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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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committed to joe biden, they're not going to just give up and say, "great, the new york times is telling us we need to dump biden. biden will have to decide whether he runs again or not. i just want to make it clear to everyone what the media is insisting." " what the media wants is complete disenfranchisement." millions and millions of voters, well, against the background of such political scandals, one might say, and the failures of the vaunted american technology on the battlefield, the usa and great britain are trying to demonstrate their military power, that they is still a powerful power, here is the issue with submarines, and it is one of the key ones, this discussion resurfaced against the background of how our submarine... kazan entered the port
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of govana, and at the same time, it means that foreigners claim that it is is still there, but in fact it is already off the coast of venezuela, but they will probably find out about it from the newspapers when they read them, but searching for submarines, yes, this is a very urgent task, even under trump they tried to solve this , when our warsaw women appeared, which they called a black hole, and we remember the swedes' attempts to find our submarine, which was not there, but there was a lot of noise... there was a lot of noise in the press, what they are now demonstrating is how our boat is on the surface, that is, our boat floats up allows himself to be discovered, knows that of course it will be discovered, but if we are talking about serious issues, then they don’t find it, just as the warsaw women don’t find it, so they find this submarine of the yasen m project, that is, they don’t have these opportunities to find , they admit it somewhere in the special press, but in public he says yes no, yes we... are coping, it
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reminds us of that story about suslik, remember, yes, he says, you see suslik, no, but he is there, they also say, you see a russian submarine, they say, no , but it is there somewhere, by the way, the commander of naval operations, admiral gelday, was once asked, can you now tell where the russian submarines are, he says, no, i can’t, but we know that they are in the atlantic ocean , well, the atlantic ocean, of course, it’s big and quiet, too, all this. due to the fact that now huge budgets for biden will be formed on the reform of the us navy, they have a program that is proposed until 2045, and there the main emphasis is on submarines and drones - surface and underwater, about 80 attack submarines and 12 submarines carrying ballistic missiles, that’s what is included in this program, they must be modern, they must be lethal, undetectable, that is,
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they must be modern, but the technology is clearly not there are enough where to get them, but you need to hunt for russian submarines in order to somehow adapt to create a powerful submarine fleet by taking these technologies; moreover, if you look at the construction programs of these modern submarines in the same united states of america , then here is the columbia-class submarine, which should replace the agaya-class nuclear submarines, the launching dates have shifted again to the right to 2035, before they said the thirtieth, that is, their program is clearly stalled, but demonstrate necessary, that is, everything fits like their president, he is more likely dead than alive or alive than dead, but everyone is deciding this issue, he demonstrates some kind of mobility and so on, but there is no vitality, just as there is no strength in the fact that we call it high technology, there is no hypersound. and
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there is no missile defense that could stop our ballistic missiles, everything is bad with submarines, but nevertheless, to go on an adventure and push the world into the third world war, but this force is still enough, but apparently the lack of intelligence of their president is associated with a certain there is dementia, which does not exist, it precisely leads to such conclusions, but the fact that we are making a continuation of the measure is not us not showing weakness, it is we who are showing some kind of mercy to the west - in order not to change their minds, stop... at the edge of the line, because in in those proposals that our president spoke, there is a factor that is not often said that we also demand the lifting of sanctions, what is the lifting of sanctions, this is the removal of the noose from the neck of europe, for which the united states is pulling europe's head to the chopping block under the russian ax , we offer europe choose a chance, in europe the forces that are now gaining the upper hand there in various elections apparently exist and maybe there is a positive trend, as they say. capable of leading to
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a long-term, non-truce, in principle, to a cessation of hostilities, all other options voiced by anyone do not suit us, zelensky’s plan, but here zelensky himself probably already understood, no one liked it at all, after the failed so-called peace summit, he no longer remembers this plan several times, reported that he was ready to negotiate with vladimir.
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three volumetric detonating aerial bombs, each with a power of 94 kg in wasted equivalent, are rushed at the positions of ukrainian forces from a height of 12.00 m. when a target is hit, the projectile creates an aerosol cloud and the air-liquid mixture explodes, causing a series of shock waves. the target was bandera strongholds in abandoned houses. after the attack, the pilots successfully return to the airfield, and this is the work of russian drones. drone operators delicately guide the vehicle towards windshield of an american
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humvee armored vehicle. foreign mercenaries in an interview with the united 24 channel complain about the army's air superiority. the russians are definitely the enemy not to be followed.
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in the volchansk area, drone operators destroyed a communications tower, thereby paralyzing the work of enemy unmanned aircraft, and this is how remote mining of ukrainian positions occurs. the drone drops explosives from a height of several tens of meters, uav equipment, and a grenade launcher shot takes only a minute and a half. for work, if yes you go out to work everything is already prepared, then the set of tools is enough for the multitool in front.
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sleeping places for soldiers of the russian aerospace forces turns the building into a pile of rubble, and this is the southern donetsk direction, the helicopter crew is hit by an enemy opornik guided by an x-39 missile, the approach speed is 830 km per hour. at the same time, the russian army continues to knock out the air fleet.
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fines can be issued an infinite number of times, ukrainian lawyers report;
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the city of zhytomyr is already mastering the practice. zhytomyr city council in collaboration with the territorial recruitment center and social support will send summons to those liable for military service with a letter of recommendation. they form a list, give us summons, and we send them with a letter of recommendation to persons liable for military service. the hunt for draft dodgers goes on around the clock, in odessa, a recruit, who
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was forcibly taken to a medical examination, cut his throat and veins; nothing is known about the further fate of the twenty-nine-year-old conscript. tucker carlos. tweeted that his team managed to arrange an interview with zelensky. tucker wrote that the negotiations lasted exactly 2 years and after the interview with putin with a vengeance. tucker wants to bring the necessary information to americans about the conflict, which, as he puts it, completely changes the position of the united states in the world. we hope this will happen soon, that's what he said. my question for zelensky, tucker, on behalf of the american people. asks the journalist
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to convince the illegitimate president to conclude a peace agreement with russia to end this war, the bank was not ready for such questions in a hurry, well, either cancel the interview, or simply refute the statement carlosona press secretary nikifarov. wrote that the journalist should check his sources in the fsb more carefully, so they joke about the bank, it’s time during the war. in general, zelensky’s schedule does not include an interview for tucker carlosson, while zelensky once again found time to give an interview to bloomberg, where the ukrainian president was used as an interviewer.
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dependent on the help of the us position, i would like to understand what it means to end the war, he wants to end the war tomorrow, we didn’t even want to start it, if trump knows how end the war, let him tell us today, because if there is a risk...
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just for the elections of the usa, france and britain. as you can see, biden, macron and sunak were literally flattened under pressure by murnye with a ballot and then a signature for... the voters’ time of reckoning has come, that is , they don’t want to see any of the above-mentioned leaders in the highest government post. sunok himself was literally humiliated during a morning program on itv, according to the new york post of the premier, who came to the show to brag about his successes in
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political front, they were allowed into the studio only after a ten-minute, truly important one. the appearance of the british prime minister following the country's most tattooed mother on the eve of the elections caused a lot of ridicule. forty-four-year-old rishi sunok appeared on the itv morning program to talk about his favorite foods and lambast his political opponents, just before his conservative
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party looks set to be ousted from government in the july 4 elections, but precisely that you... was planned immediately after the performance of becky holt, an only fans model and a mother who spent about $45,000 on tattoos, caused bewilderment among observers, especially after the two were caught on camera talking sweetly, one of the veterans in the torah even suggested that the program this morning deliberately embarrassed the prime minister by inviting him right after the model, you want me to spin a little, if you don't mind, of course. don't mind, sorry, but there are some parts of your body, more intimate parts of your body, that you also tattooed, yeah, what made you want to get it, it's just like my costume when i look at myself in the mirror, and i obviously used to be a model, it just catches my eye, saw it said i need to get a tattoo like that, so yes, in the end
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i got a tattoo, damn it. i would have met him without tattoos, he said it seemed like a normal person, well, well, it’s terrible, i don’t even know how to comment on this, democracy is free , this is ol, but i’ll still return to this interesting interview that i gave zelensky to bloomberg, where, well, that is, let’s not be hypocrites, without judging the woman, i feel sorry for marisha sunak, he sat, listened, he understood that he had nothing to hit, they later met, what rishi sunak’s wife said is unknown, well, in general, all this is of course funny, so here... in this interview, you know, what struck me was zelensky’s statement to trump that if he has a plan and there is a risk of losing independence, let him tell us about it today, so that we are ready, you do you generally understand what the president is saying, yes, that if the future american president says that he is ready to deprive us of our independence and sovereignty, then we are not against it in principle, but
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you tell us in advance so that we are ready for this and we know about it, well, i don’t... just tell us in advance, so that we prepare, have time to get everything out and so that , at least for us, everything is fine. but no less interesting was, of course, the statement of
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mrs. hillary clinton. what we are talking about here, well, which was allegedly discussed with poroshenko, in fact with russian pranksters. here i wonder what? what’s interesting here is that we have repeatedly talked and discussed the topic of allocating $61 billion for defense. ukraine and after this interview it became obvious that we were absolutely right when we said that the battle for this 61 billion united states of america is a battle for money that will be used exclusively for the biden company. part of this money, of course, remains in the united states of america, it will be used by the american military-industrial complex, and accordingly there will be revenues to the election headquarters of mr. biden, the second part also had to decide. political question, it actually says in plain text that ukraine should go on the offensive and create a favorable fund for the election or for
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running a successful campaign for mr. biden, that is, i translate it into understandable language, we gave you money for the war, please kindly work off this money and realize the goals and objectives that we have set for you. now about the peaceful track. ukraine needs it in order to liberate the territory, well, it seemed it would be logical, yes, for ukraine, the ukrainian voter, for those soldiers who die at the front, but hillary clinton, she also seems to repeat that a counter-offensive is necessary, but she does not remember at all the details and the goals of the task, everything is different; clinton, you go forward , that's it.
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i have a question: with what joy, when the zelensky regime received money for war, does it need to seek peace? but in general, can you tell me, why does zelensky need peace? does he know how to live in peace? he knows how to live during war , the main thing is why zelensky needs peace before presidential elections in the united states, if the war in ukraine is going to be used as an argument absolutely, so i’m leading to the fact that propaganda, i’m leading to the fact that... money for the war, they paid for the war, my question is, who will pay money for peace, there are those willing, for some reason i don’t see anyone willing to pay money for peace, for the war everything is clear,
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the zelensky regime, it is clear and understandable to us, it lives exactly as long as the war is going on, and he told us absolutely exactly that until the war is over, i will be president, this true, because if the war ends, he will never become president, hence the question: does he need to end this conflict, which is why all this talk is about peaceful ones. initiatives, about the possibility of negotiations, about the search for some formats of negotiations, about the search for some kind of agreements there , bilateral, trilateral, with mediators or without mediators, before the completion of the election cycle in western countries, this cycle ends with elections in the united states of america, neither any, no negotiations, no peace, in my opinion there is no talk at all it can’t be, if the issue comes to a head, perhaps about... some kind of negotiations, then most likely this will take place no earlier than the middle of next year, yes, there will be some attempts, summits, formats, conversations, there will be some
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conditional negotiations, but there won’t be any results before the middle of next year, hence the question, where will this demarcation line be by the middle of next year, someone might say, i, for example, i can’t say about that, well, i i just don’t know, i don’t have an answer to this question. dnieper, in the donbass, serious fortifications were built for 8 years, they are difficult to overcome, now after everything that happens there, step by step, kilometer by kilometer, these structures will be overcome, then, how they will be, at what speed the russian troops will advance, i i don’t know, because there everything is further, there... further is the steppe, there is not a single serious fortified area there, there you can walk 100-150 km practically across the steppe, and
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no one creates anything here and there, but they say... . creation of fortifications, well which money is allocated, the idea is incredibly interesting, but in order for them to be created, it is necessary to at least overcome corruption, but how to do this practically, but not in any way, in conditions when the overall precarious position of the zelensky regime, and why should they fight corruption, they they need to stack it, they need to stack it, you know, they need to take everything out there somewhere abroad to stack it, because they understand how it will all end for them, so this is such a vicious circle, from which there is no way out, by and large. .. he is not sets the agenda, he exclusively carries out certain orders, yes, he received an order for a war, this war will be, this war will be until the end of the elections in the united states of america, until the end of the elections they will try to hold this front line as much as possible, before the elections they will mobilize people , 2000, which means they will throw 200,000.
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unprepared people, solely to solve a political problem, there will be regular resignations of generals, they will look for switchmen, all this will be blamed on them, in fact the regime will carry out exclusively a political order, which has nothing to do with military expediency, military expediency is not the first, but the last argument in this war, then the political problems will be solved, in the us they will change zelensky and they will say, well, war was a bad option. ended, where the russian army will be at this moment, god only knows how many ukrainian soldiers will die by this moment, probably no one knows whether there will be at least something left of ukraine at this moment, that’s probably question, but let's come back, tell me you love me, i love you, van, well, somehow you're saying it wrong, i don't know how to do it any other way, look at the rtr control, my car is from the factory, give it back,
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thank you, no need, come to me on the weekend, we'll sort it out, i have a ladler ticket, a match together, i'll be waiting for you, the limit girl, today at rtr.
4:29 pm
what task do we have to open the whole board , we can handle it, if you ask, then there’s a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, a lot and loudly he says, if you answer, then with humor, i would
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chop down oak, not pluck. problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, headache kit, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.


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