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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  July 5, 2024 4:36am-5:00am MSK

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approximately up to the hips, then the long stems standing in the water column are most conveniently cut off with an ordinary scythe, the cut algae floats on the surface, they are collected with a pitchfork or simply by hand and thrown into the boat, our gold, fucus is called the king of algae, the richest source of iodine, vitamins, and most importantly alginates and fukaidan, which are not found in terrestrial plants, are believed to remove heavy metal salts from the body, regulate cholesterol levels, it already treats pain in the hand, wrapping it on an inflamed area and even... sunburn,
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there are so many vitamins of all kinds, this is, well, iodine most of all, however, on an industrial scale, the collective farm produces seaweed not for salad and not for the treatment of burns, the focus is mainly purchased by agro-industrial enterprises for the production of fertilizers and feed additives, this is a processed focus, i usually buy, well, there’s a handful like this on the marketplace, i use it as a dietary supplement or cosmetic, but here there are simply tons of it, and this particular one will go to kuban as... a convenience for vegetable crops. 1. tons are harvested in the republic per season dried seaweed, about 2 tons of raw material are placed in the boat. fishermen scatter this large mountain over the rocks to dry. if the weather is good, a day will be enough, but if you are unlucky, you will have to go stirring, otherwise shelter from the rain. during this time, the weight of the prepared product will decrease by four. anastasia badenchuk, matvey keprushkin, nikita lukin, news!
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bear, man, bear! the predator ran along the rocks and disappeared into the bushes. people immediately called game wardens. here the bear climbed the rocks and went further into the forest. territory game wardens have already examined the area near the seaport. the predator was not found. but the bear that entered the city is considered dangerous, so the search for it continues. residents were advised not to walk along the ecological trail in these places for now. a bear can travel up to several hundred kilometers in a day. or maybe walking somewhere nearby.
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magadan residents often come here for spring water, and now they say they look around with caution. truckers actually film bears in different parts of the city. a whole family was caught on dvr clubfoot crossing the road near the village of sokol. in case a predator appears, drivers have already developed their strategy. he climbs into the cabin, doesn’t climb where he shouldn’t, he’s not afraid of anything, he’s no longer afraid of anything. like feeders. the most dangerous place to meet a bear is in the forest, say biologists. residents of magadan will soon go picking berries and mushrooms and must remember the main rules: talk loudly, and don’t run away if something happens. show yourself big, well , open the trigger, for example, so that something wide, tall, well, don’t run away, maybe even, well, pretend to be dead then.
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more likely to survive. the search for the bear, which traveled through the seaport of magadan, will continue for the next few days. if the predator does not approach the city again, game wardens will lose interest in it. the same reports about clubfoot come to the columa hunting department from different settlements of the magadan region. now that salmon have entered the rivers of the region, perhaps bears will appear less often in cities and towns, but residents are still advised not to let down their vigilance. gilev, magadan. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website. stay on the russia channel. hot premiere. take care of yourself and your children. happy road. to russia with love. if only we would answer for the next anniversary. already like a married couple. head. my god, you will be able to become a donor for your wife bahar. i really want to live. no, don't sign. what to do?
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bahar named spring. from monday at 15:00 on the russia channel. i invite you to a housewarming party today. what will the head of the family say? “why did she come, what does she need, does ivana want for herself, clinicians, on monday at 21:20, good morning, hello, vera krasovy, denis stoykov, we are glad to meet this morning with you, especially the morning is not easy, friday morning and." the fifth day shows us the calendar: the country of deer, the south korean island of anma , filled the herds of deer, they got stuck about 40 years ago, then farmers wanted to breed them, since the antlers are valued in traditional medicine, but plans changed and the animals were simply released, and the deer began
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to reproduce uncontrollably, oh they are like that, the locals don’t like it at all, ungulates destroy crops and damage trees. now there are seven deer for every person, people have... sent a petition to the government calling for these animals to be recognized as pests, but in our country snakes harm summer residents, and dangerous vipers are becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish from harmless snakes, is there a chance to get rid of such dangerous ones ? neighbors, found out, if a whistle is heard somewhere, it is clear that someone saw a snake, snakes assure the residents of this snt everywhere, in ditches, on hillocks along the roads, even walking on lawns has become dangerous, watch your step carefully, irina hoped that after this discovery she would not meet the uninvited guest again, but the snake played on her nerves for a long time. she believed that this was, in principle, her land, although they frightened her there,
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scared her away, but she came and came and came for 3 days. it is not surprising, the forest is her home, summer residents have come in large numbers here, according to zoologists it is growing. not the number of snakes, their food supply of mice and frogs in the forest has increased this summer, sometimes people themselves create conditions on the site, scattered firewood, scattered brushwood, scattered some garbage, if we have a large number of rodents with holes, then naturally the snakes have somewhere to hide and we thereby lure them, and you don’t know who will crawl, and if you are scared , you can confuse a viper with a snake, especially since vipers have been in recent years darkened, but the pigment helps the females to bask in the sun, not to camouflage themselves, rather this is necessary for... you see, he flattens his head so that everyone thinks that he is a terrible poisonous snake, but his beautiful light ears give him away, of course, as a snake. it can really scare you, maybe one and a half meters long, but he doesn’t bite, here’s a short viper, only half a meter. the serpentarium breeds them to obtain poison, and milks them with bare hands, so
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the teeth of the snake are familiar to everyone here. if you are bitten by, say, a cobra, you may not even feel the bite. and the bite of a viper will be quite painful. burning, acute pain. the poison is not fatal, but an encounter with it can end badly for children, the elderly and chronically ill people. the main thing is to provide first aid on the spot. ensure limb immobilization, exclude active movements, that is, there is an active movement of this limb to apply cold to the bite site. and then take the victim to the hospital. in kusbas, the number of people bitten by vipers this summer has already been opened. while swimming in the river, the snake swam around with his hand. wanted to push him away, scratched him with a tooth, his hand was still swollen, a snake bit this man in the leg, which is why, when going into the forest, they advise you to put on boots and arm yourself. snakes are absolutely deaf, they do not have a hearing aid, but they feel vibration very well literally
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with their whole body, so it is better for the pole to walk with with a stick, tapping in front of you, snakes don’t like this, mow the grass in the area and clear places where snakes can hide and call for help. for pets, especially cats, their lightning-fast reaction makes them invulnerable in a fight with a viper, and even if they miss a blow, due to physiology it will not be fatal. sometimes you have to defend yourself on your territory not only from vipers. a bill was introduced into the state duma proposing that self-defense when defending one’s home should not be punished, either at a place of permanent or temporary residence, or at place of stay. today, if a person defends himself from robbers who have entered the house, he can be attracted. criminal liability, so according to the judicial department of the supreme court of the russian federation in 2021 , 846 people were convicted for exceeding the necessary defense, only one was acquitted, in 2022 640 people, nine of them were acquitted. how
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to change the situation, let’s ask deputy chairman of the state duma boris chernyshova. borisovich, hello, good morning, good morning, of course this is not a morning topic, but that’s all equally important for the whole country. the bill that we are talking about, a bill allowing citizens to defend themselves by all means, in their own home, in the state house, was already introduced in 2022, why did it stall then, well, there are those who? against this, but people don’t understand that we have our bill amending the thirty-seventh article of the ukrainian federation, necessary self-defense. the main principle that we pursue is the principle “my home, my fortress”. the bill we are talking about, which stalled, you say, there were someone against it, right there, as far as i understand, the council considered controversial the proposal to give the defender the right to use any violence, and in relation to robbers, this amendment eliminates the need to assess the nature of the danger, the threat of violence, don’t you think this is absurd. when you are robbed, you are killed, you also have to keep in mind, am i enough,
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are my actions in response comparable? of course, when a person, especially a man, sees that his family, his loved ones, and relatives are in danger, he must do everything to avoid this danger, fell the robbers are immediately defeated, boris, but now what will change with this new bill, should the norm be spelled out somehow differently or what? based on the comments that were made, but i’ll tell you, if this topic is constantly introduced into the discourse, well, into the conversation, into the discussion, someday we will survive and allow citizens to defend themselves, and we are saying this not only about the house, specifically where a person is registered to live, in any place in general, in a hotel, i don’t know, in an inn, somewhere on a campsite people who want to kill you, you have to defend yourself, does that mean? this is that there will not be any complex algorithms and nuances written in the series that a woman
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can use a knife against a man with fists, and a man, if suddenly men are robbing him, he has a firearm, he can only use it when they attack, when they are already running away, then you can’t shoot in the back, for the legislator it doesn’t matter, if we don’t know, maybe they will run away from the house, on the other side they will run in and stab this person to death, this is a fact in violation.
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who are you hitting? me or him? what did you do? i added grandma’s powder to her and she’s done. are you in yours? we watch the continuation on
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monday at 21:20 on the russia channel. two bridges, two artificial islands and one underwater tunnel 7 km long. in china , the shenzhen-junshan highway was completed and launched. the twenty-four-kilometer route will shorten the route between cities from 2:00 to 30 minutes. the implementation of the ambitious project took 7 years and 1.5 billion dollars - that’s 136 billion rubles. the lendinyan bridge is the main part of the complex, considered the world's largest sea suspension bridge, but it is almost 70 floors high, 270 m. and another impressive figure: during construction, 22,500 m2 of asphalt was laid during construction, which is comparable to 50 basketball courts. large scale. well, a cycloplane will also help reduce travel time; an experimental machine that will become an alternative
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to a helicopter and a quadrocopter was created in siberia. a small device weighing about 60 kg has already made its first flight. 3 seconds to check the system , four cylinders begin to rotate around the perimeter of the car, unusual the design is a so-called cyclo-ice, an electric-powered aircraft. it can become an alternative to a helicopter or copter. this word contains the word cycle, it works on cyclic movers, they are a little like the wheels of old steamships, these are cylinders rotating in a horizontal plane instead of walls. load-bearing blades, they can change the angle of attack during rotation, resulting in a lifting force. our unmanned vehicle has four cyclic propulsors, each of them is capable of creating thrust in any direction and vector, that is, the direction of this thrust and the forces of this thrust can change independently for all four propulsors. as a result, a cycloplane needs less energy to
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move than a copter helicopter. in addition, it can hover close to buildings, are not afraid of collisions with... an air taxi, that is, this flying one will be able to become a passenger and serve as a passenger, they expect that in the long term, cycloplanes are a device approximately the size of a car, it can lift air, well, a couple a person, let’s put it this way, that is, he’s like that, well, literally i mean a flying car. today, the main problem of all electric aircraft is the lack of capacious and lightweight batteries. at the moment, the autonomous flight time
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of the cycloplane does not exceed 10 minutes, as they say, you won’t fly far, however, engineers are now working on creating a hybrid. engine, with it the flying cyclo-ice will be able to hover in the air for hours, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing ones.
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the whole brigade, just look at the platform, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but one thing unites them: sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he loves to grab there with his claws, and so tame . party guy, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, on my shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you hurry everything, guys, to feed me
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hamster, you are among friends, in a circle. friends, program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. do you really think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old? they say divorce. well , let's go home? to a quick marriage, wait, well, vika, solva, yes, by the way, his eye lit up for you, maybe 20 years ago your happiness all ran away, but now it has been found, i’ll take her, and we ’ll forget about everything, that how will the men figure it out, three girls, on saturday on rtr.
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a secret is underfoot in the serbian town of malezvornik, where a royal bunker was turned into a museum, the dungeon had a code the name "stone maiden" and resided in oblivion, and now on an area of ​​500 km. you can learn the history of the royal family, which ruled in the late twenties and early thirties of the last century. the bunker was built in case of war. the place itself was kept strictly secret, there are 75 rooms and 12 entrances, there are the king’s personal chambers, a meeting hall, an officers’ dining room, an infirmary and a small chapel, and they’ve settled down well underground, but if you can’t visit the museum on the weekend, you can just
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read, about the most interesting publications, like always, egor sirov will tell you. good morning and i offer you a good detective story for the weekend. one of our newspapers named it the best crime novel of the year. and the author denis mina anastasia izmayilova translated this book into russian, it is called an accusation. everything is as it should be in a detective story. there is a mystery, there is a murder, and family problems have been added to spice things up. and the author of this book, dennis mina, she is somehow unique, and has received numerous prizes, various literary ones, and at the same time writes stories, and short stories, and detective novel.
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it began to be called iran only in 1935, and among themselves they called it that way, arias, ariana, iran. book by alex gromov. persia, iran, xx century. a very interesting book. i read it with pleasure. two books, seemingly two different books, but actually one book. lev nikolaevich tolstoy, fairy tales, fables, stories, artist niki. rashchektaev. by the way, in 5 years we will celebrate the centenary of his birth. and how a man of geese shared stories, fairy tales, fables. inside they are the same
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and inside there is a fable called the reed and olive. the olive tree and the reed argued about who was stronger and stronger. the olive tree laughed at the reeds because they bend in every wind. kamysh was silent. a storm came, the reeds staggered and shook. bent to the ground, survived, the olive tree sprang with branches against the wind and broke. lev nikolaevich tolstoy, fable, very good books, and with this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy. and then, healthy drinks. what is this? do you need a healthy heart? yes. well, without tomato juice, it’s the same as a wedding night. no hints, no, i didn’t i’m drinking, what’s there to drink here, and don’t offend the faith, she made it herself, yes, come on, let’s say for good health, and the benefits of tomato juice
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right after the news, how many tomatoes were trampled all night, so, come on, let’s do it with a smile . morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. important results of the summit in astana, vladimir putin made a statement about a peaceful settlement in ukraine, and belarus joined the sco. the metropolitan area is being replaced by a thunderstorm and a hurricane. in yakutia , the ministry of emergency situations is monitoring settlements within the distance of forest fires. with fire using change is coming to aviation in britain after the general election, will lon continue?


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