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tv   Limitchitsi  RUSSIA1  July 3, 2024 10:25pm-11:30pm MSK

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so to speak, the united states will be directly involved, what will they do, who will decide on the use of i don’t know, nuclear weapons there, in the end, who will decide on the fed rate, in fact, what really janit helen or so to speak, who will make the decision there will actually be made by the board of directors of the federal reserve system, and about the sale, let’s say, of treasuries, and about new ones, let’s say regulators, i understand correctly that you finally agreed with us and believe in the theory of reptilians, no, no , that's the whole point, that these are not reptilians. of the current moment is precisely that the united states really were, so to speak, more or less the builders of modern economic and logistics. technological
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system, which is precisely this globalization, they now hold in their hands all these threads, and at the core of this system there is, well, like this khan, who does not make decisions at all, this means that this system is in danger, that's what you say, you want there to win, what we need in order to win, i understand perfectly well, i don’t get involved in military things, well, listen, ensure the domestic civil aviation industry, domestic processes, and finally a brix currency without dollars, because it’s complicated, it’s complicated. technology, it’s not just like that, it’s actually multidimensional matrix calculations, but, but, but do it, it doesn’t matter to us what they have there, there will be the monroe doctrine, maybe we’ll even talk somehow, we’ll sunbathe at the same resorts , but in eurasia there are no legs, but how is it take these three steps, advertising, say that you love, i love, van, well, somehow you ’re saying it wrong, i don’t know how to do it any other way. we look
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at rtr, give me my direction from the masha factory, thank you, no need, come to me on the weekend, we’ll sort it out, i have a vadler ticket, we’ll go together, i’ll be waiting, limiters, tomorrow at rtr. i have a very good intuition, and i hope it won’t let me down, we’re confused, how young we were, excited, let’s make the fight good, two in two, like this, the stars play at the limit of their capabilities, this is tough, how difficult! the choice for the first time in our show was made
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unanimously, catch me if you can, incredible final game, why are you looking at me like that, yes i think so, on friday on prt. is it okay for you to make a joke now or haven’t you received it in a long time? she tells everyone, you ’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what’s the matter, that ugly woman spread a rumor that i ’m marrying her, no more scotch, i ’ll sleep with such a fearful woman only for a million, why do you need all the money?
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in new episodes of our podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen watch on the media platform, look, substation first. podcasts we watch. vladimir, thank you. here i would like to talk about russian-american relations, which have already been touched upon so quickly during our talk today, in order to finish off the american topic, then move on to the topic of the country and southeast asia, this is the logic, understandable. what is russian-american relations at present? this is a phone call from minister austin, minister belousov, that’s all, nothing more from the russian-american there are no relationships left. these are contacts between high-ranking military personnel of the two countries on how to prevent
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a thermonuclear apocalypse. that's all, there is nothing else. and here is a recent interview, madam ambassador to the united states in russia. federation, in which she, lindrace, excuse me, in which she stated that it is still necessary to somehow maintain contacts in order to prevent the development, so to speak, of the situation according to an undesirable scenario, this also, in general, confirms my thoughts about the current state of russian-american relations, obviously that...
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the russian leadership does not exclude the possibility of escalation, the top russian leadership has repeatedly spoken about this, another thing is that russia now has the opportunity to resort to escalation, so to speak, without crossing the nuclear threshold, well, for example, the beginning of the combat use of these
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controlled air bombs weighing 3 tons, this is very serious, so to speak, it does not threaten america in any way, it does not threaten america in any way, but... the federation has the opportunity to deliver a very painful blow to the territory of the united states of america, i mean strategic nuclear arsenal of the united states of america, without resorting to strategic nuclear weapons. i mean russian hypersonic weapons;
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the russian federation already has such systems in its arsenal; they can disable a significant part of the american nuclear strategic nuclear arsenal. hit all carriers that are spaced apart , well, not all by distance, but that is, firstly, cause significant damage without crossing the strategic nuclear threshold, absolutely true, in fact things are beginning of a nuclear war, absolutely right, well, our hypersonic systems
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are not located on strategic nuclear carriers, i mean systems like onyx, for example, or excuse me, zircon and... caliber uh, if i understand correctly, everything that it flies with us, it can be carried out in different types of combat equipment in nuclear, that is, as soon as it started, no one knows what happened there, the vanguard will go through the southern one. everything is a start, uh, i’m not talking about the avant-garde, i ’m talking about systems, for example, like iskander, they can be launched from medium bombers, like here of course, they will be launched wherever, across the continental united states of america, right, so then for the united states of america, it is absolutely obvious, they will figure out whether he is flying nuclear or non-nuclear, nuclear war, they will understand that is it nuclear or nuclear only when it landed, but put yourself in their place on the territory of the russian federation.
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systems that, theoretically speaking, can perform strategic tasks. the second point is that in 10 years american estimates that there will no longer be two or three nuclear superpowers in the world, including the people’s republic of china, so to speak, but the fact that china and russia are now friends against the united states - this, well, does not add, let’s say, it is unlikely to add americans want to join, so to speak.
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now they simply don’t have the kind of technological superiority that they had 50 years ago, even 20 years ago, and where did it go is of course an interesting question, but now it’s become a problem re-equipment of the american strategic nuclear forces, and all this is going on with a very big creak, well, that is, they made a new strategic nuclear bomber, so to speak, the b-21, but that’s what concerns , for example.
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the russians have already been worried, but we haven’t yet, this is how it looks from the american point of view, so i’m afraid that there will be very difficult problems with the resumption of this russian-american...
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factor, driving factor in russian-american relations is a question for 22nd century, in the 20th century this question i'm afraid it won't be resolved. in general, so far the situation looks like that, so to speak, the prospects for russian-american relations, no matter who the name of the new american president is, trump, biden or michelle, they are quite vague, and here i also wanted i would like to say something about this here... just now a remark that the americans are a nation of traders, how good it would be for us, and the chinese and everyone else, if this was the case for the iranians, by the way, if this were really so, alas, this is not so, now this is a nation of such fiery ideologists, such frenzied revolutionaries of such bolshevik trotsky arrogance,
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unfortunately, so to speak, i am seriously afraid of this for a long time, thank you for your attention. regarding weapons in general, everything is not so, with all due respect, you are talking in terms of the previous war, we have some that we are not talking about, apparently, the advantage of aquatic environments, moreover, underwater, is such that it seems that we have hints, but what is happening in space, don’t we see that the americans have a very serious group in space, and not only private, but also private state, don’t we see that...
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regarding cloud technologies, but because the war is moving into the field of artificial intelligence, we have an advantage here, we have our own chips, that’s right, we have our own there is a processor, that’s right, storage, who actually works for big data, we have several people in the country who understand this very seriously, there is mishusin, gref and a number of other people, but this must be clearly understood that it is no coincidence that dmitry is all about this time says it will be a completely different war, completely different performance.
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after 20 years it was already everything else, now time has accelerated, we can’t even imagine what will happen in 10-15-20 years, so the time is such that we need to track every step, but we can’t lag behind, now is the time of the smart, now is the time new technologies for replicating these technologies, the time of artificial intelligence, and if here we fall behind, then this could be the worst, the most terrible, please, well, i want to go back - to the main event of today, because really the main event, because today our president had seven, almost seven, important conversations with the largest leaders and not only the largest, and what i said absolutely correctly is that this sco summit - which with every literally next summit
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more and more states are participating in it, and very significant states , very influential, these are arab countries, this... and proof of the generally fair success, here it is very important to say that we very often talk about our problems, there are problems, and i will generally say this, but there are certain successes, because it would be impossible to exist without successes, and so on, this is all evidence and the fact that we are on the path of building a new configuration of the eurasian space we are achieving significant successes, this is quite obvious, because... from the point of view this sco summit, of course, comes next to a visit to china, and a visit to north korea, and of course, a visit to vietnam, and the fact that he is coming to us on july 8 will be a big visit to rendra modi. our minister will go to southeast asia, that is, we see a huge number of events, and also brix, of course, united by one common idea, the general idea
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is that the indefinite consolidation of the east asian space and the transformation of the countries that determine the situation in this space, at least either into our friends, or so to speak , the country is quite neutral, because if you look at the situation that was in the same region after the start of the special... states after the start of swan for all these countries, just remember how in washington, the asian countries, so to speak, processed them biden, well, i think, i think that he was
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not very strong then, so in general nothing, but then blinken arrived in phnom penh, and there they tried to force these countries to take an anti-russian policy, convincing them that we toxic, that they can’t work with us, that they will receive huge privileges there and none of this worked out, which is also very important to... say, here they often talk about the sco, they especially said that it doesn’t have any, so to speak, there is now a clear direction of development, i would say that this is not so, i think that the sco, like brix , is one of the platforms for the formation of this new big world, the eurasian world, about which the president said that the united states should not be there, and you are actually moving towards this goal. the second very important point is, of course, the most important platform for negotiations, well, look. moreover, negotiations with countries, mind you, with which our relations are almost always on the rise. first mongolia, major issues of transport, energy, education.
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the next meeting was with turkey, well here there is nothing to talk about at all, despite all the american sanctions, despite all the pressure on turkey, our trade turnover with turkey has practically decreased by 1%. that is, in fact, 55 billion dollars, so to speak, last year. now that the task was set to reach 100, yes, reach 100, but in conditions, you know, in conditions of such pressure that the united states is exerting on turkey as a nato country, and such pressure on erdogan personally, to maintain this the volume of trade that was there is very important, therefore the issues that were discussed, especially now for turkey, the issue of terrorism in connection with the events in syria and so on, is becoming extremely relevant, our experience is extremely important for them, so i think. that this meeting, which lasted more than an hour, was extremely fruitful, this is quite obvious, it was visible at least from the picture, but the meeting with china, sizimpin is also, to
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a large extent, you know, some kind of, so to speak, myths, we talked for a very long time about the fact that look, our trade has huge problems with promotion capital and so on and so forth, and meanwhile trade is growing by 3% , trade turnover has increased compared to last year, while... the chinese transport to us was about 41 billion, and we have about 54 billion, you know, there are about 96 for 5 months, for 5 months of this year, these are official figures, that is, the impression was created that this trade, so to speak, problems had arisen, payments had arisen, and how it would all go, and that’s all affects trade, stops it and that most likely the volume will be less than those...
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external region, well, even in ancient times , the chinese sent the fergana valley, so to speak, a whole expedition for horses, because there were no horses in china at that time, and this was carried out from the fergana valley, moreover, it was in central asia that the battle with arabs, when, so to speak, the arabs entered central asia, there was a chinese army, the chinese army retreated and was defeated, moreover, remember at least the 15th century, the dzungar khanate, the defeat of the dzungar khanate, the exit ... of china to the manjorian cavalry and chinese infantry almost to the territory of modern kazakhstan, yes, when they almost reached the sime palatine, there was a very difficult situation there, only the intervention
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of russia. yes, it largely stabilized this situation, preserved those peoples who lived there from the uh, so to speak, manzhorian repressions, you know, so you just need to understand that here in central asia, from which this shanghai cooperation organization began, for china is, in a certain sense, also a certain return, and here we must very clearly, i repeat, this is a relationship of equality, china and i are actually two co-founders. and we must constantly and clearly emphasize in brix in the sco that a certain parity and equality and commonality of interests, you know, because so that it does not turn out that in the process of china’s movement, due to its, so to speak, economic and so on, so that it does not it turned out that there is some kind of leader, so to speak, and there is, so to speak, a kind of number two, under no circumstances should this be allowed it’s impossible, and i see now, again, if
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you look at those meetings that... took place there with pakistan regarding barter, a very important, let’s say, meeting, but with pakistan our trade is less than a billion, so that’s it so to speak , it is possible to do this with azerbaijan, it is very important in relation to this north-south, but our trade there with everywhere is growing, this is a very important point, with azerbaijan itself there is now 4 billion dollars and so on, it is growing with kazakhstan, where we 28 billion dollars, but again, if see the total trade turnover of kazakhstan 18. russia occupies it, is it a lot or a little? this is also a question that we need to think about, we need to think about methods and ways in order to really remain at parity in brix, in the sco. it seems to me that this task is quite within our capabilities, and i think that continuing this course will allow us to remain at the head of these organizations. well, i would like to thank you, dear colleagues, for your congratulations on the independence day of the republic of
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belarus. peasant red army, participants partisan and underground movement, during the offensive operation bagration, representatives of almost all nations of the soviet union fought in the ranks of partisans and underground fighters on the territory of belarus, the names of russians, ukrainians, azerbaijanis, armenians, moldovans are named after the streets of the city of the hero of minsk, so our diplomats are everywhere where -it is only possible that they are looking for those few surviving
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authorities, but certainly not the policy of our president; indeed, what are the possibilities for training the civilian population if tomorrow there is a war, tomorrow you will go on a campaign, the law on the people's militia was adopted, it seems to me that responsible officials should hear me and speed up the development of this bill into real actions on earth. let me remind you that this was accepted in belarus, this is in belarus, we, i repeat, are constantly learning and preparing, and even the parade that was discussed today was in the program, it was a demonstration of our military capabilities, we have achieved a lot over the past 4 years, it took place fundamental changes in defense and security policy, amended military doctrine, the concept of national security has been updated by 70%, in the end we have created constitutional opportunities for the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons of the russian federation on the territory of the republic of belarus, and i am absolutely convinced that the specialists in foreign intelligence centers there
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have remained competent.
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for the americans, or rather for the usa, after which they launched a series of wars, including occupying part of the territory of mexico, and now ended with the announcement that the world supposedly should exist for some reason rules that are written in washington, and which they do not show to anyone, as they call it, in my opinion, our heroic ancestors defeated something similar almost 80 years ago, we should not have any illusions in this regard.
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authorities, we become the tenth member of the shanghai cooperation organization, this means all those projects that our enemies painted in western capitals, that belarus will be isolated, we will be pariahs in this world, they wanted to quarrel us with russia, what you said this
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detention, it’s still clear now, it was a special operation of foreign intelligence services, fortunately we figured it out, everyone there is cunning, but it turns out that we too can do something, all these plans have completely failed, we are strengthening ourselves in the international arena, but we also need ... to understand the sco is not an anti-american organization, it is an alternative format, perhaps a proposal for some new multipolar world, the contours of which we are now only drawing, it is extremely important that in this structure, for example, there is turkey, which is also a member of the euro-atlantic community, on some tracks we cooperate, on others we compete, this is a new world, the rules of which have to be created, but this world will definitely be more fair than that wretched... planetary world order led by a sheriff who allowed 183 conflicts, of which several are extremely bloody, being observed now. well, in conclusion, one more idea, i recently read a statement by the speaker of the us congress johnson that
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the international criminal court is an encroachment on the sovereignty of the state, they america needs to punish this court and put in its place the prosecutor of the international criminal court, khan. here. since the international criminal court is not satisfied, maybe we, russia, belarus, iran, other states have been subjected to for decades, sanctions against our country were first introduced in 1997, it’s not like weights on our legs that prevent us from developing, for decades they we are discriminated against, crimes are committed, we need to think about creating our own court, legal assessment, and so on bringing criminals to justice after our inevitable. victory, i agree, that's all, see you tomorrow.
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it’s 7 a.m. in st. petersburg, cloudy, a slight warming awaits us in the first half of the day, now in st. petersburg it’s +3, snow and rain in the second half of the day.
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i’m busy in general, i’m just a minute, report back, fyodor looked at the results of your work. and decided to give you a bonus in the amount of two salaries based on the results of the third quarter, well , i knew that sooner or later you would appreciate it, and i also think, fedor, you should have a week’s vacation to give, paid, well, straighten out a discounted voucher, our departmental sanatorium, the same one where only you, big shots, relax, it’s wrong, this is fedor, he works for us anyway, no big deal.
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do you remember how i borrowed 500 rubles from you 3 months ago? so here they are, fedya, i’m returning, free, fedya, fedya, fedya, kurochkin, we’ll beat you, what are you doing? vasilvich, listen, what about you? have you seen where i am now, where i
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put 500 rubles now? 500 rub. well, 500 rubles. debt, you gave it to me, you just gave it to me, well, i don’t know now that you suddenly remembered, wow, ah what's going on? murder at the zanevsky market, patrol officers confirm where it is? in the backyard. hello, hello! where is the corpse? there are no traces here, it doesn’t look like they were dragged, seriously? so you think he came here himself? what can you do with a tank? okay, they weren’t looking for shell casings, my partner
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went to find the witnesses, i don’t understand, but he told the police who vasilich was, when he gave the tip, he funny thing was, he said that he could barely make out what they were saying, apparently he wasn’t russian, you called? i said to the police, did you call? where did you get it? yes, there are a lot of them there, they all seem to live here, they saw me all over the place, so, well, what do the guards say? yes, there are only three security people for the entire territory, but what do they need? three guards and these hundreds of three thugs like that, okay,
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we need to talk to the guards, yes, yeah, yes, we’re stuck here. zlat, what did you forget in the refrigerator? you 're stuck again, and i don't want to be late for school. now, wait, i’ll quickly warm it up for you? no, i don't want to eat at all. mom, you don't need anything. go get ready yourself. i quickly. so.
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why. so it turns out that that yard, well, the garbage cans are not controlled, why do we need to control the garbage, there is a camera there, but it is turned towards the gate, yeah, why? why, for example, is there no post at that gate, these gates haven’t been opened for five years now, the camera is there so that it can be seen if someone tries to open it, and how the garbage is taken out, through the third gate, at the first and thirdly there are posts, these locked tightly are of no use here, it turns out that
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the place is remote and no one is there, why isn’t there, sometimes there are sellers... during the day they smoke, sometimes they throw out the garbage, sometimes they throw out the cafeteria and the canteen, the sellers throw away the packaging, yeah, well, in a word, they couldn’t have killed him during the day, it’s unlikely that anyone would have noticed, listen, what do you need the second magazine for, to make it calmer, yes. i see, okay, well, what time do you close the doors? about twelve, why so late? if the market closes at 10, while the sellers are counting the proceeds, while the pavilions are closed, that’s what
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happens somewhere. and how many people remain? how do i know who it is? will count everyone sometimes someone stays overnight, and if it’s a weekend, then for the whole weekend, it’s generally time for me to go on rounds, i’ll take a walk with you, you heard me, wow, and i, uh-huh, excuse me, i listened, i and i for my own sake. and you also heard about the report on the results of the month, i will prepare it today, like today, i thought that it was ready a long time ago, but you haven’t even started, everyone
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is free, marya sergeevna stay. masha, what is it, what’s going on, why don’t i recognize you lately, i ’ll prepare everything today, but not today, not rapport, what’s wrong with you, masha, everything’s fine, well , there’s something in the family, everything’s fine, no, well, i mean, if you need a vacation, i ’ll give it, thank you, no need. “i wanted to entrust the matter to you, i won’t, why, i’m fine, but what’s the matter, only we have a bonus for everyone, when buying three goods, the fourth is 150%, it’s useful, it’s on the second floor, number
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2058, don’t pass by , clothes from italy, turkey at discounted prices, good morning, marya sergeevna, hello, hello, why, yes, mine are all in full swing, but the chickens are not i was on duty yesterday, that is, you want to say that you will quickly deal with this matter yourself, you can’t go there, so what should you do , put away your phone, or that you don’t like something, no, no, that you, one might say, are lucky, i might be offended, i’ll tell you, hello, hello, great.
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i didn’t hear anything, well, of course, small cartridges, they’re generally like puk-puk, like percussion caps, and if you offer a barrel, excuse me, please,
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then you won’t hear anything at all, if they put a barrel on him, it means he knew the killer, and the identity was established, no, he has documents no, he was not listed in the market administration, well , this is what kurochkin is doing right now, oh, where is he, captain, what, go ahead? come on , come on, come on, forward, forward, forward, forward, scroll forward, more, in kurychkin, leonid, are you sleeping or something, why are you, never at all, what have you got here, here, show me, show me, leonid nikolaevich corridor, so where did he go, where? to where we find him. no, wait, wait, what next? so what next? all? nothing interesting. we've already
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scrolled up to five, right up to the time when the bell rang. no one appeared there except their watchman. at night, the watchman came out into the courtyard to close the door, just around twelve. yes. so, i think that at that time he was already deeply dead. is it possible to use cameras to track where he went in the market? well, like this. what are we doing, but there is almost no hope, because there are few cameras, but we know that his bag was stolen, it was not found, here are the witnesses, please, let us pass, please, quickly, look carefully, you see, the keys, the keys, so. next is the wallet, wallet, here we are folding a pocket
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knife, a penknife, we examined it carefully, yes, now sign, please, where are you, thank you, you are free, let's go, these are all the things. yes, well, yes, there’s a wallet there for about 10 thousand rubles, well, the keys, they are apparently, but for the apartment, well , you need a clue, oh, yes, i see, i see , no warning, the identity has not been established, we need at least some kind of clue , to get the ball rolling, how nice it is to work with you, oh, i promise to serve him out of turn, thank you, and if i do everything quickly, i’ll same thing, just today.
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guys, we are here, well, at 23:00 he came out alone with his bag. yeah, yeah, how else can you get to the tanks? well, like on the street, you can, for example, walk around the building, yeah, well , we looked at the external cameras, by the way, marya sergena, here’s the head, come on, let’s look outside, but i’ve been sitting here half the night, fyodor, that’s enough, that’s it complains, complains, now let’s finish watching, go and rest. who besides the guards could have discovered him and reported him? cleaners, who else? did you find cleaners? where to look for them? on
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the other side of the building where the tanks are? there is an entrance to the basement is on the right side, only you will need a translator there, we’ll figure it out, maria sergeevna, sit down, bye, no, no, no, i still need to submit a rapport, so guys, finish, report to me, if you come in person, i’ll treat you to tea, no threats , i can drink tea in my sleep, okay, marya sergeevna, why do i dream about money anyway, a lot? well, article 290, well , part four, oh, not good, look, they can’t write obvious things in the protocol, but what is this, i don’t understand anything at all, excuse me, what’s up with the murder, my neighbor for now not installed gunshot, possibly robbery, now i’ll be there in 15 minutes right now, yeah, that means
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tomorrow you’ll report what you managed to do there in hot pursuit. well, don’t forget the report, yes, of course, sorry again. yes, hi, hi, how are you? yes, did you get hit hard? no, that’s not the point, in principle he never yells at me, it’s disgusting, but i can’t put myself together, i don’t know, well, nothing, nothing, we still have a day left, mash, you’re right some kind of person, leave me alone,
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why are you, well, that’s what she is like, you need to fly to london. well, i fly there, and he’s there with this one, so what? you know what, if he decided to leave, nothing will stop him. well, why do you think he decided to leave? okay, but then how do you understand, this is all, these photos, here, mash, calm down, it’s all not serious, family is different, how do you know, it’s simple.
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this is some kind of mistake, i’m talking about redevelopment, a little more, just a little bit, oh, what are you doing, what kind of belly festival have you arranged for yourself, are you flaunting your wealth, you’re some kind of crazy, they said that we won’t find a free table, that’s it, well done, timofeeva, don’t study, knowledge is power, from... the history of a big country on friday on rtr. igor konstantinovich, yes, and you? and i am your daughter. you take me for a fool, honestly. let's see this weekend! i need to know
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who i'm dealing with, who sent you? before my mother died, my mother told me about you, and i, fool, decided to see you. so what, now your daughter will live in our house? we are of the same blood. you and i, you have a miracle brother, if that, and you have a miracle sister. give this one the girl has enough money. i know that she is my daughter, she has no one but me. i think i'm in love. i love dad, you know, i don’t love you like a sister, swing on saturday, nerter, catch, fish, big or small, well, in general, i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins , whether tasty can be useful,
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i’ll try it. the level of inflammation decreases and pain decreases. can usefulness be pleasant? fantastic. can science be understood? a do you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on saturday on rtr. well, why do you want divorces? she seems to be all chic with money, but there is melancholy in her eyes. this morning
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in the store she was telling me how she missed her husband, how she wanted to go to the city, that’s how? this is sergei, he just arrived without warning. what, a husband can’t come to his own wife without warning? three girls on saturday at rta. well, okay, could someone from the street come in at that time? not ours? 10, the main gate is closed, all traffic is through the entrance. if someone walked in the opposite direction, it would be visible, especially since there is a camera there. well, where could he appear on camera? yes, if he knows the location of the cameras, then nowhere, but apparently he knows, thank you, of course,
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but he could have done without it, what do you mean?
11:25 pm
washes their floors, she also says that he’s not from here, card, card, card, no, no card, so, here’s what we have, oh-oh-oh-oh, come on, come on, come on, what is this? i wonder where this fragment comes from?
11:26 pm
that your cleaners all live in such mansions, but no, the guys live in the basements upstairs, and here i’m sort of like a foreman, well , i’m babbling in russian, and besides, i’ve been here in st. petersburg for the longest time, you speak for the foreman, well yes, well, sort of like that. very interesting, very interesting,
11:27 pm
just like that. so our program is continued by the st. petersburg classics, the classics must be looked for clearly, in what context? in the context of the economy, oh, how i started talking about homemade food did you want it, or what? there’s nothing to sweat about, however, food wouldn’t hurt either, but i haven’t tried to buy socks, that’s what i’m saying, someone should do this, someone upset me, you understand, i go to this tajik’s den, and they have to take off their shoes there.
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11:29 pm
viktor ivanovich, i’ve prepared a report, uh- huh, what happened to you, that you’re not yourself, but i can help with something, no. family, uh-huh, well, as they say, family is family, you know, usually in this life everything is not as scary as it seems, he’s in london, yes, well, forget about him until he returns from there, how can you forget, he’s your husband? well
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, then fly to him in london, torment yourself like that, why? go home and think, it’s like home, there’s a mess in the office, and koralev will come now, about today’s business, uh-huh, masha, masha, and you, get everything else out of your head. they say that candy helps, well , take a candy, thank you, oh, we’re all ready, there’s more fat available now, he found something there, who wants tea, i’d like it stronger, and i won’t refuse, but what do you mean, he was killed in the market not local, well, in the sense that he doesn’t work here, well, in the sense that he doesn’t live, in the market?


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