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tv   Taini sledstviya-13  RUSSIA1  July 4, 2024 2:05am-2:55am MSK

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states of russia, india, iran, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, china, pakistan, tajikistan and uzbekistan. in donetsk, two residents were wounded as a result of shelling in the petrovsky district. earlier , hymers rockets destroyed a supermarket in the kiev region. the shelling occurred before the store opened; there were no customers. and in energodar, three ukrainian drones attacked a substation connected to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. both transformers were damaged, eight people were injured. the head of rusatom said that the strike on the facility was targeted, right at at that moment, the brigade was restoring power supply. in the zone of extreme overheating, now 2/3 of the european part of russia, where 60% of the country's population lives. the heat is intensifying, and the city's energy systems are strained to the limit. moscow breaks daily records for temperatures of +33 in the shade. there has not been such heat for the last 107 years. the heat briefly gives way to thunderstorms, but does not bring ashes. in transbaikalia, lack of
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rain, high temperatures, strong winds complicate the fight against forest fires, the fire has not been stopped for several years days, fires are rapidly spreading, the ministry of emergency situations sent aviation to protect populated areas. in the astrakhan region, soroncha took wing earlier than usual in the fields. a state of high alert was maintained in several areas at once, and intensive treatment of crops against the pest is underway. floods and... the landslides they caused caused the death of at least three people in venezuela. cities on the northeast coast were hit the hardest. at least 25 thousand people were affected by the bad weather. the regime continues in the coastal states increased weather danger. many flights in the northeast of the country have been cancelled. in greece, forest fires are intensifying on the island of kos. the authorities are evacuating both locals and tourists en masse. from several hotels that were in close proximity to the fire. the authorities openly call that
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there is little hope for a quick improvement in the situation. this is a message, don't switch. launched in yekaterinburg. line for the production of microelectronics, the products are intended not only for the ural, but also for the entire russian industry, and the path from microchips to great future, report by dmitry nemytov. this is how ural microelectronics is born: a printed circuit board, the basis of any computing device, is loaded into a special machine, the machine itself applies solder paste in seconds and fills the product with chips at a speed of up to 40,000 components per hour. together with a private company,
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the middle urals development corporation acted as an investor in the creation of a microelectronics production line. this is our response to sanctions. gradually, russian developments should replace foreign ones in all areas. it's like a control system for - agricultural machinery, road construction equipment, complex control systems, complex production processes, such as metallurgy, mining, and household use, that is , household appliances or any other electronic products that we... widely use in production at home. the microelectronics manufacturer became the first resident of the cosmos ecosystem investment project. the decision to create it was previously made by governor evgeny kuibushev. the industrial technology park will unite scientific and production sites for various it companies. this way, they will get all the basic technologies they need in one place. our task for these kids is to bring everyone together, to help them line up in a cooperative chain, to help them use the opportunity to... equipment that everyone
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cannot buy separately, to produce, including, yes, really high -value products, such complex microcircuits , which today are not produced in our country, but for us this is a vital necessity. construction of a technology park it is planned to be completed before the end of 2025, but in the meantime, all technological processes and basic technologies of the cosmos ecosystem will be integrated into the digital platform. on july 8, it will be presented at the international industrial exhibition at prom-2024 on... all news in the application or on the website, remain always available on the media platform, watch in the russia channel, started.
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come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, right! morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning, hello, well, here it is thursday, july 4th on the calendar. vera krasova and denis stoykov greet you this morning. even scientists were surprised, no, not that. today here in the studio, it turns out that ants, if necessary, become doctors. a unique ability was discovered in florida tree ants. this species is capable of healing a comrade with paw injuries. first, the ant doctor cleans the wound, then assesses how
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dangerous it is. if there is a risk of infection, the limb is amputated, and the survival rate of the victim is 95%. this is the first time in nature when a complex medical procedure. is not brought about by man, but the new laws that came into force in july should help socially vulnerable russians, including measures to exempt parents from bank commissions when paying for utilities, parents of large families, pensioners and the disabled. but in practice, obtaining the required benefits is sometimes not easy, as dmitry zaitsev found out. the only hope is one’s own strength, but i would still like to enlist the support of my native state. alas, often human destinies drown in the indifference of the domestic bureaucracy, from which...
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social insurance fund, since i am an individual entrepreneur, i asked to insure me as a voluntary insurer, the specialist said that i need to pay voluntary
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contributions by december 31, 2023, the required 500 and kopecks yulia paid, but the insurance application itself never reached the fund , so the payment of the required 7,000 rubles was refused, i believe that it’s just that...
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i could have left my review or complaint about the work of this or that official, and the signal would have been guaranteed to go upstairs, and the applicant's proposal or request would be implemented as soon as possible. and today, on the state services portal, using the electronic document filing service, you can send claims, complaints and petitions to the court within the framework of civil and administrative procedural legislation. moreover, citizens will have the opportunity to participate remotely in meetings, in particular via the internet. this was stated by the supreme court, and in the meantime the ministry of digital development is working on expanding the project on criminal procedural issues. about work and the prospects of this system, we will talk with alena chaikina, associate professor of the department of civil and administrative litigation at kutafin university. alena, good morning. good morning, well, we have all
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been accustomed to various online services for quite a long time, but now in government services there is such an option as filing an application with the court. what is it, what is the advantage of this option over. an ordinary application to the court or maybe there are no such advantages, on the contrary, only disadvantages? i believe the main advantage is due to the opportunity for citizens not to go to court directly at the location of that court. time is wasted, in this case the system can simply independently redirect the application
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to the correct place of consideration? the service for automatically determining jurisdiction is currently running, but in test mode, citizens will be able, when they apply through this system, to choose the jurisdiction in general or independently, then the system will give certain hints, but there you need to contact the defendant’s place of residence, and if in your region and specifically in your location. well, he gave a link to the wrong article, so what should i do, what’s going on? in this sense, it must be said that now the system works as technical assistance to a citizen, that is, it cannot be said that it insures you against semantic errors, well, in the case of state duties, everything is simple, because the system determines property claims. the size of the state postenna itself, we will someday live to see the moment when a person will be able to write down his problem
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in ordinary human language, his system will translate it into the very bureaucratic judicial one, and because of it he will fill out the entire document. denis, of course, since now the ministry of digital development is working on this, gradually, i hope, your application will be recognized by artificial intelligence, which will allow it to be correctly assigned to jurisdiction, will allow... it is possible to correct some shortcomings on the lita, but maybe perhaps now there is an opportunity on the same government services or on some other portal to organize some kind of consultation for citizens, in the russian federation, there are three of the most reliable ways of free legal assistance, these are, firstly, legal consultations at the municipal level, the so -called bureau, and secondly, if a citizen has certain benefits, he has the right to receive free legal assistance in legal entities. thirdly, this is an application specifically to law schools or universities with law faculties, where
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so-called legal clinics are organized, and that this is all offline, all three ways, yes, it’s unfortunately offline for now, but i think which, by the way, is also a reason to think about making these clinics function online, we understand, thank you very much, thank you, and the system of remote access to court and its prospects, we spoke with an associate professor of the department of civil... administrative proceedings kutafin university, alena chaikina, have a nice day, hot premiere, take care of yourself, take care of your children, have a happy journey to russia with love, i wish we could answer the next anniversary, jackpot like a married couple, head, my god, you can become a donor for your wife bahar, i really want to live, no, don’t sign, mom, what are you doing? bahar by name. from monday at 15:00 on the russia channel. olives
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adapted to our latitude, new varieties of honey crops, bees resistant to all kinds of diseases. these are examples of scientific work that is being carried out thanks to the national project science and universities in new breeding centers throughout the country. greece, italy, spain. it’s strange that they come to mind when it comes to olives, but it turns out that in russia you can get such fruits on an industrial scale, at least scientists at the kurchatov genome center of the nikitsky botanical garden, where a huge collection of olive trees, 260 varieties and 2.0 hybrids are collected, are confident of this. all these varieties were brought here in order to replenish the collection, and in order to create on their basis their own russian varieties of olives, and...
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seed-growing and breeding centers. now there are already 35 of them in 25 constituent entities of the russian federation. the goal is to introduce modern technologies based on our own developments. this selection and breeding center is in the ryazan region, a sub-federal center of beekeeping. here, in particular, new lines of bees are bred. for example, bees with improved selection for
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royal jelly, bees resistant to diseases, yes, that is. we multiply those bees, those bee colonies that have shown these indicators and then introduce them into the farm. another direction is new varieties of honey plants, among them phacelia aleshinskaya. this genus is already famous for the fact that it blooms for almost 2 months in a row, but here they did so that the plants produce 20% more nectar. meanwhile, in this center at the samara institute of agriculture, they are working on crops that are familiar to us, such as wheat, beans and potatoes. recently. new equipment has appeared here, which will help to obtain new varieties faster, for example, a photo sorter. the device independently separates the seeds of different plants. let's say we have a batch of wheat contaminated with, say, sunflower, now this is a common situation, that is, he literally selects dark seeds by color sunflower from lighter wheat seeds,
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resulting in purity of almost 100%. a few minutes in... it would take a person a whole day to complete, although the main thing that speeds up the work of breeders is advanced molecular genetic techniques. if previously a new variety took at least 15 years to create, new technologies will reduce this period by half. the gang’s third foray is in just 5 days across moscow, damn what rumors are circulating, they even came up with a name, a death’s head, a gang of ordinary people doesn’t kill only.
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means armed. any remedy has when you seriously need to go, warned, the other side with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to?
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there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will bring benefits. the entire body takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information of the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. run yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. “your woman said that he was joking now or hasn’t received a diamond for a long time, she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what’s the matter, that ugly woman dismissed the servants, that i’ll marry her, i’ll only sleep with such a fearful person for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money, for
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a classic operation, what are you going to buy?” “there won’t be enough beauty, if you can’t wait for happiness, maybe it’s worth stealing it? let's go, i don't understand where, you're going to the mountains, you're a man, you're not responsible for your words, ugly love, on friday on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking. big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different ones from this room, absolutely without faces...
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real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality. let into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, the famous chinese gaoi mountain range, which is also called the blade for adrenaline lovers from all over the world, the width of the zone is... you can get to the top, from where an incredible beautiful view opens, in just 3 minutes, but try to pass if
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there are no fences on the sides, this is the main thing attraction, the legs give way even for those who have seen a lot of extreme sports, but those who reached the goal say it was worth it, and getting caught in a heavy downpour on the road is already a test for the car, how to save your iron horse if it is... injured from flooding, ivan zinkevich will tell you. this summer rich in heavy rains. in such weather , not only individual cars, but also entire underground parking lots can go under water. what to do if your car is flooded? is it possible to restore the operation of all systems? let's figure it out. let's start with the body. yes, the outside is protected by a layer of varnish and paint coating, but when flooded, water gets into hidden cavities, which are much less protected.
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finishing, sound insulation and even airbags . the price for comprehensive drying of the interior starts from 2000 rubles. but most of all , electricians are afraid of water. in modern there is a lot of it in a car, because essentially it is its nervous system. water causes corrosion and oxidation of board connectors. this is fraught with failures, short circuits, and then it ’s not far from a fire. it is necessary to thoroughly check all electronic components. control of the car, it is necessary to perform maintenance, check electrical connectors and contact groups, but often it will be necessary to replace either individual sections
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of electrical wiring, as well as control units, possibly various vehicle systems. the power unit suffers when flooded. if the car went under water with the engine running, a water hammer is possible, which can completely disable it, but even in a more favorable situation, do not start it. car, if the units did not work, then change the oil, purge the connector, succulent wells, replace the filter, remove water from the pipes, everything will be fine. such work costs from 20,000 rubles. in any case, before restoring or selling such a car, assess the damage and your resources. in the most favorable scenario, if the entire car did not go under water, drying and checking all elements will cost at least 50,000 rubles. and of course, you need to be prepared. consequences that may appear much later, come on, come on with a smile,
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more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. the news will tell you about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. the main program of the shanghai cooperation organization summit starts today in astana. the main theme of the event is strengthening multilateral dialogue, striving for sustainable peace and development. leaders will hold council meetings plan to sign a package of twenty-four joint documents and final declarations. the program will continue with a sco-plus meeting with the participation of interested
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partners and guests. one. state ilham aliyev, discussed the development of the north-south transport corridor, met with the president of azerbaijan, the growth of mutual settlements in national currencies, the interaction of the economies of the two countries. vladimir putin also held a meeting with the president of mongolia, issues of trade, energy and the agricultural sector were discussed.
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destroyed the supermarket. the shelling occurred before the store opened. there were no buyers. in energodar, three ukrainian drones attacked a substation associated with the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. both transformers are damaged. eight people were injured. the head of rusatom said that the strike on the facility was targeted. just at this time, the brigade was restoring power supply. in dnepropetrovsk , the yuzhmash plant became the target for a powerful combined strike by the russian military. it is
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the main manufacturer of military products. missiles, drones are considered strategic an important facility for the ukrainian defense industry. in the poltava region, another iskander attack was carried out on the mirgorod military airfield. this time the target was a mi-24 helicopter and a support unit. three ukrainian unmanned boats were destroyed in the black sea. in the zone of extreme overheating, now 2/3 of the european part of russia, where 60% of the country's population lives. the fire is intensifying, urban. energy systems are running to the limit. moscow breaks daily records for temperatures of +33 in the shade. there has not been such heat for the last 107 years. heat briefly gives way to thunderstorms, but does not bring coolness. in transbaikalia, the lack of rain and high temperatures and strong winds complicate the fight against forest fires. the fire element has not been stopped for several days. the fires are spreading rapidly and the ministry of emergency situations has sent aircraft to the region. dozens of cities
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in southern china. flooded as a result of severe flooding under water, roads, houses, streets, bridges, in many areas there is no electricity, transport links have been disrupted, despite all the measures and the work of thousands of rescuers, coping with the consequences it doesn’t work, and the water doesn’t subside either. stay tuned, primorye biotechnologists. experiment on the conservation of endangered species . thus, they successfully completed the usuri taiga. report by elena shtylina. in the world of clones, among test tubes with aliens from the past, we meet such a mystery of nature. here, girls who are as similar as two peas in a pod are engaged in the introduction of plants. twin sisters anastasia and ksenia tell how they chose
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the same faculty after school. grew up in a small village in the primorsky territory and were always close to the forest, next to the river, that is, animals and plants were always nearby, somehow this love led, probably, to the specialty of school teachers , yeah. school teachers, of course, teachers can be proud, their graduates have chosen the noble mission of preserving endangered species of the usuri taiga, for example, rododen fariri, they propagate by cloning, growing perfect specimens of the glacial flora in test tubes. in 2022, we received seeds from colleagues from the sikhotal reserve and tried to obtain a culture from the seeds invitra, we multiply them in test tubes, we got almost... one hundred percent similarity of the seeds - this is very rare. in a sterile maternity hospital, in an artificially created environment, seedlings unanimously reach for the light. scientists have selected the necessary growth regulators and the root system quickly develops in a nutrient medium. it contains microelements and activated
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carbon that teach babies to take root in the ground, and now the seedlings are producing their first sprouts, which turn into green clones. a relict rhododendron from a test tube will bloom twice as fast as a wild one. in the spurs of sehota alina, where it has been preserved in nature, tourists admire the magical blooms, tropical soft white and cream flowers bloom among the northern dark coniferous forests, amazing the imagination. in the sekhaton nature reserve, i myself experienced several times periods of incredible simply mass flowering, these usually happen once every 4-5 years, and then, when the flowers fall, the whole earth is covered with these fallen white ones... in only five places on the planet has preserved such a miracle, in a changing climate radodendrenfaria is among the most vulnerable, and it’s good that in primorye there is
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passionate people who save unique creations of nature. elena shtylina, andrey tolstikhin, vesti primurye. in st. petersburg , the famous ushakovo baths will soon receive a rebirth. this. the building is a unique example of constructivism. in the thirties of the last century, the largest washing complex in leningrad was located here. and ekaterina gritsenko will tell you about the past and future of the monument of soviet architecture. built in 1930, the ushakovo baths were called giant. it was the largest washing complex in leningrad. 4.0 visits per day. the last time the ushakovo baths were heated was at the beginning of 2000. however, the boiler room pipes are even now ready for... they are perfectly preserved. once upon a time, these two dominants were part of a large architectural system. in the thirties, the area became a real training ground for the leningrad avant-garde. clarity of forms, harmony of geometry, embodied ideals, equality of justice. but the trouble
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with constructive buildings is that they were built from poor materials that could not resist time. instead of decoration , constructivists used the dynamics of simple forms here is a clear example: two rectangular buildings are connected by a wide half-cylinder, although here this is not just a means of expression; the smaller the perimeter of the walls, the more heat there is inside. in the semicircular volume at the shakov baths there were soap, showers and steam rooms, the hottest compartments, locker rooms in linear buildings, separate entrances for women and men. today's user of the building, yes, today's visitor, must still find himself in a single space of the lobby, where he can actually buy a ticket, yes, check things into the cloakroom and beyond already...
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there is this, well, plus a fencing for the roof, they will also emphasize this geometry, that is, it will look very holistic, architectural, constructivist, perhaps a new era at the shakovo baths will come in 2026 , there is hope that the work will be completed by this time, then the townspeople will fully appreciate the uniqueness of the soviet style, which still persistently calls to a bright future. ekaterina gritsienko, sergey skripkin, sergey larichev, vesti petersburg. all news is always available on the media platform. let's look at application or website. stay on the russia channel. a seventy-five-year-old pensioner from the rostov
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region, the best builder of bama, mikhail veleev, contacted the editors of the program. for almost half a century he has been searching for his own daughter, who was born during the legendary soviet construction period and disappeared without a trace. i can’t even imagine what she’s like, i don’t know anything about it. they began their own investigation and traced his daughter. will the long-awaited reunion of father and daughter take place? malakhov, today at 16:30. hello, good morning, well, it's thursday, the fourth of july on the calendar in the studio mornings of russia, denis stoykov, vera krasova, thursday, the fourth, right to four little black little devils, kalinka, malinka, the russians told which berries they love the most, every fourth, which characteristically gave theirs. the voice of strawberries, it won by a significant margin in almost all
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regions, the second and third places were shared by cherries and raspberries, followed by wild strawberries, cherries and blueberries, but however, in the far eastern district , honeysuckle was in second place, and raspberries took silver in volga, northwestern, siberian and ural districts, in last place almost everywhere was kostyanika, i don’t remember, another favorite summer treat is ice cream, though... many grumble the current ice cream is not the same, trying to find at least something similar to the old one from childhood . listen, let’s find the one that we ate in childhood, so delicious, tender, that literally melted in our mouth, it’s that ice cream from his soviet childhood that pensioner nikolai shakhov is trying to find these days, he says it’s not easy, and even though many labels say the word ice cream, the taste and most importantly the texture itself are no longer the same, for some reason the structure has become liquefied, and as soon as it melts - ice cream, yes, it is immediately liquid, in our time it is
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ice cream for a long time, even when i melt it, it leaves its shape, and this colossal difference is noticed by many who have at least once tried ice cream according to those soviet standards, in my opinion it has somehow become more lumpy, there are ice stars, then it was that honey did not have enough fat content, probably the glory of soviet ice cream was determined by the state hundred . 1741, thanks it was produced without the use of preservatives using a single technology, with only milk, cream, butter , and sugar as ingredients. soviet ice cream contained at least 15% fat, but there was no technology that could whip it well, hence the under-whipped effect and such an unusual taste and melting texture. because the fats were difficult to whip, the ice cream remained dense, and the melting texture was provided by the naturalness of these same fats. milk fat melts. when it hits the tongue, yes, it starts to melt, ice cream,
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which does not really melt in the mouth, yes, this is the ice cream that is made with a milk fat substitute, and today this is legal for ice cream made with sweat, almost 50% of the fats in it can be vegetable, the ice cream becomes less fat, but in order to stabilize the mass stabilizers and emulsifiers enter, which naturally changes the structure and density of the product itself, however, this is not a minus for everyone, because more and more people, afraid of gaining an extra kilo , are increasingly looking for something lighter, some even switch to fruit ice, manufacturers are meeting new demands by removing any fat from the composition, although they compensate for this loss with a large amount of sugar. to give a more rich taste, you need to compare the sugar of each fruit ice specifically, it can be either quite a lot of sugar, or much more than the recommended daily requirement, so just a little, in addition to sugar , such a fruit dessert may contain food coloring, flavor enhancers, so ... it is still unclear what is better, eating it or a fatty
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ice cream, because the chances of gaining an extra kilo the excess of sugars is much higher. it is better to eat a small amount of ice cream with a high fat content and get that true pleasure that melts in your mouth. you can find this these days, experts say, as a rule, this ice cream is made according to gost, vegetable fats and stabilizers are not allowed in it, which means that in terms of structure and taste it is closest to the soviet one that the older generation so yearns for. what? if you should limit yourself, it’s when you travel, but in the state duma they proposed creating a project of patriotic and historical tourism for schoolchildren. the initiative involves state funding of such trips for students in third and eleventh grades, nearby cities within one or more neighboring regions. at the moment, russia already has a free travel program for students in grades five to nine, but only trips for children, parents and other accompanying necessities are subsidized...
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indeed, as you correctly said, now in russia there is a program within the framework of a national project, connected with tourism and hospitality, there is a special program under which children travel individually, and then if... parents know that they need to apply, my proposal is this, i wrote this letter to the government, organize school trips for the whole class, this, on the one hand, will pay group, on the other hand, parents do not need to worry, especially from large families, who will travel with children, because there will be a teacher,
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whom the state must pay for this trip, this is not currently available, and b, there should , of course, be an accompanying person from tours contractor, and as for parents,
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what happens is that either someone simply doesn’t even have that opportunity to participate, or people don’t know about it, so maybe make some additional criterion that the most distinguished children can participate there, or for good studies, or, for example, for participation in some kind of volunteer projects, then we will seemingly reduce the number of those who can take part, but then we will pay the travel expenses for either... the teacher or the parent. another question for organizing such a trip: what kind of trip? travel agency, what kind of tour operator will do this, who controls the work of this tour operator, will there be a specific list of agencies that can do this? at the moment, we have a contractor company where you can apply with this
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certificate, if this program is supported and these are school trips, then in this case a school, how to educate. the organization will already be able to apply, but in a comprehensive manner the contractor will already be contacting the company together with the school - this is the ministry of education in this case, together with the company will organize this trip, then of course everything will be provided for, how will schools know that they have such an opportunity, and who will pay for it? i think we will organize a special working group that will develop all the criteria and proposals fairly soon. how will all this be arranged, from the point of view of paying, i believe that this is in the state interests, this should be supported by the state, we understand, thank you very much, the first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on education answered our question yana lantratova, thank you, and not singing in this
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duet, well, what is the intensity of the walk, not the last people on our stage, but because i... so said, in the last episode of the detective show, the choice has been made, catch me if you can, incredible final game, come on, tomorrow at 21:30, there is no scarier than a cat, there is no beast, scientists from turkey, canada and portugal have found out why some cats scratch more often than others, it turned out that it’s all about stress, primarily caused by the presence of home for small children. another factor is too long games. it is better to play with a cat a little, but several times a day. imitation of hunting awakens the natural instinct in predators, which makes the animal more calm. well, the third point is the nature of the beast. if, for example, a cat is unsociable, she needs to create as many safe hiding places as possible, then
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there will definitely be fewer scratches. yep, the chair is intact. but cats also do not like to change their habitats, unlike people who are happy to move. speeding, serious violations committed by russian drivers, there are quite a lot of them, and the fines for them are not small, for example, for speeding by 60 kilometers or more you will have to pay 5,000 rubles or lose your license for 1 year in the same amount. it will cost you to violate traffic rules on railway tracks or repeatedly run a red traffic light. driving a car without a license from 5 to 15 thousand, the most serious fines,
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of course, are for drunk driving and refusal of a medical examination. for the first such violation - 30,000 rubles. for a repeat the amount is tens of times more. the largest fines are us for violating traffic rules are provided for in the criminal code, and the maximum fine is 300,000 rubles. this is for repeated driving while intoxicated, for the third time driving into the oncoming lane, for the third big one. speeding, although this norm is not applied now, for the fact that a person got behind the wheel for the third time, having already been deprived of the right to drive, there are quite large fines, but in addition to the fine, if a person has a relapse, then he can get a real deprivation of liberty. in addition, the car persistent violators, which are in their property, are subject to confiscation. a similar measure was introduced into the criminal code back in 20202, and is now actively used in courts, while this punishment is mandatory, and not one of the options. at the discretion of the judge, if a motorist decides to drive his car again while drunk, then as a result his
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car will be confiscated, and the money that will be raised from the sale of this car at auction will go to the regional budget, within the framework of these auctions and the car is sold, the price is set according to the market or lower, in this case the judge simply does not have a choice of what to demand, confiscation of the car is mandatory, there are no more options, by the way, confiscation. a vehicle that is in the possession of the accused and other persons will be subject to, for example, joint ownership of spouses, but if at the time of the court decision the offender sells his car, then it will still not be possible to avoid punishment; he will be charged an amount equal to the cost of the car. straight out of the movie avatar: bioluminescent organisms in norway turned the water in the bay into magic. plankton cause waves in the pacific ocean to fluoresce, attracting tourists. this lasts only a few days, so everyone is in a hurry to capture themselves with an amazing natural phenomenon, it even seems that this
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video is the work of a neural network, but the reality is still able to impress us. and then, broccoli for freckles, and coffee for tanning. we’ll show you how to give yourself a well-rested, fashionable look in a few minutes. say you love me, i love you. van, well, somehow you ’re saying it wrong, i don’t know how to do it any other way. well, what? you're getting tense, right? not the last people on our stage. but because i
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said so. in the latest episode of the detective show. catch me if you can incredible final game. on friday. on rtl. igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i’m your daughter, you ’re taking me for a fool, well, honestly, we’re looking at the weekend, help, i need to know who i’m dealing with, who sent you, my mother told me about you before she died, and i the fool decided to see you, so what, now your daughter will live in our house? we are of the same blood, you and i.


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