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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  July 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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chop, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. captain sazunov, did you call me? hello, this is for me, look at rtr. you promised me no dates, no mottos during working hours. your informants are good. she killed her husband. aren't you afraid? why should i be afraid? i'm married to her, right? what's the deal with her? seriously? i would n't make a girl like that wait. again i will see you with sveta. i won’t look at the chase,
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you understand, i won’t be able to live if they kill you, you san, you don’t know what friendship is, what love is, you don’t know, artist, it’s hard to leave me, from monday on rtr, we will put aside ours, we we believe in what is dear to us.
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trust, why did you bring me here, say goodbye to life, this is a difficult test, test two, on the website in the application we look, a special edition of the program hello andrey, dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of baikal amur mainline, i lived there in this atmosphere wonderfully beautiful, truly a friendship of peoples, beloved, beloved. andrei malakhov's anniversary show on saturday on rtr, your husband died, the entire debt is now on you, in 3 days you will bring the entire amount here, i didn’t even know anything, how can you live with a person and not see that he is dying with you in front of your eyes?
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by law, yours is entitled to half of oleg’s share, i definitely won’t live with her, no matter what you come up with, you won’t kill her, victoria, on sunday on rtr. so, russia intends to undermine support for ukraine, reports czech national crime-fighting portal, as if they have nothing better to do. so, russia, according to their czech version , is putting pressure on the population of western european countries. at the same time, europe itself found itself in a rather difficult situation, in particular with the supply of russian gas. the fact is that , despite all the crimes of the russians, the russians still supply most of the gas to europe. look, a contract for the supply of russian. gas supply through ukraine is
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running out, and this is causing debate in europe. the german government and the european commission are negotiating with eu member states affected by the transit, the federal ministry of economics said. the question is very delicate. two and a half years after the start of the war in ukraine, some eastern european countries still receive a significant portion of their imigas imports from russia. as one of the options , it is proposed to conclude a new contract between gazprom export and the european energy authority. which will buy gas on the russian-ukrainian border, send it to the eu pay the operator of the ukrainian gas transportation system for transit, while the austrian company omv is named as a possible candidate from the european side, which has a valid contract with gazprom until 2040, but it can only act with kiev’s consent to transit, which may not give. omv did not comment on the possibility of the company’s participation in the new gas supply scheme from russia and directed journalists accordingly.
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existing organs. the second option implies increasing gas supplies from azerbaijan via the trans-anatalian gas pipeline. however , it is noted that this path is already congested. baku does not have the ability to pump through it. more fuel, so european countries would have to negotiate the supply of azerbaijani gas through ukraine, which in turn would again imply the involvement of the russian federation in the fuel supply scheme. dmitragadzh, well, first of all, as fashion was predicted, hello on the eighth of the ninth, and accordingly, confirmation is official, well, in principle, we already said this per month somewhere, and as for gas, how can you predict who will arrive when, if this is known before the schedule? announced, one might say, until they were announced, you know, but you don’t talk about it, they said the same thing about the sco, because the official announcement takes place within about a week, a week a few days before the visit, while everything in principle in the information field they know about this, because the delegation is preparing, events are being prepared, preparations are being made, so it’s called the eighth
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it’s not a secret, so we’re just saying, just in case, that if you wait for official statements, you could wait a very long time, but on the 8th of 9th in the russian federation, i remind you that mode did not personally come to the sco, but although there were compilers there. well , we also need to understand that the level of representativeness is extremely important, here all the leaders, as if except for him, he’s on the right, the second from the right edge, but it’s clearly not fashionable, so to the question that how would he specially prepared, prepared this process immediately before his own visit, which is why, on the one hand, this suggests that the sco has various features, including, as if india also has some specific relations with china, but on the other hand, it suggests that how as if it were a third force, which... could just conduct negotiations, a separate country delegation could speak, please note, they brought with them a portrait of the leader who crashed in a plane crash, they put, well, i remind you that the second round of elections will be those directly performing duties who are not involved, so from this point of view, this is a very important situation from
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the point of view, well, the strategic partner is fourth in the export component, fifth, so this is extremely important, i force you, as for india, then india will arrive by the way today invited to the world of qatar, qatar is larger. producer of liquefied natural gas together with the usa, respectively, as if we are in the top three, here is the usa, china of russia, usa, qatar of the russian federation, and how does competition work with qatar in the asian markets, because the houthis cut off such things, that’s why from this point of view, as if mercatar were to come again, i remind you that there are also representatives of the arab emirates there separately, by the way, let’s formulate one of the emirates this way from afar, that’s why with from this point of view , what will become can become a very serious economic platform, as if in principle, and brix, this is what we basically see, that’s what concerns...
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which was not in ukraine, yes, but it was not just that he was not, he's a right-of-center, so, but in fact, he is such a center-right leaning towards the right, because there are very high right-wing sentiments in austria, i remind you that together with orban, by the way, they have assembled a new coalition in the european union, which, speaking of which, lepin can also join, but there they are no longer gaining a decent amount of votes, there they together are gaining 20-50 something, with lipen there he could not get to a hundred, well there with the other organizations, so it’s like they are gathering their own kind of front there, that’s it this is all what i mean, what would you say? this is victory russian diplomacy or this is how the cards lay? i believe that this is a victory for the russian economy, first of all, our economy drags for everyone else, it drags with gas, it drags the components accordingly, it drags with calculations, while many people seem to make different decisions, the economy is a unique thing, in fact, we still didn’t believe in it, so
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it turned out to be the most important economy, we now call the economy or the gas and oil that we have, if you sell them as they are, we don’t sell gas and oil on such a scale to africa, we sell there corn, for example. including this instrument of influence, and accordingly, for example, with the same kazakhstan we have trade turnover, including in services, so it’s like this economy, it turned out to be like this here, accordingly, it drags for everyone, that’s what it actually is , we now call parallel imports with kazakhstan trade turnover, yes, now china is cutting off partially parallel imports, and even against this background , trade turnover is growing, i remind you that we have a problem with payments, and yet india is one of our largest partners it becomes, we are now second in energy supplies there, this is, in principle , a unique phenomenon in general, now there is active pressure on... on the calculations, it is objectively present in the european, us, we can all see this very well, and even against this background it’s still the same oil and gas revenues, anyway, accordingly the revenue is stable, so from this point of view, as if the economy, the economy is holding up, the economy is such nuances of our geography, well, it didn’t work out
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how to push us out, isolate, bypass, replace, some refused to work with russia, others profited from this refusal by starting to sell what they banned through. in the world, in a world in which new centers of power are emerging, the internal component becomes more important, we now see this in other countries, that is, in fact, politics and what is the visible component is a derivative of the economy in this case, why? inflation and the habit of a good standard of living, that is, for example, the interest rate and lending rate shocks them, but with us we have nothing higher. the rate must be looked at against inflation, that is, you need to subtract accordingly, you need to look, as it were, in fact, how much a person pays for inflation, but the question
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is different, it’s still higher, in our country it’s higher, of course, in turkey it’s even higher, accordingly in argentina it’s even higher, in zimbabwe in general , but the question is different, but they worry, but we don’t, we worry too, well, we hold on like that, we hold on, we experience it internally, this is the game, it doesn’t splash out for us, it splashes out, it is, well, where of us is it where it splashes out, i think people are unhappy high interest rate. well, this is a question of changing clothes, this is a question of exhaustion, who will break down first in fact, the question is that for the european union, for the united states, this is a very serious challenge, very serious costs, such inflation, everything else, who fights better with her, by the way, the issue is also very serious, so from this point of view, these are all the consequences of what is happening, and this is gradually grinding down this situation, india does not want high energy prices, it knows what’s going on ends before the european union, she buys this energy resource and comes here because it is profitable for them, their trade turnover is growing, they all also look at what is happening in the usa. everyone is looking at what is happening in the usa, everything is serious, you have the majority, respectively , military correspondents, they already have 20% of foreign
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policy in principle, they look there, why, because there are determined , including many issues related to financing, at least of course the most important means that military correspondents write in their telegram is good, basic telegram channels, respectively, information components now, most of the information in the russian federation is the most important factor, why because why everyone is watching , nothing is decided there, because so many. said karin jeanpierre, the handshake is strong, he doesn’t sleep during the day, thank god, although it should be
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noted that he slept in the camp, he had a post-offensive dream, but the problem is this, that now these electoral elections, some kind of insight, this data, accordingly, was confirmed by poltiko, no one has checked, this is not insight, these are just those who are sitting, biden said that he didn’t sleep in david, this is all that is called jetla, changing the guards... at home and they pester him with questions without this the prompter, the whole question is closed at once, he arranges everyone accordingly, people
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exhale accordingly, but this is the treatment with an age candidate, i remind you that there are all age candidates in our understanding, they are all age candidates, in harisat she is younger, she is over fifty, so between by the way, this is all to say that for them these are young people, life does not end for 50 years , all candidates ask for this. all the main candidates who are being considered to replace joe baiduk, hypothetically, even from an electoral point of view, they are all over fifty, this is youth for them, with us the king also needs to be understood, that is, for us it’s like old people, for us it’s too, i’m saying, i’m talking about the fact that gradually the generation is changing, only the north korean leaders are being killed, he’s about 43, the rest are a little older, he got it by inheritance, so let’s go, we need to take a break, well, the truth will finish, i agree and rightly so. i grew up on the outskirts, a working-class city, a boy with a fashionable
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cap, or a boy now without a cap, a worn tooth, sergei parkhomenko, aka seryoga, i have two sons, but their mother didn’t work out for me, mark and platon are with you in minsk, their mom, i’m talking about her in ukraine, yes, it’s hard to be behind the wheel, i had to make a decision, i made it, i didn’t want my sons to be raised by nazis. they would just be taken in hostages in order to put pressure on me, i have great respect for the mother of my children, i am very sorry that she found herself in such a difficult situation. where she was used in the dark, and what does it mean to be used in the dark, who is it, she was recruited, the fate of the person with boris karchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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igor konstantinovich, yes, but you, and i’m your daughter, you took me for a fool. well, honestly, we’re looking at the weekend, help, i need to know who i’m dealing with, who sent you? before my mother died, my mother told me about you, and i decided fool, see you. so what, now your daughter will live in our house, we are of the same blood, you and i, you have a miracle brother, if anything. and you have a miracle sister, give this girl money and that’s enough, i know that she’s my daughter, she has no one but me, i think i’ve fallen in love, and i love dads, you know, i don’t love her like a sister, swing in saturday on rtr, we... go to the doctor, take up
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a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a reverse the side with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own... pills. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family must be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most
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important thing - from monday to friday. on rtr. do you really think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well , let's go home, get married soon, wait, well, vika, nightingale, yes, by the way, he has it in for you your eye lit up, maybe 20 years ago your happiness ran away, but now it has been found. i’ll take her and we’ll forget about everything, but what about sorting things out with men, three girls on saturday on rtr, and the one who doesn’t sing in this duet, well, what, the intensity, you want, yes, no
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the last people on our stage, but because i said so. in the latest episode of the detective show, the choice is made, catch me if you can, incredible final game, on friday on rtr, we are in the uk, we are transferred to london live, alexander khabarov, britain, elections, sasha, hello! we understand that no matter who wins in the once great britain, we seem to have no friends there, and the main dispute, well, it seemed to us, was between rishi sunak and that lady in tattoos who spoke. in front of him in one program in britain, so who is more popular now? well, damon, apparently, judging by the advertising that she received as a result on
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social networks, should be very pleased, because her specific activity precisely implies some kind of advertising in all available ways, as far as the leader of the conservative party, the prime minister, was pleased -minister rishi sunok is difficult to say; in general, this is an election campaign. chair, but also a deputy mandate, in fact, all forecasts show what they should inflict, of course, on the ruling conservatives have suffered a crushing defeat,
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the opposition libarists, who are expected here to receive a so-called super majority in parliament, well, according to various estimates, they should receive over 400 mandates, 430 more precisely, they should receive, this has not happened here since 1832, so the leader of the libarist the party is waiting for its kind... the record question is, what will he do next, how to manage this wealth that has fallen on him is unclear, because the leaving conservatives leave a huge number of unresolved problems in almost all spheres of british life, but there is an understanding of why he then undertook these elections, early elections, since there is still no chance of victory, this is the plan, why? well, the simplest answer is to not suffer anymore, because really. the sunok government did not have any bright prospects, there was some short moment of happiness when inflation suddenly dropped a little, well, it
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dropped quite a lot, of course, but in real terms people didn’t really feel it, that is, on paper it looks like 2% inflation, and prices have increased by 30% there over the past few years, so in fact, the doctors who are protesting here are trying to get the government to increase their salaries by 30%, that is, you can... uh to assess the scale of the problem, all this, by the way, will fall to keir starmer, who promised to somehow magically solve everything, however, when he was asked how he was going to do this, he avoided answering, but in this case, voting, of course protest, for 14 years conservatives, saying, so rudely, the voters are quite fed up, they need something new, but how new the liborists will present themselves remains to be seen, in any case, it is too early for them to share the skin of an unkilled bear. the voting results will be announced only tomorrow, today voting will continue until 10:00 pm, and well, they will count then we will find out
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what the final alignment will be in the british parliament and who will form cabinets, on what terms. olga, thank you, sasha, thank you very much, alexander khabarov is in direct contact with london. before the interview, sunok obviously sat and feverishly thought, how come i didn’t think of opening the online page, maybe the result? if there were others in the elections, it is not excluded, now about biden, he is , to paraphrase a colleague, dragging for everyone, still in the united states, many are wondering how this happens, beautiful photographs of the biden family with the caption are already circulating on the internet, yes, an elderly pensioner in need of medical care is forced to go to work to support a family of drug addicts and scammers. here, but under the family one must understand not only the bidens themselves, but also the faction, the democratic party, to which he represents the liberal
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faction, in the democratic party, let me remind you that, according to rough estimates, there are three, at least factions with quite different views on what the democratic party should do, what should what the future president should do, well, not in terms of the external part, but rather in the internal part, the outbursts that we are now seeing in the american press, people come out and say that... he must resign himself, sponsors of the democratic party come out they say that we seriously need to think about it, this is not what we paid for, this has just begun, you know, devour each other, the struggle of the internal democratic party, everyone understands that yes, biden can theoretically win, but if he loses, he will not only lose the presidency , he will also lose the weight categories of the internal democratic party for his faction, this is how it will also look. and it will also be difficult for them to get up, but the rest, like uh, in strict accordance with the cartoon, akela missed, rush at this opposing clan
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political. therefore, interesting processes are going on in the usa, well, in parallel we see that on the eurasian continent everyone is still busy, the shows summit, congratulations to the belarusian comrades on joining the organization, it’s true, happy independence day, we’ll be back, the gang’s third outing is in just 5 days in moscow, god knows what kind of rumors there are, they even came up with a name, a death’s head, a gang of ordinary people doesn’t kill, only criminals, andrei smolikov, too much.
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they will kill you, yours will fight, alexander gorbatov, i give you 24 hours, otherwise i will do this whole i’ll roll up your little gang according to the law of war, artist, dead head, new raid, gathering from monday on rtr, get caught, rimka, big or small? well, in general, i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish?
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yes. once again, yes, every person in every region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but healthy, and this will lift your spirits, that’s for sure, a food formula, on saturday on rtr. “your lady said that he made a joke now or hasn’t received a tambourine for a long time, she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what’s the matter, that ugly woman spread a rumor that i’m marrying her, i’ll only sleep with such a fearful person for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money,
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are you going to buy something for a classic operation?” there won't be enough beauty, if you can't wait for happiness, maybe it's worth stealing it, let's go, no i understand where, where are you going, or are you not a man, you are not responsible for your words, ugly love, on friday on rtr.
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new crazy figures from the ministry of defense in just one day, the enemy lost 2225 people, but zelensky is announcing another speech, watch the news for now. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello. results of the sco summit in astana. the sco is establishing itself as a center of power in a multipolar world. more and more states are ready to defend in the most decisive manner
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their legal ones. the state duma passes a law on increasing military pensions, its average amount will be 41,600 rubles. and a new order for deputies to travel abroad... yes, look, there will be fewer people wanting to get elected and relax here at the expense of the state and their voters. prime minister mishustin instructs the development of federal projects to ensure the technological independence of the agro-industrial complex. the president of turkey changes plans and flies to germany to raise the morale of his team for the euro. the scandal with the turkish defender has already gone far beyond boundaries of a football field. and girls from the usa with a batman mask took off their shivas today after surgery in st. petersburg.
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the plan for resolving the ukrainian crisis proposed by russia will allow an immediate cessation of hostilities to begin negotiations. and the basis for them can be the istanbul agreements of 1922. this is the statement of vladimir putin. made today at the sco summit in astana. the president emphasized that our country consistently advocates a peaceful resolution of the situation in the political and diplomatic field. alexey's report konopko. the ceremonial meeting lasted for almost an hour, the motorcade of leaders of the countries participating in the sco took turns driving the distinguished guests to the palace of independence. six german limousines, hongtsy under the flag of the people's republic of china and vladimir putin's traditional aurus. the host of the summit, takaev, welcomed each one on...
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based on the central role of the united nations, on international law, the desire of sovereign states for mutual... now there are officially 10 like-minded people with the status of a full participant, exactly a year after iran joined the sco accept belarus. having thanked lukashenko , he agreed with the meeting that it is structures such as the sco that should take
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the initiative to build global security, which is impossible without a multipolar world. this is exactly what the russian initiative for a new architecture of cooperation in eurasia is about, the old one, the one that was dictated by the hegemon. has already failed, as demonstrated by the ukrainian crisis, which can still be resolved, putin says, on the basis of the istanbul treaty. russia, as you know, has never refused; it is now ready for continuation of peace negotiations, it was ukraine that refused negotiations, and did so publicly, on direct orders from london, which means there is no doubt about it, and from washington. thanks for this to the president of the republic of turkey, mr. erdogan, who took part in this work as an intermediary. these agreements have not
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gone away, they were initialed by the head of the ukrainian negotiating delegation, which means, apparently, ukraine, these agreements, the istanbul agreements were quite happy. the sco will have to sound louder in the international arena, promoting a consolidated position on various problems of our time. no matter how the international situation changes, the sco must henceforth
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serve as a guarantor of common, comprehensive, joint sustainable security. there will be real security only when all countries feel safe. but this is only part of a larger partnership. the university is open. third world gross domestic product in dollars in terms of parity purchasing power, only in our organization there are two most powerful leaders, china and the russian federation, we all tremble before this dollar. well, let's finally take certain steps to become less dependent on this dollar. and on the sidelines , meanwhile, the guests were introduced to the culture of kazakhstan, the sound of kabys and dombra, its prototype somewhere in the great steppe back in bronze.
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medals of the world nomad games, they were invented in this century by a robot for delivering water and this year will be hosted by astana, another format that unites half the countries of the world unobtrusive western leadership. the sco countries trade among themselves with an increase of 30% per year. our countries are increasing the use of their national currency in mutual settlements. for example, their share in russia’s commercial transactions with the organization’s participants based on the results. 4 months of this year has already exceeded 92%. let me remind you of russia’s proposal to create its own payment and settlement mechanism in shows. this hall on july 4 was perhaps the most guarded place in kazakhstan. the palace of independence, which hosts delegates, is located in the very the center of astana, in its new center. and it is extremely rare for it to be so sparsely crowded on a weekday. to ensure the security of the summit. the movement of both cars and
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pedestrians was restricted on several streets. more than a dozen public transport routes do not operate during these 2 days. however, not many people need to travel these days. seven out of ten public sector employees went remote. kindergartens were closed for two days. city scooters did not work; they were taken to a large parking lot. almost the entire staff was brought out to guard the summit garrison of police and armored vehicles. this is because 10,000 guests came in delegations alone. and at the table, the leaders of two dozen countries, representing iran, muhammad mokhber brought with him a photo of the deceased president risi. with his assistance, moscow and tehran have developed common projects in recent years, but cooperation dates back decades from the bushehr autonomous union to the development of the north-south corridor and the free trade zone with the eurasian economic union . iranian-russian relations are truly friendly and constructive, our relations will strengthen regardless of the outcome of the election in your country. last year, our level of trade turnover slightly adjusted, but
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this year it has grown by 14% compared to the same period last year, i would ask you to convey wishes of good health and prosperity to the supreme leader of iran, i sincerely express my gratitude for your words of condolences, for your calls that really comfort us. the spiritual leader said that our relations with russia remain as deep and unchanged. seventh in a row, not counting conversations on legs, a bilateral meeting in the vostanin marathon between putin and the emir of qatar, your being, i would like to thank you for your efforts aimed at resolving humanitarian issues that arise in connection with the ukrainian, it is through your mediation that it is possible to return children to their families as from the russian, thank you very much for your trust,
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armored enterprises, an oil
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refinery and a fuel storage facility that supplied military units of the armed forces of ukraine. here in these frames the destruction of the operators of enemy copters, who were hiding in an abandoned building, the pilots fired three missiles at the target at once. you can clearly see how the ammunition is piled up. gun, shot! this is how the geocinth crews left the ukrainian armed forces without strongholds and equipment. during the counter-battery fight , a nato m37 howitzer was destroyed. at the same time, our drones disrupted the rotation of ukrainian formations. the komikat drone flew into the windshield of an american car. humvee, at the dolgintsevo airport in the dnepropetrovsk region , iskander crews destroyed the mik-29 fighter, aviation engineering service vehicles weapons. the state duma immediately passed the bill on indexation of military pensions in the second and third readings today. the amount of monetary
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allowance will increase from october 1. in addition, amendments to the federal budget for this year and for the planned two-year period were approved. the deputies took into account the speaker's proposal. allocated an additional 650 million rubles to support slavic universities in kyrgyzstan, armenia, tajikistan and belarus. new rules for foreign travel of parliamentarians were also discussed today; travel abroad is now required coordinate, and unauthorized travel will threaten early revocation of the mandate. if a person is elected to power and wants to represent the citizens of his country, he must start. discipline, hard work, and not like that, he was elected and travels around the countries, especially in the current situation, so yes, after the adoption of this norm, look, there will be fewer people who want to be elected and relax here at the expense of the state and their
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voters. moscow froze today in anticipation of the long-awaited coolness, the period of extreme heat is ending, from the west is approaching. to an atmospheric front, it brings with it showers, thunderstorms and squally winds, which can develop into hurricanes. now in the capital it is +32, and in the coming days it will be below 40 in tatarstan, dagestan, the chechen republic, stavropol, kuban and the voronezh region. in yakutia, smoke from wildfires enveloped 20 settlements. in two areas , exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances was recorded. forests are burning over an area of ​​almost 3,000 hectares.
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drive him away with shots, problems, problems of sovereignty of the agro-industrial complex the report presented today at a government meeting is devoted to strengthening food security in russia. over the past year, over 200 dairy farms and meat processing plants have been commissioned in the country. the volumes of grain, sugar, meat and fish will be enough for export and for domestic consumption. mikhailshustin said that 3.7 billion rubles will be allocated to the regions. children's, thanks to such a financial medical center, hospitals, including support, the construction of some of them will be completed this year, among them is the infectious diseases building in the ulyanovsk regional
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children's clinical hospital, this is a large institution that is significant for the residents of the entire regional institution, i would ask the ministry of construction, the ministry. security, strictly monitor the expenditure of funds, the progress of work, compliance with all schedules, we are talking about an organization where it saves lives, including our children. five-year-old patient luna fenner from the united states, who is having a giant birthmark removed from her face, had her stitches removed today after her main operation. for the first time in a long time for some time, the child can do without bandages. the first stage of treatment, which began in april, was completed on monday. she and her mother are flying home to miami, but very soon they will return to the north... the capital for additional operations. see all the details today in the big news at 20:00. and further in our issue. israel today came under serious attack from hezbollah. kiev has come up with new draconian measures for ukrainian draft dodgers. and how the gesture of a turkish
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football player for the euro influenced big politics. more on this and more in a couple of minutes minutes. say that you love. i love you, van, well , somehow you’re saying it wrong, i don’t know how to do it any other way, look at rtr, give me my direction from the factory, thank you, no need, come to me on the weekend, we ’ll sort it out, i have trip ladler, let's go there, i'll be waiting today at rtr. i grew up on the outskirts, a city worker, a boy with a fashionable cap, a boy now without a cap, a worn gold tooth. sergey parkhomenko, aka seryoga. i have two sons, but things didn’t work out with their mother. mark and platon are with you in
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minsk, their mother, i am in the country, yes. it's hard to be while driving, i had to make a decision, i made it, i didn’t want my sons to be raised by nazis, they would simply be taken hostage in order to put pressure on me. i have great respect for the mother of my children. i am very sorry that... i found myself in such a difficult life situation, where she was used in the dark, and what does it mean to be used in the dark, who is it, she was recruited, the fate of the person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, lord, are you sure, that you can handle it, look at rtr, i ask for official permission for you look after, what, so why not allow it, look after, did you sleep with each other, so what
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, how is she there, oh, well, i don’t know, well, what can i say, now that’s all, that’s all, we have to get married, everyone sees, we have a small town, everyone knows about each other, hears everything, they found the killer, just... don’t talk to anyone, okay, we agreed, he’ll tell everyone everything, but in a big secret, the mask will now be absorbed, and i’ll run away for now, okay, raya, raya knows everything, so contact me on rtr starting monday, hello, dear friends! your favorite program is on air 60 minutes 60 minutes tomorrow on your mouth, do you really think that
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someone will need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well, let’s go home, to soon get married, wait, well... vika, solova, yes, with him, between by the way, my eyes lit up on you, maybe 20 years ago, your happiness ran away, but now it’s found, i’ll take her, and we’ll forget about everything, i’ll figure it out with two men, three girls, on saturday on rtr, where- sometimes it gets caught everywhere, sometimes at a gas station, sometimes in the corridor, where to go and what to do? no need to ask anyone at all beg, humiliate themselves and extend their hands, they will have to reckon with us. so, lifting off
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the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. what do you like best? herring under a fur coat or olivier, depending on what you have to eat. alexander grigorievich, hello. there are no forces that could hold him back, only impressive, your greetings, hello, after your interview many new questions arose, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always have connections, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we’ll see, we’ll show more than others, thank you very much, come back again, sunday on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. the management of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant informed magatte that the nuclear plant’s employees were injured
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during an attack by ukrainian drones on energodar. the number of victims today has risen to nine, one person is in the hospital, the rest are being treated on an outpatient basis. damage to raduga substations did not affect the power supply of zas. our foreign ministry emphasized the deliberate nature of the raid and placed all responsibility on the leaders of the sponsors of the kiev regime. and such tactics of ukrainian formations are increasingly reminiscent of the actions of the fascists during the great patriotic war. the russian fsb today published new archival documents about the atrocities of the ss viking volunteer division on the territory of ukraine. historical parallels were drawn by elena erofeeva. the verdict in this case was passed in january 1946, but some documents are only now being published. on yellowed pages with faded printed text recognized. these terrible images
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sting the eyes with tears, pogroms in lviv in the summer of '41, jews were forced to march through the city on their knees, beaten with sticks, iron rods, women were publicly undressed, some were raped, civilians of lvov were shot by the germans who entered the city. isenman was a german raised from childhood on the ideas of fascism. from the age of 11 in the hitler jugend, from the age of eighteen in the fifth ss viking division. there is a video recording of his appearance in court, he spoke dryly, without emotion. about 45-50 people were separated and brought to the pits and thus were shot. how many people have you personally shot? there are 120 people in lviv. here the banners of the fifth ss division were raised by representatives of all racially pure peoples of europe. the scandinavians, the dutch, and the flemings were taken from belgium. descendants of those ss men.
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germans, estonians, but it is no longer possible to assemble a division from them; at first , 800 europeans took part in the special military operation in the battles in ukraine; as of june 24, there were 1.700. now the unit of the international legion is located in the chasovaya yar area, does not take part in open battles, and works as a sabotage unit. the reconnaissance group provides fire support to the armed forces infantry. unlearned history lessons of 1945, soldiers' luck cost their lives. elena erofeeva, natalya novgorodova, olga alenkina, ivan malyshev, news. the results of the work and plans for the future are now being discussed by the communists. a plenum of the union of communist parties is taking place in moscow today. before the meeting, gennady zyuganov formulated the agenda. this is preparation for
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celebrating the eightieth anniversary of victory in the great patriotic war. tense international. potential is now simply destroying what was created by several generations of russians, ukrainians, belarusians, all the peoples of our great soviet power. at the next nato summit in washington, kiev expects to receive, well, if not an invitation to the alliance, then at least something very close to it, zelensky said. true, his ardor is in a hurry to cool the german focus. the publication writes that the country will definitely not be taken into the military bloc because of
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corruption. but in an interview with the agency.
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signs that such services are valued in dollars today for illegal border crossings, however, it is increasingly a provocation of the sbu, turned simply into a business. this group of draft dodgers, which was breaking through to hungary, was captured in full force right in the middle of a wheat field. joe biden told fellow party members that he will not leave the election race and expects to win. cbs news reports this, citing sources. at the same time, the head of the white house admits that he needs to prove. americans suitability for re-election. but the ratings after the debate nosedived again. according to new polls, donald trump is ahead of his ally and rival by his largest margin since 2015. 49% of voters are now ready to vote for the republicans. the current president is considered too old to effectively govern the country; in case of a sudden replacement of a candidate,
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kamali harris is predicted to take his place. the publisher is already writing about this. trump considers both democrats unfit, he dropped out of the race, he gave up everything, it’s true, i forced him to do it do.
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ukraine will not survive the presidential elections. the largest sponsors of the democratic party are aware of the fading chances of the head of the white house for re-election. the co-founder of netflix, according to the new york times, was one of the first to publicly call for biden to quit the race. well, the dream of the british, the british about a better life after brexit never came true. this move resulted in an economic recession, increased migration and a health crisis for the country. politics writes about this. today is the first day after leaving the eu parliamentary elections. according to publication, britain is gradually returning to a number of european structures, and demands that the authorities urgently improve relations with the european union.
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the voting results will be counted. according to forecasts, the ruling conservatives could win up to 70 seats in parliament, which is less than 10%. and the worst result in 124 years. there are 650 seats in total, and the tories had the majority of the latter. years, but their popularity has plummeted, prime minister sunok risks becoming the first british prime minister to be voted out of the house of commons. the intensity of political passions now in france, where the second parliamentary elections will be held on sunday, macron’s team, the official representative of the cabinet of ministers and her assistants were attacked near paris. the group put up propaganda posters in support of the presidential bloc, which, by the way, is much inferior to the opposition. well, as parisien writes, four people were detained. israel today suffered a massive attack from hezbollah. about 200 missiles and drones were fired into the north of the country, which were intercepted by the ironclad with varying degrees of success.
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dome. after the shelling in galilee , severe fires broke out on the dutch heights. information about hits on idf targets and the death of soldiers is being actively disseminated on social networks, but there is no official confirmation of this yet. today the turkish ambassador was summoned, and the reason was the recent 1/8 final match at euro 24. the defender of the turkish national team showed an ambiguous gesture with both hands after the second goal against austria. he is associated with the turkish nationalist organization gray wolves, which is responsible for, among other things, assassination attempts to the pope in eighty-one. the group is prohibited in germany and austria. the footballer himself said that in this way he expressed pride in his country. uefa has launched an investigation against this background, president erdogan cancels his trip to azerbaijan for the summit and flies to berlin for his team’s match with the netherlands.


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