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tv   Taini sledstviya-13  RUSSIA1  July 5, 2024 2:05am-2:56am MSK

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another topic of the government meeting is agriculture. over the past year , more than 200 dairy farms and meat processing plants have been commissioned in the country. the volumes of grain, sugar, meat, and fish are sufficient for export and for domestic consumption, but agricultural producers must be provided with everything necessary for harvesting. a period of extreme heat is coming to an end in the capital region. it is replaced by showers, thunderstorms and squally winds, but in other regions the heat does not subside. temperature. 40 in tatarstan, dagestan, chechnya, stavropol, kuban and voronezh areas. in yakutia, smoke from wildfires enveloped 20 settlements. in two areas, maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances were exceeded. forests are burning over an area of ​​almost 3,000 hectares. an amphibious aircraft from the ministry of emergency situations has already been involved in the fire extinguishing effort. the difficult situation in transbaikalia, two villages that were close to the outbreaks, managed to be defended. on thursday,
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a massive rocket attack on a target in northern israel. more than 200 rockets, as well as bomb-laden drones, were fired at israeli military and other targets from southern lebanon. from israeli there are dead and injured on both sides. the movement said the attacks were in response to the killing of field commander mohammed nasir, who was killed on july 3 near tire in an israeli drone strike. after these attacks and shelling , 25 fires were recorded on the dutch heights. and in britain there was a general election on thursday. as a result, for the first time in 14 years, the ruling conservative party may lose power. torah is inferior to labour. the first british prime minister of india is also likely to lose his seat. origin of rishi sunok. the post of head of government is very likely to be given to labor leader keir starmer. labor's ratings are now extremely high. political scientists note that the change of power will not lead to a change in london’s policy on ukraine. starmer has already promised to maintain
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kiev's support. in the united states, large-scale forest fires in california continue to rage. in addition to forests , dozens of houses and cars burned down. the number of evacuees is growing, there are already more than 25 thousand. airplanes and helicopters are involved in the extinguishing, but all the efforts of one and a half thousand fire rescuers still reporting. a state of emergency has been introduced in several districts in the north of the state; according to preliminary data, there are no casualties. don't switch. in buryat, due to the hot and dry weather, a high fire danger class has been declared. more than 300 forest security personnel, the ministry of emergency situations and volunteers are involved in extinguishing forest outbreaks. with details evgeny zhamtsuev. there are now three forest fires on an area of ​​9.00 hectares in the moisky district, all of them arose due to dry thunderstorms, lightning striking trees, and precipitation due to hot and dry weather. do not have time to reach the ground,
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evaporating into the atmosphere. the situation is also complicated by the impenetrable taiga and complex terrain. they worked there completely manually, since the place is very inaccessible. today in buryatia there are 15 forest fires in six regions of the republic. 333 people from the forest guard, aviation forest protection staff, the ministry of emergency situations and involved citizens are working on the fire. 40 forest fire units were involved. equipment, the total area covered by fire is over 1900 hectares. due to the intense heat, a high class has been declared in the republic fire danger, and there is also a special fire regime, so residents can only be in the forest in specially designated areas. more than 90% of fires occur due to human fault, for example, an unextinguished fire, an abandoned plastic bottle of water, or even a piece of glass, which... with the action of the sun acts like
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a magnifying glass. in buryat, the work of patrol groups has been intensified, on foot in cars; forest inspectors travel hundreds of kilometers a day, working even at night. according to them, compared to previous years, there are more violators less. it happens, but very rarely. basically, people have become more literate now due to large fines, and they try not to violate fire safety in forests. inspectors remind you that you are in a special place for being in the forests. fire regime provides for fines: for individuals up to 50 thousand rubles, for officials up to 90, for legal entities up to 1 million rubles. evgeny zhamtsuev, alexander lubsanov, vesti buryatiya. all news is always available on the media platform. we watch it in the application or on the website. stay on the russia channel. let's start.
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come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. everything, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly, hello, good morning, also july 5, friday, the first working week of july has flown by and is coming to an end, i would say, it’s almost over, in the morning of russia studio , denis stoykov, vera krasova, we start the day with you, yes, in france, by the way, the legendary durandal sword of the knight roland was stolen. a weapon comparable to king arthur's excalibur was
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buried in rock for 1,300 years, but it was pulled out despite the fact that it was wedged and chained to a stone at a height of almost 10 m. it’s a mystery, what kind of weather awaits us this weekend, we’ll find out right now in marya’s studio, good morning, good morning, but the most important news for the central region is literally in a minute. for several hours the wind will increase and just huge thunderstorm rains with squally winds and hail will fall, so you need to be very careful, stay away from the structures of shaky trees, this is no joke, because 27 m/second, and this will all last all day today, night saturday tomorrow
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such long-awaited coolness will come, but not for long, next week it will be +30 again, by the way, as for st. petersburg, there will also be rain and hail, the same thing awaits ... in the southern regions of russia sunny weather is expected, only in some in areas , masses of heaping rain clouds may appear, causing short showers. but they will not have a serious impact on the daytime temperature here, 33-38. sea water off the coast of crimea is 23-26° on the black sea coast 21-24. and by sunday an atmospheric front will break through to the banks of the volga and the sky over the region will be covered with caps of
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thunderclouds. on saturday it is still very hot, 32-37 in the afternoon. on sunday it will become 4-5° cooler. another cyclone will move in the north-west of russia, bringing clouds and precipitation along with it. in the south up to 24-29. and in central russia, by saturday the gnawing clouds will begin to dissipate. along with the improvement of the weather, a breath of freshness will come to the region. at the beginning of the weekend, daytime temperatures will drop to 22-27, then warmer by 3-4°. in the urals , sunny weather will prevail and only in short thunderstorms are possible in some areas . in such a situation the temperature will be. in southern siberia, the weather will continue to be affected by the influence of the atmospheric front; again , there will be showers and thunderstorms, but the temperature regime will be slightly warmer than the climate in the midday hours of 24-28. in the south of the far east, fields of frontal
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clouds will also shift, bringing rain and, in places, thunderstorms and gusty winds. the prevailing daytime temperature in the amur region is 24:29, in the south of primorye until 19:24. we have yakutia, it is under cold dry air located, in yakutsk it’s 18°, it will be tomorrow, it’s september, in imicon, that is, september indicators, in imicon it’s only 15°, so yakutia is still kind of like summer here. for a pause, one might say, we understand, thank you very much, maria borisova told us about what the weather will be like next weekend, have a nice day, golden collection from azerchait, a breath of luxury in every cup, start your morning with different flavors of wonderful
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black tea, morning time to brew, catch me if you can, final game, who doesn't... i actually want them all they sang, everyone is so cool, beautiful, me too, but miracles don’t happen, today at 21:30, i’m inviting you to a housewarming party today, what do you say, the head of the family? what did she come, what does she need, ivana wants for herself, linichitsy, on monday at 21:20, to feed the whole city, in bolivia they prepared a giant sandwich weighing more than 380 kg, the exact weight of the traditional snack of the inhabitants of labas called dechola, representatives of the guinness book of records will record later, the chefs really hope that their creation will become the heaviest in... it took about 300 kg of flour, mountains, onions and carrots, as well as more than 300 kg of pork. who
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will eat all this? yes, but in any case, whoever eats it, it’s probably good to wash it down with tomato juice, especially since it contains a lot of fiber, and therefore useful substances. new research by scientists proves that tomato juice can reduce the risk of heart disease. but it has a natural taste, a beautiful color, and in general it’s one of the best. juices in my childhood, when we bought a big jar, this is what they bred, as a child i couldn’t stand tomato juice, tomato juice in three-liter glass jars evoked mixed feelings among soviet children: some adored it, others did not understand the salty taste, and maria chernaya was one of those who rather disliked tomato dryness; as a child, she considered it a drink for adults. we often flew with my family, with my brother, with my parents, so i could also take a glass, that is, with tomato juice, but like, i’m already big, but now. tomato juice in her weekly diet, and she prepares it herself, so you can control the quality of the tomatoes themselves and
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the amount of salt, so that you are sure to get it superfood, you can eat it almost like pureed soup due to its thick consistency, while still getting all the benefits of tomatoes. fiber helps us with digestion, improves, completely heals and rejuvenates the body, and tomatoes also hold the record for lycopene content. yes, in 100 g of tomato there is almost 3 mg, in a glass of tomato juice there are already 20. almost seven times more, it has a very beneficial effect on normalizing the level of lipids in our blood, especially the level of low -density lipoproteins, that is, bad cholesterol, the level of good cholesterol increases , this is exactly the effect observed in people who consumed at least 300 ml of tomato juice daily for 12 weeks.
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improving heart performance, but we are talking about juice without salt, of course you have to try to find one among store-bought varieties, although industrial tomato juice has one significant advantage over homemade tomato juice. during the production process, lycopene becomes more accessible, yes, that is, heat treatment allows you to destroy some of the membranes and release lycopene for further use. used by the body, even more lycopene in tomato sauce or pasta, although the store-bought version still contains the same salt, so it’s better to make them yourself, but you can come up with a more interesting dish. we add chopped tomatoes to a thicker consistency and add juice to balance the thickness. there is even more fiber here, because the composition contains pepper, celery, herbs, cucumbers and no heat treatment, so in addition to lycopene and potassium, it will remain intact. and vitamin c. this gospacha also contains olive oil, feta cheese, and these are all fats and lycopene
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is absorbed better with them, so this summer you can strengthen your heart and have fun. the experts named promising professions for the next 5 years, first of all, of course, programmers and, in general, all professions related to information technology. workers in healthcare, biology, neuroscience and... and pharmacology will continue to be in demand; another important area is transport and logistics. the creative industry segment, media communications, design, and animation deserve close attention. by the way, get professional experience without more than a million teenagers will be able to suspend their survivor benefits. the state duma adopted a law preserving such benefits for children and young people, even if they get a job. today in russia almost 1.5 million people receive a survivor's pension, among them...
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there remained a social supplement from the region, now changes in the law are such that if a teenager works , he will not be deprived of his pension. at the same time, for part-time schoolchildren under 18 years of age there are no restrictions on continued receipt of payments, for example, based on the amount of salary or number of hours worked. they are dictated only by labor legislation;
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students who have not yet turned 23 years old need to follow several rules in order not to lose. help, firstly, to inform the social fund about getting a job, and at the same time it is necessary to continue studying in an academic form, and you can earn money not only on vacation, but also while studying. this money can be an excellent addition to the payment, experts say, reminding that children who have lost one or both parents are entitled to one of the types of payments, state, social or insurance pension for the loss of a survivor. the first is nominated by a family member of fallen service members. insurance is assigned if the parent’s work experience. was at least one day, social, if he never worked. the size of the insurance pension depends on the length of service, earnings and the amount of insurance contributions of the deceased breadwinner. the social pension is set at a fixed amount and is indexed annually. so, this year social the survivor's pension is almost 7,700 rubles. for children who have lost one
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parent, twice as much for orphans, and the amount of the insurance pension is calculated individually, and the payment cannot be... insufficient, he will be assigned a social supplement, which will be calculated individually. girls, which of you ratted me out? eh, you lived like family for a year, i ’ll curse you. let's look at rtr. my work, and if it’s mine, then what did you give up, but cursed all three of you, i never regretted that we didn’t get along like that, not with you, it’s a pity if you’re a zanin if you’re afraid, then take him from here and take him away, you love me, who do i love, if you love me, let’s go, leaving is not difficult, the main thing is to decide who to take with you, let’s go to mary, let’s go,
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let’s go, continuation, we’ll look at it on monday. .. rtr: i’m getting ready to get married, on the upcoming anniversary, the sold-out star of the crooked mirror, comedian igor khristenko will talk for the first time about his fictitious marriages, but most importantly, why he didn’t marry the actress who gave birth to his son. two fictitious wives, an illegitimate child, another in marriage, it seems to me that this is your story not humorous at all. my son is already 44 years old, live broadcast, today on rtr, do you really think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well, let's go home, to get married soon, wait, well, vika ,
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darling, yes, by the way, does he have an eye for you? caught fire, maybe 20 years ago your happiness ended, but now it’s found, i’ll take her, and we’ll forget about everything, but how are you going to figure it out with two men, three girls, on saturday on rtr, i grew up on the outskirts of a working-class city. fashionable cap boy or boy now without a cap, a worn gold tooth, sergei parkhomenko, aka seryoga, i have two sons, but things didn’t work out with their mother, mark and platon are with you in minsk, their mother, i’m from ukraine, yes, it’s hard to be driving, i had to make a decision, i made it, i did not want my sons to be raised
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by nazis, they would simply be taken hostage in order to put pressure on me, i have great respect... i have great respect for the mother of my children, i am very sorry that she found herself in such a difficult life situation, where she was used, and what does it mean to be used everyone who is this hut, she was recruited, the fate of the man with boris korchevnikov today on rtr. captain sazunov, did you call me? hello! this is for me, look at rtr. you promised me no dates, no mottos during working hours. you have good informants. she killed her husband. aren't you afraid? what should i be afraid of? i'm not married. what about you and her? seriously? i wouldn't make a girl like that wait. i’ll see you in the light again
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and i won’t look at your pursuit, you understand? i won't be able to live if they kill you. you, san, nothing you don’t know what friendship is, or what love is. an artist, but a trickster. it’s hard to leave me, from monday on rtr. tailed co-pilot. kevin fehrman, a taxi driver from montana, goes to work every day with his dog bowie and many city residents dream of taking a ride with them, because bowie can be hugged, stroked, he will give his paw, listen, and take pictures.
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a truly large station wagon that came into being when parking space was not yet being saved. this is the pantiac parisien, a model created by the american brand primarily for the canadian market in 1958. u we are testing the fifth generation, produced in 1984, and this is a smaller version: the predecessors were even longer. the car extends 5 m 38 cm. so far from the driver's door to the trunk. when you get there, you'll get tired. by the way, the name parisien is translated as parisians. so pontiac wanted to emphasize the elegance and sophistication of its model. well,
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the manufacturer had very specific ideas about sophistication. the trunk door can swing open to the side, but if you press a button in the cabin, the rear window goes down, and the side folds down just like a pickup truck. folding down the rear seatback creates a large cargo area, but so be it. if it's not enough, there are practical roof rails on the roof. the design of the engine is simple and reliable; it is a 5-liter carburetor eight-cylinder unit with a capacity of 140 horsepower. it is unpretentious to fuel and requires about 13 liters of gasoline per hundred, which is not at all a lot for such a volume. the interior is simple but tasteful. velor seats, steering wheel and dashboard, wood veneer trim, air conditioning, radio, lever four-speed automatic transmission on the steering wheel, despite... and the weight of 1700 kg, the pontiac starts off cheerfully and accelerates briskly. it takes a little more than 9 seconds to pick up the engine from low speeds to hundreds.
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the energy-intensive suspension regularly smooths out road unevenness. due to the large glass area and thin pillars, visibility is excellent, but you need to get used to the dimensions, especially not easy when parking. pantiak parisien was produced until 1986. there were sedan, coupe and even convertible options, but it was a station wagon. has become a real folk favorite, it was one of the largest cars of the eighties, the whole family could load luggage into it and go on a road trip and even spend the night, and canadians were so attached to this pontiac that they did not want to exchange it for new models, because it was simple, reliable and inexpensive to maintain, but what else do you need, and not singing in this duet... well, what? you want some heat, right? not the last people on our stage, because i said so. in the latest episode of the detective
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show, the choice is made, catch me if you can, incredible final game. today at 21:30. fine. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. vesti will tell you about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. the sco is strengthening its position on the world stage, becoming one of the independent centers of the new multipolar world. vladimir putin stated this at a press conference following the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization in astana. the president also answered questions from journalists, in particular about the illegitimacy
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of the kiev authorities. putin also stated. what any ceasefire in ukraine is impossible without achieving clear, irreversible agreements. during his speech, the head of state assessed the chances of resuming agreements with the united states and noted that in order to begin negotiations on global security , it is necessary to wait until the end of the elections in the united states to understand the mood of the new administration. the question of creating a legal framework for international security and strategic stability is, of course, an issue. we formulated ours.
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never refused now ready for continuation of peace negotiations, it was ukraine that refused the negotiations, and did so publicly, on direct orders from london, which means there is no doubt about this from washington, which ukrainian officials say directly and openly, the istanbul
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agreements, thank you for that. to the president of the republic of turkey, mr. erdogan, who took part in this work as a mediator, these agreements have not gone away, they were initialed by the head of the ukrainian negotiating delegation, which means apparently, ukraine was quite happy with these agreements, the istanbul agreements , remain on the table and can be used as the basis for continuing these negotiations. on the fields. acting president of the islamic republic of iran mohammed mahber. the russian leader emphasized that our country supports iran’s application to obtain observer status in the eurasian economic union. putin also met with the emir of qatar, tamim bin hamad al-thani and invited him to visit russia. our units have improved their position in the front line edge on the donetsk sector of the front. brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were hit in the areas of serebryanka and sporny.
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our drones disrupted the rotation of ukrainian formations. kamika's drone flew into the windshield of an american humvee. at dolginsky airport in the dnepropetrovsk region , iskander crews destroyed a mig-29. a period of extreme heat is ending in the capital region. it is replaced by showers, thunderstorms and squally winds. but in other regions the heat does not subside. temperature under. as in tatarstan, dagestan, chechnya, stavropol, kuban and voronezh areas. in yakutia, smoke from wildfires enveloped 20 settlements. in two areas, maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances were exceeded. forests are burning over an area of ​​almost 300,000 hectares. an amphibious aircraft from the ministry of emergency situations was involved in the extinguishing. difficult situation in transbaikalia. two villages that were close to the outbreaks were able to be defended. local residents helped fight the fire. the atlantic
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continues to rage. the day before, he passed through the cayman islands and jamaica, bringing with him winds and showers. been to the islands before saint vincent and the grenadines in other caribbean island states. she has the lives of at least eight people. the hurricane is now declining in strength from its highest category five to a category three and is moving towards the coast of mexico. don't switch. the season for harvesting algae has begun on the white sea, residents of the pomeranian village of kolezhma have been engaged in this fishery for several centuries, who needs algae for what, our correspondent anastasia bodenchuk found out. most often, we do not work during the day, but in the evening, because at night the wind subsides, there is no breaking wave, you can approach the rock well. and once again the order depends on the ebb and flow of the tides. in order to reach
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the place, and then catch the moment when the depth is approximately hip-deep, then the long stems standing in the water column are most conveniently cut off with an ordinary scythe, the cut algae floats on... the surface, they are collected with a pitchfork or simply by hand and thrown into the boat. our gold, focus is called the king of algae, the richest source of iodine, vitamins, and most importantly alginates and fukaidan, which are not found in land plants, it is believed that they remove heavy metal salts from the body, regulate cholesterol levels, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. at coastal tourist centers , salads are prepared for guests from the focus, we prepare them from ordinary ingredients, like... zucchini is fried, fucus and a tablespoon of soy sauce are added, the finished salad is decorated with lightly salted sego and cucumber, and native kolymsk resident valentina anisimova adds
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another seaweed to the soup - kelp, it already treats pain in the hand, wrapping it on an inflamed area and even sunburn, the same amount all sorts of vitamins, well, iodine most of all, however, the collective farm produces algae on an industrial scale. salad and not for treating burns. the focus is mainly purchased by agro-industrial enterprises for the production of fertilizers and feed additives. this is a recycled trick. usually i buy just a handful on the marketplace and use it as a dietary supplement or cosmetic, but here there are simply tons of it, and this particular one will go to kuban as a fertilizer for vegetable crops. during the season, the republics harvest 1. tons of dried seaweed the boat holds about 2 tons of cheeses. of raw materials, fishermen scatter this large mountain over the rocks for drying; in good weather, a day is enough, and if you’re unlucky, you’ll have to go stir it up, or else shelter it from the rain, during which time the weight of the harvested product will decrease by four, so anastasia
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badenchuk, matvey kiprushkin took it, nikita lukin, vesti karelia, kolezhma, belomorsky district. magadan game managers are searching for a bear that was walking along the territory of the city seaport. kosolapovo was taken down by passing drivers, who scared the beast away. how lyudmila shcherbakova learned to behave correctly when meeting a predator. this footage was taken by eyewitnesses in the early morning of a bear running through the magadan seaport. the clubfoot is apparently frightened; drivers honk their horns, trying to drive the beast away. bear, bear, man, bear. the predator ran along the rocks and disappeared into the bushes. people called immediately. here the bear climbed the rocks and went further into the forest. game wardens have already examined the area near the seaport; no predator was found, but the bear that came into the city is considered dangerous. that the search for him continues. residents
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were advised not to walk along the ecological trail in these places for now. a bear can cover up to several hundred kilometers in a day, and can walk somewhere nearby. magadan residents often come here for the spring water, now they say they look around. magadan residents will soon go picking berries and mushrooms and must remember the main rules: talk loudly, if something happens, don’t run away, show yourself big, well , open your trigger, for example, so that something wide, tall, but don’t run away, maybe
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even, well, pretend to be dead, then there is a greater chance of survival; a bear that traveled through the territory of the seaport of magadan will be looked for even closer. in a few days, if the predator does not approach the city again, game wardens will lose interest in it. the same reports of clubfoot come to the hunting department of columa from different settlements of the magadan region. now that salmon have entered the rivers of the region, perhaps bears will appear less often in cities and towns, but residents are still advised not to lose vigilance. lyudmila shcherbakov, alexey gilov, host magadan. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website. stay on the channel. hot premiere, take care of yourself , take care of your children, have a safe journey, to russia with love, i wish we could answer the next anniversary, jackpot as a married couple, head, my god, you
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can become a donor for your wife bahar, i really want to live, no, don’t sign, mom, what are you doing, bahar named spring from monday at 15:00. on the russia channel today i invite you, that the head of the family you’ll tell me what he came for, what she needs, she wants ivan for herself, understand. on monday at 21:20. hello. good morning, we, denis toikov, vera krasova, are pleased to welcome you. it's great that you are starting a new day with us. don’t forget, our telegram channel is also with you throughout the day. subscribe. yes it's true. how to lure remote workers back to the office? this is the employer. every third russian is ready to return if
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their salary increases. there are other ways, for example, an invitation to a dream job or bonuses in the form free gym lunches. one in four people value having colleagues nearby so they have someone to talk to. and there are those who would trade remote work for an office only with their pet, but by the way, it’s an excellent story: cats and dogs also save you from burnout. yes, but in the summer you still want to lie and lie at the dacha. according to statistics, almost half of russians spend time outside the city, although such a vacation cannot be called completely serene, some are fighting for the harvest, some with mosquitoes, well, among the owners of plots of many snt we have to fight for purity. this garbage is eaten by the wind and then actively dispersed, then we walk around and collect it. and this is an endless process, because the container is filled as if by magic in a matter of hours, everything that does not fit inside lies nearby. the culprits of the outrage are explained by the exhausted summer residents, here they are, a common road from...
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no matter how offended or indignant the summer residents may be, alas, the contractor has every right to say so, experts confirm. the current legislation regulates everything in such a way that it is regional. operator answers - to ensure that waste does not fall out of containers when loading a garbage truck, the frequency at the container site is monitored by the owners of the container site, when the container overflows, then this is a question for the site container owners, even those suffering from other people’s garbage without guilt, snt is already seriously considering post security, close the container lock, but it is clear that this will not give results, in snt named after michurin in yaroslavl these problems and the impotent irritation of their colleagues in collecting transit... garbage are well understood, the container located outside snt
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is also available for public use, but they tried to solve the problem in a different way, switched to the so-called payment for the actual removal of waste and almost went bankrupt. a car with a trailer pulls up, there are broken boards from a burnt out bathhouse. i ask why you dump burnt boards into this container, to which the man says, yes, yes , this is the first time and i’ve never dumped this, that’s what everyone answers, but the renters themselves... have something to throw away, and even the touring people add in triplets, it is unrealistic for even a large snt to cope with such an influx of garbage on its own, and according to the law there is no one to help, lawyers confirm, snt is legally cut off from the municipality of lomot, although the road is nearby a municipal one, there is something to think about, experts say. as for snt, which is located, let’s say, not far from the roadway, then most likely, in order to act fairly, it seems to me that it needs to be really close, for example, to containers or a container site. install a container platform or at least
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one or two municipal containers, or at least for the summer, any waste removal contractor can easily confirm that from may to october there is five times more waste in the containers of any snt. probably, we need to talk about seasonal schedules, seasonal standards for garbage removal from snt. in the summer, when there is more garbage, more frequent collection is required, or at least think about seasonal discounts or subsidies from the municipality for transit snt. such expenses most likely would not burden the municipal budget so much, and people in in the villages of snt, life would be better, cleaner and more pleasant. we will continue the topic with the deputy head of the popular front investigation bureau valery goryukhanov. valery, good morning, well, we saw in the story that the problem with garbage disposal in snt, especially in the summer, is very urgent. some experts suggest changing the schedule depending on the season, that is , one in the summer, another in the winter, what do you think? and... this will not completely solve the problem, because there are summer residents who create a lot of garbage, and there are
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summer residents who come with grandparents and just pick apples, plant something and leave, accordingly, there are completely different volumes of garbage, the system is moving towards individual payment for the garbage that residents create, how to count it, and individual payments, individual containers, these are the bins, these are the tanks, and such a tank rolls out in front of every house and accordingly. the owner of this house, he enters into an agreement with a company that removes garbage, and then he writes that in the agreement that i believe that i have there once a week it is enough for the husband to be taken out. that is , a car arrives in the village, the driver has a diagram of how often to remove garbage from each house , so is there already such examples, we see that there are cottage villages, there are new snts that are being built that have switched to this system, but this is not this means that all the garbage will be removed in this way, some
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general garbage, of course, there is general garbage that is created by the entire snt, this is tree pruning, this is if the sidewalk there has been redone, changed. fences, gates - this is the garbage which is created by all the actual residents of this snt, or even summer residents, and here a contract is needed for the removal of this general garbage, the same snt, somewhere there is a fenced area, there is a fence, yes, there is an automatic gate, etc., etc., somewhere there is such , there are no such conditions, they are, for example, located along the road, containers for garbage companies are located closer to the road, often people passing by, as we saw in the same story, leave their garbage there, well , it’s just on their way, yes on their way, it’s just that this hasn’t happened before, as if it wasn’t there was such a super task to raise more money, namely the fight for cleanliness, there were these municipal containers that were engaged in what they were exporting, why not find some kind of compromise here, well , there should be, oddly enough,
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of course control over these garbage sites, and if the garbage site belongs to snt, it must either be fenced off, then it is mandatory. understands that he lives in this village, he is dissatisfied with the way the garbage is disposed of, he writes a written appeal to the head of the administration, if there are more such appeals, of course, the impact on the head and the pressure will be greater, accordingly, the head must answer him in writing, if he agrees, accordingly he adds, for example, a container, if he does not agree, why he does not agree, if you understand that rights
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have been violated here, the prosecutor's office will check, contact the prosecutor's office, the prosecutor's office will check how the head of the administration performs his duties, and it is no coincidence that this topic came up just recently. in the federation council they raised the question that regional organizations collected 280 billion rubles last year operators, and this money is essentially not under control, that is, what was it used for, how is it spent, how do these operators ultimately work for this money, so maybe then it is worth creating such a body that would either give more powers to the russian environmental operator , or who runs these companies here, regarding the powers, a really large number of people are outraged by the work of operators in general. and accordingly, if the environmental operator has more powers, of course there will probably be more control justice, understood, thank you, thank you, we talked about how to solve the garbage problem in snt with the deputy head of the people's front investigation bureau valery gryukhanov, have a nice day, thank you, i 'm getting married, in the coming july, the star
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of the sold-out distorting mirror, comedian igor khristenko for the first time will tell you about his fictitious ones. in russia, an interregional stage of the championship on professional skills, professionals and the championship of high technologies is taking place, under the national education project and the federal project about... participants at the regional stage there were more than 13,000 competitors, these are schoolchildren and college students from all over the country, ahead of the final competitions, which take place in 350 competencies, and the finals of the championships in the fall.
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to begin the task, a stern call from the chief judge is like another order for the cooks in the kitchen of a prestigious restaurant. at the khabarovsk trade and economic college , juniors compete in culinary... ninth-grader alina gollik flew from moscow to this competition and says: her love for baking began almost from the cradle. to me i'm interested in baking because i like working with dough. learning different textures of dough is very interesting for your knowledge. in parallel with her school lessons, the girl receives additional education as a baker in college; she admits that the acquired skills help in these competitions , less time is spent on preparing dishes, and there are almost no mistakes during execution. skills in working with... equipment, tools, behavior, even on the site are assessed, and sanitary standards, safety requirements, as well products are evaluated separately, and both external and internal are evaluated. component yes, that is, structure, color, taste, smell, today young chefs bake buns, brioche and other delicacies, one of the conditions is the mandatory use of raisins, this is how
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the jury tests the children’s ability to work with ingredients, prestigious competitions are not only invaluable experience, but and additional points for further admission to study. more than 6,000 children from all over the country have already taken part in the qualifying rounds, however, within the framework of all-russian championship movement, not only students, but also teachers themselves compete for the title of best of the best. what we are now. built, we will need to design and draw this part, gentle rigor in every phrase, arina semenenko has been teaching applied geodesy at the nizhny novgorod construction college for the sixth year, before that she worked as an engineer, but the desire to bring good and eternal things ultimately won. since childhood, i loved technical sciences, i loved mathematics, and physics was, in principle, exactly what i found a branch of activity that combines all these sciences. arina is a finalist at the regional stage ahead. a few more competitions, it was not so easy to become a winner, knowledge and experience helped. the competition consisted of several stages, first there was a correspondence stage,
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where we presented our video lesson, presented our business card, and then there was a face-to-face, face-to-face stage of the competition. the jury took into account all the originality, presentation of educational material, visual materials, and overall assessed how this or that applicant copes with competitive tasks for her arina igoryevna.
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how to distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmless one and is there a chance to get rid of annoying dangerous neighbors in the countryside? we’ll find out soon, lord, are you sure you can handle it? look at rtr, i ’m asking for official permission to look after you, so why not allow it, look after you, did you sleep raw, so what, how is she doing, oh, well, i don’t know, well, what can i say, now that’s it that everything, you have to get married, everyone sees, we have a small town, everyone knows about each other, everyone hears, the murderer on... just don’t talk to anyone, okay, we agreed, he’ll tell everyone everything, but in great secret, the mask will now
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be absorbed, and i’ll run away for now, okay, raya, raya knows everything, so contact me, from monday on rtr, from the sanction , yes, razruka station, we have a ticket with us, a special edition of the program hello.


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