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tv   Taini sledstviya-13  RUSSIA1  July 4, 2024 2:55am-3:45am MSK

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what did i say in the last episode of the detective show, the choice has been made, catch me if you can, an incredible final game, come on friday on rtl, igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i am your daughter, you take me for a fool, well, honestly ? we're looking at the weekend, help me, i need to know who i'm dealing with, who sent you, my mother told me about you before she died, and i foolishly decided to see you, so now your daughter will live in our house, we are of the same blood, you and me, you have a miracle brother, if anything, but you have miracle sister, “give this girl money and that’s enough,
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i know that she’s my daughter, she has no one but me, i think i’ve fallen in love, and i love, dad, you know, i don’t love like a sister, swing, on saturday on rtr, you look alone, what is our task to open all the boards, we can handle it if you ask..." whoever is on the ropes. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works. how much will it be 7.8? 7.8, 7.8, how many k? those who are at work talk a lot and loudly. if you answer, then with humor. i'm chopping oak. no, pinch. problems with water, light, uh, lcd, i don’t know what else,
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geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, vanishing talent, as scientists call it. emotions, it turns out, affect neural connections, and the wrong neurobiological mechanism blocks the processes that are responsible for the ability to cope with fears, and creativity requires inner peace, where can you get it when emotions are off the charts? in general,
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female success is hit by neuron, talent, come on, goodbye, who will be then worry about you, for everyone, but women have no equal in the ability to decorate themselves, summer is a great time for this, glue freckles on your nose, braid feathers in your hair, learn how to create a tan effect on your face, life hacks that help you give yourself a rested look, our internet podgorki, hello, well, i found broccoli, how much should you take, 10 packs, what? what do you do with them, salt them, or what? more interestingly, thanks to the internet, in a couple of weeks broccoli has become a must-have for all the girls on the internet, because with its help you can draw perfect freckles. just apply it to inflorescence dark foundation or bronzer and apply. in general, cute hemp, a hot trend in recent summer seasons, they give the face a childlike spontaneity and, not so important, natural. another fun
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summer trend for a burnt face. red cheeks and nose are very popular today, of course, for this we will not put our face in danger and expose it to direct rays; sun kisses can be painted with blush. now that we've sorted out the face, we can decorate our hair with feathers. no longer new, but every year fashionistas continue to invent new ways to create summer hairstyles, you will need a regular hairpin, fishing line and a couple of feathers to suit your taste. in general, we open the internet and choose any decoration, we will be limited only by our imagination. so, well, everything is ready, although i don’t know, my ear is hairy, it will be hot in the summer.
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after the news. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. big meeting in astana. vladimir putin held talks with the presidents of azerbaijan, turkey and china. today is the main day of the sco summit. ukrainian drones targeted energodar, eight people injured due to the threat of power supply to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. incredible heat. moscow has not experienced such heat for 107 years. in transbaikalia , forest fires are being fought, and the fires are spreading rapidly. this is broadcast on
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the russia channel. the main news in the studio karina ilyina. hello. the main program of the shanghai cooperation organization summit starts today in ostan. the main theme of the event is strengthening multilateral dialogue, striving for sustainable peace and development. leaders will hold council meetings in plans to sign the package of the twenty-four joint documents of the final declaration. the program will continue with a sco-plus meeting with the participation of interested partners and guests. one of the results of the meeting will be the signing of a decision on belarus’ membership in the organization. and the day before , vladimir putin had a big day of negotiations. the russian head of state met with the president. azerbaijan ilham aliyev, discussed the development of the north-south transport corridor, the growth of mutual settlements in national currencies, the interaction of the economies of the two countries. vladimir putin also held a meeting with the president of mongolia, issues of trade, energy and the agricultural sector were discussed. putin discussed these topics with the prime minister of pakistan, and also talked
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about interaction in the international arena. on the sidelines of the summit, a meeting between the presidents of russia and turkey took place, and they talked about the situation in ukraine, israel and syria. the turkish leader said that trade turnover, but it remains at a fairly high level, 55 billion dollars, if we count in dollar equivalent, we are implementing all our major projects, in this i mean, everything is going on schedule, according to plan, there are no glitches, uh, i would like to note that
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last year we probably saw a record number of our tourists in turkey, 6.3 million people.
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the supermarket was destroyed, the shelling occurred before the store opened, there were no customers. in energodar, three ukrainian drones attacked a substation connected to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. both transformers were damaged, eight people were injured. the head of rusatom said that the strike on the facilities was targeted. just at this time the brigade was restoring energy supply. in dnepropetrovsk , the yuzhmash plant became the target for a powerful combined strike by the russian military. it is the main manufacturer of military products. in the poltava region, another iskander attack was carried out on the mirgorod military airfield. this time the target was a mi-24 helicopter and a support unit. three ukrainian unmanned boats that tried to attack ships in
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the waters of the naval base in novorossiysk were destroyed in the black sea. in the zone of extreme overheating, now 2/3 of the european part russia, where 60% of the population lives. the heat is intensifying, and the city's energy systems are strained to the limit. moscow is breaking daily records for temperatures of +33 in the shade, such heat has not happened for the last 107 years, the heat is briefly replaced by thunderstorms, but... they do not bring coolness, in transbaikalia, the lack of rain, high temperatures, strong winds complicate the fight against forest fires, fire elements i haven’t been able to stop it for several days now. the fire is spreading rapidly, the ministry of emergency situations sent aircraft to the region. area of ​​fires in the amur region already more than 40 and a half hectares. acrid smoke and fumes from 64 recorded outbreaks. border security districts have been curtained, on international routes almost...
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in the states, a regime of increased weather danger remains, many flights to the northeast of the country have been cancelled. and in greece , forest fires are intensifying on the island of kos. the authorities are evacuating both locals and tourists en masse from several hotels that were in close proximity to the fire; vacationers were transported to the stadium right at night. the fires that have engulfed the island have already destroyed many buildings. we have not yet been able to control the fire. authorities openly admit that hopes for a quick improvement are improving. the situation is not enough. wildfires are burning in california.
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a forced evacuation has been announced in the northern regions of the state. 13 thousand residents were forced to leave their homes. hundreds of firefighters are trying to control the fire. state authorities have requested federal assistance to combat the fires. this is to lead. don't switch. a microelectronics production line was launched in yekaterinburg, the products are intended not only for the urals, but also for the whole russian industry. and the path from microchips to a great future, report by dmitry nemytov. this is how ural microelectronics was born: the printed circuit board. the basis of any computing device is loaded on a special machine. the machine applies it itself. solder paste fills products with chips in seconds at a speed of up to 40,000 components per
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hour. together with a private company, the middle urals development corporation acted as an investor in the creation of a microelectronics production line. this is our response to sanctions. gradually russian developments must replace foreign ones in all areas. it is like a control system for agricultural machinery, road construction equipment, complex control systems for complex production processes, such as metallurgy, and emerging cities. industry, and for household purposes, that is, both household appliances or any other electronic products that we widely use in production and in everyday life. the microelectronics manufacturer became the first resident of the cosmos ecosystem investment project. the decision to create it was previously made governor evgeny kuibushev. the industrial technology park will unite scientific and production sites for various it companies under one roof. this way they will get everything they need in one place. basic technologies, our task for these kids is to bring everyone together, to help them line up in a cooperative chain, to help them
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use the opportunity on equipment that everyone cannot buy separately, to produce, including indeed high-value products, such complex microcircuits that not for today are produced in our country, but for us this is a vital necessity. construction of the technology park is planned to be completed by the end of 2025, but for now all the technological processes and basic technologies of the ecosystem. watch in the app or on the website, stay on the russia channel, let's start.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing. hello, good morning to everyone. joined us today along with you, and today is the 4th of july, thursday, denis stoykov, vera krasova, in during the day in our telegram channel, by the way, what remains behind the scenes, so join us, there is a lot of interesting things there, yes, subscribe, robotic miners in russia for the first time tested the mechanical dog dobrynya underground. the test drive took place in the perm region in conditions where it is difficult or dangerous for a person
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to be, equipped with video cameras, thermal imagers, light radars, laser scanners and analyzers. they also built 3d navigation into dobrynya, learned to walk along stairs and rubble, well, such an iron assistant can withstand a load of 20 kg, monitor the environment to ensure the safety of people. i wonder if he is nikitich? robots underground, driverless vehicles on the roads, and computer-controlled vehicles are already being implemented in some areas of transportation. how to ensure security and is the infrastructure ready for the emergence? cars, let's figure it out, so i turned on the autopilot, the car drives itself, let go of the steering wheel, take your feet off the pedals and relax, moscow resident artyom shows how the autopilot function is implemented in his electric car, the young man couldn’t be happier, traffic jams and long trips are no longer tiring, i have learned to trust it so much that i can calmly turn it on and move in traffic,
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the car really holds the road well, controls the flow, and slows down, but all this is done in ideal road conditions. should something go wrong , for example, a sudden change of lane by another car or unclear markings, the robot immediately turns off. she sometimes sees traffic lights where there are none, it happens, she sees, if you know, such billboards on the road, she perceives their shadow as an obstacle, of course, until such systems are still far from a full-fledged autopilot; it is more of an advanced driver assistant, but now we can talk about the explosive development of unmanned technologies; robots are beginning to replace the person behind the steering wheel, although not on public roads yet . in closed road networks, for example, an unmanned carrier that works 24x7 in a pesheland gypsum mine. we no longer require the descent and ascent of personnel; we already add several hours of work there per day. in st. petersburg the principle of machine thinking was implemented by trams information into the computer comes from various sensors, lidar and video cameras. the data is processed by neural networks, they compare
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what they see with pre-collected statistics and classify objects. trams are already on the line, however, under the supervision of a person in the cabin, this is required by traffic rules. traffic lights, try, for example, in the dark, to distinguish the traffic signal from advertising lights, from other spotlights, lanterns, and so on. the system does this without error. experts state: in closed road networks on rail in transport, drones are already ready to replace humans, so for them to appear on public roads, we need to solve a number of challenges, first of all, prepare the infrastructure so that... cameras, sensors and ledars can navigate even in snowstorms and fog, we need to analyze some complex intersections , it is possible to slightly install several additional sensors that will help unmanned vehicles transmit information, provide communication lines, the second important point, which is increasingly discussed, is the provision of computer
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security, like any it system, the drone must be reliably protected from hacking, at any time it will be necessary... to be able to turn off the movement, we know about a huge number of website hacks, operating systems and software are hacked . and finally, one of the key issues is legal subtleties, for example, who will be responsible if the robot gets into an accident; only after calculating all these points can we populate the roads with drones. well, populating roads with unmanned public transport and let's continue the conversation with the director of the department of digital development and data economics. well, really, one of the most important issues of launching public unmanned transport is the infrastructure, if it’s clear with the tram, it’s a closed system, and unmanned buses are the distant future, or can we start testing now, for example, over some short distances? you know how to look at it, here on the one hand the readiness
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is high, because a significant amount of technologies that are used are already they are tested in many ways... similar to both for road transport, for freight transport, which we already have in large numbers making flights and using, and another thing is that when we talk about public transport, then this is a completely different level of responsibility, reliability and security, so there is no rush here, the next launch is indeed driverless trams, but theoretically a driverless bus is also ready, i think, but at the moment we don’t have such applications right now, we are not considering it yet, the metro again same thing if there is a mask. take, probably, it would also be possible to launch an unmanned metro and at the same time people, drivers would be freed up, vacancies could be transferred to buses, but how can i say this? of course, we did not expect such a reaction that the result of our technological track would be the transfer of drivers behind the wheel of a bus, this is such an unexpected turn, yes, yes, we need
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to look at it more closely, but seriously speaking, in principle, consideration of the use of driverless technologies is taking place there, where does the shortage occur and where there is economic feasibility, a shortage of labor in the metro, the same as with buses, we have not yet considered. experiments, so far we haven’t had any such experiments, in terms of trams, well, the line itself is physically separated, but in general it’s still thinking, when we get into an unmanned vehicle, it must also be completely reliable, it has in its electronic brains hardwired, fully programmed map of where it is, well, if there is snow, rain, blizzard, emergency situation, hole in the asphalt, on the road someone ran out, a scooter drove onto the road, whatever, the human factor, that’s how... i even think that you, as the beginning of the list of what awaits us on the street, just read it, there are much more threats from a roadless vehicle means it is
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possible to look much further thanks to lidars, there is a backup system, that is, if the weather is really bad, he can switch, he also has a radar system that reacts closer and reacts faster and he looks always and everywhere, and in unlike us, he doesn’t get tired, not bad mood, nothing, you can’t tell him, let’s hurry up, i’m late, i have a date or something else, security... there is such a mechanism, experimental legal regimes under federal law 258, what does this mean? when the company came to us they said: i want to test a drone, but there are... legal norms that do not allow this, we specifically , within the framework of our law, are developing a personal legal framework for them, which fully describes how they will
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test this technology, by and large communication occurs with the engineer, who is the engineer-driver, who is behind the wheel, if it is wats2, then the operator communicates, because the operator still has everything, even if suddenly there was no connection, well, suddenly this has never happened before never happened, and it is impossible to contact anyone, there is a telephone. which is written directly on the car , in less than an hour, employees will arrive there and all the necessary manipulations will take place; for the participant in the second movement, no difference will occur, that is, it will be entered as the driver, the engineer or the operator who will drive up understood you, thank you very much, our questions were answered by the director of the department of digital development and data economics of the ministry of economic development of russia, vladimir voloshin, have a nice day, sergey parkhomenko, aka seryoga, was sitting opposite - one of my friends, i bet that i will now write a song that will blow up all the charts, it will be called black, i have your favorite song near your house, i would love to perform
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this song for you. with borisomnikov, tomorrow at 15:00, the lights of the big city will soon go out, in hong kong there are 12,000 neon you... the usual leaf shape, it has been decorating the building of a local tea company for four decades. well, now let's move to turkey, the homeland of the bahar series named spring. its
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premiere will take place very soon, on july 8 on our channel, in the center of the plot is the story of a housewife who decided to follow her dream no matter what. in turkey , a multi-part melodrama became a real sensation; to understand the secret of success, our film crew went to the shores basfora. noisy, bright, stunning, multifaceted, mysterious and majestic, all this is about the largest city in turkey, istanbul, its streets have more than once become the backdrop for popular tv series; events in the multi-part melodrama bahar called spring also take place here. the series was filmed in istanbul for at least two reasons, one of them being that most of the actors live here. and i don’t think there’s any need to explain the second reason, just look at these views. against the backdrop of snobol landscapes, a the story of an ordinary turkish housewife bahar. she has been married for a long time, raising two children, and keeps a large house clean and tidy.
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she devoted herself to her family, children for many years, supported her husband in his career and, unfortunately, forgot herself. in fact, bahar is the story of her new awakening. thus, in fact, this story is universal and concerns women all over the world. to whom bahar , by his example, shows how to go towards a dream, believe in yourself and not give in to difficulties. and for this, the heroine performed by dimentov gar was very loved by fans serial melodrama. other stars of turkish cinema, bugra gülco,
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mihmed ilmysah and jay maskaya, also starred in the series. the series raises eternal themes of children and parents, relationships between men and women, the choice between family and career. i think everyone sees something in this story that relates to them personally. the difference between this story and similar ones is that here, as in life, there is everything at once, sour, sweet, and bitter, funny and sad, in the right doses. in my opinion, the audience saw a reflection in this story own life. what russian viewers will see in the plot will become clear very soon, the big premiere of the bahar series. named vesna on the russia channel on july 8, turn on the tv at 15:00. and then russian olives and regular bees. we will tell you soon about the scientific work that is being carried out thanks to the national project science and the university. well, why do you want divorces? he looks all chic, has money, but there is melancholy in his eyes. this morning in the store she told me how she missed her husband and how she wanted to go to the city. here's how.
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"this is sergei, he just arrived without warnings, and that the husband cannot come without warning in his own life, three girls on saturday on rtr, i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play , yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because..." we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, well, when it comes to fleas, i’m beyond competition, here there are questions about how everything is running, i i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to have a look, let’s go, it must be edible, i i meant, of course, a bear when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000
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is not there, zhenya will add his own,
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you are no longer angry with me, the future one, anyone towards you, or not the future one, when there is no one trust why you brought me here, to say goodbye to life. this is a difficult test. test two. we look at the website in the application. near the lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain, a learned cat, no one remembers the pin code for the chest. girl, i want to make a purchase. if you want to purchase carrots, click one. here i am. let's shudder. just a minute. it does not interfere. humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr. everything comes on time for those who
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know how to wait. these words of leo tolstoy seem to be about the waiting list for the best restaurant in the world in barcelona. you will have to plan a dinner there about a year in advance. the name translates as having fun. creators. three chefs rely on creativity, their talent is confirmed by three michelin stars, those who dined there say they have an experience of a lifetime, what are the multispherical pestos with delicate pistachios worth? eel? sounds, of course, but in the restaurants of crimea there is excellent asparagus, they grow it there on the peninsula, what is unique about local asparagus, how does it differ from french, let's find out, i cut it down to the very... ground level, so asparagus can be compared with bamboo due to its incredible growth rate; per day it can grow up to 13-15 cm , subject to hot and humid weather. it is necessary to collect asparagus early in the morning, for this we
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arrived at the field at 6 am, before the shoots had time to enjoy the sun, for example, here this shoot definitely needs to be cut off today, otherwise tomorrow it will turn into such a bush. gennady ten was the first to start. to grow this crop in crimea on an industrial scale, the main condition is maximum moisture, the crop must be watered every day, then it will produce a harvest and shoots will last for several months. crimea, for example, in terms of temperature , in terms of cultivation, all these conditions, uh, crimean asparagus, it is not inferior to the french. in france, they begin to collect spar in march, in crimea in april. deadlines ripening, the climatic conditions in... growing are different and this affects the taste . asparagus is a rather unique product, as it contains all the basic micro and macroelements. young, tender, rich in vitamins, asparagus
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is not a cheap product, it costs about twice as much as meat, it has few calories, but is high in fiber. parsley shoots are most often stewed and fried, but the farmer told us a secret: you can eat it fresh, and even make tea. it has a calming effect its action can reduce the rapid pulse, and it is made from berries that grow on bushes. when they are fully ripe, they turn red. the tea turns out sweet, berries with a hint of vanillin. so asparagus is a unique crop, but not very widespread in our country. the farmer plans to increase the plantations so that crimean asparagus hits the shelves more often. say that you love? i love. van. somehow you’re saying it wrong, i don’t know how to do it any other way, look on the russia channel, give me my direction from the factory, thank you, no need, come to me on the weekend, we'll sort it out, i have a vadler ticket,
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we'll go together, i'll wait, no, limit girls, today at 21:20 on the russia channel, okay, right? morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing, the news will tell about the main thing in russia and abroad, in the studio karina ilyina, hello, the main program of the summit of the shanghai organization starts in astana today.
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met with the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev, discussed the development of the north-south transport corridor, the growth of mutual settlements in national currencies, interaction economies of the two countries. and also talked about interaction in the international arena; on the sidelines of the summit, a meeting between the presidents of russia and turkey took place; they talked about the situation in ukraine, israel and syria. the turkish leader said that ankara plans to establish trade turnover with russia in the amount of $100 billion and further develop cooperation in the field of tourism. vladimir putin also accepted an invitation to visit in the near future. despite all the difficulties of the current moment in
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the world, nevertheless, relations between russia and turkey are developing progressively, we we have noted a slight decline in trade turnover over the previous few months, but it remains at a fairly high level, $55 billion, if we count it in dollar terms.
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two residents were wounded as a result of shelling in the petrovsky district. earlier , hymers rockets destroyed a supermarket in the kiev region. the shelling occurred before the store opened. there were no buyers. in energodar , three ukrainian drones attacked a substation connected to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. both transformers damaged, eight people suffered. the head of rusatom said that the strike on the facility was targeted. just at this time, the brigade was restoring power supply. in dnepropetrovsk, the target for... a powerful combined strike by the russian military was the yuzhmash plant, it
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is the main manufacturer of military products, missiles, drones and is considered a strategically important facility for the ukrainian defense industry. in the poltava region, another iskander attack was carried out on the mirgorod military airfield. this time the target was a mi-24 helicopter and a support unit. in black three ukrainian unmanned boats were destroyed in the sea. in the zone of extreme overheating, now there are two. in the third european part of russia, where 60% of the country's population lives, the heat is intensifying, and city energy systems are working to the limit. moscow is breaking daily records for temperatures of +33 in the shade; such heat has not been seen in the last 107 years; the heat briefly gives way to thunderstorms, but does not bring coolness. in transbaikalia, the lack of rain, high temperatures and strong winds complicate the fight against forest fires. the fire element is not i've been able to stop it for several days now. the fires are spreading rapidly, emergencies ministry. sent aviation to the region. dozens of cities
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in southern china are flooded as a result of severe flooding, roads, houses, streets, bridges. there is no electricity in many areas. transport links have been disrupted. despite all the measures and the work of thousands of rescuers, it is not possible to cope with the consequences, and the water also does not subside. don't switch. primorye biotechnologists managed to grow plants before the ice age. thus they successfully completed experiment on the conservation of endangered species of the usuri taiga. report by elena shtylina. in the world of clones, among test tubes with aliens from the past, we encounter such a mystery of nature. here, girls who are as similar as two peas in a pod are engaged in the introduction of plants. twin sisters anastasia and ksenia tell. how after school we chose the same faculty, we grew up in a small village
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in the primorsky territory and were always close to the forest, next to the river, that is, animals and plants were always nearby, somehow this love led, probably, to the specialty of teachers school, well, school teachers, of course, teachers can be proud, their graduates have chosen the noble mission of preserving endangered species of the usuri taiga, for example, radodenfari, they reproduce by cloning. invitra culture, we multiply them in test tubes, we obtained almost one hundred percent similarity of seeds, this is very rare, in a sterile maternity hospital in an artificially created environment, the seedlings unanimously reach for the light, scientists have selected the necessary growth regulators and the root system develops quickly in the nutrient medium in which microelements and activated carbon accustom
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babies to rooting in the ground, and now the seedlings are producing their first shoots, from which green clones are obtained. a relict rhododendron from a test tube will bloom twice as fast as a wild one. in the sihota batrogs, where it is preserved in nature, tourists admire the magical blooms. tropical soft white and cream flowers blooming among the northern dark coniferous forests are amazing. in the sekhatolinsky nature reserve, i myself found myself several times during periods of incredible mass flowering. these usually happen once every 4-5 years. and then, when the flowers. fall, then the whole earth is covered with these fallen white flowers, like snow, the aroma is still subtle, so very subtle, yes, in only five places on the planet such a miracle has been preserved, in a changing climate, rhadodendrenpharia is among the most vulnerable, okay, that in primorye there are
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passionate people who save unique creations of nature. elena shtylina, andrey tolstikhin, vesti primure. in st. petersburg , the famous ushakovo baths will soon receive a rebirth. this building is a unique example constructivism. in the thirties of the last century, the largest washing complex in leningrad was located here. ekaterina gritsenko will talk about the past and future of the monument of soviet architecture. built in 1930 , the ushakovo baths were called giant. it was the largest washing complex in leningrad. 4.0 visits per day. the last time the ushakov baths were heated was at the beginning. however, the boiler room pipes are ready to start smoking even now, they are perfectly preserved; once upon a time these two dominant features were part of a large architectural systems, the area in the thirties became a real testing ground for the leningrad avant-garde, clarity of forms, harmony of geometry, embodied ideals, equality of justice, but the trouble with
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constructivist buildings is that they were built from poor materials that could not resist time. instead of decoration , the designers used dynamics. forms, here is a clear example: two rectangular buildings are connected by a wide half-cylinder, however, here this is not just a means of expression, the smaller the perimeter of the walls, the more heat inside. in a semicircular volume near the shakov baths there were soap, showers and steam rooms, the hottest compartments, in linear buildings, changing rooms, separate entrances for women and men. today's user of the building, yes, today's visitor, still must find himself in a single space of the lobby, where he... in the future , not only the lobby, but also the swimming pool will become a meeting place for representatives of both sexes. by the way, even the soviet project envisaged a bathhouse and also a solarium on the roof, but it did not work out. who would have
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imagined making such plans again? will begin centuries later. in 2021 , the ushakovsky baths were bought at auction, now the owner will carry out restoration, not only the purpose, but also the spirit of this place , the owners of the baths promise to preserve, it looks like a film, there is this, well, plus there is also a fence on the roof, they will also emphasize this geometry, that is, it will look very holistic, architectural and constructive, perhaps a new era at the shakovo baths will come in 2026, there is hope that the work will be completed by this date, then the townspeople will fully appreciate the uniqueness of the soviet style. which still persistently calls to a bright future. ekaterina gritsienko, sergei skripkin, sergei larichev. news: petersburg. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website. stay on the russia channel. a seventy-five-year-old pensioner from the rostov region, the best builder of bama, mikhail
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veleev, contacted the editors of the program. for almost half a century he has been searching for his own daughter, who was born during the legendary soviet construction period and disappeared without a trace. i can't even imagine. what is she like, how is it, in general i do not know anything. we began our own investigation and traced his daughter. will the long-awaited reunion of father and daughter take place? malakhov, today at 16:30. good morning. hello, well, it's thursday, july 4th. calendar, vera krasova and denis stoykov greet you this morning. even scientists were surprised, no, not that we are here in the studio today, it turns out that ants, if necessary, become doctors. a unique ability was discovered in florida tree ants. this species is capable of healing a comrade with paw injuries.
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first, the ant doctor cleans the wound, then assesses how dangerous it is. if there is a risk of infection, the limb is amputated, and the survival rate of the victim is 95%. this is the first time in nature that a complex medical procedure has been performed by a non -human. and the new laws that have come into force should help socially vulnerable russians. in force since july, among the measures are exemptions from bank commissions when paying for utilities, parents of large families, pensioners and the disabled. but in practice , obtaining the required benefits is sometimes not easy. why, dmitry zaitsev figured out. the only hope is one’s own strength, but i would still like to enlist the support of my native state. alas, often human destinies drown in the indifference of the domestic bureaucracy, from which there is no escape or escape. the ministry told me that they would reinstate me in the queue. but at the same time i will need to collect all the documents and they will refuse to pay me again, it reminds me of a bad joke, otherwise, but
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it’s not funny at all for maria, a resident of the city of engels, 8 years old with many children the family was in line for housing, the most important reason for the refusal was that my son had grown up and reached the age of 23, either ridicule, or thoughtless execution of the law, but it all looks very strange, it turns out that the only problem for the gneushevs is growing up son for 8 years. for some reason, local officials did not bother to find housing for a large family. families with four or more children have the right to housing or social benefits. unfortunately, this line is not moving, not a single official was held accountable for this responsibility. muscovite yulia no longer believes that the guilty officials will be punished with at least a severe reprimand. a month ago , a third daughter was born in the kornyushin family. i contacted the social insurance fund client center, since i am an individual entrepreneur, and asked. to insure me as a voluntary insurer, the specialist said that i need to pay
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voluntary contributions by december 31 of the twenty-third year, the required 500 and kopecks yulia paid, but the application for insurance to the fund itself was never received it came, so the payment of the required 70 thousand rubles was refused, i believe that this is simply bureaucracy and is not part of the situation, that is , due to the fact that... the fund employee incompetently conveyed the information to me, yulia intends to go to the end, she is already processing a lawsuit, all because the country is dominated by all kinds of laws and regulations, sometimes contradicting each other. work is needed to further clarify the laws from the point of view, first of all, of concepts, this is where it all begins, what is good and what is bad, what is it called and what is under it it is understood that parliamentarians propose to strengthen supervision over responsible representatives of ministries and departments, primarily digital, which needs to be taken further. namely citizens, directly from the official, when there are no meetings, no contacts between the official and the citizen, there is
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only the transfer of relevant documents, and even those can, in general, be requested electronically from the department in interdepartmental interaction? the idea is sound, but there is always a problem of how to implement it; perhaps it would be worth creating a separate one for the same public services a service based on the one-window principle, where anyone could leave a review or complaint about the work of this or that official, and the signal would be guaranteed to go to the top... and the applicant’s proposal or request would be fulfilled as soon as possible. and today, on the state services portal, using the electronic document filing service, you can send claims, complaints and petitions to the court within the framework of civil and administrative procedural legislation. moreover, citizens will have the opportunity to participate remotely in meetings, in particular through web conferences. this was stated by the supreme court, and the ministry of digital development, meanwhile, is working on expanding the project and... on criminal procedural issues, the work and prospects of this:


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