan learned this and other disciplines perfectly, but more importantly, the gold medalist found a common language with both the cadets and ordinary blagoveshchensk residents. people are so open, they are not closed, they don’t think for themselves, they talk to us very freely, when we meet in the city along the embankment, they ask some interesting questions there, and i also ask them questions, but there is no such thing as racism in general. they learn russian, then they learn military science through theoretical and practical classes, and in 6 years they become tank crews, artillerymen, marines, motorized riflemen, and the rank
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of lieutenant. at the far eastern higher combined arms command school named after marshal of the soviet union rakosovsky extensive international connections have been established. representatives of almost forty friendly states were trained at the special faculty. this year, diplomas were awarded to natives of loos, cameroon, the kingdom of eswatini and others.
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i wish you, dear graduates, good health, good spirits, new successes, service for the benefit of your fatherland, your states, the eastern school is over with you, we will leave for distant lands, since this is my military, we will go to...
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russia, china and north korea. this column weighs 40 tons, topped with a double-headed eagle. she symbolizes the 165th anniversary of the meeting between the budagost expedition and the fleet under the leadership of the hubert general. the khasan district was heard only by fishermen, here they catch smelt, but now an eleven-meter stele has immortalized one of the key events for our country. 165 years ago , the budogostsky expedition and the muravyov-amursky flotilla met here, raised the flag and secured this territory for russia. this is a super significant event, not only for the khasan district, it is for the russian federation, after all, muravyov amursky practically staked out all the lands of the primorsky
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territory, and we acquired the far east. the eleven-meter monument was made in st. petersburg, the column weighs 40 tons, and is crowned with a double-headed eagle. the zhen shen seaside walking league has already developed a route along which participants will admire the new attraction. there will be more.
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why is he not there, i hope that our column will attract attention, including filmmakers who, well, essentially speaking, must immerse themselves in this to make a film, we are in russia, we are russians, we should know themselves, their history, and few people know, so it is necessary that this be, and now every resident and guest of south primorye will know that in the summer of 1859, the russian flag was raised at cape andreeva and... were not hospitalized, this
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is reported by our consulate general the accident occurred early in the morning on the way to antalya airport. at one of the intersections, the driver lost control at full speed and flew into a concrete pillar. he later died in hospital. leila alnazarova has all the details from the scene. in one of the hospitals in antalya seven russians were hospitalized after a serious accident with a tourist bus . we managed to contact the russian consulate general in antalya. according to their information, six. people were diagnosed with fractures of varying degrees, one of them is now in intensive care, another requires consultation with a neurosurgeon. it is also reported that some tourists refused to go to the hospital after receiving primary medical care, according to the ambassador of the russian consul general in antalya sergei vetrik, people will be accommodated in hotels, they are waiting for departure to homeland. the consulate general is in contact with the tour operator and the insurance
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company in turkey. all tourists who did not receive serious injuries will be accommodated at the tour operator’s hotel, the rest will receive medical care and will be subsequently sent to russia. only five tourists received fractures, but doctors assess these injuries as minor. the bus driver died as a result of the accident. in total, according to preliminary data , there were 25 tourists on the bus, of which 20 were russians and five were citizens.
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ambulances and police. narilazarova, news, türkiye. the zamoskvaretsky court in moscow sent all four defendants in the high-profile case of the kidnapping of an italian citizen to pre-trial detention for two months. the businessman headed the russian branch of europe's largest corporation for the production of inert gases, which are used in the manufacture of microchips. an armed attack took place in the very center of the capital on june 28. and the italians found and released him already in the bryansk region bordering ukraine.
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against the wall, in a house apparently unfinished with carpets thrown on the concrete floor, there was the room where the prisoner was kept, handcuffed to the cot. that's it, we are from the police, we will free you, now, don't worry, everything is fine. guidoti left his apartment in garden, near the mayakovskoye station at 7:30 in the morning, thanks to an external camera on one of the houses , the investigation has a recording of the moment when the italian was attacked by masked people, the victim was dragged into a car, a bag was put on his head, everything is classic he didn’t
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know where he was being taken, where he was being taken. but they took a long time, despite the shock, stefaniu remembered in some detail how he kidnapped. a lot of people, i don’t know how many, how it was, i don’t know how it was, attacked you, pounced, face down, yes, you were lying face down. it was established that the victim was repeatedly used physical force, special means, and that numerous threats were made to him, showing objects similar to firearms . kidnapped, his mobile phone was taken away from him, he was forced to provide the unlock code and pin codes for his bank cards, although the money from the italians’ accounts was not the target, but what happened? the investigation has so far reported little, shortly before kidnapping of an italian businessman , a conflict arose with a competing company or its representative, the field of activity is more than relevant. the seat company, where guidoti, the general director of the russian branch, is engaged in the production of rare noble gases, which are used in the creation of
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semiconductors have traditionally depended on raw materials the largest western manufacturers from russia and ukraine. when russia introduced restrictions on exports, we had to get out. in addition, it hardly went unnoticed that one of the leading european producers of inert gases about... in bryansk. evgeny reshitnev and sofia petrosyan. news. two people were injured as a result of a gas cylinder explosion on the roof of a regular bus in northern moscow. lias was seriously injured. experts do not exclude that the cause of the incident was the heat. report by mikhail fedotov.
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the first images from the scene of the explosion. a wrecked bus, eyewitnesses call an ambulance. the gas is smoking and may explode again. one of the eyewitnesses to the emergency was a taxi driver, even before the doctors arrived. located on the roof, there are eight tanks in total, only one detonated right at the bus stop, which fortunately there was no one at that moment. traffic along izhiorsky passage was temporarily blocked, the force of the explosion can be judged by these flaps, which flew about 15-20 meters away from the bus.
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the vehicle is now being operated. investigators and representatives of other emergency services will have to find out the reasons for what happened. the police still had to look for the cylinder; it flew towards a residential area. this balloon flew off the bus. if you understand, the bus stop is over there, well, actually, the gas cylinder itself, which detonated, flew away from the bus at a distance of about 200-300 m, fortunately , no one was injured when it fell. lia with modification 6213, the so-called accordion, was produced at the likinsky plant until the twenty-second year, the company has already announced that it will take part in the investigation. the 2019 bus is not under warranty or under a life contract. before going on line recorded, before being released onto the line , the technical condition was monitored,
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the bus was released onto the line in good condition. the cause of the explosion, experts say, was most likely a combination of factors from the heat, beyond which the pressure in the balloon could not increase to the point of mechanical damage to the shell. there are valves there that... either with excessive heat, that is, at the combustion temperature, yes, or with excess pressure, somewhere around 300 atmospheres of pressure, if the pressure increased beyond the limit, the safety valve would collapse, the cylinder would not burst. there are few buses with gas equipment in the mosgor trans fleet; enterprises are gradually switching to more environmentally friendly and safe electric buses. mikhail fedotov, alexey knor and oleg dobin, news! dancing with tambourines and marching in animal skins, residents of the settlement of ustinki near serygeev posad complain about their restless neighbors. young people gather on pagan holidays and organize shabish for the entire village. frightened villagers do not rule out secret
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sacrifices. anna balan met with the owner of the strange dacha. not some kind of bird, no that's a beast. heart-rending sounds coming from the forest frightened the villagers. where is the beating of the tambourines, it was a mournful singing, some kind of completely funereal, yes, there were screams, as if they were being cut, that’s how it happened, it happened repeatedly, with the screams of the devil go away, who did they cut, what did they cut , who was buried is unknown to us, and such processions take place in ustinki all the time, but in winter the same company marches, but they walk through the village in animal skins, after which,
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the locals say, they go to the forest, where perform pagan rituals and supposedly even sacrifices. they had a torchlight procession there at night, they said, we are going to bury a living person, what is this? and you ask them, we have boats with nails floating around, that is, they periodically go through some kind of ritual, they come and bathe in negligence, according to all external signs. a reminder of a real sect, it all started, according to people, when a plot next to the village was bought by a new neighbor, wreaths scattered everywhere, traces of a fire, but the main attraction is this yurt, here is the owner of an unusual country house, it is used as a dacha, the yurt is warm, inside there are masks, some signs, tatems and even a calendar of pagan holidays, just for them, andrey says, he and his friends hold strange processions, dacha attire, this they gave me a caftan, so on a couple of holidays i
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wore it, for example, 3 years ago, when we went to the village, and they dressed me up in a big christmas tree, wrapped it in spruce branches, so i was like a big tree that was walking through the village, it probably looks very scary, they sleep on boards here, eat snow, they believe in the existence of evil spirits, they worship the solar king, we have a solar king who rules for six months when the sun rises, but... all this, the owner of the yurta assures, has nothing to do with paganism, much less with a sect. andrey himself lives in moscow, works as an industrial climber, and this is just an unusual hobby. it all started just as a group of friends who were gathering in an unusual place on the edge of the forest, just to hang out, for the weekend, and so on and so forth, but at some point we decided to add a little meaning here, we ended up taking the holidays of the wheel of the year as a basis. the basis is pagan, but we are not pagans. i call what we do a cultural laboratory. but the neighbors
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don’t see anything cultural in this hobby and ask people not to come near their houses. who knows what might be in their heads, what their god will tell them? we don’t know this, and we don’t need to walk around our village. the villagers even called the police, but the arriving squad did not find anything illegal in the actions of the strange summer residents. anna balan, yuri zabolotnikov, ilona agasieva and olga gribina, conduct. and then we have further news. regional. lesichansk celebrates the second anniversary of liberation from the kiev regime. for 8 years the city was under the occupation of ukrainian militants; while retreating, they destroyed a significant part of the infrastructure and many residential buildings. now the city is being restored. report by tatiana. these are the first shots of soldiers of the sixth
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guards regiment named after platov and akhmat units in lesechansk. for 4 months they walked to the last frontier of the lugansk people's republic, occupied in the ssu. i also from lishchansk. i haven't been here for 8 years. and he is from leshchansk. and he is from leshchansk. you walked for a long time, we are already with our people, we are no longer afraid, everything is fine, leshchansk generally took all the units of the lpr and the unit of the special special forces regiment akhmat. our fourth brigade went from the south, we were sent to the center of leshchansk, from the southwestern direction, from the side of the oil refinery, and the seventh second brigade crossed sersky donetsk in the privollya area along... on the approach to
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the city, ukrainian militants established a large number of strong points and minefields. the lpr artillerymen worked precisely and accurately even against small targets. and after 2 days they simply wavered. they trembled and began to crumble. we either knocked out the commanders or some kind of connection, and because of this, in their hunger for information, they began to worry, to put it mildly. a participant in the technical events, hero of the lpr, retired colonel, former deputy commander of the fourth separate motorized rifle brigade , evgeniy shatalin, together with his unit, came from the direction of toshkovka, recalls with horror. nato artillery enemy installations in the very center of the city behind the backs of civilians , they set up firing positions between houses and hid them in the hangars of a technical school in that area , in short, near the technical school, so well, it’s kind of a question of how there were so many civilians
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left there, so glad we were met by people, even elderly people cried. water and bread. because of the ukrainian outbreak, local residents brought the first cargo on the morning of july 2, 2022; the aggression did not leave their basements for 4 months; many tried to convey greetings to their relatives through journalists. my beloved little girl, what i'm alive, i'm in school 14. i’ll be home soon, soon i’ll convince everyone of my relatives, my brother, my sister, my dear, we all waited for four months and hoped, we really waited, we really waited, but for 8 years, well, we were near ukraine for 8 years, i haven’t seen my son for 8 years, in in the fifteenth year i last saw my son, the separation of the family remained in
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history, today alla kopylova sees her son often, he lives in lugansk and freely comes to visit his mother, plans a joint vacation, although even... years ago the woman did not know how to leave, at least from the city, what inspired me most was that i i can reunite with my son, that he can come to us, provide help, the first emotions were, of course, tears, tears of joy, russia united not only families, but also faith, at a time when the ukrainian armed forces were shelling the churches of the russian clergy, the clergy themselves of the division they didn’t see, in the archival video of july 22, father vitaly, on an old bicycle, under the fire of ukrainian militants, he hurried to... the outskirts of lesichansk, to reassure those who remained at gunpoint, his temple was occupied by the ssu. ukrainians don’t rush for people, hiding behind people, so they were spinning around the temple, spinning, all the time, shooting from tanks, shooting from these hail, and then one fine day, before
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the ascension, they climbed into our temple already in the vestibule, and there he was they did it as a command post, that is, negotiations. father vitaly managed to escape, not every priest could escape the persecution of the sbu, archpriest andrei pavlenko spent 8 months in captivity, all this time his thoughts were with the parishioners and the temple, literally before the hostilities, he built the font on his own. already the first baptism of the twenty-second year there were a lot of people here, i was very worried when the city was shelled, that it was not damaged, was not destroyed, even when i was in captivity, they told me what to think about. i have already asked for help from the region’s chief and contractors, gas supply has been restored to 95% in the city, and dozens of houses have been overhauled. thanks
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to russia, we have begun to live, to live, god, to live, will they really not understand that... we have begun to live. galina uvarova shows the flowers that she grew on the renovated balcony. windows were installed in the house, doors were replaced, bathrooms, communications and the entrance were put in order. they didn't take a penny from the residents. the pensioner couldn’t be happier; now she has enough pension even for her hobby, botany. i brought this out for the girls to see, this, well, i don’t know what it’s called, it’s like an onion, and you, yes, i generally have roses to follow the seed. i think, at least a bone, i’ll come now and whatever i want, i’ll buy it and eat it. along with the housing stock , social housing is being restored; work is already underway on thirty sites, hospitals, schools and kindergartens are preparing to open. i am standing on the very spot where one of the three haimers missiles hit in 2022. it
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completely penetrated two floors, destroyed the floor slabs and entered the ground. at this place there was a huge pit.
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despite persistent attempts to stop the builders, the work is planned to be completed by september 2024. route traffic is also resuming in the city. six new cars were transferred to lesechansk under the socio-economic development program; they are already on the route and delivering people from the most remote points of the city. one of them is a city hospital. the head of the tatarstan region carried out repairs in it, equipped it with all the necessary medicines and equipment, treatment and food, which patients receive free of charge. i’ve never bought medicine before, they give everything here, inject it, everywhere, this, the care is generally wonderful. the only shortage now is medical staff, 42 doctors for the whole of lesechansk, this issue is already under the control of the regional chief. they are planning the arrival of highly specialized specialists from tatarstan. things are getting better in lisichansk, back to the city almost 50% of the population, and this is just the beginning. the restoration will affect every home, the main
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task is to give people the comfort that they never knew under ukraine. tatyana dubovaya, egor pavlenko, kirill genser, alexey malokhatko, svetlana bondarenko, vesti lugansk, lesechansk. a new generation glucometer has been developed at the irkutsk medical equipment plant. it allows you to make the procedure of drawing blood from your finger painless. how is it all? each employee of this workshop knows his job, deft hand movements at every stage, equipment for 5 years of work the plant has been worked out to the point of automation, devices are assembled here, which not a single person suffering from diabetes can do without, glucometers for measuring blood sugar levels, checking all buttons, checking the software program - we check the current with a special erpol strip, complete set of all cases, again, checking for all stages at compliance, in order for the lancers to work, the amount of lancet is appropriate. these irkutsk- made devices are used throughout the country. in
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fifty regions they are given to diabetics free of charge according to regional programs of the ministry of health. consumables for diagnostics, test strips, are manufactured on the floor below in special rooms with impeccable cleanliness. you can enter here only in protective overalls and personal protective equipment. also, before getting into production. technicians pass through air locks to eliminate the slightest chance of any dust or lint getting onto the test strip conveyor. also, a uniform temperature regime is constantly maintained here. level +22°. this is how they maintain zero humidity in tubes with test strips. it extends the service life of products. every year, the irkutsk plant produces about 300,000 glucometers with almost 3 million strips. and soon. plan to replenish the range with the latest development, the starting name is a device with a laser piercing mosquito,
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it extracts biological material without a needle, while minimizing the diameter of the wound on the skin, the puncture force can be adjusted, painlessly, painlessly, most importantly, then as in with a regular glucometer, a test strip is inserted, one thousandth of a mil of blood is enough and the analysis is ready, 5.1, normal, yes, i’m absolutely healthy. irkutsk residents are now testing a unique device in the laboratory; based on these studies , they are preparing a package of documents for roszdravnadzor, in a trial batch of about fifty factory mosquitoes. i can say with all confidence that their characteristics are currently missing not only on the territory of the russian federation, well, i’ll probably say all over the world, we can really become the first in this area, because so seemingly simple.
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nakalym rods are not found, but now the plants, according to biologists, are under threat of destruction. report by lyudmila shcherbakova. biologist spouses nikolai and vera dakuchaeva come to this forest regularly and every time they find new traces of vandalism. spruce and larches were cut down here. this is a larch stump, it looks like it was cut down last year, right next to it. here, in the middle of an officially protected forest , someone’s vegetable garden probably appeared. soon the first shoots will appear, the fact that this is in the protected zone is produced, this obviously, because the nearest spruce tree
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is probably literally 15 meters away, heavy equipment is driving right along... what scientists call an ecological trail turns into off-road terrain, all this is on the site of the former dendria, trees in which were planted by employees who worked until the end of the eighties in the forest experimental station, so now this area is called from the abbreviation los, losovsky forest. losovsky forest is about 10 hectares of trees unique to the magadan region; about 60 years ago they planted barely pine and even apple trees, all these trees. got along perfectly. employees of the losovtsy experimental station were engaged in landscaping throughout magadan, experimenting and giving recommendations on planting plants in permafrost conditions. now, when spruce and pine trees have reached unprecedented sizes for the region, here, scientists say, it would be possible to conduct excursions, design an ecological trail and tell residents about the unique trees that have taken root in the far north. there should be some kind of stands that
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would... tell everyone what’s special here protected natural area, but first we need to decide how to preserve this entire territory, popular front activists intend to contact the city authorities, they need to start with explanatory work, they are sure. the popular front will naturally appeal to the city hall, since the village of snezhny, snezhnaya dolina and in general this territory belongs to our city hall, they must put up stands so that people know that this is such a... special forest. the region's public chamber proposes to clearly define those responsible for security losovsky forest. it is cut down on a particularly large scale in december on the eve of the new year holidays. the tops of many yawls have been cut off and the trees are being restored as best they can. we will send a letter to the governor, because this is a regional competence, so that measures are taken to ensure control over the implementation of this protective regime in
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forest park green belts. scientists are ready to continue. experiments in these places, conduct excursions and classes for schoolchildren and biology students. the experience of planting large coniferous trees can also be used for landscaping of magadan. there is not a single dentrar in the region on the basis of which biologists could work, and the losovsky forest can become just such an experimental site as it was many years ago. lyudmila cherbakov, alexey gilyavov, vesti magadan.
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what a beauty, we’ll put the bed here, yeah, here, the wardrobe, here. here's the chest of drawers, and where's the radio, and we'll immediately buy a tape recorder, yes, the doors, of course, save sawdust on plywood, the driver won't fit in, why? don’t you think that one was lighter, but in my opinion it’s the same, huh? "
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it seems to me that it’s lighter and bigger, well, you yourself i chose it, but now i’ve changed my mind, go tell me, well, i mean, tell me, sima has already been settling in with her husband since the first shift, wait, wait, why are you jumping straight into the bottle, it’s like that here, okay, tell me, and when will you and i let's sign up for an apartment, the room isn't enough for you, well, you don't have the scope, if
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the children come, you know, when there are three, then we'll talk about an apartment, let's go, otherwise it seems like nothing, now it seems to you that i should give birth a long time ago, soon only cats will give birth, we are not cats, then we’ll wait, this is enough, remember, the kitchen with gas is on the floor, he there's a shower for you, then it's still communism, they say the truth, vanka is a fool, oh, nin, that's it, it's okay, i'll lead us out of poverty. natalyarovna, i’m a young person, new, i’m just getting to know everyone, yeah, and this is what my business is, any, please, there’s
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a small nuance at the enterprise, the factory either gives a plan, then you know, it’s not in good standing, that ’s why i’m coming to you and they sent, you know, that’s what concerns the plan, i want to say, it’s all raw materials. sometimes there is such rubbish, even if you go to bed, it goes away on its own, but sometimes it’s completely there are cliffs, and that’s why we try, of course, for this, we need a leader girl, a lighthouse girl, to take on increased obligations, so that she, that’s how many spinners you have servicing the machine, one, one, well, well, there are so many spindles, you go and keep track, and the lighthouse will serve two cars. if she doesn’t cope, then we will give the help of students, mentors, then it turns out that she is not alone, that’s right, two, but according to the documents she will pass as one, no one will keep track, well, what about the director, you have been in
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the party for a long time, i have been for a long time, but what are these? questions, well, since everyone is in the know, let’s do it, let’s do it, so the girl should be serious, responsible, not talk too much, well, she’s pretty there, but why is that? well, suddenly they’ll invite you, where, went, yes, why, well , how beautiful, well, who knows what might happen there next, but then they might ask who the drummer’s mentor was, well... then the congress might, might, maybe now, you know, there are no fools there, the era of dinosaurs, it has long passed, the time has come for the young, beautiful, which means, and if at our enterprise, some
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options, and this is only from students, in 2 weeks at most in the kremlin they will know about our language, we don’t need it, we don’t need it, that’s character, you can’t survive character as a bot, you can’t get away with vices, it’s a pity, beautiful, yes, yes, we sing , what? who is he that walks here? well, here’s the party leader,
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vasily pavlovich, so let him sit in the administration, well, he gets to know the staff, come to me, i have business with you. you said that if a student comes to faith, they will put me on a waiting list for the dormitories, i have to. you give your word, you understand, our faith is like a beacon is planned, and we will help in any way we can, let’s say, they gave her 2 and a half sets, and two sets are not a joke, she needs a smart assistant here to back her up, you know, well, i agree, well done for not locking yourself in, you have
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to understand, it’s a delicate matter, you’ll have to keep quiet, well, i know how to be silent, you know it yourself, yes, well, come on my shift tomorrow, i’ll resolve the issue with the personnel, let me katya, i’m off, you’re being secretive, but no, mash, i asked for help , you help everyone, and who will help you... can something happen, who is our witness? it will definitely not be sweetheart, if you are hinting at masha, oh, then we will lose all the witnesses, what a conceit, who is the witness, dimka, who else, a propibar sorcerer, without alcoholism, listen, he’s actually my childhood friend, you want someone’s golden spoon, i don’t even have friends like that, well, one of the two of us needs to think about the benefits, it’s not all helpless to help. who did you leave the car with? oh,
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come on, run, run, nit, bye, are you late, are you still courting vanka? lyuba, you know me, how do i the water is thick, whatever you say. zero attention, i know you won’t give up yours, and you’ll grab someone else’s, it was yours, now it’s ours, i have three older sisters, three younger sisters, i don’t know how to make fun of you, yeah, but i thought that he would leave you before the new year, but you there, more alive than all the living, maybe the three-lipped one suggested something, and we ourselves with a mustache, we have love.
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there was love before you, too, so it’s not like that, masha knocked him down, he sat down on the chalk with you, it’s okay, he’ll run away, the time will come, the runner ran away, we’re getting married, you’ll file an application, even before the holidays, are you lost? , imagine to myself, no, i'm telling you, love, where? our doctor has finally retired, the new one is about to go away, i’ll go, what kind of tricks? yes , the doctor came there, he’s single, the girls all ran for health, well, since you have your own doctor, sit down and sit with me, i ’m sitting here, i was carrying boxes here, my back was torn, i need to get it checked. it also hurts, well, just in time, well
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, let’s start, what can i say to vanka, if yuba is looking, tell the truth, i have nothing to hide, especially from my husband, here he gives, and uh, friend, where are you going, i tore off my back with a box, to me urgently, second shift, yes, from the second, but if... second, then come in, sit down, if i’m first, then tomorrow, your last name, while it’s still syomina, name, and it says, nenal, what are you complaining about, yes it’s boring here, work, before work, dancing, going, only on saturdays, you could die. because of your health, your heart
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hurts, sometimes, you know, it starts beating like that and you can’t stop it, uh-huh, i’ve torn my back, you know, work in light industry is hard, let’s look at your back, stop, undress, no, lift the bone and turn to me, right. "you can bend over that i should look at my back, bend over, yes, uh-huh, oh, that’s it, i can’t take it anymore!” and i understand, my lower back is bothering me, uh-huh, get up, it’s easier now, yes, it’s bearable, i’ll write you a mother, my recommendation is not to lift heavy things, call the men, doctor, where can we get men,
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we carry these boxes around at work, look at me, okay, okay, what if i have some kind of illness, i don’t want to die in the midst of my youth, turn to me again oh, how cold . , it’s about to heat up, be patient, warm up, you’re just worrying me, doctor, you have a normal, healthy heart, everyone is like that. “i’ll write you a direction, take pictures, nina grigorievna, and with the pictures they’ll be ready for me. okay, they didn’t recognize me, okay, many don’t recognize mine either, everyone’s anatomical legs are the same, the differences
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are minimal. oh well, someone did at the parade a week ago he cheated me, there was very little time before the end of the working day, i have a lot of patients, without a headscarf i was in a white dress with yellow flowers, call the next one, you lick your lips again, nothing, you can pull two, your butt won’t come undone, no. it will come undone, i have so much strength, there’s no end to it, i should have stopped, you’re lucky, take advantage, you’re so ugly. you are already at the parade and when you have time, whoever gets up early, god willing, today the journalists will come over there to film the verka, and
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they all like me, it has something to do with you, if i get caught, they will film me, the matter can be said forever. why should i now walk around in front of my descendants? why should i prepare? i work as usual only for another guy. like canada, i have a clear conscience, why are you worried? he said, all the winnings, believe, honor, bonus, apartment, you have a bonus, not a hostel, so we have a woman, a tongue without bones, although whatever he blurts out, the truth doesn’t come out of here, faith almost
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decided for me, anya knew, you knew , and why are you still offended, there is no offense, but remember? i remember, well, that’s how it should have been, our co-workers also baked love over us, well, they definitely kicked us out of work, diplomat, you vanya, you want everyone to feel good, but it doesn’t happen like that, some people feel bad, so that’s it, okay, that’s all here , let’s get acquainted, i’ll go, we’ll talk about the bad stuff later, let’s get to work, well, comrades, we, one might say, raised our beredovitsa ourselves. i graduated for six months and began to fulfill the plan by 120%. did you give her another car? what do you think? did you manage? and
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today we expect that the record for developing a plan for our factory will be broken. well, of course, we don’t know about the exact record, but we expect it. okay, so comrades, now let’s start the shift, look, don’t catch up with the marriage, otherwise they won’t count it yet, let’s take care of your marriage , don’t watch mine, be polite, friend, you don’t live among wolves, as you were taught, that’s how i live. so vanya, come here, get yourself together, what are you doing? so pale, now you’ll crash into a wolf, i don’t like all this, i don’t like to take, but you remember your girls, but i didn’t lie to the fog on the water, so here...
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well, it’s all over, of course it’s far from the all-union record, but on there are enough of us too, scale it up, why aren’t you taking pictures, why do i need their photos, i need awards, and by the way, what did you say, what? you feel bad when
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you drink a glass for our clever girl, for our drummer, for ours, verochka, verochka, for you, comrades, for faith, attention, attention, great, well, you go home, virochka, well, where, yes, where we we live, do we live at all? this is this old rotten building, good morning, good, maybe a little sweet? ladies, i wanted to ask, please, who are we now? who are we? how? well,
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bride, i am for you, or vir. more clearly, you are not my bride, you are my comrade-in-arms, you know, comrade-in-arms, you know, i will help you, i will help you, all of them, they will fall in stacks, we will do such things with you, believe for us, and i’m your daughter, do you take me for a fool? honestly, look at the weekend, i need to know who i'm dealing with,
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who sent you? before my mother died, my mother told me about you, and i, fool, decided to see you. well, now your daughter will live in our house? i love you, dad, you know, i don’t love you like a sister. swing on saturday on rtr. we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside. for self-mixing help, you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body.
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this is sergei, he just arrived without warnings. what, a husband can’t come to his own wife without warning? three girls, on saturday on rtr. an important local record. i wonder what kind of record this is that they know about in advance and call journalists. verka will now definitely be taken to moscow by some presidium. well, what is it, it’s written of local significance, this one will still be an eyesore,
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now the norm will be raised, he won’t be able to raise his head, who will be honored, who will be bowed down, girls. what is a record today may be tomorrow already the norm, who, this is what, what, this is who she is, or it goes that they were exhibited, they have never seen , love. love, what happened, has already happened, zhiek, such as she is, maybe to the first aid station, but what’s interesting there, i have green stuff at home.
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we are so fast, i have no time, i’m on shift, i need to work, and not talk, put yours in jail, lyuba, come to me, they reported already, yes, who is mine, don’t touch me. the fool will already kill you, and this is my business, look, yeah, we’re catching up, the kind queen has come, and you’re better for me, everyone come out, please, this can’t be done
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leave it, listen, something needs to be done, the police need to be placed in... it is necessary, let them, let them pencil him in, i won’t write about the father of my children, so what do i do, i don’t need your pity, i’m happy with everything, and if you regret it so much, give me an apartment? maybe mine will be kinder?
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yes, they called you, yes, come in, yes, i remember , you must remember, you have a girl’s memory, what is this, these are your tests, but can you, yes, please, yeah, so what’s going on here?
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after working in the workshop, well, this is an aggravation from wool fibers and then surviving treason is not a condition your work, so everything is explained, and what to do now?
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so where did he start? i drank and got sick of the sea. okay, i managed to hide the children, but it was so that when they arrived, everything seemed to be fine, in the second week he hit me for the first time, but i didn’t do anything, then more, and he tells me, i didn’t wash it, i didn’t clean it, i became jealous, whoever passes by, so what? so i understand you,
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my love, but i don’t, why did you follow a man, get out of here, he was different before, he looked after me beautifully, don’t compare me to you, i was walking. so that they don’t look after me, i follow the man, i’m the last thing, so you have to understand that you’re the last one, otherwise you’ll be like this all your life, clean up here.
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andrey, hello, why are you here, i’m working part-time, hello, masha, there’s something you can’t see at the factory, but i saw you, i just didn’t come up, you don’t want to repay the debt, but i seem to be getting married to the tone. and tony - she was at the parade, she, just don’t worry about how i’ll bother you, you won’t bother me, but you’ll confuse me, andrey, if you get married, this doesn’t mean that you can’t communicate with girls, i can talk to girls, i don’t understand anything, i can, but i can’t, you can talk to girls, you’re a different story, what did i do wrong, play? that i don’t like this, where i play, finish, you’re playing with me, are you a doll, should i play with you, that’s it, that ’s not a doll, i don’t know what you
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’ve come up with here, i’ll go, bye, my fiance brides you brought water to take, but i should take a pill, i’ll bring it now, why the hell did they give you pills, it’s great as a horse, but it hurts , you understand, only on special cards apparently, i don’t need your cards, so i see you can... plow, here’s a cave, when will i leave here?
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“yes, that’s what i am, you should have taken a good look before, otherwise now you come and complain, but we’re still the same, yeah, write me a letter, there ’s nothing for you, but you’ll waste a ruble, girl, the tincture doesn’t work for me will get through, mine will get through!" take away the three ruble, i won’t take it, i’ll have a glass, there will be a lot of lamb for your weight of lamb, siberian,
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arriving on the second track, i repeat, the moscow train. i rented a room for you from the madista, i checked it was clean, how did we get there, it’s cold here today, what do we care about cleanliness, we’re used to dirty things, we brought some things, you’re only for a week, and this is not mine, i have a task, let’s sit somewhere, it’s morning, closer to lunch yes,
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it starts to whine and turn. soul, and then in the morning, doubt, all this, but i have no doubt, if i had doubted, i would not have contacted, but what then, yes at work, then give it, give it, as if we were family-living people, we came up with something for ourselves, they wrote the numbers, the letters, there are real people here, you go and manage them, i told you, don’t bother your boss, i live here and the salaries are here better day in the year, there are 12 such days, and most importantly, i’m going to her, come on. i’m approaching her like a human being, like a friend, she’s from me, well, i ’m telling you, you check, how to check, well, like, you don’t mind coming back to her, but it’s not for such checks, why are you wasting so much, caviar why did you order? “i
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want to thank you, i read your letters after the service instead of books, and even took the service, put it in my breast pocket, it’s getting warmer, there’s frost all around, fierce birds freeze in flight, and i’m protected, my heart is burning, my chills are greedy, i don’t believe it, i’m a terrible miser, i’m lazy, i’m still a disaster, but that’s because i..." i love the truth, i can’t stand all kinds of lies, you’re good, zoya, don’t slander yourself, i’m also lying to you, little one, i’m with you, it doesn’t happen often, everything is clean, neat, what the hell, wait, don’t interrupt me, i have to say, “i don’t love you, volodya,
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i’m so sorry to the point of tears, why is this so, well, believe me, volodya, i’ll see, and my heart will skip a beat, i’ll jump out, maybe, thank you for telling me. and not like your friend ran away, garrisons - that’s nonsense, that’s chop wood, apply water, heat, i will feel sad, he is here, and i am there.
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“i’m saying goodbye, volodya, where are you going, and to the grandfathers and to whom this is all, i’ll give you money for a ticket, you thought that you were going to the bride, here i am with my crazy love, we don’t need money, but madista, we’re going to i don’t need to give her an apartment, please forgive me, i should have confessed earlier, zoya, you’re drunk, let me take you home,
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my grief, my grief, my grief, wait, i ’ll change clothes now, okay, well, let’s go. , when would i grieve for this. like this pain, my mother. came. that's it, let's go, don't wait up today, i'll be late, advise me, mother, advise me,
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mother, when it's best to live. volodya, when you forgive me, write, i don’t
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think so, i don’t like to write, goodbye, zoya, goodbye, volodya. zoyka, zoyka, what are you doing here, what a fool i am, if only i knew, mashayata. i hate you, zoya, you, how did you get so drunk, how did you get there , and volodya brought me, and i offended him, of course,
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let’s go, where, let’s go, no, masha, stop, we need to, we need to catch up with him, come on , let's go catch up with him, well, where, but we can't see him anymore, but we won't catch up, zoy, bunny. let's go tomorrow, no, tomorrow i won't catch up with him, i'll never catch up with him, i 'll never catch up with him, i brought your things, taisi, to tell the truth,
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i didn't expect anything from my past life, i was ordered, there's an inventory and a receipt it is necessary that everything has been received according to the order, you sit down, everything will be done in time, then. are you staying with us for a long time? i was planning to stay for a week, but i’m leaving today, the whole train is a night pass, i was waiting for you, zoya, oh, how i waited and worried, but nothing worked out, sometimes it didn’t work out, your potatoes are delicious, uh-huh, thank you, you left so unexpectedly ? guessed what and how? yes, forgiveness didn’t work out for us, won’t you write a letter? i won't write anything? words of what is translated? i have no words. are you offended? everyone saw my offense but
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kept quiet. our order is such a chain of command? it’s at work, and i’m a wife, it seems like i have nothing to do with work. well, our life is not divided into work and non-work. we have a good service, of course, he took me into a fairy tale, but i endured it, and i endured it once, and i endured it twice, and i endured it again, but i shouldn’t have endured it, i lost my child, and that ’s the end of my patience, forgive me, it’s you who will forgive me, volodya, you have nothing to do with it at all, it’s me who wanted family happiness, and i kept looking at you, so did you come? i really needed it then. thanks for the treat. i have to go. volodya, forgive me, let me make your
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bed in my own place, i’ll go to sleep with my neighbor myself, no, i’m going to the station, please, still write a receipt, there won’t be any receipt, i don’t need anything from my past life, there are no fairy tales in earth, i’m convinced, but i think that there are... there are people, that means there is a fairy tale, it’s just that everything goes well with it, or not everyone, forgive me, volodya, he’s just a dead man. “zoyka, zoyka, come on,
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get up, let’s go, i won’t go, let them write about absenteeism, even though we’ll be late for work, you drove the man away yourself, now you’re dying, well, really, zoya, well, you did something funny yourself and you’re lying there, yourself, oh, no , i don’t have hands to work, and i don’t have legs to walk, and most importantly, you don’t have a head, go over there, girls, i’m going to zoya, can we talk , volodya asked me to return the photo to you, well, i didn’t have time to give the gift either. that’s it, he
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left at night, zoyka, well, get up, come on, why? lie down, you have to move on with your life, get up, get up. let's go, i'll just change my clothes, okay, you promised me, during working hours, no dates, no mottos, you have pretty informants, so what?
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we're going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine, here grandmother comes, she is hungry, but she carries this kurba, she comes and says: baby, feed the dogs, extend your hand help, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys. i came across such people, who care, to support you in word,
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hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. is it okay for you to make a joke now or haven’t you received it in a long time? she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what’s the matter, that ugly woman dismissed the servants, that i’ll marry her, i ’ll sleep with such a fearful woman only for million, why are you withdrawing all the money for a classic operation, what are you going to buy like that? enough beauty, if you can’t wait for happiness,
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maybe you should steal it, let’s go, i don’t understand where, where are you going? and the girls almost ate me, wool, there, there are only cliffs, no, the spheres of course supply you with a good batch, but they don’t, there was, the rabid ones would have killed me, what have you got to do with it, this leadership should, so the leadership is far away, but i’m nearby, hang me, listen, mash,
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go to the same place with me, ninka. yes, we are secretly from her, i won’t go, van, listen, well, i i’m trying for them, and you will help me with one thing, mash, you’ll borrow money, where is your bonus, there are no bonuses, mash, help!
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i don’t know, i don’t know what she might like , you friends should know, but we are different people, i don’t understand it yet, i understand this, i’m understanding, maybe this, this, yeah, girl, girl, pay attention to attention, here's the ring, show me, this, yeah. it costs like a submarine, well, it’s gold, i don’t understand anything, it’s small, sleek, but the man, 583 standard, no, well, i can read, i just basically don’t understand what the salary is for i’ll give it away, you’ll wear it until you’re old, and then
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you can give it to your grandson, the grandchildren will need it, gold will always be valuable, yeah, well, let’s take it, right? i like it the most, please wrap it, what size is it, what other size is there? well, of course, here are 16-17, what kind of misfortune, i don’t know how to try it on, well, try it on, no, don’t, hello, listen, what do your hands look like, come on, no, i don’t need it, well that it’s not necessary, my friend is great, it’s okay, you can try on the ring before the wedding, it’s better to be sure now than at the very beginning important moment, what the groom won’t wear, you know, how much divorce there is on this matter, but it’s not for me, he’s not marrying me, it’s for me... no, don’t, it doesn’t bother me, no, i don’t, we’ll take it where you have it they are pouring out, orca, uh-huh, my woe, woe, my woe, woe,
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“big grief, listen, thank you very much for helping, money now, of course , is flowing a lot through your fingers, it’s also good that you get married once in your life, so you could die from a broken heart, you might be sad, but guess what, vanya, that after work you delayed?" "yes, the eye of a diamond sees everything, so you tell me how it is, i’ll understand, i’m still wondering why the fortune teller chose ninka and not me, so the doctor, so his appointment is over, it’s closed,
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the working day is over, and bye-bye. and i thought you wouldn’t come, but i thought you had already left, you work until 60, what time is it? it’s half time, what the... i have such a tights shift today, you yourself told me that you don’t need me, that you’re on your own, when you returned, i said that, only before that you left me for ninka spread, what to mention this, now you have to live, you are happy now. “wait, about now, it’s boring with me, no, i feel like nina is like one of my own, but
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it’s as if i’ve known her all my life, and i’m a stranger, i don’t know how to explain, i see my life with nina, you know, we’re at odds with her , we save money, we live life"? it’s like you’re eluding me all the time, wow, you’ve screwed me up, i’d say straight out that she’s better than everything in bed, but that’s not the point, that’s the point, since you asked her to marry, well, that’s my nature, go ahead, you know where to go with your nature. where to go and your ring, don’t lose it, at least don’t talk to other men like that, otherwise you’ll roll
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away from everyone, the bun, the thread breaks, how did you get such wool from tk, it’s impossible to work, you just end up with a break right away, everything is in tension, it’s already in your eyes, the bobbin doesn’t fail, that’s what they think. they became famous before the sheep, they reported, that’s it, burn, everyone else is like a blue flame, they don’t take care of the common people, you, forgive me, i’m boiling, that’s why i didn’t come for lunch, i had a cough without... i was sleeping, you’re taking pills, yes, i take pills, it’s in my interests, of course, when
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wedding? in two weeks, i’ll invite you, no, we don’t know your husband and there will be awkward questions, oh, you know how many people he called, i don’t know anyone. all these people in the pub, with whom these sharomyks are drinking, all of them, but i feel sorry for myself for a suit, he wants to borrow from a friend, he’s pressing on my dress, you love him, who, ivan, i love, i’ve never met such a person, you know, i’ve seen and i immediately realized it would be mine. what are you like? which? your heart
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beats three times faster than it should. is it because of illness? it's called temperament. you hot. and my mother called it stupidity, said that stupidity was born before me. and i, when i saw you for the first time at the catwalk. i noticed that you walked as if there was no ground under your feet, there was no gravity, and i followed you, as if you had tied me, but here they didn’t recognize you, they refused, you looked so different, then here such... the knock of people, will you listen to me or not, yes, otherwise i’m taking pills, maybe i shouldn’t have already gained weight, come on, lift the bone.
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natalya fedorovna, hello, listen, when will the party end? in two weeks , we have never submitted a plan with such raw materials, it will end when everything is gone, we need to work better, take care of the car, and not paint our nails, as is usually the case during your shift. well, listen,
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there is such a party that you can fix your nails, and you won’t be able to take your eyes off them. keep complaining to you, vasily pavlovich also came in to complain, but you don’t have any educational work in the team, absent, ivan vasilyevich, your girls don’t go to meetings at all, they’re shirking, and this isn’t the first time, which means today it’s necessary ensure full turnout, listen, so you hold a meeting during work, you will have a turnout, no one will go, no, you personally go through, convince, they are not convinced, put pressure, don’t force, it’s easy to say, that means so, convey to the team, the importance of events, what kind of unconsciousness is this, well, honestly, i’m just irresponsible, everyone knows about it, i don’t hide it, van, well, i found something to brag about, the fish is rotting from the head, tell me, ivan, you’re in the party are you going to join, no, i’m not going to join, but what about you you’ll grow, but i think i’ve already grown, 180
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cm, i can’t do it anymore, what kind of demagoguery, yes, he’s going to, vasily pavlovich. he’s climbing, well, he’s just not ripe, come on, get out of here, and so that all of your girls today are at least leading, there is, listen, our golden fish, today in the meeting, an announcement, i saw, this applies to you too, tell your student, tell it yourself , if you need it, i ’m not going to run errands for you, it won’t happen, i ask you, understand? ivan told the meeting to come, but what are you, you were deeply in love, you were strong friends, and now your noses turn back, but we don’t have a long time, together it’s cramped, apart it’s boring, we’re incompatible, like a cat
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and a dog. so, look, comrades, among us there are those who do not carry out the plan, and what is here, it’s sandy, as always, namely, andrei fedorovich, standing up, come here, let everyone look at you, go, listen, well, after all there was a conversation with the kamsorg, with the foreman, but he kept his tune, well, he’s not eager when we ... discuss lists for a boarding house, we want to go to the sea, yes, so, uh, let’s talk about boarding houses later, no, wait, i i pay my dues regularly, i’m fulfilling your plan, to the black sea coast, who will go, again office workers, these cousins ​​with nephews, so you’re on the list, a second, at sea, oh, vanya, you don’t know how to position yourself, but wait a minute,
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contributions plan , that’s not all, well... so where, who compiles these lists, can you tell us the names or where can we even get acquainted with them, i don’t know, i’m not on this topic, sorry, you don’t know, don’t speak, not on this part, he is like that, dear girls, i don’t understand what kind of chicken coop this is, let’s get to the point, my dear, what are you you want to say, but i don’t like the sea. in the summer
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it’s good on the river if you have a fishing rod, yeah, you tell me to the point, why aren’t you trying, i’m trying, i don’t know, it doesn’t work, so why doesn’t it work, how do i know why it doesn’t work, ask others, ok, we ’ll ask others, so, comrades, who will take comrade andrei potapan’s hand, well , we need to help the person, i’ll take it, oh, here’s a volunteer who will warm us up, let’s believe those lagging behind, and secondly, we must discuss a collective letter to our friends , to comrades at the shuttle and socks plant in the city of budapest, oh, budapest, that’s a place to go, but no,
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this is not about us, i’m fixing you, come here, i, come, come, don’t be afraid, here’s a public matter for you, yes, what’s your last name? loginova, loginova, that means, comrade loginova, next time we’ll ask you what ’s wrong with comrade potapav, come on, i ’ll run to the doctor, and you go out, i’ll look after the sofa there, what are you thinking of saving me, but it wasn’t necessary. if only you would still have cats, you should now be responsible for me, goodbye, don’t worry, i can handle it, i really i want to help you, you’re sitting there like an owl, young
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guy, what’s wrong with you, what’s there to be happy about, i don’t like everything here, so why don’t you leave, how can you leave here, goodbye, let’s go to the movies, you know, i’m getting married i... didn’t wash my salary, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr,
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will be broadcast on a couple of minutes, we need to talk, former, dangerous and vile, i love you, current, withdrawn, weak, no longer mad at me? any future self or non-future self, when there is no one to trust, why did you bring me here, to say goodbye to life, this is a difficult test, test two, look on the website in the application, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk on all issues, hurry, deploy nuclear weapons. i already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, go on standby number one, what an image of victory he is, he will destroy the gang in his head with
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zelensky, i’m not a wimp, see you later, igor konstantinovich, yes, and you and i are your daughter, take me for a fool, well, honestly, let’s look at the weekend. but help me, i need to know who i’m dealing with, who sent you? before my mother died, my mother told me about you, and i foolishly decided to see you, so now your daughter will live in our house, we are of the same blood, you and i, you have a miracle brother, if anything, but you have a miracle -sister, give this girl some money and that’s enough. i know that she is my daughter, she has no one but me, it seems to me that i have fallen in love, and i love, dad, you know, i love not like a sister, swing, saturday on rtr.
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well, i hear you, oh, no, we didn’t agree that way, sergei evgenievich, if you need a girl, i’ll tell you who to contact, excuse me. yes, you can understand nothing, but i’m not like that, if i said something unnecessary, so you know, the nonsense was born ahead of me, i have to say that to me.
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it’s a pity that i met you after you met your husband, but we couldn’t meet you, you don’t hang out there, so what, when should i come, in 2 days, no, i don’t need to come, it would be great, they’ll cure you, here you are a luminary, i invented your illness so that you... so that we can meet with you more often, well, you give it, and i’ve already sat down to write a will, okay, but there’s nothing to make a will, i won’t get red-haired, well , i’m sorry if i scared you, but you just as bad as me, i didn’t even think about it.
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well, goodbye, doctor, i’m inviting a wedding, come, what a child, you ’re crazy, you understand what your prospects are, and you’re a member of... ksm, you ’ll soon be traveling from captivity to captivity, leaving the congress , and if you are not a fool, you will get a post if you listen to smart people like me, i’m scared, she’s scared, it’s not the first time you’ll give birth, it’s not the first, but the women say this, i’ll get stuck, listen, such a mess suits you, look, you’ll screw it all up, i won’t be able to.
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she’s going to give birth, well, get out of here so i don’t see you, look, if you tell someone, i won’t see that you’re pregnant, you’ll be at the station right there.
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you drank, otherwise, i can drink so much, there’s not so much beer here, you don’t believe me, you’re praising me, i can’t imagine you drunk, you’re actually moving around, i don’t know, i’m in my uncle’s family, they look after me like a child, wash, they’re cooking, and then it’s all on your own, u... for independence, you’re not up to it, it’s hard to be alone, so you should marry ton, here’s malsimi, there’s just a free room, or it’s your uncle, he wants to marry you to ton, well how to say, tonya is my uncle’s niece on my wife’s side, i help him, she helps him, my family, i owe it to my uncle, he got me a job, so what?
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“my father owes him, they built a house, my uncle gave me a loan, he arranged for me, we owe him, you work to repay the debt, we, uncle, owe a grave, a grave he told you, well but how could he arrange for another nephew, but he arranged for me, well, this is better." maybe it’s not necessary, it’s necessary, so you won’t get untied.
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my uncle agreed, he’s still sick, i’m angry with him, we need to help him, at the market, for you spend it, i help when necessary,
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i help with the housework, and even then it doesn’t help, he works with you, yeah, that is, you do it because of him, my uncle and i have our own accounting, we attribute a little plan to him, but. he owes me a debt, write it off, your uncle has found a great job, and at work he is a laborer, at the market he is a laborer, this niece, there is a fiancé, a benefactor, yes, you should be imprisoned for exploitation, you don’t need to imprison anyone, that’s why you don’t fulfill your plans, masha, it’s a secret, i’ll improve, you’ll see, my uncle is good, you don’t need to tell anyone, you can’t say such things, okay , i’ll figure it out myself, i’ll see if he leaves you behind or not,
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it’s good that you took me on bail, i tried beer for the first time, you didn’t like it, well, that’s a second matter, masha is having some adventures with you, masha, you have a mustache like hitler's, but he's cute. nink, what you're waiting for vanka, they gave you a salary, we're going to buy a wedding dress, and he's going to get a suit in a week at the office, i can't even believe that vanka is all a stranger, but believe me, there are miracles in life, natalya fedorovna, i
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'll ask for advice, but my husband and the children will soon be kicked out of the house, then work, then a meeting, then a council, then a meeting, and they are alone, well, if you are very busy, well, not very much. well, come in, what do you want, i’m on a personal matter, well, it’s clear that it’s a personal matter, a work matter, you came during working hours, i have a friend who has problems at work, well, he’s cute, so pretty, but that’s not why i’m, well, it’s clear that’s not why, well, what’s the matter with you and this handsome guy, he works in our karsil workshop, yeah, and lives in his uncle’s apartment, yeah, so this is it... uncle, he just twists ropes out of him, he takes part of the salary for the fact that he arranged the work, the reserve, so this is not enough, they work in the same shift, and andrey fulfills the plan for him, for himself, well, that’s not enough, this uncle, he a private owner, he keeps pigs, and andrei helps him there, but he doesn’t have time to do his job at all, this is a private matter, you go there
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don’t interfere, you won’t fix anything, but i have an order, he’s a weakling, you can’t help, leave him, maybe they know something in a beautiful workshop, oh, but you think there are fools sitting there, right? that’s it, what should i do, wow, you can’t help a person if he doesn’t want it, i’ll go, well, i have an order written down, well, i ’ll go, go, so there’s an order, what an order, and you take another order , here i have a dozen assignments, this is when one thing is control, when there are many, no one remembers, neither the one who gave it, nor i, masha, don’t have everything to do you'll redo it. well , how do you like it, but i would like a longer hem, everything that is
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in front of the vamikonsky, of course, listen, let’s not take the expensive one, let’s take it cheaper, girl, show me this, here are the elegant white ones, what do we need? vanya, you’re politically savvy, savvy, well , for appearance’s sake, a man should squeeze a slave out of himself drop by drop, i’ve heard this, but what are you talking about now? van, you’re not squeezing out, you ’ve grabbed onto this money, you’re sitting on it like a capitalist, this is over 80, capitalists don’t work, and i’m bending my back, and more some, yeah. get rid of the money, it oppresses you, thank you, don’t oppress me, it
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doesn’t oppress me, you take a dress for one day, and then i owe you a chauffeur, a tv for it, a vacuum cleaner for the carpet, why are you complaining, yes, i’m not complaining, you don’t need to live, but i do, we’re no worse than anyone else, you know, you put me on porridge and paid me one dress a year, and i lived like that in may, yeah. and not a dress a year, all my life in one, and what’s good about that, you saw what a year it’s 1900, you’ll look at the dress, i’ll be there.
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i would like you to be like my mother, and if you don’t check the deal of the spender that was born, i won’t do another one, i already understand that. okay, let's take the dress, but not this, this, this is why, because i said so, get it on your nose, everything in life will not be the way you want, i'm the head of the family, you have to give in to me, that's understandable, wrap it up .
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you attacked the wrong one, vanya, it’s either this dress or choke on your wedding, don’t raise my voice, and don’t put me in my place, your place is next to me, that’s how it turns out, nothing comes of it. well so, what did the newlyweds decide, which one is dear?
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