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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  July 5, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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king was killed, and then kennedy himself was killed, the brother of john f. kennedy, who , by the way, also ran for president and for some time even was in the lead in the primaries, so this was in the history of the united states, it happened quite recently, but i sincerely i hope that things won’t come to such parallels, but there really could still be a lot of surprises, so before november 5th there is a lot that will happen in the united states, well, we’ll see - if a lot is still unclear in the united states, then in the uk, of course, the result itself elections is already clear, but there are also interesting moments, for example, i’m very interested in how farage, whom everyone there considers almost an agent of putin, will perform, but it will be curious what his result will be, once we remember during the brexit period, he played quite important role in british modern politics. in
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general, the history of europe has gone in an interesting direction, we’ll see, let me remind you that elections will take place in france on sunday, also with very interesting results, i hope that after all, voters in europe they begin to understand what a monstrous story they are being dragged into, perhaps, through at least the ballot papers, they will express their attitude to what we see on the screen and what we see in real life. well, urgent news, what is called unconfirmed information, prime minister of hungary viktor orban a few days after his visit to kiev, he was in kiev the day before yesterday, he will come to moscow, a hungarian journalist reported this with reference to his own sources, his tweet is on the screen, the journalist said that orbán will go to moscow tomorrow friday, foreign minister peter szijarta, who was absent from orbán's delegation in kiev, will also come to moscow. “we’ll be back in a minute,
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girls, which of you knew me, oh, you lived like family for a year, i’ll curse you, look at the rtr, it’s my work, and if it’s mine, then what did you pass, and cursed all three of you, not even once didn’t you regret that things didn’t work out for us?” my no, it’s a pity about mashka, if you’re afraid of getting in trouble, then take him away from here, you love me, well, who do i love, well, if you love him, let’s go, it’s not difficult to leave, the main thing is to decide who to take with you, let's go to mary, let's go, let's go, limit, continuation, look at rtr on monday, here, people of different professions and animals
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of different breeds are waiting, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh, you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws. ah, yes. tame the biter. voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, play! a stray parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder. the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets. where are you flying next? you're rushing the show, guys, i have to feed the hamster. you are among friends. with friends. program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. igor konstantinovich. yes, and you? and i’m your
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daughter, you’re taking me for a fool, well , honestly, look at the weekend, help, i need to know who i’m dealing with, who sent you, my mother told me about you before she died, and i decided, fool, to see you, so what, now your daughter will live in our house, we are of the same blood, are you? and i, you have a miracle brother, if anything, and you have a miracle sister, give this girl money, and that’s enough, i know that she is my daughter, she has no one but me, it seems to me that i have fallen in love, and i love, dad, you know, i love not like a sister, swing, on saturday on rtr.
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one in a million, the choice for the first time in our show was made unanimously, catch me if you can, incredible final game, why are you looking at me like that, yes i think so, today on the mouth for a couple of minutes, we need to talk,
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ex, dangerous and vile, i love you, the current, withdrawn weakling, are you no longer angry with me? any future you or not , when there is no one to trust, why do you need me brought here, to say goodbye to life, this is a difficult test, test two, look on the website in the application, children are caught everywhere, either at a gas station, then in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone at all, beg, humiliate yourself and hold out your hands , they will have to reckon with us.
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thank you very much more than anyone else, come back on sunday to rtr. so, for a ceasefire, ukraine must agree to steps on demilitarization, he said.
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we simply cannot expect the other side to take any positive steps, we cannot allow the enemy to take advantage of this ceasefire in order to improve their position, rearm, replenish their army through forced mobilization and be ready to continue the armed conflict, we need to ensure that we use
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drones only later missile attack, such purity of attacks in the forbes article is called hurricane. on monday tuesday they hit the air base in mirgrod, six were destroyed and two supersonic fighters were damaged. a su-27, as well as a mi-24 combat helicopter, was attacked on the eve of wednesday at the dolgi airbase. not far from krivoy rog, it was hit by three iskanders, footage from russian drones confirms the destruction of two more aircraft, an attack aircraft 125 and a mik29 fighter. the losses are irreparable, and with
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a more than modest aircraft fleet for ukraine, it is completely unacceptable. look. the crew of the fighter-bomber is preparing for a combat mission to practice the ukrainian defense at the junction of the dpr and the kharkov region. pilots check engines and operation flaps, parachute mount. vacuum bombs. three volumetric detonating aerial bombs, each with a power of 94 kg in wasted equivalent, are rushing at the positions of ukrainian forces from a height of 12.00 m. when a target is hit, the projectile creates an aerosol cloud and the air-liquid mixture explodes, causing a series of shock waves. the target was bandera's strongholds
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in abandoned houses; after the attack, the pilots successfully returned to the airfield, and this was the work of russian drones. drone operators delicately guide the vehicle towards windshield of an american humvee armored vehicle. foreign mercenaries in an interview with the united 24 channel complain about the army's air superiority. the russians are definitely the enemy that shouldn't be. underestimated, over the past 2 years they have significantly improved the capabilities of using drones, so this is a very difficult opponent. in the chasovy yar, the kanal microdistrict came under the control of russian units. assault troops are developing an offensive in the vicinity of grigorovka, north of chasovoy yar. in these shots , pilots are burning out strongholds in a forest belt, on the ground, fire support for the forward groups is provided, among other things, by t-80 tanks. theirs are ours. the fighters were equipped with special protection against drones and magnetic attacks, and were completely sheathed in metal.
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we go first, it turns out that behind us are infantry with armored vehicles, well, bnt. so, our task was to bring the infantry there, so we went in, did the work, the infantry left, we turned around and left. they, when the tank comes, the enemy is already running away from there, so as if you are working on them, they are afraid. in the volchansk region , drone operators destroyed a communications tower, thereby they have most paralyzed the work of enemy unmanned aircraft, and this is how remote mining of ukrainian positions occurs. the drone drops explosives from a height of several tens of meters; it takes only a minute and a half to equip the uav with a grenade launcher shot. for work, if you go out to work , everything is already prepared, then a set of tools is enough for a multi-tool, a redistribution.
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it will be a drone that needs to fly like this with the good operators that we have, it doesn’t matter, the crew of the drone destroyed the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle on the left sleeve of our fighter, save possia in these impressive footage at the moment of arrival at the high-rise building, where the ukrainian armed forces have equipped firing positions, sleeping places for soldiers of the russian aerospace forces , turns the building into a pile of rubble, and this is the southern donetsk direction, the helicopter crew hits an enemy opornik guided by an x-39 missile , approach speed 830 km/h. in parallel, the russian army continues to knock out the air fleet against.
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at first, this ammunition was used only in the kupinsky direction in our northern territories, that is, on the front line. now, as we understand, it has been modified; according to our information, it is already flying at a distance of up to 80 km, so it can reach you. the allies arrive too late. the pentagon promised kiev interceptor missiles for patriot nasams air defense systems, how missiles, ammunition for hymers, artillery shells, anti-tank systems, spare parts for repairing western equipment. guys, go from here, follow your right path home. go, go from here.
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ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices are lagging behind the mobilization plan in case of failure to appear at the territorial acquisition center. fines can be issued an infinite number of times, ukrainian lawyers report; the city of zhytomyr is already mastering the practice. the zhytomyr city council, in cooperation with the territorial center for recruitment and social support, will send summons to those liable for military service with a letter of recommendation. they form a list, give us summonses, and we send them with a letter of recommendation to persons liable for military service. yakshcho,
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the hunt for uklanists goes on around the clock. in odessa, a recruit whom he was forcibly taken to a medical examination, cut his throat and veins. nothing is known about the further fate of the twenty-nine-year-old conscript. president biden and... the headquarters had an encouraging conversation after the debate, a source in the democratic party told cnn about this. they tried to convince supporters that of course there was no need to despair, and joe would still compete for the position of president, but a real split still emerged in the democratic faction of the house of representatives. many are inclined
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to replace their candidate, another source, from among legislators. official told cnn that he listened to this debate in the kitchen with a bottle of whiskey, and realized that not only the old loser joe biden could lose, but he himself, as a representative of the democratic party, that is, biden is now strange. another interlocutor of the channel said that everyone in the party mistakenly believed the statement of the headquarters and the white house about the health of joe biden and did not notice this.
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campaign, so there is still a chance that the party will decide not to change horses at the crossing, and literally just the economist published the latest issue on the cover instead pipitra, biden's walker, the inscription is impossible to govern the country. if president biden leaves the election race, it will almost certainly be his own decision, according to analysts. it is unlikely that if joe biden does not step down voluntarily, another candidate will be at the top of the list. if he doesn't step down voluntarily, someone in the democratic party could try to replace him using the free nomination policy at the democratic national convention in august. but such a scenario is unlikely. however, even if the president decides to leave out of the race, the process of replacing him will be uncertain and somewhat confusing.
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the primaries are over, the elections are over, you can’t do it again. a free vote in which anyone can participate, or at least make it full of intrigue. candidates to replace biden will be put forward, and approximately 3,900 democratic delegates from across the country will decide who to vote for as the nominee. oh, it depends on the delegates, ultimately it all depends on them. president biden won almost all of these three. but can he control who they will support if he drops out of the race? joe biden can't say, okay, i'm resigning, all the delegates who supported me now...
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additional so-called superdelegates, about 700 of whom are made up of party members and elected officials, will be allowed to vote. all this means a late start for any candidate, including in the money race. if vice president kamela haris wins the nomination, she will presumably be able to use biden's campaign fund since her name is on all documents, but it is possible for any other candidate. will have to raise money for the election campaign on his own, what happens if president biden for some reason leaves the race after the democratic convention? in this unlikely event, experts say the
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democratic national committee will choose its presidential nominee after consulting with democratic congressional leadership and democratic governors. professor: well , firstly, of course, the results of the ostanino sco summit are new things. firstly, structurally. yes, it is saved. advanced qualitatively the most sensitive issue. the sco is not a military organization, not a bloc organization, but, so to speak, it has three tracks, economics, security and humanitarian affairs. so the second track is through
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expanding the functions of the anti-terrorist center, they made it generally in terms of risks and security, that is, they kind of softly expanded, qualitatively strengthened the security framework without changing the status foundations, this is very accurate, that is, they sort of built in this soft one. .. sco security in a broad sense of the word, in this putin’s concept of the eurasian security structure. third, if it is a trojan, is it possible for a trojan horse to enter the sco? well, there is such a problem, since the sco is expanding, and many 14-15 countries have appeared as dialogue partner countries, theoretically yes, maybe in turkish clothes, maybe in arabic, it’s hard to say yet, but of course, we are talking only about the third lowest level of partners in the dialogue dialogue, which has no functional impact, even if...
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independence from the soviet union. alexander grigorievich, belarus has a situation is decisively different, there is the day of independence from the nazi occupation, that is, it is the day of the liberation of minsk and... the entire republic, for this, of course, a low bow, this is a big deal, absolutely, that is, the sco agenda is the institutionalization of the eurasian, not the american world, there is also
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brix, but these are global measurements, against this background it is very interesting, of course, preparations are taking place for snap british elections, that is, we can state that this is a wonderful, wonderful logical series political leaders to conservatives. starting with the mad boris johnson waving a flag, then for a short time the tanker, the dull but impudent listras and the current one of this hara krishna, hara krishna, which means sunok, this series has ended, a new structure is being formed or, as it were, visible, which will go down in history in companies with a prostitute, yes, that means a new structure of three, also about three levels, is visible, there are small parties, well, of course, the laborites, and... they are already winning 2/3 there, in my opinion, there are questions no, but the political agenda does not change at all, the same russophobia, all ukrainian affairs, as if not here, but nigil
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farage, second or third place. but his time has not yet come, everything is ahead, but there is more or less objectively, well, the third or second, most likely the third position of the sunak that i mentioned, so if we sum it all up and look at this amazing show of sunak with this tattooed girl , you know, there is a feeling that in general the entire sixty-million-strong britain is so, you know, tattooed and aged old woman, once about 300 years ago she was...
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that year 13 american states, what did they do about the british queen? i ’m afraid that without a teleprompter, without an assistant, he’s unlikely to tell this accurately and in detail. 246 years of official american statehood, kindergarten, russia, china, india, well, this is a separate topic, that is, for biden there is a completely clear series, a teleprompter, the same age as our great theater, the united states of america, that is, everything is clear here,
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a teleprompter. america, england - these are all modern crazy tattoos, political tattoos, against this background, the sco menu, a luxurious banquet, also the sco political menu, this is the formation of the eurasian, not american world, and the future, in fact, of our eurasia. about old tattooed prostitutes, today the washington post, they, of course,
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now allow themselves a lot before. it would be possible to imagine that the party would treat its president in such an amazing way, but the washington post models biden’s speech on the occasion of independence day, today is july 4th, and just independence day of the united states of america, this speech turns out, i’m so tired, i’m leaving in an american way, that is , biden must give his positions to kharis, look. in the last few days i have been thinking about all this, my term is coming to an end, this truth has been difficult to come to terms with, but this is the natural course of things, as obvious as the transition from spring to summer, from autumn to winter, that's why i decided to give up from participating in the election campaign for the presidency of the united states. a big part of me still wants to fight, but right now at this point the nation needs what i cannot give, a leader who has the energy
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to... run a vigorous campaign and then work for america at all hours of the day for the next 4 years. the question that worried american minds when washington resigned was what would happen next? now i have to answer the same question to the americans. the democratic national committee, our party leadership, and i have decided to move forward with the selection of the next highest ranked presidential candidate, whose contenders will begin to compete between. ourselves, starting now until the democratic national convention in august. my vice president, kamala harris, graciously and courageously agreed to participate in this, even though democratic party voters are no longer able to participate in the primary, their delegates will make the final decision at the democratic party convention. the article is called to pay attention to the fact that if biden had uttered these words, well, that
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is, they were literally thrown out. are you sure you can handle it? look at rtr. i am asking for official permission to court you. what? so why not allow it? look after me, did you just get laid? so what, how is she doing? oh, i don’t know, what can i say, now that’s it, that’s it, i’ll have to get married. everyone can see that we have a small town. everyone knows about each other, they hear everything, they found the killer, just don’t talk to anyone, okay, we agreed, he’ll tell everyone everything, but in a big secret, the mask will now be absorbed, and i’ll run away for now, okay, raya, raya
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knows everything, so contact me , from monday on рrt. you look 100 to one, what is our the task is to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the podboh, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much it will be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set
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for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday. on rtr from the first note, beauty, rapping, from the first phrase, it’s better to have a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, you swim finely with your braid, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front.
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al altai, a majestic mountainous country, nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys. waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend the entrance to shambhala can be found. belukha is the highest point of siberia, and the cradle of the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains. lake teletskoe. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates
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people, just as it did many centuries ago. you're mine. yes, you are only mine. and you are mine. brag. call, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, give me money, money, everything is fine with oleg, in what sense, maybe he has some problems? there was an accident with your husband's car, get out of here, pack your things out of my house, your late husband owes me a very large sum of money, victoria, it always seems to me that someone is watching me, sunday on rtr, and now absolutely shocking news: from the blessed usa. in
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california, a gay couple adopted a baby girl, left her in the parking lot inside the car, as reported by the daily mail, the temperature reached +40 celsius, and the baby died. no one brought charges against homosexuals, lest those accusing themselves would be accused of racism and oppression of gays. another american couple adopted.
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m. the girl told the police that they were not the boy and girl lived in a 6x4 garage , were allowed to enter the house, they were locked in this garage every day for a long time. the living conditions were terrible, there was no the corpse pipeline and, of course, the bathroom and toilet, the sanitary conditions were monstrous. uh-huh, well, today there are elections in the uk,
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i keep you informed, the data, polling stations will close at 22, that’s 0.0 moscow time, in 4 hours, and even what’s special about the uk, they have very accurate , almost very accurate exit pools, that is, right away at 22:00, that is, or at 0:00 moscow time, there will be exit pool data, ipsos, by the way, will present them, they differ , plus or minus, by several options, that is, everything will be for...
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he is actually one of the first prime ministers, one of the few who voted not in downing street, but at home, because he could lose to himself, that is, what is special about it, the peculiarity is that there are all party members - members of the cabinet, that is, they were all elected, so there may be a case in which it’s not enough for them that the prime minister falls off, but somehow their finance minister can fall off, move away, this is the second position, in fact, the chancellor, so they’re both staggering there, and the peculiarity is that okay, he will play it there. 47 approximately now the base is drawing the base 447, respectively, the conservatives have 98, the liberal democrats have 63 three seats, most likely the extreme right in the form of the reform party, but the most interesting thing will be different, farage may pass, he will have one of these three seats leader, he is now walking through his district, he actually arrived there in this, it’s not a tank actually, it’s like this but a combat vehicle, so to speak, in principle, here’s a purchased stock, in short, he can go into the election campaign, they will become second in in 145 districts, why is this important, they are not aiming
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for this election, they are aiming for the twenty -ninth year, then these extreme right-wingers, who are very smart guys in fact, they will return, which concerns the same conservatives, conservatives , they actually showed a unique result in 1919, that is, they got tired of them not in 10 or 12 years, they got tired of them over the last 3 years, 4 years, during this time they got tired of them, boris johnson showed the highest result ever the conservative party, in fact then, and then... began a pandemic, then conflicts began, then inflation began, and this all really dealt the most serious blow, the conservatives held on to power for a long time, but this couldn’t even happen. must keep in mind that the conflicts did not start on their own, yes, we know why they did not end, boris personally, johnson personally
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came to ukraine after the agreement, i’m talking about what the prime minister, that is, the legacy said, let’s continue war, well, he said it in a different way, but the meaning follows. is that he he said something else in another place, he said, he didn’t come to turkey, but i’m saying that after the agreement with turkey he came to - he said we’ll continue the war, so the question is that politicians, even those who leave, have a very serious legacy, which they then digest we actually have a lot of what happens next, so this is just an example of a fairly long-lasting legacy, well, there is also brexit , as it were from above, but brexit happened a long time ago, in fact, this is the entire economic effect, a special blow came precisely from economics, great britain was heavily dependent on gas. in fact, oil supplies to them were one of the most serious blows after germany, so this is a very indicative component, what kind of situation is actually shown in the usa, why? but the fact is that now there is a very serious struggle going on inside, it ’s quite easy to see, it will be resolved in the next few days, it
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will come out now, or rather it won’t come out, he will actually give an interview on friday, by that time it will become clear, what's the attitude towards him? is happening because we don't have time until august. we have already discussed this, they must make this decision earlier at the virtual summit in order to fit into agayev, so if they don’t all gather around biden now, then they will have to gather around those who are there. hari believes that today he said again that i am staying, we have, firstly, what he quoted - your post, they actually quoted the first president of the united states, who also, as it were, could not have left, but left for democracy , here they were, they had an idea of this, and there are examples when presidents leave and leave their vice-president, we have the following: there are examples, but another thing is that they actually lose in this case to other candidates, as a rule, such an example is also present, that is the problem is that it is better than harris, changed in a given at a given stage or country, in some countries, those who come in return win, last for quite a long time, it depends on what system,
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the problem here is that the economy is pressing very seriously, plus everything about this what is happening is that there is a very serious split, the problem there will not even be in... uh, not in relation to her, she will have a problem there, respectively, with the middle east, can you imagine what the voting at the convention will be like, when there is a question about the middle east, who is for and who is against, the democrats, in principle, split the entire electorate, they have radical representatives, they have moderate representatives, so this again brings up a whole lot of problems, all this is happening against the backdrop of , what the economic confrontation is becoming more complicated, we said a month ago that sanctions would be imposed on, or rather, increased tariffs on electric vehicles, and not this... today on july 4th they were increased in the european union. china is preparing its wonderful response, and apparently, as we said, it will hit agriculture, but the decision was made now, and why is this important, because it can already accelerate inflation, it will affect the elections in germany, which largest automaker in in the european union, i remind you, volkswagen, the largest, one of the largest manufacturers in germany, opposes these sanctions, it
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is afraid that china will, as a result , turn out like tales on the chinese market, it is much larger than germany, from the word in general, just in principle, that’s why . from this point of view, as if political decisions are pushing towards very terrible changes that are taking place in this world, including in the economy and in other areas, therefore the election cycle will very seriously affect what will happen there in the coming six months, but the most important factor, of course , will be the elections in the united states, and first of all , the next couple of days there, i would say that with regard to sunok everything is clear, plus or minus, now the situation is the most interesting in france, because cooperation is happening there, so the question is how far will far-right politicians succeed?
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whatever the intensity you want, not the last people on our stage, but because i said so, in the latest episode of the detective show, catch me if you can, an incredible final game, today on rtl. your gone, he was joking have you not received a tambourine now or for a long time? she tells everyone, you’re like her boyfriend, she’s going to marry you, what did he do, the ugly woman let it go. that i’m not going to marry him, i’ll only sleep with such a fearful woman for a million, why are you withdrawing all the money,
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what are you going to buy for plastic surgery, there won’t be enough beauty, if you can’t wait for happiness, maybe it’s worth stealing it, let’s go, i don’t understand, where, where are you going, movie mountains or are you a man not responsible for your words? ugly love, today on rtr. treasured, the walls are shaking, great changes have come, a new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making this room completely faceless. different functional areas, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work,
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plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone ones will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes flowers, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality. look, let into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, do you really think that? who will need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well, let's go home, to a quick marriage, wait, well, vika, owl, yes
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, by the way, his eye lit up for you, maybe 20 years back you were looking for happiness, but now you have found it, i’ll take her, and we’ll forget about everything, how are you going to deal with two men, three girls, a dog... here, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one , we love traditions. we honor our history, we value our strong family
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relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, just kidding. he will come to the house himself, we will start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, a knitting needle. and you will be happy
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well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. laborists, according to the jv study , will celebrate the vote today, and a protest one at that. only 5% actually support labour. everyone else just wants to get rid of the conservatives. in order to save himself, or perhaps , on the contrary, to destroy himself completely, richa met with a prostitute and discussed her tattoos in intimate places. it looked quite strange. they say that the headquarters' focus was on progressive youth. prime minister irisha sunok joins
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us from the sofa. hello, good morning, good morning! do you have any secret tattoos? no, i do not have. and if you choose, what kind of tattoo would you like to get? oh, what a question, i 'll help you choose. yes, let's do that. could you please stand up, you are some kind of piece of art. i'll have a spin if you don't mind. no, of course not. this is simply incredible. we see your tattoos. but as for the intimate parts of the body, you have them there too. yes, just when you thought things couldn't get any worse for rishi, he went on a morning show. i don't want to say that rishi wants to lose the election. in that case, his strategy would be different from what he has been doing for the last 6 weeks. maybe he thinks that if he throws big bombs, he can get a few measly votes. otherwise, how to explain his appearance on the morning show? the prime minister, the most powerful man in britain, sits on the sidelines and waits for the presenter to discuss whether they ate
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a covered bikini hold, all the pitfalls tattoos on the genitals. rule britain the seas. we are transported to britain, whether it still rules the seas, now we will find out from alexander khabarov, sasha, hello, this is probably downing street, please tell us, from the point of view of political strategists, this helped rish sunuk, what are the poor man’s chances now , well, everything is here at the residence of the british prime minister on downing street.
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supporter of ukraine in this war, right? well, kirstarmer, at least from the statements he has made so far, his policy towards russia, towards ukraine is no different from the policies of rishi sunak. what kind of person this
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really is, you won’t immediately understand, because his biography combined lawyers. completely different positions, he was also a lawyer who defended clients mainly on the basis of protecting their human rights, primarily in britain, and then became a prosecutor and also had a number of rather tough trials here in the uk, again, that’s why he is both a lawyer and a prosecutor in one package, a stern lawyer or, on the contrary, a liberal, this is not clear from his election speeches, in as far as internal british problems are concerned, he actually did not formulate how... it very closely depends on the policies of the united states of america, by the way, the first foreign visit that kersttarmer will make if he becomes prime minister of great britain will be precisely the united states of america, where the anniversary nato summit will take place, obviously he will speak from the same position as his
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predecessors here in downing street. olga. thank you very much. alexander khabarov on direct connection london and downing straight. ask. well, it is obvious that the west , led by the united states, has lost its political and moral leadership. we see. political leaders of countries such as the usa, great britain, france and others, only one feeling from the news and from the video footage with their participation, deep disgust, well, also sex with a prostitute, the project britain by the seas, the united states of america, where trump is simply beating the elderly biden. calls him a pile of broken crap, well, in relation to kamala, haris uses such language on the verge of harassment, maybe he will remember this,
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where politics is actually being made today, who is shaping the new world order, the shanghai cooperation organization, these are the leaders and those countries that are not just shaping an alternative future today, they are creating it today... we see this coordinated work of the russian military mechanism on the fields of these battles , we shape the future of the world, russia, china, everyone
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else, the truth is the future and the hopes of all those who do not want to plunge into this disgusting toilet of western propaganda and moral values ​​in quotes, which himself... well, something that simply causes a feeling of shame and disgust in any normal person. well, in terms of democracy, it’s also funny that whether biden will be president or not, the family of josephanet biden is deciding right now, that is, the americans have absolutely nothing to do with this. we'll be back. a good one.
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we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. “catch a fish, big or small, in general you chose a suitable place, have you ever thought about why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, we try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something healthy be pleasant?" fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes,
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yes, and again, yes, everyone a person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, this is definitely a form, igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i’m your daughter, take me for a fool, well, honestly, let’s face it. weekend, please, i need to know who i’m dealing with, who sent you to me, mom? she told me about you in death, and i was a fool and decided to see you. so now your daughter will live in our house? we are of the same blood, you and i, you have a miracle brother, if anything, and you have a miracle sister, give this girl money and
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that’s enough, i know that she is my daughter, she has no one but me, it seems to me, i fell in love, and i love, dad, you know, i love not like a sister, swing, on saturday on rtr. i grew up on the outskirts, a working-class city, a fashionable kid.
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i won’t be able to live if they kill you, you, san, neither what is friendship, nor what is love, you know, artist, automot, it’s hard to leave me, from monday on rtr. after a tropical storm with rain and lightning, real tornadoes will come to moscow tomorrow. wind speeds in funnels can reach 30 m/s. this phenomenon is not typical for central russia, forecasters report. the last time this happened was june 29, 1904, that is, 120 years ago. and the phenomenon was later written by aleksandr gelerovsky. the sky turned yellow, small bronze clouds flew in. the rain gave way to
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large hail, the clouds turned black, they hit the bell tower, it’s dangerous to stay outside, seek shelter and take care of yourself, bye bye. hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. the russian military in the special operation zone destroyed another bradley infantry fighting vehicle. liquidated camouflaged strong points and ukrainian armed forces infantry. in irkutsk.


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